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APPS.IGS_EN_GEN_013 dependencies on IGS_EN_GEN_008

Line 19: -- In the call to the functions IGS_EN_GEN_008.ENRP_GET_UA_DEL_ALWD and IGS_EN_GEN_008.ENRP_GET_UDDC_AUS

15: -- Modified By : jbegum
16: -- Modification : The function Enrp_Upd_Sci_Ua was modified as part of the Enrollments Process build.
17: -- In the call to the update row of the table IGS_EN_SU_ATTEMPT the following columns were added:
19: -- In the call to the functions IGS_EN_GEN_008.ENRP_GET_UA_DEL_ALWD and IGS_EN_GEN_008.ENRP_GET_UDDC_AUS
20: -- parameter UOO_ID has been added.
21: -- Also when the function IGS_EN_GEN_008.ENRP_GET_UA_DEL_ALWD returns 'Y' the existing code use to have
22: -- a call to the delete row of the table IGS_EN_SU_ATTEMPT.This has been replaced with a call to update row
23: -- of the table IGS_EN_SU_ATTEMPT with the unit_attempt_status updated to 'DROPPED'

Line 21: -- Also when the function IGS_EN_GEN_008.ENRP_GET_UA_DEL_ALWD returns 'Y' the existing code use to have

17: -- In the call to the update row of the table IGS_EN_SU_ATTEMPT the following columns were added:
19: -- In the call to the functions IGS_EN_GEN_008.ENRP_GET_UA_DEL_ALWD and IGS_EN_GEN_008.ENRP_GET_UDDC_AUS
20: -- parameter UOO_ID has been added.
21: -- Also when the function IGS_EN_GEN_008.ENRP_GET_UA_DEL_ALWD returns 'Y' the existing code use to have
22: -- a call to the delete row of the table IGS_EN_SU_ATTEMPT.This has been replaced with a call to update row
23: -- of the table IGS_EN_SU_ATTEMPT with the unit_attempt_status updated to 'DROPPED'
24: --Added refernces to column ORG_UNIT_CD incall to IGS_EN_SU_ATTEMPT TBH call as a part of bug 1964697
25: --

Line 348: IF (IGS_EN_GEN_008.ENRP_GET_UA_DEL_ALWD(v_suaci_rec.cal_type,

345: -- Added the AND clause in the below If condtion AND unit_attempt status is not WAITLISTED
346: -- Added by Nishikant - bug#2364216. If the unit attempt cannot be deleted and the unit attempt status is not WAITLISTED
347: -- then proceed to discontinue the student unit attempt. Otherwise Proceed to drop the unit attempt.
348: IF (IGS_EN_GEN_008.ENRP_GET_UA_DEL_ALWD(v_suaci_rec.cal_type,
349: v_suaci_rec.ci_sequence_number,
350: v_discontinuation_dt,
351: v_suaci_rec.uoo_id)= 'N'
352: AND v_suaci_rec.unit_attempt_status <> 'WAITLISTED' ) THEN

Line 353: v_administrative_unit_status := IGS_EN_GEN_008.ENRP_GET_UDDC_AUS(v_discontinuation_dt,

349: v_suaci_rec.ci_sequence_number,
350: v_discontinuation_dt,
351: v_suaci_rec.uoo_id)= 'N'
352: AND v_suaci_rec.unit_attempt_status <> 'WAITLISTED' ) THEN
353: v_administrative_unit_status := IGS_EN_GEN_008.ENRP_GET_UDDC_AUS(v_discontinuation_dt,
354: v_suaci_rec.cal_type,
355: v_suaci_rec.ci_sequence_number,
356: v_admin_unit_status_str,
357: v_dummy_date,

Line 493: -- When the function IGS_EN_GEN_008.ENRP_GET_UA_DEL_ALWD returns 'Y' the existing code use to have

490: ELSE
491: -- Modified For : Enhancement Bug #1832130
492: -- Modified By : jbegum
493: -- When the function IGS_EN_GEN_008.ENRP_GET_UA_DEL_ALWD returns 'Y' the existing code use to have
494: -- a call to the delete row of the table IGS_EN_SU_ATTEMPT.This has been replaced with a call to update row
495: -- of the table IGS_EN_SU_ATTEMPT with the unit_attempt_status updated to 'DROPPED'

Line 615: END IF;/* For the IGS_EN_GEN_008.ENRP_GET_UA_DEL_ALWD IF condition */

612: END LOOP;
613: END;
615: END IF;/* For the IGS_EN_GEN_008.ENRP_GET_UA_DEL_ALWD IF condition */
617: END LOOP;
619: END IF; /* End If for IF (v_do_remove = TRUE) */