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1 package BODY ame_update_username_pkg as
2 /* $Header: ameupdun.pkb 120.4 2006/12/26 13:23:42 avarri noship $ */
4   procedure log_message
5     (p_message       varchar2
6     ,p_errorcode     integer default -20002
7     )  as
8     l_log_id integer;
9   begin
10     select ame_exceptions_log_s.nextval
11       into l_log_id
12       from dual;
14     insert into ame_exceptions_log
15       (log_id,package_name,routine_name,transaction_id,application_id,exception_number,exception_string)
16      values
17       (l_log_id,'ame_update_username_pkg','update_username','','',p_errorcode,to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY:MM:DD:HH24:MI:SS')|| p_message);
19   end log_message;
21   procedure update_username
22     (itemtype    in            varchar2
23     ,itemkey     in            varchar2
24     ,actid       in            number
25     ,funcmode    in            varchar2
26     ,resultout   in out nocopy varchar2
27     ) as
29     l_event_key varchar2(650);
30     l_old_name  varchar2(320);
31     l_new_name  varchar2(320);
32     l_delim_pos integer;
33     l_success   boolean;
34     wf_yes      varchar2(1);
35     wf_no       varchar2(1);
36     admin_approver varchar2(320);
37     l_event wf_event_t;
38   begin
39     wf_yes := 'Y';
40     wf_no := 'N';
41     l_success := true;
43     if funcmode = 'RUN' then
45       log_message ('AME User Name Migration Process started at ' || to_char(sysdate,'YYYY:MM:DD:HH24:MI:SS'));
47       l_event_key := wf_engine.GetItemAttrText
48                        (itemtype  => itemtype
49                        ,itemkey   => itemkey
50                        ,aname     => 'AMEUPDUN_EVENT_KEY'
51                        );
52       log_message ('Event Key Recieved is ' || l_event_key);
54       l_event := wf_engine.GetItemAttrEvent
55                        (itemtype  => itemtype
56                        ,itemkey   => itemkey
57                        ,name     => 'AMEUPDUN_EVENT_MSG'
58                        );
59       log_message ('Event msg Recieved ');
61       l_new_name := l_event.getValueForParameter('USER_NAME');
62       l_old_name := l_event.getValueForParameter('OLD_USER_NAME');
64       log_message ('Old user name is ' || l_old_name);
65       log_message ('New user name is ' || l_new_name);
66       log_message ('Migrating variable_value field in ame_config_vars');
67       begin
68         update ame_config_vars acv
69            set acv.variable_value = l_new_name
70          where acv.variable_value = l_old_name
71            and acv.variable_name = 'adminApprover';
72         if sql%found then
73           log_message('Migrated ' || sql%rowcount || ' rows successfully');
74         else
75           log_message('No Rows Migrated');
76         end if;
77       exception
78         when others then
79           rollback;
80           log_message('Migration Failed');
81           log_message(sqlerrm,sqlcode);
82           l_success := false;
83       end;
85       log_message('Migrating parameter field in ame_approval_group_items');
86       begin
87         update ame_approval_group_items aagi
88            set aagi.parameter = l_new_name
89          where aagi.parameter = l_old_name
90            and aagi.parameter_name = 'wf_roles_name';
91         if sql%found then
92           log_message('Migrated ' || sql%rowcount || ' rows successfully');
93         else
94           log_message('No Rows Migrated');
95         end if;
96       exception
97         when others then
98           rollback;
99           log_message('Migration Failed');
100           log_message(sqlerrm,sqlcode);
101           l_success := false;
102       end;
104       log_message('Migrating parameter field in ame_approval_group_members');
105       begin
106         update ame_approval_group_members aagm
107            set aagm.parameter = l_new_name
108          where aagm.parameter = l_old_name
109            and aagm.parameter_name = 'wf_roles_name';
110         if sql%found then
111           log_message('Migrated ' || sql%rowcount || ' rows successfully');
112         else
113           log_message('No Rows Migrated');
114         end if;
115       exception
116         when others then
117           rollback;
118           log_message('Migration Failed');
119           log_message(sqlerrm,sqlcode);
120           l_success := false;
121       end;
123       log_message('Migrating parameter_two field in ame_conditions');
124       begin
125         update ame_conditions ac
126            set ac.parameter_two = l_new_name
127          where ac.parameter_two = l_old_name
128            and ac.attribute_id = 0;
129         if sql%found then
130           log_message('Migrated ' || sql%rowcount || ' rows successfully');
131         else
132           log_message('No Rows Migrated');
133         end if;
134       exception
135         when others then
136           rollback;
137           log_message('Migration Failed');
138           log_message(sqlerrm,sqlcode);
139           l_success := false;
140       end;
142       log_message('Migrating parameter,description fields in ame_actions');
143       begin
144         update ame_actions aa
145            set aa.parameter = l_new_name,
146                aa.description = replace(aa.description,l_old_name,l_new_name)
147          where aa.parameter = l_old_name
148            and exists (select aat.action_type_id
149                          from ame_action_types aat
150                         where aat.action_type_id = aa.action_type_id
151                           and aat.name = 'substitution');
152         if sql%found then
153           log_message('Migrated ' || sql%rowcount || ' rows successfully');
154         else
155           log_message('No Rows Migrated');
156         end if;
157       exception
158         when others then
159           rollback;
160           log_message('Migration Failed');
161           log_message(sqlerrm,sqlcode);
162           l_success := false;
163       end;
165       log_message('Migrating name field in ame_temp_old_approver_lists');
166       begin
167         update ame_temp_old_approver_lists atoal
168            set atoal.name = l_new_name
169          where atoal.name = l_old_name;
170         if sql%found then
171           log_message('Migrated ' || sql%rowcount || ' rows successfully');
172         else
173           log_message('No Rows Migrated');
174         end if;
175       exception
176         when others then
177           rollback;
178           log_message('Migration Failed');
179           log_message(sqlerrm,sqlcode);
180           l_success := false;
181       end;
183       log_message('Migrating name field in ame_temp_insertions');
184       begin
185         update ame_temp_insertions ati
186            set ati.name = l_new_name
187          where ati.name = l_old_name;
188         if sql%found then
189           log_message('Migrated ' || sql%rowcount || ' rows successfully');
190         else
191           log_message('No Rows Migrated');
192         end if;
193       exception
194         when others then
195           rollback;
196           log_message('Migration Failed');
197           log_message(sqlerrm,sqlcode);
198           l_success := false;
199       end;
201       log_message('Migrating name field in ame_temp_deletions');
202       begin
203         update ame_temp_deletions atd
204            set atd.name = l_new_name
205          where atd.name = l_old_name;
206         if sql%found then
207           log_message('Migrated ' || sql%rowcount || ' rows successfully');
208         else
209           log_message('No Rows Migrated');
210         end if;
211       exception
212         when others then
213           rollback;
214           log_message('Migration Failed');
215           log_message(sqlerrm,sqlcode);
216           l_success := false;
217       end;
219       log_message('Migrating parameter field in ame_temp_insertions');
220       begin
221         update ame_temp_insertions ati
222            set ati.parameter = l_new_name ||
223                                substrb(ati.parameter
224                                       ,instrb(ati.parameter
225                                              ,fnd_global.local_chr(11)
226                                              ,1
227                                              ,1)
228                                       ,(lengthb(ati.parameter) - instrb(ati.parameter
229                                                                        ,fnd_global.local_chr(11)
230                                                                        ,1
231                                                                        ,1) + 1))
232          where ati.order_type in ('before approver','after approver')
233            and instrb(ati.parameter,l_old_name,1,1) = 1;
234         if sql%found then
235           log_message('Migrated ' || sql%rowcount || ' rows successfully');
236         else
237           log_message('No Rows Migrated');
238         end if;
239       exception
240         when others then
241           rollback;
242           log_message('Migration Failed');
243           log_message(sqlerrm,sqlcode);
244           l_success := false;
245       end;
247       log_message('Migrating description field in ame_temp_insertions');
248       begin
249         update ame_temp_insertions ati
250            set ati.description = decode(order_type
251                                        ,'after_approver'
252                                        ,'Always put the new approver right after the following approver:  ' || l_new_name
253                                        ,'Always put the new approver right before the following approver:  ' || l_new_name)
254          where ati.order_type in ('before approver','after approver')
255            and exists (select aca.application_id
256                          from ame_calling_apps aca
257                         where aca.application_id = ati.application_id)
258            and instrb(ati.parameter,l_new_name,1,1) = 1
259            and exists (select wr.name
260                          from wf_roles wr
261                         where wr.name = l_new_name
262                           and wr.orig_system = 'FND_USR');
263         if sql%found then
264           log_message('Migrated ' || sql%rowcount || ' rows successfully');
265         else
266           log_message('No Rows Migrated');
267         end if;
268       exception
269         when others then
270           rollback;
271           log_message('Migration Failed');
272           log_message(sqlerrm,sqlcode);
273           l_success := false;
274       end;
276       log_message('Migrating name field in ame_trans_approval_history');
277       begin
278         update ame_trans_approval_history atah
279            set atah.name = l_new_name
280          where atah.name = l_old_name;
281         if sql%found then
282           log_message('Migrated ' || sql%rowcount || ' rows successfully');
283         else
284           log_message('No Rows Migrated');
285         end if;
286       exception
287         when others then
288           rollback;
289           log_message('Migration Failed');
290           log_message(sqlerrm,sqlcode);
291           l_success := false;
292       end;
293       log_message('AME User Name Migration Process completed at ' || to_char(sysdate,'YYYY:MM:DD:HH24:MI:SS'));
294     end if;
296     begin
297       select variable_value
298         into admin_approver
299         from ame_config_vars
300        where sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
301          and variable_name = 'adminApprover'
302          and (application_id is null or application_id = 0)
303          and rownum < 2;
304       wf_engine.SetItemAttrText
305         (itemtype => itemtype
306         ,itemkey  => itemkey
307         ,aname    => 'AMEUPDUN_ADMIN_APPROVER'
308         ,avalue   => admin_approver);
309     exception
310       when others then
311         admin_approver := 'SYSADMIN';
312         wf_engine.SetItemAttrText
313           (itemtype => itemtype
314           ,itemkey  => itemkey
315           ,aname    => 'AMEUPDUN_ADMIN_APPROVER'
316           ,avalue   => admin_approver);
317     end;
319     if l_success then
320       resultout := wf_engine.eng_completed || ':' || wf_yes;
321     else
322       resultout := wf_engine.eng_completed || ':' || wf_no;
323     end if;
325     return;
327   exception
328     when others then
329       rollback;
330       begin
331         select variable_value
332           into admin_approver
333           from ame_config_vars
334          where sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date - (1/86400),sysdate)
335            and variable_name = 'adminApprover'
336            and (application_id is null or application_id = 0)
337            and rownum < 2;
338         wf_engine.SetItemAttrText
339           (itemtype => itemtype
340           ,itemkey  => itemkey
341           ,aname    => 'AMEUPDUN_ADMIN_APPROVER'
342           ,avalue   => admin_approver);
343       exception
344         when others then
345           admin_approver := 'SYSADMIN';
346           wf_engine.SetItemAttrText
347             (itemtype => itemtype
348             ,itemkey  => itemkey
349             ,aname    => 'AMEUPDUN_ADMIN_APPROVER'
350             ,avalue   => admin_approver);
351       end;
352       log_message('Migration Failed Completely');
353       log_message(sqlerrm,sqlcode);
354       resultout := wf_engine.eng_completed || ':' || wf_no;
355       return;
356   end update_username;
358 end ame_update_username_pkg;