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Line 159: IF (P_RATE_TYPE = hr_general.decode_lookup('BEN_MRT_RT_TYPE','STD_RT') or 'ABR' = P_RATE_TYPE) then

155: l_object_version_number := p_object_version_number;
156: hr_utility.set_location('UPLOAD_RATE: Entering',10);
157: -- As of now, user can choose UPDATE or CORRECTION as the date track selection.
158: -- We are not allowing future data date track selections
159: IF (P_RATE_TYPE = hr_general.decode_lookup('BEN_MRT_RT_TYPE','STD_RT') or 'ABR' = P_RATE_TYPE) then
160: hr_utility.set_location('UPloading Standard Rate',15);
161: begin
162: select 'Y' into l_future_data_exists
163: from

Line 239: elsif (P_RATE_TYPE = hr_general.decode_lookup('BEN_MRT_RT_TYPE','VRBL_RT') or 'VPF' = P_RATE_TYPE) then

235: ,p_effective_start_date => l_effective_start_date
236: ,p_effective_end_date => l_effective_end_date
237: );
238: hr_utility.set_location('Finished uploadeing Standard Rate',18);
239: elsif (P_RATE_TYPE = hr_general.decode_lookup('BEN_MRT_RT_TYPE','VRBL_RT') or 'VPF' = P_RATE_TYPE) then
240: hr_utility.set_location('Uploading Variable Rate',15);
241: begin
242: select 'Y' into l_future_data_exists
243: from