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Line 23: ,p_table IN HR_EMPLOYEE_APPLICANT_API.t_ApplTable

19: ,p_emp_apl VARCHAR2
20: ,p_adjusted_svc_date IN DATE
21: ,p_session_date IN DATE -- Bug 3564129
22: -- #2264569
23: ,p_table IN HR_EMPLOYEE_APPLICANT_API.t_ApplTable
24: ) IS
25: /*
26: NAME
27: employ_applicant

Line 706: if not hr_employee_applicant_api.retain_exists(p_table)

702: -- +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
703: -- +------------------------ End Application -----------------------------+
704: -- +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
705: -- Does the Retain value exist in the table ?
706: if not hr_employee_applicant_api.retain_exists(p_table)
707: then
708: -- we are "double-checking" that previous updates were successfull
709: -- that is why where clause checks for accepted and unaccepted, despite
710: -- the fact the table does not have stored a retain value .

Line 783: if hr_employee_applicant_api.is_convert(p_table

779: p_assignment_id := l_asg_rec.assignment_id;
780: --
781: --
782: -- Ensure (R)etain or (E)nd date flags have not been set
783: if hr_employee_applicant_api.is_convert(p_table
784: ,l_asg_rec.assignment_id)
785: then
786: hr_utility.set_location('hrhirapl.make_secondary',333);
787: hr_utility.trace(' asg id = '||to_char(l_asg_rec.assignment_id));

Line 1317: elsif hr_employee_applicant_api.end_date_exists(p_table

1313: -- +--------------------------------------------------+
1314: --
1315: -- Did user explicity choose END Date ?
1316: l_chk_assg_end_dated :='N'; -- bug 6310975
1317: elsif hr_employee_applicant_api.end_date_exists(p_table
1318: ,l_asg_rec.assignment_id) = 1
1319: then
1320: -- +--------------------------------------------------+
1321: -- +--- End Date assignment --------------------------+

Line 1458: if hr_employee_applicant_api.is_convert(p_table

1454: p_assignment_id := l_asg_rec.assignment_id;
1455: --
1456: --
1457: -- Ensure (R)etain or (E)nd date flags have not been set
1458: if hr_employee_applicant_api.is_convert(p_table
1459: ,l_asg_rec.assignment_id)
1460: then
1461: hr_utility.set_location('hrhirapl.make_secondary',401);
1462: hr_utility.trace(' asg id = '||to_char(l_asg_rec.assignment_id));

Line 1928: elsif hr_employee_applicant_api.end_date_exists(p_table

1924: -- +--- END Convert assignment into secondary --------+
1925: -- +--------------------------------------------------+
1926: --
1927: -- Did user explicity choose END Date ?
1928: elsif hr_employee_applicant_api.end_date_exists(p_table
1929: ,l_asg_rec.assignment_id) = 1
1930: then
1931: -- +--------------------------------------------------+
1932: -- +--- End Date assignment --------------------------+

Line 1995: if hr_employee_applicant_api.is_convert(p_table

1991: p_assignment_id := l_asg_rec.assignment_id;
1992: --
1993: --
1994: -- Ensure (R)etain or (E)nd date flags have not been set
1995: if hr_employee_applicant_api.is_convert(p_table
1996: ,l_asg_rec.assignment_id)
1997: then
1998: hr_utility.set_location('hrhirapl.make_secondary',404);
1999: hr_utility.trace(' asg id = '||to_char(l_asg_rec.assignment_id));

Line 2465: elsif hr_employee_applicant_api.end_date_exists(p_table

2461: -- +--- END Convert assignment into secondary --------+
2462: -- +--------------------------------------------------+
2463: --
2464: -- Did user explicity choose END Date ?
2465: elsif hr_employee_applicant_api.end_date_exists(p_table
2466: ,l_asg_rec.assignment_id) = 1
2467: then
2468: -- +--------------------------------------------------+
2469: -- +--- End Date assignment --------------------------+

Line 4334: ,p_table IN HR_EMPLOYEE_APPLICANT_API.t_ApplTable

4330: ,p_business_group_id IN INTEGER
4331: ,p_legislation_code IN VARCHAR2
4332: ,p_end_date IN DATE
4333: -- #2264569
4334: ,p_table IN HR_EMPLOYEE_APPLICANT_API.t_ApplTable
4335: ) IS
4337: /*
4338: NAME

Line 4399: if hr_employee_applicant_api.end_date_exists(p_table,l_asgid) <> 2 then

4395: loop
4396: fetch unacc_cur into l_asgid;
4397: exit when unacc_cur%NOTFOUND;
4398: begin
4399: if hr_employee_applicant_api.end_date_exists(p_table,l_asgid) <> 2 then
4400: hr_utility.set_location('hrhirapl.end_unaccepted_app_assign',305);
4401: hr_utility.trace(' **** Asg ID : '||to_char(l_asgid));
4403: update per_assignments pa