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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 25

, detail_deleted               VARCHAR2(30)
, detail_date_from             HXC_TIME_BUILDING_BLOCKS.date_from%TYPE
, detail_date_to               HXC_TIME_BUILDING_BLOCKS.date_to%TYPE
, resource_id                  HXC_TIME_BUILDING_BLOCKS.resource_id%TYPE
, po_number                    PO_HEADERS_ALL.segment1%TYPE
, po_header_id                 PO_HEADERS_ALL.po_header_id%TYPE
, po_line                      PO_LINES_ALL.line_num%TYPE
, po_line_id                   PO_LINES_ALL.po_line_id%TYPE
, po_line_location_id          PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL.line_location_id%TYPE
, po_distribution_id           PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL.po_distribution_id%TYPE
, project_id                   PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL.project_id%TYPE
, task_id                      PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL.task_id%TYPE
, po_price_type                PO_TEMP_LABOR_RATES_V.asg_rate_type%TYPE
, po_price_type_display        PO_TEMP_LABOR_RATES_V.price_type_dsp%TYPE
, po_billable_amount           PO_LINES_ALL.amount%TYPE
, po_receipt_date              RCV_TRANSACTIONS.transaction_date%TYPE
, lpn_group_id                 RCV_TRANSACTIONS.lpn_group_id%TYPE

-- save the transaction type so we know how to check for success
, transaction_type             VARCHAR2(240)

-- we need to reference two rti rows for corrections
, receive_rti_id               RCV_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE.interface_transaction_id%TYPE
, deliver_rti_id               RCV_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE.interface_transaction_id%TYPE

-- we need to reference four rti rows for delete+insert
, delete_receive_rti_id        RCV_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE.interface_transaction_id%TYPE
, delete_deliver_rti_id        RCV_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE.interface_transaction_id%TYPE

-- parent txns exist when we have received against this po line before
, parent_receive_txn_id        RCV_TRANSACTIONS.transaction_id%TYPE
, parent_deliver_txn_id        RCV_TRANSACTIONS.transaction_id%TYPE

-- org_id of the PO/CWK
, org_id                       PO_HEADERS_ALL.org_id%TYPE

-- save the purchasing category attribute_id to attach to error messages
, time_attribute_id            HXC_TIME_ATTRIBUTES.time_attribute_id%TYPE

-- transient variable to save the validation status
, validation_status            VARCHAR2(30)

-- is this the old version of a changed block
, old_block                    VARCHAR2(1)
Line: 207

g_update_start                   DATE;
Line: 208

g_update_stop                    DATE;
Line: 242

    SELECT po_line_id
         , timecard_id
         , interface_transaction_id
      FROM rcv_transactions
     WHERE group_id = v_group_id;
Line: 325

 	     PO_DEBUG.debug_var(l_log_head,l_progress,l_new_old ||'-detail_deleted '          , p_attributes.detail_deleted);
Line: 582

          INTO g_group_id
          FROM dual;
Line: 599

        SELECT poh.po_header_id
             , poh.segment1
             , NVL (poh.user_hold_flag, 'N')
             , poh.org_id
             , poh.vendor_id
             , poh.vendor_site_id
          INTO g_po_header_cache(p_po_header_id).po_header_id
             , g_po_header_cache(p_po_header_id).segment1
             , g_po_header_cache(p_po_header_id).user_hold_flag
             , g_po_header_cache(p_po_header_id).org_id
             , g_po_header_cache(p_po_header_id).vendor_id
             , g_po_header_cache(p_po_header_id).vendor_site_id
          FROM po_headers_all poh
         WHERE poh.po_header_id = p_po_header_id;
Line: 627

        SELECT pol.po_line_id
             , pol.po_header_id
             , pol.line_num
             , pol.unit_price
             , pol.matching_basis
             , pol.purchase_basis
             , pol.order_type_lookup_code
             , NVL (pol.start_date, HR_GENERAL.start_of_time)
             , NVL (pol.expiration_date, HR_GENERAL.end_of_time)
             , pol.job_id
             , poll.line_location_id
             , NVL (poll.approved_flag, 'N')
             , NVL (poll.cancel_flag, 'N')
             , NVL (poll.closed_code, 'OPEN')
             , NVL (poll.qty_rcv_exception_code, 'NONE')
             , poll.amount + ( poll.amount * NVL (poll.qty_rcv_tolerance, 0) / 100 )
             , 0
             , poll.ship_to_organization_id
             , poll.ship_to_location_id
          INTO g_po_line_cache(p_po_line_id).po_line_id
             , g_po_line_cache(p_po_line_id).po_header_id
             , g_po_line_cache(p_po_line_id).line_num
             , g_po_line_cache(p_po_line_id).unit_price
             , g_po_line_cache(p_po_line_id).matching_basis
             , g_po_line_cache(p_po_line_id).purchase_basis
             , g_po_line_cache(p_po_line_id).order_type_lookup_code
             , g_po_line_cache(p_po_line_id).start_date
             , g_po_line_cache(p_po_line_id).expiration_date
             , g_po_line_cache(p_po_line_id).job_id
             , g_po_line_cache(p_po_line_id).line_location_id
             , g_po_line_cache(p_po_line_id).approved_flag
             , g_po_line_cache(p_po_line_id).cancel_flag
             , g_po_line_cache(p_po_line_id).closed_code
             , g_po_line_cache(p_po_line_id).qty_rcv_exception_code
             , g_po_line_cache(p_po_line_id).tolerable_amount
             , g_po_line_cache(p_po_line_id).timecard_amount
             , g_po_line_cache(p_po_line_id).ship_to_organization_id
             , g_po_line_cache(p_po_line_id).ship_to_location_id
          FROM po_lines_all pol
             , po_line_locations_all poll
         WHERE pol.po_line_id = p_po_line_id
           AND poll.po_line_id = pol.po_line_id;
Line: 721

        SELECT MIN(pod.po_distribution_id)
          INTO g_po_distribution_cache(p_po_line_id).po_distribution_id
          FROM po_distributions_all pod
         WHERE pod.po_line_id = p_po_line_id
           AND pod.project_id = p_project_id
           AND pod.task_id = p_task_id;
Line: 730

	-- This is used in the case when user select a Project on the Timecard which doesn't matches
	-- with the projects in Purchase Order which was selected on  Time card.
	IF g_po_distribution_cache(p_po_line_id).po_distribution_id IS NULL THEN
           SELECT  MIN(psp.po_distribution_id)
           INTO    g_po_distribution_cache(p_po_line_id).po_distribution_id
           FROM    PO_SP_VAL_V psp
           WHERE   psp.po_line_id           = p_po_line_id
               AND psp.project_id           IS NOT NULL
               AND psp.task_id              IS NOT NULL
               AND psp.VALIDATE_PROJECT_FLAG = 'Y';
Line: 778

        SELECT p_price_type
             , meaning
          INTO g_price_type_lookup_cache(l_cache_index).lookup_code
             , g_price_type_lookup_cache(l_cache_index).meaning
          FROM fnd_lookups
         WHERE lookup_type = 'PRICE DIFFERENTIALS'
           AND lookup_code = p_price_type;
Line: 788

Line: 833

        SELECT entity_id
             , price_type
             , enabled_flag
             , multiplier
          INTO g_price_differentials_cache(l_cache_index).entity_id
             , g_price_differentials_cache(l_cache_index).price_type
             , g_price_differentials_cache(l_cache_index).enabled_flag
             , g_price_differentials_cache(l_cache_index).multiplier
          FROM po_price_differentials
         WHERE entity_type = 'PO LINE'
           AND entity_id = p_po_line_id
           AND price_type = p_price_type;
Line: 850

Line: 883

	l_sql :=' SELECT effective_start_date , effective_end_date
                  FROM per_all_assignments_f paaf
                  WHERE paaf.po_line_id = :po_line_id
                    AND paaf.person_id = :person_id
                    AND Trunc(:effective_date)
                        BETWEEN Trunc(paaf.effective_start_date)
                            AND Trunc(paaf.effective_end_date)
                  SELECT effective_start_date , effective_end_date
                  FROM per_all_assignments_f paaf,
                       po_cwk_associations pca,
                       po_headers_all ph,
                       po_lines_all pl
                  WHERE pca.po_line_id = :po_line_id
                      AND pca.cwk_person_id = :person_id
                      AND pca.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id
                      AND pca.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id
                      AND pca.cwk_person_id = paaf.person_id
                      AND paaf.job_id = pl.job_id
                      AND ph.vendor_id = paaf.vendor_id
                      AND ph.vendor_site_id = paaf.vendor_site_id
                      AND Trunc(:effective_date)
                          BETWEEN Trunc(paaf.effective_start_date)
                              AND Trunc(paaf.effective_end_date) ';
Line: 945

            SELECT receive.transaction_id
              INTO g_rcv_transactions_cache(p_timecard_bb_id).receive_transaction_id
              FROM rcv_transactions receive
             WHERE receive.timecard_id = p_timecard_bb_id
               AND receive.po_line_id = p_po_line_id
               AND receive.transaction_type = 'RECEIVE';
Line: 962

            SELECT deliver.transaction_id
              INTO g_rcv_transactions_cache(p_timecard_bb_id).deliver_transaction_id
              FROM rcv_transactions deliver
             WHERE deliver.timecard_id = p_timecard_bb_id
               AND deliver.po_line_id = p_po_line_id
               AND deliver.transaction_type = 'DELIVER';
Line: 1009

            SELECT receive.transaction_id
              INTO g_rcv_transactions_cache(p_timecard_bb_id).receive_transaction_id
              FROM rcv_transactions receive
             WHERE receive.timecard_id = p_timecard_bb_id
               AND receive.po_distribution_id = p_po_distribution_id
               AND receive.transaction_type = 'RECEIVE';
Line: 1025

            SELECT deliver.transaction_id
              INTO g_rcv_transactions_cache(p_timecard_bb_id).deliver_transaction_id
              FROM rcv_transactions deliver
             WHERE deliver.timecard_id = p_timecard_bb_id
               AND deliver.po_distribution_id = p_po_distribution_id
               AND deliver.transaction_type = 'DELIVER';
Line: 1201

PROCEDURE Update_Attributes
( p_attributes          IN OUT NOCOPY TimecardAttributesRec
, p_messages            IN OUT NOCOPY HXC_USER_TYPE_DEFINITION_GRP.message_table
) IS
l_api_name         CONSTANT varchar2(30) := 'Update_Attributes';
Line: 1207

po_update_flag    VARCHAR2(1) :='N'; --bug 6998132
Line: 1211

                  , message => 'Begin Update_Attributes'
Line: 1224

        SELECT 'Y'
        INTO po_update_flag
        FROM dual
        WHERE EXISTS (SELECT segment1
                  FROM po_headers_all
                  WHERE segment1=p_attributes.po_number
                  AND org_id=hxc_timecard_properties.setup_mo_global_params(fnd_global.employee_id)
                  AND Nvl(closed_code,'OPEN') <> 'FINALLY CLOSED'
                  AND Nvl(user_hold_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
Line: 1328

                  , message => 'End Update_Attributes'
Line: 1330

END Update_Attributes;
Line: 1516

                                                           , p_message_name => 'RCV_OTL_UPDATE_INVALID_PO'
                                                           , p_message_token => NULL
                                                           , p_message_level => HXC_USER_TYPE_DEFINITION_GRP.c_error
                                                           , p_message_field => 'PO Header Id'
                                                           , p_application_short_name => 'PO'
                                                           , p_timecard_bb_id => NULL
                                                           , p_time_attribute_id => p_attributes.time_attribute_id
Line: 1531

                                                           , p_message_name => 'RCV_OTL_UPDATE_INVALID_PO'
                                                           , p_message_token => NULL
                                                           , p_message_level => HXC_USER_TYPE_DEFINITION_GRP.c_error
                                                           , p_message_field => 'PO Line Id'
                                                           , p_application_short_name => 'PO'
                                                           , p_timecard_bb_id => NULL
                                                           , p_time_attribute_id => p_attributes.time_attribute_id
Line: 1546

                                                           , p_message_name => 'RCV_OTL_UPDATE_INVALID_PO'
                                                           , p_message_token => NULL
                                                           , p_message_level => HXC_USER_TYPE_DEFINITION_GRP.c_error
                                                           , p_message_field => 'PO Line Id'
                                                           , p_application_short_name => 'PO'
                                                           , p_timecard_bb_id => NULL
                                                           , p_time_attribute_id => p_attributes.time_attribute_id
Line: 1664

                              , message => 'Amount for PO Line Id ' || p_attributes.po_line_id || ' updated to ' || get_po_line(p_attributes.po_line_id).timecard_amount
Line: 1907

      INTO p_rti_row.interface_transaction_id
      FROM dual;
Line: 1924

    p_rti_row.last_update_date := SYSDATE;
Line: 1925

    p_rti_row.last_updated_by := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
Line: 1926

    p_rti_row.creation_date := p_rti_row.last_update_date;
Line: 1927

    p_rti_row.created_by := p_rti_row.last_updated_by;
Line: 1990

          INTO l_rhi_row.header_interface_id
          FROM dual;
Line: 2001

        l_rhi_row.last_update_date := SYSDATE;
Line: 2002

        l_rhi_row.last_updated_by := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
Line: 2003

        l_rhi_row.creation_date := l_rhi_row.last_update_date;
Line: 2004

        l_rhi_row.created_by := l_rhi_row.last_updated_by;
Line: 2041

                              , message => 'Updated transaction_date=' || l_rti_row.transaction_date
Line: 2321

              INTO l_rcv_rti_row.interface_transaction_id
              FROM dual;
Line: 2332

              INTO l_del_rti_row.interface_transaction_id
              FROM dual;
Line: 2360

PROCEDURE Derive_Delete_Values
( p_rti_rows         IN OUT NOCOPY rti_table
, p_attributes       IN OUT NOCOPY TimecardAttributesRec
, receipt_date       IN DATE
) IS
    l_new_attributes      TimecardAttributesRec;
Line: 2366

    l_api_name         CONSTANT varchar2(30) := 'Derive_Delete_Values';
Line: 2371

                  , message => 'Begin Derive_Delete_Values'
Line: 2396

                  , message => 'End Derive_Delete_Values'
Line: 2398

END Derive_Delete_Values;
Line: 2467

        SELECT rcv_interface_groups_s.NEXTVAL
          INTO p_attributes.lpn_group_id
          FROM dual;
Line: 2542

 	    -- Added a new parameter for receipt date when calling delete on blocks
 	    -- such that we can have the request Transaction date or the system date
 	    -- insteed of using transaction date from OLD records.
	    Derive_Delete_Values( p_rti_rows
                                , p_old_attributes
				, p_attributes.po_receipt_date
Line: 2551

            p_attributes.delete_receive_rti_id := p_old_attributes.receive_rti_id;
Line: 2552

            p_attributes.delete_deliver_rti_id := p_old_attributes.deliver_rti_id;
Line: 2562

            p_attributes.transaction_type := 'DELETE ' || p_attributes.transaction_type;
Line: 2571

            IF p_attributes.detail_deleted = 'Y' THEN
	        -- BUG6343206
 	        -- Added a new parameter for receipt date when calling delete on blocks
 	        -- such that we can have the request Transaction date or the system date
 	        -- insteed of using transaction date from OLD records.
                Derive_Delete_Values( p_rti_rows
                                    , p_old_attributes
                                    , p_attributes.po_receipt_date
Line: 2582

                p_attributes.delete_receive_rti_id := p_old_attributes.receive_rti_id;
Line: 2583

                p_attributes.delete_deliver_rti_id := p_old_attributes.deliver_rti_id;
Line: 2586

                p_attributes.transaction_type := 'DELETE';
Line: 2651

            IF p_attributes.detail_deleted = 'Y' THEN
                l_action := 'DELETE';
Line: 2654

                l_action := 'UPDATE';
Line: 2657

            l_action := 'INSERT';
Line: 2747

PROCEDURE Insert_Interface_Values
( p_rhi_rows       IN OUT NOCOPY            rhi_table
, p_rti_rows       IN OUT NOCOPY            rti_table
-- Bug6343206
 	  -- Reverting the changes done for BUG3550333 [115.69]
 	  -- We are allowing the zero amount receipts to be created as of now.
 	  -- There will be no entry going in as SUCCESS. so we need no track
 	  -- those block by l_rti_status.
 	  -- , p_rti_status     IN OUT NOCOPY rti_status_table
) IS

    --added for bugfix 5609476
    CURSOR c_get_currency_code(v_po_header_id NUMBER)  IS
    SELECT currency_code
    FROM   po_headers
    where  po_header_id = v_po_header_id;
Line: 2771

Line: 2772

Line: 2812

    rhi_last_update_date                last_update_date_tbl;
Line: 2813

    rhi_last_updated_by                 last_updated_by_tbl;
Line: 2828

    rti_last_update_date                last_update_date_tbl;
Line: 2829

    rti_last_updated_by                 last_updated_by_tbl;
Line: 2857

    l_api_name         CONSTANT varchar2(30) := 'Insert_Interface_Values';
Line: 2863

                  , message => 'Begin Insert_Interface_Values'
Line: 2887

            rhi_last_update_date(row_idx) := p_rhi_rows(i).last_update_date;
Line: 2888

            rhi_last_updated_by(row_idx) := p_rhi_rows(i).last_updated_by;
Line: 2919

                  , message => 'Inserting ' || rhi_header_interface_id.COUNT || ' rows into RHI'
Line: 2924

        INSERT INTO rcv_headers_interface( header_interface_id
                                         , group_id
                                         , processing_status_code
                                         , receipt_source_code
                                         , transaction_type
                                         , auto_transact_code
                                         , last_update_date
                                         , last_updated_by
                                         , creation_date
                                         , created_by
                                         , vendor_id
                                         , vendor_site_id
                                         , ship_to_organization_id
                                         , location_id
                                         , expected_receipt_date
                                         , employee_id
                                         , validation_flag
                                         ) VALUES ( rhi_header_interface_id(i)
                                                  , rhi_group_id(i)
                                                  , rhi_processing_status_code(i)
                                                  , rhi_receipt_source_code(i)
                                                  , rhi_transaction_type(i)
                                                  , rhi_auto_transact_code(i)
                                                  , rhi_last_update_date(i)
                                                  , rhi_last_updated_by(i)
                                                  , rhi_creation_date(i)
                                                  , rhi_created_by(i)
                                                  , rhi_vendor_id(i)
                                                  , rhi_vendor_site_id(i)
                                                  , rhi_ship_to_organization_id(i)
                                                  , rhi_location_id(i)
                                                  , rhi_expected_receipt_date(i)
                                                  , rhi_employee_id(i)
                                                  , rhi_validation_flag(i)
Line: 2964

 	                   , message => 'Inserted ' || rhi_header_interface_id.COUNT || ' rows into RHI'
Line: 2987

            rti_last_update_date(row_idx) := p_rti_rows(i).last_update_date;
Line: 2988

            rti_last_updated_by(row_idx) := p_rti_rows(i).last_updated_by;
Line: 3060

 	                   , message => 'Inserting '|| rti_interface_transaction_id.COUNT  || ' rows into RHI'
Line: 3065

        INSERT INTO rcv_transactions_interface( interface_transaction_id
                                              , header_interface_id
                                              , group_id
                                              , lpn_group_id
                                              , last_update_date
                                              , last_updated_by
                                              , creation_date
                                              , created_by
                                              , transaction_type
                                              , transaction_date
                                              , processing_status_code
                                              , processing_mode_code
                                              , transaction_status_code
                                              , employee_id
                                              , auto_transact_code
                                              , receipt_source_code
                                              , source_document_code
                                              , parent_transaction_id
                                              , po_header_id
                                              , po_line_id
                                              , po_line_location_id
                                              , po_distribution_id
                                              , project_id
                                              , task_id
                                              , expected_receipt_date
                                              , validation_flag
                                              , amount
                                              , job_id
                                              , timecard_id
                                              , timecard_ovn
                                              ) VALUES ( rti_interface_transaction_id(i)
                                                       , rti_header_interface_id(i)
                                                       , rti_group_id(i)
                                                       , rti_lpn_group_id(i)
                                                       , rti_last_update_date(i)
                                                       , rti_last_updated_by(i)
                                                       , rti_creation_date(i)
                                                       , rti_created_by(i)
                                                       , rti_transaction_type(i)
                                                       , rti_transaction_date(i)
                                                       , rti_processing_status_code(i)
                                                       , rti_processing_mode_code(i)
                                                       , rti_transaction_status_code(i)
                                                       , rti_employee_id(i)
                                                       , rti_auto_transact_code(i)
                                                       , rti_receipt_source_code(i)
                                                       , rti_source_document_code(i)
                                                       , rti_parent_transaction_id(i)
                                                       , rti_po_header_id(i)
                                                       , rti_po_line_id(i)
                                                       , rti_po_line_location_id(i)
                                                       , rti_po_distribution_id(i)
                                                       , rti_project_id(i)
                                                       , rti_task_id(i)
                                                       , rti_expected_receipt_date(i)
                                                       , rti_validation_flag(i)
                                                       , rti_amount(i)
                                                       , rti_job_id(i)
                                                       , rti_timecard_id(i)
                                                       , rti_timecard_ovn(i)
Line: 3131

                  , message => 'Inserted ' || rti_interface_transaction_id.COUNT || ' rows into RTI'
Line: 3136

                  , message => 'End Insert_Interface_Values'
Line: 3138

END Insert_Interface_Values;
Line: 3164

    p_dst_attributes.detail_deleted := p_block.deleted;
Line: 3251

    p_dst_attributes.detail_deleted := p_block.deleted;
Line: 3489

    g_txn_msg := 'Stage 02 - Start Processing the Blocks one by one before inserting in ROI';
Line: 3587

 	    -- This is required since in the derive_delete_values we build the rti based on the old_attributes
 	    -- only and the rti does not contain the dist, shipment_id values.
 	    -- Hence get_rti_idx fails in case of a po-projects OTL setup, since in this case we use distribution_id
 	    -- to get the rti_idx, before calling PO_STORE_TIMECARD_PKG_GRP.store_timecard_details
 	    IF p_blocks(blk_idx).changed = 'Y' THEN
 	          RCV_HXT_GRP.string( log_level => FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT
 	                              , module => l_log_head
 	                              , message => 'fill the po_distribution_id and line_location_id for old attributes'
Line: 3680

    g_txn_msg := 'Stage 03 - Done with Capture TimeCard Block Process, going to insert valid one to Receiving interface table';
Line: 3698

      Insert_Interface_Values(l_rhi_rows, l_rti_rows);
Line: 3779

                UPDATE rcv_transactions_interface
                   SET transaction_status_code = 'ERROR'
                 WHERE group_id = g_group_id
                   AND transaction_status_code = 'RUNNING';
Line: 3827

            l_delete_receive_rti_id   RCV_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE.interface_transaction_id%TYPE;
Line: 3828

            l_delete_deliver_rti_id   RCV_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE.interface_transaction_id%TYPE;
Line: 3846

            l_delete_receive_rti_id := l_all_attributes(l_bb_id).delete_receive_rti_id;
Line: 3847

            l_delete_deliver_rti_id := l_all_attributes(l_bb_id).delete_deliver_rti_id;
Line: 3855

                                        || ' delete_receive_rti_id=' || l_delete_receive_rti_id
                                        || ' delete_deliver_rti_id=' || l_delete_deliver_rti_id
Line: 3864

            OR (l_transaction_type = 'DELETE'
                AND l_rti_status.EXISTS(l_delete_receive_rti_id)
                AND l_rti_status.EXISTS(l_delete_deliver_rti_id))
            OR (l_transaction_type = 'DELETE RECEIVE'
                AND l_rti_status.EXISTS(l_receive_rti_id)
                AND l_rti_status.EXISTS(l_delete_receive_rti_id)
                AND l_rti_status.EXISTS(l_delete_deliver_rti_id))
            OR (l_transaction_type = 'DELETE CORRECT'
                AND l_rti_status.EXISTS(l_receive_rti_id)
                AND l_rti_status.EXISTS(l_deliver_rti_id)
                AND l_rti_status.EXISTS(l_delete_receive_rti_id)
                AND l_rti_status.EXISTS(l_delete_deliver_rti_id)) THEN

                HXC_USER_TYPE_DEFINITION_GRP.t_tx_detail_status(blk_idx) := 'SUCCESS';
Line: 3897

 	        FOR rec IN (SELECT error_message_name ||' : '|| error_message msg
 	                    FROM po_interface_errors
 	                    WHERE interface_line_id IN (l_receive_rti_id,l_deliver_rti_id,
 	                    AND table_name = 'RCV_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE') LOOP

 	                     RCV_HXT_GRP.string( log_level => FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT
 	                                   , module => l_log_head
 	                                   , message => 'RTP errors : ' || rec.msg
Line: 4023

    HXC_INTEGRATION_LAYER_V1_GRP.update_transaction_status (
          p_process => 'Purchasing Retrieval Process'
        , p_status  => g_txn_status
        , p_exception_description => g_txn_msg
Line: 4052

        HXC_INTEGRATION_LAYER_V1_GRP.update_transaction_status (
          p_process => 'Purchasing Retrieval Process'
        , p_status  => 'ERRORS'
         , p_exception_description => g_txn_msg || 'Hit Breakpoint. Ending process in error, because we are still debugging.'
Line: 4070

        HXC_INTEGRATION_LAYER_V1_GRP.update_transaction_status (
          p_process => 'Purchasing Retrieval Process'
        , p_status  => 'ERRORS'
        , p_exception_description => g_txn_msg || 'Error calling Reconcile_Actions, please see FND_LOG_MESSAGES for details'
Line: 4083

	HXC_INTEGRATION_LAYER_V1_GRP.update_transaction_status (
          p_process => 'Purchasing Retrieval Process'
        , p_status  => 'ERRORS'
        , p_exception_description => g_txn_msg || 'Error in Retrieve_Timecards_Body, please see FND_LOG_MESSAGES for details'
Line: 4096

        HXC_INTEGRATION_LAYER_V1_GRP.update_transaction_status (
          p_process => 'Purchasing Retrieval Process'
        , p_status  => 'ERRORS'
        , p_exception_description => 'Error in Retrieve_Timecards_Body, please see FND_LOG_MESSAGES for details'
Line: 4111

        HXC_INTEGRATION_LAYER_V1_GRP.update_transaction_status (
          p_process => 'Purchasing Retrieval Process'
        , p_status  => 'ERRORS'
        , p_exception_description => SUBSTR(g_txn_msg || 'Unexpected exception in Retrieve_Timecards_Body: ' || SQLERRM, 1, 2000)
Line: 4133

PROCEDURE Update_Timecard( p_operation IN VARCHAR2 )
    l_bb_id                    HXC_TIME_BUILDING_BLOCKS.time_building_block_id%TYPE;
Line: 4142

    l_api_name         CONSTANT varchar2(30) := 'Update_Timecard';
Line: 4145

    g_update_start := SYSDATE;
Line: 4151

                      , message => 'Begin Update_Timecard'
Line: 4174

            Update_Attributes(l_all_attributes(l_bb_id), l_messages);
Line: 4209

                      , message => 'End Update_Timecard'
Line: 4212

    g_update_stop := SYSDATE;
Line: 4213

END Update_Timecard;
Line: 4234

Line: 4272

                l_attributes_rec.detail_deleted := 'Y';
Line: 4274

                l_attributes_rec.detail_deleted := 'N';
Line: 4282

                                        || l_attributes_rec.detail_deleted || '*'
Line: 4356

                 l_all_attributes(l_bb_id).detail_deleted = 'N' AND
                 l_old_attributes(l_bb_id).validation_status IN ('SUCCESS','SKIPPED')
                RCV_HXT_GRP.string( log_level => FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT
                                  , module => l_log_head
                                  , message => 'Validating new block'
Line: 4368

	 * When user deletes, the flags detail_changed will be 'N', detail_new will be 'Y'
	 * detail_deleted will be 'Y'. We do not handle this case. We did not call the
	 * validate_attributes and because of this, we were deleting the timecards even
	 * if it is in a state where it should not be deleted. Added the following
	 * code to call the procedure that will validate the timecard before deleting it.

            IF l_all_attributes(l_bb_id).detail_new = 'N' AND
               ( l_all_attributes(l_bb_id).detail_changed = 'N' AND
                 l_all_attributes(l_bb_id).detail_deleted = 'Y'
                RCV_HXT_GRP.string( log_level => FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT
                                  , module => l_log_head
                                  , message => 'Validating block that is deleted '||l_all_attributes(l_bb_id).old_block
Line: 4420

                                || '    Update:   ' || TO_CHAR((g_update_stop - g_update_start) * 8640000, '99,999.90') || ' ms' || FND_GLOBAL.local_chr(10)
                                || '    Validate: ' || TO_CHAR((g_validate_stop - g_validate_start) * 8640000, '99,999.90') || ' ms' || FND_GLOBAL.local_chr(10)
Line: 4525

                        , p_new_condition => '[PO Line Id]{ IN (SELECT TO_CHAR(pol.po_line_id)
                          FROM po_headers poh, po_lines pol
                          WHERE poh.po_header_id = pol.po_header_id
                            AND pol.order_type_lookup_code in (''RATE'',''FIXED PRICE'')  and poh.vendor_id = '
                            || p_vendor_id || ')}');
Line: 4533

                        , p_new_condition => '[PO Line Id]{ IN (SELECT TO_CHAR(pol.po_line_id)
			  FROM  po_lines pol
			  WHERE pol.order_type_lookup_code in (''RATE'',''FIXED PRICE''))}');
Line: 4622

            HXC_INTEGRATION_LAYER_V1_GRP.update_transaction_status (
                  p_process => 'Purchasing Retrieval Process'
                , p_status  => 'SUCCESS'
                , p_exception_description => 'No more rows to process'