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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 47

  insert into hr_api_user_hook_reports
Line: 99

    select count(*)
      from hr_api_user_hook_reports
     where session_id = userenv('SESSIONID');
Line: 244

    select amd.api_module_id
         , hlk.meaning
         , amd.module_name
      from hr_lookups     hlk
         , hr_api_modules amd
     where hlk.lookup_type      = 'API_MODULE_TYPE'
       and hlk.lookup_code      = amd.api_module_type
       and amd.api_module_type in ('BP', 'RH')
     order by hlk.meaning, amd.module_name;
Line: 257

    select hlk.meaning
         , ahk.hook_package
         , ahk.hook_procedure
      from hr_lookups   hlk
         , hr_api_hooks ahk
     where hlk.lookup_type   = 'API_HOOK_TYPE'
       and hlk.lookup_code   = ahk.api_hook_type
       and ahk.api_module_id = p_module_id
     order by hlk.meaning;
Line: 270

    select distinct hook_package
      from hr_api_hooks;
Line: 512

    select distinct ahk.hook_package
      from hr_api_hooks ahk
     where ahk.api_module_id = p_api_module_id
       and (  (ahk.encoded_error is not null)
           or exists (select null
                        from hr_api_hook_calls ahc
                       where ahc.api_hook_id  = ahk.api_hook_id
                         and ahc.enabled_flag = 'Y'
                         and ahc.status       = 'I')
           or exists (select null
                        from user_errors uer
                       where uer.type = 'PACKAGE BODY'
                         and uer.name = ahk.hook_package)
     order by ahk.hook_package;
Line: 536

    select hlk.meaning
         , ahk.api_hook_id
      from hr_lookups   hlk
         , hr_api_hooks ahk
     where hlk.lookup_type   = 'API_HOOK_TYPE'
       and hlk.lookup_code   = ahk.api_hook_type
       and ahk.api_module_id = p_api_module_id
       and ahk.hook_package  = p_hook_package
       and (  (ahk.encoded_error is not null)
           or exists (select null
                        from hr_api_hook_calls ahc
                       where ahc.api_hook_id  = ahk.api_hook_id
                         and ahc.enabled_flag = 'Y'
                         and ahc.status       = 'I'
           )          )
     order by hlk.meaning;
Line: 557

    select substr(to_char(line) || '/' || to_char(position), 1, 8) line_col
         , text
      from user_errors
     where type = 'PACKAGE BODY'
       and name = p_hook_package
     order by sequence;
Line: 567

    select encoded_error
      from hr_api_hooks
     where api_hook_id = p_api_hook_id
       and encoded_error is not null;
Line: 576

    select encoded_error
         , call_package
         , call_procedure
      from hr_api_hook_calls
     where api_hook_id  = p_api_hook_id
       and enabled_flag = 'Y'
       and status       = 'I'
     order by sequence;
Line: 695

    select amd.api_module_id
         , hlk.meaning
         , amd.module_name
      from hr_lookups     hlk
         , hr_api_modules amd
     where hlk.lookup_type      = 'API_MODULE_TYPE'
       and hlk.lookup_code      = amd.api_module_type
       and amd.api_module_type in ('BP', 'RH')
     order by hlk.meaning, amd.module_name;
Line: 763

    select amd.module_name
         , hlk.meaning
      from hr_lookups     hlk
         , hr_api_modules amd
     where amd.api_module_id    = p_api_module_id
       and hlk.lookup_type      = 'API_MODULE_TYPE'
       and hlk.lookup_code      = amd.api_module_type
       and amd.api_module_type in ('BP', 'RH');
Line: 835

    select distinct session_id
      from hr_api_user_hook_reports
     where session_id <> userenv('SESSIONID');
Line: 842

    select null
      from gv$session
     where audsid = p_session_id;
Line: 854

  delete from hr_api_user_hook_reports
  where session_id = userenv('SESSIONID');
Line: 877

      delete from hr_api_user_hook_reports
      where session_id = l_oth_ses.session_id;
Line: 906

    select distinct hook_package
      from hr_api_hooks;
Line: 940

    select 'Y'
      from hr_api_modules
     where api_module_id    = p_api_module_id
       and api_module_type in ('BP', 'RH');
Line: 948

    select distinct hook_package
      from hr_api_hooks
     where api_module_id = p_api_module_id;