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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 35

  rnirwani   13-Sep-2004  changed cursor cur_inst to not consider logically deleted records Bug# 3885804
********************************************************************************************** */

  g_ind_yes            CONSTANT VARCHAR2(1)  := 'Y';
Line: 92

  SELECT  refund_cr_gl_ccid
  FROM    igs_fi_control;
Line: 114

      SELECT meaning
      FROM   igs_lookups_view
      WHERE  lookup_type = cp_lookup_type
      AND    lookup_code = cp_lookup_code;
Line: 177

      SELECT amount_high,
      FROM   igs_fi_refund_setup
Line: 228

  sapanigr   03-May-2006   Enh#3924836 Precision Issue. Amount values being inserted into igs_fi_refunds
                           is now rounded off to currency precision
  pathipat   24-Apr-2003   Enh 2831569 - Commercial Receivables build
                           Added check for manage_accounts - call to chk_manage_account()
  smadathi   21-Feb-2002   Enh. Bug 2747329. Added validation for refund_cr_gl_ccid
  shtatiko   28-JAN-2003   Bug# 2734316, changed message name to IGS_FI_PARAMETER_NULL from IGS_FI_INVALID_PARM
  smadathi   15-Jan-2003   Bug 2722096. Incorporated logging of error message raised by the mass_apply
                           process call.
  vvutukur  19-Nov-2002    Enh#2584986.Code added to validate the mandatory newly added IN parameter p_d_gl_date.
                           Passed this p_d_gl_date parameter to the calls to i)igs_fi_prc_appl.mass_apply,
			   ii)igs_fi_refunds_pkg.insert_row iii)igs_fi_gen_007.create_application.
  shtatiko   24-Sep-2002   Bug No: 2564643 Removed references to Subaccount_id.
  agairola   13-Jun-2002   Bug No: 2408221 For the Application Hierarchy, added the check for effective
                           start and end date
  agairola   11-Jun-2002   Bug No: 2408221 added the validation for Application Hierarchy

********************************************************************************************** */

-- Cursor for validating the credits
    CURSOR cur_val_crd(cp_credit_id IN NUMBER,
                       cp_status    IN VARCHAR2) IS
      SELECT crd.party_id,
      FROM   igs_fi_credits crd,
             igs_fi_cr_types crt
      WHERE  crd.credit_id = cp_credit_id
      AND    crd.credit_type_id = crt.credit_type_id
      AND    crd.status = cp_status
      AND    NVL(crt.refund_allowed,g_ind_no) = g_ind_yes;
Line: 263

      FROM   igs_fi_credits crd
      WHERE  crd.credit_id = p_credit_id
      AND    crd.status = cp_status
Line: 275

     SELECT 'x'
     FROM   igs_fi_a_hierarchies
     WHERE  credit_type_id = cp_credit_type_id
     AND    cp_effective_date BETWEEN effective_start_date AND NVL(effective_end_date,cp_effective_date);
Line: 544

    igs_fi_refunds_pkg.insert_row(X_ROWID                      => l_rowid,
                                  X_REFUND_ID                  => l_refund_id,
                                  X_VOUCHER_DATE               => TRUNC(sysdate),
                                  X_PERSON_ID                  => l_crd_rec.party_id,
                                  X_PAY_PERSON_ID              => l_payee_id,
                                  X_DR_GL_CCID                 => l_dr_gl_ccid,
                                  X_CR_GL_CCID                 => l_cr_gl_ccid,
                                  X_DR_ACCOUNT_CD              => l_dr_account_cd,
                                  X_CR_ACCOUNT_CD              => l_cr_account_cd,
                                  X_REFUND_AMOUNT              => igs_fi_gen_gl.get_formatted_amount(l_crd_rec.unapplied_amount),
                                  X_FEE_TYPE                   => l_fee_type,
                                  X_FEE_CAL_TYPE               => l_fee_cal_type,
                                  X_FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER     => l_fee_ci_sequence_number,
                                  X_SOURCE_REFUND_ID           => g_null,
                                  X_INVOICE_ID                 => l_invoice_id,
                                  X_TRANSFER_STATUS            => g_todo,
                                  X_REVERSAL_IND               => g_ind_no,
                                  X_REASON                     => l_reason,
                                  X_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY         => g_null,
                                  X_ATTRIBUTE1                 => g_null,
                                  X_ATTRIBUTE2                 => g_null,
                                  X_ATTRIBUTE3                 => g_null,
                                  X_ATTRIBUTE4                 => g_null,
                                  X_ATTRIBUTE5                 => g_null,
                                  X_ATTRIBUTE6                 => g_null,
                                  X_ATTRIBUTE7                 => g_null,
                                  X_ATTRIBUTE8                 => g_null,
                                  X_ATTRIBUTE9                 => g_null,
                                  X_ATTRIBUTE10                => g_null,
                                  X_ATTRIBUTE11                => g_null,
                                  X_ATTRIBUTE12                => g_null,
                                  X_ATTRIBUTE13                => g_null,
                                  X_ATTRIBUTE14                => g_null,
                                  X_ATTRIBUTE15                => g_null,
                                  X_ATTRIBUTE16                => g_null,
                                  X_ATTRIBUTE17                => g_null,
                                  X_ATTRIBUTE18                => g_null,
                                  X_ATTRIBUTE19                => g_null,
                                  X_ATTRIBUTE20                => g_null,
				  X_GL_DATE                    => p_d_gl_date,
				  X_REVERSAL_GL_DATE           => NULL);
Line: 648

  sapanigr   03-May-2006   Enh#3924836 Precision Issue. Amount values being inserted into igs_fi_refunds
                           is now rounded off to currency precision
  pmarada     19-jul-04   Bug 3775620, Logging credit number in log file, if there is no fee period for the refund fee type.
  smadathi    25-AUG-2003 Enh. Bug 3045007. Added business logic to check if the Person for which the Refunds is being processed
                          is on an Active Payment Plan
  pathipat    24-Apr-2003 Enh 2831569 - Commercial Receivables build
                          Added check for manage_accounts - call to chk_manage_account()
  smadathi    21-Feb-2002 Bug 2747329. Cursor select cur_pers was modified to replace table igs_pe_persid_group reference to
                          igs_pe_all_persid_group_v. Added validation for refund_cr_gl_ccid.
  agairola    23-Dec-02  Bug 2718029: Modified the code in Process_batch to remove the app_exception
                         .raise_exception for parameter validation and replaced it by setting retcode=2
                         and RETURN
  vvutukur     19-Nov-2002 Enh#2584986.Added mandatory IN parameter p_d_gl_date.Code added to validate GL Date.
                           Modified the calls to igs_fi_refunds_pkg.insert_row and igs_fi_gen_007.create_application to include new parameter p_d_gl_date also. Modified IGS_GE_UNHANDLED_EXCEP message to
  vvutukur     28-Jun-2002 modified IGS_FI_TOL_LIM_DEFIED message token from REF_AMNT to
  sarakshi     14-Jun-02  bug#2400617,the check of refunds not be processed if student is studying
                          at another instution or the student is inactive should be there irrespective
                          of the financial aid student or not.
  vchappid     13-Jun-02  Bug#2411529, Incorrectly used message name has been modified
  agairola     15-May-02  For the bug 2373855, following modifications were done
                          1.  Removed the CLOSE cur_spnsr statement from inside IF Cur_spnsr%FOUND
                              as it was already happening outside the %FOUND statements
                          2.  Added a new variable l_hld_exsts as the process was displaying that
                              Holds exist even though there were no holds because the variable
                              l_process_party was set to FALSE. Hence added the additional check.

********************************************************************************************** */

-- Cursor for validating the person id
    CURSOR cur_val_party(cp_party_id    IN igs_fi_parties_v.person_id%TYPE) IS
      SELECT person_number
      FROM   igs_fi_parties_v pe
      WHERE  pe.person_id = cp_party_id;
Line: 686

      SELECT group_cd
      FROM   igs_pe_all_persid_group_v
      WHERE  group_id=cp_person_id_grp
      AND    closed_ind <> g_ind_yes;
Line: 695

      SELECT party_id person_id
      FROM   hz_parties
      WHERE  party_id = cp_person_id;
Line: 702

      SELECT DISTINCT crd.party_id person_id
      FROM   igs_fi_credits crd,
             igs_fi_cr_types crt
      WHERE  crd.credit_type_id = crt.credit_type_id
      AND    crd.status         = g_cleared
      AND    NVL(crt.refund_allowed,g_ind_no) = g_ind_yes
      AND    crd.unapplied_amount > 0;
Line: 712

      SELECT 'x'
      FROM   igf_aw_fund_mast fund,
             igf_aw_fund_cat  fcat
      WHERE  fund.fund_code     = fcat.fund_code
      AND    fcat.sys_fund_type = g_sponsor
      AND    fund.party_id      = cp_person_id;
Line: 723

      SELECT crd.*, crt.credit_class
      FROM   igs_fi_credits crd,
             igs_fi_cr_types crt,
	     igs_fi_cr_activities cra
      WHERE  crd.credit_type_id = crt.credit_type_id
      AND    crd.status         = cp_status
      AND    crd.party_id       = cp_person_id
      AND    NVL(crt.refund_allowed,g_ind_no) = g_ind_yes
      AND    crt.credit_class <> 'SPNSP'
      AND    crd.unapplied_amount > 0
      AND    cra.credit_id = crd.credit_id;
Line: 739

      SELECT 'x'
      FROM   igs_en_stdnt_ps_att spa,
             igs_en_intm_types intm,
             igs_en_stdnt_ps_intm spi
      WHERE  spa.person_id = cp_person_id
      AND    spa.person_id = spi.person_id
      AND    spa.course_cd = spi.course_cd
      AND    spa.course_attempt_status = cp_crs_stat
      AND    spi.intermission_type = intm.intermission_type
      AND    spi.logical_delete_date = TO_DATE('31-12-4712','DD-MM-YYYY')
      AND    intm.study_antr_inst_ind = g_ind_yes;
Line: 755

      SELECT 'x'
      FROM   igs_en_stdnt_ps_att
      WHERE  person_id = cp_person_id
      AND    course_attempt_status IN ('INACTIVE','ENROLLED');
Line: 763

      SELECT cal_type||'  '||to_char(start_dt)||'   '||to_char(end_dt) fee_prd
      FROM   igs_ca_inst
      WHERE  cal_type        = cp_cal_type
      AND    sequence_number = cp_seq_num;
Line: 770

      SELECT invoice_number
      FROM   igs_fi_inv_int
      WHERE  invoice_id = cp_invoice_id;
Line: 871

Line: 872

Line: 1118

Line: 1119

Line: 1244

Line: 1429

                  igs_fi_refunds_pkg.insert_row(X_ROWID                      => l_rowid,
                                                X_REFUND_ID                  => l_refund_id,
                                                X_VOUCHER_DATE               => TRUNC(sysdate),
                                                X_PERSON_ID                  => l_n_party_id,
                                                X_PAY_PERSON_ID              => l_n_party_id,
                                                X_DR_GL_CCID                 => l_dr_gl_ccid,
                                                X_CR_GL_CCID                 => l_cr_gl_ccid,
                                                X_DR_ACCOUNT_CD              => l_dr_account_cd,
                                                X_CR_ACCOUNT_CD              => l_cr_account_cd,
                                                X_REFUND_AMOUNT              => l_rfnd_amnt,
                                                X_FEE_TYPE                   => l_fee_type,
                                                X_FEE_CAL_TYPE               => l_fee_cal_type,
                                                X_FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER     => l_fee_ci_sequence_number,
                                                X_SOURCE_REFUND_ID           => g_null,
                                                X_INVOICE_ID                 => l_invoice_id,
                                                X_TRANSFER_STATUS            => g_todo,
                                                X_REVERSAL_IND               => g_ind_no,
                                                X_REASON                     => l_reason,
                                                X_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY         => g_null,
                                                X_ATTRIBUTE1                 => g_null,
                                                X_ATTRIBUTE2                 => g_null,
                                                X_ATTRIBUTE3                 => g_null,
                                                X_ATTRIBUTE4                 => g_null,
                                                X_ATTRIBUTE5                 => g_null,
                                                X_ATTRIBUTE6                 => g_null,
                                                X_ATTRIBUTE7                 => g_null,
                                                X_ATTRIBUTE8                 => g_null,
                                                X_ATTRIBUTE9                 => g_null,
                                                X_ATTRIBUTE10                => g_null,
                                                X_ATTRIBUTE11                => g_null,
                                                X_ATTRIBUTE12                => g_null,
                                                X_ATTRIBUTE13                => g_null,
                                                X_ATTRIBUTE14                => g_null,
                                                X_ATTRIBUTE15                => g_null,
                                                X_ATTRIBUTE16                => g_null,
                                                X_ATTRIBUTE17                => g_null,
                                                X_ATTRIBUTE18                => g_null,
                                                X_ATTRIBUTE19                => g_null,
                                                X_ATTRIBUTE20                => g_null,
						X_GL_DATE                    => l_d_gl_date,
                                                X_REVERSAL_GL_DATE           => NULL);