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Line 1870: , xla_diag_sources xds

1866: FROM xla_evt_class_acct_attrs xals
1867: , xla_acct_attributes_b xaa
1868: , xla_acct_attributes_tl xaat
1869: , xla_sources_tl xstl
1870: , xla_diag_sources xds
1871: , xla_diag_events xde
1872: , xla_diag_ledgers xdl
1873: WHERE xde.event_id = xds.event_id
1874: AND xds.ledger_id = xdl.ledger_id

Line 1906: , xla_diag_sources xds

1902: FROM xla_aad_hdr_acct_attrs aha
1903: , xla_acct_attributes_b xaa
1904: , xla_acct_attributes_tl xaat
1905: , xla_sources_tl xst
1906: , xla_diag_sources xds
1907: , xla_diag_events xde
1908: , xla_diag_ledgers xdl
1909: WHERE xde.event_id = xds.event_id
1910: AND xds.ledger_id = xdl.ledger_id

Line 2050: , xla_diag_sources xds

2046: , xds.source_value source_value
2047: , xds.source_meaning source_meaning
2048: FROM xla_diag_events xde
2049: , xla_diag_ledgers xdl
2050: , xla_diag_sources xds
2051: , xla_sources_tl xst
2052: , xla_aad_line_defn_assgns xald
2053: , xla_line_defn_jlt_assgns xldj
2054: , xla_prod_acct_headers xpah

Line 2141: , xla_diag_sources xds

2137: FROM xla_evt_class_acct_attrs xals
2138: , xla_acct_attributes_b xaa
2139: , xla_acct_attributes_tl xaat
2140: , xla_sources_tl xstl
2141: , xla_diag_sources xds
2142: , xla_diag_events xde
2143: , xla_diag_ledgers xdl
2144: , xla_aad_line_defn_assgns xald
2145: , xla_line_defn_jlt_assgns xldj

Line 2309: FROM xla_diag_sources

2305: ,p_ledger_id NUMBER)
2306: IS
2307: SELECT object_name
2308: , object_type_code
2309: FROM xla_diag_sources
2310: WHERE event_id = p_event_id
2311: AND ledger_id = p_ledger_id
2312: GROUP BY object_name , object_type_code
2313: ORDER BY DECODE(object_type_code, C_HEADER ,1

Line 2447: FROM xla_diag_sources xds

2443: NULL,'N',
2444: 'Y')
2445: , 'Y')
2446: , nvl(xst.name,xds.source_code)
2447: FROM xla_diag_sources xds
2448: , xla_sources_b xsb
2449: , xla_sources_tl xst
2450: WHERE xsb.application_id (+)= xds.source_application_id
2451: AND xsb.source_type_code (+)= xds.source_type_code

Line 2462: FROM xla_diag_sources xds2

2458: AND xst.source_type_code (+)= xds.source_type_code
2459: AND xst.source_code (+)= xds.source_code
2460: AND xst.language (+)= USERENV('LANG')
2461: AND xds.line_number = (SELECT max(line_number)
2462: FROM xla_diag_sources xds2
2463: WHERE xds2.event_id = p_event_id
2464: AND xds2.ledger_id = p_ledger_id
2465: AND xds2.object_name = p_object_name
2466: AND xds2.object_type_code = p_object_type_code

Line 2601: FROM xla_diag_sources xds

2597: ,'D','N'
2598: ,'Y')
2599: , DECODE(xsb.view_application_id,
2600: NULL, DECODE(xsb.flex_value_set_id, NULL,'N','Y'), 'Y')
2601: FROM xla_diag_sources xds
2602: , xla_sources_b xsb
2603: WHERE xsb.application_id (+)= xds.source_application_id
2604: AND xsb.source_type_code (+)= xds.source_type_code
2605: AND xsb.source_code (+)= xds.source_code

Line 3090: FROM xla_diag_sources

3086: IF l_up_to_date IS NOT NULL AND p_request_id IS NOT NULL THEN
3088: SELECT count(*)
3089: INTO l_count
3090: FROM xla_diag_sources
3091: WHERE source_application_id = p_application_id
3092: AND creation_date <= l_up_to_date
3093: AND request_id = p_request_id
3094: ;

Line 3100: FROM xla_diag_sources

3096: ELSIF l_up_to_date IS NULL AND p_request_id IS NOT NULL THEN
3098: SELECT count(*)
3099: INTO l_count
3100: FROM xla_diag_sources
3101: WHERE source_application_id = p_application_id
3102: AND request_id = p_request_id
3103: ;

Line 3110: FROM xla_diag_sources

3106: ELSIF l_up_to_date IS NOT NULL AND p_request_id IS NULL THEN
3108: SELECT count(*)
3109: INTO l_count
3110: FROM xla_diag_sources
3111: WHERE source_application_id = p_application_id
3112: AND creation_date <= l_up_to_date
3113: ;

Line 3119: FROM xla_diag_sources

3115: ELSE
3117: SELECT count(*)
3118: INTO l_count
3119: FROM xla_diag_sources
3120: WHERE source_application_id = p_application_id
3121: ;
3123: END IF;

Line 3206: write_logfile('**Start** purge of xla_diag_sources');

3202: ,p_module => l_log_module);
3203: END IF;
3204: write_logfile('Number of rows deleted ='||SQL%ROWCOUNT);
3205: write_logfile('** End ** purge of xla_diag_ledgers');
3206: write_logfile('**Start** purge of xla_diag_sources');
3208: IF l_up_to_date IS NOT NULL AND p_request_id IS NOT NULL THEN
3210: DELETE FROM xla_diag_sources

Line 3210: DELETE FROM xla_diag_sources

3206: write_logfile('**Start** purge of xla_diag_sources');
3208: IF l_up_to_date IS NOT NULL AND p_request_id IS NOT NULL THEN
3210: DELETE FROM xla_diag_sources
3211: WHERE source_application_id = p_application_id
3212: AND creation_date <= l_up_to_date
3213: AND request_id = p_request_id
3214: ;

Line 3219: DELETE FROM xla_diag_sources

3217: ELSIF l_up_to_date IS NULL AND p_request_id IS NOT NULL THEN
3219: DELETE FROM xla_diag_sources
3220: WHERE source_application_id = p_application_id
3221: AND request_id = p_request_id
3222: ;

Line 3226: DELETE FROM xla_diag_sources

3222: ;
3224: ELSIF l_up_to_date IS NOT NULL AND p_request_id IS NULL THEN
3226: DELETE FROM xla_diag_sources
3227: WHERE source_application_id = p_application_id
3228: AND creation_date <= l_up_to_date
3229: ;

Line 3233: DELETE FROM xla_diag_sources

3229: ;
3231: ELSE
3233: DELETE FROM xla_diag_sources
3234: WHERE source_application_id = p_application_id
3235: ;
3237: END IF;

Line 3247: write_logfile('**END** purge of xla_diag_sources');

3243: ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
3244: ,p_module => l_log_module);
3245: END IF;
3246: write_logfile('Number of rows deleted ='||SQL%ROWCOUNT);
3247: write_logfile('**END** purge of xla_diag_sources');
3249: IF l_rownum > 0 THEN
3250: write_logfile('**COMMIT** purge of Transaction Objects Diagnostics');
3251: COMMIT;