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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 46

   *  This Procedure is used to insert values into table mtl_replenish_lines.
   *  @param   x_return_status         Return Status
   *  @param   x_msg_count             Message Count
   *  @param   x_msg_data              Message Data
   *  @param   p_organization_id       Organization Id
   *  @param   p_replenish_header_id   Replenishment Count Header Id
   *  @param   p_locator_id            Locator Id
   *  @param   p_item_id               Item ID
   *  @param   p_count_type_code       Count Type Code
   *  @param   p_count_quantity        Count Quantity
   *  @param   p_count_uom_code        Count Uom Code
   *  @param   p_primary_uom_code      Primary Uom Code
   *  @param   p_count_secondary_uom_code  Secondary Uom Code
* @param p_count_secondary_quantity Secondary Quantity
**/ PROCEDURE insert_row( x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 , x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER , x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 , p_organization_id IN NUMBER , p_replenish_header_id IN NUMBER , p_locator_id IN NUMBER , p_item_id IN NUMBER , p_count_type_code IN NUMBER , p_count_quantity IN NUMBER , p_count_uom_code IN VARCHAR2 , p_primary_uom_code IN VARCHAR2 , p_count_secondary_uom_code IN VARCHAR2 -- INVCONV, NSRIVAST , p_count_secondary_quantity IN NUMBER -- INVCONV, NSRIVAST ) IS l_proc CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'INSERT_ROW';
Line: 116

    INSERT INTO mtl_replenish_lines
               , replenishment_header_id
               , organization_id
               , last_update_date
               , last_updated_by
               , creation_date
               , created_by
               , last_update_login
               , locator_id
               , inventory_item_id
               , count_type_code
               , count_quantity
               , count_uom_code
               , supply_quantity
               , source_type
               , source_organization_id
               , source_subinventory
               , reorder_quantity
               , expense_account
               , encumbrance_account
               , REFERENCE
               , error_flag
               , primary_uom_count_quantity
               , primary_uom_code
               -- INCVONV, NSRIVAST
               , secondary_uom_code
               , secondary_uom_count_quantity
               -- INCVONV, NSRIVAST
         VALUES (
               , p_replenish_header_id
               , p_organization_id
               , SYSDATE
               , fnd_global.user_id
               , SYSDATE
               , fnd_global.user_id
               , fnd_global.login_id
               , p_locator_id
               , p_item_id
               , p_count_type_code
               , p_count_quantity
               , p_count_uom_code
               , NULL
               , NULL
               , NULL
               , NULL
               , NULL
               , NULL
               , NULL
               , fnd_message.get
               , NULL
               , inv_convert.inv_um_convert(p_item_id, 6, p_count_quantity, p_count_uom_code, p_primary_uom_code, NULL, NULL)
               , p_primary_uom_code
               -- INCVONV, NSRIVAST
               , p_count_secondary_uom_code
               , p_count_secondary_quantity
               -- INCVONV, NSRIVAST
Line: 186

  END insert_row;
Line: 189

   *  This Procedure is used to update table mtl_replenish_lines.
   *  @param   x_return_status         Return Status
   *  @param   x_msg_count             Message Count
   *  @param   x_msg_data              Message Data
   *  @param   p_item_id               Item ID
   *  @param   p_replenish_header_id   Replenishment Count Header Id
   *  @param   p_replenish_line_id     Replenishment Count Line Id
   *  @param   p_count_quantity        Count Quantity
   *  @param   p_primary_uom_code      Primary Uom Code
   *  @param   p_count_secondary_quantity  Secondary Quantity
**/ PROCEDURE update_row( x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 , x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER , x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 , p_item_id IN NUMBER , p_replenish_header_id IN NUMBER , p_replenish_line_id IN NUMBER , p_count_quantity IN NUMBER , p_count_uom_code IN VARCHAR2 , p_count_secondary_quantity IN NUMBER -- INVCONV, NSRIVAST ) IS l_proc CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'UPDATE_ROW';
Line: 238

    UPDATE mtl_replenish_lines
       SET last_update_date = SYSDATE
         , last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id
         , last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id
         , count_quantity = p_count_quantity
         , count_uom_code = p_count_uom_code
         , primary_uom_count_quantity =
                                  inv_convert.inv_um_convert(p_item_id, 6, p_count_quantity, p_count_uom_code, primary_uom_code, NULL, NULL)
         , secondary_uom_count_quantity = p_count_secondary_quantity -- INVCONV, NSRIVAST
     WHERE replenishment_header_id = p_replenish_header_id
       AND replenishment_line_id = p_replenish_line_id;
Line: 258

  END update_row;
Line: 322

         SELECT   msiv.inventory_item_id item_id
                , msiv.concatenated_segments item
                , mil.inventory_location_id locator_id
                , inv_project.get_locsegs(mil.inventory_location_id, mil.organization_id) LOCATOR
                , mrl.count_type_code count_type_code
                , ml.meaning count_type
                , mrl.replenishment_line_id replenishment_line_id
                , msiv.description item_description
                , msiv.primary_uom_code primary_uom_code
             FROM mtl_item_locations mil, mtl_system_items_vl msiv, mtl_secondary_locators msl, mtl_replenish_lines mrl, mfg_lookups ml
            WHERE msl.inventory_item_id = msiv.inventory_item_id
              AND msl.organization_id = msiv.organization_id
              AND msl.secondary_locator = mil.inventory_location_id
              AND msl.organization_id = mil.organization_id
              AND msl.organization_id = p_organization_id
              AND msl.subinventory_code = p_subinventory_code
              AND mrl.replenishment_header_id(+) = p_replenish_header_id
              AND ml.lookup_type(+) = 'MTL_COUNT_TYPES'
              AND ml.lookup_code(+) = mrl.count_type_code
              AND mrl.organization_id(+) = msl.organization_id
              AND mrl.inventory_item_id(+) = msl.inventory_item_id
--            AND mil.inventory_location_id = NVL(mil.physical_location_id, mil.inventory_location_id)	-- Commented for Bug 6798138
              AND mrl.locator_id(+) = msl.secondary_locator
                  mrl.count_type_code IS NULL
                  OR mrl.count_type_code = 2
                  OR(mrl.count_type_code = 1
                     AND p_quantity_tracked = 2
                     AND msl.maximum_quantity IS NOT NULL)
              AND mrl.count_quantity IS NULL
              AND mrl.error_flag IS NULL
         ORDER BY DECODE(p_use_loc_pick_seq, 'YES', mil.picking_order, replenishment_line_id), item;
Line: 360

         SELECT   mis.inventory_item_id item_id
                , msiv.concatenated_segments item
                , TO_NUMBER(NULL) locator_id
                , NULL LOCATOR
                , mrl.count_type_code count_type_code
                , ml.meaning count_type
                , mrl.replenishment_line_id replenishment_line_id
                , msiv.description item_description
                , msiv.primary_uom_code primary_uom_code
             FROM mtl_system_items_vl msiv, mtl_item_sub_inventories mis, mtl_replenish_lines mrl, mfg_lookups ml
            WHERE mis.inventory_item_id = msiv.inventory_item_id
              AND mis.organization_id = msiv.organization_id
              AND mis.organization_id = p_organization_id
              AND mis.secondary_inventory = p_subinventory_code
              AND mrl.replenishment_header_id(+) = p_replenish_header_id
              AND ml.lookup_type(+) = 'MTL_COUNT_TYPES'
              AND ml.lookup_code(+) = mrl.count_type_code
              AND mrl.organization_id(+) = mis.organization_id
              AND mrl.inventory_item_id(+) = mis.inventory_item_id
                  mrl.count_type_code IS NULL
                  OR mrl.count_type_code = 2
                  OR(mrl.count_type_code = 1
                     AND p_quantity_tracked = 2
                     AND mis.inventory_planning_code = 2)
              AND mrl.count_quantity IS NULL
              AND mrl.error_flag IS NULL
         ORDER BY replenishment_line_id;
Line: 438

    SELECT replenishment_count_name
      INTO x_replenish_count_name
      FROM mtl_replenish_headers mrh
     WHERE mrh.organization_id = p_organization_id
       AND mrh.subinventory_code = p_subinventory_code
       AND mrh.process_status = 1
       AND mrh.count_mode = 1
            p_planning_level = 1
                             FROM mtl_replenish_lines mrl
                            WHERE mrl.replenishment_header_id = mrh.replenishment_header_id
                              AND mrl.locator_id IS NULL)
              p_planning_level = 2
              AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1
                               FROM mtl_replenish_lines mrl
                              WHERE mrl.replenishment_header_id = mrh.replenishment_header_id
                                AND mrl.locator_id IS NOT NULL)
Line: 525

      SELECT 1
        INTO l_record_exists
        FROM DUAL
                      FROM mtl_replenish_lines
                     WHERE replenishment_header_id = p_replenish_header_id
                       AND count_quantity IS NULL
                       AND error_flag IS NULL);
Line: 541

      SELECT 1
        INTO l_error_record_exists
        FROM DUAL
               SELECT 1
                 FROM mtl_replenish_lines mrl
                WHERE replenishment_header_id = p_replenish_header_id
                      (count_type_code = 1
                       AND p_quantity_tracked = 1)
                         p_planning_level = 1
                             locator_id IS NULL
                             OR count_type_code = 3
                             OR NOT EXISTS(
                                 SELECT maximum_quantity
                                   FROM mtl_secondary_locators msl, mtl_item_locations mil, mtl_system_items msi
                                  WHERE msl.inventory_item_id = mrl.inventory_item_id
                                    AND msl.secondary_locator = mrl.locator_id
                                    AND msl.organization_id = mrl.organization_id
                                    AND msi.inventory_item_id = msl.inventory_item_id
                                    AND msi.organization_id = msl.organization_id
                                    AND mil.inventory_location_id = msl.secondary_locator
                                    AND mil.organization_id = msl.organization_id
                                    AND msi.inventory_item_flag = 'Y'
                                    AND msi.stock_enabled_flag = 'Y'
                                    AND NVL(mil.disable_date, TRUNC(SYSDATE + 1)) > TRUNC(SYSDATE))
                                  SELECT maximum_quantity
                                    FROM mtl_secondary_locators msl, mtl_item_locations mil, mtl_system_items msi
                                   WHERE msl.inventory_item_id = mrl.inventory_item_id
                                     AND msl.secondary_locator = mrl.locator_id
                                     AND msl.organization_id = mrl.organization_id
                                     AND msi.inventory_item_id = msl.inventory_item_id
                                     AND msi.organization_id = msl.organization_id
                                     AND mil.inventory_location_id = msl.secondary_locator
                                     AND mil.organization_id = msl.organization_id
                                     AND msi.inventory_item_flag = 'Y'
                                     AND msi.stock_enabled_flag = 'Y'
                                     AND NVL(mil.disable_date, TRUNC(SYSDATE + 1)) > TRUNC(SYSDATE)
                                     AND maximum_quantity IS NULL)
                                AND count_type_code IN(1, 4)
                         p_planning_level <> 1
                             locator_id IS NOT NULL
                             OR count_type_code = 4
                                NOT EXISTS(
                                  SELECT mis.inventory_planning_code
                                    FROM mtl_item_sub_inventories mis, mtl_system_items msi
                                   WHERE mis.inventory_item_id = mrl.inventory_item_id
                                     AND mis.secondary_inventory = p_subinventory_code
                                     AND mis.organization_id = mrl.organization_id
                                     AND msi.inventory_item_id = mis.inventory_item_id
                                     AND msi.organization_id = mis.organization_id
                                     AND msi.inventory_item_flag = 'Y'
                                     AND msi.stock_enabled_flag = 'Y'
                                     AND mis.inventory_planning_code IN(2, 6))
                                  SELECT mis.inventory_planning_code
                                    FROM mtl_item_sub_inventories mis, mtl_system_items msi
                                   WHERE mis.inventory_item_id = mrl.inventory_item_id
                                     AND mis.secondary_inventory = p_subinventory_code
                                     AND mis.organization_id = mrl.organization_id
                                     AND msi.inventory_item_id = mis.inventory_item_id
                                     AND msi.organization_id = mis.organization_id
                                     AND msi.inventory_item_flag = 'Y'
                                     AND msi.stock_enabled_flag = 'Y'
                                     AND mis.inventory_planning_code = 6)
                                AND count_type_code IN(1, 3)
Line: 688

    SELECT 2
      INTO l_count_valid
             SELECT 1
               FROM mtl_replenish_lines
              WHERE replenishment_header_id = p_replenish_header_id
                AND((p_planning_level = 1
                     AND locator_id IS NULL)
                    OR(p_planning_level = 2
                       AND locator_id IS NOT NULL)));
Line: 750

      UPDATE mtl_replenish_headers
         SET process_status = 2
       WHERE replenishment_header_id = p_replenish_header_id;