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Line 81: occupational_level_id hr_lookups.lookup_code%type,

77: (
78: payroll_id per_all_assignments_f.payroll_id%type,
79: legal_entity_id hr_all_organization_units.organization_id%type,
80: legal_entity hr_all_organization_units.name%type,
81: occupational_level_id hr_lookups.lookup_code%type,
82: occupational_category_id hr_lookups.lookup_code%type,
83: occupational_level hr_lookups.meaning%type,
84: occupational_category hr_lookups.meaning%type,
85: race per_all_people_f.per_information4%type,

Line 82: occupational_category_id hr_lookups.lookup_code%type,

78: payroll_id per_all_assignments_f.payroll_id%type,
79: legal_entity_id hr_all_organization_units.organization_id%type,
80: legal_entity hr_all_organization_units.name%type,
81: occupational_level_id hr_lookups.lookup_code%type,
82: occupational_category_id hr_lookups.lookup_code%type,
83: occupational_level hr_lookups.meaning%type,
84: occupational_category hr_lookups.meaning%type,
85: race per_all_people_f.per_information4%type,
86: sex per_all_people_f.sex%type,

Line 83: occupational_level hr_lookups.meaning%type,

79: legal_entity_id hr_all_organization_units.organization_id%type,
80: legal_entity hr_all_organization_units.name%type,
81: occupational_level_id hr_lookups.lookup_code%type,
82: occupational_category_id hr_lookups.lookup_code%type,
83: occupational_level hr_lookups.meaning%type,
84: occupational_category hr_lookups.meaning%type,
85: race per_all_people_f.per_information4%type,
86: sex per_all_people_f.sex%type,
87: annual_income number

Line 84: occupational_category hr_lookups.meaning%type,

80: legal_entity hr_all_organization_units.name%type,
81: occupational_level_id hr_lookups.lookup_code%type,
82: occupational_category_id hr_lookups.lookup_code%type,
83: occupational_level hr_lookups.meaning%type,
84: occupational_category hr_lookups.meaning%type,
85: race per_all_people_f.per_information4%type,
86: sex per_all_people_f.sex%type,
87: annual_income number
88: );

Line 101: occupational_code_id hr_lookups.lookup_code%type,

97: type r_Encome_diff_rec is record
98: (
99: legal_entity_id hr_all_organization_units.organization_id%type,
100: legal_entity hr_all_organization_units.NAME%type,
101: occupational_code_id hr_lookups.lookup_code%type,
102: occupational_code hr_lookups.meaning%type,
103: ma number,
104: mc number,
105: mi number,

Line 102: occupational_code hr_lookups.meaning%type,

98: (
99: legal_entity_id hr_all_organization_units.organization_id%type,
100: legal_entity hr_all_organization_units.NAME%type,
101: occupational_code_id hr_lookups.lookup_code%type,
102: occupational_code hr_lookups.meaning%type,
103: ma number,
104: mc number,
105: mi number,
106: mw number,

Line 149: g_lev_name hr_lookups.meaning%type;

145: g_job_name per_jobs.name%type;
146: g_job_report_date date;
147: g_job_asg_id per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%type;
149: g_lev_name hr_lookups.meaning%type;
150: g_lev_report_date date;
151: g_lev_asg_id per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%type;
153: g_cat_name hr_lookups.meaning%type;

Line 153: g_cat_name hr_lookups.meaning%type;

149: g_lev_name hr_lookups.meaning%type;
150: g_lev_report_date date;
151: g_lev_asg_id per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%type;
153: g_cat_name hr_lookups.meaning%type;
154: g_cat_report_date date;
155: g_cat_asg_id per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%type;
157: g_lev_flex pay_user_column_instances_f.value%type := null;

Line 161: g_f_type_name hr_lookups.meaning%type;

157: g_lev_flex pay_user_column_instances_f.value%type := null;
158: g_lev_segment pay_user_column_instances_f.value%type := null;
159: g_cat_flex pay_user_column_instances_f.value%type := null;
160: g_cat_segment pay_user_column_instances_f.value%type := null;
161: g_f_type_name hr_lookups.meaning%type;
162: g_Func_flex pay_user_column_instances_f.value%type := null;
163: g_Func_segment pay_user_column_instances_f.value%type := null;
165: g_high1 number := 0;

Line 534: p_occupational_level_cat in hr_lookups.meaning%type,

530: p_report_date in per_all_assignments_f.effective_end_date%type,
531: p_business_group_id in per_all_assignments_f.business_group_id%type,
532: p_legent_param in per_assignment_extra_info.aei_information7%type := null,
533: p_legal_entity_id in per_assignment_extra_info.aei_information7%type := null,
534: p_occupational_level_cat in hr_lookups.meaning%type,
535: p_lookup_code in hr_lookups.lookup_code%type,
536: p_occupational_type in varchar2, -- CAT = Category, LEV = Level
537: p_salary_method in varchar2 -- SAL = Salary Basis Method, BAL = Payroll Balances Method
538: ) return number is

Line 535: p_lookup_code in hr_lookups.lookup_code%type,

531: p_business_group_id in per_all_assignments_f.business_group_id%type,
532: p_legent_param in per_assignment_extra_info.aei_information7%type := null,
533: p_legal_entity_id in per_assignment_extra_info.aei_information7%type := null,
534: p_occupational_level_cat in hr_lookups.meaning%type,
535: p_lookup_code in hr_lookups.lookup_code%type,
536: p_occupational_type in varchar2, -- CAT = Category, LEV = Level
537: p_salary_method in varchar2 -- SAL = Salary Basis Method, BAL = Payroll Balances Method
538: ) return number is

Line 657: p_occupational_level_cat in hr_lookups.meaning%type,

653: p_report_date in per_all_assignments_f.effective_end_date%type,
654: p_business_group_id in per_all_assignments_f.business_group_id%type,
655: p_legent_param in per_assignment_extra_info.aei_information7%type := null,
656: p_legal_entity_id in per_assignment_extra_info.aei_information7%type := null,
657: p_occupational_level_cat in hr_lookups.meaning%type,
658: p_lookup_code in hr_lookups.lookup_code%type,
659: p_occupational_type in varchar2, -- LEV = Levels, CAT = Categories
660: p_salary_method in varchar2 -- SAL = Salary Basis Method, BAL = Payroll Balances Method
661: ) return number is

Line 658: p_lookup_code in hr_lookups.lookup_code%type,

654: p_business_group_id in per_all_assignments_f.business_group_id%type,
655: p_legent_param in per_assignment_extra_info.aei_information7%type := null,
656: p_legal_entity_id in per_assignment_extra_info.aei_information7%type := null,
657: p_occupational_level_cat in hr_lookups.meaning%type,
658: p_lookup_code in hr_lookups.lookup_code%type,
659: p_occupational_type in varchar2, -- LEV = Levels, CAT = Categories
660: p_salary_method in varchar2 -- SAL = Salary Basis Method, BAL = Payroll Balances Method
661: ) return number is

Line 1322: l_name hr_lookups.meaning%type;

1318: p_grade_id in per_all_assignments_f.grade_id%type,
1319: p_position_id in per_all_assignments_f.position_id%type
1320: ) return varchar2 is
1322: l_name hr_lookups.meaning%type;
1323: l_sql varchar2(32767);
1324: begin
1326: hr_utility.set_location('p_job_id '||p_job_id , 30);

Line 1457: l_name hr_lookups.meaning%type;

1453: ) return varchar2 is
1455: l_sql varchar2(32767);
1456: l_indicator NUMBER;
1457: l_name hr_lookups.meaning%type;
1458: l_code hr_lookups.lookup_code%type;
1459: l_lookup_type hr_lookups.lookup_type%type;
1461: begin

Line 1458: l_code hr_lookups.lookup_code%type;

1455: l_sql varchar2(32767);
1456: l_indicator NUMBER;
1457: l_name hr_lookups.meaning%type;
1458: l_code hr_lookups.lookup_code%type;
1459: l_lookup_type hr_lookups.lookup_type%type;
1461: begin
1462: -- Added 08-Jan-2008

Line 1459: l_lookup_type hr_lookups.lookup_type%type;

1455: l_sql varchar2(32767);
1456: l_indicator NUMBER;
1457: l_name hr_lookups.meaning%type;
1458: l_code hr_lookups.lookup_code%type;
1459: l_lookup_type hr_lookups.lookup_type%type;
1461: begin
1462: -- Added 08-Jan-2008
1463: l_indicator := 0;

Line 1470: FROM hr_lookups

1466: hr_utility.set_location('p_segment'||p_segment,20);
1467: IF p_type = 'CAT' then
1468: Select COUNT(*)
1469: INTO l_indicator
1470: FROM hr_lookups
1472: END IF ;
1474: hr_utility.set_location('l_indicator'||l_indicator, 20);

Line 1495: l_sql := 'select hl.meaning from hr_lookups hl, per_job_definitions pjd, per_jobs pj where pj.job_id = '

1491: if p_flex = 'Job' then
1493: begin
1494: if p_job_id is not null then
1495: l_sql := 'select hl.meaning from hr_lookups hl, per_job_definitions pjd, per_jobs pj where pj.job_id = '
1496: || to_char(p_job_id)
1497: || ' and pjd.job_definition_id = pj.job_definition_id and hl.application_id = 800 and hl.lookup_type = ''ZA_EMP_EQ_OCCUPATIONAL_'
1498: || p_type || ''' and hl.lookup_code = pjd.' || p_segment;

Line 1518: l_sql := 'select hl.meaning from hr_lookups hl, per_grade_definitions pgd, per_grades pg where pg.grade_id = '

1514: elsif p_flex = 'Grade' then
1516: begin
1517: if p_grade_id is not null then
1518: l_sql := 'select hl.meaning from hr_lookups hl, per_grade_definitions pgd, per_grades pg where pg.grade_id = '
1519: || to_char(p_grade_id)
1520: || ' and pgd.grade_definition_id = pg.grade_definition_id and hl.application_id = 800 and hl.lookup_type = ''ZA_EMP_EQ_OCCUPATIONAL_'
1521: || p_type || ''' and hl.lookup_code = pgd.' || p_segment;

Line 1541: l_sql := 'select hl.meaning from hr_lookups hl, per_position_definitions ppd, per_all_positions pap where pap.position_id = '

1537: elsif p_flex = 'Position' then
1539: begin
1540: if p_position_id is not null then
1541: l_sql := 'select hl.meaning from hr_lookups hl, per_position_definitions ppd, per_all_positions pap where pap.position_id = '
1542: || to_char(p_position_id)
1543: || ' and ppd.position_definition_id = pap.position_definition_id and hl.application_id = 800 and hl.lookup_type = ''ZA_EMP_EQ_OCCUPATIONAL_'
1544: || p_type || ''' and hl.lookup_code = ppd.' || p_segment;

Line 1723: p_meaning in hr_lookups.meaning%type

1720: -- This function returns the lookup_code from the user tables.
1721: function get_lookup_code
1722: (
1723: p_meaning in hr_lookups.meaning%type
1724: ) return varchar2 is
1726: l_lookup_code hr_lookups.lookup_code%type;

Line 1726: l_lookup_code hr_lookups.lookup_code%type;

1722: (
1723: p_meaning in hr_lookups.meaning%type
1724: ) return varchar2 is
1726: l_lookup_code hr_lookups.lookup_code%type;
1728: begin
1730: select distinct hl.lookup_code

Line 1732: from hr_lookups hl

1728: begin
1730: select distinct hl.lookup_code
1731: into l_lookup_code
1732: from hr_lookups hl
1733: where hl.lookup_type in ('ZA_EMP_EQ_OCCUPATIONAL_CAT', 'ZA_EMP_EQ_OCCUPATIONAL_LEV')
1734: and hl.meaning = p_meaning;
1736: return l_lookup_code;

Line 1813: from hr_lookups hl,

1809: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '02', 1,'ZA01', 1, 0), 0)) +
1810: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '03', 1, 0), 0)) +
1811: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '01', 1, 0), 0)) +
1812: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '04', 1, 0), 0)) total
1813: from hr_lookups hl,
1814: hr_lookups hl1,
1815: hr_lookups hl2,
1816: hr_all_organization_units haou,
1817: per_assignment_extra_info paei,

Line 1814: hr_lookups hl1,

1810: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '03', 1, 0), 0)) +
1811: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '01', 1, 0), 0)) +
1812: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '04', 1, 0), 0)) total
1813: from hr_lookups hl,
1814: hr_lookups hl1,
1815: hr_lookups hl2,
1816: hr_all_organization_units haou,
1817: per_assignment_extra_info paei,
1818: per_all_assignments_f paaf,

Line 1815: hr_lookups hl2,

1811: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '01', 1, 0), 0)) +
1812: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '04', 1, 0), 0)) total
1813: from hr_lookups hl,
1814: hr_lookups hl1,
1815: hr_lookups hl2,
1816: hr_all_organization_units haou,
1817: per_assignment_extra_info paei,
1818: per_all_assignments_f paaf,
1819: per_all_people_f papf

Line 1898: from hr_lookups hl

1894: 0 FC,
1895: 0 FI,
1896: 0 FW,
1897: 0 total
1898: from hr_lookups hl
1899: , hr_all_organization_units haou
1900: where not exists
1901: (
1902: select 'X'

Line 1955: from hr_lookups hl

1951: 0 FC,
1952: 0 FI,
1953: 0 FW,
1954: 0 total
1955: from hr_lookups hl
1956: , hr_all_organization_units haou
1957: where not exists
1958: (
1959: select 'X'

Line 2032: from hr_lookups hl,

2028: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '02', 1,'ZA01', 1, 0), 0)) +
2029: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '03', 1, 0), 0)) +
2030: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '01', 1, 0), 0)) +
2031: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '04', 1, 0), 0)) total
2032: from hr_lookups hl,
2033: hr_lookups hl1,
2034: hr_lookups hl2,
2035: hr_all_organization_units haou,
2036: per_assignment_extra_info paei,

Line 2033: hr_lookups hl1,

2029: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '03', 1, 0), 0)) +
2030: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '01', 1, 0), 0)) +
2031: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '04', 1, 0), 0)) total
2032: from hr_lookups hl,
2033: hr_lookups hl1,
2034: hr_lookups hl2,
2035: hr_all_organization_units haou,
2036: per_assignment_extra_info paei,
2037: per_all_assignments_f paaf,

Line 2034: hr_lookups hl2,

2030: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '01', 1, 0), 0)) +
2031: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '04', 1, 0), 0)) total
2032: from hr_lookups hl,
2033: hr_lookups hl1,
2034: hr_lookups hl2,
2035: hr_all_organization_units haou,
2036: per_assignment_extra_info paei,
2037: per_all_assignments_f paaf,
2038: per_all_people_f papf

Line 2116: from hr_lookups hl

2112: 0 FC,
2113: 0 FI,
2114: 0 FW,
2115: 0 total
2116: from hr_lookups hl
2117: , hr_all_organization_units haou
2118: where not exists
2119: (
2120: select 'X'

Line 2174: from hr_lookups hl

2170: 0 FC,
2171: 0 FI,
2172: 0 FW,
2173: 0 total
2174: from hr_lookups hl
2175: , hr_all_organization_units haou
2176: where not exists
2177: (
2178: select 'X'

Line 2269: from hr_lookups hl,

2265: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '02', 1,'ZA01', 1, 0), 0)) +
2266: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '03', 1, 0), 0)) +
2267: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '01', 1, 0), 0)) +
2268: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '04', 1, 0), 0)) total
2269: from hr_lookups hl,
2270: hr_lookups hl1,
2271: hr_lookups hl2,
2272: hr_all_organization_units haou,
2273: per_assignment_extra_info paei,

Line 2270: hr_lookups hl1,

2266: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '03', 1, 0), 0)) +
2267: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '01', 1, 0), 0)) +
2268: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '04', 1, 0), 0)) total
2269: from hr_lookups hl,
2270: hr_lookups hl1,
2271: hr_lookups hl2,
2272: hr_all_organization_units haou,
2273: per_assignment_extra_info paei,
2274: per_all_assignments_f paaf,

Line 2271: hr_lookups hl2,

2267: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '01', 1, 0), 0)) +
2268: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '04', 1, 0), 0)) total
2269: from hr_lookups hl,
2270: hr_lookups hl1,
2271: hr_lookups hl2,
2272: hr_all_organization_units haou,
2273: per_assignment_extra_info paei,
2274: per_all_assignments_f paaf,
2275: per_all_people_f papf

Line 2363: from hr_lookups hl

2359: 0 FC,
2360: 0 FI,
2361: 0 FW,
2362: 0 total
2363: from hr_lookups hl
2364: , hr_all_organization_units haou
2365: where not exists
2366: (
2367: select 'X'

Line 2420: from hr_lookups hl

2416: 0 FC,
2417: 0 FI,
2418: 0 FW,
2419: 0 total
2420: from hr_lookups hl
2421: , hr_all_organization_units haou
2422: where not exists
2423: (
2424: select 'X'

Line 2516: from hr_lookups hl,

2512: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '02', 1,'ZA01', 1, 0), 0)) +
2513: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '03', 1, 0), 0)) +
2514: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '01', 1, 0), 0)) +
2515: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '04', 1, 0), 0)) total
2516: from hr_lookups hl,
2517: hr_lookups hl1,
2518: hr_lookups hl2,
2519: hr_all_organization_units haou,
2520: per_assignment_extra_info paei,

Line 2517: hr_lookups hl1,

2513: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '03', 1, 0), 0)) +
2514: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '01', 1, 0), 0)) +
2515: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '04', 1, 0), 0)) total
2516: from hr_lookups hl,
2517: hr_lookups hl1,
2518: hr_lookups hl2,
2519: hr_all_organization_units haou,
2520: per_assignment_extra_info paei,
2521: per_all_assignments_f paaf,

Line 2518: hr_lookups hl2,

2514: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '01', 1, 0), 0)) +
2515: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '04', 1, 0), 0)) total
2516: from hr_lookups hl,
2517: hr_lookups hl1,
2518: hr_lookups hl2,
2519: hr_all_organization_units haou,
2520: per_assignment_extra_info paei,
2521: per_all_assignments_f paaf,
2522: per_all_people_f papf

Line 2610: from hr_lookups hl

2606: 0 FC,
2607: 0 FI,
2608: 0 FW,
2609: 0 total
2610: from hr_lookups hl
2611: , hr_all_organization_units haou
2612: where not exists
2613: (
2614: select 'X'

Line 2667: from hr_lookups hl

2663: 0 FC,
2664: 0 FI,
2665: 0 FW,
2666: 0 total
2667: from hr_lookups hl
2668: , hr_all_organization_units haou
2669: where not exists
2670: (
2671: select 'X'

Line 2766: from hr_lookups hl,

2762: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '02', 1,'ZA01', 1, 0), 0)) +
2763: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '03', 1, 0), 0)) +
2764: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '01', 1, 0), 0)) +
2765: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '04', 1, 0), 0)) total
2766: from hr_lookups hl,
2767: hr_lookups hl1,
2768: hr_lookups hl2,
2769: hr_all_organization_units haou,
2770: per_assignment_extra_info paei,

Line 2767: hr_lookups hl1,

2763: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '03', 1, 0), 0)) +
2764: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '01', 1, 0), 0)) +
2765: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '04', 1, 0), 0)) total
2766: from hr_lookups hl,
2767: hr_lookups hl1,
2768: hr_lookups hl2,
2769: hr_all_organization_units haou,
2770: per_assignment_extra_info paei,
2771: per_all_assignments_f paaf,

Line 2768: hr_lookups hl2,

2764: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '01', 1, 0), 0)) +
2765: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '04', 1, 0), 0)) total
2766: from hr_lookups hl,
2767: hr_lookups hl1,
2768: hr_lookups hl2,
2769: hr_all_organization_units haou,
2770: per_assignment_extra_info paei,
2771: per_all_assignments_f paaf,
2772: per_periods_of_service ppos,

Line 2863: from hr_lookups hl

2859: 0 FC,
2860: 0 FI,
2861: 0 FW,
2862: 0 total
2863: from hr_lookups hl
2864: , hr_all_organization_units haou
2865: where not exists
2866: (
2867: select 'X'

Line 2920: from hr_lookups hl

2916: 0 FC,
2917: 0 FI,
2918: 0 FW,
2919: 0 total
2920: from hr_lookups hl
2921: , hr_all_organization_units haou
2922: where not exists
2923: (
2924: select 'X'

Line 2996: from hr_lookups hl,

2992: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '02', 1,'ZA01', 1, 0), 0)) +
2993: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '03', 1, 0), 0)) +
2994: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '01', 1, 0), 0)) +
2995: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '04', 1, 0), 0)) total
2996: from hr_lookups hl,
2997: hr_lookups hl1,
2998: hr_lookups hl2,
2999: hr_all_organization_units haou,
3000: per_assignment_extra_info paei,

Line 2997: hr_lookups hl1,

2993: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '03', 1, 0), 0)) +
2994: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '01', 1, 0), 0)) +
2995: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '04', 1, 0), 0)) total
2996: from hr_lookups hl,
2997: hr_lookups hl1,
2998: hr_lookups hl2,
2999: hr_all_organization_units haou,
3000: per_assignment_extra_info paei,
3001: per_all_assignments_f paaf,

Line 2998: hr_lookups hl2,

2994: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '01', 1, 0), 0)) +
2995: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '04', 1, 0), 0)) total
2996: from hr_lookups hl,
2997: hr_lookups hl1,
2998: hr_lookups hl2,
2999: hr_all_organization_units haou,
3000: per_assignment_extra_info paei,
3001: per_all_assignments_f paaf,
3002: per_periods_of_service ppos,

Line 3096: from hr_lookups hl

3092: 0 FC,
3093: 0 FI,
3094: 0 FW,
3095: 0 total
3096: from hr_lookups hl
3097: , hr_all_organization_units haou
3098: where not exists
3099: (
3100: select 'X'

Line 3153: from hr_lookups hl

3149: 0 FC,
3150: 0 FI,
3151: 0 FW,
3152: 0 total
3153: from hr_lookups hl
3154: , hr_all_organization_units haou
3155: where not exists
3156: (
3157: select 'X'

Line 3251: from hr_lookups hl,

3247: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '02', 1,'ZA01', 1, 0), 0)) +
3248: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '03', 1, 0), 0)) +
3249: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '01', 1, 0), 0)) +
3250: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '04', 1, 0), 0)) total
3251: from hr_lookups hl,
3252: hr_lookups hl1,
3253: hr_lookups hl2,
3254: hr_all_organization_units haou,
3255: per_assignment_extra_info paei,

Line 3252: hr_lookups hl1,

3248: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '03', 1, 0), 0)) +
3249: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '01', 1, 0), 0)) +
3250: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '04', 1, 0), 0)) total
3251: from hr_lookups hl,
3252: hr_lookups hl1,
3253: hr_lookups hl2,
3254: hr_all_organization_units haou,
3255: per_assignment_extra_info paei,
3256: per_all_assignments_f paaf,

Line 3253: hr_lookups hl2,

3249: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '01', 1, 0), 0)) +
3250: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '04', 1, 0), 0)) total
3251: from hr_lookups hl,
3252: hr_lookups hl1,
3253: hr_lookups hl2,
3254: hr_all_organization_units haou,
3255: per_assignment_extra_info paei,
3256: per_all_assignments_f paaf,
3257: per_periods_of_service ppos,

Line 3349: from hr_lookups hl

3345: 0 FC,
3346: 0 FI,
3347: 0 FW,
3348: 0 total
3349: from hr_lookups hl
3350: , hr_all_organization_units haou
3351: where not exists
3352: (
3353: select 'X'

Line 3405: from hr_lookups hl

3401: 0 FC,
3402: 0 FI,
3403: 0 FW,
3404: 0 total
3405: from hr_lookups hl
3406: , hr_all_organization_units haou
3407: where not exists
3408: (
3409: select 'X'

Line 3517: from hr_lookups hl,

3513: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '02', 1,'ZA01', 1, 0), 0)) +
3514: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '03', 1, 0), 0)) +
3515: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '01', 1, 0), 0)) +
3516: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '04', 1, 0), 0)) total
3517: from hr_lookups hl,
3518: hr_lookups hl1,
3519: hr_lookups hl2,
3520: hr_all_organization_units haou,
3521: per_assignment_extra_info paei,

Line 3518: hr_lookups hl1,

3514: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '03', 1, 0), 0)) +
3515: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '01', 1, 0), 0)) +
3516: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '04', 1, 0), 0)) total
3517: from hr_lookups hl,
3518: hr_lookups hl1,
3519: hr_lookups hl2,
3520: hr_all_organization_units haou,
3521: per_assignment_extra_info paei,
3522: per_all_assignments_f paaf,

Line 3519: hr_lookups hl2,

3515: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '01', 1, 0), 0)) +
3516: sum(decode(papf.sex, 'F', decode(papf.per_information4, '04', 1, 0), 0)) total
3517: from hr_lookups hl,
3518: hr_lookups hl1,
3519: hr_lookups hl2,
3520: hr_all_organization_units haou,
3521: per_assignment_extra_info paei,
3522: per_all_assignments_f paaf,
3523: per_periods_of_service ppos,

Line 3798: l_name hr_lookups.meaning%type;

3794: p_position_id in per_all_assignments_f.position_id%type
3795: ) return varchar2 is
3797: l_sql varchar2(32767);
3798: l_name hr_lookups.meaning%type;
3800: begin
3802: if p_flex = 'Job' then

Line 3808: l_sql := 'select hl.meaning from hr_lookups hl, per_job_definitions pjd, per_jobs pj where pj.job_id = '

3804: begin
3806: if p_job_id is not null then
3808: l_sql := 'select hl.meaning from hr_lookups hl, per_job_definitions pjd, per_jobs pj where pj.job_id = '
3809: || to_char(p_job_id)
3810: || ' and pjd.job_definition_id = pj.job_definition_id and hl.application_id = 800 and hl.lookup_type = ''ZA_EE_FUNCTION_TYPE'
3811: || ''' and hl.lookup_code = pjd.' || p_segment;

Line 3833: l_sql := 'select hl.meaning from hr_lookups hl, per_grade_definitions pgd, per_grades pg where pg.grade_id = '

3829: begin
3831: if p_grade_id is not null then
3833: l_sql := 'select hl.meaning from hr_lookups hl, per_grade_definitions pgd, per_grades pg where pg.grade_id = '
3834: || to_char(p_grade_id)
3835: || ' and pgd.grade_definition_id = pg.grade_definition_id and hl.application_id = 800 and hl.lookup_type = ''ZA_EE_FUNCTION_TYPE'
3836: || ''' and hl.lookup_code = pgd.' || p_segment;

Line 3858: l_sql := 'select hl.meaning from hr_lookups hl, per_position_definitions ppd, per_all_positions pap where pap.position_id = '

3854: begin
3856: if p_position_id is not null then
3858: l_sql := 'select hl.meaning from hr_lookups hl, per_position_definitions ppd, per_all_positions pap where pap.position_id = '
3859: || to_char(p_position_id)
3860: || ' and ppd.position_definition_id = pap.position_definition_id and hl.application_id = 800 and hl.lookup_type = ''ZA_EE_FUNCTION_TYPE'
3861: || ''' and hl.lookup_code = ppd.' || p_segment;

Line 4100: , p_occupational_level IN hr_lookups.meaning%type

4096: , p_total IN number
4097: , p_cat_index IN number
4098: , p_lev_index IN number
4099: , p_legal_entity_id IN hr_all_organization_units.organization_id%type
4100: , p_occupational_level IN hr_lookups.meaning%type
4101: , p_occupational_category IN hr_lookups.meaning%type
4102: , p_occupational_level_id IN hr_lookups.lookup_code%type
4103: , p_occupational_category_id IN hr_lookups.lookup_code%type
4104: ) is

Line 4101: , p_occupational_category IN hr_lookups.meaning%type

4097: , p_cat_index IN number
4098: , p_lev_index IN number
4099: , p_legal_entity_id IN hr_all_organization_units.organization_id%type
4100: , p_occupational_level IN hr_lookups.meaning%type
4101: , p_occupational_category IN hr_lookups.meaning%type
4102: , p_occupational_level_id IN hr_lookups.lookup_code%type
4103: , p_occupational_category_id IN hr_lookups.lookup_code%type
4104: ) is

Line 4102: , p_occupational_level_id IN hr_lookups.lookup_code%type

4098: , p_lev_index IN number
4099: , p_legal_entity_id IN hr_all_organization_units.organization_id%type
4100: , p_occupational_level IN hr_lookups.meaning%type
4101: , p_occupational_category IN hr_lookups.meaning%type
4102: , p_occupational_level_id IN hr_lookups.lookup_code%type
4103: , p_occupational_category_id IN hr_lookups.lookup_code%type
4104: ) is
4106: begin

Line 4103: , p_occupational_category_id IN hr_lookups.lookup_code%type

4099: , p_legal_entity_id IN hr_all_organization_units.organization_id%type
4100: , p_occupational_level IN hr_lookups.meaning%type
4101: , p_occupational_category IN hr_lookups.meaning%type
4102: , p_occupational_level_id IN hr_lookups.lookup_code%type
4103: , p_occupational_category_id IN hr_lookups.lookup_code%type
4104: ) is
4106: begin

Line 4204: , p_occupational_level IN hr_lookups.meaning%type

4200: -- Procedure is used to sort the employee data
4201: -- and ready to inset into global tables
4203: Procedure cat_lev_data ( p_legal_entity_id IN hr_all_organization_units.organization_id%type
4204: , p_occupational_level IN hr_lookups.meaning%type
4205: , p_occupational_category IN hr_lookups.meaning%type
4206: , p_race IN per_all_people_f.per_information4%type
4207: , p_sex IN per_all_people_f.sex%type
4208: , p_income IN number

Line 4205: , p_occupational_category IN hr_lookups.meaning%type

4201: -- and ready to inset into global tables
4203: Procedure cat_lev_data ( p_legal_entity_id IN hr_all_organization_units.organization_id%type
4204: , p_occupational_level IN hr_lookups.meaning%type
4205: , p_occupational_category IN hr_lookups.meaning%type
4206: , p_race IN per_all_people_f.per_information4%type
4207: , p_sex IN per_all_people_f.sex%type
4208: , p_income IN number
4209: , p_occupational_level_id IN hr_lookups.lookup_code%type

Line 4209: , p_occupational_level_id IN hr_lookups.lookup_code%type

4205: , p_occupational_category IN hr_lookups.meaning%type
4206: , p_race IN per_all_people_f.per_information4%type
4207: , p_sex IN per_all_people_f.sex%type
4208: , p_income IN number
4209: , p_occupational_level_id IN hr_lookups.lookup_code%type
4210: , p_occupational_category_id IN hr_lookups.lookup_code%type
4211: ) is
4213: l_cat_index pls_integer ;

Line 4210: , p_occupational_category_id IN hr_lookups.lookup_code%type

4206: , p_race IN per_all_people_f.per_information4%type
4207: , p_sex IN per_all_people_f.sex%type
4208: , p_income IN number
4209: , p_occupational_level_id IN hr_lookups.lookup_code%type
4210: , p_occupational_category_id IN hr_lookups.lookup_code%type
4211: ) is
4213: l_cat_index pls_integer ;
4214: l_lev_index pls_integer ;

Line 4530: hr_lookups hl_cat,

4526: paaf.pay_basis_id
4527: from per_assignment_extra_info paei,
4528: per_assignment_status_types past,
4529: per_all_assignments_f paaf,
4530: hr_lookups hl_cat,
4531: hr_lookups hl_lev,
4532: hr_lookups hl_fn
4533: where paaf.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
4534: and p_report_date between paaf.effective_start_date and paaf.effective_end_date

Line 4531: hr_lookups hl_lev,

4527: from per_assignment_extra_info paei,
4528: per_assignment_status_types past,
4529: per_all_assignments_f paaf,
4530: hr_lookups hl_cat,
4531: hr_lookups hl_lev,
4532: hr_lookups hl_fn
4533: where paaf.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
4534: and p_report_date between paaf.effective_start_date and paaf.effective_end_date
4535: and past.assignment_status_type_id = paaf.assignment_status_type_id

Line 4532: hr_lookups hl_fn

4528: per_assignment_status_types past,
4529: per_all_assignments_f paaf,
4530: hr_lookups hl_cat,
4531: hr_lookups hl_lev,
4532: hr_lookups hl_fn
4533: where paaf.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
4534: and p_report_date between paaf.effective_start_date and paaf.effective_end_date
4535: and past.assignment_status_type_id = paaf.assignment_status_type_id
4536: and past.per_system_status in ('ACTIVE_ASSIGN', 'SUSP_ASSIGN')

Line 5219: from hr_lookups hl

5215: 0 FC,
5216: 0 FI,
5217: 0 FW,
5218: 0 total
5219: from hr_lookups hl
5220: , hr_all_organization_units haou
5221: where not exists
5222: (
5223: select 'X'

Line 5274: from hr_lookups hl

5270: 0 FC,
5271: 0 FI,
5272: 0 FW,
5273: 0 total
5274: from hr_lookups hl
5275: , hr_all_organization_units haou
5276: where not exists
5277: (
5278: select 'X'

Line 5329: from hr_lookups hl

5325: 0 FC,
5326: 0 FI,
5327: 0 FW,
5328: 0 total
5329: from hr_lookups hl
5330: , hr_all_organization_units haou
5331: where not exists
5332: (
5333: select 'X'

Line 5384: from hr_lookups hl

5380: 0 FC,
5381: 0 FI,
5382: 0 FW,
5383: 0 total
5384: from hr_lookups hl
5385: , hr_all_organization_units haou
5386: where not exists
5387: (
5388: select 'X'