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Line 5866: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_DIM.Create_Dbi_Dim_Temp_Tables THEN

5863: -- Refresh BIS Dimension tables. The BIS dimension tables that are materialized in BSC
5864: -- will be refreshed.
5865: -- AW_INTEGRATION: The BIS dimensions used in AW indicators will be loaded to AW
5866: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_DIM.Create_Dbi_Dim_Temp_Tables THEN
5867: RAISE e_unexpected_error;
5868: END IF;
5869: -- AW_INTEGRATION: Create temporary tables needed for AW dimension processing
5870: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_DIM.Create_AW_Dim_Temp_Tables THEN

Line 5870: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_DIM.Create_AW_Dim_Temp_Tables THEN

5866: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_DIM.Create_Dbi_Dim_Temp_Tables THEN
5867: RAISE e_unexpected_error;
5868: END IF;
5869: -- AW_INTEGRATION: Create temporary tables needed for AW dimension processing
5870: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_DIM.Create_AW_Dim_Temp_Tables THEN
5871: RAISE e_unexpected_error;
5872: END IF;
5873: -- Fix bug#4457823: Need to create the DBI dimension tables where we materialize
5874: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_DIM.Create_Dbi_Dim_Tables(h_error_msg) THEN

Line 5874: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_DIM.Create_Dbi_Dim_Tables(h_error_msg) THEN

5870: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_DIM.Create_AW_Dim_Temp_Tables THEN
5871: RAISE e_unexpected_error;
5872: END IF;
5873: -- Fix bug#4457823: Need to create the DBI dimension tables where we materialize
5874: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_DIM.Create_Dbi_Dim_Tables(h_error_msg) THEN
5875: RAISE e_creating_dbi_dim_tables;
5876: END IF;
5878: h_sql := 'select distinct short_name'||

Line 5885: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_DIM.Refresh_Dbi_Dimension_Table(h_dbi_short_name) THEN

5881: OPEN h_cursor FOR h_sql USING 'PMF';
5882: LOOP
5883: FETCH h_cursor INTO h_dbi_short_name;
5884: EXIT WHEN h_cursor%NOTFOUND;
5885: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_DIM.Refresh_Dbi_Dimension_Table(h_dbi_short_name) THEN
5886: -- fix bug#4682494: if for any reason the dbi dimension cannot be refreshed
5887: -- then we write this to the log file an continue
5888: g_warnings := TRUE;
5889: BSC_APPS.Write_Line_Log(BSC_APPS.Get_Message('BSC_WARNING')||' '||

Line 6083: BSC_MESSAGE.Add(x_message => 'Error in BSC_UPDATE_DIM.Create_Dbi_Dim_Tables: '||h_error_msg,

6079: -- Delete records in the temporal table used for big 'in' conditions
6080: BSC_APPS.Init_Big_In_Cond_Table;
6082: BSC_MESSAGE.flush;
6083: BSC_MESSAGE.Add(x_message => 'Error in BSC_UPDATE_DIM.Create_Dbi_Dim_Tables: '||h_error_msg,
6084: x_source => 'BSC_MIGRATION.Migrate_System',
6085: x_mode => 'I');
6086: COMMIT;

Line 8134: h_dbi_dim_data BSC_UPDATE_DIM.t_dbi_dim_data;

8130: h_j NUMBER;
8131: h_level_table_name VARCHAR2(100);
8132: h_level_short_name VARCHAR2(300);
8133: h_level_source VARCHAR2(100);
8134: h_dbi_dim_data BSC_UPDATE_DIM.t_dbi_dim_data;
8136: CURSOR c_columns(p_table varchar2) IS
8137: SELECT column_name
8138: FROM all_tab_columns