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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 29

    select pbg.security_group_id
      from per_business_groups pbg
         , irc_offers iof
         , per_all_vacancies vac
     where iof.offer_id = p_offer_id
       and vac.vacancy_id = iof.vacancy_id
       and pbg.business_group_id = vac.business_group_id;
Line: 93

    select pbg.legislation_code
      from per_business_groups_perf     pbg
         , irc_offers iof
         , per_all_vacancies vac
     where iof.offer_id = p_offer_id
       and iof.vacancy_id = vac.vacancy_id
       and pbg.business_group_id = vac.business_group_id;
Line: 361

Procedure chk_non_updateable_args
  (p_effective_date               in date
  ,p_rec in irc_iof_shd.g_rec_type
  ) IS
  l_proc     varchar2(72) := g_package || 'chk_non_updateable_args';
Line: 428

End chk_non_updateable_args;
Line: 464

         select 1
           from per_all_assignments_f
          where assignment_id = p_applicant_assignment_id
            and assignment_type = 'A'
            and p_effective_date
        between effective_start_date
            and effective_end_date;
Line: 543

         select 1
           from per_all_assignments_f
          where assignment_id = p_offer_assignment_id
            and assignment_type = 'O';
Line: 549

         select 1
           from irc_offers
          where offer_assignment_id = p_offer_assignment_id;
Line: 643

         select paaf.vacancy_id
           from per_all_assignments_f paaf
          where paaf.assignment_id = p_applicant_assignment_id
            and p_effective_date
        between effective_start_date
            and effective_end_date;
Line: 733

         select budget_measurement_value
           from per_all_vacancies
          where vacancy_id = p_vacancy_id;
Line: 739

  select ios1.offer_status
    from irc_offer_status_history ios1
   where ios1.offer_id = p_offer_id
     and 1 = (select count(*)
                from irc_offer_status_history ios2
               where ios2.offer_id = p_offer_id
                 and ios2.offer_status_history_id > ios1.offer_status_history_id);
Line: 749

         select offer_status
           from irc_offers
          where offer_id = p_offer_id;
Line: 754

         select count(*)
           from irc_offers iof
               ,per_all_vacancies pav
               ,irc_offer_status_history iosh
          where pav.vacancy_id = p_vacancy_id
            and iof.vacancy_id = pav.vacancy_id
            and iosh.offer_status_history_id = (select max(offer_status_history_id) from irc_offer_status_history where offer_id = iof.offer_id)
            and iof.latest_offer = 'Y'
            and ( iof.offer_status = 'EXTENDED'  or ( iof.offer_status = 'CLOSED' and   iosh.change_reason = 'APL_ACCEPTED'));
Line: 911

         select 1
           from fnd_user
          where user_id = p_respondent_id;
Line: 1178

         select adr.address_id
           from per_addresses adr
               ,per_all_assignments_f asg
          where asg.assignment_id = p_applicant_assignment_id
            and adr.person_id = irc_utilities_pkg.get_recruitment_person_id(asg.person_id,trunc(sysdate))
            and adr.address_type = 'REC'
            and p_effective_date
        between adr.date_from
            and nvl(adr.date_to, trunc(sysdate));
Line: 1268

         select 1
           from per_addresses
          where address_id = p_address_id;
Line: 1369

         select 1
           from xdo_templates_b
          where template_id = p_template_id
            and p_effective_date
        between start_date
            and nvl(end_date,p_effective_date);
Line: 1377

         select ita.template_id
           from irc_template_associations ita
               ,per_all_assignments_f ppaf
               ,irc_offers iof
          where ita.default_association = 'Y'
            and iof.offer_id = p_offer_id
            and iof.offer_assignment_id = ppaf.assignment_id
            and ita.job_id = ppaf.job_id;
Line: 1387

         select ita.template_id
           from irc_template_associations ita
               ,per_all_assignments_f ppaf
               ,irc_offers iof
          where ita.default_association = 'Y'
            and iof.offer_id = p_offer_id
            and iof.offer_assignment_id = ppaf.assignment_id
            and ita.position_id = ppaf.position_id;
Line: 1397

         select ita.template_id
           from irc_template_associations ita
               ,per_all_assignments_f ppaf
               ,irc_offers iof
          where ita.default_association = 'Y'
            and iof.offer_id = p_offer_id
            and iof.offer_assignment_id = ppaf.assignment_id
            and ita.organization_id = ppaf.organization_id;
Line: 1534

     select nvl(max(offer_version),0) + 1
     from   irc_offers
     where  applicant_assignment_id = p_applicant_assignment_id;
Line: 1631

         select 1
           from irc_offers
          where latest_offer = 'Y'
            and applicant_assignment_id = p_applicant_assignment_id
            and offer_id <> p_offer_id;
Line: 1638

         select 1
           from irc_offers
          where latest_offer = 'Y'
            and applicant_assignment_id = p_applicant_assignment_id;
Line: 1786

    select 1
      from irc_offers
     where offer_version = p_offer_version
       and applicant_assignment_id = p_applicant_assignment_id;
Line: 1994

procedure chk_offer_status_update
  ( p_current_offer_record    in irc_iof_shd.g_rec_type
  l_proc           varchar2(72)  :=  g_package||'chk_offer_status_update';
Line: 2001

  l_mutiple_fields_updated      boolean;
Line: 2004

  select ios1.offer_status
    from irc_offer_status_history ios1
   where ios1.offer_id = p_current_offer_record.offer_id
     and 1 = (select count(*)
                from irc_offer_status_history ios2
               where ios2.offer_id = p_current_offer_record.offer_id
                 and ios2.offer_status_history_id > ios1.offer_status_history_id);
Line: 2046

        (     p_offer_id                     => p_current_offer_record.offer_id
             ,p_offer_status                 => p_current_offer_record.offer_status
             ,p_discretionary_job_title      => p_current_offer_record.discretionary_job_title
             ,p_offer_extended_method        => p_current_offer_record.offer_extended_method
             ,p_expiry_date                  => p_current_offer_record.expiry_date
             ,p_proposed_start_date          => p_current_offer_record.proposed_start_date
             ,p_offer_letter_tracking_code   => p_current_offer_record.offer_letter_tracking_code
             ,p_offer_postal_service         => p_current_offer_record.offer_postal_service
             ,p_offer_shipping_date          => p_current_offer_record.offer_shipping_date
             ,p_applicant_assignment_id      => p_current_offer_record.applicant_assignment_id
             ,p_offer_assignment_id          => p_current_offer_record.offer_assignment_id
             ,p_address_id                   => p_current_offer_record.address_id
             ,p_template_id                  => p_current_offer_record.template_id
             ,p_offer_letter_file_type       => p_current_offer_record.offer_letter_file_type
             ,p_offer_letter_file_name       => p_current_offer_record.offer_letter_file_name
             ,p_attribute_category           => p_current_offer_record.attribute_category
             ,p_attribute1                   => p_current_offer_record.attribute1
             ,p_attribute2                   => p_current_offer_record.attribute2
             ,p_attribute3                   => p_current_offer_record.attribute3
             ,p_attribute4                   => p_current_offer_record.attribute4
             ,p_attribute5                   => p_current_offer_record.attribute5
             ,p_attribute6                   => p_current_offer_record.attribute6
             ,p_attribute7                   => p_current_offer_record.attribute7
             ,p_attribute8                   => p_current_offer_record.attribute8
             ,p_attribute9                   => p_current_offer_record.attribute9
             ,p_attribute10                  => p_current_offer_record.attribute10
             ,p_attribute11                  => p_current_offer_record.attribute11
             ,p_attribute12                  => p_current_offer_record.attribute12
             ,p_attribute13                  => p_current_offer_record.attribute13
             ,p_attribute14                  => p_current_offer_record.attribute14
             ,p_attribute15                  => p_current_offer_record.attribute15
             ,p_attribute16                  => p_current_offer_record.attribute16
             ,p_attribute17                  => p_current_offer_record.attribute17
             ,p_attribute18                  => p_current_offer_record.attribute18
             ,p_attribute19                  => p_current_offer_record.attribute19
             ,p_attribute20                  => p_current_offer_record.attribute20
             ,p_attribute21                  => p_current_offer_record.attribute21
             ,p_attribute22                  => p_current_offer_record.attribute22
             ,p_attribute23                  => p_current_offer_record.attribute23
             ,p_attribute24                  => p_current_offer_record.attribute24
             ,p_attribute25                  => p_current_offer_record.attribute25
             ,p_attribute26                  => p_current_offer_record.attribute26
             ,p_attribute27                  => p_current_offer_record.attribute27
             ,p_attribute28                  => p_current_offer_record.attribute28
             ,p_attribute29                  => p_current_offer_record.attribute29
             ,p_attribute30                  => p_current_offer_record.attribute30
             ,p_mutiple_fields_updated       => l_mutiple_fields_updated
Line: 2095

        if ( l_mutiple_fields_updated = true )
Line: 2146

end chk_offer_status_update;
Line: 2173

Procedure chk_multiple_fields_updated
  ( p_offer_id                     in   number
   ,p_offer_status                 in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_discretionary_job_title      in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_offer_extended_method        in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_expiry_date                  in   date      default null
   ,p_proposed_start_date          in   date      default null
   ,p_offer_letter_tracking_code   in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_offer_postal_service         in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_offer_shipping_date          in   date      default null
   ,p_applicant_assignment_id      in   number    default null
   ,p_offer_assignment_id          in   number    default null
   ,p_address_id                   in   number    default null
   ,p_template_id                  in   number    default null
   ,p_offer_letter_file_type       in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_offer_letter_file_name       in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_attribute_category           in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_attribute1                   in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_attribute2                   in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_attribute3                   in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_attribute4                   in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_attribute5                   in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_attribute6                   in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_attribute7                   in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_attribute8                   in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_attribute9                   in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_attribute10                  in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_attribute11                  in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_attribute12                  in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_attribute13                  in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_attribute14                  in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_attribute15                  in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_attribute16                  in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_attribute17                  in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_attribute18                  in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_attribute19                  in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_attribute20                  in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_attribute21                  in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_attribute22                  in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_attribute23                  in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_attribute24                  in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_attribute25                  in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_attribute26                  in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_attribute27                  in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_attribute28                  in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_attribute29                  in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_attribute30                  in   varchar2  default null
   ,p_mutiple_fields_updated       out nocopy boolean
  ) IS
  l_proc             varchar2(72)  := g_package || 'chk_multiple_fields_updated';
Line: 2224

  l_update_count     number(2)     := 0;
Line: 2228

    from        irc_offers
    where       offer_id = p_offer_id;
Line: 2309

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2324

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2338

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2352

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2366

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2380

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2394

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2408

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2422

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2435

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2447

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2461

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2475

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2489

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2503

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2517

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2531

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2545

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2559

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2573

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2587

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2601

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2615

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2629

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2643

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2657

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2671

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2685

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2699

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2713

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2727

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2741

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2755

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2769

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2783

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2797

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2811

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2825

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2839

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2853

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2867

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2881

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2895

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2909

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2923

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2937

    l_update_count := l_update_count + 1;
Line: 2944

    if l_update_count > 1
Line: 2949

       p_mutiple_fields_updated := true;
Line: 2954

       p_mutiple_fields_updated := false;
Line: 2962

End chk_multiple_fields_updated;
Line: 3207

   select offer_letter
     from irc_offers
    where offer_id = p_offer_id;
Line: 3377

Procedure insert_validate
  (p_effective_date               in date
  ,p_rec                          in out nocopy irc_iof_shd.g_rec_type
  ) is
  l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'insert_validate';
Line: 3521

End insert_validate;
Line: 3526

Procedure update_validate
  (p_effective_date               in date
  ,p_rec                          in out nocopy irc_iof_shd.g_rec_type
  ) is
  l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'update_validate';
Line: 3540

  (p_effective_date          => p_effective_date
  ,p_rec                     => p_rec
Line: 3612

  (p_current_offer_record   => p_rec
Line: 3655

End update_validate;
Line: 3660

Procedure delete_validate
  (p_rec                          in irc_iof_shd.g_rec_type
  ) is
  l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'delete_validate';
Line: 3672

End delete_validate;