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Line 75: x_deli_au_mask gl_accu_mst.acctg_unit_no%TYPE DEFAULT NULL; /* stores mask for AU*/

71: x_deli_acct_len NUMBER(10) DEFAULT 0; /* stores accts length*/
72: x_deli_comp VARCHAR2(4) DEFAULT NULL; /* stores company delimeter*/
73: x_deli_key_mask VARCHAR2(500) DEFAULT NULL; /* stores complete mask for key*/
74: x_Count NUMBER(10) DEFAULT 0;
75: x_deli_au_mask gl_accu_mst.acctg_unit_no%TYPE DEFAULT NULL; /* stores mask for AU*/
76: x_deli_acct_mask gl_acct_mst.acct_no%TYPE DEFAULT NULL; /* stores mask for accts*/
77: x_type0_cnt NUMBER(10) DEFAULT 0; /* stores no of segments for AU*/
78: x_type1_cnt NUMBER(10) DEFAULT 0; /* stores no of segments for accts*/
79: x_seg_delimeter VARCHAR2(2); /* stores the segment delimeter.*/