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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 11

 	select start_date, end_date
 	into   tstart_date, tend_date
 	from gl_period_statuses
 	where period_name = tperiod_name
 	and ledger_id = tset_of_books_id     -- 11ix
 	and application_id = app_id ;
Line: 34

    select name, chart_of_accounts_id, currency_code
    into sobname, coaid, func_curr
    from gl_sets_of_books
    where set_of_books_id = sobid;
Line: 53

      select bv.budget_name
      into name
      from gl_budget_versions bv
      where bv.budget_version_id = type_id;
Line: 58

      select e.encumbrance_type
      into name
      from gl_encumbrance_types e
      where e.encumbrance_type_id = type_id;
Line: 86

    select decode(lmode, 'M', meaning, description)
    into value
    from gl_lookups
    where lookup_code = code
    and   lookup_type = type;
Line: 108

    SELECT  a.period_name
    INTO    tfirst_period
    FROM    gl_period_statuses a, gl_period_statuses b
    WHERE   a.application_id = app_id
    AND     b.application_id = app_id
    AND     a.ledger_id = tset_of_books_id          -- 11ix
    AND     b.ledger_id = tset_of_books_id          -- 11ix
    AND     a.period_type = b.period_type
    AND     a.period_year = b.period_year
    AND     b.period_name = tperiod_name
    AND     a.period_num =
           (SELECT min(c.period_num)
              FROM gl_period_statuses c
             WHERE c.application_id = app_id
               AND c.ledger_id = tset_of_books_id      -- 11ix
               AND c.period_year = a.period_year
               AND c.period_type = a.period_type
          GROUP BY c.period_year);
Line: 142

    SELECT  a.period_name
    INTO    tfirst_period
    FROM    gl_period_statuses a, gl_period_statuses b
    WHERE   a.application_id = app_id
    AND     b.application_id = app_id
    AND     a.ledger_id = tset_of_books_id                      -- 11ix
    AND     b.ledger_id = tset_of_books_id                      -- 11ix
    AND     a.period_type = b.period_type
    AND     a.period_year = b.period_year
    AND     a.quarter_num = b.quarter_num
    AND     b.period_name = tperiod_name
    AND     a.period_num =
           (SELECT min(c.period_num)
              FROM gl_period_statuses c
             WHERE c.application_id = app_id
               AND c.ledger_id = tset_of_books_id               -- 11ix
               AND c.period_year = a.period_year
	       AND c.quarter_num = a.quarter_num
               AND c.period_type = a.period_type
          GROUP BY c.period_year,c.quarter_num);
Line: 178

    select glc.name, glc.method, glc.from_currency_code,
           glc.from_ledger_id, glc.to_ledger_id,              -- 11ix
           glc.description, glc.start_date_active_11i, glc.end_date_active_11i
    into cons_name, method, curr_code, from_sobid, to_sobid,
         description, start_date, end_date
    from gl_consolidation glc
    where glc.consolidation_id = cons_id;