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1 package body CSF_DC_QUERIES_PKG as
2 /* $Header: CSFDCQTB.pls 120.0 2005/05/25 10:55:06 appldev noship $ */
4   procedure insert_row
5   ( p_row_id                IN OUT NOCOPY varchar2
6   , p_query_id              IN OUT NOCOPY number
7   , p_created_by            IN OUT NOCOPY number
8   , p_creation_date         IN OUT NOCOPY date
9   , p_last_updated_by       IN OUT NOCOPY number
10   , p_last_update_date      IN OUT NOCOPY date
11   , p_last_update_login     IN OUT NOCOPY number
12   , p_object_version_number IN OUT NOCOPY number
13   , p_name                  IN varchar2
14   , p_description           IN varchar2
15   , p_where_clause          IN varchar2
16   , p_user_id               IN number
17   , p_seeded_flag           IN varchar2
18   , p_start_date_active     IN date
19   , p_end_date_active       IN date
20   )
21   is
23     cursor c_rowid ( p_query_id number )
24     is
25       select row_id
26       from csf_dc_queries_vl
27       where query_id = p_query_id;
29   begin
31     if p_query_id is null then
32       select csf_dc_queries_s.nextval
33       into p_query_id
34       from dual;
35     end if;
37     if p_created_by is null then
38       p_created_by        := fnd_global.user_id;
39     end if;
41     if p_last_updated_by is null then
42       p_last_updated_by   := fnd_global.user_id;
43     end if;
45     if p_last_update_login is null then
46       p_last_update_login := fnd_global.login_id;
47     end if;
49     if p_creation_date is null then
50       p_creation_date     := sysdate;
51     end if;
53     if p_last_update_date is null then
54       p_last_update_date  := sysdate;
55     end if;
57     insert into csf_dc_queries_b
58     ( query_id
59     , created_by
60     , creation_date
61     , last_updated_by
62     , last_update_date
63     , last_update_login
64     , object_version_number
65     , where_clause
66     , user_id
67     , seeded_flag
68     , start_date_active
69     , end_date_active
70     )
71     values
72     ( p_query_id
73     , p_created_by
74     , p_creation_date
75     , p_last_updated_by
76     , p_last_update_date
77     , p_last_update_login
78     , p_object_version_number
79     , p_where_clause
80     , p_user_id
81     , p_seeded_flag
82     , p_start_date_active
83     , p_end_date_active
84     );
86     insert into csf_dc_queries_tl
87     ( query_id
88     , language
89     , source_lang
90     , created_by
91     , creation_date
92     , last_updated_by
93     , last_update_date
94     , last_update_login
95     , name
96     , description
97     )
98     select
99       p_query_id
100     , l.language_code
101     , userenv('LANG')
102     , p_created_by
103     , p_creation_date
104     , p_last_updated_by
105     , p_last_update_date
106     , p_last_update_login
107     , p_name
108     , p_description
109     from fnd_languages l
110     where l.installed_flag in ('I','B')
111     and not exists
112         ( select ''
113           from csf_dc_queries_tl t
114           where t.query_id  = p_query_id
115           and   t.language = l.language_code );
117     open c_rowid ( p_query_id );
118     fetch c_rowid into p_row_id;
119     if c_rowid%notfound
120     then
121       close c_rowid;
122       raise NO_DATA_FOUND;
123     end if;
124     close c_rowid;
126   end insert_row;
128   procedure update_row
129   ( p_query_id              IN OUT NOCOPY number
130   , p_created_by            IN OUT NOCOPY number
131   , p_creation_date         IN OUT NOCOPY date
132   , p_last_updated_by       IN OUT NOCOPY number
133   , p_last_update_date      IN OUT NOCOPY date
134   , p_last_update_login     IN OUT NOCOPY number
135   , p_object_version_number IN OUT NOCOPY number
136   , p_name                  IN varchar2
137   , p_description           IN varchar2
138   , p_where_clause          IN varchar2
139   , p_user_id               IN number
140   , p_seeded_flag           IN varchar2
141   , p_start_date_active     IN date
142   , p_end_date_active       IN date
143   )
144   is
145   begin
147     if p_last_updated_by is null then
148       p_last_updated_by   := fnd_global.user_id;
149     end if;
151     if p_last_update_login is null then
152       p_last_update_login := fnd_global.login_id;
153     end if;
155     if p_last_update_date is null then
156       p_last_update_date  := sysdate;
157     end if;
159     update csf_dc_queries_b
160     set last_updated_by        = p_last_updated_by
161     ,   last_update_date       = p_last_update_date
162     ,   last_update_login      = p_last_update_login
163     ,   object_version_number  = p_object_version_number
164     ,   where_clause           = p_where_clause
165     ,   user_id                = p_user_id
166     ,   seeded_flag            = p_seeded_flag
167     ,   start_date_active      = p_start_date_active
168     ,   end_date_active        = p_end_date_active
169     where query_id = p_query_id;
171     if sql%notfound
172     then
173       raise NO_DATA_FOUND;
174     end if;
176     update csf_dc_queries_tl
177     set source_lang            = userenv('LANG')
178     ,   last_updated_by        = p_last_updated_by
179     ,   last_update_date       = p_last_update_date
180     ,   last_update_login      = p_last_update_login
181     ,   name                   = p_name
182     ,   description            = p_description
183     where query_id = p_query_id
184     and   userenv('lang') in (language, source_lang);
186   end update_row;
188   procedure translate_row
189   (
190     p_query_id          IN varchar2
191   , p_owner             IN varchar2
192   , p_name              IN varchar2
193   , p_description       IN varchar2
194   )
195   is
196   begin
197     update csf_dc_queries_tl
198     set description = p_description,
199         name = p_name,
200         last_update_date = sysdate,
201         last_updated_by = decode(p_owner, 'SEED', 1, 0),
202         last_update_login = 0,
203         source_lang = userenv('LANG')
204     where query_id = p_query_id
205     and userenv('LANG') in (language, source_lang);
206   end translate_row;
208   procedure load_row
209   ( p_query_id              IN varchar2
210   , p_owner                 IN varchar2
211   , p_object_version_number IN varchar2
212   , p_name                  IN varchar2
213   , p_description           IN varchar2
214   , p_where_clause          IN varchar2
215   , p_user_id               IN varchar2
216   , p_seeded_flag           IN varchar2
217   , p_start_date_active     IN varchar2
218   , p_end_date_active       IN varchar2
219   )
220   is
221     l_query_id              number;
222     l_object_version_number number;
223     l_update_date           date;
224     l_row_id                varchar2(64);
225     l_user                  number;
227   begin
228     l_query_id               := to_number(p_query_id);
229     l_object_version_number  := to_number(p_object_version_number);
230     l_update_date            := sysdate;
231     l_user                   := 0;
233     if (p_owner = 'SEED')
234     then
235       l_user := 1;
236     end if;
238     update_row
239     ( p_query_id               => l_query_id
240     , p_created_by             => l_user
241     , p_creation_date          => l_update_date
242     , p_last_updated_by        => l_user
243     , p_last_update_date       => l_update_date
244     , p_last_update_login      => l_user
245     , p_object_version_number  => l_object_version_number
246     , p_name                   => p_name
247     , p_description            => p_description
248     , p_where_clause           => p_where_clause
249     , p_user_id                => to_number(p_user_id)
250     , p_seeded_flag            => p_seeded_flag
251     , p_start_date_active      => to_date(p_start_date_active,'DD/MM/RRRR')
252     , p_end_date_active        => to_date(p_end_date_active,'DD/MM/RRRR')
253     );
254   exception
255     when NO_DATA_FOUND then
256       insert_row
257       ( p_row_id                 => l_row_id
258       , p_query_id               => l_query_id
259       , p_created_by             => l_user
260       , p_creation_date          => l_update_date
261       , p_last_updated_by        => l_user
262       , p_last_update_date       => l_update_date
263       , p_last_update_login      => l_user
264       , p_object_version_number  => l_object_version_number
265       , p_name                   => p_name
266       , p_description            => p_description
267       , p_where_clause           => p_where_clause
268       , p_user_id                => to_number(p_user_id)
269       , p_seeded_flag            => p_seeded_flag
270       , p_start_date_active      => to_date(p_start_date_active,'DD/MM/RRRR')
271       , p_end_date_active        => to_date(p_end_date_active,'DD/MM/RRRR')
272       );
273   end load_row;
276   PROCEDURE add_language
277   IS
278   BEGIN
280     DELETE FROM csf_dc_queries_tl t
282          (SELECT ''
283           FROM   csf_dc_queries_tl tl
284           WHERE  tl.query_id = t.query_id
285          );
287     UPDATE csf_dc_queries_tl t SET (  name , description) =
288                                    ( SELECT  tl.name, tl.description
289                                      FROM    csf_dc_queries_tl tl
290                                      WHERE   tl.query_id = t.query_id
291                                      AND     tl.language = t.source_lang)
292     WHERE   (t.query_id, t.language) IN
293       (SELECT  subt.query_id, subt.language
294        FROM    csf_dc_queries_tl subb, csf_dc_queries_tl subt
295        WHERE   subb.query_id = subt.query_id
296        AND     subb.language = subt.source_lang
297        AND     (subb.name <> subt.name
298        OR      subb.description <> subt.description
299        OR      (subb.description is null and subt.description is not null)
300        OR      (subb.description is not null and subt.description is null))
301        );
303     INSERT INTO csf_dc_queries_tl
304     ( query_id
305     , description
306     , name
307     , created_by
308     , creation_date
309     , last_updated_by
310     , last_update_date
311     , last_update_login
312     , language
313     , source_lang
314     )
315     SELECT b.query_id
316     ,      b.description
317     ,      b.name
318     ,      b.created_by
319     ,      b.creation_date
320     ,      b.last_updated_by
321     ,      b.last_update_date
322     ,      b.last_update_login
323     ,      l.language_code
324     ,      b.source_lang
325     FROM csf_dc_queries_tl b
326     ,    fnd_languages l
327     WHERE l.installed_flag in ('I', 'B')
328     AND   b.language = userenv('LANG')
329     AND   NOT EXISTS
330                    ( SELECT NULL
331                      FROM   csf_dc_queries_tl t
332                      WHERE  t.query_id  = b.query_id
333                      AND    t.language = l.language_code );
334   END add_language;