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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 40

SELECT COUNT(PBS.MTH_TAX_CREDIT) 	count_mth_taxcredit
  , SUM (NVL(PBS.MTH_RATE_CUTOFF,0)) 	sum_mth_rate_cutoff
  , SUM (NVL(PBS.WK_RATE_CUTOFF,0)) 	sum_wk_rate_cutoff
  , SUM(NVL(PBS.MTH_TAX_CREDIT,0)) 	sum_mth_tax_credit
  , SUM(NVL(PBS.WK_TAX_CREDIT,0)) 	sum_wk_tax_credit
AND PHS.TAX_YEAR = p_tax_year
AND PBS.EMPLOYER_NUMBER = p_employer_number;
Line: 54

SELECT PTS.RECORD_NO 			count_emp_recno
  , NVL(PTS.TOTAL_MTH_RATE_CUTOFF,0) 	total_mth_cutoff
  , NVL(PTS.TOTAL_WK_RATE_CUTOFF,0) 	total_wk_cutoff
  , NVL(PTS.TOTAL_MTH_TAX_CREDIT,0) 	total_mth_credit
  , NVL(PTS.TOTAL_WK_TAX_CREDIT,0) 	total_wk_credit
WHERE PTS.EMPLOYER_NUMBER = p_employer_number
AND PHS.TAX_YEAR = p_tax_year;
Line: 87

   Delete from pay_ie_tax_error;
Line: 97

Line: 136

  	update pay_ie_tax_body_interface
  	set process_flag = 'Y'
  	where EMPLOYER_NUMBER = p_employer_number;
Line: 225

INSERT INTO pay_ie_tax_error ( pps_number
  , employee_number
  , full_name
  , payroll_name
  , error_stack_message
  , error_message
  , request_id
  , error_date)
  , NULL
  , NULL
  , NULL
  , l_error_stack
  , l_error
  , l_request_id
  , sysdate);
Line: 251

INSERT INTO pay_ie_tax_error ( pps_number
  , employee_number
  , full_name
  , payroll_name
  , error_stack_message
  , error_message
  , request_id
  , error_date)
  , NULL
  , NULL
  , NULL
  , l_error_stack
  , l_error
  , l_request_id
  , sysdate);
Line: 286

select per.person_id   person_id
,count(distinct(asg.ASSIGNMENT_NUMBER)) no_of_assg
from per_all_assignments_f asg,
per_all_people_f per,
pay_all_payrolls_f pay,
pay_ie_tax_body_interface tbi,
per_periods_of_service pps
where per.national_identifier = tbi.pps_number
--AND pay.payroll_id = nvl(p_payroll_id,pay.payroll_id)
--AND asg.payroll_id = pay.payroll_id
AND per.person_id = asg.person_id
AND tbi.process_flag = 'Y'
AND asg.effective_start_date <= to_date('31/12/'||to_char(tbi.cert_start_date,'YYYY'),'dd/mm/yyyy')
AND asg.effective_end_date >= trunc(tbi.cert_start_date)
AND per.effective_start_date <= to_date('31/12/'||to_char(tbi.cert_start_date,'YYYY'),'dd/mm/yyyy')
AND per.effective_end_date >= trunc(tbi.cert_start_date)
and asg.period_of_service_id=pps.period_of_service_id
and pps.person_id=per.person_id
--and pps.date_start <= to_date('31/12/'||to_char(tbi.cert_start_date,'YYYY'),'dd/mm/yyyy')
and pps.period_of_service_id in (select max(pps1.period_of_service_id) from per_periods_of_service pps1 where pps1.person_id=pps.person_id and pps1.date_start <= to_date('31/12/'||to_char(tbi.cert_start_date,'YYYY'),'dd/mm/yyyy'))
--AND pay.effective_start_date <= to_date('31/12/'||to_char(tbi.cert_start_date,'YYYY'),'dd/mm/yyyy')
--AND pay.effective_end_date >= trunc(tbi.cert_start_date)
group by per.person_id,per.NATIONAL_IDENTIFIER;
Line: 312

    Select  1  from per_all_people_f per
                ,pay_ie_tax_body_interface tbi
        Where  per.effective_start_date <= to_date('31/12/'||to_char(tbi.cert_start_date,'YYYY'),'dd/mm/yyyy')
        AND per.effective_end_date >= trunc(tbi.cert_start_date)
        and per.national_identifier=p_pps_no
	AND tbi.process_flag = 'Y'
	and tbi.pps_number=per.national_identifier;
Line: 324

SELECT distinct per.employee_number 		employee_no_hr
, per.national_identifier 		pps_number_hr
, per.last_name 			last_name_hr
, per.first_name 			first_name_hr
, asg.assignment_id 			assignment_id
--, asg.effective_start_date 		effective_start_date
, hoi.org_information1 			tax_district
, pay.payroll_name 			payroll_name_hr
, pay.payroll_id				payroll_id		-- 4878630
--, ppd.paye_details_id 			paye_details_id  --4878630
--, ppd.object_version_number 		object_version_no --4878630
--, ppd.effective_start_date 		ppd_effective_start_date
, tbi.pps_number 			pps_number_int
, asg.assignment_number 			employee_no_int   --5724436
, tbi.first_name 			first_name_int
, tbi.last_name 			last_name_int
, tbi.cert_start_date 			cert_start_date
, tbi.cert_end_date 			cert_end_date
, tbi.cert_date 			cert_date
, tbi.wk_tax_credit/100			wk_tax_credit
, tbi.mth_tax_credit/100 		mth_tax_credit
, tbi.wk_rate_cutoff/100 		wk_rate_cutoff
, tbi.mth_rate_cutoff/100 		mth_rate_cutoff
-- Bug Fix 3500192
, tbi.wk_mth_indicator			wk_mth_indicator
-- Bug Fix 4618981
, tbi.exemption_indicator		exemption_indicator
, tbi.tot_tax_to_date/100		tot_tax_to_date
, tbi.tot_pay_to_date/100		tot_pay_to_date
, tbi.std_rate_of_tax			std_rate_of_tax
, tbi.higher_rate_of_tax		higher_rate_of_tax
FROM hr_organization_information hoi
, hr_organization_units hou
, per_all_assignments_f asg
, per_all_people_f per
, pay_all_payrolls_f pay
--, pay_ie_paye_details_f ppd
, pay_ie_tax_body_interface tbi
, pay_ie_tax_header_interface thi
WHERE per.person_id = asg.person_id
AND per.national_identifier = tbi.pps_number
AND asg.business_group_id = hou.business_group_id
AND hou.organization_id   = hoi.organization_id
AND hoi.org_information_context = 'IE_EMPLOYER_INFO' -- For Employer changes 4369280
AND hoi.org_information2 = p_employer_number
AND pay.payroll_id = nvl(p_payroll_id,pay.payroll_id)
AND asg.payroll_id = pay.payroll_id
--AND asg.assignment_id = ppd.assignment_id
AND per.national_identifier = p_pps_number
-- Bug Fix 3500192
-- added for multiple assignment issue 5894942
AND asg.assignment_number = tbi.works_number
AND thi.employer_number = p_employer_number
AND thi.tax_year = p_tax_year
AND tbi.employer_number = thi.employer_number
AND tbi.process_flag = 'Y'
AND asg.effective_start_date <= to_date('31/12/'||to_char(tbi.cert_start_date,'YYYY'),'dd/mm/yyyy')
AND asg.effective_end_date >= trunc(tbi.cert_start_date)
AND per.effective_start_date <= to_date('31/12/'||to_char(tbi.cert_start_date,'YYYY'),'dd/mm/yyyy')
AND per.effective_end_date >= trunc(tbi.cert_start_date)
AND pay.effective_start_date <= to_date('31/12/'||to_char(tbi.cert_start_date,'YYYY'),'dd/mm/yyyy')
AND pay.effective_end_date >= trunc(tbi.cert_start_date);
Line: 390

SELECT distinct per.employee_number 		employee_no_hr
, per.national_identifier 		pps_number_hr
, per.last_name 			last_name_hr
, per.first_name 			first_name_hr
, asg.assignment_id 			assignment_id
--, asg.effective_start_date 		effective_start_date
, hoi.org_information1 			tax_district
, pay.payroll_name 			payroll_name_hr
, pay.payroll_id				payroll_id		-- 4878630
--, ppd.paye_details_id 			paye_details_id  --4878630
--, ppd.object_version_number 		object_version_no --4878630
--, ppd.effective_start_date 		ppd_effective_start_date
, tbi.pps_number 			pps_number_int
, asg.assignment_number 			employee_no_int   --5724436
, tbi.first_name 			first_name_int
, tbi.last_name 			last_name_int
, tbi.cert_start_date 			cert_start_date
, tbi.cert_end_date 			cert_end_date
, tbi.cert_date 			cert_date
, tbi.wk_tax_credit/100			wk_tax_credit
, tbi.mth_tax_credit/100 		mth_tax_credit
, tbi.wk_rate_cutoff/100 		wk_rate_cutoff
, tbi.mth_rate_cutoff/100 		mth_rate_cutoff
-- Bug Fix 3500192
, tbi.wk_mth_indicator			wk_mth_indicator
-- Bug Fix 4618981
, tbi.exemption_indicator		exemption_indicator
, tbi.tot_tax_to_date/100		tot_tax_to_date
, tbi.tot_pay_to_date/100		tot_pay_to_date
, tbi.std_rate_of_tax			std_rate_of_tax
, tbi.higher_rate_of_tax		higher_rate_of_tax
FROM hr_organization_information hoi
, hr_organization_units hou
, per_all_assignments_f asg
, per_all_people_f per
, pay_all_payrolls_f pay
--, pay_ie_paye_details_f ppd
, pay_ie_tax_body_interface tbi
, pay_ie_tax_header_interface thi,
per_periods_of_service pps
WHERE per.person_id = asg.person_id
AND per.national_identifier = tbi.pps_number
AND asg.business_group_id = hou.business_group_id
AND hou.organization_id   = hoi.organization_id
AND hoi.org_information_context = 'IE_EMPLOYER_INFO' -- For Employer changes 4369280
AND hoi.org_information2 = p_employer_number
AND pay.payroll_id = nvl(p_payroll_id,pay.payroll_id)
AND asg.payroll_id = pay.payroll_id
--AND asg.assignment_id = ppd.assignment_id
AND per.national_identifier = p_pps_number
-- Bug Fix 3500192
-- added for multiple assignment issue 5894942
--AND asg.assignment_number = tbi.works_number
AND thi.employer_number = p_employer_number
AND thi.tax_year = p_tax_year
AND tbi.employer_number = thi.employer_number
AND tbi.process_flag = 'Y'
and asg.period_of_service_id=pps.period_of_service_id
and pps.person_id=per.person_id
--and pps.date_start <= to_date('31/12/'||to_char(tbi.cert_start_date,'YYYY'),'dd/mm/yyyy')
and pps.period_of_service_id in (select max(pps1.period_of_service_id) from per_periods_of_service pps1 where pps1.person_id=pps.person_id and pps1.date_start <= to_date('31/12/'||to_char(tbi.cert_start_date,'YYYY'),'dd/mm/yyyy'))
AND asg.effective_start_date <= to_date('31/12/'||to_char(tbi.cert_start_date,'YYYY'),'dd/mm/yyyy')
AND asg.effective_end_date >= trunc(tbi.cert_start_date)
AND per.effective_start_date <= to_date('31/12/'||to_char(tbi.cert_start_date,'YYYY'),'dd/mm/yyyy')
AND per.effective_end_date >= trunc(tbi.cert_start_date)
AND pay.effective_start_date <= to_date('31/12/'||to_char(tbi.cert_start_date,'YYYY'),'dd/mm/yyyy')
AND pay.effective_end_date >= trunc(tbi.cert_start_date);
Line: 462

select pps_number, works_number from pay_ie_tax_body_interface
SELECT distinct per.national_identifier pps_number, asg.assignment_number works_number
FROM hr_organization_information hoi
, hr_organization_units hou
, per_all_assignments_f asg
, per_all_people_f per
, pay_all_payrolls_f pay
--, pay_ie_paye_details_f ppd
, pay_ie_tax_body_interface tbi
, pay_ie_tax_header_interface thi
WHERE per.person_id = asg.person_id
AND asg.business_group_id = hou.business_group_id
AND hou.organization_id   = hoi.organization_id
AND hoi.org_information_context = 'IE_EMPLOYER_INFO'
AND hoi.org_information2 = p_employer_number
AND pay.payroll_id = nvl(p_payroll_id,pay.payroll_id)
AND asg.payroll_id = pay.payroll_id
AND per.national_identifier = tbi.pps_number
AND asg.assignment_number = tbi.works_number
AND thi.employer_number = p_employer_number
AND thi.tax_year = p_tax_year
AND tbi.employer_number = thi.employer_number
AND tbi.process_flag = 'Y'
AND asg.effective_start_date <= to_date('31/12/'||to_char(tbi.cert_start_date,'YYYY'),'dd/mm/yyyy')
AND asg.effective_end_date >= trunc(tbi.cert_start_date)
AND per.effective_start_date <= to_date('31/12/'||to_char(tbi.cert_start_date,'YYYY'),'dd/mm/yyyy')
AND per.effective_end_date >= trunc(tbi.cert_start_date)
AND pay.effective_start_date <= to_date('31/12/'||to_char(tbi.cert_start_date,'YYYY'),'dd/mm/yyyy')
AND pay.effective_end_date >= trunc(tbi.cert_start_date); */
Line: 494

select distinct pps_number pps_number,works_number,last_name,first_name
from pay_ie_tax_body_interface;
Line: 499

select count(*) from pay_ie_paye_details_f where
assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
Line: 505

select fnd_number.canonical_to_number(substr(max(lpad(paa.action_sequence,15,'0')||paa.assignment_action_id),16)) aa
from   pay_assignment_actions paa,
       pay_payroll_actions ppa
where  ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
and    paa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
and    to_number(to_char(ppa.effective_date,'YYYY')) = p_tax_year;
Line: 517

select distinct ppd.*
from  per_all_people_f papf,
      per_all_assignments_f paaf,
      pay_ie_paye_details_f ppd
where papf.national_identifier = p_ppsn
and   papf.person_id = paaf.person_id
and   paaf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
and   paaf.assignment_id = ppd.assignment_id
and   paaf.assignment_number = p_assignment_number
AND paaf.effective_start_date <= to_date('31/12/'||to_char(p_cert_start_date,'YYYY'),'dd/mm/yyyy')
AND paaf.effective_end_date >= trunc(p_cert_start_date)
AND papf.effective_start_date <= to_date('31/12/'||to_char(p_cert_start_date,'YYYY'),'dd/mm/yyyy')
AND papf.effective_end_date >= trunc(p_cert_start_date)
AND ppd.effective_start_date <= to_date('31/12/'||to_char(p_cert_start_date,'YYYY'),'dd/mm/yyyy')
AND ppd.effective_end_date >= trunc(p_cert_start_date);
Line: 536

   SELECT pp.period_type
   FROM pay_payrolls_f pp, per_assignments_f pa
   WHERE pa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
   AND   p_effective_date BETWEEN pa.effective_start_date AND pa.effective_end_date
   AND   pp.payroll_id = pa.payroll_id
   AND   p_effective_date BETWEEN pp.effective_start_date AND pp.effective_end_date;
Line: 548

select global_value
from   ff_globals_f
where  global_name = p_global_name
and    p_cert_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 877

		pay_ie_paye_pkg.update_paye_change_freq --4878630
			(p_assignment_id			=> r_pay.assignment_id
			,p_effective_date			=> l_effective_date -- Bug 6929566 -- r_pay.cert_date -- 5724436
			,p_payroll_id			=> r_pay.payroll_id
			,p_tax_upload_flag		=> 'TU'
			,p_tax_basis			=> l_tax_basis
			,p_cert_start_date		=> r_pay.cert_start_date -- 17140460.6
			,p_cert_end_date			=> r_pay.cert_end_date
			,p_weekly_tax_credit		=> r_pay.wk_tax_credit
			,p_monthly_tax_credit		=> r_pay.mth_tax_credit
			,p_weekly_std_rate_cut_off	=> r_pay.wk_rate_cutoff
			,p_monthly_std_rate_cut_off	=> r_pay.mth_rate_cutoff
			,p_tax_deducted_to_date		=> r_pay.tot_tax_to_date
			,p_pay_to_date			=> r_pay.tot_pay_to_date
			,p_cert_date                    =>r_pay.cert_date);
Line: 929

/*Update interface table and set processed flag to 'Yes' to record that record has been updated or
inserted into payroll tables successfully using the row handler APIs.*/

IF (p_validate_mode = 'IE_VALIDATE_COMMIT') THEN
	UPDATE pay_ie_tax_body_interface
	SET processed_flag = 'Y'
	WHERE pps_number  = r_pay.pps_number_int;
Line: 1143

		FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(fnd_file.log, 'This record has been updated to a future date');
Line: 1154

		INSERT INTO pay_ie_tax_error ( pps_number
		, employee_number
		, full_name
		, payroll_name
		, tax_district
		, error_stack_message
		, error_message
		, request_id
		, error_date )
		VALUES (r_pay.pps_number_hr
		, r_pay.employee_no_hr
		, r_pay.last_name_hr ||' '|| r_pay.first_name_hr
		, r_pay.payroll_name_hr
		, r_pay.tax_district
		, l_error_stack
		, l_error
		, l_request_id
		, sysdate);
Line: 1196

		INSERT INTO pay_ie_tax_error ( pps_number
		, employee_number
		, full_name
		, payroll_name
		, tax_district
		, error_stack_message
		, error_message
		, request_id
		, error_date )
		VALUES (r_pay.pps_number_hr
		, substr(r_pay.employee_no_int,1,12)
		, r_pay.last_name_hr ||' '|| r_pay.first_name_hr
		, r_pay.payroll_name_hr
		, r_pay.tax_district
		, l_error_stack
		, l_error
		, l_request_id
		, sysdate);
Line: 1239

		INSERT INTO pay_ie_tax_error ( pps_number
		, employee_number
		, full_name
		, payroll_name
		, tax_district
		, error_stack_message
		, error_message
		, request_id
		, error_date )
		VALUES (r_pay.pps_number_hr
		, substr(r_pay.employee_no_int,1,12)
		, r_pay.last_name_hr ||' '|| r_pay.first_name_hr
		, r_pay.payroll_name_hr
		, r_pay.tax_district
		, l_error_stack
		, l_error
		, l_request_id
		, sysdate);
Line: 1283

		INSERT INTO pay_ie_tax_error ( pps_number
		, employee_number
		, full_name
		, payroll_name
		, tax_district
		, error_stack_message
		, error_message
		, request_id
		, error_date )
		VALUES (r_pay.pps_number_hr
		, substr(r_pay.employee_no_int,1,12)
		, r_pay.last_name_hr ||' '|| r_pay.first_name_hr
		, r_pay.payroll_name_hr
		, r_pay.tax_district
		, l_error_stack
		, l_error
		, l_request_id
		, sysdate);
Line: 1326

		INSERT INTO pay_ie_tax_error ( pps_number
		, employee_number
		, full_name
		, payroll_name
		, tax_district
		, error_stack_message
		, error_message
		, request_id
		, error_date )
		VALUES (r_pay.pps_number_hr
		, substr(r_pay.employee_no_int,1,12)
		, r_pay.last_name_hr ||' '|| r_pay.first_name_hr
		, r_pay.payroll_name_hr
		, r_pay.tax_district
		, l_error_stack
		, l_error
		, l_request_id
		, sysdate);
Line: 1369

		INSERT INTO pay_ie_tax_error ( pps_number
		, employee_number
		, full_name
		, payroll_name
		, tax_district
		, error_stack_message
		, error_message
		, request_id
		, error_date )
		VALUES (r_pay.pps_number_hr
		, substr(r_pay.employee_no_int,1,12)
		, r_pay.last_name_hr ||' '|| r_pay.first_name_hr
		, r_pay.payroll_name_hr
		, r_pay.tax_district
		, l_error_stack
		, l_error
		, l_request_id
		, sysdate);
Line: 1412

		INSERT INTO pay_ie_tax_error ( pps_number
		, employee_number
		, full_name
		, payroll_name
		, tax_district
		, error_stack_message
		, error_message
		, request_id
		, error_date )
		VALUES (r_pay.pps_number_hr
		, substr(r_pay.employee_no_int,1,12)
		, r_pay.last_name_hr ||' '|| r_pay.first_name_hr
		, r_pay.payroll_name_hr
		, r_pay.tax_district
		, l_error_stack
		, l_error
		, l_request_id
		, sysdate);
Line: 1437

		/*Update interface table and set processed flag to 'No' to record that record has not been updated
		or inserted into payroll tables*/

		IF p_validate_mode = 'IE_VALIDATE_COMMIT' THEN
		UPDATE pay_ie_tax_body_interface
		SET processed_flag = 'N'
		WHERE pps_number  = r_pay.pps_number_int;
Line: 1467

		INSERT INTO pay_ie_tax_error ( pps_number
		, employee_number
		, full_name
		, payroll_name
		, tax_district
		, error_stack_message
		, error_message
		, request_id
		, error_date )
		VALUES (r_pay.pps_number_hr
		, substr(r_pay.employee_no_int,1,12)
		, r_pay.last_name_hr ||' '|| r_pay.first_name_hr
		, r_pay.payroll_name_hr
		, r_pay.tax_district
		, l_error_stack
		, l_error
		, l_request_id
		, sysdate);
Line: 1539

/* If user selects the mode to be 'Validate and Commit' then
p_validate_mode = 'IE_VALIDATE_COMMIT' then records are committed else records are rolled back */

IF (p_validate_mode = 'IE_VALIDATE_COMMIT') THEN
Line: 1555

	INSERT INTO pay_ie_tax_error ( pps_number
	, employee_number
	, full_name
	, payroll_name
	, tax_district
	, error_stack_message
	, error_message
	, request_id
	, error_date)
	VALUES (l_pps_number_hr
	, substr(l_employee_number_hr,1,12)
	, l_last_name_hr ||' '|| l_first_name_hr
	, l_payroll_name_hr
	, l_tax_district
	, l_error_stack
	, l_error
	, l_request_id
	, sysdate
Line: 1602

	INSERT INTO pay_ie_tax_error ( pps_number
	, employee_number
	, full_name
	, payroll_name
	, tax_district
	, error_stack_message
	, error_message
	, request_id
	, error_date)
	VALUES (l_pps_number_hr
	, substr(l_employee_number_hr,1,12)
	, l_last_name_hr ||' '||l_first_name_hr
	, l_payroll_name_hr
	, l_tax_district
	, l_error_stack
	, l_error
	, l_request_id
	, sysdate);
Line: 1692

SELECT assignment_id
  , tax_basis
  , info_source
  , weekly_tax_credit
  , weekly_std_rate_cut_off
  , monthly_tax_credit
  , monthly_std_rate_cut_off
FROM pay_ie_paye_details_f
WHERE paye_details_id = p_paye_details_id;
Line: 1704

SELECT meaning
FROM hr_lookups
where lookup_type = p_lookup_type
and lookup_code = p_lookup_code;