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Line 45: from cs_kb_sets_tl

41: l_src_pos number := 1;
42: begin
43: -- First fetch the existing content cache LOB locator
44: select content_cache into l_cache
45: from cs_kb_sets_tl
46: where set_id = p_solution_id and language = p_lang
47: for update;
49: -- If the LOB locator is null, we need to initialize one

Line 52: update cs_kb_sets_tl

49: -- If the LOB locator is null, we need to initialize one
50: if( l_cache is null ) then
51: -- populate cache LOB locator with an empty CLOB
52: update cs_kb_sets_tl
53: set content_cache = empty_clob()
54: where set_id = p_solution_id and language = p_lang;
56: -- re-fetch the cache lob locator

Line 58: from cs_kb_sets_tl

54: where set_id = p_solution_id and language = p_lang;
56: -- re-fetch the cache lob locator
57: select content_cache into l_cache
58: from cs_kb_sets_tl
59: where set_id = p_solution_id and language = p_lang
60: for update;
61: end if;

Line 473: update cs_kb_sets_tl

469: -- Else if the category's visibility changed to a more secure level,
470: -- IMMEDIATELY mark the solutions and statements
472: -- IMMEDIATELY Mark all solutions within the changed category
473: update cs_kb_sets_tl
474: set composite_assoc_index = 'U'
475: where set_id in
476: ( select set_id
477: from cs_kb_set_categories

Line 523: update cs_kb_sets_tl

519: open get_descendent_sets(p_cat_id);
520: loop
521: fetch get_descendent_sets into l_set_id;
522: exit when get_descendent_sets%notfound;
523: update cs_kb_sets_tl
524: set composite_assoc_index = 'U'
525: where set_id = l_set_id;
526: -- Update the content cache, cause the full path is now changed.
527: Populate_Soln_Content_Cache( l_set_id );

Line 563: update cs_kb_sets_tl

559: close is_published_soln;
561: if(l_set_id is not null) then
562: -- IMMEDIATELY Mark this solution.
563: update cs_kb_sets_tl
564: set composite_assoc_index = 'U'
565: where set_id = l_set_id;
567: -- Update the content cache, cause the full path is now changed.

Line 626: update cs_kb_sets_tl

622: is
623: begin
624: -- IMMEDIATELY Mark all solutions in the removed category
625: -- and all of its subcategories, recursively
626: update cs_kb_sets_tl
627: set composite_assoc_index = 'U'
628: where set_id in
629: ( select unique set_id
630: from cs_kb_set_categories

Line 665: update cs_kb_sets_tl

661: PROCEDURE Immediate_Mark_Soln_And_Stmts( p_solution_id number )
662: is
663: begin
664: -- IMMEDIATE Mark the solution version for indexing
665: update cs_kb_sets_tl
666: set composite_assoc_index = 'U'
667: where set_id = p_solution_id;
669: -- (3377135)

Line 717: UPDATE cs_kb_sets_tl

713: while i is not null loop
714: populate_soln_content_cache(l_set_ids(i));
716: --Mark the solution for update
717: UPDATE cs_kb_sets_tl
718: set composite_assoc_index = 'U'
719: where set_id = l_set_ids(i);
721: i := l_set_ids.NEXT(i);

Line 727: update cs_kb_sets_tl

724: /*
725: -- IMMEDIATE Mark all of the published solutions linked to the
726: -- statement
727: update cs_kb_sets_tl
728: set composite_assoc_index = 'U'
729: where set_id in
730: ( select se.set_id from cs_kb_set_eles se,
731: cs_kb_sets_b sb