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Line 78: From mtl_reservations

74: l_api_error_msg VARCHAR2(100);
76: Cursor check_whse (p_batch_line_id IN NUMBER) IS
77: Select distinct organization_id
78: From mtl_reservations
79: Where supply_source_line_id = p_batch_line_id
80: and supply_source_type_id = 5
81: and demand_source_type_id = inv_reservation_global.g_source_type_oe
82: and reservation_quantity<>0

Line 97: From mtl_reservations

94: Cursor get_res_for_whse (p_organization_id IN NUMBER
95: , p_batch_line_id IN NUMBER) IS
96: Select *
97: From mtl_reservations
98: Where supply_source_line_id = p_batch_line_id
99: and supply_source_type_id = 5
100: and demand_source_type_id = inv_reservation_global.g_source_type_oe
101: and organization_id = p_organization_id

Line 109: From mtl_reservations

106: Cursor get_res_count(p_batch_line_id IN NUMBER
107: ) Is
108: Select count(1)
109: From mtl_reservations
110: Where supply_source_line_id = p_batch_line_id
111: --and organization_id = p_organization_id
112: and supply_source_type_id = 5
113: and reservation_quantity <> 0

Line 376: FROM mtl_reservations

374: CURSOR So_line_id_for_batch(p_batch_id IN NUMBER) Is
375: SELECT Distinct orig_demand_source_line_id
376: FROM mtl_reservations
377: WHERE supply_source_header_id = p_batch_id
378: and supply_source_type_id = 5
379: and demand_source_type_id = 2
380: and reservation_quantity <> 0;

Line 390: FROM mtl_reservations

388: CURSOR So_line_id_for_batch_line(p_batch_line_id IN NUMBER) Is
389: SELECT Distinct orig_demand_source_line_id
390: FROM mtl_reservations
391: WHERE supply_source_line_id = p_batch_line_id
392: and supply_source_type_id = 5
393: and demand_source_type_id = 2
394: and reservation_quantity <> 0;

Line 408: -- nsinghi perf bug#5212566. Re-written the 2 cursors to ensure that there is no FTS on mtl_reservations.

404: SELECT last_updated_by, created_by,header_id
405: FROM oe_order_lines_all
406: WHERE line_id = p_so_line_id;
408: -- nsinghi perf bug#5212566. Re-written the 2 cursors to ensure that there is no FTS on mtl_reservations.
409: /*
410: Cursor check_mul_line_id1 (p_user_id IN number
411: , p_batch_id IN NUMBER) IS
412: Select distinct orig_demand_source_line_id

Line 413: From mtl_reservations

409: /*
410: Cursor check_mul_line_id1 (p_user_id IN number
411: , p_batch_id IN NUMBER) IS
412: Select distinct orig_demand_source_line_id
413: From mtl_reservations
414: Where created_by = p_user_id
415: and orig_supply_source_header_id = p_batch_id
416: and demand_source_type_id = 2
417: and orig_supply_source_type_id = 5;

Line 423: From mtl_reservations

419: Cursor check_mul_line_id2 (p_user_id IN number
420: , p_batch_id IN NUMBER
421: , p_batch_line_id IN NUMBER) IS
422: Select distinct orig_demand_source_line_id
423: From mtl_reservations
424: Where created_by = p_user_id
425: and orig_supply_source_header_id = p_batch_id
426: and orig_supply_source_line_id = p_batch_line_id
427: and demand_source_type_id = 2

Line 433: FROM mtl_reservations mr, gme_batch_header gbh

429: */
430: Cursor check_mul_line_id1 (p_user_id IN number
431: , p_batch_id IN NUMBER) IS
432: SELECT DISTINCT orig_demand_source_line_id
433: FROM mtl_reservations mr, gme_batch_header gbh
434: WHERE mr.created_by = p_user_id
435: AND mr.orig_supply_source_header_id = p_batch_id
436: AND mr.orig_supply_source_header_id = gbh.batch_id
437: AND mr.organization_id = gbh.organization_id

Line 445: FROM mtl_reservations mr, gme_material_details gmd

441: Cursor check_mul_line_id2 (p_user_id IN number
442: , p_batch_id IN NUMBER
443: , p_batch_line_id IN NUMBER) IS
444: SELECT DISTINCT orig_demand_source_line_id
445: FROM mtl_reservations mr, gme_material_details gmd
446: WHERE mr.created_by = p_user_id
447: AND mr.orig_supply_source_header_id = p_batch_id
448: AND mr.orig_supply_source_line_id = p_batch_line_id
449: AND mr.inventory_item_id = gmd.inventory_item_id