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2 /* $Header: INVMSGRS.pls 120.6.12010000.2 2008/10/24 10:24:20 aambulka ship $ */
5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 -- Function
7 --   is_trx_allowed
8 --
9 -- Description
10 --  check to see if the input status allows the input transaction
11 --  type or not
12 --
13 -- Return
14 --        'Y': allowed or any error occurred
15 --        'N': disallowed
16 -- Input Paramters
17 --
18 --   p_status_id                input status id
19 --   p_transaction_type_id      input transaction_type
20 --
21 -- Output Parameters
22 --   x_return_status            = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success, if succeeded
23 --                              = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_exc_error, if an expected
24 --                              error occurred
25 --                              = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error, if
26 --                              an unexpected error occurred
27 --
28 --   x_msg_count                Number of error message in the error message
29 --                              list
30 --
31 --   x_msg_data                 If the number of error message in the error
32 --                              message list is one, the error message
33 --                              is in this output parameter
34 --
35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
37 FUNCTION  is_trx_allowed
38   (
39      p_status_id                 IN NUMBER
40    , p_transaction_type_id       IN NUMBER
41    , x_return_status             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
42    , x_msg_count                 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
43    , x_msg_data                  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
44    ) return varchar2;
45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
46 --LPN Status Project
47 -- Function
48 --   is_status_applicable_lpns
49 --
50 -- Description
51 --  check to see for the validation of the on-hand status for this transaction
52 --
53 -- Return
54 --    0 would indicate that both the validations are successful and the transaction can be performed
55 --    1 would indicate that the transaction would result in Mixed Status in the LPN
56 --                 or in the other LPNs in the Outer LPN or in the Outer LPN itself.
57 --                 The message WMS_RESULTS_MIXED_STATUS is thrown to the user
58 --    2 indicate that this transaction is not allowed for the status of the source material or for the destination
59 --                 The message WMS_DISALLOW_TRANSACTION is thrown to the user
60 --
61 -- Input Paramters
62 --
63 --   p_wms_installed            input WMS Installed parameter
64 --   p_trx_status_enabled       input transaction status enabled or not
65 --   p_trx_type_id		input transaction type
66 --   p_lot_status_enabled	input lot status enabled or not
67 --   p_serial_status_enabled	input serial status or not
68 --   p_organization_id		input organization id
69 --   p_inventory_item_id	input inventory item identifier
70 --   p_sub_code			input subinventory
71 --   p_locator_id		input locator
72 --   p_lot_number		input lot number
73 --   p_serial_number		input serial number
74 --   p_object_type		input object type
75 --   p_fromlpn_id		input from LPN ID
76 --   p_xfer_lpn_id		input transfer LPN ID
77 --   p_xfer_sub_code		input transfer sub-inventory code
78 --   p_xfer_locator_id		input transfer locator
79 --   p_xfer_org_id		input transfer organization
80 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
84 FUNCTION is_status_applicable_lpns
85 	            (p_wms_installed              IN VARCHAR2,
86                            p_trx_status_enabled        IN NUMBER,
87                            p_trx_type_id                    IN NUMBER,
88                            p_lot_status_enabled         IN VARCHAR2,
89                            p_serial_status_enabled    IN VARCHAR2,
90                            p_organization_id              IN NUMBER,
91                            p_inventory_item_id         IN NUMBER,
92                            p_sub_code                        IN VARCHAR2,
93                            p_locator_id                       IN NUMBER,
94                            p_lot_number                     IN VARCHAR2,
95                            p_serial_number                 IN VARCHAR2,
96                            p_object_type                     IN VARCHAR2,
97 			   p_fromlpn_id	             IN NUMBER,
98 			   p_xfer_lpn_id	             IN NUMBER,
99 			   p_xfer_sub_code		IN VARCHAR2,
100 			   p_xfer_locator_id	        IN NUMBER,
101 			   p_xfer_org_id		IN NUMBER)
103 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
104 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
105 -- Procedure
106 --   get_lot_serial_status_control
107 --
108 -- Description
109 --  Inquire if the item is under lot status controlled, serial status controlled
110 --  and corresponding default statuses
111 --
112 -- Input Paramters
113 --
114 --   p_organization_id             organization the item resides in
115 --   p_inventory_item_id           given item id we query for
116 --
117 -- Output Parameters
118 --   x_return_status            = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success, if succeeded
119 --                              = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_exc_error, if an expected
120 --                              error occurred
121 --                              = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error, if
122 --                              an unexpected error occurred
123 --
124 --   x_msg_count                Number of error message in the error message
125 --                              list
126 --
127 --   x_msg_data                 If the number of error message in the error
128 --                              message list is one, the error message
129 --                              is in this output parameter
130 --   x_lot_status_enabled       Indicate if the item is lot status controlled
131 --                              'Y': YES    'N': NO
132 --   x_default_lot_status_id    default lot status ID
133 --   x_serial_status_enabled    Indicate if the item is serial status controlled
134 --                              'Y': YES    'N': NO
135 --   x_default_serial_status_id    default serial status ID
136 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
137 PROCEDURE get_lot_serial_status_control
138 (
139      p_organization_id                  IN NUMBER
140    , p_inventory_item_id                IN NUMBER
141    , x_return_status                    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
142    , x_msg_count                        OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
143    , x_msg_data                         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
144    , x_lot_status_enabled               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
145    , x_default_lot_status_id            OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
146    , x_serial_status_enabled            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
147    , x_default_serial_status_id         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
148 );
150 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
151 -- Function
152 -- is_status_applicable
153 --
154 -- Description
155 --  check if the sub, locator, lot, serial is applicable for certain transaction type
156 --  based on its status
157 --
158 -- Input Paramters
159 --
160 --   p_wms_installed               Indicate if WMS is installed
161 --                                 passing 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'
162 --   p_trx_status_enabled          Indicate if the transaction type is status control
163 --                                 Enabled or not
164 --                                 passing 1 for enabled, 2 for disabled
165 --                                 this is optional, passing this value can increase the
166 --                                 the processing speed
167 --   p_trx_type_id                 transaction type id
168 --   p_lot_status_enabled          Indicate if the item is lot status control
169 --                                 Enabled or not
170 --                                 passing 'Y' for enabled, 'N' for disabled
171 --                                 this is optional, passing this value can increase the
172 --                                 the processing speed
173 --   p_serial_status_enabled       Indicate if the item is serial status control
174 --                                 Enabled or not
175 --                                 passing 'Y' for enabled, 'N' for disabled
176 --                                 this is optional, passing this value can increase the
177 --                                 the processing speed
178 --   p_organization_id             organization id the item resides in
179 --   p_inventory_item_id           given item id we query for
180 --   p_sub_code                    subinventory code
181 --   p_locator_id                  locator id
182 --   p_lot_number                  lot number
183 --   p_serial_number               serial number
184 --   p_lpn_id                      lpn_id -- Onhand Material Status Support
185 --   p_object_type                 this parameter is for performance purpose
186 --                                 must be specified to get the proper function
187 --                                 'Z' checking zone (subinventory)
188 --                                 'L' checking locator
189 --                                 'O' checking lot
190 --                                 'S' checking serial
191 --                                 'A' checking all including sub, locator, lot, serial
192 --
193 --
194 --  Return:
195 --     'Y'  the given object's status allow the given transaction type or any error occurred
196 --     'N'  the given object's status disallow the given transaction type
197 --
198 -- Usage:
199 --    p_wms_installed must be specified.
200 --    TO check any object (sub, locator, lot or serial) is applicable or not,
201 --    p_trx_type_id, p_organization_id, p_object_type must be specified.
202 --    Additionally,
203 --    to check subinventory, p_sub_code must be specified;
204 --    to check locator, p_locator_id must be specified;
205 --    to check lot,p_inventory_item_id, p_lot_number must be specified
206 --    to check serial, p_inventory_item_id, p_serial_number must be specified
207 --
208 --    p_trx_status_enabled is optional for all checkings
209 --    p_lot_status_enabledled is optional for checking lot status,
210 --    p_serial_status_enabled is optional for checking serial status
211 --    The default value is NULL for all input parameters except p_wms_installed
212 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
214 Function is_status_applicable(p_wms_installed           IN VARCHAR2:=NULL,
215                            p_trx_status_enabled         IN NUMBER:=NULL,
216                            p_trx_type_id                IN NUMBER:=NULL,
217                            p_lot_status_enabled         IN VARCHAR2:=NULL,
218                            p_serial_status_enabled      IN VARCHAR2:=NULL,
219                            p_organization_id            IN NUMBER:=NULL,
220                            p_inventory_item_id          IN NUMBER:=NULL,
221                            p_sub_code                   IN VARCHAR2:=NULL,
222                            p_locator_id                 IN NUMBER:=NULL,
223                            p_lot_number                 IN VARCHAR2:=NULL,
224                            p_serial_number              IN VARCHAR2:=NULL,
225                            p_object_type                IN VARCHAR2:=NULL)
226 return varchar2;
228 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
229 -- Overloaded function for the Onhand Material Status Support
230 -- Function      is_status_applicable
231 -- Description   overloaded function.
232 -- p_lpn_id    new parameter lpn_id
233 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
235 Function is_status_applicable(p_wms_installed           IN VARCHAR2:=NULL,
236                            p_trx_status_enabled         IN NUMBER:=NULL,
237                            p_trx_type_id                IN NUMBER:=NULL,
238                            p_lot_status_enabled         IN VARCHAR2:=NULL,
239                            p_serial_status_enabled      IN VARCHAR2:=NULL,
240                            p_organization_id            IN NUMBER:=NULL,
241                            p_inventory_item_id          IN NUMBER:=NULL,
242                            p_sub_code                   IN VARCHAR2:=NULL,
243                            p_locator_id                 IN NUMBER:=NULL,
244                            p_lot_number                 IN VARCHAR2:=NULL,
245                            p_serial_number              IN VARCHAR2:=NULL,
246                            p_object_type                IN VARCHAR2:=NULL,
247                            p_lpn_id                     IN NUMBER) -- Onhand Material Status Support
248 return varchar2;
250 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
252 -- Procedure
253 -- update_status
254 --
255 -- Description
256 --  update status of  sub, locator, lot, serial
257 --
258 -- Input Paramters
259 --   p_api_version_number       API version number (current version is 1.0)
260 --   p_init_msg_lst             Whether initialize the error message list or
261 --                              not.
262 --                              Should be fnd_api.g_false or fnd_api.g_true
263 --   p_update_method               update method, refer to the global constant
264 --                                 definition in INVMSPUB.pls
265 --   p_status_id                   status_id which should be changed to
266 --   p_organization_id             organization the item resides in
267 --   p_inventory_item_id           given item id we query for
268 --   p_sub_code                    subinventory code
269 --   p_locator_id                  locator id
270 --   p_lot_number                  lot number
271 --   p_serial_number               serial number
272 --   p_lpn_id                      lpn id -- Onhand Material Status Support
273 --   p_object_type                 this parameter is for performance purpose
274 --                                 must be specified for the proper function
275 --                                 'Z' checking zone (subinventory)
276 --                                 'L' checking locator
277 --                                 'O' checking lot
278 --                                 'S' checking serial
279 --   p_update_reason_id            update reason id which is a primary key in
280 -- 				   MTL_transaction_reasons
281 --   p_initial_status_flag         To track the first status assigned to the entity.
283 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
284 PROCEDURE update_status
285   (  p_api_version_number        IN  NUMBER
286    , p_init_msg_lst              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false
287    , x_return_status             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
288    , x_msg_count                 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
289    , x_msg_data                  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
290    , p_update_method              IN NUMBER
291    , p_status_id                  IN NUMBER
292    , p_organization_id            IN NUMBER
293    , p_inventory_item_id          IN NUMBER:=NULL
294    , p_sub_code                   IN VARCHAR2:=NULL
295    , p_locator_id                 IN NUMBER:=NULL
296    , p_lot_number                 IN VARCHAR2:=NULL
297    , p_serial_number              IN VARCHAR2:=NULL
298    , p_to_serial_number           IN VARCHAR2:=NULL
299    , p_object_type                IN VARCHAR2
300    , p_update_reason_id           IN NUMBER:=NULL
301    , p_lpn_id                     IN NUMBER:=NULL -- Onhand Material Status Support
302    , p_initial_status_flag        IN VARCHAR2:='N' -- Onhand Material Status Support
303    );
305 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
306 --Function added for Bug# 2879164
307 FUNCTION loc_valid_for_item(p_loc_id             NUMBER:=NULL,
308                             p_org_id             NUMBER:=NULL,
309                             p_inventory_item_id  NUMBER:=NULL,
310                             p_sub_code           VARCHAR2:=NULL)
312 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
313 --Function added for Bug# 2879164
314 FUNCTION sub_valid_for_item(p_org_id             NUMBER:=NULL,
315                             p_inventory_item_id  NUMBER:=NULL,
316                             p_sub_code           VARCHAR2:=NULL)
318 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
319 -- Function added for On-hand Material Status support.
320 -- This function returns the defaul material status for an onhand record in the table MOQD.
321 FUNCTION get_default_status( p_organization_id        IN NUMBER,
322                              p_inventory_item_id      IN NUMBER,
323 			     p_sub_code               IN VARCHAR2,
324 			     p_loc_id                 IN NUMBER :=NULL,
325 			     p_lot_number             IN VARCHAR2 :=NULL,
326 			     p_lpn_id                 IN NUMBER := NULL,
327                              p_transaction_action_id  IN NUMBER := NULL,
328 			     p_src_status_id          IN NUMBER := NULL,
329                              p_lock_id                IN NUMBER := 0,
330                              p_header_id              IN NUMBER :=NULL)
332 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
333 -- Function added for On-hand Material Status support.
334 -- This function returns the defaul material status for an onhand record in the table MOQD
335 -- for the concurrent program.
337 Function get_default_status_conc(p_organization_id        IN NUMBER,
338                                  p_inventory_item_id      IN NUMBER,
339 			         p_sub_code               IN VARCHAR2,
340 			         p_loc_id                 IN NUMBER :=NULL,
341 			         p_lot_number             IN VARCHAR2 :=NULL,
342 			         p_lpn_id                 IN NUMBER := NULL)
344 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
346 -- Function added for On-hand Material Status support.
347 -- This function checks whether an item is locator controlled or not.
348 FUNCTION  get_locator_control
349    (  p_org_id              NUMBER
350     , p_inventory_item_id   NUMBER
351     , p_sub_code            VARCHAR2
355 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
356 -- Function added for On-hand Material Status support.
357 -- This function returns the transaction action id for a given transaction type id.
358 FUNCTION get_action_id( p_trx_type_id NUMBER)
361 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
363 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
364 --Bug #6633612, Adding following procedure for onhand status support project
365 PROCEDURE get_onhand_status_id
366         ( p_organization_id       IN NUMBER
367          ,p_inventory_item_id     IN NUMBER
368          ,p_subinventory_code     IN VARCHAR2
369          ,p_locator_id            IN NUMBER := NULL
370          ,p_lot_number            IN VARCHAR2 := NULL
371          ,p_lpn_id                IN NUMBER := NULL
372          ,x_onhand_status_id      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER );
373 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
375 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
376 --Bug #6633612, Adding following procedure for onhand status support project
377 -- This procedure validates the material status with respect to transfer transactions
378 PROCEDURE check_move_diff_status(
379             p_org_id                IN NUMBER
380           , p_inventory_item_id     IN NUMBER
381           , p_subinventory_code     IN VARCHAR2
382           , p_locator_id            IN NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL
383           , p_transfer_org_id       IN NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL
384           , p_transfer_subinventory IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
385           , p_transfer_locator_id   IN NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL
386           , p_lot_number            IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
387           , p_transaction_action_id IN NUMBER
388           , p_object_type           IN VARCHAR2
389           , p_lpn_id                IN NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL
390           , p_demand_src_header_id  IN NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL
391           , p_revision              IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
392           , x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
393           , x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
394           , x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
395           , x_post_action           OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
396 );
397 --added the spec for the procedure for getting the lpn status as a part of lpn status project
398 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
399 -- Procedure
400 --   get_lpn_status
401 --
402 -- Description
403 --  To get the status of a LPN
405 -- Input Paramters
406 --
407 --    p_organization_id = organization id of the lpn
408 --    p_lpn_id   = lpn id of the lpn
409 --    p_sub_code = subinventory code of the lpn
410 --    p_loc_id   = locator id of lpn
411 --    p_lpn_context = Lpn context
413 --
414 -- Output Parameters
415 --  x_return_status_id = status id if LPN has unique status else -1
416 -- x_return_status_code = status code it lpn has unique status else translated message for 'Mixed'
417 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
419 PROCEDURE get_lpn_status
420             (
421             p_organization_id IN     NUMBER,
422             p_lpn_id          IN     NUMBER,
423             p_sub_code        IN     VARCHAR2 := NULL,
424             p_loc_id          IN     NUMBER := NULL,
425             p_lpn_context     IN     NUMBER,
426             x_return_status_id OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER,
427             x_return_status_code OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
428             );
430 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
431 /* -- LPN Status Project --*/
432 FUNCTION Status_Commingle_Check (
433             p_item_id                     IN            NUMBER
434           , p_lot_number                  IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
435           , p_org_id                      IN            NUMBER
436           , p_trx_action_id               IN            NUMBER
437           , p_subinv_code                 IN            VARCHAR2
438           , p_tosubinv_code               IN            VARCHAR2 := NULL
439           , p_locator_id                  IN            NUMBER := NULL
440           , p_tolocator_id                IN            NUMBER := NULL
441           , p_xfr_org_id                  IN            NUMBER := NULL
442           , p_from_lpn_id                 IN            NUMBER := NULL
443           , p_cnt_lpn_id                  IN            NUMBER := NULL
444           , p_xfr_lpn_id                  IN            NUMBER := NULL )
447 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
448 FUNCTION is_trx_allow_lpns(
449 p_wms_installed              IN VARCHAR2,
450 p_trx_status_enabled         IN NUMBER,
451 p_trx_type_id                IN NUMBER,
452 p_lot_status_enabled         IN VARCHAR2,
453 p_serial_status_enabled      IN VARCHAR2,
454 p_organization_id            IN NUMBER,
455 p_inventory_item_id          IN NUMBER,
456 p_sub_code                   IN VARCHAR2,
457 p_locator_id                 IN NUMBER,
458 p_lot_number                 IN VARCHAR2,
459 p_serial_number              IN VARCHAR2,
460 p_object_type                IN VARCHAR2,
461 p_fromlpn_id	             IN NUMBER,
462 p_xfer_lpn_id	             IN NUMBER,
463 p_xfer_sub_code		     IN VARCHAR2,
464 p_xfer_locator_id	     IN NUMBER,
465 p_xfer_org_id		     IN NUMBER)
467 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
468 -- Function added for On-hand Material Status support, Bug 6798024
469 -- This will insert the newly created onhand record's status into the
470 -- history table:mtl_material_status_history
471 Procedure insert_status_history(p_organization_id        IN NUMBER,
472                                 p_inventory_item_id      IN NUMBER,
473 			        p_sub_code               IN VARCHAR2,
474 			        p_loc_id                 IN NUMBER :=NULL,
475 			        p_lot_number             IN VARCHAR2 :=NULL,
476 			        p_lpn_id                 IN NUMBER := NULL,
477 			        p_status_id              IN NUMBER := NULL,
478                                 p_lock_id                IN NUMBER := 0);
479 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
480 /* Bug 6918409: Added a wrapper to call the is_trx_allowed function */
481 FUNCTION  is_trx_allowed_wrap
482   (
483      p_status_id                 IN NUMBER
484    , p_transaction_type_id       IN NUMBER
485    ) return varchar2;
486 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------