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1 PACKAGE arp_auto_accounting AS
2 /* $Header: ARTEAACS.pls 120.7 2004/10/26 13:13:43 mraymond ship $ */
4 --
5 -- global error buffer
6 --
7 g_errorbuf			VARCHAR2(1000);
8 g_error_buffer			VARCHAR2(1000);
10 -- Public user-defined exceptions
11 --
12 no_ccid				EXCEPTION;
13 g_deposit_flag      varchar2(1);
15 -- global variable
16 -- This variable is introduced to keep track from auto auccounting is getting
17 -- called. At present this variable is use to call mrc engine or not depending
18 -- on the value.
19 g_called_from		VARCHAR2(30) := 'FORMS';
21 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
22 --
23 -- PROCEDURE NAME:  do_autoaccounting
24 --
26 --   Server-side entry point for autoaccounting.
27 --
29 --      IN:
30 --        mode:  May be I(nsert), U(pdate), D(elete), or (G)et
31 --        account_class:  REC, REV, FREIGHT, TAX, UNBILL, UNEARN, SUSPENSE,
32 --                        CHARGES
33 --        customer_trx_id:  NULL if not applicable
34 --        customer_trx_line_id:  NULL if not applicable (G)
35 --        cust_trx_line_salesrep_id:  NULL if not applicable
36 --        request_id:  NULL if not applicable
37 --        gl_date:  GL date of the account assignment
38 --        original_gl_date:  Original GL date
39 --        total_trx_amount:  For Receivable account only
40 --        passed_ccid:  Code comination ID to use if supplied
41 --        force_account_set_no:
42 --        cust_trx_type_id (G)
43 --        primary_salesrep_id (G)
44 --        inventory_item_id (G)
45 --        memo_line_id (G)
46 --
47 --      IN/OUT:
48 --        ccid
49 --        concat_segments
50 --        failure_count
51 --
52 --      OUT:
53 --
54 -- NOTES:
55 --   If mode is not (G)et, raises the exception
56 --   arp_auto_accounting.no_ccid if autoaccounting could not derive a
57 --   valid code combination.  The public variable g_error_buffer is
58 --   populated for more information.  In (G)et mode, check the value
59 --   assigned to p_ccid.  If it is -1, then no ccid was found.
60 --
61 --   Raises the exception NO_DATA_FOUND if no rows were selected for
62 --   processing.
63 --
64 --   Exception raised if Oracle error.
65 --   App_exception is raised for all other fatal errors and a message
66 --   is put on the AOL stack.  The public variable g_error_buffer is
67 --   populated for both types of errors.
68 --
69 -- HISTORY:
70 --
71 --
72 PROCEDURE do_autoaccounting( p_mode IN VARCHAR2,
73                             p_account_class IN VARCHAR2,
74                             p_customer_trx_id IN NUMBER,
75                             p_customer_trx_line_id IN NUMBER,
76                             p_cust_trx_line_salesrep_id IN NUMBER,
77                             p_request_id IN NUMBER,
78                             p_gl_date IN DATE,
79                             p_original_gl_date IN DATE,
80                             p_total_trx_amount IN NUMBER,
81                             p_passed_ccid IN NUMBER,
82                             p_force_account_set_no IN VARCHAR2,
83                             p_cust_trx_type_id IN NUMBER,
84                             p_primary_salesrep_id IN NUMBER,
85                             p_inventory_item_id IN NUMBER,
86                             p_memo_line_id IN NUMBER,
87                             p_ccid IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
88                             p_concat_segments IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
89                             p_failure_count IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER );
90 --
91 -- PROCEDURE NAME:  do_autoaccounting
92 --
94 --   Overloaded procedure when autoaccounting is called in G or Get mode
95 --   as warehouse id is required to be passed in and bill_to_site_use_id
96 --   is implicitly derived.
97 --
99 --      IN:
100 --        mode:  May be (G)et only as the routine is written for the same
101 --        account_class:  REC, REV, FREIGHT, TAX, UNBILL, UNEARN, SUSPENSE,
102 --                        CHARGES
103 --        customer_trx_id:  NULL if not applicable
104 --        customer_trx_line_id:  NULL if not applicable (G)
105 --        cust_trx_line_salesrep_id:  NULL if not applicable
106 --        request_id:  NULL if not applicable
107 --        gl_date:  GL date of the account assignment
108 --        original_gl_date:  Original GL date
109 --        total_trx_amount:  For Receivable account only
110 --        passed_ccid:  Code comination ID to use if supplied
111 --        force_account_set_no:
112 --        cust_trx_type_id (G)
113 --        primary_salesrep_id (G)
114 --        inventory_item_id (G)
115 --        memo_line_id (G)
116 --        warehouse_id (G)
117 --
118 --      IN/OUT:
119 --        ccid
120 --        concat_segments
121 --        failure_count
122 --
123 --      OUT:
124 --
125 -- NOTES:
126 --   If mode is not (G)et, raises the exception
127 --   arp_auto_accounting.no_ccid if autoaccounting could not derive a
128 --   valid code combination.  The public variable g_error_buffer is
129 --   populated for more information.  In (G)et mode, check the value
130 --   assigned to p_ccid.  If it is -1, then no ccid was found.
131 --
132 --   Raises the exception NO_DATA_FOUND if no rows were selected for
133 --   processing.
134 --
135 --   Exception raised if Oracle error.
136 --   App_exception is raised for all other fatal errors and a message
137 --   is put on the AOL stack.  The public variable g_error_buffer is
138 --   populated for both types of errors.
139 --
140 --   Never call this routine for ALL classes as this was specifically
141 --   written to work in Get mode, but will also work in other modes
142 --   provided the account class is not ALL
143 -- HISTORY:
144 --
145 --
146 PROCEDURE do_autoaccounting( p_mode                     IN VARCHAR2,
147                             p_account_class             IN VARCHAR2,
148                             p_customer_trx_id           IN NUMBER,
149                             p_customer_trx_line_id      IN NUMBER,
150                             p_cust_trx_line_salesrep_id IN NUMBER,
151                             p_request_id                IN NUMBER,
152                             p_gl_date                   IN DATE,
153                             p_original_gl_date          IN DATE,
154                             p_total_trx_amount          IN NUMBER,
155                             p_passed_ccid               IN NUMBER,
156                             p_force_account_set_no      IN VARCHAR2,
157                             p_cust_trx_type_id          IN NUMBER,
158                             p_primary_salesrep_id       IN NUMBER,
159                             p_inventory_item_id         IN NUMBER,
160                             p_memo_line_id              IN NUMBER,
161                             p_warehouse_id              IN NUMBER,
162                             p_ccid                      IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
163                             p_concat_segments           IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
164                             p_failure_count             IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER );
166 --
167 -- Old version:
168 --
170 --
171 --
172 -- FUNCTION NAME:  do_autoaccounting
173 --
175 --   Server-side entry point for autoaccounting.
176 --   This is a cover function which calls the procedure do_autoaccounting
177 --   and exists for backward compatibility.  New programs should use
178 --   the procedure instead of the function.
179 --
181 --      IN:
182 --        mode:  May be I(nsert), U(pdate), D(elete), or (G)et
183 --        account_class:  REC, REV, FREIGHT, TAX, UNBILL, UNEARN, SUSPENSE,
184 --                        CHARGES
185 --        customer_trx_id:  NULL if not applicable
186 --        customer_trx_line_id:  NULL if not applicable
187 --        cust_trx_line_salesrep_id:  NULL if not applicable
188 --        request_id:  NULL if not applicable
189 --        gl_date:  GL date of the account assignment
190 --        original_gl_date:  Original GL date
191 --        total_trx_amount:  For Receivable account only
192 --        passed_ccid:  Code comination ID to use if supplied
193 --        force_account_set_no:
194 --        cust_trx_type_id:
195 --        primary_salesrep_id
196 --        inventory_item_id
197 --        memo_line_id
198 --        msg_level
199 --
200 --      IN/OUT:
201 --        ccid
202 --        concat_segments
203 --        num_dist_rows_failed
204 --        errorbuf
205 --
206 --      OUT:
207 --
208 -- RETURNS:
209 --   1 if no errors in deriving ccids and creating distributions,
210 --   0 if one or more rows where ccid could not be found,
211 --   Exception raised if SQL error or other fatal error.
212 --
213 -- NOTES:
214 --
215 -- HISTORY:
216 --
217 FUNCTION do_autoaccounting( p_mode IN VARCHAR2,
218                             p_account_class IN VARCHAR2,
219                             p_customer_trx_id IN NUMBER,
220                             p_customer_trx_line_id IN NUMBER,
221                             p_cust_trx_line_salesrep_id IN NUMBER,
222                             p_request_id IN NUMBER,
223                             p_gl_date IN DATE,
224                             p_original_gl_date IN DATE,
225                             p_total_trx_amount IN NUMBER,
226                             p_passed_ccid IN NUMBER,
227                             p_force_account_set_no IN VARCHAR2,
228                             p_cust_trx_type_id IN NUMBER,
229                             p_primary_salesrep_id IN NUMBER,
230                             p_inventory_item_id IN NUMBER,
231                             p_memo_line_id IN NUMBER,
232                             p_ccid IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
233                             p_concat_segments IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
234                             p_num_failed_dist_rows IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
235                             p_errorbuf IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
236                             p_msg_level IN NUMBER default null)
240 FUNCTION query_autoacc_def( p_account_class IN VARCHAR2,
241                             p_table_name IN VARCHAR2 )
244 FUNCTION search_glcc_for_ccid( p_system_info 	IN
245                                  arp_trx_global.system_info_rec_type,
246                                p_segment_table  IN fnd_flex_ext.SegmentArray,
247                                p_segment_cnt 	IN BINARY_INTEGER )
250 FUNCTION search_glcc_for_ccid( p_system_info 	 IN
251                                  arp_trx_global.system_info_rec_type,
252                                p_segment_table   IN fnd_flex_ext.SegmentArray,
253                                p_segment_cnt  	 IN BINARY_INTEGER,
254                                p_account_class   IN
255                                  ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist.account_class%type,
256                                p_concat_segments IN VARCHAR2 )
259 PROCEDURE test_harness;
260 PROCEDURE test_wes;
262 PROCEDURE test_load;
263 PROCEDURE test_query( p_account_class IN VARCHAR2,
264                       p_table_name IN VARCHAR2 );
265 PROCEDURE test_find( p_trx_type_id  IN NUMBER,
266                      p_salesrep_id  IN NUMBER,
267                      p_inv_item_id  IN NUMBER,
268                      p_memo_line_id IN NUMBER);
270 PROCEDURE test_assembly;
271 PROCEDURE test_build_sql;
272 PROCEDURE test_do_autoacc;
273 --begin anuj
274 /* Multi-Org Access Control Changes for SSA;Begin;anukumar;11/01/2002*/
275 PROCEDURE init;
276 /* Multi-Org Access Control Changes for SSA;Begin;anukumar;11/01/2002*/
277 --end anuj