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1 PACKAGE jl_co_fa_accounting_pkg AS
2 /* $Header: jlcofgas.pls 120.2 2002/11/21 02:01:03 vsidhart ship $ */
4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 -- PROCEDURE                                                               --
6 --   main                                                                  --
7 --                                                                         --
8 -- DESCRIPTION                                                             --
9 --   Main procedure to execute the Colombian accounting to General Ledger  --
10 --                                                                         --
11 -- PURPOSE:                                                                --
12 --   Oracle Applications Rel. 11.0                                         --
13 --                                                                         --
14 -- PARAMETERS:                                                             --
15 --   ERRBUF       Parameter used by concurrent process                     --
16 --   RETCODE      Parameter used by concurrent process                     --
17 --   p_tax_book   Tax depreciation book type code                          --
18 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
20   PROCEDURE account_transactions (ERRBUF     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
21                                   RETCODE    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
22                                   p_tax_book IN  VARCHAR2
23                                  );
25   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
26   -- PROCEDURE                                                              --
27   --   extract_account                                                      --
28   --                                                                        --
29   -- DESCRIPTION                                                            --
30   --   This procedure extracts the natural account from an input AFF        --
31   --                                                                        --
32   -- PARAMETERS                                                             --
33   --   p_chart_of_accounts_id  Identification of accounting structure       --
34   --   p_apps_short_name       Short name of the application                --
35   --   p_key_flex_code         Code identification of the key flexfield     --
36   --   p_account_segment_num   Number of the account segment into AFF       --
37   --   p_account_ccid          Default CCID of the account required         --
38   --   p_account_segment       Natural account segment                      --
39   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
40   --    LER, 18-Jun-99   Procedure is not more used in Release 11.5         --
41   --                     because natural account segment will be            --
42   --                     directly stored in FA_BOOK_CONTROLS.GDF            --
43   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
45   PROCEDURE extract_account ( p_chart_of_accounts_id IN NUMBER,
46                               p_apps_short_name      IN VARCHAR2,
47                               p_key_flex_code        IN VARCHAR2,
48                               p_account_segment_num  IN NUMBER,
49                               p_account_ccid         IN VARCHAR2,
50                               p_account_segment     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
51                             );
53   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
54   -- PROCEDURE                                                              --
55   --   change_account                                                       --
56   --                                                                        --
57   -- DESCRIPTION                                                            --
58   --   This procedure insert the natural account segment in the input AFF   --
59   --   and find or generate the CCID for it.                                --
60   --                                                                        --
61   -- PARAMETERS                                                             --
62   --   p_chart_of_accounts_id  Identification of accounting structure       --
63   --   p_apps_short_name       Short name of the application                --
64   --   p_key_flex_code         Code identification of the key flexfield     --
65   --   p_num_segment           Number of the natural account segment        --
66   --   p_account_ccid          CCID of the distribution line                --
67   --   p_account_segment       Natural account segment                      --
68   --   p_delimiter             Delimiter character used by application      --
69   --   p_returned_ccid         CCID find or generated by procedure          --
70   --   p_error_ccid            Error flag if a new CCID can not be inserted --
71   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
73   PROCEDURE change_account ( p_chart_of_accounts_id IN NUMBER,
74                              p_apps_short_name      IN VARCHAR2,
75                              p_key_flex_code        IN VARCHAR2,
76                              p_num_segment          IN NUMBER,
77                              p_account_ccid         IN NUMBER,
78                              p_account_segment      IN VARCHAR2,
79                              p_delimiter            IN VARCHAR2,
80                              p_returned_ccid       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
81                              p_error_ccid       IN OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN
82                            );
84   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
85   -- PROCEDURE                                                              --
86   --   insert_adjustment                                                    --
87   --                                                                        --
88   -- DESCRIPTION                                                            --
89   --   Insert a row in the table JL_CO_FA_ADJUSTMENT                        --
90   --                                                                        --
91   -- PARAMETERS                                                             --
92   --   p_transaction_header_id                                              --
93   --   p_source_type_code                                                   --
94   --   p_je_category_name                                                   --
95   --   p_adjustment_type                                                    --
96   --   p_debit_credit_flag                                                  --
97   --   p_code_combination_id                                                --
98   --   p_book_type_code                                                     --
99   --   p_asset_id                                                           --
100   --   p_adjustment_amount                                                  --
101   --   p_distribution_id                                                    --
102   --   p_annualized_adjustment                                              --
103   --   p_je_header_reference_id                                             --
104   --   p_sequence_line                                                      --
105   --   p_period_counter_adjusted                                            --
106   --   p_period_counter_created                                             --
107   --   p_asset_invoice_id                                                   --
108   --   p_reference                                                          --
109   --   p_posting_flag                                                       --
110   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
112 procedure insert_adjustment ( p_transaction_header_id    IN jl_co_fa_adjustments.transaction_header_id%TYPE,
113                               p_source_type_code         IN jl_co_fa_adjustments.source_type_code%TYPE,
114                               p_je_category_name         IN jl_co_fa_adjustments.je_category_name%TYPE,
115                               p_adjustment_type          IN jl_co_fa_adjustments.adjustment_type%TYPE,
116                               p_debit_credit_flag        IN jl_co_fa_adjustments.debit_credit_flag%TYPE,
117                               p_code_combination_id      IN jl_co_fa_adjustments.code_combination_id%TYPE,
118                               p_book_type_code           IN jl_co_fa_adjustments.book_type_code%TYPE,
119                               p_asset_id                 IN jl_co_fa_adjustments.asset_id%TYPE,
120                               p_adjustment_amount        IN jl_co_fa_adjustments.adjustment_amount%TYPE,
121                               p_distribution_id          IN jl_co_fa_adjustments.distribution_id%TYPE,
122                               p_annualized_adjustment    IN jl_co_fa_adjustments.annualized_adjustment%TYPE,
123                               p_je_header_reference_id   IN jl_co_fa_adjustments.je_header_reference_id%TYPE,
124                               p_sequence_line            IN jl_co_fa_adjustments.sequence_line%TYPE,
125                               p_period_counter_adjusted  IN jl_co_fa_adjustments.period_counter_adjusted%TYPE,
126                               p_period_counter_created   IN jl_co_fa_adjustments.period_counter_created%TYPE,
127                               p_asset_invoice_id         IN jl_co_fa_adjustments.asset_invoice_id%TYPE,
128                               p_reference                IN jl_co_fa_adjustments.reference%TYPE,
129                               p_posting_flag             IN jl_co_fa_adjustments.posting_flag%TYPE
130                             );
132 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
133 --    End of specification package file                                   --
134 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
136 END jl_co_fa_accounting_pkg;