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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 50

    cursor c is select stg_assignment_id  from wms_selection_criteria_txn
       where sequence_number  = x_sequence_number
         and rule_type_code   = x_rule_type_code
         and return_type_code = x_return_type_code
         and return_type_id   = x_return_type_id;
Line: 59

    insert into  wms_selection_criteria_txn (
         )     values (
         ,x_last_update_login );
Line: 153

  SELECT COUNT( WSCT.sequence_number )
    INTO  x_seq
    FROM   wms_selection_criteria_txn WSCT
    WHERE  WSCT.from_organization_id  = x_from_organization_id
    AND    WSCT.sequence_number  = x_Sequence_number
    AND    WSCT.rule_type_code	 =  x_rule_type_code ;
Line: 165

end insert_row;
Line: 207

   cursor c is select
     from wms_selection_criteria_txn
    where stg_assignment_id   = x_stg_assignment_id
       for update of stg_assignment_id NOWAIT;
Line: 255

        fnd_message.set_name('fnd', 'form_record_deleted');
Line: 368

 procedure update_row (
      x_stg_assignment_id                                   in 	      number
     ,x_sequence_number                                     in 	       number
     ,x_rule_type_code                                      in	       number
     ,x_return_type_code                                    in	       varchar2
     ,x_return_type_id                                      in	       number
     ,x_enabled_flag                                        in         varchar2
     ,x_date_type_code                                      in         varchar2
     ,x_date_type_from                                      in         number
     ,x_date_type_to                                        in         number
     ,x_date_type_lookup_type                               in         varchar2
     ,x_effective_from                                      in         date
     ,x_effective_to                                        in         date
     ,x_from_organization_id                                in         number
     ,x_from_subinventory_name                              in         varchar2
     ,x_to_organization_id                                  in         number
     ,x_to_subinventory_name                                in         varchar2
     ,x_customer_id                                         in         number
     ,x_freight_code                                        in         varchar2
     ,x_inventory_item_id                                   in         number
     ,x_item_type                                           in         varchar2
     ,x_assignment_group_id                                 in         number
     ,x_abc_class_id                                        in         number
     ,x_category_set_id                                     in         number
     ,x_category_id                                         in         number
     ,x_order_type_id                                       in         number
     ,x_vendor_id                                           in         number
     ,x_project_id                                          in         number
     ,x_task_id                                             in         number
     ,x_user_id                                             in         number
     ,x_transaction_action_id                               in         number
     ,x_reason_id                                           in         number
     ,x_transaction_source_type_id                          in         number
     ,x_transaction_type_id                                 in         number
     ,x_uom_code                                            in         varchar2
     ,x_uom_class                                           in         varchar2
     ,X_LOCATION_ID                                         IN         NUMBER
     ,x_last_updated_by                                     in 	       number
     ,x_last_update_date                                    in 	       date
     ,x_last_update_login                                   in         number
       ) is

       --   if (stg_assignment_id is not null) then
              update wms_selection_criteria_txn set
	              sequence_number 		= x_sequence_number
	     	     ,rule_type_code  		= x_rule_type_code
	     	     ,return_type_code  	= x_return_type_code
	     	     ,return_type_id  		= x_return_type_id
	     	     ,enabled_flag      	= x_enabled_flag
	     	     ,date_type_code    	= x_date_type_code
	     	     ,date_type_from    	= x_date_type_from
	     	     ,date_type_to      	= x_date_type_to
	     	     ,date_type_lookup_type  	= x_date_type_lookup_type
	     	     ,effective_from   		= x_effective_from
	     	     ,effective_to     		= x_effective_to
	     	     ,from_organization_id   	= x_from_organization_id
	     	     ,from_subinventory_name 	= x_from_subinventory_name
	     	     ,to_organization_id       	= x_to_organization_id
	     	     ,to_subinventory_name     	= x_to_subinventory_name
	     	     ,customer_id     		= x_customer_id
	     	     ,freight_code    		= x_freight_code
	     	     ,inventory_item_id  	= x_inventory_item_id
	     	     ,item_type          	= x_item_type
	     	     ,assignment_group_id  	= x_assignment_group_id
	     	     ,abc_class_id         	= x_abc_class_id
	     	     ,category_set_id      	= x_category_set_id
	     	     ,category_id          	= x_category_id
	     	     ,order_type_id             = x_order_type_id
	     	     ,vendor_id                 = x_vendor_id
	     	     ,project_id                = x_project_id
	     	     ,task_id                   = x_task_id
	     	     ,user_id                   = x_user_id
	     	     ,transaction_action_id     = x_transaction_action_id
	     	     ,reason_id                 = x_reason_id
	     	     ,transaction_source_type_id  = x_transaction_source_type_id
	     	     ,transaction_type_id       = x_transaction_type_id
	     	     ,uom_code                  = x_uom_code
	     	     ,uom_class                 = x_uom_class
		     ,location_id		= x_location_id
	     	     ,last_updated_by           = x_last_updated_by
	     	     ,last_update_date          = x_last_update_date
                     ,last_update_login         = x_last_update_login
                      where stg_assignment_id   = x_stg_assignment_id;
Line: 457

	end update_row;--
Line: 458

procedure delete_row (

   delete  wms_selection_criteria_txn
    where stg_assignment_id = x_stg_assignment_id;
Line: 470

end delete_row;