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Line 1552: , hr_locations l

1548: , comp_rep_info.ORG_INFORMATION10 Administrator_Line_2
1549: , comp_rep_info.ORG_INFORMATION11 Administrator_Telephone_Number
1550: , comp_rep_info.ORG_INFORMATION12 Administrator_FAX_Number
1551: FROM hr_all_organization_units o
1552: , hr_locations l
1553: , hr_organization_information comp_info
1554: , hr_organization_information rep_estab_info
1555: , hr_organization_information comp_rep_info
1556: WHERE o.organization_id = g_company_id

Line 1570: -- Used hr_locations_all rather than hr_locations

1567: -- 4312297 Removed to_char on urssaf.organization_id and
1568: -- assedic.organization_id as that was disabling the index and
1569: -- causing FTS.
1570: -- Used hr_locations_all rather than hr_locations
1571: CURSOR csr_estab (p_company_id_chr in varchar2) is
1572: SELECT estab_info.organization_id establishment_id
1573: , estab_info.org_information2 estab_SIRET
1574: , estab_info.org_information3 estab_NAF

Line 1633: , hr_locations_all urssaf_loc

1629: , hr_organization_information estab_assedic_info
1630: , hr_organization_information estab_rep_info
1631: , hr_all_organization_units urssaf
1632: , hr_all_organization_units assedic
1633: , hr_locations_all urssaf_loc
1634: , hr_locations_all assedic_loc
1635: WHERE estab_info.org_information1 = p_company_id_chr
1636: and estab_info.org_information_context = 'FR_ESTAB_INFO'
1637: --

Line 1634: , hr_locations_all assedic_loc

1630: , hr_organization_information estab_rep_info
1631: , hr_all_organization_units urssaf
1632: , hr_all_organization_units assedic
1633: , hr_locations_all urssaf_loc
1634: , hr_locations_all assedic_loc
1635: WHERE estab_info.org_information1 = p_company_id_chr
1636: and estab_info.org_information_context = 'FR_ESTAB_INFO'
1637: --
1638: -- Get the URSSAF details

Line 1662: -- Used hr_locations_all rather than hr_locations

1658: -- 3612082 Removed to_char on pens_prov.organization_id as it was disabling
1659: -- the index and causing FTS. Used ORDERED hint to ensure org_info
1660: -- is visited 1st hence org_information1 is numeric prior to any
1661: -- implicit conversion to number.
1662: -- Used hr_locations_all rather than hr_locations
1663: CURSOR csr_comp_pension_prvs is
1664: SELECT /*+ ORDERED */
1665: pens_prov_info.org_information_id comp_pens_prov_id
1666: , pens_prov.organization_id pens_prov_id

Line 1687: , hr_locations_all pens_loc

1683: , pens_prov_info.ORG_INFORMATION14 Payment_3_Type
1684: , pens_prov_info.ORG_INFORMATION15 Payment_3_Limit
1685: FROM hr_organization_information pens_prov_info
1686: , hr_all_organization_units pens_prov
1687: , hr_locations_all pens_loc
1688: WHERE pens_prov_info.organization_id = g_company_id
1689: and pens_prov_info.org_information_context = 'FR_COMP_PE_PRVS'
1690: and pens_prov_info.org_information1 = pens_prov.organization_id
1691: and pens_prov.location_id = pens_loc.location_id (+);