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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 97

PROCEDURE Update_Journal_Entries;
Line: 329

         (p_msg      => 'Calling the function XLA_BALANCES_PKG.MASSIVE_UPDATE'
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_EVENT
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 335

                     (p_application_id                  => g_application_id
                     ,p_ledger_id                       => NULL
                     ,p_entity_id                       => NULL
                     ,p_event_id                        => NULL
                     ,p_request_id                      => NULL
                     ,p_accounting_batch_id             => g_accounting_batch_id
                     ,p_update_mode                     => 'A'
                     ,p_execution_mode                  => 'O');
Line: 349

            (p_msg      => 'Error encountered in the function XLA_BALANCES_PKG.Massive_Update '
            ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
            ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 362

      print_logfile('Technical problem : Problem in the routine XLA_BALANCES_PKG.Massive_Update');
Line: 370

         ,p_value_2        => 'Technical problem : Problem in the routine XLA_BALANCES_PKG.Massive_Update');
Line: 375

            (p_msg      => 'Call to function XLA_BALANCES_PKG.Massive_Update completed.'
            ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
            ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 379

      print_logfile('- call to XLA_BALANCES_PKG.Massive_Update completed');
Line: 384

Line: 424

Line: 474

Line: 503

Line: 583

   Select xla_accounting_batches_s.nextval
     into g_accounting_batch_id
     from dual;
Line: 653

   Select accounting_entry_status_code
     from xla_ae_headers
    where ae_header_id in (Select distinct ae_header_id from xla_ae_headers_gt)
      for update nowait;
Line: 676

   SELECT DECODE(g_valuation_method_code,NULL,NULL,'and valuation_method = '''||g_valuation_method_code||''' ')||
          DECODE(g_security_id_int_1,NULL,NULL,'and security_id_int_1 = '||g_security_id_int_1||' ')||
          DECODE(g_security_id_int_2,NULL,NULL,'and security_id_int_2 = '||g_security_id_int_2||' ')||
          DECODE(g_security_id_int_3,NULL,NULL,'and security_id_int_3 = '||g_security_id_int_3||' ')||
          DECODE(g_security_id_char_1,NULL,NULL,'and security_id_char_1 = '''||g_security_id_char_1||''' ')||
          DECODE(g_security_id_char_2,NULL,NULL,'and security_id_char_2 = '''||g_security_id_char_2||''' ')||
          DECODE(g_security_id_char_3,NULL,NULL,'and security_id_char_3 = '''||g_security_id_char_3||''' ')
     INTO g_security_condition
Line: 698

   SELECT DECODE(g_process_category_code,NULL,NULL,'and event_class_group_code = '''||g_process_category_code||'''')
     INTO g_process_category_condition
Line: 711

   l_stmt := 'INSERT INTO xla_ae_headers_gt
              SELECT xah.ae_header_id
              FROM  xla_ae_headers             xah
                  , xla_ae_headers             xah2
                  , xla_ledger_relationships_v xlr
                  , xla_subledgers             xs
                  , xla_event_types_b          xet
                  , xla_event_class_attrs      xec
                  , xla_transaction_entities    xte
              WHERE xlr.primary_ledger_id         = :1
                and xlr.relationship_enabled_flag = ''Y''
                and xlr.ledger_category_code      in (''ALC'',''PRIMARY'',''SECONDARY'')
                and xlr.ledger_id                 = xah.ledger_id
                and xah.application_id            = :2
                and xah.accounting_date           <= :3
                and xah.accounting_entry_status_code
                            IN (''I'', DECODE(:4, ''Y'', ''I'', ''N''))
                AND xah.application_id         = xah2.application_id
                AND xah.parent_ae_header_id    = xah2.ae_header_id
                AND xah2.accounting_entry_status_code = ''F''
                AND xs.application_id          = xah.application_id
                AND EXISTS (SELECT NULL
                              FROM xla_ledger_options xlo
                             WHERE application_id = xah.application_id
                               AND DECODE(xlr.ledger_category_code
                                         ,xlo.ledger_id) = xlr.ledger_id
                               AND DECODE(xlr.ledger_category_code
                                         ,''N'') = ''N''
                               AND DECODE(xlr.ledger_category_code
                                         ,xlo.enabled_flag) = ''Y'')
                AND xte.application_id         = xah.application_id
                AND xte.entity_id              = xah.entity_id
                AND xte.entity_code            <> ''MANUAL''
                AND xet.application_id         = xah.application_id
                AND xet.event_type_code        = xah.event_type_code
                AND xec.application_id         = xet.application_id
                AND xec.entity_code            = xet.entity_code
                AND xec.event_class_code       = xet.event_class_code' ||
                g_security_condition || ' ' ||
Line: 803

      trace(p_msg    => '# lines inserted = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
            p_module => l_log_module,
            p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 834

      Update xla_ae_headers
         Set accounting_entry_status_code  = 'N'
           , request_id                    = g_request_id
           , accounting_batch_id           = g_accounting_batch_id
           , last_update_date              = sysdate
           , last_updated_by               = xla_environment_pkg.g_usr_id
           , last_update_login             = xla_environment_pkg.g_login_id
       Where application_id = g_application_id
         and ae_header_id in (Select ae_header_id from xla_ae_headers_gt)
       RETURNING  ae_header_id   BULK COLLECT INTO g_array_ae_header_id;   -- 5115223
Line: 870

         trace(p_msg    => '# lines updated = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
               p_module => l_log_module,
               p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 908

PROCEDURE Update_Journal_Entries
   l_log_module               VARCHAR2(240);
Line: 913

      l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.Update_Journal_Entries';
Line: 918

         (p_msg      => 'BEGIN of procedure UPDATE_JOURNAL_ENTRIES'
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 928

      UPDATE xla_ae_headers xah
      SET    accounting_entry_status_code = 'F'
            ,completed_date               = sysdate
      WHERE  xah.request_id          = g_request_id
      AND    xah.accounting_batch_id = g_accounting_batch_id
      AND    xah.application_id      = g_application_id
      AND    xah.ae_header_id        = g_array_ae_header_id(i)
      AND    accounting_entry_status_code NOT IN ('I', 'R');
Line: 940

         (p_msg      => 'Number of headers updated = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 945

         (p_msg      => 'END of procedure UPDATE_JOURNAL_ENTRIES '
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 958

         ,p_token_1        => 'XLA_MULTIPERIOD_ACCOUNTING_PKG.Update_Journal_Entries'
         ,p_value_1        => 'SLA'
         ,p_entity_id      => NULL
         ,p_event_id       => NULL);
Line: 964

         (p_location       => 'xla_multiperiod_accounting_pkg.Update_Journal_Entries');
Line: 965

END Update_Journal_Entries;
Line: 1000

   INSERT INTO xla_events_gt
         FROM xla_ae_headers_gt h,
              xla_transaction_entities t
        WHERE h.entity_id = t.entity_id
        AND h.ledger_id = t.ledger_id
        AND t.application_id = g_application_id
        AND t.ledger_id = g_ledger_id;
Line: 1029

   SELECT xlr.ledger_id BULK COLLECT
     INTO l_seq_context_value
     FROM xla_ledger_relationships_v       xlr
         ,xla_subledger_options_v          xso
    WHERE xlr.relationship_enabled_flag    = 'Y'
      AND xlr.ledger_category_code         IN ('ALC','PRIMARY','SECONDARY')
      AND DECODE(xso.valuation_method_flag
                 )                         = g_ledger_id
      AND xso.application_id               = g_application_id
      AND xso.ledger_id                    = DECODE(xlr.ledger_category_code
      AND xso.enabled_flag                  = 'Y';