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Line 1294: Balance_Flag has been removed from IGS_FI_INV_INT_ALL, IGS_FI_CREDITS_ALL tables,

1290: Changed the call to IGS_FI_INVLN_INT_PKG.Insert_row.
1291: vchappid 05-Oct-2001 As a part of Enh Bug#2030448, the call to the calculate balances process is
1292: replaced with a call to the new procedure Update_Balances created as a part
1293: of the SFCR010. Limitation of the Accounting Method to CASH is removed,
1294: Balance_Flag has been removed from IGS_FI_INV_INT_ALL, IGS_FI_CREDITS_ALL tables,
1295: New column optional_fee_flag column is added in IGS_FI_INV_INT_ALL Table.
1296: smadathi 12-oct-2001 As part of enhancement bug#2042716 , the TBH calls to
1297: IGS_FI_PARTY_SUBACTS modified . Payment_plan_flag added.
1298: jbegum 19-Nov-2001 As part of Enhancement bug #2113459 the following changes were done:

Line 2577: FROM igs_fi_credits_all fc,

2573: -- Cursor to check if the invoice has been completely adjusted previously
2574: CURSOR cur_chk_adj(cp_invoice_id igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_id%TYPE,
2575: cp_inv_amt igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_amount%TYPE) IS
2576: SELECT 'x'
2577: FROM igs_fi_credits_all fc,
2578: igs_fi_cr_types_all crt,
2579: igs_fi_applications app
2580: WHERE app.invoice_id = cp_invoice_id
2581: AND app.credit_id = fc.credit_id