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Line 1842: Default_to_location_Id Default location for the org in HR_LOCATIONS

1838: Created_By Userid
1839: Created_date Sysdate
1840: Last_Updated_By Userid
1841: Last_Update_Date Sysdate
1842: Default_to_location_Id Default location for the org in HR_LOCATIONS
1843: that has a customer in po_assosiation_locations
1844: Deliver_to_requestor_ID Buyer id of item
1845: Destination_Organization_id Org_id
1846: Destination_Subinventory Subinventory

Line 3131: hr_locations loc,

3127: -- Bug Fix 5185446 : Added distinct
3128: select distinct org.location_id
3129: into l_deliver_location_id
3130: from hr_organization_units org,
3131: hr_locations loc,
3132: po_location_associations_all pla
3133: where org.organization_id =
3134: l_kanban_card_Rec_Tbl(1).Organization_id
3135: and org.location_id = loc.location_id

Line 3146: hr_locations loc

3142: l_sql_stmt_no := 40;
3143: select org.location_id
3144: into l_deliver_location_id
3145: from hr_organization_units org,
3146: hr_locations loc
3147: where org.organization_id =
3148: l_kanban_card_Rec_Tbl(1).Organization_id
3149: and org.location_id = loc.location_id;