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APPS.IGS_EN_GEN_018 dependencies on IGS_GE_GEN_003

Line 394: -- ckasu 17-JAN-2006 Added igs_ge_gen_003.set_org_id(NULL) as a part of bug#4958173.

390: --stutta 11-Feb-2004 Passing new parameter p_enrolled_dt as SYSDATE in
391: -- call to validate_enroll_validate.
392: -- ckasu 30-DEC-2004 modified code inorder to consider Term Records while
393: -- getting primary program type as a part of bug#4095276
394: -- ckasu 17-JAN-2006 Added igs_ge_gen_003.set_org_id(NULL) as a part of bug#4958173.
395: -------------------------------------------------------------------
397: --Fetches the distinct persons in the batch
398: CURSOR c_bulk_persons (cp_batch_id igs_en_blk_sua_ints.batch_id%TYPE) IS

Line 588: igs_ge_gen_003.set_org_id(NULL);

586: BEGIN
588: igs_ge_gen_003.set_org_id(NULL);
590: igs_en_gen_017.g_invoke_source:='JOB';
591: retcode:=0;
592: SAVEPOINT blk_sua_job;

Line 631: l_person_id:= igs_ge_gen_003.get_person_id(l_bulk_persons.person_number);

628: FOR l_bulk_persons IN c_bulk_persons(p_batch_id)
629: LOOP --for each person
630: l_processed_rec:=TRUE;
631: l_person_id:= igs_ge_gen_003.get_person_id(l_bulk_persons.person_number);
632: IF l_person_id IS NULL THEN
633: enrpl_log_msg(p_level =>'E',
634: p_message =>'IGS_GE_INVALID_PERSON_NUMBER',
635: p_batch_id => p_batch_id,