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Line 65: v_receipt_modify_flag JAI_CMN_INVENTORY_ORGS.receipt_modify_flag % TYPE;

61: -- v_form_id VARCHAR2(30); --File.Sql.35 Cbabu := 'JAINPORE';
62: v_chk_form VARCHAR2(30);
63: -- v_rowid JAI_CMN_LOCATORS_T.row_id % TYPE;
64: v_conf NUMBER;
65: v_receipt_modify_flag JAI_CMN_INVENTORY_ORGS.receipt_modify_flag % TYPE;
66: v_cor_quantity NUMBER;
67: v_rg_location_id JAI_INV_SUBINV_DTLS.location_id % TYPE;
68: v_po_header_date DATE;
69: v_vendor_site_id po_headers_all.vendor_site_id % TYPE;

Line 103: v_trading JAI_CMN_INVENTORY_ORGS.trading % TYPE;

99: v_picking_line_id JAI_OM_WSH_LINES_ALL.delivery_detail_id % TYPE; --added
100: v_rsh_organization_id rcv_shipment_headers.organization_id % TYPE;
101: v_internal_vendor JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL.vendor_id % TYPE;
102: v_current_tax NUMBER;
103: v_trading JAI_CMN_INVENTORY_ORGS.trading % TYPE;
104: v_manufacturing JAI_CMN_INVENTORY_ORGS.manufacturing % TYPE;
105: v_bonded JAI_INV_SUBINV_DTLS.bonded % TYPE;
106: v_claimable_amount JAI_RCV_LINE_TAXES.claimable_amount % TYPE;
107: -- Start of addition by Srihari on 30-NOV-99

Line 104: v_manufacturing JAI_CMN_INVENTORY_ORGS.manufacturing % TYPE;

100: v_rsh_organization_id rcv_shipment_headers.organization_id % TYPE;
101: v_internal_vendor JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL.vendor_id % TYPE;
102: v_current_tax NUMBER;
103: v_trading JAI_CMN_INVENTORY_ORGS.trading % TYPE;
104: v_manufacturing JAI_CMN_INVENTORY_ORGS.manufacturing % TYPE;
105: v_bonded JAI_INV_SUBINV_DTLS.bonded % TYPE;
106: v_claimable_amount JAI_RCV_LINE_TAXES.claimable_amount % TYPE;
107: -- Start of addition by Srihari on 30-NOV-99
108: v_uom_rate NUMBER;

Line 625: lv_tax_change_on_roi_recpts JAI_CMN_INVENTORY_ORGS.tax_change_on_open_int_recpts%TYPE;

621: --------------------------------- Deciding tax modified flag --------------------------------
622: PROCEDURE set_receipt_flag IS
624: /* Start Vijay Shankar for Bug#4199929 */
625: lv_tax_change_on_roi_recpts JAI_CMN_INVENTORY_ORGS.tax_change_on_open_int_recpts%TYPE;
626: lv_tax_change_on_wms_recpts JAI_CMN_INVENTORY_ORGS.tax_change_on_wms_recpts%TYPE;
627: /*lv_mobile_txn_flag rcv_transactions_interface.mobile_txn%TYPE;
628: above declaration fails incase client has a lower BASE VERSION like 11.5.5
629: So modified as below so that the procedure gets compiled. 4252036(4245089)

Line 626: lv_tax_change_on_wms_recpts JAI_CMN_INVENTORY_ORGS.tax_change_on_wms_recpts%TYPE;

622: PROCEDURE set_receipt_flag IS
624: /* Start Vijay Shankar for Bug#4199929 */
625: lv_tax_change_on_roi_recpts JAI_CMN_INVENTORY_ORGS.tax_change_on_open_int_recpts%TYPE;
626: lv_tax_change_on_wms_recpts JAI_CMN_INVENTORY_ORGS.tax_change_on_wms_recpts%TYPE;
627: /*lv_mobile_txn_flag rcv_transactions_interface.mobile_txn%TYPE;
628: above declaration fails incase client has a lower BASE VERSION like 11.5.5
629: So modified as below so that the procedure gets compiled. 4252036(4245089)
630: */


657: nvl(manufacturing, 'N') manufacturing
658: /* following added by Vijay Shankar for Bug#4199929 */
659: , nvl(tax_change_on_open_int_recpts, 'N') tax_change_on_open_int_recpts
660: , nvl(tax_change_on_wms_recpts, 'N') tax_change_on_wms_recpts
662: WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
663: AND location_id = v_rg_location_id)
664: LOOP
665: v_receipt_modify_flag := rec_upd_rec.receipt_modify_flag;

Line 3409: FOR i IN (select manufacturing from JAI_CMN_INVENTORY_ORGS where organization_id=p_organization_id) loop

3405: ||', v_manufacturing:' || v_manufacturing ||', v_non_bonded_flag:' || v_non_bonded_delivery_flag
3406: ||', unclaim_flag:'||v_unclaim_cenvat_flag);
3407: END IF;*/
3409: FOR i IN (select manufacturing from JAI_CMN_INVENTORY_ORGS where organization_id=p_organization_id) loop
3410: v_manufacturing := i.manufacturing;
3411: EXIT WHEN v_manufacturing IS NOT NULL;
3412: END LOOP;