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Line 1119: FROM ozf_funds_utilized_all_b

1115: ,p_start_date IN DATE
1116: ,p_end_date IN DATE
1117: ) IS
1118: SELECT SUM (NVL(plan_curr_amount,0)) utilized_amt
1119: FROM ozf_funds_utilized_all_b
1120: WHERE plan_id = p_object_id
1121: AND plan_type = 'OFFR'
1122: AND fund_id = p_budget_id
1123: -- AND utilization_type NOT IN ('TRANSFER', 'REQUEST')

Line 1695: FROM ozf_funds_utilized_all_b a1

1691: ,NVL (SUM (a1.plan_curr_amount_remaining), 0) amount
1692: ,a1.product_id,a1.product_level_type,a1.scan_unit,a1.scan_unit_remaining,
1693: a1.activity_product_id,a1.cust_account_id,a1.gl_posted_flag,a1.utilization_id orig_utilization_id
1694: ,a1.exchange_rate_type ,a1.exchange_rate_date,a1.org_id --Added for bug 7030415
1695: FROM ozf_funds_utilized_all_b a1
1696: WHERE a1.component_id = p_budget_used_by_id
1697: AND a1.component_type = p_budget_used_by_type
1698: AND a1.utilization_type IN -- feliu on 11/11/05: remove UTILIZED and SALES ACCRUAL.
1699: ('ADJUSTMENT', 'ACCRUAL','CHARGEBACK','LEAD_ACCRUAL') -- yzhao: 11.5.10 added chargeback