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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 24

PROCEDURE update_lpn_context
  (  p_delivery_id            IN    NUMBER,
     x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */   VARCHAR2,
     x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */   NUMBER,
     x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */   VARCHAR2)

     CURSOR child_lpns_cursor(l_lpn_id IN NUMBER) IS
	SELECT wlpn.lpn_id
	  FROM wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn
	  WHERE wlpn.lpn_context  <> wms_globals.lpn_context_inv
	  START WITH wlpn.lpn_id  =  l_lpn_id
	  CONNECT BY wlpn.lpn_id  =  PRIOR parent_lpn_id;
Line: 39

	SELECT wdd.lpn_id
	  wsh_delivery_assignments_v wda,
	  wsh_delivery_details wdd
	  WHERE wda.delivery_id        = p_delivery_id
	  AND   wda.delivery_detail_id = wdd.delivery_detail_id
	  AND   wdd.lpn_id IS NOT NULL;
Line: 54

      mydebug('update_lpn_context: Begin update_lpn_context');
Line: 67

	 UPDATE  wms_license_plate_numbers
	   SET   lpn_context = wms_globals.lpn_context_inv
	   WHERE lpn_id      = l_lpn_id;
Line: 78

      mydebug('update_lpn_context: End update_lpn_context');
Line: 95

         mydebug('update_lpn_context: Error in update_lpn_context API: ' || sqlerrm);
Line: 111

         mydebug('update_lpn_context: Unexpected Error in update_lpn_context API: ' || sqlerrm);