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Line 41: -- cursor to get batch desc for the batch id from igf_ap_li_bat_ints

37: || Who When What
38: || (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
39: */
41: -- cursor to get batch desc for the batch id from igf_ap_li_bat_ints
42: CURSOR c_batch_desc(cp_batch_num igf_aw_li_coa_ints.batch_num%TYPE ) IS
43: SELECT batch_desc, batch_type
44: FROM igf_ap_li_bat_ints
45: WHERE batch_num = cp_batch_num ;

Line 44: FROM igf_ap_li_bat_ints

41: -- cursor to get batch desc for the batch id from igf_ap_li_bat_ints
42: CURSOR c_batch_desc(cp_batch_num igf_aw_li_coa_ints.batch_num%TYPE ) IS
43: SELECT batch_desc, batch_type
44: FROM igf_ap_li_bat_ints
45: WHERE batch_num = cp_batch_num ;
47: l_lkup_type VARCHAR2(60) ;
48: l_lkup_code VARCHAR2(60) ;

Line 49: l_batch_desc igf_ap_li_bat_ints.batch_desc%TYPE ;

45: WHERE batch_num = cp_batch_num ;
47: l_lkup_type VARCHAR2(60) ;
48: l_lkup_code VARCHAR2(60) ;
49: l_batch_desc igf_ap_li_bat_ints.batch_desc%TYPE ;
50: l_batch_type igf_ap_li_bat_ints.batch_type%TYPE ;
51: l_batch_id igf_ap_li_bat_ints.batch_type%TYPE ;
52: l_yes_no igf_lookups_view.meaning%TYPE ;
53: l_award_year_pmpt igf_lookups_view.meaning%TYPE ;

Line 50: l_batch_type igf_ap_li_bat_ints.batch_type%TYPE ;

47: l_lkup_type VARCHAR2(60) ;
48: l_lkup_code VARCHAR2(60) ;
49: l_batch_desc igf_ap_li_bat_ints.batch_desc%TYPE ;
50: l_batch_type igf_ap_li_bat_ints.batch_type%TYPE ;
51: l_batch_id igf_ap_li_bat_ints.batch_type%TYPE ;
52: l_yes_no igf_lookups_view.meaning%TYPE ;
53: l_award_year_pmpt igf_lookups_view.meaning%TYPE ;
54: l_params_pass_prmpt igf_lookups_view.meaning%TYPE ;

Line 51: l_batch_id igf_ap_li_bat_ints.batch_type%TYPE ;

47: l_lkup_type VARCHAR2(60) ;
48: l_lkup_code VARCHAR2(60) ;
49: l_batch_desc igf_ap_li_bat_ints.batch_desc%TYPE ;
50: l_batch_type igf_ap_li_bat_ints.batch_type%TYPE ;
51: l_batch_id igf_ap_li_bat_ints.batch_type%TYPE ;
52: l_yes_no igf_lookups_view.meaning%TYPE ;
53: l_award_year_pmpt igf_lookups_view.meaning%TYPE ;
54: l_params_pass_prmpt igf_lookups_view.meaning%TYPE ;
55: l_person_number_prmpt igf_lookups_view.meaning%TYPE ;