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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 57

    SELECT   name
    ,        custom_setup_id
    ,        start_date_active
    ,        end_date_active
    ,        description
    ,        owner_id
    ,        currency_code
    ,        user_status_name
    ,        status_date
    FROM ozf_price_lists_v
    WHERE list_header_id = p_list_header_id;
Line: 195

    SELECT   name
    ,        custom_setup_id
    ,        start_date_active
    ,        end_date_active
    ,        description
    ,        owner_id
    ,        currency_code
    ,        user_status_name
    ,        status_date
    FROM ozf_price_lists_v
    WHERE list_header_id = p_list_header_id;
Line: 337

    SELECT   name
    ,        custom_setup_id
    ,        start_date_active
    ,        end_date_active
    ,        description
    ,        owner_id
    ,        currency_code
    ,        user_status_name
    ,        status_date
    FROM ozf_price_lists_v
    WHERE list_header_id = p_list_header_id;
Line: 474

    SELECT   name
    ,        custom_setup_id
    ,        start_date_active
    ,        end_date_active
    ,        description
    ,        owner_id
    ,        currency_code
    ,        user_status_name
    ,        status_date
    FROM ozf_price_lists_v
    WHERE list_header_id = p_list_header_id;
Line: 611

    SELECT   name
    ,        custom_setup_id
    ,        start_date_active
    ,        end_date_active
    ,        description
    ,        owner_id
    ,        currency_code
    ,        user_status_name
    ,        status_date
    FROM ozf_price_lists_v
    WHERE list_header_id = p_list_header_id;
Line: 745

    SELECT   name
    ,        custom_setup_id
    ,        'PRIC'
    ,        start_date_active
    ,        end_date_active
    ,        description
    ,        owner_id
    ,        currency_code
    ,        user_status_name
    ,        status_date
    FROM ozf_price_lists_v
    WHERE list_header_id = p_act_id;
Line: 952

PROCEDURE Update_PriceList_Status(
   itemtype    IN       VARCHAR2
  ,itemkey     IN       VARCHAR2
  ,actid       IN       NUMBER
  ,funcmode    IN       VARCHAR2
  ,resultout   OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
  l_api_version     CONSTANT NUMBER            := 1.0;
Line: 961

  l_api_name        CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30)      := 'Update_PriceList_Status';
Line: 979

                          ,aname    => 'UPDATE_GEN_STATUS'
Line: 1018

    UPDATE ozf_price_list_attributes
       SET user_status_id = l_next_status_id,
           status_code = l_status_code,
           status_date = SYSDATE,
           last_update_date = SYSDATE,
           last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.user_id,
           last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.conc_login_id,
           object_version_number = object_version_number + 1
     WHERE qp_list_header_id = l_list_header_id;
Line: 1030

      UPDATE qp_list_headers_b
      SET    active_flag = 'Y',
             last_update_date = SYSDATE,
             last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.user_id,
             last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.conc_login_id
      WHERE  list_header_id = l_list_header_id;
Line: 1082

                      itemtype, itemkey,to_char(actid),l_error_msg);
Line: 1086

END Update_PriceList_Status;