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1 PACKAGE BODY hri_bpl_asg_summarization AS
2 /* $Header: hribasum.pkb 120.0 2005/10/05 22:32:00 anmajumd noship $ */
3   --
4   c_summarization_rqd_ff_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30):= 'HRI_MAP_ASG_SUMMARIZATION';
5   --
6   g_summarization_rqd_ff_id NUMBER;
7   --
8   /* Type of caching record to store the output of fast formula,       */
9   /* By using the outputs in this records, the number of fast formula  */
10   /* calls will reduce                                                 */
12   TYPE ff_output_rec IS RECORD
13       (summarization_rqd   VARCHAR2(1)
14        );
16   TYPE g_ff_ouptut_tab_type IS TABLE OF ff_output_rec INDEX BY VARCHAR2(480);
18   g_summarization_rqd_cache          g_ff_ouptut_tab_type;
20 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 -- Inserts row into concurrent program log
22 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 --
24 PROCEDURE output(p_text  VARCHAR2) IS
25 --
27   --
28   HRI_BPL_CONC_LOG.output(p_text);
29   --
30 END output;
31 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
32 -- Inserts row into concurrent program log if debugging is enabled
33 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 --
35 PROCEDURE dbg(p_text  VARCHAR2) IS
36 --
38   --
39   HRI_BPL_CONC_LOG.dbg(p_text);
40   --
41 END dbg;
42 --
43 --
44 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
45 -- Checks that the fast formula exist in the proper business group and
46 -- is compiled
47 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
48 --
49 FUNCTION ff_exists_and_compiled(p_business_group_id     IN NUMBER
50 			       ,p_date                  IN DATE
51 			       ,p_ff_name               IN VARCHAR2)
53 IS
54   --
55   -- Cursor to fetch assignment summarization fast formula
56   --
57   CURSOR c_summarization_rqd_formula IS
58   SELECT fff.formula_id
59   FROM
60    ff_formulas_f fff
61   ,ff_formula_types  fft
62   WHERE fft.formula_type_name = 'QuickPaint'
63   AND fff.formula_type_id = fft.formula_type_id
64   AND fff.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
65   AND p_date BETWEEN fff.effective_start_date AND fff.effective_end_date
66   AND fff.formula_name = p_ff_name;
67   --
68   l_ff_id NUMBER;
69   --
71   --
72   -- Check if the fast formula exists
73   --
74   OPEN  c_summarization_rqd_formula;
75   FETCH c_summarization_rqd_formula INTO l_ff_id;
76   CLOSE c_summarization_rqd_formula;
77   --
78   -- If the fast formula is not available then return null
79   --
80   IF l_ff_id IS NULL THEN
81     --
83     --
84   END IF;
85   --
86   hri_bpl_abv.CheckFastFormulaCompiled(p_formula_id  => l_ff_id,
87                                        p_bgttyp      => p_business_group_id);
88   --
89   -- If no exception is raised then return the fast formula
90   --
91   RETURN l_ff_id;
92   --
94   --
95   -- Handling the case when the fast formula is not compiled
96   --
97   WHEN hri_bpl_abv.ff_not_compiled THEN
98     --
99     RAISE;
100     --
101 END ff_exists_and_compiled;
102 --
103 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
104 -- Returns the fast formula id
105 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
106 --
107 FUNCTION get_summarization_rqd_ff_id
109 IS
110 --
112   --
113   -- Check if the formula_id is already cached
114   --
115   IF g_summarization_rqd_ff_id IS NULL THEN
116     --
117     g_summarization_rqd_ff_id := ff_exists_and_compiled
118                             (p_business_group_id   => 0
119                             ,p_date                => trunc(SYSDATE)
120                             ,p_ff_name             => c_summarization_rqd_ff_name
121                             );
122     --
123     IF (g_summarization_rqd_ff_id IS NULL) AND (g_warning_flag = 'N') THEN
124       --
125       g_warning_flag := 'Y';
126       --
127       output('The fast formula' || ' ' || c_summarization_rqd_ff_name || ' ' || 'is not defined in business_group_id = 0');
128       --
129       RETURN g_summarization_rqd_ff_id;
130       --
131     END IF;
132     --
133   END IF;
134   --
135   RETURN g_summarization_rqd_ff_id;
136   --
137 END get_summarization_rqd_ff_id;
138 --
139 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
140 --  Runs the fast formula and gets the result.
141 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
143 PROCEDURE run_summarization_rqd_rule(p_business_group_id IN NUMBER,
144                                      p_assignment_id IN NUMBER,
145                                      p_effective_date IN DATE,
146                                      p_summarization_rqd OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
147                                      )
148 IS
149   --
150   l_ff_id        NUMBER;
151   l_inputs       FF_EXEC.INPUTS_T;
152   l_outputs      FF_EXEC.OUTPUTS_T;
153   l_bg_name      PER_BUSINESS_GROUPS.NAME%TYPE;
154   --
155   CURSOR c_bg_name IS
156   SELECT name
157   FROM   per_business_groups
158   WHERE  business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
159   --
160  BEGIN
161    --
162    -- Identify the formula to be executed
163    --
164    l_ff_id := get_summarization_rqd_ff_id;
165    --
166    -- In case a formula is not defined then return 'Y'
167    --
168    IF l_ff_id IS NULL THEN
169      --
170      p_summarization_rqd := 'Y';
171      --
172      RETURN;
173      --
174    END IF;
175    --
176    -- If the assignment id is available in the cache, then return the value stored in the
177    -- cache instead of calling fast formula
178    --
179    -- BEGIN
180      --
181      -- p_summarization_rqd := g_summarization_rqd_cache(p_assignment_id || p_effective_date).summarization_rqd;
182      --
183      --  RETURN;
184      --
185      --  EXCEPTION
186      --
187      --    WHEN OTHERS THEN
188      --
189      --    NULL;
190      --
191      --  END;
192        --
193        --
194        -- Initialize the formula input and output tables */
195        --
196         FF_Exec.Init_Formula
197           (l_ff_id
198            ,SYSDATE
199            ,l_inputs
200            ,l_outputs
201            );
202        --
203        -- Set the input values
204        --
205        IF l_inputs.count > 0 THEN
206          --
207          FOR l_loop_count IN l_inputs.FIRST..l_inputs.LAST LOOP
208            --
209            -- CODE the inputs here
210            --
211            IF l_inputs(l_loop_count).name = 'DATE_EARNED' THEN
212              --
213              --
214              l_inputs(l_loop_count).value := fnd_date.date_to_canonical(SYSDATE);
215              --
216            ELSIF upper(l_inputs(l_loop_count).name) = 'ASSIGNMENT_ID' THEN
217              --
218              l_inputs(l_loop_count).value := p_assignment_id;
219              --
220            ELSIF l_inputs(l_loop_count).name = 'EFFECTIVE_DATE' THEN
221              --
222              l_inputs(l_loop_count).value := fnd_date.date_to_canonical(p_effective_date);
223              --
224            ELSIF upper(l_inputs(l_loop_count).name) = 'BUSINESS_GROUP_NAME' THEN
225 	     --
226 	     OPEN  c_bg_name;
227 	     FETCH c_bg_name into l_bg_name;
228 	     CLOSE c_bg_name;
229 	     --
230 	     l_inputs(l_loop_count).value := l_bg_name;
231 	     --
232 	END IF;
234         --
235       END LOOP;
236       --
237     END IF;
238     --
239     -- Run the fast formula
240     --
241     FF_Exec.Run_Formula
242       (l_inputs
243       ,l_outputs
244        );
245     --
246     -- Get the output from the fast formula
247     --
248     IF l_outputs.count > 0 THEN
249       --
250       FOR l_loop_count IN l_outputs.FIRST..l_outputs.LAST LOOP
251         --
252         -- CODE the outputs here
253         --
254         IF upper(l_outputs(l_loop_count).name) = 'INCLUDE_IN_REPORTS' THEN
255         --
256         p_summarization_rqd := l_outputs(l_loop_count).value;
257         --
258         END IF;
259         --
260       END LOOP;
261       --
262     END IF;
263     --
264     -- Store the values in cache
265     --
266     -- g_summarization_rqd_cache(p_assignment_id || p_effective_date).summarization_rqd := NVL(p_summarization_rqd,'Y');
267     --
268  END run_summarization_rqd_rule;
270 --
271 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
272 -- Retuns N, if summarization is not required, Else, returns Y
273 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
274 --
275 FUNCTION is_summarization_rqd(p_assignment_id IN NUMBER,
276                               p_effective_date IN DATE)
278 IS
279 --
280 l_summarization_rqd VARCHAR2(1);
281 --
283   --
284   -- Call to run the fast formula to know if the assignment needs to be summarized
285   --
286   run_summarization_rqd_rule
287     (p_business_group_id => 0,
288      p_assignment_id => p_assignment_id,
289      p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
290      p_summarization_rqd => l_summarization_rqd);
291   --
292   RETURN l_summarization_rqd;
293   --
294 END is_summarization_rqd;
295 --
296 END hri_bpl_asg_summarization;