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2 /* $Header: WSHPRGPS.pls 120.1 2007/12/21 14:26:21 mvudugul ship $ */
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9  TYPE Batch_Info_rec  IS Record (
10              Row_id                     VARCHAR2(18),
11              Batch_Id			wsh_picking_batches.Batch_Id%TYPE,
12              Creation_Date		DATE,
13              Created_By			wsh_picking_batches.Created_By%TYPE,
14              Last_Update_Date		DATE,
15              Last_Updated_By		wsh_picking_batches.Last_Updated_By%TYPE,
16              Last_Update_Login		wsh_picking_batches.Last_Update_Login%TYPE,
17              Name			wsh_picking_batches.Name%TYPE,
18              Backorders_Only_Flag	wsh_picking_batches.Backorders_Only_Flag%TYPE,
19              Document_Set_Id		wsh_picking_batches.Document_Set_Id%TYPE,
20              Existing_Rsvs_Only_Flag	wsh_picking_batches.Existing_Rsvs_Only_Flag%TYPE,
21              Shipment_Priority_Code	wsh_picking_batches.Shipment_Priority_Code%TYPE,
22              Ship_Method_Code		wsh_picking_batches.Ship_Method_Code%TYPE,
23              Customer_Id		wsh_picking_batches.Customer_Id%TYPE,
24              Order_Header_Id		wsh_picking_batches.Order_Header_Id%TYPE,
25              Ship_Set_id		wsh_picking_batches.Ship_Set_number%TYPE,
26              Inventory_Item_Id		wsh_picking_batches.Inventory_Item_Id%TYPE,
27              Order_Type_Id		wsh_picking_batches.Order_Type_Id%TYPE,
28              From_Requested_Date	DATE,
29              To_Requested_Date		DATE,
30              From_Scheduled_Ship_Date	DATE,
31              To_Scheduled_Ship_Date	DATE,
32              Ship_To_Location_Id	wsh_picking_batches.Ship_To_Location_Id%TYPE,
33              Ship_From_Location_Id	wsh_picking_batches.Ship_From_Location_Id%TYPE,
34              Trip_Id			wsh_picking_batches.Trip_Id%TYPE,
35              Delivery_Id		wsh_picking_batches.Delivery_Id%TYPE,
36              Include_Planned_Lines	wsh_picking_batches.Include_Planned_Lines%TYPE,
37              Pick_Grouping_Rule_Id	wsh_picking_batches.Pick_Grouping_Rule_Id%TYPE,
38              Pick_Sequence_Rule_Id	wsh_picking_batches.Pick_Sequence_Rule_Id%TYPE,
39              Autocreate_Delivery_Flag	wsh_picking_batches.Autocreate_Delivery_Flag%TYPE,
40              Attribute_Category		wsh_picking_batches.Attribute_Category%TYPE,
41              Attribute1			wsh_picking_batches.Attribute1%TYPE,
42              Attribute2			wsh_picking_batches.Attribute2%TYPE,
43              Attribute3			wsh_picking_batches.Attribute3%TYPE,
44              Attribute4			wsh_picking_batches.Attribute4%TYPE,
45              Attribute5			wsh_picking_batches.Attribute5%TYPE,
46              Attribute6			wsh_picking_batches.Attribute6%TYPE,
47              Attribute7			wsh_picking_batches.Attribute7%TYPE,
48              Attribute8			wsh_picking_batches.Attribute8%TYPE,
49              Attribute9			wsh_picking_batches.Attribute9%TYPE,
50              Attribute10		wsh_picking_batches.Attribute10%TYPE,
51              Attribute11		wsh_picking_batches.Attribute11%TYPE,
52              Attribute12		wsh_picking_batches.Attribute12%TYPE,
53              Attribute13		wsh_picking_batches.Attribute13%TYPE,
54              Attribute14		wsh_picking_batches.Attribute14%TYPE,
55              Attribute15		wsh_picking_batches.Attribute15%TYPE,
56              Autodetail_Pr_Flag		wsh_picking_batches.Autodetail_Pr_Flag%TYPE,
57 	     -- Bug#: 3266659 - Removing carrier params
58              -- Carrier_Id			wsh_picking_batches.Carrier_Id%TYPE,
59              Trip_Stop_Id		wsh_picking_batches.Trip_Stop_Id%TYPE,
60              Default_Stage_Subinventory wsh_picking_batches.Default_Stage_Subinventory%TYPE,
61              Default_Stage_Locator_Id   wsh_picking_batches.Default_Stage_Locator_Id%TYPE,
62              Pick_From_Subinventory	wsh_picking_batches.Pick_From_Subinventory%TYPE,
63              Pick_From_locator_Id	wsh_picking_batches.Pick_From_locator_Id%TYPE,
64              Auto_Pick_Confirm_Flag     wsh_picking_batches.Auto_Pick_Confirm_Flag%TYPE,
65              Delivery_Detail_Id		wsh_picking_batches.Delivery_Detail_Id%TYPE,
66              Project_Id			wsh_picking_batches.Project_Id%TYPE,
67              Task_Id			wsh_picking_batches.Task_Id%TYPE,
68              Organization_Id		wsh_picking_batches.Organization_Id%TYPE,
69              Ship_Confirm_Rule_Id       wsh_picking_batches.Ship_Confirm_Rule_Id%TYPE,
70              Autopack_Flag		wsh_picking_batches.Autopack_Flag%TYPE,
71              Autopack_Level             wsh_picking_batches.Autopack_Level%TYPE,
72              Task_Planning_Flag         wsh_picking_batches.Task_Planning_Flag%TYPE,
73 	     -- Bug#: 3266659 - Removing carrier params
74              -- Non_Picking_Flag           wsh_picking_batches.Non_Picking_Flag%TYPE,
75 	     category_set_id            wsh_picking_batches.category_set_id%TYPE,
76 	     category_id                wsh_picking_batches.category_id%TYPE,
77 	     ship_set_smc_flag          wsh_picking_batches.ship_set_smc_flag%TYPE,
78 	     -- Bug#: 3266659 - Adding the  columns like zone, region, delivery criteria, release
79 	     --			subinventory and append flag
80 	     region_ID                  wsh_picking_batches.region_id%TYPE,
81 	     zone_ID                    wsh_picking_batches.zone_id%TYPE,
82 	     ac_Delivery_Criteria       wsh_picking_batches.ac_delivery_criteria%TYPE,
83 	     rel_subinventory           wsh_picking_batches.rel_subinventory%TYPE,
84 	     append_flag                wsh_picking_batches.append_flag%TYPE,
85              task_priority              wsh_picking_batches.task_priority%TYPE,
86              actual_departure_date      WSH_PICKING_BATCHES.ACTUAL_DEPARTURE_DATE%TYPE,
87              allocation_method          WSH_PICKING_BATCHES.ALLOCATION_METHOD%TYPE, --anxsharm, X-dock
88              crossdock_criteria_id      WSH_PICKING_BATCHES.CROSSDOCK_CRITERIA_ID%TYPE, -- anxsharm, X-dock
89              dynamic_replenishment_flag      WSH_PICKING_BATCHES.dynamic_replenishment_flag%TYPE ----bug# 6689448 (replenishment project)
90 	     );
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100 -- API Name          : Create_Batch
101 -- Type              : Group
102 -- Pre-reqs          : None.
103 -- Function          : This API is called  from WSH_PICKING_BATCHES_PUB
104 --                     to validate all the parameters and create the Picking Batch
105 --
106 -- PARAMETERS        : p_api_version_number    known api versionerror buffer
107 --                     p_init_msg_list         FND_API.G_TRUE to reset list
108 --                     x_return_status         return status
109 --                     x_msg_count             number of messages in the list
110 --                     x_msg_data              text of messages
111 --                     p_commit                FND_API.G_TRUE to perform a commit
112 --                     p_rule_id               Picking Rule Id used for defaulting purpose
113 --	               p_rule_name             Picking Rule name used for defaulting purpose, Ignore it when p_rule_id
114 --                                             contains value
115 --                     p_batch_rec             Contains the all the parameters for the batch
116 --                     p_batch_prefix          Batch prefix to be prefixed to the batch name
117 --                     x_batch_id              Out parameter contains the batch id created
118 -- VERSION           : current version         1.0
119 --                     initial version         1.0
120 --======================================================================================================
123 PROCEDURE   Create_Batch(
124             p_api_version_number     IN   NUMBER,
125             p_init_msg_list          IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
126             p_commit                 IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
127 	    x_return_status          OUT  NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
128             x_msg_count              OUT  NOCOPY   NUMBER,
129             x_msg_data               OUT  NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
130             p_rule_id                IN   NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
131 	    p_rule_name              IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
132             p_batch_rec              IN   WSH_PICKING_BATCHES_PUB.Batch_Info_Rec,
133             p_batch_prefix           IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
134             x_batch_id               OUT  NOCOPY   NUMBER
135 	    );
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138 --======================================================================================================
139 -- Start of comments
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141 -- API Name          : Release_Batch
142 -- Type              : Group
143 -- Pre-reqs          : None.
144 -- Function          : The procedure takes in a Batch_id/ Batch_name and depending on the p_release_mode
145 --                     value it process the batch.   p_log_level value should be greator than 0 when
146 --                     customer want to get the pick release log fine incace of concurrent pick release
147 --                     release.
148 --                     It will do some basic validations on the  the input parameters
149 --                     like log_level shoud be positive  , and on the not null values of p_batch_rec.
150 --
151 -- PARAMETERS        : p_api_version_number    known api version  number
152 --                     p_init_msg_list         FND_API.G_TRUE to reset list
153 --                     p_commit                FND_API.G_TRUE to perform a commit
154 --                     x_return_status         return status
155 --                     x_msg_count             number of messages in the list
156 --                     x_msg_data              text of messages
157 --                     p_batch_id              Picking Batch Id which is used to get Batch
158 --					       information from the wsh_picking_batches table.
159 --                     p_batch_name            Picking Batch Name which is used to get Batch
160 --					       information from the wsh_picking_batches table.
161 --                     p_log_level             Controlls the log message generated by cuncurrent
162 --					       pick release process.
163 --                     p_release_mode          Used to do ONLINE or CONCURRENT pick release,
164 --                                             Default is "CONCURREN"
165 --                     p_num_workers           Number of Workers for Parallel Pick Release
166 --                                             Default is 1.
167 --                                             For Online Mode it is always 1
168 --                                             For Concurrent Mode the value is determined by profile
169 --                     x_request_id            Out parameter contains request id for concurrent pick release request
170 --                                             Submitted
171 -- VERSION           : current version         1.0
172 --                     initial version         1.0
173 -- End of comments
174 --======================================================================================================
177  PROCEDURE Release_Batch (
178          -- Standard parameters
179          p_api_version_number IN   NUMBER,
180          p_init_msg_list      IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
181          p_commit             IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
182 	 x_return_status      OUT  NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
183          x_msg_count          OUT  NOCOPY    NUMBER,
184          x_msg_data           OUT  NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
185 	 -- program specific paramters.
186           p_batch_id          IN   NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL,
187 	  p_batch_name        IN   VARCHAR2    DEFAULT NULL,
188           p_log_level         IN   NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL,
189 	  p_release_mode      IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT 'CONCURRENT',
190           p_num_workers       IN   NUMBER    DEFAULT 1,
191 	  x_request_id        OUT  NOCOPY    NUMBER
192         );