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Line 850: from IBY_FNDCPT_payer_assgn_instr_v

846: p_currency_code okl_k_headers_full_v.currency_code%type
847: ) IS
848: Select substrb(min(decode(acct_site_use_id, NULL, '2' || to_char(instr_assignment_id),
849: '1' || to_char(instr_assignment_id))), 2)
850: from IBY_FNDCPT_payer_assgn_instr_v
851: where instrument_type = 'BANKACCOUNT'
852: and cust_account_id = p_cust_acct_id
853: and p_site_use_id = nvl(acct_site_use_id,p_site_use_id)
854: and currency_code = p_currency_code

Line 856: '1' || to_char(order_of_preference))), 2) from IBY_FNDCPT_payer_assgn_instr_v

852: and cust_account_id = p_cust_acct_id
853: and p_site_use_id = nvl(acct_site_use_id,p_site_use_id)
854: and currency_code = p_currency_code
855: and order_of_preference = (select substrb(min(decode(acct_site_use_id, NULL, '2' || to_char(order_of_preference),
856: '1' || to_char(order_of_preference))), 2) from IBY_FNDCPT_payer_assgn_instr_v
857: where instrument_type = 'BANKACCOUNT'
858: and cust_account_id = p_cust_acct_id
859: and p_site_use_id = nvl(acct_site_use_id,p_site_use_id)
860: and currency_code = p_currency_code