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Line 58: where exists (select 'Y' from pa_resource_assignments ra

54: cursor chk_ra_exists_csr(c_budget_version_id pa_budget_versions.budget_version_id%type,
55: c_period_type gl_date_period_map.period_type%type,
56: c_period_set_name gl_sets_of_books.period_set_name%type) is
57: select 'Y' from dual
58: where exists (select 'Y' from pa_resource_assignments ra
59: where budget_version_id = c_budget_version_id
60: and ra.planning_start_date is NOT NULL /* bug 3673111 */
61: and ra.planning_end_date is NOT NULL /* bug 3673111 */
62: and not exists

Line 134: select resource_assignment_id,planning_start_date from pa_resource_assignments

130: where budget_version_id = c_budget_version_id
131: group by resource_assignment_id, txn_currency_code ;
133: cursor get_res_assign_id_csr(c_budget_version_id pa_budget_lines.budget_version_id%type) is
134: select resource_assignment_id,planning_start_date from pa_resource_assignments
135: where budget_version_id = c_budget_version_id;
137: -- bug 3673111, 14-JUL-04, jwhite --------------------------------------------------------
138: -- Added the following to select and group-by: gl.start_date,gl.end_date, gl.PERIOD_NAME

Line 156: cursor get_budget_lines_csr(l_budget_version_id pa_budget_lines.budget_version_id%type,l_res_assign_id pa_resource_assignments.resource_assignment_id%type

153: -- Bug 4299635. The amounts are rounded to atmost 5 digits. This is done to make sure that the amounts
154: -- for date range budgets are correctly upgraded to periodic budgets. PC/PFC amounts need not be rounded
155: -- since they will re-derived by MC api which is called in PAFPUPGB.pls
156: cursor get_budget_lines_csr(l_budget_version_id pa_budget_lines.budget_version_id%type,l_res_assign_id pa_resource_assignments.resource_assignment_id%type
157: ,l_org_id pa_projects_all.org_id%type,l_per_type pa_implementations_all.pa_period_type%type,l_period_set_name gl_sets_of_books.period_set_name%type) is
158: select
159: rs.resource_assignment_id resource_assignment_id,
160: rs.txn_currency_code txn_currency_code,

Line 213: from pa_budget_lines bl,gl_periods gl, pa_resource_assignments ra

209: --for a planning txn
210: DECODE(least(bl.start_date, gl.start_date),
211: gl.start_date,1,
212: 0) tot_amt_factor
213: from pa_budget_lines bl,gl_periods gl, pa_resource_assignments ra
214: where bl.budget_version_id = l_budget_version_id
215: and ra.resource_assignment_id = l_res_assign_id
216: and bl.resource_assignment_id = l_res_assign_id
217: and gl.period_type = l_per_type