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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 42

      SELECT inv_project.get_locsegs(locator_id, org_id)
        INTO locator_name
        FROM mtl_item_locations
       WHERE inventory_location_id = locator_id
         AND organization_id = org_id;
Line: 62

      SELECT organization_code
        INTO org_code
        FROM mtl_parameters
       WHERE organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 81

      SELECT vendor_site_code
        INTO supplier_site_name
        FROM po_vendor_sites_all
       WHERE vendor_site_id = supplier_site_id;
Line: 98

      SELECT h.segment1
        INTO v_document_header
        FROM po_distributions_all d, po_headers_all h
       WHERE d.po_distribution_id = v_document_detail_id
         AND h.po_header_id = d.po_header_id;
Line: 104

      SELECT h.segment1
        INTO v_document_header
        FROM po_distributions_all d, po_headers_all h
       WHERE d.po_distribution_id = v_document_detail_id
         AND h.po_header_id = d.po_header_id;
Line: 110

      SELECT h.segment1
        INTO v_document_header
        FROM po_requisition_headers_all h, po_requisition_lines_all l
       WHERE l.requisition_line_id = v_document_detail_id
         AND h.requisition_header_id = l.requisition_header_id;
Line: 116

      SELECT h.request_number
        INTO v_document_header
        FROM mtl_txn_request_headers h, mtl_txn_request_lines l
       WHERE l.line_id = v_document_detail_id
         AND h.header_id = l.header_id;
Line: 122

      SELECT h.wip_entity_name
        INTO v_document_header
        FROM wip_entities h
       WHERE h.wip_entity_id = v_document_header_id;
Line: 127

      SELECT h.wip_entity_name
        INTO v_document_header
        FROM wip_entities h
       WHERE h.wip_entity_id = v_document_header_id;
Line: 132

      SELECT h.wip_entity_name
        INTO v_document_header
        FROM wip_entities h
	WHERE h.wip_entity_id = v_document_header_id;
Line: 137

      SELECT h.wip_entity_name
        INTO v_document_header
        FROM wip_entities h
       WHERE h.wip_entity_id = v_document_header_id;
Line: 199

    SELECT *
      INTO recinfo
      FROM mtl_kanban_cards
     WHERE kanban_card_number = p_kanban_card_number
       AND organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 221

          x_return_status              => l_return_status
        , p_kanban_card_id             => recinfo.kanban_card_id
        , p_kanban_card_number         => recinfo.kanban_card_number
        , p_pull_sequence_id           => recinfo.pull_sequence_id
        , p_inventory_item_id          => recinfo.inventory_item_id
        , p_organization_id            => recinfo.organization_id
        , p_subinventory_name          => recinfo.subinventory_name
        , p_supply_status              => recinfo.supply_status
        , p_card_status                => recinfo.card_status
        , p_kanban_card_type           => recinfo.kanban_card_type
        , p_source_type                => recinfo.source_type
        , p_kanban_size                => recinfo.kanban_size
        , p_last_update_date           => SYSDATE
        , p_last_updated_by            => fnd_global.user_id
        , p_creation_date              => recinfo.creation_date
        , p_created_by                 => recinfo.created_by
        , p_last_update_login          => fnd_global.login_id
        , p_last_print_date            => recinfo.last_print_date
        , p_locator_id                 => recinfo.locator_id
        , p_supplier_id                => recinfo.supplier_id
        , p_supplier_site_id           => recinfo.supplier_site_id
        , p_source_organization_id     => recinfo.source_organization_id
        , p_source_subinventory        => recinfo.source_subinventory
        , p_source_locator_id          => recinfo.source_locator_id
        , p_wip_line_id                => recinfo.wip_line_id
        , p_current_replnsh_cycle_id   => recinfo.current_replnsh_cycle_id
        , p_error_code                 => recinfo.error_code
        , p_attribute_category         => recinfo.attribute_category
        , p_attribute1                 => recinfo.attribute1
        , p_attribute2                 => recinfo.attribute2
        , p_attribute3                 => recinfo.attribute3
        , p_attribute4                 => recinfo.attribute4
        , p_attribute5                 => recinfo.attribute5
        , p_attribute6                 => recinfo.attribute6
        , p_attribute7                 => recinfo.attribute7
        , p_attribute8                 => recinfo.attribute8
        , p_attribute9                 => recinfo.attribute9
        , p_attribute10                => recinfo.attribute10
        , p_attribute11                => recinfo.attribute11
        , p_attribute12                => recinfo.attribute12
        , p_attribute13                => recinfo.attribute13
        , p_attribute14                => recinfo.attribute14
        , p_attribute15                => recinfo.attribute15
        , p_document_type              => NULL
        , p_document_header_id         => NULL
        , p_document_detail_id         => NULL
	, p_lot_item_id                => p_lot_item_id
	, p_lot_number                 => p_lot_number
	, p_lot_item_revision          => p_lot_item_revision
	, p_lot_subinventory_code      => p_lot_subinventory_code
	, p_lot_location_id            => p_lot_location_id
	, p_lot_quantity               => p_lot_quantity
	, p_replenish_quantity         => p_replenish_quantity);
Line: 332

    SELECT msiv.concatenated_segments
         , msiv.description
         , mkcv.kanban_size
         , mkcv.subinventory_name
         , mkcv.locator_id
         , mkcv.supply_status_name
         , mkcv.source_type
         , mkcv.source_type_meaning
         , mkcv.source_organization_id
         , mkcv.source_org_code
         , mkcv.source_subinventory
         , mkcv.source_locator_id
         , mkcv.wip_line_code
         , mkcv.supplier_name
         , mkcv.supplier_site_id
         , msiv.inventory_item_id
      INTO x_item
         , x_item_description
         , x_quantity
         , x_zone
         , locator_id
         , x_supply_status
         , x_source_type_id
         , x_source_type
         , source_org_id
         , x_source_org
         , x_source_zone
         , source_locator_id
         , x_wip_line
         , x_supplier_name
         , supplier_site_id
         , x_item_id
      FROM mtl_kanban_cards_v mkcv, mtl_system_items_vl msiv
     WHERE mkcv.kanban_card_number = p_kanban_card_number
       AND mkcv.organization_id = p_org_id
       AND mkcv.inventory_item_id = msiv.inventory_item_id
       AND mkcv.organization_id = msiv.organization_id;
Line: 442

      SELECT DISTINCT meaning
                    , lookup_code
                 FROM mfg_lookups
                WHERE lookup_code IN (1, 2, 3, 4)
                  AND meaning LIKE (p_source_type)
                  AND lookup_type = 'MTL_KANBAN_SOURCE_TYPE';
Line: 453

      SELECT vendor_name
           , vendor_id
        FROM po_vendors
       WHERE vendor_name LIKE (p_supplier_name);
Line: 462

      SELECT vendor_site_code
           , vendor_site_code_alt
        FROM po_vendor_sites_all
       WHERE vendor_site_code LIKE (p_supplier_site)
         AND vendor_id = p_vendor_id;
Line: 472

      SELECT line_code
           , line_id
        FROM wip_lines
       WHERE p_organization_id = organization_id
         AND line_code LIKE (p_wip_line);
Line: 498

      SELECT mkc.kanban_card_number
           , mfg1.meaning kanban_card_type
           , msiv.concatenated_segments item
           , msiv.description
           , mkc.kanban_size
           , mkc.subinventory_name
           , inv_kanban_pkg.getlocatorname(p_org_id, mkc.locator_id) loc_name
           , inv_project.get_project_number project_num
           , inv_project.get_task_number task_num
           , mfg2.meaning card_status_name
           , mfg3.meaning supply_status_name
           , mfg4.meaning source_type
           , inv_kanban_pkg.getorgcode(mkc.source_organization_id)
           , mkc.source_subinventory
           , inv_kanban_pkg.getlocatorname(mkc.source_organization_id, mkc.source_locator_id) source_loc_name
           , inv_project.get_project_number src_project_num
           , inv_project.get_task_number src_task_num
           , mka.last_update_date
           , mfg5.meaning act_supp_status_name
           , mfg6.meaning doc_type
           , inv_kanban_pkg.getdocmentnumber(mka.document_header_id, mka.document_type, mka.document_detail_id) doc_num
           , inv_kanban_pkg.getorgcode(mka.source_organization_id)
           , mka.source_subinventory act_sub
           , inv_kanban_pkg.getlocatorname(mka.source_organization_id, mka.source_locator_id) act_loc_name
           , inv_project.get_project_number act_project_num
           , inv_project.get_task_number act_task_num
           , pv.vendor_name vendor
           , pvsa.vendor_site_code vendor_site
           , wl.line_code
           , pv_act.vendor_name vendor_last_activity
           , pvsa_act.vendor_site_code vendor_site_last_activity
           , wl_act.line_code
        FROM mtl_kanban_cards mkc
           , mtl_system_items_vl msiv
           , mfg_lookups mfg1
           , mfg_lookups mfg2
           , mfg_lookups mfg3
           , mfg_lookups mfg4
           , mfg_lookups mfg5
           , mfg_lookups mfg6
           , po_vendors pv
           , mtl_kanban_card_activity mka
           , po_vendor_sites_all pvsa
           , mtl_kanban_pull_sequences mkps
           , wip_lines wl
           , wip_lines wl_act
           , po_vendors pv_act
           , mtl_item_locations mil
           , po_vendor_sites_all pvsa_act
       WHERE mkc.kanban_card_number LIKE (p_kanban_card_number || '%') -- 3231139
         AND mkc.organization_id = p_org_id
         AND mkc.inventory_item_id = NVL(p_item_id, mkc.inventory_item_id)
         AND mkc.source_type = NVL(p_source_type_id, mkc.source_type)
         AND NVL(mkc.source_organization_id, 0) = NVL(p_source_organization_id, NVL(mkc.source_organization_id, 0))
         AND NVL(mkc.source_subinventory, '@@@') LIKE NVL(p_source_sub, NVL(mkc.source_subinventory, '@@@'))
         AND NVL(mkc.source_locator_id, 0) = NVL(p_source_loc, NVL(mkc.source_locator_id, 0))
         --Bug 3622464 Start
         AND mil.inventory_location_id(+) = mkc.source_locator_id
      --AND (mil.inventory_location_id(+) = NVL(p_source_loc, -1)
         --Bug 3882518 fix. commenting the below line.don't need this
         --AND (nvl(mil.inventory_location_id,-1) = nvl(p_source_loc,-1)
         --Bug 3622464 End
              AND NVL(mil.project_id, -1) = NVL(p_project_id, NVL(mil.project_id, -1))
              AND NVL(mil.task_id, -1) = NVL(p_task_id, NVL(mil.task_id, -1))
         --    )
         AND mkc.pull_sequence_id = mkps.pull_sequence_id(+)
         AND NVL(mkps.wip_line_id, 0) = NVL(p_wip_line_id, NVL(mkps.wip_line_id, 0))
         AND wl.line_id(+) = mkps.wip_line_id
         AND wl_act.line_id(+) = mka.wip_line_id
         AND pv.vendor_name(+) LIKE (p_supplier || '%')
         AND pvsa.vendor_site_code(+) LIKE (p_supplier_site || '%')
         AND mkc.inventory_item_id = msiv.inventory_item_id
         AND mkc.organization_id = msiv.organization_id
         AND mkc.supplier_id = pv.vendor_id(+)
         AND mkc.supplier_site_id = pvsa.vendor_site_id(+)
         AND mka.supplier_id = pv_act.vendor_id(+)
         AND mka.supplier_site_id = pvsa_act.vendor_site_id(+)
         AND mkc.inventory_item_id = mka.inventory_item_id(+)
         AND mkc.organization_id = mka.organization_id(+)
         AND mkc.kanban_card_id = mka.kanban_card_id(+)
         AND NVL(TO_CHAR(mka.last_update_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), '01/01/1111 00:00:00') =
                                                     (SELECT NVL(TO_CHAR(MAX(last_update_date), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), '01/01/1111 00:00:00')
                                                        FROM mtl_kanban_card_activity mkca
                                                       WHERE NVL(mkca.kanban_card_id, mkc.kanban_card_id) = mkc.kanban_card_id)
         AND mfg1.lookup_type = 'MTL_KANBAN_CARD_TYPE'
         AND mfg1.lookup_code = mkc.kanban_card_type
         AND mfg2.lookup_type = 'MTL_KANBAN_CARD_STATUS'
         AND mfg2.lookup_code = mkc.card_status
         AND mfg3.lookup_type = 'MTL_KANBAN_SUPPLY_STATUS'
         AND mfg3.lookup_code = mkc.supply_status         AND mfg4.lookup_type = 'MTL_KANBAN_SOURCE_TYPE'
         AND mfg4.lookup_code = mkc.source_type
         AND mfg5.lookup_type(+) = 'MTL_KANBAN_SUPPLY_STATUS'
         AND mfg5.lookup_code(+) = NVL(mka.supply_status, 0)
         AND mfg6.lookup_type(+) = 'MTL_KANBAN_DOCUMENT_TYPE'
         AND mfg6.lookup_code(+) = NVL(mka.document_type, 0);
Line: 600

      SELECT vendor_site_code
           , vendor_site_id
        FROM po_vendor_sites povs
       WHERE povs.vendor_id = p_vendor_id
         AND povs.vendor_site_code LIKE (p_vendor_site_code);
Line: 608

  /* Bug#2810335. Added ood.organization_code to the select clause*/
  /* Bug 2834753, continue bug 2810335, show party name, opertion unit second */
  PROCEDURE get_vendor_lov(x_ref OUT NOCOPY t_genref, p_vendor VARCHAR2,p_vendor_site_id VARCHAR2) IS
     OPEN x_ref FOR
              pv.vendor_name || '-' || pvs.vendor_site_code owning_planning_party
             , ood.organization_code
             , pv.vendor_id
             , pvs.vendor_site_id
             , 1 tp_type
             , 'Supplier' party_type
          FROM po_vendors pv
             , po_vendor_sites_all pvs
             , org_organization_definitions ood
         WHERE pv.vendor_id = pvs.vendor_id
           AND pvs.org_id = ood.organization_id (+)
           AND pv.vendor_name || '-' || pvs.vendor_site_code LIKE p_vendor
           AND (p_vendor_site_id IS NULL OR  pvs.vendor_site_id = p_vendor_site_id)
           -- bug# 2880891
         order by owning_planning_party;
Line: 641

      select lot_number, item, quantity,  revision, wslv.subinventory_code,
      milk.concatenated_segments, wslv.inventory_item_id, locator_id
      wsm_source_lots_v wslv,
      bom_inventory_components bic,
      mtl_item_locations_kfv milk
      wslv.organization_id = p_organization_id
      and wslv.inventory_item_id = bic.component_item_id
      and bic.bill_sequence_id = p_bom_sequence_id
      and(bic.operation_seq_num = p_start_sequence_num or bic.operation_seq_num = 1 )
      and bic.effectivity_date <= sysdate
      and nvl(bic.disable_date, sysdate + 1) > Sysdate
      AND wslv.locator_id = milk.inventory_location_id(+)
      AND wslv.subinventory_code = milk.subinventory_code(+)
      AND wslv.organization_id = milk.organization_id(+);
Line: 687

      SELECT mkc.kanban_card_type
           , mkc.card_status
           , mkc.supply_status
           , status_check(mkc.supply_status, 4) status_check
           , ml.meaning supply_status_meaning
        FROM mtl_kanban_cards mkc
           , mfg_lookups ml
       WHERE mkc.organization_id = p_organization_id
         AND mkc.kanban_card_number = p_kanban_number
         AND ml.lookup_type = 'MTL_KANBAN_SUPPLY_STATUS'
         AND mkc.supply_status = ml.lookup_code
         AND ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 752

       SELECT * FROM (SELECT m.line_id
            , m.reference_type_code
            , m.line_status
            , (NVL(quantity_delivered, 0)- m.quantity) qty_diff
        FROM mtl_txn_request_lines m
           , mtl_kanban_cards k
       WHERE m.reference_id = k.kanban_card_id
         AND m.organization_id = p_organization_id
         AND k.kanban_card_number = p_kanban_number
	 ORDER BY m.line_id desc)
       WHERE ROWNUM = 1;