161: |
162: | NOTES VSANJAY Created 08/07/2003
164: | VSANJAY 08/07/2003
165: | AMRITUNJ 09/29/2003 - API Change and added commit after fnd_request.submit_request
166: | As specified in AOL standards guide for concurrent request API
167: | It can have side effects. For more info, search for COMMIT_NOTE
168: | in this file.
169: *=======================================================================*/
227: --
228: po_moac_utils_pvt.set_request_context(po_moac_utils_pvt.get_current_org_id);
229: --
231: l_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request('PO',
232: 'POXPOPDF',
233: null,
234: null,
235: false,
1019: INTO l_territory
1020: FROM fnd_languages
1021: WHERE nls_language = l_supp_lang;
1023: l_set_lang := fnd_request.set_options('NO', 'NO', l_supp_lang,l_territory, NULL);
1025: --
1026: --
1027: po_moac_utils_pvt.set_request_context(po_moac_utils_pvt.get_current_org_id);
1027: po_moac_utils_pvt.set_request_context(po_moac_utils_pvt.get_current_org_id);
1028: --
1029: --
1030: --Bug5080617 Pass the parameters P_PO_TEMPLATE_CODE and P_CONTRACT_TEMPLATE_CODE as null
1031: l_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request('PO',
1032: 'POXPOPDF',
1033: null,
1034: null,
1035: false,
1559: --
1560: po_moac_utils_pvt.set_request_context(po_moac_utils_pvt.get_current_org_id);
1561: --
1562: --Bug5080617 Pass the parameters P_PO_TEMPLATE_CODE and P_CONTRACT_TEMPLATE_CODE as null
1563: l_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request('PO',
1564: 'POXPOPDF',
1565: null,
1566: null,
1567: false,
1725: select nls_territory into l_territory from fnd_languages where
1726: nls_language = l_supp_lang;
1728: l_set_lang := fnd_request.set_options('NO', 'NO', l_supp_lang,l_territory, NULL);
1730: --Bug#3481824 Need to pass document type as
1731: --RELEASE in case of a release to the concurrent program
1732: IF l_document_type ='RELEASE' THEN
1736: --
1737: po_moac_utils_pvt.set_request_context(po_moac_utils_pvt.get_current_org_id);
1738: --
1739: --Bug5080617 Pass the parameters P_PO_TEMPLATE_CODE and P_CONTRACT_TEMPLATE_CODE as null
1740: l_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request('PO',
1741: 'POXPOPDF',
1742: null,
1743: null,
1744: false,
1879: select nls_language,nls_territory into l_language , l_territory from fnd_languages where
1880: language_code = l_language_code;
1883: l_set_lang := fnd_request.set_options('NO', 'NO', l_language,l_territory, NULL);
1885: END IF;
1887: --
1887: --
1888: po_moac_utils_pvt.set_request_context(po_moac_utils_pvt.get_current_org_id);
1889: --
1890: --Bug5080617 Pass the parameters P_PO_TEMPLATE_CODE and P_CONTRACT_TEMPLATE_CODE as null
1891: l_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request('PO',
1892: 'POXPOPDF',
1893: null,
1894: null,
1895: false,
1993: --
1994: po_moac_utils_pvt.set_request_context(po_moac_utils_pvt.get_current_org_id);
1995: --
1996: --Bug5080617 Pass the parameters P_PO_TEMPLATE_CODE and P_CONTRACT_TEMPLATE_CODE as null
1997: p_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request('PO',
1998: 'POXPOPDF',
1999: null,
2000: null,
2001: false,
2046: --
2047: po_moac_utils_pvt.set_request_context(po_moac_utils_pvt.get_current_org_id);
2048: --
2049: --Bug5080617 Pass the parameters P_PO_TEMPLATE_CODE and P_CONTRACT_TEMPLATE_CODE as null
2050: p_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request('PO',
2051: 'POXPOPDF',
2052: null,
2053: null,
2054: false,
2104: --
2105: po_moac_utils_pvt.set_request_context(po_moac_utils_pvt.get_current_org_id);
2106: --
2107: --Bug5080617 Pass the parameters P_PO_TEMPLATE_CODE and P_CONTRACT_TEMPLATE_CODE as null
2108: p_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request('PO',
2109: 'POXPOFAX' ,--Bug 6332444
2110: null,
2111: null,
2112: false,
2161: /*Bug5134811 For release fax the fax number and fax enable parameters are not passed due to which
2162: it was not possible to communicate the release through fax using Tools->Communicate.Passed
2163: the parameters as faxing is based on these two parameters*/
2165: p_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request('PO',
2166: 'POXPOFAX' ,--Bug 6332444
2167: null,
2168: null,
2169: false,
2549: l_progress := '095';
2550: -- Bug 4116063: Set the language if different from buyers lang
2551: select nls_language,nls_territory into l_supp_lang,l_territory from fnd_languages fl where
2552: fl.language_code = p_language_code ;
2553: l_set_lang := fnd_request.set_options('NO', 'NO', l_supp_lang,l_territory, NULL);
2555: if l_pdf_tc_sup_exists = 0 then
2556: l_store_flag := 'Y';
2557: end if;
2589: l_progress := '100';
2590: select nls_language,nls_territory into l_supp_lang,l_territory from fnd_languages fl where
2591: fl.language_code = p_language_code ;
2592: l_set_lang := fnd_request.set_options('NO', 'NO', l_supp_lang,l_territory, NULL);
2594: if l_pdf_nt_sup_exists = 0 then
2595: l_store_flag := 'Y';
2596: end if;
2677: if l_tc_buyer_gen_flag = 'Y' then
2678: select nls_language,nls_territory into l_supp_lang,l_territory from fnd_languages fl where
2679: fl.language_code = l_buyer_language_code;
2680: l_set_lang := fnd_request.set_options('NO', 'NO', l_supp_lang,l_territory, NULL);
2682: l_progress := '170';
2683: launch_communicate( 'PRINT',
2684: p_document_id,
2698: l_progress := '180';
2699: if l_nt_buyer_gen_flag = 'Y' then
2700: select nls_language,nls_territory into l_supp_lang,l_territory from fnd_languages fl where
2701: fl.language_code = l_buyer_language_code;
2702: l_set_lang := fnd_request.set_options('NO', 'NO', l_supp_lang,l_territory, NULL);
2704: l_progress := '190';
2705: launch_communicate( 'PRINT',
2706: p_document_id,
2732: l_progress := '210';
2733: if l_supp_lang is not null then
2734: select language_code,nls_territory into l_language_code,l_territory from fnd_languages fl where
2735: fl.nls_language = l_supp_lang;
2736: l_set_lang := fnd_request.set_options('NO', 'NO', l_supp_lang,l_territory, NULL);
2738: l_progress := '220';
2739: launch_communicate( 'PRINT',
2740: p_document_id,
2758: l_progress := '220';
2759: if l_supp_lang is not null then
2760: select language_code,nls_territory into l_language_code,l_territory from fnd_languages fl where
2761: fl.nls_language = l_supp_lang;
2762: l_set_lang := fnd_request.set_options('NO', 'NO', l_supp_lang,l_territory, NULL);
2764: l_progress := '220';
2765: launch_communicate( 'PRINT',
2766: p_document_id,