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Line 403: l_awt_group_id := fnd_profile.VALUE(l_prof_net_wth);

400: /* if CD-ROM subcontractor matches with AP_SUPPLIERS subcontractor and user asks for Upload also */
401: If (l_match_flag = 'M' And p_upl_option = 'U') Then
402: If (upper(C_Igi_Cis_Cdrom_Lines_Rec.tax_treatment) = 'NET') Then
403: l_awt_group_id := fnd_profile.VALUE(l_prof_net_wth);
404: Elsif (upper(C_Igi_Cis_Cdrom_Lines_Rec.tax_treatment) = 'GROSS') Then
405: l_awt_group_id := fnd_profile.VALUE(l_prof_gross_wth);
406: End If;

Line 405: l_awt_group_id := fnd_profile.VALUE(l_prof_gross_wth);

401: If (l_match_flag = 'M' And p_upl_option = 'U') Then
402: If (upper(C_Igi_Cis_Cdrom_Lines_Rec.tax_treatment) = 'NET') Then
403: l_awt_group_id := fnd_profile.VALUE(l_prof_net_wth);
404: Elsif (upper(C_Igi_Cis_Cdrom_Lines_Rec.tax_treatment) = 'GROSS') Then
405: l_awt_group_id := fnd_profile.VALUE(l_prof_gross_wth);
406: End If;
408: /* calling to update existing certificates .. */
409: /* Bug 5705187 */

Line 728: l_csv_file_name := fnd_profile.VALUE('IGI_CIS2007_CDROM_DATA_PATH');

724: 'Construction Industry Scheme : CD-ROM Data Upload Process Report');
725: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,
726: '----------------------------------------------------------------');
727: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,'');
728: l_csv_file_name := fnd_profile.VALUE('IGI_CIS2007_CDROM_DATA_PATH');
729: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'Upload Option: ' || p_upl_option);
730: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'CD-ROM csv file: ' || l_csv_file_name);
731: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, '');

Line 734: If Trunc(sysdate) < trunc(to_date(fnd_profile.value('IGI_CIS2007_LIB_DATE'),'DD-MM-YYYY')) Then

730: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'CD-ROM csv file: ' || l_csv_file_name);
731: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, '');
733: If P_Upl_Option = 'U' Then
734: If Trunc(sysdate) < trunc(to_date(fnd_profile.value('IGI_CIS2007_LIB_DATE'),'DD-MM-YYYY')) Then
735: For C_Upl_Meaning_Rec in C_Upl_Meaning Loop
736: l_meaning := C_Upl_Meaning_Rec.Meaning;
737: End Loop;
738: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,

Line 740: 'cannot be run before ' || to_char(to_date(fnd_profile.value('IGI_CIS2007_LIB_DATE'),

736: l_meaning := C_Upl_Meaning_Rec.Meaning;
737: End Loop;
738: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,
739: 'The ' || l_meaning || ' Option of the CD-ROM Data Upload Process ' ||
740: 'cannot be run before ' || to_char(to_date(fnd_profile.value('IGI_CIS2007_LIB_DATE'),
741: 'DD-MM-YYYY'), 'DD-MON-YYYY'));
742: Raise E_Update_Not_Allowed;
743: End If;
744: End If;