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Line 457: l_Amount := arpcurr.CurrRound( GlDistRecord.amount * l_term_fraction, l_currency_code );

453: FOR GlDistRecord IN gl_dist_cursor( l_customer_trx_id, p_type ) LOOP
454: IF l_FirstInstallmentFlag = 'Y' AND l_FirstInstallmentCode = 'INCLUDE' AND p_Type IN ('TAX','FREIGHT') THEN
455: l_Amount := GlDistRecord.Amount;
456: ELSE
457: l_Amount := arpcurr.CurrRound( GlDistRecord.amount * l_term_fraction, l_currency_code );
458: END IF;
459: Amount( l_NextElement ) := l_Amount;
460: Source( l_NextElement ) := 'GL';
461: SourceId( l_NextElement ) := GlDistRecord.cust_trx_line_gl_dist_id;

Line 956: NewAppToLine := arpcurr.CurrRound( CRD_Amount( CRD_i ) * GrandTotalApplied/

952: IF CRD_TotalAmount = 0
953: THEN
954: NewAppToLine := 0;
955: ELSE
956: NewAppToLine := arpcurr.CurrRound( CRD_Amount( CRD_i ) * GrandTotalApplied/
957: CRD_TotalAmount, p_Receipt.CurrencyCode );
958: END IF;
959: END IF;
960: RunningNewAppToLine := RunningNewAppToLine + NewAppToLine;

Line 980: AcctdAppToLineThisTime := arpcurr.ReconcileAcctdAmounts( p_Receipt.ExchangeRate,

976: -- amount to apply this time is equal to what the total amount should
977: -- be, because there is not an existing appliation to the line
978: AppToLineThisTime := NewAppToLine;
979: END IF;
980: AcctdAppToLineThisTime := arpcurr.ReconcileAcctdAmounts( p_Receipt.ExchangeRate,
981: p_Amount, -- total of distributions reconciles to the applied amount
982: p_AcctdAmount,
983: AppToLineThisTime,
984: RunningAppToLineThisTime,

Line 1014: AcctdAppToLineThisTime := arpcurr.ReconcileAcctdAmounts( p_Receipt.ExchangeRate,

1010: THEN
1011: NewAppToLine := GrandTotalApplied - RunningNewAppToLine;
1012: RunningNewAppToLine := RunningNewAppToLine + NewAppToLine;
1013: AppToLineThisTime := NewAppToLine - CBD_TotalUnallocatedAmt;
1014: AcctdAppToLineThisTime := arpcurr.ReconcileAcctdAmounts( p_Receipt.ExchangeRate,
1015: p_Amount, -- total of distributions reconciles to the applied amount
1016: p_AcctdAmount,
1017: AppToLineThisTime,
1018: RunningAppToLineThisTime,

Line 1076: AcctdAmount := arpcurr.ReconcileAcctdAmounts( p_Receipt.ExchangeRate,

1072: AcctdAmount NUMBER;
1073: SurplusAmount NUMBER;
1074: BEGIN
1075: IF p_AppAmount.ChargesApplied <> 0 THEN
1076: AcctdAmount := arpcurr.ReconcileAcctdAmounts( p_Receipt.ExchangeRate,
1077: p_AppAmount.Amount,
1078: p_AppAmount.AcctdAmount,
1079: p_AppAmount.ChargesApplied,
1080: RunningTotalAmount,

Line 1086: AcctdAmount := arpcurr.ReconcileAcctdAmounts( p_Receipt.ExchangeRate,

1082: DistributeApplicationType( p_Report, p_Receipt, p_Trx, p_App, 'CHARGES', p_AppAmount.ChargesApplied, AcctdAmount );
1083: END IF;
1084: --
1085: IF p_AppAmount.FreightApplied <> 0 THEN
1086: AcctdAmount := arpcurr.ReconcileAcctdAmounts( p_Receipt.ExchangeRate,
1087: p_AppAmount.Amount,
1088: p_AppAmount.AcctdAmount,
1089: p_AppAmount.FreightApplied,
1090: RunningTotalAmount,

Line 1096: AcctdAmount := arpcurr.ReconcileAcctdAmounts( p_Receipt.ExchangeRate,

1092: DistributeApplicationType( p_Report, p_Receipt, p_Trx, p_App, 'FREIGHT', p_AppAmount.FreightApplied, AcctdAmount );
1093: END IF;
1094: --
1095: IF p_AppAmount.TaxApplied <> 0 THEN
1096: AcctdAmount := arpcurr.ReconcileAcctdAmounts( p_Receipt.ExchangeRate,
1097: p_AppAmount.Amount,
1098: p_AppAmount.AcctdAmount,
1099: p_AppAmount.TaxApplied,
1100: RunningTotalAmount,

Line 1106: AcctdAmount := arpcurr.ReconcileAcctdAmounts( p_Receipt.ExchangeRate,

1102: DistributeApplicationType( p_Report, p_Receipt,p_Trx, p_App, 'TAX', p_AppAmount.TaxApplied, AcctdAmount );
1103: END IF;
1104: --
1105: IF p_AppAmount.LineApplied <> 0 THEN
1106: AcctdAmount := arpcurr.ReconcileAcctdAmounts( p_Receipt.ExchangeRate,
1107: p_AppAmount.Amount,
1108: p_AppAmount.AcctdAmount,
1109: p_AppAmount.LineApplied,
1110: RunningTotalAmount,

Line 1125: AcctdAmount := arpcurr.ReconcileAcctdAmounts( p_Receipt.ExchangeRate,

1121: IF SurplusAmount <> 0 THEN
1122: WriteToLogFile( l_state_level, 'DistributeLTFApplication','DistributeLTFApplication' );
1123: WriteToLogFile( l_event_level, 'DistributeLTFApplication','LTF Charges doesn''t equal application amount for ra_id:'||p_App.ReceivableApplicationId );
1124: WriteToLogFile( l_state_level, 'DistributeLTFApplication','----------------------------------------' );
1125: AcctdAmount := arpcurr.ReconcileAcctdAmounts( p_Receipt.ExchangeRate,
1126: p_AppAmount.Amount,
1127: p_AppAmount.AcctdAmount,
1128: SurplusAmount,
1129: RunningTotalAmount,