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Line 56: AND pen.effective_end_date=hr_api.g_eot

52: and pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('BCKDT','VOIDD')
53: and p_effective_date between pln.effective_start_date
54: and pln.effective_end_date
55: and prv.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
56: AND pen.effective_end_date=hr_api.g_eot
57: and l_max_le_eff_date >= least(pen.effective_start_date,pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt )
58: and abr.acty_base_rt_id = prv.acty_base_rt_id
59: and abr.subj_to_imptd_incm_flag = 'Y'
60: and l_max_le_eff_date between abr.effective_start_date and abr.effective_end_date ;

Line 87: AND pen.effective_end_date=hr_api.g_eot

83: -- Bug # - 1675410 - If the coverage start date is after life event occurred date,
84: -- the above condition does not select result row. As much as per_in_ler_id is
85: -- existing in pen, it is better to join pil with pen by per_in_ler_id
86: and pil.per_in_ler_id = pen.per_in_ler_id
87: AND pen.effective_end_date=hr_api.g_eot
88: -- Bug 1884964 to restrict pen records from different set
89: and l_max_le_eff_date >= least(pen.effective_start_date,pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt )
90: and exists
91: (select 'x'

Line 152: AND pen.effective_end_date=hr_api.g_eot;

148: pen.oipl_id is null and
149: pen.person_id = p_person_id
150: AND l_pil_rec.lf_evt_ocrd_dt between
151: pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt and pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt
152: AND pen.effective_end_date=hr_api.g_eot;
153: --
154: cursor c_imp_inc_plan2 is
155: select pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id,
156: pen.object_version_number,

Line 173: and pen.effective_end_date = hr_api.g_eot

169: and pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
170: and pen.pl_id = pln.pl_id
171: and pen.oipl_id is null
172: and pen.person_id = p_person_id
173: and pen.effective_end_date = hr_api.g_eot
174: and pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt = hr_api.g_eot;
175: --
176: cursor c_elctbl_chc(p_pl_id in number) is
177: select epe.ELIG_PER_ELCTBL_CHC_ID,

Line 174: and pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt = hr_api.g_eot;

170: and pen.pl_id = pln.pl_id
171: and pen.oipl_id is null
172: and pen.person_id = p_person_id
173: and pen.effective_end_date = hr_api.g_eot
174: and pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt = hr_api.g_eot;
175: --
176: cursor c_elctbl_chc(p_pl_id in number) is
177: select epe.ELIG_PER_ELCTBL_CHC_ID,
178: epe.PL_ID,

Line 210: and prv.rt_end_dt = hr_api.g_eot;

206: from ben_prtt_rt_val prv
207: where prv.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
208: and prv.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
209: and prv.prtt_rt_val_stat_cd is null
210: and prv.rt_end_dt = hr_api.g_eot;
211: --
212: cursor c_pgm_enrt_rslt_exists(p_pgm_id in number) is
213: select null
214: from ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen,

Line 220: and pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt = hr_api.g_eot

216: where pen.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
217: and pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
218: and pen.pgm_id = p_pgm_id
219: and pen.person_id = p_person_id
220: and pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt = hr_api.g_eot
221: and pen.effective_end_date= hr_api.g_eot
222: and pln.pl_id = pen.pl_id
223: and pln.subj_to_imptd_incm_typ_cd =p_subj_to_imptd_incm_typ_cd
224: and pln.pl_stat_cd = 'A'

Line 221: and pen.effective_end_date= hr_api.g_eot

217: and pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
218: and pen.pgm_id = p_pgm_id
219: and pen.person_id = p_person_id
220: and pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt = hr_api.g_eot
221: and pen.effective_end_date= hr_api.g_eot
222: and pln.pl_id = pen.pl_id
223: and pln.subj_to_imptd_incm_typ_cd =p_subj_to_imptd_incm_typ_cd
224: and pln.pl_stat_cd = 'A'
225: and pln.business_group_id = p_business_group_id

Line 359: open c_ben_amt('Y',hr_api.g_eot);

355: --
356: l_max_le_eff_date := greatest(l_pil_rec.lf_evt_ocrd_dt ,p_effective_date);
357: hr_utility.set_location (' l_max_le_eff_date '||l_max_le_eff_date , 8.0);
358: --
359: open c_ben_amt('Y',hr_api.g_eot);
360: --
361: fetch c_ben_amt into l_hgh_cmp_amt;
362: hr_utility.set_location (' l_hgh_cmp_amt '||l_hgh_cmp_amt ,8.1);
363: --

Line 366: open c_ben_amt('N',hr_api.g_eot);

362: hr_utility.set_location (' l_hgh_cmp_amt '||l_hgh_cmp_amt ,8.1);
363: --
364: close c_ben_amt;
365: --
366: open c_ben_amt('N',hr_api.g_eot);
367: --
368: fetch c_ben_amt into l_nor_cmp_amt;
369: hr_utility.set_location (' l_nor_cmp_amt '||l_nor_cmp_amt , 8.2);
370: --

Line 417: open c_post_tax_contrib(hr_api.g_eot) ;

413: --- post tax calcualtion 2897063
414: l_prflvalue := fnd_profile.value('BEN_IMPTD_INCM_POST_TAX');
415: hr_utility.set_location('Profile:'||l_prflvalue, 99 );
416: if l_prflvalue = 'Y' then
417: open c_post_tax_contrib(hr_api.g_eot) ;
418: Loop
419: fetch c_post_tax_contrib into l_post_tax_rec ;
420: exit when c_post_tax_contrib%notfound ;
421: if l_post_tax_rec.tx_typ_cd = 'AFTERTAX'

Line 956: p_datetrack_mode => hr_api.g_delete,

952: ,
953: p_effective_start_date => l_effective_start_date,
954: p_effective_end_date => l_effective_end_date,
955: p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
956: p_datetrack_mode => hr_api.g_delete,
957: p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id,
958: p_source => 'bendeimp',
959: p_multi_row_validate => FALSE);
960: --