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Line 23: ** by secured views per_assignments_f and per_people_f from queries.

19: ** 11 MAR 2003 SRRAJAGO 2829320 In the process_assignments cursor, included the join
20: ** paa.action_status = 'C' to prevent magtape fetching
21: ** the errored archive records.
22: ** 29 MAY 2003 KAVERMA 2920731 Replaced tables per_all_assignments_f and per_all_people_f
23: ** by secured views per_assignments_f and per_people_f from queries.
24: ** 28 AUG 2008 JALIN 7324233 In the process_assignments cursor,it should
25: ** lock the assignments which has magtape
26: ** generatedi, it should not lock with archive
27: */

Line 44: 'FROM per_people_f ppf, ' ||

40: is
41: Begin
42: hr_utility.set_location('Start of range_code',1);
43: p_sql := 'SELECT distinct person_id ' ||
44: 'FROM per_people_f ppf, ' ||
45: 'pay_payroll_actions ppa ' ||
46: 'WHERE ppa.payroll_action_id = :payroll_action_id ' ||
47: 'AND ppa.business_group_id = ppf.business_group_id ' ||
48: 'ORDER BY ppf.person_id';

Line 107: from per_people_f papf,

103: paa.assignment_action_id,
104: pay_core_utils.get_parameter('ARCHIVE_ACTION_ID',ppa2.legislative_parameters) archive_action_id,
105: pay_core_utils.get_parameter('LEGAL_ENTITY_ID',ppa3.legislative_parameters) legal_entity_id,
106: pay_core_utils.get_parameter('REPORTING_YEAR',ppa3.legislative_parameters) reporting_year
107: from per_people_f papf,
108: per_assignments_f paaf,
109: pay_payroll_actions ppa, --magtape action
110: pay_payroll_actions ppa2,--report action
111: pay_payroll_actions ppa3,--archive action