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Line 1: PACKAGE BODY inv_label_pvt1 AS

1: PACKAGE BODY inv_label_pvt1 AS
2: /* $Header: INVLAP1B.pls 120.31.12010000.5 2008/11/22 10:57:31 hjogleka ship $ */
4: label_b CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := ' 5: label_e CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := '' || fnd_global.local_chr(10);

Line 522: , inv_label_pvt1.get_uom_code(

518: , rti.to_organization_id organization_id
519: , rti.cost_group_id cost_group_id
520: , pol.project_id project_id
521: , pol.task_id task_id
522: , inv_label_pvt1.get_uom_code(
523: rti.to_organization_id
524: , rti.item_id
525: , rti.unit_of_measure
526: ) uom

Line 573: WHERE inv_label_pvt1.check_rti_id(

569: AND hrl1.location_id(+) = rti.deliver_to_location_id
570: AND rrh.routing_header_id(+) = rti.routing_header_id
571: AND hrl2.location_id(+) = rti.location_id) rti2
572: /***************************************/
573: WHERE inv_label_pvt1.check_rti_id(
574: rti2.interface_transaction_id
575: , mtlt.lot_number
576: , rti.item_revision
577: ) = 'N'

Line 645: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom_code(

641: , SUM(NVL(rls.quantity, rt.quantity)) quantity -- Reverted to original code as part of Bug#4516067
642: -- Commented as part of the Bug#4516067 and added the code to fetch secondary_quantity from rls instead of mtln
643: -- , SUM(NVL(mtln.SECONDARY_TRANSACTION_QUANTITY, rt.SECONDARY_QUANTITY)) secondary_quantity -- fabdi 4373856
644: , SUM(NVL(rls.SECONDARY_QUANTITY, rt.SECONDARY_QUANTITY)) secondary_quantity -- fabdi 4373856
645: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom_code(
646: rt.organization_id
647: , rsl.item_id
648: , rsl.unit_of_measure
649: )

Line 651: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom2_code(

647: , rsl.item_id
648: , rsl.unit_of_measure
649: )
650: ) uom
651: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom2_code(
652: rt.organization_id
653: , rsl.item_id
654: )
655: ) secondary_uom -- bug 4373856

Line 778: , inv_label_pvt1.get_uom_code(

774: -- , pod.task_id --Commented as part of Bug# 3586116
775: -- Added by joabraha bug 3472150
776: , rsh.receipt_num
777: --
778: , inv_label_pvt1.get_uom_code(
779: rt.organization_id
780: , rsl.item_id
781: , rsl.unit_of_measure
782: )

Line 783: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom2_code(

779: rt.organization_id
780: , rsl.item_id
781: , rsl.unit_of_measure
782: )
783: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom2_code(
784: rt.organization_id
785: , rsl.item_id
786: ) -- bug 4373856
787: )

Line 788: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom2_code(

784: rt.organization_id
785: , rsl.item_id
786: ) -- bug 4373856
787: )
788: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom2_code(
789: rt.organization_id
790: , rsl.item_id
791: )
792: ) -- bug 4373856

Line 840: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom_code(

836: , rsh.receipt_num
837: --
838: , SUM(NVL(mtln.transaction_quantity, rt.quantity)) quantity
839: , SUM(NVL(mtln.SECONDARY_TRANSACTION_QUANTITY, rt.SECONDARY_QUANTITY)) secondary_quantity -- fabdi 4373856
840: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom_code(
841: rt.organization_id
842: , rsl.item_id
843: , rsl.unit_of_measure
844: )

Line 846: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom2_code(

842: , rsl.item_id
843: , rsl.unit_of_measure
844: )
845: ) uom
846: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom2_code(
847: rt.organization_id
848: , rsl.item_id
849: )
850: ) secondary_uom -- bug 4373856

Line 953: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom_code(

949: --, pod.task_id --Commented as part of Bug# 3586116
950: -- Added by joabraha bug 3472150
951: , rsh.receipt_num
952: --
953: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom_code(
954: rt.organization_id
955: , rsl.item_id
956: , rsl.unit_of_measure
957: )

Line 959: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom2_code(

955: , rsl.item_id
956: , rsl.unit_of_measure
957: )
958: )
959: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom2_code(
960: rt.organization_id
961: , rsl.item_id
962: )
963: ) -- bug 4373856

Line 1012: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom_code(

1008: , rsh.receipt_num
1009: --
1010: , SUM(NVL(mtln.transaction_quantity, rt.quantity)) quantity
1012: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom_code(
1013: rt.organization_id
1014: , rsl.item_id
1015: , rsl.unit_of_measure
1016: )

Line 1018: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom2_code(

1014: , rsl.item_id
1015: , rsl.unit_of_measure
1016: )
1017: ) uom
1018: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom2_code(
1019: rt.organization_id
1020: , rsl.item_id
1021: )
1022: ) secondary_uom -- bug 4373856

Line 1117: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom_code(

1113: --, pod.task_id --Commented as part of Bug# 3586116
1114: -- Added by joabraha bug 3472150
1115: , rsh.receipt_num
1116: --
1117: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom_code(
1118: rt.organization_id
1119: , rsl.item_id
1120: , rsl.unit_of_measure
1121: )

Line 1123: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom2_code(

1119: , rsl.item_id
1120: , rsl.unit_of_measure
1121: )
1122: )
1123: , (inv_label_pvt1.get_uom2_code(
1124: rt.organization_id
1125: , rsl.item_id
1126: )
1127: ) -- bug 4373856

Line 5727: END inv_label_pvt1;

5724: RETURN l_return_flag;
5725: END IF;
5726: END;
5727: END inv_label_pvt1;