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1 PACKAGE BODY wms_task_load AS
2   /* $Header: WMSLOADB.pls 120.20.12010000.13 2009/01/21 15:23:46 kjujjuru ship $ */
4 --  Global constants
5   g_pkg_name                      CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'WMS_TASK_LOAD';
6   l_g_ret_sts_error               CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
7   l_g_ret_sts_unexp_error         CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
8   l_g_ret_sts_success             CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
10   l_g_task_pending                CONSTANT NUMBER  := 1;
11   l_g_task_queued                 CONSTANT NUMBER  := 2;
12   l_g_task_dispatched             CONSTANT NUMBER  := 3;
13   l_g_task_loaded                 CONSTANT NUMBER  := 4;
14   l_g_task_active                 CONSTANT NUMBER  := 9;
16   l_g_decimal_precision           CONSTANT NUMBER  := 5;
17   l_g_exception_short             CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30):= 'SHORT';
18   l_g_exception_over              CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30):= 'OVER';
19   l_g_action_split                CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30):= 'SPLIT';
20 -- Increased lot size to 80 Char - Mercy Thomas - B4625329
21   l_g_action_load_single          CONSTANT VARCHAR2(80):= 'LOAD_SINGLE';
22 -- Increased lot size to 80 Char - Mercy Thomas - B4625329
23   l_g_action_load_multiple        CONSTANT VARCHAR2(80):= 'LOAD_MULTIPLE';
25   g_debug                                  NUMBER  := 1;
27 -- Forward declarations
28 PROCEDURE proc_insert_update_task
29               (p_action                          IN            VARCHAR2
30               ,p_insert                          IN            VARCHAR2
31               ,p_update                          IN            VARCHAR2
32               ,p_temp_id                         IN            NUMBER
33               ,p_new_temp_id                     IN            NUMBER
34               ,p_merge_temp_id                   IN            NUMBER
35               ,p_task_status                     IN            NUMBER
36               ,p_user_id                         IN            NUMBER
37               ,x_return_status                   OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
38               ,x_msg_count                       OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
39               ,x_msg_data                        OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2);
41 PROCEDURE proc_insert_update_mmtt
42               (p_action                          IN            VARCHAR2
43               ,p_insert                          IN            VARCHAR2
44               ,p_update                          IN            VARCHAR2
45               ,p_organization_id                 IN            NUMBER
46               ,p_user_id                         IN            NUMBER
47               ,p_transaction_header_id           IN            NUMBER
48               ,p_transaction_temp_id             IN            NUMBER
49               ,p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge    IN            NUMBER
50               ,p_lpn_id                          IN            NUMBER
51               ,p_content_lpn_id                  IN            NUMBER
52               ,p_transfer_lpn_id                 IN            NUMBER
53               ,p_confirmed_sub                   IN            VARCHAR2
54               ,p_confirmed_locator_id            IN            NUMBER
55               ,p_confirmed_uom                   IN            VARCHAR2
56               ,p_suggested_uom                   IN            VARCHAR2
57               ,p_primary_uom                     IN            VARCHAR2
58               ,p_inventory_item_id               IN            NUMBER
59               ,p_revision                        IN            VARCHAR2
60               ,p_confirmed_trx_qty               IN            NUMBER
61               ,p_confirmed_lots                  IN            VARCHAR2
62               ,p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty           IN            VARCHAR2
63               ,p_confirmed_sec_uom               IN            VARCHAR2
64               ,p_confirmed_sec_qty               IN            VARCHAR2
65               ,p_confirmed_serials               IN            VARCHAR2
66               ,p_container_item_id               IN            NUMBER
67               ,p_wms_task_status                 IN            NUMBER
68               ,p_lpn_match                       IN            NUMBER
69               ,p_lpn_match_lpn_id                IN            NUMBER
70               ,p_serial_allocated_flag           IN            VARCHAR2
71               ,p_lot_controlled                  IN            VARCHAR2  -- Y/N
72               ,p_serial_controlled               IN            VARCHAR2  -- Y/N
73               ,p_exception                       IN            VARCHAR2  -- OVER/SHORT
74               ,p_parent_lpn_id                   IN            NUMBER
75               ,x_new_transaction_temp_id         OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
76               ,x_return_status                   OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
77               ,x_msg_count                       OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
78               ,x_msg_data                        OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2);
80 PROCEDURE proc_process_confirmed_lots
81              ( p_action                          IN            VARCHAR2
82               ,p_insert                          IN            VARCHAR2
83               ,p_update                          IN            VARCHAR2
84               ,p_organization_id                 IN            NUMBER
85               ,p_user_id                         IN            NUMBER
86               ,p_transaction_header_id           IN            NUMBER
87               ,p_transaction_temp_id             IN            NUMBER
88               ,p_new_transaction_temp_id         IN            NUMBER
89               ,p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge    IN            NUMBER
90               ,p_inventory_item_id               IN            NUMBER
91               ,p_revision                        IN            VARCHAR2
92               ,p_suggested_uom                   IN            VARCHAR2
93               ,p_confirmed_uom                   IN            VARCHAR2
94               ,p_primary_uom                     IN            VARCHAR2
95               ,p_confirmed_lots                  IN            VARCHAR2
96               ,p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty           IN            VARCHAR2
97               ,p_confirmed_serials               IN            VARCHAR2
98               ,p_serial_allocated_flag           IN            VARCHAR2
99               ,p_lpn_match                       IN            NUMBER
100               ,p_lpn_match_lpn_id                IN            NUMBER
101               ,p_confirmed_sec_uom               IN            VARCHAR2
102               ,p_confirmed_sec_qty               IN            VARCHAR2
103               ,p_lot_controlled                  IN            VARCHAR2  -- Y/N
104               ,p_serial_controlled               IN            VARCHAR2  -- Y/N
105               ,p_exception                       IN            VARCHAR2  -- OVER/SHORT
106               ,x_return_status                   OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
107               ,x_msg_count                       OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
108               ,x_msg_data                        OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2);
110 PROCEDURE proc_process_confirmed_serials
111              ( p_action                          IN            VARCHAR2
112               ,p_insert                          IN            VARCHAR2
113               ,p_update                          IN            VARCHAR2
114               ,p_organization_id                 IN            NUMBER
115               ,p_user_id                         IN            NUMBER
116               ,p_transaction_header_id           IN            NUMBER
117               ,p_transaction_temp_id             IN            NUMBER
118               ,p_new_transaction_temp_id         IN            NUMBER
119               ,p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge    IN            NUMBER
120               ,p_serial_transaction_temp_id      IN            NUMBER
121               ,p_mtlt_serial_temp_id             IN            NUMBER
122               ,p_inventory_item_id               IN            NUMBER
123               ,p_revision                        IN            VARCHAR2
124               ,p_suggested_uom                   IN            VARCHAR2
125               ,p_confirmed_uom                   IN            VARCHAR2
126               ,p_primary_uom                     IN            VARCHAR2
127               ,p_serial_lot_number               IN            VARCHAR2
128               ,p_confirmed_serials               IN            VARCHAR2
129               ,p_serial_allocated_flag           IN            VARCHAR2
130               ,p_lpn_match                       IN            NUMBER
131               ,p_lpn_match_lpn_id                IN            NUMBER
132               ,p_lot_controlled                  IN            VARCHAR2  -- Y/N
133               ,p_serial_controlled               IN            VARCHAR2  -- Y/N
134               ,x_return_status                   OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
135               ,x_msg_count                       OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
136               ,x_msg_data                        OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2);
138 PROCEDURE proc_insert_mtlt
139               (p_lot_record                      IN      mtl_transaction_lots_temp%ROWTYPE
140               ,x_return_status                   OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
141               ,x_msg_count                       OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
142               ,x_msg_data                        OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2);
144 PROCEDURE proc_insert_msnt
145               (p_transaction_temp_id             IN          NUMBER
146               ,p_organization_id                 IN          NUMBER
147               ,p_inventory_item_id               IN          NUMBER
148               ,p_revision                        IN          VARCHAR2
149               ,p_confirmed_serials               IN          VARCHAR2
150               ,p_serial_number                   IN          VARCHAR2
151               ,p_lpn_id                          IN          NUMBER
152               ,p_serial_lot_number               IN          VARCHAR2
153               ,p_user_id                         IN          NUMBER
154               ,x_return_status                   OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
155               ,x_msg_count                       OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
156               ,x_msg_data                        OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
158 PROCEDURE proc_mark_msn
159               (p_group_mark_id                   IN          NUMBER
160               ,p_organization_id                 IN          NUMBER
161               ,p_inventory_item_id               IN          NUMBER
162               ,p_Revision                        IN          VARCHAR2
163               ,p_confirmed_serials               IN          VARCHAR2
164               ,p_serial_lot_number               IN          VARCHAR2
165               ,p_serial_number                   IN          VARCHAR2
166               ,p_lpn_id                          IN          NUMBER
167               ,p_user_id                         IN          NUMBER
168               ,x_return_status                   OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
169               ,x_msg_count                       OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
170               ,x_msg_data                        OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
172 PROCEDURE  proc_device_call
173               (p_action                          IN          VARCHAR2
174               ,p_employee_id                     IN          NUMBER
175               ,p_transaction_temp_id             IN          NUMBER
176               ,x_return_status                   OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
177               ,x_msg_count                       OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
178               ,x_msg_data                        OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2 );
180 PROCEDURE  proc_process_cancelled_MOLs
181               (p_organization_id                 IN           NUMBER
182               ,p_user_id                         IN           NUMBER
183               ,p_transaction_header_id           IN           NUMBER
184               ,p_transaction_temp_id             IN           NUMBER
185               ,x_return_status                   OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
186               ,x_msg_count                       OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER
187               ,x_msg_data                        OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2);
189 PROCEDURE proc_parse_lot_serial_catchwt
190               (p_inventory_item_id               IN          NUMBER
191               ,p_confirmed_lots                  IN          VARCHAR2
192               ,p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty           IN          VARCHAR2
193               ,p_confirmed_serials               IN          VARCHAR2
194               ,p_suggested_uom                   IN          VARCHAR2
195               ,p_confirmed_uom                   IN          VARCHAR2
196               ,p_primary_uom                     IN          VARCHAR2
197               ,p_confirmed_sec_uom               IN          VARCHAR2
198               ,p_confirmed_sec_qty               IN          VARCHAR2
199               ,x_return_status                   OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
200               ,x_msg_count                       OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
201               ,x_msg_data                        OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
203 PROCEDURE  proc_reset_lpn_context(
204                p_organization_id                 IN          NUMBER
205               ,p_user_id                         IN          NUMBER
206               ,p_transaction_header_id           IN          NUMBER
207               ,p_transaction_temp_id             IN          NUMBER
208               ,x_return_status                   OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
209               ,x_msg_count                       OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
210               ,x_msg_data                        OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
212 PROCEDURE  proc_reset_task_status(
213                p_action                          IN          VARCHAR2
214               ,p_organization_id                 IN          NUMBER
215               ,p_user_id                         IN          NUMBER
216               ,p_employee_id                     IN          NUMBER
217               ,p_transaction_header_id           IN          NUMBER
218               ,p_transaction_temp_id             IN          NUMBER
219               ,x_return_status                   OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
220               ,x_msg_count                       OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
221               ,x_msg_data                        OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
222 --viks start_over
223 PROCEDURE proc_start_over
224                 (p_transaction_header_id     IN NUMBER
225                      ,p_transaction_temp_id  IN NUMBER
226                      ,p_user_id              IN NUMBER
227                      ,x_start_over_taskno   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
228                      ,x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
229                      ,x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
230                      ,x_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 );
234 procedure validate_loaded_lpn_cg
235       ( p_organization_id       IN  NUMBER,
236         p_inventory_item_id     IN  NUMBER,
237         p_subinventory_code     IN  VARCHAR2,
238         p_locator_id            IN  NUMBER,
239         p_revision              IN  VARCHAR2,
240         p_lot_number            IN  VARCHAR2,
241         p_lpn_id                IN  NUMBER,
242         p_transfer_lpn_id       IN  NUMBER,
243         p_lot_control           IN  NUMBER,
244         p_revision_control      IN  NUMBER,
245         x_commingle_exist       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
246         x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
247         p_trx_type_id           IN  VARCHAR2, -- Bug 4632519
248         p_trx_action_id         IN  VARCHAR2); -- Bug 4632519
251 PROCEDURE mydebug( p_msg        IN        VARCHAR2)
252 IS
254    IF (g_debug = 1) THEN
255       inv_mobile_helper_functions.tracelog(
256                              p_err_msg => p_msg,
257                              p_module  => g_pkg_name ,
258                              p_level   => 9);
260    END IF;
261   --    dbms_output.put_line( p_msg );
262 END mydebug;
264 PROCEDURE mydebug(p_message IN VARCHAR2, p_module IN VARCHAR2)
265 IS
267    IF (g_debug = 1) THEN
268     inv_log_util.trace(p_message, p_module, 9);
269    END IF;
270 END mydebug;
272 PROCEDURE update_loaded_part
273   (p_user_id                   IN            NUMBER,
274    p_transaction_temp_id1      IN            NUMBER,
275    p_transaction_temp_id2      IN            NUMBER,
276    p_transfer_lpn_id           IN            NUMBER,
277    p_transaction_uom           IN            VARCHAR2,
278    p_transaction_quantity      IN            NUMBER,
279    p_lot_numbers               IN            VARCHAR2,
280    p_lot_transaction_quantity  IN            VARCHAR2,
281    p_secondary_uom             IN            VARCHAR2,
282    p_secondary_quantity        IN            VARCHAR2,
283    p_serial_numbers            IN            VARCHAR2,
284    p_serial_allocated_flag     IN            VARCHAR2,  -- Y/N
285    p_lot_controlled            IN            VARCHAR2,  -- Y/N
286    p_serial_controlled         IN            VARCHAR2,  -- Y/N
287    x_return_status             OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
288    x_msg_count                 OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER,
289    x_msg_data                  OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2)
290   IS
291      l_serial_transaction_temp_id      NUMBER;
292      l_inventory_item_id               NUMBER;
293      l_primary_uom                     VARCHAR2(3);
294      l_primary_quantity                NUMBER;
295      l_primary_quantity1               NUMBER;
297    l_secondary_uom                   VARCHAR2(3);
298      l_secondary_quantity              NUMBER;
299      l_secondary_quantity1             NUMBER;
301      l_delta_primary_quantity          NUMBER;
303    l_delta_secondary_quantity        NUMBER;
305      l_transaction_uom1                VARCHAR2(3);
306      l_transaction_uom2                VARCHAR2(3);
307      l_conversion_factor               NUMBER;
308      l_conversion_factor1              NUMBER;
309      l_conversion_factor2              NUMBER;
310      l_mtlt_rec                        mtl_transaction_lots_temp%ROWTYPE;
311      l_row_exists                      NUMBER;
312      i                                 NUMBER;
313      j                                 NUMBER;
314      l_debug                           NUMBER := NVL(fnd_profile.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'), 0);
315      l_lpn_id                          NUMBER;
317      TYPE lot_record_type IS RECORD
318        (lot_number                     mtl_serial_numbers.lot_number%TYPE,
319         primary_quantity               NUMBER,
320         delta_primary_quantity         NUMBER,
321         secondary_quantity             NUMBER,
322     delta_secondary_quantity       NUMBER,
323         secondary_uom                  mtl_material_transactions_temp.secondary_uom_code%TYPE,
324         serial_transaction_temp_id     NUMBER,
325         update_mtlt                    BOOLEAN,
326         delete_mtlt                    BOOLEAN);
328      TYPE serial_record_type IS RECORD
329        (serial_number                  mtl_serial_numbers.serial_number%TYPE,
330         lot_number                     mtl_serial_numbers.lot_number%TYPE,
331         transaction_temp_id            NUMBER,
332         delete_msnt                    BOOLEAN);
334      TYPE lot_table_type IS TABLE OF lot_record_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
335      TYPE serial_table_type IS TABLE OF serial_record_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
337      l_lot_table1                      lot_table_type;
338      l_serial_table1                   serial_table_type;
340      CURSOR mmtt_cursor(v_transaction_temp_id1 NUMBER, v_transaction_temp_id2 NUMBER) IS
341         SELECT inventory_item_id, transaction_temp_id, primary_quantity
342      , item_primary_uom_code, transaction_quantity, transaction_uom
343      , secondary_transaction_quantity, secondary_uom_code
344           FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
345           WHERE transaction_temp_id IN (v_transaction_temp_id1, v_transaction_temp_id2)
346           FOR UPDATE;
348      CURSOR mtlt_cursor(v_transaction_temp_id NUMBER) IS
349         SELECT lot_number, primary_quantity, transaction_quantity, secondary_quantity
350             , serial_transaction_temp_id
351           FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp
352           WHERE transaction_temp_id = v_transaction_temp_id
353           ORDER BY lot_number
354           FOR UPDATE;
356      CURSOR msnt_cursor(v_transaction_temp_id NUMBER) IS
357         SELECT fm_serial_number
358           FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp
359           WHERE transaction_temp_id = v_transaction_temp_id
360           ORDER BY fm_serial_number
361           FOR UPDATE;
363      CURSOR confirmed_lot_serial_cursor IS
364         SELECT
365           transaction_temp_id,
366           lot_number,
367           serial_number,
368           SUM(transaction_quantity) transaction_quantity,
369           SUM(primary_quantity) primary_quantity,
370           SUM(secondary_quantity) secondary_quantity
371         FROM mtl_allocations_gtmp
372         WHERE (lot_number IS NOT NULL OR serial_number IS NOT NULL)
373         GROUP BY transaction_temp_id, lot_number, serial_number, secondary_quantity
374         ORDER BY transaction_temp_id, lot_number, serial_number;
378    x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_success;
379    IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
381    END IF;
383    FOR mmtt_rec IN mmtt_cursor(p_transaction_temp_id1, p_transaction_temp_id2) LOOP
384       IF mmtt_rec.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id1 THEN
385          l_transaction_uom1 := mmtt_rec.transaction_uom;
386          l_conversion_factor1 := mmtt_rec.transaction_quantity/mmtt_rec.primary_quantity;
387          l_primary_quantity1 := mmtt_rec.primary_quantity;
388    l_secondary_quantity1 := mmtt_rec.secondary_transaction_quantity;
389        ELSE
390          l_transaction_uom2 := mmtt_rec.transaction_uom;
391          l_conversion_factor2 := mmtt_rec.transaction_quantity/mmtt_rec.primary_quantity;
392       END IF;
394       l_inventory_item_id := mmtt_rec.inventory_item_id;
395       l_primary_uom := mmtt_rec.item_primary_uom_code;
396   l_secondary_uom := mmtt_rec.secondary_uom_code;
397    END LOOP;
399    IF p_transaction_uom = l_transaction_uom1 THEN
400       l_conversion_factor := l_conversion_factor1;
401     ELSE
402       l_conversion_factor := inv_convert.inv_um_convert(item_id        => l_inventory_item_id,
403                                                         precision      => l_g_decimal_precision,
404                                                         from_quantity  => 1,
405                                                         from_unit      => l_primary_uom,
406                                                         to_unit        => p_transaction_uom,
407                                                         from_name      => NULL,
408                                                         to_name        => NULL);
409    END IF;
411    IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
412       mydebug('Conversion Factor: ' || l_conversion_factor, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
413       mydebug('Conversion Factor1: ' || l_conversion_factor1, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
414       mydebug('Conversion Factor2: ' || l_conversion_factor2, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
415    END IF;
417    IF p_lot_controlled <> 'Y' AND p_serial_controlled <> 'Y' THEN -- No Lot or serial control
418          fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', '- proc_insert_update_task' );
419          fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
420       l_primary_quantity := Round(p_transaction_quantity/l_conversion_factor, l_g_decimal_precision);
421       l_secondary_quantity := p_secondary_quantity;
422     ELSE
423       proc_parse_lot_serial_catchwt
424         (p_inventory_item_id        => l_inventory_item_id,
425          p_confirmed_lots           => p_lot_numbers,
426          p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty    => p_lot_transaction_quantity,
427          p_confirmed_serials        => p_serial_numbers,
428          p_suggested_uom            => l_transaction_uom1,
429          p_confirmed_uom            => p_transaction_uom,
430          p_primary_uom              => l_primary_uom    ,
431          p_confirmed_sec_uom        => p_secondary_uom,
432          p_confirmed_sec_qty        => p_secondary_quantity,
433          x_return_status            => x_return_status,
434          x_msg_count                => x_msg_count,
435          x_msg_data                 => x_msg_data);
437       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
438          mydebug('Return Status from Lot Serial Parse: ' || x_return_status, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
439       END IF;
441       IF x_return_status <> l_g_ret_sts_success
442         THEN
443            fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_INTERNAL_ERROR'); --NEWMSG
444            -- Internal Error $ROUTINE
445            fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', ' - proc_parse_lot_serial_catchwt API ' );
446            mydebug('Error parsing lot/serial/catch weight string' );
447            -- "Error reserving Serial Number/s"
448            fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
449            RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
450       END IF;
452       IF p_lot_controlled = 'Y' AND p_serial_controlled <> 'Y' THEN -- Lot Controlled only
453          IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
454             mydebug('Loaded...', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
455          END IF;
457          i := 1; -- lot table counter
458          FOR mtlt_record IN mtlt_cursor(p_transaction_temp_id1) LOOP
460             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
461                mydebug(i || ' Lot Number: ' || mtlt_record.lot_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
462             END IF;
464             l_lot_table1(i).lot_number := mtlt_record.lot_number;
465             l_lot_table1(i).primary_quantity := mtlt_record.primary_quantity;
466     l_lot_table1(i).secondary_quantity := mtlt_record.secondary_quantity;
468             i := i + 1;
469          END LOOP;
471          IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
472             mydebug('Confirmed...', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
473          END IF;
475          i := 1; -- lot table counter
476          l_primary_quantity := 0;
477    l_secondary_quantity := 0;
478          FOR lot_serial_rec IN confirmed_lot_serial_cursor LOOP
480             l_primary_quantity := l_primary_quantity + lot_serial_rec.primary_quantity;
481     l_secondary_quantity := l_secondary_quantity + lot_serial_rec.secondary_quantity;
483             WHILE l_lot_table1(i).lot_number <> lot_serial_rec.lot_number LOOP
484                IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
485                   mydebug(i || 'Marking Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number || ' to be deleted', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
486                END IF;
487                l_lot_table1(i).delete_mtlt := TRUE;
488                l_lot_table1(i).delta_primary_quantity := l_lot_table1(i).primary_quantity;
489      l_lot_table1(i).delta_secondary_quantity := l_lot_table1(i).secondary_quantity;
490                i := i + 1;
491             END LOOP;
493             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
494                mydebug(i || ' Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
495             END IF;
497             IF l_lot_table1(i).lot_number = lot_serial_rec.lot_number THEN
498                l_lot_table1(i).secondary_quantity := lot_serial_rec.secondary_quantity;
500                IF l_lot_table1(i).primary_quantity <> lot_serial_rec.primary_quantity THEN
502                   IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
503                      mydebug(i || 'Marking Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number || ' to be updated', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
504                   END IF;
506                   l_lot_table1(i).update_mtlt := TRUE;
508                   l_lot_table1(i).delta_primary_quantity := l_lot_table1(i).primary_quantity - lot_serial_rec.primary_quantity;
509                   l_lot_table1(i).primary_quantity := lot_serial_rec.primary_quantity;
510       l_lot_table1(i).delta_secondary_quantity := l_lot_table1(i).secondary_quantity - lot_serial_rec.secondary_quantity;
511       l_lot_table1(i).secondary_quantity := lot_serial_rec.secondary_quantity;
513                END IF;
514             END IF;
516             i := i + 1;
517          END LOOP;
519          WHILE i <= l_lot_table1.COUNT LOOP
520             l_lot_table1(i).delete_mtlt := TRUE;
521             l_lot_table1(i).delta_primary_quantity := l_lot_table1(i).primary_quantity;
522     l_lot_table1(i).delta_secondary_quantity := l_lot_table1(i).secondary_quantity;
523             i := i + 1;
524          END LOOP;
526          FOR i IN 1..l_lot_table1.COUNT LOOP
528             BEGIN
529                SELECT serial_transaction_temp_id
530                  INTO l_serial_transaction_temp_id
531                  FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp
532                  WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id2
533                  AND lot_number = l_lot_table1(i).lot_number;
535                l_row_exists := 1;
536             EXCEPTION
537                WHEN no_data_found THEN
538                   l_row_exists := 0;
539             END;
541             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
542                IF l_row_exists = 1 THEN
543                   mydebug(i || 'Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number || ' exists in remaining', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
544                 ELSE
545                   mydebug(i || 'Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number || ' does not exist in remaining', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
546                END IF;
547             END IF;
550             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
551                mydebug(i || 'Delta: ' || l_lot_table1(i).delta_primary_quantity, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
552      mydebug(i || 'Sec Delta: ' || l_lot_table1(i).delta_secondary_quantity, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
553             END IF;
555             IF l_lot_table1(i).delete_mtlt THEN
557                IF l_row_exists = 1 THEN
559                   IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
560                      mydebug(i || 'Deleting Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
561                   END IF;
563                   UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
564                     SET primary_quantity = primary_quantity + l_lot_table1(i).delta_primary_quantity,
565                         transaction_quantity = transaction_quantity +
566                                                Round(l_lot_table1(i).delta_primary_quantity * l_conversion_factor2,
567                                                      l_g_decimal_precision),
568         secondary_quantity = secondary_quantity + l_lot_table1(i).delta_secondary_quantity,
569                         last_update_date     = Sysdate,
570                         last_updated_by      = p_user_id
571                     WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id2
572                     AND lot_number = l_lot_table1(i).lot_number;
574                   DELETE FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp
575                     WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id1
576                     AND lot_number = l_lot_table1(i).lot_number;
578                 ELSE -- row does not exist in 2
580                   IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
581                      mydebug(i || 'Transferring Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
582                   END IF;
584                   UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
585                     SET transaction_temp_id        = p_transaction_temp_id2,
586                         transaction_quantity       = Round(primary_quantity * l_conversion_factor2, l_g_decimal_precision),
587                         last_update_date     = Sysdate,
588                         last_updated_by      = p_user_id
589                     WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id1
590                     AND lot_number = l_lot_table1(i).lot_number;
592                END IF;
594              ELSIF l_lot_table1(i).update_mtlt THEN
596                UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
597                  SET primary_quantity     = l_lot_table1(i).primary_quantity,
598                      transaction_quantity = Round(l_lot_table1(i).primary_quantity * l_conversion_factor, l_g_decimal_precision),
599                      secondary_quantity   = l_lot_table1(i).secondary_quantity,
600                      last_update_date     = Sysdate,
601                      last_updated_by      = p_user_id
602                  WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id1
603                  AND lot_number = l_lot_table1(i).lot_number;
605                IF l_row_exists = 1 THEN
607                   IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
608                      mydebug(i || 'Updating Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
609                   END IF;
611                   UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
612                     SET primary_quantity     = primary_quantity + l_lot_table1(i).delta_primary_quantity,
613                         transaction_quantity = transaction_quantity + Round(l_lot_table1(i).delta_primary_quantity * l_conversion_factor2,
614                                                                             l_g_decimal_precision),
615         secondary_quantity     = secondary_quantity + l_lot_table1(i).delta_secondary_quantity,
616                         last_update_date     = Sysdate,
617                         last_updated_by      = p_user_id
618                     WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id2
619                     AND lot_number = l_lot_table1(i).lot_number;
620                 ELSE -- row does not exist in 2
622                   IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
623                      mydebug(i || 'Inserting Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
624                   END IF;
626                   SELECT *
627                     INTO l_mtlt_rec
628                     FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp
629                     WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id1
630                     AND lot_number = l_lot_table1(i).lot_number;
632                   l_mtlt_rec.transaction_temp_id        := p_transaction_temp_id2;
633                   l_mtlt_rec.transaction_quantity       := Round(l_mtlt_rec.primary_quantity * l_conversion_factor2, l_g_decimal_precision);
635                   proc_insert_mtlt
636                    (p_lot_record         => l_mtlt_rec,
637                     x_return_status      => x_return_status,
638                     x_msg_count          => x_msg_count,
639                     x_msg_data           => x_msg_data);
641                   mydebug('x_return_status : ' || x_return_status);
642                   IF x_return_status <> l_g_ret_sts_success THEN
643                      RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
644                   END IF;
646                END IF; -- row exists
648             END IF; -- delete/update mtlt
650          END LOOP; -- lot loop
651        ELSIF p_lot_controlled <> 'Y' AND p_serial_controlled = 'Y' THEN -- Serial controlled only
653          IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
654             mydebug('Loaded...', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
655          END IF;
657          l_secondary_quantity := p_secondary_quantity;
659          j := 1; -- serial table counter
660          FOR msnt_record IN msnt_cursor(p_transaction_temp_id1) LOOP
661             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
662                mydebug(j || ' Serial Number: ' || msnt_record.fm_serial_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
663             END IF;
665             l_serial_table1(j).serial_number := msnt_record.fm_serial_number;
666             j := j + 1;
667          END LOOP;
669          IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
670             mydebug('Confirmed...', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
671          END IF;
673          j := 1; -- serial table counter
674          l_primary_quantity := 0;
675          FOR lot_serial_rec IN confirmed_lot_serial_cursor LOOP
677             l_primary_quantity := l_primary_quantity + 1;
679             WHILE l_serial_table1(j).serial_number <> lot_serial_rec.serial_number LOOP
680                l_serial_table1(j).delete_msnt := TRUE;
681                j := j + 1;
682             END LOOP;
684             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
685                mydebug(j || ' Serial Number: ' || l_serial_table1(j).serial_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
686             END IF;
688             j := j + 1;
689          END LOOP;
692          WHILE j <= l_serial_table1.COUNT LOOP
693             l_serial_table1(j).delete_msnt := TRUE;
694             j := j + 1;
695          END LOOP;
697          j := 1;
699          WHILE  j <= l_serial_table1.COUNT LOOP
701             IF l_serial_table1(j).delete_msnt THEN
703                IF p_serial_allocated_flag = 'Y' THEN
705                   IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
706                      mydebug(j || 'Transferring Serial Number: ' || l_serial_table1(j).serial_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
707                   END IF;
709                   UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers_temp
710                     SET transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id2,
711                         last_update_date    = Sysdate,
712                         last_updated_by     = p_user_id
713                     WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id1
714                     AND fm_serial_number = l_serial_table1(j).serial_number;
715                 ELSE
717                   IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
718                      mydebug(j || 'Deleting Serial Number: ' || l_serial_table1(j).serial_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
719                   END IF;
721                   DELETE FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp
722                     WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id1
723                     AND fm_serial_number = l_serial_table1(j).serial_number;
725                   -- unmark serial
726                   UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
727                     SET group_mark_id       = NULL,
728                         last_update_date    = Sysdate,
729                         last_updated_by     = p_user_id
730                     WHERE serial_number = l_serial_table1(j).serial_number
731                     AND inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id;
733                END IF; -- serial allocated flag
734             END IF;
736             j := j + 1;
737          END LOOP;
739        ELSIF p_lot_controlled = 'Y' AND p_serial_controlled = 'Y' THEN -- Lot and serial controlled
741          IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
742             mydebug('Loaded...', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
743          END IF;
745          i := 1; -- lot table counter
746          j := 1; -- serial table counter
747          FOR mtlt_record IN mtlt_cursor(p_transaction_temp_id1) LOOP
749             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
750                mydebug(i || ' Lot Number: ' || mtlt_record.lot_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
751             END IF;
753             l_lot_table1(i).lot_number := mtlt_record.lot_number;
754             l_lot_table1(i).primary_quantity := mtlt_record.primary_quantity;
756             FOR msnt_record IN msnt_cursor(mtlt_record.serial_transaction_temp_id) LOOP
757                IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
758                   mydebug(j || ' Serial Number: ' || msnt_record.fm_serial_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
759                END IF;
761                l_serial_table1(j).transaction_temp_id := mtlt_record.serial_transaction_temp_id;
762                l_serial_table1(j).serial_number := msnt_record.fm_serial_number;
763                l_serial_table1(j).lot_number := mtlt_record.lot_number;
765                j := j + 1;
766             END LOOP;
768             i := i + 1;
769          END LOOP;
771          IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
772             mydebug('Confirmed...', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
773          END IF;
775          i := 1; -- lot table counter
776          j := 1; -- serial table counter
777          l_primary_quantity := 0;
778          FOR lot_serial_rec IN confirmed_lot_serial_cursor LOOP
780             l_primary_quantity := l_primary_quantity + 1;
782             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
783                mydebug(i || ' Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
784             END IF;
786             IF l_lot_table1(i).lot_number = lot_serial_rec.lot_number THEN
787                l_lot_table1(i).secondary_quantity := lot_serial_rec.secondary_quantity;
788             END IF;
790             WHILE l_serial_table1(j).serial_number <> lot_serial_rec.serial_number LOOP
792                IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
793                   mydebug(j || 'Marking Serial Number: ' || l_serial_table1(j).serial_number || ' to be deleted', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
794                END IF;
796                l_serial_table1(j).delete_msnt := TRUE;
798                l_lot_table1(i).primary_quantity := l_lot_table1(i).primary_quantity - 1;
799                l_lot_table1(i).delta_primary_quantity := Nvl(l_lot_table1(i).delta_primary_quantity, 0) + 1;
800                l_lot_table1(i).update_mtlt := TRUE;
802                IF l_lot_table1(i).primary_quantity = 0 THEN
803                   l_lot_table1(i).delete_mtlt := TRUE;
805                  IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
806                     mydebug(i || 'Marking Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number || ' to be deleted', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
807                  END IF;
809                 ELSE
811                  IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
812                     mydebug(i || 'Marking Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number || ' to be updated', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
813                  END IF;
815                END IF;
817                j := j + 1;
819                IF l_serial_table1.COUNT >= j THEN
820                   IF l_serial_table1(j-1).lot_number = l_lot_table1(i).lot_number AND
821                     l_serial_table1(j).lot_number <> l_lot_table1(i).lot_number THEN
822                      i := i + 1;
823                      mydebug('Incrementing i', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
824                   END IF;
825                END IF;
827             END LOOP;
829             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
830                mydebug(j || ' Serial Number: ' || l_serial_table1(j).serial_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
831             END IF;
833             j := j + 1;
835          END LOOP;
837          WHILE j <= l_serial_table1.COUNT LOOP
839             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
840                mydebug(j || 'Marking Serial Number: ' || l_serial_table1(j).serial_number || ' to be deleted', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
841             END IF;
843             l_serial_table1(j).delete_msnt := TRUE;
845             l_lot_table1(i).primary_quantity := l_lot_table1(i).primary_quantity - 1;
846             l_lot_table1(i).delta_primary_quantity := Nvl(l_lot_table1(i).delta_primary_quantity, 0) + 1;
847             l_lot_table1(i).update_mtlt := TRUE;
849             IF l_lot_table1(i).primary_quantity = 0 THEN
850                l_lot_table1(i).delete_mtlt := TRUE;
852                IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
853                   mydebug(i || 'Marking Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number || ' to be deleted', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
854                END IF;
856              ELSE
858                IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
859                   mydebug(i || 'Marking Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number || ' to be updated', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
860                END IF;
862             END IF;
864             j := j + 1;
866             IF l_serial_table1.COUNT >= j THEN
867                IF l_serial_table1(j-1).lot_number = l_lot_table1(i).lot_number AND
868                  l_serial_table1(j).lot_number <> l_lot_table1(i).lot_number THEN
869                   i := i + 1;
870                   mydebug('Incrementing i', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
871                END IF;
872             END IF;
874          END LOOP;
876          j := 1;
877          FOR i IN 1..l_lot_table1.COUNT LOOP
879             l_serial_transaction_temp_id := NULL;
881             BEGIN
882                SELECT serial_transaction_temp_id
883                  INTO l_serial_transaction_temp_id
884                  FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp
885                  WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id2
886                  AND lot_number = l_lot_table1(i).lot_number;
888                l_row_exists := 1;
889             EXCEPTION
890                WHEN no_data_found THEN
891                   l_row_exists := 0;
893                   IF p_serial_allocated_flag = 'Y' THEN
894                      SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
895                        INTO l_serial_transaction_temp_id
896                        FROM dual;
897                   END IF;
898             END;
900             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
901                IF l_row_exists = 1 THEN
902                   mydebug(i || 'Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number || ' exists in remaining', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
903                 ELSE
904                   mydebug(i || 'Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number || ' does not exist in remaining', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
905                END IF;
906             END IF;
908             WHILE j <= l_serial_table1.COUNT AND l_serial_table1(j).lot_number = l_lot_table1(i).lot_number LOOP
910                IF l_serial_table1(j).delete_msnt THEN
912                   IF p_serial_allocated_flag = 'Y' THEN
914                      IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
915                         mydebug(j || 'Transferring Serial Number: ' || l_serial_table1(j).serial_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
916                      END IF;
918                      UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers_temp
919                        SET transaction_temp_id = l_serial_transaction_temp_id,
920                            last_update_date    = Sysdate,
921                            last_updated_by     = p_user_id
922                        WHERE transaction_temp_id = l_serial_table1(j).transaction_temp_id
923                        AND fm_serial_number = l_serial_table1(j).serial_number;
924                    ELSE
926                      IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
927                         mydebug(j || 'Deleting Serial Number: ' || l_serial_table1(j).serial_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
928                      END IF;
930                      DELETE FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp
931                        WHERE transaction_temp_id = l_serial_table1(j).transaction_temp_id
932                        AND fm_serial_number = l_serial_table1(j).serial_number;
934                      -- unmark serial
935                      UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
936                        SET group_mark_id       = NULL,
937                            last_update_date    = Sysdate,
938                            last_updated_by     = p_user_id
939                        WHERE serial_number = l_serial_table1(j).serial_number
940                        AND inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id;
942                   END IF; -- serial allocated flag
943                 ELSE
944                   IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
945                      mydebug(j || ' Serial Number: ' || l_serial_table1(j).serial_number || ' left untouched', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
946                   END IF;
947                END IF;
949                j := j + 1;
951             END LOOP;
953             IF l_lot_table1(i).delete_mtlt THEN
955                IF l_row_exists = 1 THEN
957                   IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
958                      mydebug(i || 'Deleting Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
959                   END IF;
961                   UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
962                     SET primary_quantity = primary_quantity + l_lot_table1(i).delta_primary_quantity,
963                         transaction_quantity = transaction_quantity +
964                                                Round(l_lot_table1(i).delta_primary_quantity * l_conversion_factor2,
965                                                      l_g_decimal_precision),
966                         last_update_date     = Sysdate,
967                         last_updated_by      = p_user_id
968                     WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id2
969                     AND lot_number = l_lot_table1(i).lot_number;
971                   DELETE FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp
972                     WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id1
973                     AND lot_number = l_lot_table1(i).lot_number;
975                 ELSE -- row does not exist in 2
977                   IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
978                      mydebug(i || 'Transferring Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
979                   END IF;
981                   UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
982                     SET transaction_temp_id        = p_transaction_temp_id2,
983                         serial_transaction_temp_id = l_serial_transaction_temp_id,
984                         transaction_quantity       = Round(primary_quantity * l_conversion_factor2, l_g_decimal_precision),
985                         last_update_date           = Sysdate,
986                         last_updated_by            = p_user_id
987                     WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id1
988                     AND lot_number = l_lot_table1(i).lot_number;
990                END IF;
992              ELSIF l_lot_table1(i).update_mtlt THEN
994                UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
995                  SET primary_quantity     = l_lot_table1(i).primary_quantity,
996                      transaction_quantity = Round(l_lot_table1(i).primary_quantity * l_conversion_factor, l_g_decimal_precision),
997                      secondary_quantity   = l_lot_table1(i).secondary_quantity,
998                      last_update_date     = Sysdate,
999                      last_updated_by      = p_user_id
1000                  WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id1
1001                  AND lot_number = l_lot_table1(i).lot_number;
1003                IF l_row_exists = 1 THEN
1005                   IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
1006                      mydebug(i || 'Updating Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
1007                   END IF;
1009                   UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
1010                     SET primary_quantity     = primary_quantity + l_lot_table1(i).delta_primary_quantity,
1011                         transaction_quantity = transaction_quantity + Round(l_lot_table1(i).delta_primary_quantity * l_conversion_factor2,
1012                                                                             l_g_decimal_precision),
1013                         last_update_date     = Sysdate,
1014                         last_updated_by      = p_user_id
1015                     WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id2
1016                     AND lot_number = l_lot_table1(i).lot_number;
1017                 ELSE -- row does not exist in 2
1019                   IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
1020                      mydebug(i || 'Inserting Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
1021                   END IF;
1023                   SELECT *
1024                     INTO l_mtlt_rec
1025                     FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp
1026                     WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id1
1027                     AND lot_number = l_lot_table1(i).lot_number;
1029                   l_mtlt_rec.transaction_temp_id        := p_transaction_temp_id2;
1030                   l_mtlt_rec.serial_transaction_temp_id := l_serial_transaction_temp_id;
1031                   l_mtlt_rec.transaction_quantity       := Round(l_mtlt_rec.primary_quantity * l_conversion_factor2, l_g_decimal_precision);
1033                   proc_insert_mtlt
1034                    (p_lot_record         => l_mtlt_rec,
1035                     x_return_status      => x_return_status,
1036                     x_msg_count          => x_msg_count,
1037                     x_msg_data           => x_msg_data);
1039                   mydebug('Return status from insert MTLT : ' || x_return_status, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
1040                   IF x_return_status <> l_g_ret_sts_success THEN
1041                      RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
1042                   END IF;
1044                END IF; -- row exists
1046             END IF; -- delete/update mtlt
1048          END LOOP; -- lot loop
1050       END IF; -- lot/serial/lot serial
1051    END IF; -- no control/lot/serial/lot serial
1053    -- Update MMTT records
1054    l_delta_primary_quantity := l_primary_quantity1 - l_primary_quantity;
1055  l_delta_secondary_quantity := l_secondary_quantity1 - l_secondary_quantity;
1057    IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
1058       mydebug('Updating MMTT with delta qty: ' || l_delta_primary_quantity, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
1059   mydebug('Updating MMTT with delta sec qty: ' || l_delta_secondary_quantity, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
1060    END IF;
1062    UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp
1063      SET transaction_quantity           = Round(l_primary_quantity*l_conversion_factor, l_g_decimal_precision),
1064          transaction_uom                = p_transaction_uom,
1065          primary_quantity               = l_primary_quantity,
1066          secondary_transaction_quantity = l_secondary_quantity,
1067          secondary_uom_code             = p_secondary_uom,
1068          lpn_id                         = content_lpn_id,
1069          content_lpn_id                 = NULL,
1070          transfer_lpn_id                = p_transfer_lpn_id,
1071          last_update_date               = Sysdate,
1072          last_updated_by                = p_user_id
1073      WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id1
1074      returning lpn_id INTO l_lpn_id;
1076    -- Bug5659809: update last_update_date and last_update_by as well
1077    UPDATE wms_license_plate_numbers
1078      SET lpn_context = 1
1079        , last_update_date = SYSDATE
1080        , last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id
1081      WHERE lpn_id = l_lpn_id;
1083    -- Update remaining MMTT record
1084    UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp
1085      SET transaction_quantity = transaction_quantity +  Round(l_delta_primary_quantity*l_conversion_factor2, l_g_decimal_precision),
1086          primary_quantity     = primary_quantity + l_delta_primary_quantity,
1087    secondary_transaction_quantity = secondary_transaction_quantity+l_delta_secondary_quantity,
1088          last_update_date     = Sysdate,
1089          last_updated_by      = p_user_id
1090      WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id2;
1093    WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
1094       x_return_status := l_g_ret_sts_error;
1095       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
1097       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
1098          mydebug('Error', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
1099       END IF;
1100       ROLLBACK;
1103       x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
1104       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
1105       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
1106          mydebug('Error: ' || Sqlerrm, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
1107       END IF;
1108       ROLLBACK ;
1109 END update_loaded_part;
1111 PROCEDURE task_merge_split(
1112                p_action                    IN            VARCHAR2  -- LOAD_MULTIPLE/LOAD_SINGLE/SPLIT/UPDATE_LOADED
1113               ,p_exception                 IN            VARCHAR2  -- SHORT/OVER
1114               ,p_organization_id           IN            NUMBER
1115               ,p_user_id                   IN            NUMBER
1116               ,p_transaction_header_id     IN            NUMBER
1117               ,p_transaction_temp_id       IN            NUMBER
1118               ,p_parent_line_id            IN            NUMBER
1119               ,p_remaining_temp_id         IN            NUMBER
1120               ,p_lpn_id                    IN            NUMBER
1121               ,p_content_lpn_id            IN            NUMBER
1122               ,p_transfer_lpn_id           IN            NUMBER
1123               ,p_confirmed_sub             IN            VARCHAR2
1124               ,p_confirmed_locator_id      IN            NUMBER
1125               ,p_confirmed_uom             IN            VARCHAR2
1126               ,p_suggested_uom             IN            VARCHAR2
1127               ,p_primary_uom               IN            VARCHAR2
1128               ,p_inventory_item_id         IN            NUMBER
1129               ,p_revision                  IN            VARCHAR2
1130               ,p_confirmed_trx_qty         IN            NUMBER
1131               ,p_confirmed_lots            IN            VARCHAR2
1132               ,p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty     IN            VARCHAR2
1133               ,p_confirmed_sec_uom         IN            VARCHAR2
1134               ,p_confirmed_sec_qty         IN            VARCHAR2
1135               ,p_confirmed_serials         IN            VARCHAR2
1136               ,p_container_item_id         IN            NUMBER
1137               ,p_lpn_match                 IN            NUMBER
1138               ,p_lpn_match_lpn_id          IN            NUMBER
1139               ,p_serial_allocated_flag     IN            VARCHAR2
1140               ,p_lot_controlled            IN            VARCHAR2  -- Y/N
1141               ,p_serial_controlled         IN            VARCHAR2  -- Y/N
1142               ,p_parent_lpn_id             IN            NUMBER
1143               ,x_new_transaction_temp_id   OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
1144               ,x_cms_check                 OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2  -- FAIL/PASS
1145               ,x_return_status             OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
1146               ,x_msg_count                 OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
1147               ,x_msg_data                  OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2)
1148 IS
1150    l_proc_name                      VARCHAR2(30) :=  'TASK_MERGE_SPLIT';
1151    l_debug                          NUMBER       := NVL(fnd_profile.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'), 0);
1152    l_progress                       VARCHAR2(30) :=  '100';
1153    l_transaction_temp_id_to_merge   NUMBER       :=  NULL;
1154    l_new_transaction_temp_id        NUMBER       :=  NULL;
1155    l_insert                         VARCHAR2(2)  :=  NULL;
1156    l_update                         VARCHAR2(2)  :=  NULL;
1157    l_action                         VARCHAR2(30) :=  p_action;
1158    l_pick_ok                        VARCHAR2(1)  :=  'Y';
1160    l_lpn_id                NUMBER := p_lpn_id;
1161    l_content_lpn_id        NUMBER := p_content_lpn_id;
1162    l_parent_lpn_id         NUMBER := p_parent_lpn_id;
1163    l_transfer_lpn_id       NUMBER := p_transfer_lpn_id;
1164    l_container_item_id     NUMBER := p_container_item_id;
1165    l_lpn_match_lpn_id      NUMBER := p_lpn_match_lpn_id;
1167    l_lpn_context_pregenerated    CONSTANT NUMBER := WMS_Container_PUB.LPN_CONTEXT_PREGENERATED;
1168    l_lpn_context_inv             CONSTANT NUMBER := WMS_Container_PUB.LPN_CONTEXT_INV;
1169    l_lpn_context_picked          CONSTANT NUMBER := WMS_Container_PUB.LPN_CONTEXT_PICKED;
1170    l_lpn_context_packing         CONSTANT NUMBER := WMS_Container_PUB.LPN_CONTEXT_PACKING ;
1172    CURSOR  cur_split_mmtts
1173    IS
1174       SELECT transaction_temp_id
1175       FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp
1176       WHERE  transaction_header_id  = p_transaction_header_id
1177       AND    transaction_temp_id   <> p_transaction_temp_id
1178       AND    inventory_item_id      = p_inventory_item_id
1179       AND    nvl(revision,'@@')     = nvl(p_revision,'@@')
1180       AND    subinventory_code      = p_confirmed_sub
1181       AND    locator_id             = p_confirmed_locator_id
1182       AND    transaction_uom        = p_confirmed_uom
1183       AND    transfer_lpn_id        = p_transfer_lpn_id
1184       AND    nvl(content_lpn_id,0)  = nvl(p_content_lpn_id,0)
1185       AND    nvl(lpn_id,0)          = nvl(p_lpn_id,0);
1187 BEGIN
1189    --/*
1190    -- P_action can have foll. values  'LOAD_MULTIPLE' , 'LOAD_SINGLE' or 'SPLIT'
1191    -- newly genertated LPN is already in wms_lpn table when PichMore Is pressed
1192    -- if fromLpn = toLPN  -- FULLY COMSUMABLE
1193    --    from = content_lpn_id, to=transfer_lpn_id
1194    --    content_lpn_id is always nested into transafer_lpn_id
1195    --  else  from = lpn_id, to=transfer_lpn_id.
1196    -- l_insert    = 'Y'  means Yes, --insert new MMTT
1197    -- l_update    = 'Y1' means Yes But, 1 update , update original MMTT to reduce qty
1198    -- l_update    = 'Y2' means Yes but, 2 updates
1199    -- update original MMTT to reduce qty and
1200    -- update mergeable MMTT to add qty
1201    /*  MMTT management
1202    --   Action l_insert  L_update  update orginalMMTT  UpdMergeMMTT  InsertNewMMTT    WMS_TASK_STATUS CHANGE
1203    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1204    --   SPLIT  Y         Y1        N                   N             Y                new MMTT inserted with loaded status
1205    --   SPLIT  N         Y2        Y                   Y             N                no change
1206    --   LOAD_M N         Y1        Y                   N             N                original MMTT updated to loaded status
1207    --   LOAD_M N         Y2        Y-Delete            Y             N                no change
1208    --   LOAD_S N         Y1        Y                   N             N                original MMTT updated to loaded status
1209    --*/
1211    x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_success;
1212    g_debug := l_debug;
1214    IF p_lpn_id = 0            THEN l_lpn_id := NULL;             END IF;
1215    IF p_content_lpn_id = 0    THEN l_content_lpn_id := NULL;     END IF;
1216    IF p_parent_lpn_id = 0     THEN l_parent_lpn_id := NULL;      END IF;
1217    IF p_transfer_lpn_id = 0   THEN l_transfer_lpn_id := NULL;    END IF;
1218    IF p_container_item_id = 0 THEN l_container_item_id := NULL;  END IF;
1219    IF p_lpn_match_lpn_id = 0  THEN l_lpn_match_lpn_id := NULL;   END IF;
1221    mydebug ('p_action                 = ' || p_action                 );
1222    mydebug ('p_exception              = ' || p_exception              );
1223    mydebug ('p_transaction_header_id  = ' || p_transaction_header_id  );
1224    mydebug ('p_transaction_temp_id    = ' || p_transaction_temp_id    );
1225    mydebug ('p_remaining_temp_id      = ' || p_remaining_temp_id    );
1226    mydebug ('p_parent_line_id         = ' || p_parent_line_id         );
1227    mydebug ('p_lpn_id                 = ' || p_lpn_id || ':' || l_lpn_id);
1228    mydebug ('p_content_lpn_id         = ' || p_content_lpn_id || ':' || l_content_lpn_id);
1229    mydebug ('p_parent_lpn_id         = ' || p_parent_lpn_id || ':' ||
1230                                                                      l_parent_lpn_id);
1231    mydebug ('p_transfer_lpn_id        = ' || p_transfer_lpn_id  || ':' || l_transfer_lpn_id);
1232    mydebug ('p_confirmed_sub          = ' || p_confirmed_sub          );
1233    mydebug ('p_confirmed_locator_id   = ' || p_confirmed_locator_id   );
1234    mydebug ('p_confirmed_uom          = ' || p_confirmed_uom          );
1235    mydebug ('p_suggested_uom          = ' || p_suggested_uom          );
1236    mydebug ('p_primary_uom            = ' || p_primary_uom            );
1237    mydebug ('p_inventory_item_id      = ' || p_inventory_item_id      );
1238    mydebug ('p_revision               = ' || p_revision               );
1239    mydebug ('p_confirmed_trx_qty      = ' || p_confirmed_trx_qty      );
1240    mydebug ('p_confirmed_lots         = ' || p_confirmed_lots         );
1241    mydebug ('p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty  = ' || p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty  );
1242    mydebug ('p_confirmed_sec_uom      = ' || p_confirmed_sec_uom      );
1243    mydebug ('p_confirmed_sec_qty      = ' || p_confirmed_sec_qty      );
1244    mydebug ('p_confirmed_serials      = ' || p_confirmed_serials      );
1245    mydebug ('p_serial_allocated_flag  = ' || p_serial_allocated_flag  );
1246    mydebug ('p_lpn_match              = ' || p_lpn_match              );
1247    mydebug ('p_lpn_match_lpn_id       = ' || p_lpn_match_lpn_id  || ':' || l_lpn_match_lpn_id);
1248    mydebug ('p_container_item_id      = ' || p_container_item_id || ':' || l_container_item_id);
1249    mydebug ('p_lot_controlled      = ' || p_lot_controlled );
1250    mydebug ('p_serial_controlled      = ' || p_serial_controlled );
1252    IF p_action = 'UPDATE_LOADED' THEN
1253       update_loaded_part
1254         (p_user_id                   => p_user_id,
1255          p_transaction_temp_id1      => p_transaction_temp_id,
1256          p_transaction_temp_id2      => p_remaining_temp_id,
1257          p_transfer_lpn_id           => l_transfer_lpn_id,
1258          p_transaction_uom           => p_confirmed_uom,
1259          p_transaction_quantity      => p_confirmed_trx_qty,
1260          p_lot_numbers               => p_confirmed_lots,
1261          p_lot_transaction_quantity  => p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty,
1262          p_secondary_uom             => p_confirmed_sec_uom,
1263          p_secondary_quantity        => p_confirmed_sec_qty,
1264          p_serial_numbers            => p_confirmed_serials,
1265          p_serial_allocated_flag     => p_serial_allocated_flag,
1266          p_lot_controlled            => p_lot_controlled,
1267          p_serial_controlled         => p_serial_controlled,
1268          x_return_status             => x_return_status,
1269          x_msg_count                 => x_msg_count,
1270          x_msg_data                  => x_msg_data);
1272       mydebug('x_return_status : ' || x_return_status);
1273       IF x_return_status <> l_g_ret_sts_success THEN
1274          RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
1275       END IF;
1277     ELSE
1278        l_progress    :=  '200';
1279        mydebug ('l_progress: ' || l_progress  || ' : Call Can_picdrop to check Move order line status' );
1280        x_cms_check := 'PASS';
1281        -- no need to do CMS check for BULK task
1282        IF p_transaction_temp_id <> p_parent_line_id THEN
1283           x_cms_check :=  can_pickdrop(p_transaction_temp_id );
1284           mydebug ('x_cms_check: ' || x_cms_check );
1285           IF  x_cms_check = 'FAIL'
1286           THEN
1287              --fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_CANCELLED_SOURCE');
1288              -- Source of the task is cancelled by source.. F2 to rollback
1289              --fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
1290              RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
1291           END IF;
1292        END IF;
1295        /* Update the LPN context to "Packing context" (8).
1296        -- if p_lpn_match = 1,3 (exact match or fully consumable LPN) then
1297        -- p_lpn_match_lpn_id will be set to Packing context(8) otherwise , we will not
1298        -- change the context of from lpn .
1299        -- Always set the status of p_transfer_lpn_id = Packing context(8) , whether
1300        -- pre-generated or already in Packing context" */
1301        --
1302         l_progress    :=  '200';
1303         mydebug ('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
1304         mydebug ('Updating LPN context for: ' || l_lpn_match_lpn_id || ' And ' || l_transfer_lpn_id);
1305       IF p_lpn_match in (1,3) THEN -- fully consumable lpn or exact match
1306          IF l_lpn_id IS NULL  THEN -- lpn_id column of MMTT
1307             /*If we are transferring the contents of from lpn (ie. UI had Xfr LPN enabled
1308               instead of INTO LPN) then do not change the context of the LPN to packing.
1309               TM needs it to be 'resides in inv' to be able to unpack the material */
1310             BEGIN
1311              -- Bug5659809: update last_update_date and last_update_by as well
1312               UPDATE wms_license_plate_numbers
1313                 SET lpn_context = l_lpn_context_packing
1314                   , last_update_date = SYSDATE
1315                   , last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id
1316               WHERE lpn_id = l_lpn_match_lpn_id
1317                 AND lpn_context = l_lpn_context_inv --, l_transfer_lpn_id)
1318                 AND organization_id = p_organization_id;
1320               IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
1321                  mydebug ('Cannot find LPNs to update the context' );
1322                  fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_WRONG_FROM_LPN_CONTEXT');
1323                  -- FROM LPN Context is not valid '
1324                  fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
1325                  RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
1327               END IF;
1328              EXCEPTION
1329                  WHEN OTHERS THEN
1330                     mydebug ('Others exception while updating From LPN context: ' || SQLCODE);
1331                  RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
1332              END ;
1333          END IF;
1334       END IF;
1335       l_progress    :=  '300';
1336       mydebug ('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
1337       /*If we are transferring the contents of from lpn (fully consumable) (ie. UI had Xfr LPN enabled
1338         instead of INTO LPN) then do not change the context of the LPN to packing.
1339         TM needs it to be 'resides in inv' to be able to unpack the material */
1340       IF (l_lpn_id IS NOT NULL  AND
1341           l_lpn_id <> l_transfer_lpn_id)
1342         OR
1343          (l_lpn_id IS NULL)
1344       THEN
1345          BEGIN
1347            -- Bug5659809: update last_update_date and last_update_by as well
1348            UPDATE wms_license_plate_numbers
1349              SET lpn_context = l_lpn_context_packing
1350                , last_update_date = SYSDATE
1351                , last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id
1352            WHERE lpn_id = l_transfer_lpn_id
1353              AND lpn_context in (l_lpn_context_packing , l_lpn_context_pregenerated)
1354              AND organization_id = p_organization_id;
1356            IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
1357               mydebug ('Cannot find LPNs to update the context' );
1358               fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_WRONG_TO_LPN_CONTEXT');
1359               -- To LPN Context is not valid
1360               fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
1362               RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
1363            END IF;
1364           EXCEPTION
1365               WHEN OTHERS THEN
1366                  mydebug ('Others exception while updating To LPN context: ' || SQLCODE);
1367                  RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
1368           END ;
1369       END IF;
1370       -- Find a matching MMTT within the given header_id only if
1371       -- p_action = LOAD_MULTIPLE. for LOAD_SINGLE, we need not try to find
1372       -- a mergeable MMTT
1373         l_progress    :=  '400';
1374         mydebug ('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
1375       IF p_action = l_g_action_split  OR
1376         p_action = l_g_action_load_multiple --  ('SPLIT', 'LOAD_MULTIPLE')
1377         THEN
1378          l_progress    :=  '410';
1379          mydebug ('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
1380          FOR rec_split_mmtts  IN  cur_split_mmtts
1381            LOOP
1382               l_progress    :=  '420';
1383               mydebug ('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
1384               l_transaction_temp_id_to_merge := rec_split_mmtts.transaction_temp_id;
1385               mydebug('in loop..l_transaction_temp_id_to_merge = ' || l_transaction_temp_id_to_merge );
1386               EXIT;
1387            END LOOP;
1388       END IF;
1391       l_progress    :=  '500';
1392       mydebug ('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
1393       mydebug('l_transaction_temp_id_to_merge = ' || l_transaction_temp_id_to_merge );
1395       -- For pick short , it should work as a split so that we can process the workflow
1396       IF p_exception = l_g_exception_short
1397         THEN
1398          l_action := l_g_action_split;  -- SPLIT
1399        ELSE
1400          l_action := p_action;
1401       END IF;
1403       mydebug('l_action: ' || l_action);
1404       IF  l_transaction_temp_id_to_merge IS NULL
1405         THEN
1406          IF l_action = l_g_action_split  THEN
1407             l_insert      := 'Y';  --insert new MMTT
1408             l_update      := 'Y1'; -- update original MMTT to reduce qty
1409           ELSE  -- LOAD_SINGLE or LOAD_MULTIPLE
1410             l_insert      := 'N';  -- do not insert new MMTT
1411             l_update      := 'Y1'; -- update original MMTT = conmfirmed qty
1412          END IF;
1413        ELSE
1414          l_insert      := 'N';  -- Do not insert new MMTT
1415          l_update      := 'Y2'; -- 2 updates. 1- original MMTT to reduce qty
1416          --            2- mergeable MMTT to add qty
1417       END IF;
1418       mydebug('l_insert:' || l_insert || ':l_update:'|| l_update);
1419       proc_insert_update_mmtt
1420         (p_action                             => l_action
1421          ,p_insert                             => l_insert
1422          ,p_update                             => l_update
1423          ,p_organization_id                    => p_organization_id
1424          ,p_user_id                            => p_user_id
1425          ,p_transaction_header_id              => p_transaction_header_id
1426          ,p_transaction_temp_id                => p_transaction_temp_id
1427          ,p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge       => l_transaction_temp_id_to_merge
1428          ,p_lpn_id                             => l_lpn_id
1429          ,p_content_lpn_id                     => l_content_lpn_id
1430          ,p_transfer_lpn_id                    => l_transfer_lpn_id
1431          ,p_confirmed_sub                      => p_confirmed_sub
1432          ,p_confirmed_locator_id               => p_confirmed_locator_id
1433          ,p_confirmed_uom                      => p_confirmed_uom
1434          ,p_suggested_uom                      => p_suggested_uom
1435          ,p_primary_uom                        => p_primary_uom
1436          ,p_inventory_item_id                  => p_inventory_item_id
1437          ,p_revision                           => p_revision
1438          ,p_confirmed_trx_qty                  => p_confirmed_trx_qty
1439          ,p_confirmed_lots                     => p_confirmed_lots
1440          ,p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty              => p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty
1441          ,p_confirmed_sec_uom                  => p_confirmed_sec_uom
1442          ,p_confirmed_sec_qty                  => p_confirmed_sec_qty
1443          ,p_confirmed_serials                  => p_confirmed_serials
1444          ,p_container_item_id                  => l_container_item_id
1445          ,p_lpn_match                          => p_lpn_match
1446          ,p_lpn_match_lpn_id                   => l_lpn_match_lpn_id
1447          ,p_serial_allocated_flag              => p_serial_allocated_flag
1448          ,p_lot_controlled                     => p_lot_controlled
1449          ,p_serial_controlled                  => p_serial_controlled
1450          ,p_wms_task_status                    => l_g_task_loaded
1451          ,p_exception                          => p_exception
1452          ,p_parent_lpn_id                      => l_parent_lpn_id
1453          ,x_new_transaction_temp_id            => l_new_transaction_temp_id
1454          ,x_return_status                      => x_return_status
1455          ,x_msg_count                          => x_msg_count
1456          ,x_msg_data                           => x_msg_data);
1457       IF x_return_status <> l_g_ret_sts_success THEN
1458          mydebug('x_return_status : ' || x_return_status);
1459          RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
1460       END IF;
1461       x_new_transaction_temp_id := l_new_transaction_temp_id;
1462       mydebug('x_new_transaction_temp_id : '  || x_new_transaction_temp_id);
1464       /*  Task management
1465       Action l_insert   L_update  update orginalTSK UpdMergeTSK   InsertNewTSK
1466         SPLIT Y   Y1  N   N  Y
1467         SPLIT N   Y2  Y   Y  N
1468         LOAD_M N   Y1  Y   N  N
1469         LOAD_M N   Y2  Y-Delete  Y  N
1470         LOAD_S N   Y1  Y   N  N
1471         */
1473         l_progress    :=  '500';
1474       mydebug ('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
1475       proc_insert_update_task -- new task using p_transaction_temp_id);
1476         (p_action                    => l_action
1477          ,p_insert                    => l_insert
1478          ,p_update                    => l_update
1479          ,p_temp_id                   => p_transaction_temp_id
1480          ,p_new_temp_id               => l_new_transaction_temp_id -- will be notNULL only if p_insert=Y
1481          ,p_merge_temp_id             => l_transaction_temp_id_to_merge
1482          ,p_task_status               => l_g_task_loaded
1483          ,p_user_id                   => p_user_id
1484          ,x_return_status             => x_return_status
1485          ,x_msg_count                 => x_msg_count
1486          ,x_msg_data                  => x_msg_data);
1488       IF x_return_status <> l_g_ret_sts_success THEN
1489          --x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_success;
1490          RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
1491       END IF;
1492    END IF;
1494    l_progress := 'END';
1495    mydebug('COmmit ' );
1496    COMMIT;
1497    mydebug('End .. ' || l_proc_name);
1499    WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
1500       x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_error;
1501       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
1502       mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
1503       ROLLBACK ;
1504       mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
1505       mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error: ' || SQLERRM);
1506       mydebug('x_msg_count/Data = ' || x_msg_count || '/'|| x_msg_data);
1507    WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
1508       x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
1509       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
1510       mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
1511       ROLLBACK ;
1512       mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
1513       mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error: ' || SQLERRM);
1514       mydebug('x_msg_count/Data = ' || x_msg_count || '/'|| x_msg_data);
1516       x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
1517       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
1518       mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
1519       ROLLBACK ;
1520       mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
1521       mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error: ' || SQLERRM);
1522       mydebug('x_msg_count/Data = ' || x_msg_count || '/'|| x_msg_data);
1524 END task_merge_split;
1527 PROCEDURE  proc_insert_update_task
1528   (p_action                    IN            VARCHAR2
1529    ,p_insert                    IN            VARCHAR2
1530    ,p_update                    IN            VARCHAR2
1531    ,p_temp_id                   IN            NUMBER
1532    ,p_new_temp_id               IN            NUMBER
1533    ,p_merge_temp_id             IN            NUMBER
1534    ,p_task_status               IN            NUMBER
1535    ,p_user_id                   IN            NUMBER
1536    ,x_return_status             OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
1537    ,x_msg_count                 OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
1538    ,x_msg_data                  OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2)
1539   IS
1540      l_proc_name               VARCHAR2(30) :=  'proc_insert_update_task';
1541      l_progress                VARCHAR2(30) :=  '100';
1542      l_transaction_temp_id     NUMBER := NULL;
1543 BEGIN
1544    mydebug(l_proc_name || ': Before Insert into WMSDT');
1546    x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_success;
1548    mydebug ('p_action         = ' || p_action);
1549    mydebug ('p_insert         = ' || p_insert);
1550    mydebug ('p_update         = ' || p_update);
1551    mydebug ('p_temp_id        = ' || p_temp_id);
1552    mydebug ('p_new_temp_id    = ' || p_new_temp_id);
1553    mydebug ('p_merge_temp_id  = ' || p_merge_temp_id);
1554    mydebug ('p_task_status    = ' || p_task_status);
1556    IF p_insert = 'Y' THEN
1557        INSERT INTO wms_dispatched_tasks
1558                           (task_id
1559                           ,transaction_temp_id
1560                           ,organization_id
1561                           ,user_task_type
1562                           ,person_id
1563                           ,effective_start_date
1564                           ,effective_end_date
1565                           ,equipment_id
1566                           ,equipment_instance
1567                           ,person_resource_id
1568                           ,machine_resource_id
1569                           ,status
1570                           ,dispatched_time
1571                           ,loaded_time
1572                           ,drop_off_time
1573                           ,last_update_date
1574                           ,last_updated_by
1575                           ,creation_date
1576                           ,created_by
1577                           ,last_update_login
1578                           ,attribute_category
1579                           ,attribute1
1580                           ,attribute2
1581                           ,attribute3
1582                           ,attribute4
1583                           ,attribute5
1584                           ,attribute6
1585                           ,attribute7
1586                           ,attribute8
1587                           ,attribute9
1588                           ,attribute10
1589                           ,attribute11
1590                           ,attribute12
1591                           ,attribute13
1592                           ,attribute14
1593                           ,attribute15
1594                           ,task_type
1595                           ,priority
1596                           ,task_group_id
1597                           ,device_id
1598                           ,device_inVoked
1599                           ,device_request_id
1600                           ,suggested_dest_subinventory
1601                           ,suggested_dest_locator_id
1602                           ,operation_plan_id
1603                           ,move_order_line_id
1604                           ,transfer_lpn_id )
1605           (SELECT wms_dispatched_tasks_s.NEXTVAL
1606                           ,p_new_temp_id             -- parameter
1607                           ,organization_id
1608                           ,user_task_type
1609                           ,person_id
1610                           ,effective_start_date
1611                           ,effective_end_date
1612                           ,equipment_id
1613                           ,equipment_instance
1614                           ,person_resource_id
1615                           ,machine_resource_id
1616                           ,p_task_status                -- parameter
1617                           ,dispatched_time
1618                           ,SYSDATE
1619                           ,drop_off_time
1620                           ,SYSDATE
1621                           ,last_updated_by
1622                           ,SYSDATE
1623                           ,p_user_id         -- parameter
1624                           ,last_update_login
1625                           ,attribute_category
1626                           ,attribute1
1627                           ,attribute2
1628                           ,attribute3
1629                           ,attribute4
1630                           ,attribute5
1631                           ,attribute6
1632                           ,attribute7
1633                           ,attribute8
1634                           ,attribute9
1635                           ,attribute10
1636                           ,attribute11
1637                           ,attribute12
1638                           ,attribute13
1639                           ,attribute14
1640                           ,attribute15
1641                           ,task_type
1642                           ,priority
1643                           ,task_group_id
1644                           ,device_id
1645                           ,device_invoked
1646                           ,device_request_id
1647                           ,suggested_dest_subinventory
1648                           ,suggested_dest_locator_id
1649                           ,operation_plan_id
1650                           ,move_order_line_id
1651                           ,transfer_lpn_id
1652             FROM   wms_dispatched_tasks
1653             WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id);
1655          myDebug('Error inserting a new task using WDT record for : '|| p_temp_id);
1656          fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_INTERNAL_ERROR'); --NEWMSG
1657          -- Internal Error $ROUTINE
1658          fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', '- proc_insert_update_task' );
1659          fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
1660          RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
1661       END IF;
1662    ELSE
1663       l_progress := '200';
1664       mydebug ('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
1665       IF p_update = 'Y1' THEN
1666          l_transaction_temp_id := p_temp_id; -- update only the original task
1667       ELSE
1668          l_transaction_temp_id := p_merge_temp_id; -- update the merged task
1669       END IF;
1670       l_progress := '250';
1671       mydebug('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
1672       mydebug('l_transaction_temp_id : ' || l_transaction_temp_id);
1673       UPDATE  wms_dispatched_tasks
1674       SET     status =  p_task_status
1675               ,loaded_time = SYSDATE
1676               ,last_update_date = SYSDATE
1677               ,last_updated_by   = p_user_id
1678       WHERE transaction_temp_id = l_transaction_temp_id;
1680             mydebug('l_progress : ' || l_progress);
1681          myDebug('Error updating task for : '|| l_transaction_temp_id);
1682          fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_INTERNAL_ERROR'); --NEWMSG
1683          -- Internal Error $ROUTINE
1684          fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', '- proc_insert_update_task' );
1685          fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
1686          RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
1687       END IF;
1688       IF p_update = 'Y2' AND p_action = l_g_action_load_multiple THEN
1689          fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', '- proc_insert_update_task' );
1690          fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
1691          l_progress := '300';
1692          mydebug('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
1693          -- delete the original one with p_transaction_temp_id
1694          DELETE  wms_dispatched_tasks
1695           WHERE  transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
1696          IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
1697             myDebug('Error deleting task for : '|| l_transaction_temp_id);
1698             fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_INTERNAL_ERROR'); --NEWMSG
1699             -- Internal Error $ROUTINE
1700             fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', '- proc_insert_update_task' );
1701             fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
1702             RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
1703          END IF;
1704       END IF;
1706    END IF;
1708    mydebug('End .. ' || l_proc_name);
1710    WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
1711         x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_error;
1712         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
1713         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
1714         ROLLBACK ;
1715         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
1716         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error: ' || SQLERRM);
1717    WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
1718         x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
1719         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
1720         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
1721         ROLLBACK ;
1722         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
1723         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error: ' || SQLERRM);
1724         mydebug('x_msg_count/Data = ' || x_msg_count || '/'|| x_msg_data);
1726         x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
1727         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
1728         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
1729         ROLLBACK ;
1730         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
1731         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error: ' || SQLERRM);
1733 END proc_insert_update_task;
1735 PROCEDURE proc_insert_update_mmtt
1736               (p_action                               IN            VARCHAR2
1737               ,p_insert                               IN            VARCHAR2
1738               ,p_update                               IN            VARCHAR2
1739               ,p_organization_id                      IN            NUMBER
1740               ,p_user_id                              IN            NUMBER
1741               ,p_transaction_header_id                IN            NUMBER
1742               ,p_transaction_temp_id                  IN            NUMBER
1743               ,p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge         IN            NUMBER
1744               ,p_lpn_id                               IN            NUMBER
1745               ,p_content_lpn_id                       IN            NUMBER
1746               ,p_transfer_lpn_id                      IN            NUMBER
1747               ,p_confirmed_sub                        IN            VARCHAR2
1748               ,p_confirmed_locator_id                 IN            NUMBER
1749               ,p_confirmed_uom                        IN            VARCHAR2
1750               ,p_suggested_uom                        IN            VARCHAR2
1751               ,p_primary_uom                          IN            VARCHAR2
1752               ,p_inventory_item_id                    IN            NUMBER
1753               ,p_revision                             IN            VARCHAR2
1754               ,p_confirmed_trx_qty                    IN            NUMBER
1755               ,p_confirmed_lots                       IN            VARCHAR2
1756               ,p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty                IN            VARCHAR2
1757               ,p_confirmed_sec_uom                    IN            VARCHAR2
1758               ,p_confirmed_sec_qty                    IN            VARCHAR2
1759               ,p_confirmed_serials                    IN            VARCHAR2
1760               ,p_container_item_id                    IN            NUMBER
1761               ,p_wms_task_status                      IN            NUMBER
1762               ,p_lpn_match                            IN            NUMBER
1763               ,p_lpn_match_lpn_id                     IN            NUMBER
1764               ,p_serial_allocated_flag                IN            VARCHAR2
1765               ,p_lot_controlled                       IN            VARCHAR2  -- Y/N
1766               ,p_serial_controlled                    IN            VARCHAR2  -- Y/N
1767               ,p_exception                            IN            VARCHAR2 -- SHORT/OVER
1768               ,p_parent_lpn_id                        IN            NUMBER
1769               ,x_new_transaction_temp_id              OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
1770               ,x_return_status                        OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
1771               ,x_msg_count                            OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
1772               ,x_msg_data                             OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2)
1773 IS
1774    l_proc_name                   VARCHAR2(30) :=  'PROC_INSERT_UPDATE_MMTT';
1775    l_progress                    VARCHAR2(30) :=  '100';
1776    l_new_transaction_temp_id     NUMBER       := NULL;
1777    l_confirmed_prim_qty          NUMBER       := 0;
1778    l_confirmed_sugg_qty          NUMBER       := 0;
1779    l_confirmed_sec_qty           NUMBER       := 0;
1780    l_confirmed_lot_trx_sec_qty   NUMBER       := 0;
1781    n                             NUMBER       := 1;
1782    m                             NUMBER       := 1;
1783    l_delimiter                   VARCHAR(30)  := ':';
1784    l_rem_lot_pri_qty             NUMBER;
1785    l_rem_lot_trx_qty             NUMBER;
1786    l_rem_lot_sec_qty             NUMBER;
1789 BEGIN
1790    mydebug('In ..' || l_proc_name );
1792    x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_success;
1794    mydebug ('p_action                 = ' || p_action                 );
1795    mydebug ('p_insert                 = ' || p_insert                 );
1796    mydebug ('p_update                 = ' || p_update                 );
1797    mydebug ('p_transaction_header_id  = ' || p_transaction_header_id  );
1798    mydebug ('p_transaction_temp_id    = ' || p_transaction_temp_id    );
1799    mydebug ('p_lpn_id                 = ' || p_lpn_id                 );
1800    mydebug ('p_content_lpn_id         = ' || p_content_lpn_id         );
1801    mydebug ('p_parent_lpn_id          = ' || p_parent_lpn_id          );
1802    mydebug ('p_transfer_lpn_id        = ' || p_transfer_lpn_id        );
1803    mydebug ('p_confirmed_sub          = ' || p_confirmed_sub          );
1804    mydebug ('p_confirmed_locator_id   = ' || p_confirmed_locator_id   );
1805    mydebug ('p_confirmed_uom          = ' || p_confirmed_uom          );
1806    mydebug ('p_suggested_uom          = ' || p_suggested_uom          );
1807    mydebug ('p_primary_uom            = ' || p_primary_uom            );
1808    mydebug ('p_inventory_item_id      = ' || p_inventory_item_id      );
1809    mydebug ('p_revision               = ' || p_revision               );
1810    mydebug ('p_confirmed_trx_qty      = ' || p_confirmed_trx_qty      );
1811    mydebug ('p_confirmed_lots         = ' || p_confirmed_lots         );
1812    mydebug ('p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty  = ' || p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty  );
1813    mydebug ('p_confirmed_sec_uom      = ' || p_confirmed_sec_uom      );
1814    mydebug ('p_confirmed_sec_qty      = ' || p_confirmed_sec_qty      );
1815    mydebug ('p_confirmed_serials      = ' || p_confirmed_serials      );
1816    mydebug ('p_container_item_id      = ' || p_container_item_id      );
1817    mydebug ('p_lpn_match              = ' || p_lpn_match              );
1818    mydebug ('p_lpn_match_lpn_id       = ' || p_lpn_match_lpn_id       );
1819    mydebug ('p_exception       = ' || p_exception       );
1822    /* p_suggested_uom is the uom in which allocations are created. IN allocation MMTT it
1823  * is the transaction_uom .
1824  * p_confirmed_uom is the uom confirmed on the UI. This may or may not be equal
1825  * to suggested UOM
1826  * p_primary_uom is always static.*/
1827    IF p_primary_uom <> p_confirmed_uom
1828    THEN
1829       l_confirmed_prim_qty := inv_convert.inv_um_convert
1830                                (item_id          => p_inventory_item_id
1831                                ,precision        => l_g_decimal_precision
1832                                ,from_quantity    => p_confirmed_trx_qty
1833                                ,from_unit        => p_confirmed_uom
1834                                ,to_unit          => p_primary_uom
1835                                ,from_name        => NULL
1836                                ,to_name          => NULL);
1837    ELSE
1838       l_confirmed_prim_qty := p_confirmed_trx_qty;
1839    END IF;
1842    IF p_suggested_uom <> p_confirmed_uom
1843    THEN
1844       l_confirmed_sugg_qty := inv_convert.inv_um_convert
1845                                (item_id          => p_inventory_item_id
1846                                ,precision        => l_g_decimal_precision
1847                                ,from_quantity    => p_confirmed_trx_qty
1848                                ,from_unit        => p_confirmed_uom
1849                                ,to_unit          => p_suggested_uom
1850                                ,from_name        => NULL
1851                                ,to_name          => NULL);
1852    ELSE
1853       l_confirmed_sugg_qty := p_confirmed_trx_qty;
1854    END IF;
1857    -- Create new MMTT line
1859    IF p_lot_controlled = 'Y'
1860       -- For lot and Lot+serial controlled items, secondary quantity will be stored at lot level (MTLT)
1861       -- for vanilla items and serial controlled items it will be stored at MMTT level
1862    THEN
1863       WHILE  (n <> 0)
1864       LOOP
1865        n := INSTR(p_confirmed_sec_qty,l_delimiter,m,1);
1866        IF n = 0 THEN -- Last part OF the string
1867           l_confirmed_lot_trx_sec_qty :=  NVL(substr(p_confirmed_sec_qty,m,length(p_confirmed_sec_qty)), 0);
1868        ELSE
1869           l_confirmed_lot_trx_sec_qty :=  substr(p_confirmed_sec_qty,m,n-m) ;-- start at M get m-n chrs.
1870           m := n+1;
1871        END IF;
1872        l_confirmed_sec_qty := l_confirmed_sec_qty + l_confirmed_lot_trx_sec_qty;
1873       END LOOP;
1874    ELSE
1875       l_confirmed_sec_qty := p_confirmed_sec_qty;
1876    END IF;
1878    mydebug ('l_confirmed_sec_qty       = ' || l_confirmed_sec_qty);
1880    IF p_insert = 'Y' THEN
1881       l_progress   :=  '110';
1882       SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
1883       INTO l_new_transaction_temp_id
1884       FROM DUAL;
1885       x_new_transaction_temp_id := l_new_transaction_temp_id;
1887       mydebug(l_proc_name || ': l_new_transaction_temp_id = ' || l_new_transaction_temp_id);
1889       INSERT INTO mtl_material_transactions_temp
1890                     ( TRANSACTION_HEADER_ID
1891                      ,TRANSACTION_TEMP_ID
1892                      ,SOURCE_CODE
1893                      ,SOURCE_LINE_ID
1894                      ,TRANSACTION_MODE
1895                      ,LOCK_FLAG
1896                      ,LAST_UPDATE_DATE
1897                      ,LAST_UPDATED_BY
1898                      ,CREATION_DATE
1899                      ,CREATED_BY
1900                      ,LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN
1901                      ,REQUEST_ID
1902                      ,PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID
1903                      ,PROGRAM_ID
1904                      ,PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE
1905                      ,INVENTORY_ITEM_ID
1906                      ,REVISION
1907                      ,ORGANIZATION_ID
1908                      ,SUBINVENTORY_CODE
1909                      ,LOCATOR_ID
1910                      ,TRANSACTION_QUANTITY
1911                      ,PRIMARY_QUANTITY
1912                      ,TRANSACTION_UOM
1913                      ,TRANSACTION_COST
1914                      ,TRANSACTION_TYPE_ID
1915                      ,TRANSACTION_ACTION_ID
1916                      ,TRANSACTION_SOURCE_TYPE_ID
1917                      ,TRANSACTION_SOURCE_ID
1918                      ,TRANSACTION_SOURCE_NAME
1919                      ,TRANSACTION_DATE
1920                      ,ACCT_PERIOD_ID
1921                      ,DISTRIBUTION_ACCOUNT_ID
1922                      ,TRANSACTION_REFERENCE
1923                      ,REQUISITION_LINE_ID
1924                      ,REQUISITION_DISTRIBUTION_ID
1925                      ,REASON_ID
1926                      ,LOT_NUMBER
1927                      ,LOT_EXPIRATION_DATE
1928                      ,SERIAL_NUMBER
1929                      ,RECEIVING_DOCUMENT
1930                      ,DEMAND_ID
1931                      ,RCV_TRANSACTION_ID
1932                      ,MOVE_TRANSACTION_ID
1933                      ,COMPLETION_TRANSACTION_ID
1934                      ,WIP_ENTITY_TYPE
1935                      ,SCHEDULE_ID
1936                      ,REPETITIVE_LINE_ID
1937                      ,EMPLOYEE_CODE
1938                      ,PRIMARY_SWITCH
1939                      ,SCHEDULE_UPDATE_CODE
1940                      ,SETUP_TEARDOWN_CODE
1941                      ,ITEM_ORDERING
1942                      ,NEGATIVE_REQ_FLAG
1943                      ,OPERATION_SEQ_NUM
1944                      ,PICKING_LINE_ID
1945                      ,TRX_SOURCE_LINE_ID
1946                      ,TRX_SOURCE_DELIVERY_ID
1947                      ,PHYSICAL_ADJUSTMENT_ID
1948                      ,CYCLE_COUNT_ID
1949                      ,RMA_LINE_ID
1950                      ,CUSTOMER_SHIP_ID
1951                      ,CURRENCY_CODE
1952                      ,CURRENCY_CONVERSION_RATE
1953                      ,CURRENCY_CONVERSION_TYPE
1954                      ,CURRENCY_CONVERSION_DATE
1955                      ,USSGL_TRANSACTION_CODE
1956                      ,VENDOR_LOT_NUMBER
1957                      ,ENCUMBRANCE_ACCOUNT
1958                      ,ENCUMBRANCE_AMOUNT
1959                      ,SHIP_TO_LOCATION
1960                      ,SHIPMENT_NUMBER
1961                      ,TRANSFER_COST
1962                      ,TRANSPORTATION_COST
1963                      ,TRANSPORTATION_ACCOUNT
1964                      ,FREIGHT_CODE
1965                      ,CONTAINERS
1966                      ,WAYBILL_AIRBILL
1967                      ,EXPECTED_ARRIVAL_DATE
1968                      ,TRANSFER_SUBINVENTORY
1969                      ,TRANSFER_ORGANIZATION
1970                      ,TRANSFER_TO_LOCATION
1971                      ,NEW_AVERAGE_COST
1972                      ,VALUE_CHANGE
1973                      ,PERCENTAGE_CHANGE
1974                      ,MATERIAL_ALLOCATION_TEMP_ID
1975                      ,DEMAND_SOURCE_HEADER_ID
1976                      ,DEMAND_SOURCE_LINE
1977                      ,DEMAND_SOURCE_DELIVERY
1978                      ,ITEM_SEGMENTS
1979                      ,ITEM_DESCRIPTION
1980                      ,ITEM_TRX_ENABLED_FLAG
1981                      ,ITEM_LOCATION_CONTROL_CODE
1982                      ,ITEM_RESTRICT_SUBINV_CODE
1983                      ,ITEM_RESTRICT_LOCATORS_CODE
1984                      ,ITEM_REVISION_QTY_CONTROL_CODE
1985                      ,ITEM_PRIMARY_UOM_CODE
1986                      ,ITEM_UOM_CLASS
1987                      ,ITEM_SHELF_LIFE_CODE
1988                      ,ITEM_SHELF_LIFE_DAYS
1989                      ,ITEM_LOT_CONTROL_CODE
1990                      ,ITEM_SERIAL_CONTROL_CODE
1991                      ,ITEM_INVENTORY_ASSET_FLAG
1992                      ,ALLOWED_UNITS_LOOKUP_CODE
1993                      ,DEPARTMENT_ID
1994                      ,DEPARTMENT_CODE
1995                      ,WIP_SUPPLY_TYPE
1996                      ,SUPPLY_SUBINVENTORY
1997                      ,SUPPLY_LOCATOR_ID
1998                      ,VALID_SUBINVENTORY_FLAG
1999                      ,VALID_LOCATOR_FLAG
2000                      ,LOCATOR_SEGMENTS
2001                      ,CURRENT_LOCATOR_CONTROL_CODE
2002                      ,NUMBER_OF_LOTS_ENTERED
2003                      ,WIP_COMMIT_FLAG
2004                      ,NEXT_LOT_NUMBER
2005                      ,LOT_ALPHA_PREFIX
2006                      ,NEXT_SERIAL_NUMBER
2007                      ,SERIAL_ALPHA_PREFIX
2008                      ,SHIPPABLE_FLAG
2009                      ,POSTING_FLAG
2010                      ,REQUIRED_FLAG
2011                      ,PROCESS_FLAG
2012                      ,ERROR_CODE
2013                      ,ERROR_EXPLANATION
2014                      ,ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY
2015                      ,ATTRIBUTE1
2016                      ,ATTRIBUTE2
2017                      ,ATTRIBUTE3
2018                      ,ATTRIBUTE4
2019                      ,ATTRIBUTE5
2020                      ,ATTRIBUTE6
2021                      ,ATTRIBUTE7
2022                      ,ATTRIBUTE8
2023                      ,ATTRIBUTE9
2024                      ,ATTRIBUTE10
2025                      ,ATTRIBUTE11
2026                      ,ATTRIBUTE12
2027                      ,ATTRIBUTE13
2028                      ,ATTRIBUTE14
2029                      ,ATTRIBUTE15
2030                      ,MOVEMENT_ID
2031                      ,RESERVATION_QUANTITY
2032                      ,SHIPPED_QUANTITY
2033                      ,TRANSACTION_LINE_NUMBER
2034                      ,TASK_ID
2035                      ,TO_TASK_ID
2036                      ,SOURCE_TASK_ID
2037                      ,PROJECT_ID
2038                      ,SOURCE_PROJECT_ID
2039                      ,PA_EXPENDITURE_ORG_ID
2040                      ,TO_PROJECT_ID
2041                      ,EXPENDITURE_TYPE
2042                      ,FINAL_COMPLETION_FLAG
2043                      ,TRANSFER_PERCENTAGE
2044                      ,TRANSACTION_SEQUENCE_ID
2045                      ,MATERIAL_ACCOUNT
2046                      ,MATERIAL_OVERHEAD_ACCOUNT
2047                      ,RESOURCE_ACCOUNT
2048                      ,OUTSIDE_PROCESSING_ACCOUNT
2049                      ,OVERHEAD_ACCOUNT
2050                      ,FLOW_SCHEDULE
2051                      ,COST_GROUP_ID
2052                      ,TRANSFER_COST_GROUP_ID
2053                      ,DEMAND_CLASS
2054                      ,QA_COLLECTION_ID
2055                      ,KANBAN_CARD_ID
2056                      ,OVERCOMPLETION_TRANSACTION_QTY
2057                      ,OVERCOMPLETION_PRIMARY_QTY
2058                      ,OVERCOMPLETION_TRANSACTION_ID
2059                      ,END_ITEM_UNIT_NUMBER
2060                      ,SCHEDULED_PAYBACK_DATE
2061                      ,LINE_TYPE_CODE
2062                      ,PARENT_TRANSACTION_TEMP_ID
2063                      ,PUT_AWAY_STRATEGY_ID
2064                      ,PUT_AWAY_RULE_ID
2065                      ,PICK_STRATEGY_ID
2066                      ,PICK_RULE_ID
2067                      ,MOVE_ORDER_LINE_ID
2068                      ,TASK_GROUP_ID
2069                      ,PICK_SLIP_NUMBER
2070                      ,RESERVATION_ID
2071                      ,COMMON_BOM_SEQ_ID
2072                      ,COMMON_ROUTING_SEQ_ID
2073                      ,ORG_COST_GROUP_ID
2074                      ,COST_TYPE_ID
2075                      ,TRANSACTION_STATUS
2076                      ,STANDARD_OPERATION_ID
2077                      ,TASK_PRIORITY
2078                      ,WMS_TASK_TYPE
2079                      ,PARENT_LINE_ID
2080                      ,LPN_ID
2081                      ,TRANSFER_LPN_ID
2082                      ,WMS_TASK_STATUS
2083                      ,CONTENT_LPN_ID
2084                      ,CONTAINER_ITEM_ID
2085                      ,CARTONIZATION_ID
2086                      ,PICK_SLIP_DATE
2087                      ,REBUILD_ITEM_ID
2088                      ,REBUILD_SERIAL_NUMBER
2089                      ,REBUILD_ACTIVITY_ID
2090                      ,REBUILD_JOB_NAME
2091                      ,ORGANIZATION_TYPE
2092                      ,TRANSFER_ORGANIZATION_TYPE
2093                      ,OWNING_ORGANIZATION_ID
2094                      ,OWNING_TP_TYPE
2095                      ,XFR_OWNING_ORGANIZATION_ID
2096                      ,TRANSFER_OWNING_TP_TYPE
2097                      ,PLANNING_ORGANIZATION_ID
2098                      ,PLANNING_TP_TYPE
2099                      ,XFR_PLANNING_ORGANIZATION_ID
2100                      ,TRANSFER_PLANNING_TP_TYPE
2101                      ,SECONDARY_UOM_CODE
2102                      ,SECONDARY_TRANSACTION_QUANTITY
2103                      ,TRANSACTION_BATCH_ID
2104                      ,TRANSACTION_BATCH_SEQ
2105                      ,ALLOCATED_LPN_ID
2106                      ,SCHEDULE_NUMBER
2107                      ,SCHEDULED_FLAG
2108                      ,CLASS_CODE
2109                      ,SCHEDULE_GROUP
2110                      ,BUILD_SEQUENCE
2111                      ,BOM_REVISION
2112                      ,ROUTING_REVISION
2113                      ,BOM_REVISION_DATE
2114                      ,ROUTING_REVISION_DATE
2115                      ,ALTERNATE_BOM_DESIGNATOR
2116                      ,ALTERNATE_ROUTING_DESIGNATOR
2117                      ,OPERATION_PLAN_ID
2118                      ,INTRANSIT_ACCOUNT
2119                      ,FOB_POINT
2120                      ,MOVE_ORDER_HEADER_ID
2121                      ,SERIAL_ALLOCATED_FLAG
2122                     )
2123           (SELECT
2124                      TRANSACTION_HEADER_ID
2125                      ,l_new_transaction_temp_id
2126                      ,SOURCE_CODE
2127                      ,SOURCE_LINE_ID
2128                      ,TRANSACTION_MODE
2129                      ,LOCK_FLAG
2130                      ,SYSDATE -- it should not copy from original MMTT
2131                      ,p_user_id -- it should not copy from original MMTT
2132                      ,SYSDATE
2133                      ,p_user_id
2134                      ,LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN
2135                      ,REQUEST_ID
2136                      ,PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID
2137                      ,PROGRAM_ID
2138                      ,PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE
2139                      ,INVENTORY_ITEM_ID
2140                      ,REVISION
2141                      ,ORGANIZATION_ID
2142                      ,p_confirmed_sub
2143                      ,p_confirmed_locator_id
2144                      ,p_confirmed_trx_qty
2145                      ,l_confirmed_prim_qty
2146                      ,nvl(p_confirmed_uom, item_primary_uom_code)
2147                      ,TRANSACTION_COST
2148                      ,TRANSACTION_TYPE_ID
2149                      ,TRANSACTION_ACTION_ID
2150                      ,TRANSACTION_SOURCE_TYPE_ID
2151                      ,TRANSACTION_SOURCE_ID
2152                      ,TRANSACTION_SOURCE_NAME
2153                      ,TRANSACTION_DATE
2154                      ,ACCT_PERIOD_ID
2155                      ,DISTRIBUTION_ACCOUNT_ID
2156                      ,TRANSACTION_REFERENCE
2157                      ,REQUISITION_LINE_ID
2158                      ,REQUISITION_DISTRIBUTION_ID
2159                      ,REASON_ID
2160                      ,LOT_NUMBER
2161                      ,LOT_EXPIRATION_DATE
2162                      ,SERIAL_NUMBER
2163                      ,RECEIVING_DOCUMENT
2164                      ,DEMAND_ID
2165                      ,RCV_TRANSACTION_ID
2166                      ,MOVE_TRANSACTION_ID
2167                      ,COMPLETION_TRANSACTION_ID
2168                      ,WIP_ENTITY_TYPE
2169                      ,SCHEDULE_ID
2170                      ,REPETITIVE_LINE_ID
2171                      ,EMPLOYEE_CODE
2172                      ,PRIMARY_SWITCH
2173                      ,SCHEDULE_UPDATE_CODE
2174                      ,SETUP_TEARDOWN_CODE
2175                      ,ITEM_ORDERING
2176                      ,NEGATIVE_REQ_FLAG
2177                      ,OPERATION_SEQ_NUM
2178                      ,PICKING_LINE_ID
2179                      ,TRX_SOURCE_LINE_ID
2180                      ,TRX_SOURCE_DELIVERY_ID
2181                      ,PHYSICAL_ADJUSTMENT_ID
2182                      ,CYCLE_COUNT_ID
2183                      ,RMA_LINE_ID
2184                      ,CUSTOMER_SHIP_ID
2185                      ,CURRENCY_CODE
2186                      ,CURRENCY_CONVERSION_RATE
2187                      ,CURRENCY_CONVERSION_TYPE
2188                      ,CURRENCY_CONVERSION_DATE
2189                      ,USSGL_TRANSACTION_CODE
2190                      ,VENDOR_LOT_NUMBER
2191                      ,ENCUMBRANCE_ACCOUNT
2192                      ,ENCUMBRANCE_AMOUNT
2193                      ,SHIP_TO_LOCATION
2194                      ,SHIPMENT_NUMBER
2195                      ,TRANSFER_COST
2196                      ,TRANSPORTATION_COST
2197                      ,TRANSPORTATION_ACCOUNT
2198                      ,FREIGHT_CODE
2199                      ,CONTAINERS
2200                      ,WAYBILL_AIRBILL
2201                      ,EXPECTED_ARRIVAL_DATE
2202                      ,TRANSFER_SUBINVENTORY
2203                      ,TRANSFER_ORGANIZATION
2204                      ,TRANSFER_TO_LOCATION
2205                      ,NEW_AVERAGE_COST
2206                      ,VALUE_CHANGE
2207                      ,PERCENTAGE_CHANGE
2208                      ,MATERIAL_ALLOCATION_TEMP_ID
2209                      ,DEMAND_SOURCE_HEADER_ID
2210                      ,DEMAND_SOURCE_LINE
2211                      ,DEMAND_SOURCE_DELIVERY
2212                      ,ITEM_SEGMENTS
2213                      ,ITEM_DESCRIPTION
2214                      ,ITEM_TRX_ENABLED_FLAG
2215                      ,ITEM_LOCATION_CONTROL_CODE
2216                      ,ITEM_RESTRICT_SUBINV_CODE
2217                      ,ITEM_RESTRICT_LOCATORS_CODE
2218                      ,ITEM_REVISION_QTY_CONTROL_CODE
2219                      ,ITEM_PRIMARY_UOM_CODE
2220                      ,ITEM_UOM_CLASS
2221                      ,ITEM_SHELF_LIFE_CODE
2222                      ,ITEM_SHELF_LIFE_DAYS
2223                      ,ITEM_LOT_CONTROL_CODE
2224                      ,ITEM_SERIAL_CONTROL_CODE
2225                      ,ITEM_INVENTORY_ASSET_FLAG
2226                      ,ALLOWED_UNITS_LOOKUP_CODE
2227                      ,DEPARTMENT_ID
2228                      ,DEPARTMENT_CODE
2229                      ,WIP_SUPPLY_TYPE
2230                      ,SUPPLY_SUBINVENTORY
2231                      ,SUPPLY_LOCATOR_ID
2232                      ,VALID_SUBINVENTORY_FLAG
2233                      ,VALID_LOCATOR_FLAG
2234                      ,LOCATOR_SEGMENTS
2235                      ,CURRENT_LOCATOR_CONTROL_CODE
2236                      ,NUMBER_OF_LOTS_ENTERED
2237                      ,WIP_COMMIT_FLAG
2238                      ,NEXT_LOT_NUMBER
2239                      ,LOT_ALPHA_PREFIX
2240                      ,NEXT_SERIAL_NUMBER
2241                      ,SERIAL_ALPHA_PREFIX
2242                      ,SHIPPABLE_FLAG
2243                      ,POSTING_FLAG
2244                      ,REQUIRED_FLAG
2245                      ,PROCESS_FLAG
2246                      ,ERROR_CODE
2247                      ,ERROR_EXPLANATION
2248                      ,ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY
2249                      ,ATTRIBUTE1
2250                      ,ATTRIBUTE2
2251                      ,ATTRIBUTE3
2252                      ,ATTRIBUTE4
2253                      ,ATTRIBUTE5
2254                      ,ATTRIBUTE6
2255                      ,ATTRIBUTE7
2256                      ,ATTRIBUTE8
2257                      ,ATTRIBUTE9
2258                      ,ATTRIBUTE10
2259                      ,ATTRIBUTE11
2260                      ,ATTRIBUTE12
2261                      ,ATTRIBUTE13
2262                      ,ATTRIBUTE14
2263                      ,ATTRIBUTE15
2264                      ,MOVEMENT_ID
2265                      ,RESERVATION_QUANTITY
2266                      ,SHIPPED_QUANTITY
2267                      ,TRANSACTION_LINE_NUMBER
2268                      ,TASK_ID
2269                      ,TO_TASK_ID
2270                      ,SOURCE_TASK_ID
2271                      ,PROJECT_ID
2272                      ,SOURCE_PROJECT_ID
2273                      ,PA_EXPENDITURE_ORG_ID
2274                      ,TO_PROJECT_ID
2275                      ,EXPENDITURE_TYPE
2276                      ,FINAL_COMPLETION_FLAG
2277                      ,TRANSFER_PERCENTAGE
2278                      ,TRANSACTION_SEQUENCE_ID
2279                      ,MATERIAL_ACCOUNT
2280                      ,MATERIAL_OVERHEAD_ACCOUNT
2281                      ,RESOURCE_ACCOUNT
2282                      ,OUTSIDE_PROCESSING_ACCOUNT
2283                      ,OVERHEAD_ACCOUNT
2284                      ,FLOW_SCHEDULE
2285                      ,COST_GROUP_ID
2286                      ,TRANSFER_COST_GROUP_ID
2287                      ,DEMAND_CLASS
2288                      ,QA_COLLECTION_ID
2289                      ,KANBAN_CARD_ID
2290                      ,OVERCOMPLETION_TRANSACTION_QTY
2291                      ,OVERCOMPLETION_PRIMARY_QTY
2292                      ,OVERCOMPLETION_TRANSACTION_ID
2293                      ,END_ITEM_UNIT_NUMBER
2294                      ,SCHEDULED_PAYBACK_DATE
2295                      ,LINE_TYPE_CODE
2296                      ,PARENT_TRANSACTION_TEMP_ID
2297                      ,PUT_AWAY_STRATEGY_ID
2298                      ,PUT_AWAY_RULE_ID
2299                      ,PICK_STRATEGY_ID
2300                      ,PICK_RULE_ID
2301                      ,MOVE_ORDER_LINE_ID
2302                      ,TASK_GROUP_ID
2303                      ,PICK_SLIP_NUMBER
2304                      ,reservation_id
2305                      ,COMMON_BOM_SEQ_ID
2306                      ,COMMON_ROUTING_SEQ_ID
2307                      ,ORG_COST_GROUP_ID
2308                      ,COST_TYPE_ID
2309                      ,TRANSACTION_STATUS
2310                      ,STANDARD_OPERATION_ID
2311                      ,TASK_PRIORITY
2312                      ,WMS_TASK_TYPE
2313                      ,decode(PARENT_LINE_ID, NULL,NULL,l_new_transaction_temp_id) -- Take care of BULK parent
2314                      ,nvl(p_lpn_id,p_parent_lpn_id)  -- process the nesting
2315                                                      -- fully consumble LPN Pick
2316                      ,p_transfer_lpn_id
2317                      -- Bug4185621: instead of inheriting previous line's status, use loaded as status for new line
2318                      , p_wms_task_status -- wms_task_status
2319                      ,p_content_lpn_id
2320                      ,nvl(p_container_item_id,container_item_id)
2321                      ,CARTONIZATION_ID                 --??
2322                      ,PICK_SLIP_DATE
2323                      ,REBUILD_ITEM_ID
2324                      ,REBUILD_SERIAL_NUMBER
2325                      ,REBUILD_ACTIVITY_ID
2326                      ,REBUILD_JOB_NAME
2327                      ,ORGANIZATION_TYPE
2328                      ,TRANSFER_ORGANIZATION_TYPE
2329                      ,OWNING_ORGANIZATION_ID
2330                      ,OWNING_TP_TYPE
2331                      ,XFR_OWNING_ORGANIZATION_ID
2332                      ,TRANSFER_OWNING_TP_TYPE
2333                      ,PLANNING_ORGANIZATION_ID
2334                      ,PLANNING_TP_TYPE
2335                      ,XFR_PLANNING_ORGANIZATION_ID
2336                      ,TRANSFER_PLANNING_TP_TYPE
2337                      ,p_confirmed_sec_uom
2338                      ,decode( p_confirmed_sec_uom, null, null, l_confirmed_sec_qty )-- Bug 4576653
2339                      ,TRANSACTION_BATCH_ID
2340                      ,TRANSACTION_BATCH_SEQ
2341                      ,ALLOCATED_LPN_ID
2342                      ,SCHEDULE_NUMBER
2343                      ,SCHEDULED_FLAG
2344                      ,CLASS_CODE
2345                      ,SCHEDULE_GROUP
2346                      ,BUILD_SEQUENCE
2347                      ,BOM_REVISION
2348                      ,ROUTING_REVISION
2349                      ,BOM_REVISION_DATE
2350                      ,ROUTING_REVISION_DATE
2351                      ,ALTERNATE_BOM_DESIGNATOR
2352                      ,ALTERNATE_ROUTING_DESIGNATOR
2353                      ,OPERATION_PLAN_ID
2354                      ,INTRANSIT_ACCOUNT
2355                      ,FOB_POINT
2356                      ,MOVE_ORDER_HEADER_ID
2357                      ,SERIAL_ALLOCATED_FLAG
2358              FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
2359             WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id);
2360            IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
2361               mydebug (' p_transaction_temp_id: NOT found : ' || p_transaction_temp_id);
2362               fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_INSERT_ALLOCATION'); -- NEWMSG
2363               -- "Error Inserting Allocation ."
2364               fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
2365               RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
2366            END IF;
2367       l_progress    :=  '120';
2368       mydebug ('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
2369    END IF ; -- insert MMTT only if p_insert = 'Y'
2370    l_progress    :=  '130';
2371    mydebug ('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
2372    -- ****Lot Controlled items
2374    IF p_confirmed_lots     IS NOT NULL  OR
2375       p_confirmed_serials  IS NOT NULL
2376    THEN
2377       l_progress    :=  '140';
2378       mydebug ('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
2379        proc_parse_lot_serial_catchwt
2380               (p_inventory_item_id        => p_inventory_item_id
2381               ,p_confirmed_lots           => p_confirmed_lots
2382               ,p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty    => p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty
2383               ,p_confirmed_serials        => p_confirmed_serials
2384               ,p_suggested_uom            => p_suggested_uom
2385               ,p_confirmed_uom            => p_confirmed_uom
2386               ,p_primary_uom              => p_primary_uom
2387               ,p_confirmed_sec_uom        => p_confirmed_sec_uom
2388               ,p_confirmed_sec_qty        => p_confirmed_sec_qty
2389               ,x_return_status            => x_return_status
2390               ,x_msg_count                => x_msg_count
2391               ,x_msg_data                 => x_msg_data);
2392        IF x_return_status <> l_g_ret_sts_success
2393        THEN
2394            fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_INTERNAL_ERROR'); --NEWMSG
2395            -- Internal Error $ROUTINE
2396            fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', ' - proc_parse_lot_serial_catchwt API ' );
2397            mydebug('Error parsing lot/serial/catch weight string' );
2398            -- "Error reserving Serial Number/s"
2399            RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
2400        END IF;
2401    END IF;
2403    -- ****Lot only Controlled items  OR
2404    -- ****Lot and  Serial Controlled items
2405    IF (p_lot_controlled = 'Y' )
2406    THEN
2407        l_progress    :=  '140';
2408        proc_process_confirmed_lots
2409                   (p_action                               =>  p_action
2410                   ,p_insert                               =>  p_insert
2411                   ,p_update                               =>  p_update
2412                   ,p_organization_id                      =>  p_organization_id
2413                   ,p_user_id                              =>  p_user_id
2414                   ,p_transaction_header_id                =>  p_transaction_header_id
2415                   ,p_transaction_temp_id                  =>  p_transaction_temp_id
2416                   ,p_new_transaction_temp_id              =>  l_new_transaction_temp_id
2417                   ,p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge         =>  p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge
2418                   ,p_inventory_item_id                    =>  p_inventory_item_id
2419                   ,p_revision                             =>  p_revision
2420                   ,p_suggested_uom                        =>  p_suggested_uom
2421                   ,p_confirmed_uom                        =>  p_confirmed_uom
2422                   ,p_primary_uom                          =>  p_primary_uom
2423                   ,p_confirmed_lots                       =>  p_confirmed_lots
2424                   ,p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty                =>  p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty
2425                   ,p_confirmed_serials                    =>  p_confirmed_serials
2426                   ,p_serial_allocated_flag                =>  p_serial_allocated_flag
2427                   ,p_lpn_match                            =>  p_lpn_match
2428                   ,p_lpn_match_lpn_id                     =>  p_lpn_match_lpn_id
2429                   ,p_confirmed_sec_uom                    =>  p_confirmed_sec_uom
2430                   ,p_confirmed_sec_qty                    =>  p_confirmed_sec_qty
2431                   ,p_lot_controlled                       =>  p_lot_controlled
2432                   ,p_serial_controlled                    =>  p_serial_controlled
2433                   ,p_exception                            =>  p_exception
2434                   ,x_return_status                        =>  x_return_status
2435                   ,x_msg_count                            =>  x_msg_count
2436                   ,x_msg_data                             =>  x_msg_data);
2437        IF x_return_status <> l_g_ret_sts_success THEN
2438            mydebug('proc_process_confirmed_lots.x_return_status : ' || x_return_status);
2439            fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_INTERNAL_ERROR'); --NEWMSG
2440            -- Internal Error $ROUTINE
2441            fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', '- proc_process_confirmed_lots API' );
2442            fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
2443            RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
2444        END IF;
2445        mydebug ('Return from proc_process_confirmed_lots ' );
2446    END IF;
2447    l_progress    :=  '150';
2448    -- ****Serial Controlled items
2449    IF (p_lot_controlled = 'N' AND p_serial_controlled = 'Y')
2450    THEN
2451        l_progress    :=  '300';
2452        mydebug ('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
2453        -- may not be necessary to call if p_insert = N , LOAD_SINGLE
2454        proc_process_confirmed_serials
2455                   (p_action                               =>  p_action
2456                   ,p_insert                               =>  p_insert
2457                   ,p_update                               =>  p_update
2458                   ,p_organization_id                      =>  p_organization_id
2459                   ,p_user_id                              =>  p_user_id
2460                   ,p_transaction_header_id                =>  p_transaction_header_id
2461                   ,p_transaction_temp_id                  =>  p_transaction_temp_id
2462                   ,p_new_transaction_temp_id              =>  l_new_transaction_temp_id
2463                   ,p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge         =>  p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge
2464                   ,p_serial_transaction_temp_id           =>  NULL
2465                   ,p_mtlt_serial_temp_id                  =>  NULL
2466                   ,p_inventory_item_id                    =>  p_inventory_item_id
2467                   ,p_revision                             =>  p_revision
2468                   ,p_suggested_uom                        =>  p_suggested_uom
2469                   ,p_confirmed_uom                        =>  p_confirmed_uom
2470                   ,p_primary_uom                          =>  p_primary_uom
2471                   ,p_serial_lot_number                    =>  NULL
2472                   ,p_confirmed_serials                    =>  p_confirmed_serials
2473                   ,p_serial_allocated_flag                =>  p_serial_allocated_flag
2474                   ,p_lpn_match                            =>  p_lpn_match
2475                   ,p_lpn_match_lpn_id                     =>  p_lpn_match_lpn_id
2476                   ,p_lot_controlled                       =>  p_lot_controlled
2477                   ,p_serial_controlled                    =>  p_serial_controlled
2478                   ,x_return_status                        =>  x_return_status
2479                   ,x_msg_count                            =>  x_msg_count
2480                   ,x_msg_data                             =>  x_msg_data);
2481        IF x_return_status <> l_g_ret_sts_success THEN
2482           mydebug('proc_process_confirmed_serials.x_return_status : ' || x_return_status);
2483           fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_INTERNAL_ERROR'); --NEWMSG
2484           -- Internal Error $ROUTINE
2485           fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', '- proc_process_confirmed_serials API' );
2486           fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
2487           RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
2488        END IF;
2489        l_progress    :=  '330';
2490        mydebug ('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
2491    END IF;
2493    l_progress    :=  '170';
2494    -- update p_transaction_temp_id (reduce qty) for p_update = Y1 or Y2
2495    mydebug ('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
2496    mydebug ('p_confirmed_trx_qty: ' || p_confirmed_trx_qty);
2497    mydebug ('l_confirmed_prim_qty: ' || l_confirmed_prim_qty);
2498    mydebug ('l_confirmed_sugg_qty: ' || l_confirmed_sugg_qty);
2499    IF p_update = 'Y1' -- update p_transaction_temp_id  to reduce primary/trxqty
2500    THEN
2501       IF p_action = l_g_action_split  THEN
2502          l_progress    :=  '190';
2503          mydebug('l_progress : ' || l_progress);
2504          IF p_exception='OVER' and p_lot_controlled='Y' THEN
2505             select sum(primary_quantity),sum(transaction_quantity),sum(SECONDARY_QUANTITY)
2506             into l_rem_lot_pri_qty,l_rem_lot_trx_qty,l_rem_lot_sec_qty
2507             from mtl_transaction_lots_temp
2508             where transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id
2509               group by transaction_temp_id;
2512              UPDATE  mtl_material_transactions_temp
2513              SET     transaction_quantity  = l_rem_lot_trx_qty
2514                , primary_quantity      = l_rem_lot_pri_qty
2515                , secondary_transaction_quantity = l_rem_lot_sec_qty
2516                , last_update_date      =  SYSDATE
2517                , last_updated_by       =  p_user_id
2518              WHERE   transaction_temp_id   =  p_transaction_temp_id;
2519          ELSE
2520            UPDATE  mtl_material_transactions_temp
2521            SET     transaction_quantity  =  transaction_quantity - l_confirmed_sugg_qty
2522                , primary_quantity      =  primary_quantity - l_confirmed_prim_qty
2523      , secondary_transaction_quantity    =  secondary_transaction_quantity - l_confirmed_sec_qty
2524                , last_update_date      =  SYSDATE
2525                , last_updated_by       =  p_user_id
2526            WHERE   transaction_temp_id   =  p_transaction_temp_id;
2527          END IF;
2529          IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
2530             RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
2531          END IF;
2532       ELSE  -- LOAD
2533          l_progress    :=  '200';
2534          mydebug('l_progress : ' || l_progress);
2535          UPDATE  mtl_material_transactions_temp
2536          SET     transaction_quantity  =  p_confirmed_trx_qty
2537                , primary_quantity      =  l_confirmed_prim_qty
2538                , secondary_transaction_quantity    =  decode( p_confirmed_sec_uom,
2539                                                               null,
2540                                                               null,
2541                                                               l_confirmed_sec_qty
2542                                                             ) -- Bug 4576653
2543                , secondary_uom_code    =  p_confirmed_sec_uom
2544                , lpn_id                =  nvl(p_lpn_id,p_parent_lpn_id)
2545                                                      -- process the nesting
2546                                                      -- fully consumble LPN Pick
2547                , content_lpn_id        =  p_content_lpn_id
2548                , transfer_lpn_id       =  p_transfer_lpn_id
2549                , subinventory_code     =  p_confirmed_sub
2550                , locator_id            =  p_confirmed_locator_id
2551                , transaction_uom        = p_confirmed_uom
2552                , container_item_id      = p_container_item_id
2553                , last_update_date      =  SYSDATE
2554                , last_updated_by       =  p_user_id
2555                , wms_task_status = p_wms_task_status -- Bug4185621: update mmtt task status to loaded
2556          WHERE   transaction_temp_id   =  p_transaction_temp_id;
2558          IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
2559             RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
2560          END IF;
2561       END IF;
2562    END IF;
2564    l_progress    :=  '180';
2566    IF p_update = 'Y2'  -- -- and update p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge  to add qty)
2567    THEN
2568          l_progress    :=  '190';
2569          mydebug ('l_progress ' || l_progress);
2570          UPDATE  mtl_material_transactions_temp
2571          SET     transaction_quantity  =  transaction_quantity + p_confirmed_trx_qty
2572                , primary_quantity      =  primary_quantity + nvl(l_confirmed_prim_qty  ,0)
2573                , secondary_transaction_quantity    =  secondary_transaction_quantity +  nvl(l_confirmed_sec_qty, 0)
2574                , secondary_uom_code    =  p_confirmed_sec_uom
2575                , last_update_date      = SYSDATE
2576                , last_updated_by       = p_user_id
2577          WHERE   transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge;
2578          IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
2579             RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
2580          END IF;
2581          IF p_action = l_g_action_load_multiple  THEN
2582             l_progress    :=  '190'; -- Delete the original MMTT, if merging into another MMTT
2583             mydebug ('l_progress ' || l_progress);
2584             DELETE  mtl_material_transactions_temp
2585             WHERE   transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id;
2586             IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
2587                RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
2588             END IF;
2589          ELSE -- 'SPLIT'
2590             l_progress    :=  '200';
2591             mydebug('l_progress : ' || l_progress);
2592             UPDATE  mtl_material_transactions_temp
2593             SET     transaction_quantity  =  transaction_quantity - l_confirmed_sugg_qty
2594                    , primary_quantity  =  primary_quantity - l_confirmed_prim_qty
2595                , secondary_transaction_quantity  =  secondary_transaction_quantity -  l_confirmed_sec_qty
2596                    , last_update_date = SYSDATE
2597                    , last_updated_by   = p_user_id
2598             WHERE   transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id;
2600             IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
2601                RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
2602             END IF;
2603          END IF;
2604    END IF;
2605    mydebug ('End of :' || l_proc_name);
2608    WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
2609         x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_error;
2610         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
2611         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
2612         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error: ' || SQLERRM);
2613         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
2614         ROLLBACK ;
2615    WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
2616         x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
2617         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
2618         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
2619         ROLLBACK ;
2620         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
2621         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error: ' || SQLERRM);
2622         mydebug('x_msg_count/Data = ' || x_msg_count || '/'|| x_msg_data);
2624         x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
2625         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
2626         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
2627         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error: ' || SQLERRM);
2628         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
2629         ROLLBACK ;
2630 END proc_insert_update_mmtt;
2632 PROCEDURE proc_process_confirmed_lots
2633              ( p_action                          IN            VARCHAR2
2634               ,p_insert                          IN            VARCHAR2
2635               ,p_update                          IN            VARCHAR2
2636               ,p_organization_id                 IN            NUMBER
2637               ,p_user_id                         IN            NUMBER
2638               ,p_transaction_header_id           IN            NUMBER
2639               ,p_transaction_temp_id             IN            NUMBER
2640               ,p_new_transaction_temp_id         IN            NUMBER
2641               ,p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge    IN            NUMBER
2642               ,p_inventory_item_id               IN            NUMBER
2643               ,p_revision                        IN            VARCHAR2
2644               ,p_suggested_uom                   IN            VARCHAR2
2645               ,p_confirmed_uom                   IN            VARCHAR2
2646               ,p_primary_uom                     IN            VARCHAR2
2647               ,p_confirmed_lots                  IN            VARCHAR2
2648               ,p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty           IN            VARCHAR2
2649               ,p_confirmed_serials               IN            VARCHAR2
2650               ,p_serial_allocated_flag           IN            VARCHAR2
2651               ,p_lpn_match                       IN            NUMBER
2652               ,p_lpn_match_lpn_id                IN            NUMBER
2653               ,p_confirmed_sec_uom               IN            VARCHAR2
2654               ,p_confirmed_sec_qty               IN            VARCHAR2
2655               ,p_lot_controlled                  IN            VARCHAR2  -- Y/N
2656               ,p_serial_controlled               IN            VARCHAR2  -- Y/N
2657               ,p_exception                       IN            VARCHAR2 -- SHORT/OVER
2658               ,x_return_status                   OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
2659               ,x_msg_count                       OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
2660               ,x_msg_data                        OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2)
2661 IS
2662    l_proc_name                         VARCHAR2(30) :=  'PROC_PROCESS_CONFIRMED_LOTS';
2663    l_progress                          VARCHAR2(30) :=  '100';
2664    l_delimiter                         VARCHAR2(30) :=  ':';
2665 -- Increased lot size to 80 Char - Mercy Thomas - B4625329
2666    l_prev_lot_number                   VARCHAR2(80) :=  '@@@';
2667 -- Increased lot size to 80 Char - Mercy Thomas - B4625329
2668    l_lot_number                        VARCHAR2(80) :=  NULL;
2669    l_lot_trx_qty                       NUMBER       :=  NULL;
2670    l_lot_prim_qty                      NUMBER       :=  NULL;
2671    l_lot_sugg_qty                      NUMBER       :=  NULL;
2672    l_original_lot_prim_qty             NUMBER       :=  NULL;
2673    l_serial_transaction_temp_id        NUMBER       :=  NULL;
2674    l_mtlt_serial_temp_id               NUMBER       :=  NULL;
2676    CURSOR  cur_mtlt_to_copy_from (p_lot_number                VARCHAR2
2677                                  ,p_lot_transaction_temp_id   NUMBER )  IS
2678    SELECT  mtlt.*
2679    FROM    mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
2680    WHERE   transaction_temp_id = p_lot_transaction_temp_id
2681    AND     lot_number = p_lot_number;
2683    l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from     mtl_transaction_lots_temp%ROWTYPE;
2685    CURSOR  cur_confirmed_lots_serials  IS
2686    SELECT  DISTINCT              -- so that we get only lot records in case of lot+Serial item control
2687            lot_number
2688           ,transaction_temp_id
2689           ,serial_number
2690           ,transaction_quantity
2691           ,primary_quantity
2692           ,suggested_quantity
2693           ,secondary_quantity
2694      FROM  mtl_allocations_gtmp
2695     ORDER BY
2696            transaction_temp_id
2697           ,lot_number;
2699 BEGIN
2700      /*  MMTT management
2701       Action    l_insert        L_update        update orginalMMTT      UpdMergeMMTT    InsertNewMMTT
2702       -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2703       SPLIT     Y               Y1              N                       N               Y
2704       SPLIT     N               Y2              Y                       Y               N
2705       LOAD_M    N               Y1              Y                       N               N
2706       LOAD_M    N               Y2              Y-Delete                Y               N
2707       LOAD_S    N               Y1              Y                       N               N
2709       ****MTLT ****
2710       Action    l_insert        L_update        update orginalMTLT      UpdMergeMTLT
2711       -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2712       SPLIT     Y               Y1              Y-upd original OR       N
2713                                                  -ins new/upd orig
2714       SPLIT     N               Y2              Y                       Y if MTLT exist
2715                                                                         OR ins new/upd orig
2716       LOAD_M    N               Y1              N                       N
2717       LOAD_M    N               Y2              Y                       Y if MTLT exist
2718                                                                         OR ins new/upd orig
2719       LOAD_S    N               Y1              N-not necessary         N
2721       */
2723    x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_success;
2724    mydebug ('In  :' || l_proc_name );
2725    mydebug ('p_action                 = ' || p_action                 );
2726    mydebug ('p_insert                 = ' || p_insert                 );
2727    mydebug ('p_update                 = ' || p_update                 );
2728    mydebug ('p_transaction_header_id  = ' || p_transaction_header_id  );
2729    mydebug ('p_transaction_temp_id    = ' || p_transaction_temp_id    );
2730    mydebug ('p_new_transaction_temp_id= ' || p_new_transaction_temp_id);
2731    mydebug ('p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge = ' || p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge    );
2732    mydebug ('p_inventory_item_id      = ' || p_inventory_item_id  );
2733    mydebug ('p_revision               = ' || p_revision           );
2734    mydebug ('p_suggested_uom          = ' || p_suggested_uom      );
2735    mydebug ('p_primary_uom            = ' || p_primary_uom        );
2736    mydebug ('p_confirmed_uom          = ' || p_confirmed_uom      );
2737    mydebug ('p_confirmed_lots      = ' || p_confirmed_lots  );
2738    mydebug ('p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty      = ' || p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty  );
2739    mydebug ('p_confirmed_serials      = ' || p_confirmed_serials  );
2740    mydebug ('p_serial_allocated_flag  = ' || p_serial_allocated_flag  );
2741    mydebug ('p_lpn_match              = ' || p_lpn_match              );
2742    mydebug ('p_lpn_match_lpn_id       = ' || p_lpn_match_lpn_id         );
2743    mydebug ('p_exception       = ' || p_exception         );
2745    FOR  rec_confirmed_lots_serials  IN cur_confirmed_lots_serials
2746    LOOP
2747           mydebug('Group_number         : ' || rec_confirmed_lots_serials.transaction_temp_id);
2748           mydebug('lot_number           : ' || rec_confirmed_lots_serials.lot_number);
2749           mydebug('Serial_number        : ' || rec_confirmed_lots_serials.serial_number);
2750           mydebug('Transaction_quantity : ' || rec_confirmed_lots_serials.transaction_Quantity);
2751           mydebug('Primary_quantity     : ' || rec_confirmed_lots_serials.primary_quantity);
2752           mydebug('suggested_quantity   : ' || rec_confirmed_lots_serials.suggested_quantity);
2753           mydebug('Secondary_quantity   : ' || rec_confirmed_lots_serials.Secondary_quantity);
2754           -- Get lot record details that is attached to the original p_transaction_temp_id
2755           -- Only p_insert = y means a new MMTT is created and therefore new MTLT will have to
2756           -- be created.
2758       IF l_prev_lot_number <> rec_confirmed_lots_serials.lot_number
2759       THEN
2760           l_prev_lot_number := rec_confirmed_lots_serials.lot_number ;
2761           IF p_insert = 'Y' or p_update = 'Y2' THEN
2762              -- we need this only if we ever need to create a new MTLT
2763              FOR rec_mtlt_to_copy_from  IN cur_mtlt_to_copy_from
2764                            (p_lot_number                => rec_confirmed_lots_serials.lot_number,
2765                             p_lot_transaction_temp_id   => p_transaction_temp_id)
2766              LOOP
2767                 l_progress    :=  '150';
2768                 mydebug ('In  :  rec_mtlt_to_copy_from cursor' );
2769                 l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from := rec_mtlt_to_copy_from;
2770                 --l_original_lot_prim_qty := rec_mtlt_to_copy_from.primary_quantity;
2771                 EXIT;
2772              END LOOP;
2774              l_progress    :=  '160';
2775              mydebug ('l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from.transaction_temp_id: ' ||
2776                        l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from.transaction_temp_id);
2777              mydebug ('l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from.serial_transaction_temp_id:' ||
2778                           l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from.serial_transaction_temp_id );
2779              IF  l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from.transaction_temp_id IS NULL
2780              THEN
2781                 l_progress    :=  '170';
2782                 -- lot record attached to the original MMTT should have been found
2783                 RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
2784              END IF;
2786           END IF;
2787           l_progress    :=  '175';
2788           -- For lot + serial controlled items
2789           IF   p_serial_controlled     = 'Y'
2790           THEN
2791              l_mtlt_serial_temp_id := l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from.serial_transaction_temp_id;
2793              SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
2794                INTO l_serial_transaction_temp_id
2795                FROM DUAL;
2796           ELSE
2797              l_serial_transaction_temp_id   := NULL;
2798              l_mtlt_serial_temp_id := NULL;
2799           END IF;
2801           mydebug ('l_mtlt_serial_temp_id: ' || l_mtlt_serial_temp_id);
2802           mydebug ('l_serial_transaction_temp_id: ' || l_serial_transaction_temp_id);
2803           l_progress    :=  '180';
2804           mydebug ('p_insert: ' || p_insert);
2805           IF p_insert = 'Y' THEN
2806              l_progress    :=  '190';
2807              IF  l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from.primary_quantity <= rec_confirmed_lots_serials.primary_quantity THEN
2808                  -- lot qty in the selected, in the above cursor, MTLT equals qty that is needed for the new MTLT
2809                  -- update the MTLT with new temp id  instead of inserting a new and then deleting the old one
2810                  l_progress    :=  '200';
2811                  mydebug('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
2812                  UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
2813                  SET    transaction_temp_id        = p_new_transaction_temp_id
2814                       , transaction_quantity       = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.transaction_Quantity
2815                       , primary_quantity           = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.primary_quantity
2816                       , secondary_quantity         = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.secondary_quantity
2817                       , secondary_unit_of_measure  = p_confirmed_sec_uom
2818                       , serial_transaction_temp_id = l_serial_transaction_temp_id
2819                       , last_update_date           = SYSDATE
2820                       , last_updated_by            = p_user_id
2821                  WHERE  transaction_temp_id        = l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from.transaction_temp_id
2822                  AND    lot_number                 = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.lot_number;
2823                  IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
2824                      RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
2825                  END IF;
2826              ELSE
2827                  -- insert a new MTLT
2828                  l_progress    :=  '210';
2829                  mydebug('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
2830                  l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from.transaction_quantity  := rec_confirmed_lots_serials.transaction_Quantity ;
2831                  l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from.primary_quantity      := rec_confirmed_lots_serials.primary_quantity ;
2832                  l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from.secondary_quantity    := rec_confirmed_lots_serials.secondary_quantity ;
2833                  l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from.secondary_unit_of_measure    := p_confirmed_sec_uom;
2834                  l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from.created_by            := p_user_id;
2835                  l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from.transaction_temp_id   := p_new_transaction_temp_id;
2836                  -- For lot + serial controlled items
2837                  l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from.serial_transaction_temp_id := l_serial_transaction_temp_id;
2838                  proc_insert_mtlt
2839                      (p_lot_record                      => l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from
2840                      ,x_return_status                   => x_return_status
2841                      ,x_msg_count                       => x_msg_count
2842                      ,x_msg_data                        => x_msg_data);
2843                  mydebug('x_return_status : ' || x_return_status);
2844                  IF x_return_status <> l_g_ret_sts_success THEN
2845                      RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
2846                  END IF;
2847                  mydebug('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
2848                  l_progress    :=  '220';
2849                  -- If new MTLT is inserted for p_new_transaction_temp_id this means
2850                  -- the original MTLT still has some qty remaining...so update it.
2851                  -- the original MTLT need not be adjusted for secondary quantity.
2852        -- It is not expected to be populated
2853                  UPDATE  mtl_transaction_lots_temp
2854                  SET     transaction_quantity     = transaction_quantity - rec_confirmed_lots_serials.suggested_quantity
2855                         ,primary_quantity         = primary_quantity - rec_confirmed_lots_serials.primary_quantity
2856         ,secondary_quantity       = NVL(secondary_quantity, rec_confirmed_lots_serials.secondary_quantity) - rec_confirmed_lots_serials.secondary_quantity
2857                         ,last_update_date         = SYSDATE
2858                         ,last_updated_by          = p_user_id
2859                  WHERE   transaction_temp_id      = p_transaction_temp_id
2860                  AND     lot_number = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.lot_number;
2861                  IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
2862                      RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
2863                  END IF;
2864                  mydebug('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
2865              END IF;
2866           END IF;
2868           l_progress    :=  '230';
2869           mydebug ('p_update: ' || p_update);
2870           -- p_update = 'Y2' means, p_insert = N which means that current MMTT (in this call)
2871           -- was merged with another existing MMTT. In this case, it is possible that existing MMTT already has
2872           -- MTLT record for this lot number. If this is the case then update the MTLT otherwise ,
2873           -- insert a new MTLT  using l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from from the above cursor
2874           IF p_update = 'Y2'
2875           THEN
2876              l_progress    :=  '240';
2877              mydebug('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
2878              UPDATE   mtl_transaction_lots_temp
2879              SET      transaction_quantity       = transaction_quantity +
2880                                                    rec_confirmed_lots_serials.transaction_Quantity
2881                      ,primary_quantity           = primary_quantity + rec_confirmed_lots_serials.primary_quantity
2882                      ,secondary_quantity         = secondary_quantity+ rec_confirmed_lots_serials.secondary_quantity
2883                      ,last_update_date           = SYSDATE
2884                      ,last_updated_by            = p_user_id
2885              WHERE   transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge
2886              AND     lot_number          = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.lot_number
2887              -- For lot + serial controlled items
2888              RETURNING serial_transaction_temp_id INTO l_serial_transaction_temp_id;
2890              mydebug ('returned value - l_serial_transaction_temp_id: ' || l_serial_transaction_temp_id);
2891              IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
2892                 IF  l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from.primary_quantity = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.primary_quantity THEN
2893                     -- lot qty in the selected MTLT = qty that is needed for the new MTLT
2894                     --update the MTLT with new temp id  instead of inserting a new and then deleting the old one
2895                     l_progress    :=  '250';
2896                     mydebug('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
2897                     UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
2898                     SET    transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge --p_new_transaction_temp_id
2899                          , secondary_quantity  = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.secondary_quantity
2900                          , secondary_unit_of_measure  = p_confirmed_sec_uom
2901                            -- For lot + serial controlled items
2902                          , serial_transaction_temp_id = l_serial_transaction_temp_id
2903                          , last_update_date    = SYSDATE
2904                          , last_updated_by     = p_user_id
2905                     WHERE  transaction_temp_id = l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from.transaction_temp_id
2906                     AND    lot_number = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.lot_number;
2907                     IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
2908                         RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
2909                     END IF;
2910                 ELSE
2911                    l_progress    :=  '260';
2912                    mydebug('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
2913                    l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from.transaction_quantity := rec_confirmed_lots_serials.transaction_Quantity ;
2914                    l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from.primary_quantity     := rec_confirmed_lots_serials.primary_quantity ;
2915                    l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from.secondary_quantity   := rec_confirmed_lots_serials.secondary_quantity;
2916                    l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from.transaction_temp_id  := p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge;
2917                    -- For lot + serial controlled items
2918                    l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from.serial_transaction_temp_id  := l_serial_transaction_temp_id;
2919                    l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from.created_by        := p_user_id;
2920                    proc_insert_mtlt
2921                        (p_lot_record                      => l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from
2922                        ,x_return_status                   => x_return_status
2923                        ,x_msg_count                       => x_msg_count
2924                        ,x_msg_data                        => x_msg_data);
2925                    IF x_return_status <> l_g_ret_sts_success THEN
2926                        mydebug('x_return_status : ' || x_return_status);
2927                        RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
2928                    END IF;
2929                    L_progress    :=  '270';
2930                    mydebug('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
2931                    -- If new MTLT is inserted for p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge this means
2932                    -- the original MTLT still has some qty remaining...so update it.
2933                    UPDATE  mtl_transaction_lots_temp
2934                    SET     transaction_quantity     = transaction_quantity -
2935                                                       rec_confirmed_lots_serials.suggested_Quantity
2936                           ,primary_quantity         = primary_quantity -
2937                                                       rec_confirmed_lots_serials.primary_quantity
2938           ,secondary_quantity       = NVL(secondary_quantity, rec_confirmed_lots_serials.secondary_quantity) - rec_confirmed_lots_serials.secondary_quantity
2939                           ,last_update_date         = SYSDATE
2940                           ,last_updated_by          = p_user_id
2941                    WHERE   transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id --  l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from.transaction_temp_id
2942                    AND     lot_number          = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.lot_number;
2943                    IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
2944                         RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
2945                    END IF;
2946                 END IF;
2947              ELSE  -- found mtlt for the current lot number attached to p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge
2948                 L_progress    :=  '280';
2949                 mydebug('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
2950                 -- if the quantity in mtlt of orginal p_tranaction_temp_id  is equal to the qty confirmed for this lot
2951                 -- and we merged the current lot qty with an existing mtlt record then we do not need this mtlt.
2952                 -- delete it.
2953                 IF  l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from.primary_quantity = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.primary_quantity THEN
2954                    L_progress    :=  '290';
2955                    mydebug('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
2956                    -- If all the qty from the original  MTLT is consumed and merged to the
2957                    -- p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge we do not need the original MTLT ..delete it
2958                    DELETE  mtl_transaction_lots_temp
2959                    WHERE   transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id -- l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from.transaction_temp_id
2960                    AND     lot_number          = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.lot_number;
2961                    IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
2962                          RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
2963                    END IF;
2964                 ELSE
2965                    -- If all the qty from the original MTLT is not consumed then update the original MTLT
2966                    -- attached to p_transaction_temp_id .. as selected in the cursor above
2967                    L_progress    :=  '300';
2968                    mydebug('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
2969                    UPDATE  mtl_transaction_lots_temp
2970                    SET     transaction_quantity     = transaction_quantity - rec_confirmed_lots_serials.suggested_Quantity
2971                            ,primary_quantity        = primary_quantity - rec_confirmed_lots_serials.primary_quantity
2972          ,secondary_quantity      = NVL(secondary_quantity, rec_confirmed_lots_serials.secondary_quantity) -
2973                   rec_confirmed_lots_serials.secondary_quantity
2974                            ,last_update_date        = SYSDATE
2975                            ,last_updated_by         = p_user_id
2976                    WHERE   transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id -- l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from.transaction_temp_id
2977                    AND     lot_number          = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.lot_number;
2978                    IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
2979                       RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
2980                    END IF;
2981                 END IF;
2982              END IF;
2983           END IF;
2984           /* Usually for p_update = 'Y1' one does not need to update MTLT since nothing would have changed
2985              But, for catch weight enabled items, it is necessary */
2986           /* If serials are not allocateed and lpn_match = 1/3 , MSNT records need to be populated
2987              so, update serial_transaction_temp_id  mtlt*. MSNT gets created in process_confirmed_serials */
2988           IF (p_update = 'Y1' AND
2989               p_insert = 'N'  AND
2990               p_serial_controlled     = 'Y'        AND
2991               p_serial_allocated_flag = 'N'        AND
2992               p_confirmed_serials     IS NULL      AND
2993               p_lpn_match             IN (1,3) )
2994           THEN
2995               l_progress    :=  '350';
2996               mydebug('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
2997               UPDATE   mtl_transaction_lots_temp
2998               SET
2999                       transaction_quantity       = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.transaction_quantity  --jxlu
3000                      ,primary_quantity           = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.primary_quantity      --jxlu
3001                      ,secondary_quantity         = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.secondary_quantity
3002                      ,secondary_unit_of_measure  = p_confirmed_sec_uom
3003                      ,serial_transaction_temp_id = l_serial_transaction_temp_id
3004                      ,last_update_date           = SYSDATE
3005                      ,last_updated_by            = p_user_id
3006               WHERE   transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id
3007               AND     lot_number          = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.lot_number;
3008               IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
3009                  RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
3010               END IF;
3011           ELSE
3012           /* Usually for p_update = 'Y1' one does not need to update MTLT since nothing would have changed
3013              But, for catch weight enabled items, Overpicking or changed TXN-UOM it is necessary
3014              */
3015           /* following condition is independent of the above condition in that :
3016  *             for serial controlled items, UOM cannot be different from primary
3017  *             UOM (atleast as of this patchset (11.5.10)) .
3018  *             for lpn_match 1,3 , it cannot be a case of overpick. */
3019           IF (p_update = 'Y1' AND
3020               p_insert = 'N' ) AND
3021               (p_confirmed_sec_qty is NOT NULL   OR
3022                p_confirmed_uom <> p_primary_uom  OR
3023                p_exception = 'OVER')
3024           THEN
3025               l_progress    :=  '360';
3026               mydebug('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
3027               UPDATE   mtl_transaction_lots_temp
3028               SET
3029                       transaction_quantity       = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.transaction_quantity
3030                      ,primary_quantity           = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.primary_quantity
3031                      ,secondary_quantity         = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.secondary_quantity
3032                      ,secondary_unit_of_measure  = p_confirmed_sec_uom
3033                      ,last_update_date           = SYSDATE
3034                      ,last_updated_by            = p_user_id
3035               WHERE   transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id
3036               AND     lot_number          = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.lot_number;
3037               IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
3038                  RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
3039               END IF;
3040           END IF;
3041           END IF;
3043           -- For lot + serial controlled items, process serials for the given lot now
3044           L_progress    :=  '400';
3045           mydebug('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
3046           mydebug('rec_confirmed_lots_serials.serial_number: ' || rec_confirmed_lots_serials.serial_number );
3047           --IF  rec_confirmed_lots_serials.serial_number IS NOT NULL
3048           IF  p_serial_controlled     = 'Y'
3049           THEN
3050               L_progress    :=  '410';
3051               mydebug('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
3052               -- update all serial records with the serial_transaction_temp_id to be populated
3053               UPDATE  mtl_allocations_gtmp
3054                  SET  child_transaction_temp_id = l_serial_transaction_temp_id
3055                WHERE  lot_number          = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.lot_number
3056                  AND  transaction_temp_id = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.transaction_temp_id  ;
3057               IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
3058                  RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
3059               END IF;
3060               L_progress    :=  '420';
3061               mydebug('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
3062               proc_process_confirmed_serials
3063                       (p_action                               =>  p_action
3064                       ,p_insert                               =>  p_insert
3065                       ,p_update                               =>  p_update
3066                       ,p_organization_id                      =>  p_organization_id
3067                       ,p_user_id                              =>  p_user_id
3068                       ,p_transaction_header_id                =>  p_transaction_header_id
3069                       ,p_transaction_temp_id                  =>  p_transaction_temp_id
3070                       ,p_new_transaction_temp_id              =>  p_new_transaction_temp_id --??l_serial_transaction_temp_id
3071                       ,p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge         =>  p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge
3072                       ,p_serial_transaction_temp_id           =>  l_serial_transaction_temp_id
3073                       ,p_mtlt_serial_temp_id                  =>  l_mtlt_serial_temp_id
3074                       ,p_inventory_item_id                    =>  p_inventory_item_id
3075                       ,p_revision                             =>  p_revision
3076                       ,p_suggested_uom                        =>  p_suggested_uom
3077                       ,p_confirmed_uom                        =>  p_confirmed_uom
3078                       ,p_primary_uom                          =>  p_primary_uom
3079                       ,p_serial_lot_number                    =>  rec_confirmed_lots_serials.lot_number
3080                       ,p_confirmed_serials                    =>  p_confirmed_serials
3081                       ,p_serial_allocated_flag                =>  p_serial_allocated_flag
3082                       ,p_lpn_match                            =>  p_lpn_match
3083                       ,p_lpn_match_lpn_id                     =>  p_lpn_match_lpn_id
3084                       ,p_lot_controlled                       =>  p_lot_controlled
3085                       ,p_serial_controlled                    =>  p_serial_controlled
3086                       ,x_return_status                        =>  x_return_status
3087                       ,x_msg_count                            =>  x_msg_count
3088                       ,x_msg_data                             =>  x_msg_data);
3089               IF x_return_status <> l_g_ret_sts_success THEN
3090                   RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
3091               END IF;
3092           END IF;
3093       END IF; --  l_prev_lot_number <> rec_confirmed_lots_serials.lot_number
3094       L_progress    :=  '430';
3095       mydebug('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
3096    END LOOP; --rec_confirmed_lots_serials  IN cur_confirmed_lots_serials
3097    mydebug('End ..  ' || l_proc_name);
3099    WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
3100         x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_error;
3101         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
3102         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
3103         mydebug('fnd_api.g_exc_error: ' || SQLERRM);
3104         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
3105         ROLLBACK ;
3106    WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
3107         x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
3108         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
3109         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
3110         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
3111         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error: ' || SQLERRM);
3112         mydebug('x_msg_count/Data = ' || x_msg_count || '/'|| x_msg_data);
3113         ROLLBACK ;
3115         x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
3116         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
3117         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
3118         mydebug('fnd_api.g_exc_error: ' || SQLERRM);
3119         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
3120         ROLLBACK ;
3122 END proc_process_confirmed_lots;
3124 PROCEDURE proc_process_confirmed_serials
3125              ( p_action                          IN            VARCHAR2
3126               ,p_insert                          IN            VARCHAR2
3127               ,p_update                          IN            VARCHAR2
3128               ,p_organization_id                 IN            NUMBER
3129               ,p_user_id                         IN            NUMBER
3130               ,p_transaction_header_id           IN            NUMBER
3131               ,p_transaction_temp_id             IN            NUMBER
3132               ,p_new_transaction_temp_id         IN            NUMBER
3133               ,p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge    IN            NUMBER
3134               ,p_serial_transaction_temp_id      IN            NUMBER
3135               ,p_mtlt_serial_temp_id             IN            NUMBER
3136               ,p_inventory_item_id               IN            NUMBER
3137               ,p_revision                        IN            VARCHAR2
3138               ,p_suggested_uom                   IN            VARCHAR2
3139               ,p_confirmed_uom                   IN            VARCHAR2
3140               ,p_primary_uom                     IN            VARCHAR2
3141               ,p_serial_lot_number               IN            VARCHAR2
3142               ,p_confirmed_serials               IN            VARCHAR2
3143               ,p_serial_allocated_flag           IN            VARCHAR2
3144               ,p_lpn_match                       IN            NUMBER
3145               ,p_lpn_match_lpn_id                IN            NUMBER
3146               ,p_lot_controlled                  IN            VARCHAR2  -- Y/N
3147               ,p_serial_controlled               IN            VARCHAR2  -- Y/N
3148               ,x_return_status                   OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
3149               ,x_msg_count                       OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
3150               ,x_msg_data                        OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2)
3151 IS
3152    l_proc_name                        VARCHAR2(30) :=  'PROC_PROCESS_CONFIRMED_SERIALS';
3153    l_progress                         VARCHAR2(30) :=  '100';
3154    l_delimiter                        VARCHAR2(30) :=  ':';
3155    l_serial_number                    VARCHAR2(30) :=  NULL;
3156    l_n_msnt_transaction_temp_id       NUMBER;
3157    l_o_msnt_transaction_temp_id       NUMBER;
3158    l_msnt_record                      MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS_TEMP%ROWTYPE;
3159    m                                  NUMBER := 1;  -- position of delimiter
3160    n                                  NUMBER := 1;  -- Start position for substr or search for delimiter
3161    CURSOR  cur_confirmed_serials  IS
3162    SELECT  transaction_temp_id
3163           ,lot_number
3164           ,serial_number
3165           ,transaction_quantity
3166           ,primary_quantity
3167      FROM  mtl_allocations_gtmp
3168     WHERE  NVL(lot_number,'@@') = nvl(p_serial_lot_number,'@@')
3169     ORDER BY
3170            transaction_temp_id
3171           --,nvl(lot_number,'@@')
3172           ,serial_number;
3174 BEGIN
3175        /*  MMTT management
3176       Action    l_insert        L_update        update orginalMMTT      UpdMergeMMTT    InsertNewMMTT
3177       -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3178       SPLIT     Y               Y1              N                       N               Y
3179       SPLIT     N               Y2              Y                       Y               N
3180       LOAD_M    N               Y1              Y                       N               N
3181       LOAD_M    N               Y2              Y-Delete                Y               N
3182       LOAD_S    N               Y1              Y                       N               N
3184       ****MSNT ****
3185       Action    l_insert        L_update        update orginalMSNT
3186       -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3187       SPLIT     Y               Y1              Y-set temp_id = new temp_id
3188       SPLIT     N               Y2              Y-set temp_id= merge temp_id
3189       LOAD_M    N               Y1              N
3190       LOAD_M    N               Y2              Y-set temp_id= merge temp_id
3191       LOAD_S    N               Y1              N-not necessary
3192       */
3194    mydebug ('In : ' || l_proc_name);
3195    mydebug ('p_action                 = ' || p_action                 );
3196    mydebug ('p_insert                 = ' || p_insert                 );
3197    mydebug ('p_update                 = ' || p_update                 );
3198    mydebug ('p_transaction_header_id  = ' || p_transaction_header_id  );
3199    mydebug ('p_transaction_temp_id    = ' || p_transaction_temp_id    );
3200    mydebug ('p_new_transaction_temp_id= ' || p_new_transaction_temp_id);
3201    mydebug ('p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge = ' || p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge    );
3202    mydebug ('p_serial_transaction_temp_id = ' || p_serial_transaction_temp_id    );
3203    mydebug ('p_mtlt_serial_temp_id = ' || p_mtlt_serial_temp_id    );
3204    mydebug ('p_inventory_item_id      = ' || p_inventory_item_id  );
3205    mydebug ('p_revision               = ' || p_revision           );
3206    mydebug ('p_suggested_uom          = ' || p_suggested_uom      );
3207    mydebug ('p_confirmed_uom          = ' || p_confirmed_uom      );
3208    mydebug ('p_primary_uom            = ' || p_primary_uom        );
3209    mydebug ('p_serial_lot_number      = ' || p_serial_lot_number      );
3210    mydebug ('p_confirmed_serials      = ' || p_confirmed_serials  );
3211    mydebug ('p_serial_allocated_flag  = ' || p_serial_allocated_flag  );
3212    mydebug ('p_lpn_match              = ' || p_lpn_match              );
3213    mydebug ('p_lpn_match_lpn_id       = ' || p_lpn_match_lpn_id         );
3214    mydebug ('p_lot_controlled         = ' || p_lot_controlled         );
3215    mydebug ('p_serial_controlled      = ' || p_serial_controlled         );
3217    x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_success;
3218    -- No more serials in the string p_confirmed_serials
3219     mydebug ('process serials: ' );
3220    IF (p_serial_transaction_temp_id IS NOT NULL ) -- it is a case of lot + serial
3221                                                   -- and the call came from process_confirmed_lots
3222    THEN
3223        l_n_msnt_transaction_temp_id := p_serial_transaction_temp_id;
3224        l_o_msnt_transaction_temp_id := p_mtlt_serial_temp_id;
3225    ELSE
3226        l_o_msnt_transaction_temp_id :=p_transaction_temp_id;
3227       IF (p_insert = 'Y' ) THEN
3228           l_n_msnt_transaction_temp_id := p_new_transaction_temp_id;
3229           -- if a new mmtt ininserted then the MSNT
3230           -- should be attached to p_new_transaction_temp_id
3231       ELSE
3232          IF p_update = 'Y2' THEN
3233              l_n_msnt_transaction_temp_id := p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge;
3234              -- if current task is merged to an existing MMTT then the MSNT
3235              -- should be attached to p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge
3236          END IF;
3237          IF (p_update = 'Y1' ) THEN
3238                l_n_msnt_transaction_temp_id := p_transaction_temp_id; -- original MMTT
3239                --  and this will be used only if we are inserting MSNTs for
3240                -- no allocated serIals
3241          END IF;
3242       END IF;
3243    END IF;
3244    mydebug ('l_o_msnt_transaction_temp_id      = ' || l_o_msnt_transaction_temp_id         );
3245    mydebug ('l_n_msnt_transaction_temp_id      = ' || l_n_msnt_transaction_temp_id         );
3247    IF  p_confirmed_serials IS NOT NULL     AND
3248        (p_insert = 'Y'  OR p_update = 'Y2')
3249    THEN
3250       -- AND ( p_serial_allocated_flag = 'Y'))
3251       /* If serials are allocted then MSNT records will be associated with p_transaction_temp_id.
3252          If serials are not allocated but confirmed_serials is not null that means Java-UI created MSNT
3253             records and associated them with p_transaction_temp_id. there fore, for a case of SPLIT
3254             (leading to Merge or split) these MSNT records have to be moved to the confirmed_mmtt created.
3255              identified by l_n_msnt_transaction_temp_id */
3256        l_progress    :=  '110';
3257        mydebug('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
3258        -- update the existing msnt record and  set its transaction-temp_id = new_transaction-temp_id
3259        UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers_temp
3260           SET transaction_temp_id = l_n_msnt_transaction_temp_id
3261             , last_update_date    = SYSDATE
3262             , last_updated_by     = p_user_id
3263         WHERE transaction_temp_id = l_o_msnt_transaction_temp_id
3264           AND fm_serial_number IN
3265               (SELECT  serial_number
3266                  FROM  mtl_allocations_gtmp
3267                 WHERE  NVL(lot_number,'@@') = nvl(p_serial_lot_number,'@@'));
3270           mydebug('msnt not updateed..');
3271           RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
3272        ELSE
3273           l_progress    :=  '140';
3274           mydebug('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
3276              SET  group_mark_id   = l_n_msnt_transaction_temp_id
3277                  ,last_update_date= SYSDATE
3278                  ,last_updated_by = p_user_id
3279            WHERE  current_organization_id = p_organization_id
3280              AND  inventory_item_id       = p_inventory_item_id
3281              --AND  group_mark_id           IS NULL
3282              AND  serial_number           IN
3283                  (SELECT  serial_number
3284                     FROM  mtl_allocations_gtmp
3285                    WHERE  NVL(lot_number,'@@') = nvl(p_serial_lot_number,'@@'));
3287           IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
3288              RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
3289           END IF;
3290        END IF;
3291    ELSE
3292       l_progress    :=  '170';
3293       mydebug('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
3294       ---(p_serial_allocated_flag = 'N' AND for allocated serials but lpn_match 1 or 3
3295       IF ( p_serial_allocated_flag = 'N'   AND
3296            p_confirmed_serials IS NULL     AND
3297            p_lpn_match         IN (1,3) )
3298          -- for non-catch weight enabled
3299          --( p_confirmed_serials    IS NOT NULL   AND p_serial_allocated_flag = 'N')
3300          -- Pick Load page will insert these MSNTs
3301       THEN
3302          l_progress    :=  '180';
3303          mydebug('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
3305          --proc_insert_msnt inserts into MSNT using the data from MSN and also marks MSN
3306          proc_insert_msnt (p_transaction_temp_id            => l_n_msnt_transaction_temp_id
3307                            ,p_organization_id               => p_organization_id
3308                            ,p_inventory_item_id             => p_inventory_item_id
3309                            ,p_revision                      => p_revision
3310                            ,p_confirmed_serials             => p_confirmed_serials
3311                            ,p_serial_number                 => NULL
3312                            ,p_lpn_id                        => p_lpn_match_lpn_id -- NULL if lpn_match!=(1,3)
3313                            ,p_serial_lot_number             => p_serial_lot_number
3314                            ,p_user_id                       => p_user_id
3315                            ,x_return_status                 => x_return_status
3316                            ,x_msg_count                     => x_msg_count
3317                            ,x_msg_data                      => x_msg_data);
3318          IF x_return_status <> l_g_ret_sts_success THEN
3319             mydebug('x_return_status : ' || x_return_status);
3320             RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
3321          END IF;
3322       END IF;
3323       /* added on 05/04/04 : fully consumable lpn where serials are allocated,
3324        * java does not pass the confirmed serials string . The following logic takes
3325        * care of the same. */
3326       IF  p_confirmed_serials IS NULL     AND
3327           p_serial_allocated_flag = 'Y'   AND
3328           p_lpn_match         IN (1,3)    AND
3329          (p_insert = 'Y'  OR  p_update = 'Y2')
3330       THEN
3331          l_progress    :=  '200';
3332          mydebug('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
3334           -- update the existing msnt record and  set its transaction-temp_id = new_transaction-temp_id
3335           UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers_temp
3336              SET transaction_temp_id = l_n_msnt_transaction_temp_id
3337                , last_update_date    = SYSDATE
3338                , last_updated_by     = p_user_id
3339            WHERE transaction_temp_id = l_o_msnt_transaction_temp_id
3340              AND fm_serial_number IN
3341                  (SELECT  serial_number
3342                     FROM  mtl_serial_numbers msn
3343                          ,mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
3344                    WHERE  msn.serial_number = msnt.fm_serial_number
3345                      AND  msnt.transaction_temp_id = l_o_msnt_transaction_temp_id
3346                      AND  NVL(msn.lot_number,'@@') = nvl(p_serial_lot_number,'@@')
3347                      AND  msn.lpn_id = p_lpn_match_lpn_id);
3349           IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
3350              mydebug('msnt not updateed..');
3351              RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
3352           ELSE
3353              l_progress    :=  '300';
3354              mydebug('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
3355              UPDATE  MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS
3356                 SET  group_mark_id   = l_n_msnt_transaction_temp_id
3357                     ,last_update_date= SYSDATE
3358                     ,last_updated_by = p_user_id
3359               WHERE  current_organization_id = p_organization_id
3360                 AND  inventory_item_id       = p_inventory_item_id
3361                 AND  serial_number IN
3362                  (SELECT  serial_number
3363                     FROM  mtl_serial_numbers msn
3364                          ,mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
3365                    WHERE  msn.serial_number = msnt.fm_serial_number
3366                      AND  msnt.transaction_temp_id = l_n_msnt_transaction_temp_id
3367                      AND  NVL(msn.lot_number,'@@') = nvl(p_serial_lot_number,'@@')
3368                      AND  msn.lpn_id = p_lpn_match_lpn_id);
3370              IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
3371                 RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
3372              END IF;
3373           END IF;
3374       END IF;
3375    END IF;
3376    mydebug('End ..  ' || l_proc_name);
3378    WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
3379         x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_error;
3380         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
3381         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
3382         mydebug('fnd_api.g_exc_error: ' || SQLERRM);
3383         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
3384         ROLLBACK ;
3385    WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
3386         x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
3387         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
3388         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
3389         ROLLBACK ;
3390         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
3391         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error: ' || SQLERRM);
3392         mydebug('x_msg_count/Data = ' || x_msg_count || '/'|| x_msg_data);
3394         x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
3395         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
3396         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
3397         mydebug('fnd_api.g_exc_error: ' || SQLERRM);
3398         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
3399         ROLLBACK ;
3401 END proc_process_confirmed_serials;
3403 PROCEDURE proc_insert_mtlt
3404              ( p_lot_record                      IN            mtl_transaction_lots_temp%ROWTYPE
3405               ,x_return_status                   OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
3406               ,x_msg_count                       OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
3407               ,x_msg_data                        OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2)
3408 IS
3409    l_proc_name                   VARCHAR2(30) :=  'PROC_INSERT_MTLT';
3410    l_progress                    VARCHAR2(30) :=  '100';
3411 BEGIN
3412    mydebug('In.. ' || l_proc_name);
3413    x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_success;
3414    INSERT  INTO mtl_transaction_lots_temp
3415                (transaction_temp_id
3416                ,last_update_date
3417                ,last_updated_by
3418                ,creation_date
3419                ,created_by
3420                ,last_update_login
3421                ,request_id
3422                ,program_application_id
3423                ,program_id
3424                ,program_update_date
3425                ,transaction_quantity
3426                ,primary_quantity
3427                ,lot_number
3428                ,lot_expiration_date
3429                ,error_code
3430                ,serial_transaction_temp_id
3431                ,group_header_id
3432                ,put_away_rule_id
3433                ,pick_rule_id
3434                ,description
3435                ,vendor_id
3436                ,supplier_lot_number
3437                ,territory_code
3438                ,origination_date
3439                ,date_code
3440                ,grade_code
3441                ,change_date
3442                ,maturity_date
3443                ,status_id
3444                ,retest_date
3445                ,age
3446                ,item_size
3447                ,color
3448                ,volume
3449                ,volume_uom
3450                ,place_of_origin
3451                ,best_by_date
3452                ,length
3453                ,length_uom
3454                ,recycled_content
3455                ,thickness
3456                ,thickness_uom
3457                ,width
3458                ,width_uom
3459                ,curl_wrinkle_fold
3460                ,lot_attribute_category
3461                ,c_attribute1
3462                ,c_attribute2
3463                ,c_attribute3
3464                ,c_attribute4
3465                ,c_attribute5
3466                ,c_attribute6
3467                ,c_attribute7
3468                ,c_attribute8
3469                ,c_attribute9
3470                ,c_attribute10
3471                ,c_attribute11
3472                ,c_attribute12
3473                ,c_attribute13
3474                ,c_attribute14
3475                ,c_attribute15
3476                ,c_attribute16
3477                ,c_attribute17
3478                ,c_attribute18
3479                ,c_attribute19
3480                ,c_attribute20
3481                ,d_attribute1
3482                ,d_attribute2
3483                ,d_attribute3
3484                ,d_attribute4
3485                ,d_attribute5
3486                ,d_attribute6
3487                ,d_attribute7
3488                ,d_attribute8
3489                ,d_attribute9
3490                ,d_attribute10
3491                ,n_attribute1
3492                ,n_attribute2
3493                ,n_attribute3
3494                ,n_attribute4
3495                ,n_attribute5
3496                ,n_attribute6
3497                ,n_attribute7
3498                ,n_attribute8
3499                ,n_attribute9
3500                ,n_attribute10
3501                ,vendor_name
3502                ,sublot_num
3503                ,secondary_quantity
3504                ,secondary_unit_of_measure
3505                ,qc_grade
3506                ,reason_code
3507                ,product_code
3508                ,product_transaction_id
3509                ,attribute_category
3510                ,attribute1
3511                ,attribute2
3512                ,attribute3
3513                ,attribute4
3514                ,attribute5
3515                ,attribute6
3516                ,attribute7
3517                ,attribute8
3518                ,attribute9
3519                ,attribute10
3520                ,attribute11
3521                ,attribute12
3522                ,attribute13
3523                ,attribute14
3524                ,attribute15)
3525    VALUES (
3526                 p_lot_record.transaction_temp_id
3527                ,p_lot_record.last_update_date
3528                ,p_lot_record.last_updated_by
3529                ,SYSDATE
3530                ,p_lot_record.created_by
3531                ,p_lot_record.last_update_login
3532                ,p_lot_record.request_id
3533                ,p_lot_record.program_application_id
3534                ,p_lot_record.program_id
3535                ,SYSDATE
3536                ,p_lot_record.transaction_quantity
3537                ,p_lot_record.primary_quantity
3538                ,p_lot_record.lot_number
3539                ,p_lot_record.lot_expiration_date
3540                ,p_lot_record.error_code
3541                ,p_lot_record.serial_transaction_temp_id
3542                ,p_lot_record.group_header_id
3543                ,p_lot_record.put_away_rule_id
3544                ,p_lot_record.pick_rule_id
3545                ,p_lot_record.description
3546                ,p_lot_record.vendor_id
3547                ,p_lot_record.supplier_lot_number
3548                ,p_lot_record.territory_code
3549                ,p_lot_record.origination_date
3550                ,p_lot_record.date_code
3551                ,p_lot_record.grade_code
3552                ,p_lot_record.change_date
3553                ,p_lot_record.maturity_date
3554                ,p_lot_record.status_id
3555                ,p_lot_record.retest_date
3556                ,p_lot_record.age
3557                ,p_lot_record.item_size
3558                ,p_lot_record.color
3559                ,p_lot_record.volume
3560                ,p_lot_record.volume_uom
3561                ,p_lot_record.place_of_origin
3562                ,p_lot_record.best_by_date
3563                ,p_lot_record.length
3564                ,p_lot_record.length_uom
3565                ,p_lot_record.recycled_content
3566                ,p_lot_record.thickness
3567                ,p_lot_record.thickness_uom
3568                ,p_lot_record.width
3569                ,p_lot_record.width_uom
3570                ,p_lot_record.curl_wrinkle_fold
3571                ,p_lot_record.lot_attribute_category
3572                ,p_lot_record.c_attribute1
3573                ,p_lot_record.c_attribute2
3574                ,p_lot_record.c_attribute3
3575                ,p_lot_record.c_attribute4
3576                ,p_lot_record.c_attribute5
3577                ,p_lot_record.c_attribute6
3578                ,p_lot_record.c_attribute7
3579                ,p_lot_record.c_attribute8
3580                ,p_lot_record.c_attribute9
3581                ,p_lot_record.c_attribute10
3582                ,p_lot_record.c_attribute11
3583                ,p_lot_record.c_attribute12
3584                ,p_lot_record.c_attribute13
3585                ,p_lot_record.c_attribute14
3586                ,p_lot_record.c_attribute15
3587                ,p_lot_record.c_attribute16
3588                ,p_lot_record.c_attribute17
3589                ,p_lot_record.c_attribute18
3590                ,p_lot_record.c_attribute19
3591                ,p_lot_record.c_attribute20
3592                ,p_lot_record.d_attribute1
3593                ,p_lot_record.d_attribute2
3594                ,p_lot_record.d_attribute3
3595                ,p_lot_record.d_attribute4
3596                ,p_lot_record.d_attribute5
3597                ,p_lot_record.d_attribute6
3598                ,p_lot_record.d_attribute7
3599                ,p_lot_record.d_attribute8
3600                ,p_lot_record.d_attribute9
3601                ,p_lot_record.d_attribute10
3602                ,p_lot_record.n_attribute1
3603                ,p_lot_record.n_attribute2
3604                ,p_lot_record.n_attribute3
3605                ,p_lot_record.n_attribute4
3606                ,p_lot_record.n_attribute5
3607                ,p_lot_record.n_attribute6
3608                ,p_lot_record.n_attribute7
3609                ,p_lot_record.n_attribute8
3610                ,p_lot_record.n_attribute9
3611                ,p_lot_record.n_attribute10
3612                ,p_lot_record.vendor_name
3613                ,p_lot_record.sublot_num
3614                ,p_lot_record.secondary_quantity
3615                ,p_lot_record.secondary_unit_of_measure
3616                ,p_lot_record.qc_grade
3617                ,p_lot_record.reason_code
3618                ,p_lot_record.product_code
3619                ,p_lot_record.product_transaction_id
3620                ,p_lot_record.attribute_category
3621                ,p_lot_record.attribute1
3622                ,p_lot_record.attribute2
3623                ,p_lot_record.attribute3
3624                ,p_lot_record.attribute4
3625                ,p_lot_record.attribute5
3626                ,p_lot_record.attribute6
3627                ,p_lot_record.attribute7
3628                ,p_lot_record.attribute8
3629                ,p_lot_record.attribute9
3630                ,p_lot_record.attribute10
3631                ,p_lot_record.attribute11
3632                ,p_lot_record.attribute12
3633                ,p_lot_record.attribute13
3634                ,p_lot_record.attribute14
3635                ,p_lot_record.attribute15);
3637 mydebug('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
3638 mydebug('End.. ' || l_proc_name);
3640    WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
3641         x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_error;
3642         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
3643         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
3644         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error: ' || SQLERRM);
3645         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
3646         ROLLBACK ;
3647    WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
3648         x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
3649         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
3650         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
3651         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
3652         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error: ' || SQLERRM);
3653         mydebug('x_msg_count/Data = ' || x_msg_count || '/'|| x_msg_data);
3654         ROLLBACK ;
3656         x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
3657         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
3658         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
3659         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error: ' || SQLERRM);
3660         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
3661         ROLLBACK ;
3663 END proc_insert_mtlt;
3666 PROCEDURE proc_insert_msnt
3667               (p_transaction_temp_id             IN          NUMBER
3668               ,p_organization_id                 IN          NUMBER
3669               ,p_inventory_item_id               IN          NUMBER
3670               ,p_revision                        IN          VARCHAR2
3671               ,p_confirmed_serials               IN          VARCHAR2
3672               ,p_serial_number                   IN          VARCHAR2
3673               ,p_lpn_id                          IN          NUMBER
3674               ,p_serial_lot_number               IN          VARCHAR2
3675               ,p_user_id                         IN          NUMBER
3676               ,x_return_status                   OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
3677        ,x_msg_count                       OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
3678               ,x_msg_data                        OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2)
3679 IS
3680    --p_transaction_temp_id := transaction_temp_id of the new MSNT
3681    l_proc_name                VARCHAR2(30) :=  'PROC_INSERT_MSNT';
3682    l_progress                 VARCHAR2(30) :=  '100';
3683    l_serial_prefix            NUMBER;
3684    l_real_serial_prefix       VARCHAR2(30);
3685    l_serial_numeric_frm       NUMBER;
3686    l_serial_numeric_to        NUMBER;
3687    l_number_of_serial_numbers NUMBER;
3689 BEGIN
3690     mydebug('In ..  ' || l_proc_name);
3691     mydebug('p_transaction_temp_id = ' || p_transaction_temp_id);
3692     mydebug('p_organization_id     = ' || p_organization_id);
3693     mydebug('p_inventory_item_id   = ' || p_inventory_item_id);
3694     mydebug('p_serial_number       = ' || p_serial_number);
3695     mydebug('p_lpn_id              = ' || p_lpn_id);
3696     mydebug('p_user_id             = ' || p_user_id);
3698     x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_success;
3699     l_progress := '110';
3701     -- copied the logic from INV_TRX_UTIL_PUB.INSERT_SER_TRX
3702     l_real_serial_prefix  := RTRIM(p_serial_number, '0123456789');
3703     l_serial_numeric_frm  := TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(p_serial_number, NVL(LENGTH(l_real_serial_prefix), 0) + 1));
3704     l_serial_numeric_to   := TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(p_serial_number, NVL(LENGTH(l_real_serial_prefix), 0) + 1));
3705     l_serial_prefix       := (l_serial_numeric_to - l_serial_numeric_frm) + 1;
3707     l_progress    :=  '120';
3708     mydebug ('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
3709     -- P_serial_number is null means we are inserting a group of serials either
3710     -- 1. using LPN_ID passed in or serial_lot_number  passed in (p-confirmed_serials is NULL)
3711     -- OR 2. using the data from the gtmp table (when p_confirmed_serials is nOT NULL)
3712     IF p_serial_number   IS NULL
3713     THEN
3714        INSERT  INTO  mtl_serial_numbers_temp
3715                (transaction_temp_id
3716                ,last_update_date
3717                ,last_updated_by
3718                ,creation_date
3719                ,created_by
3720                ,last_update_login
3721                ,request_id
3722                ,program_application_id
3723                ,program_id
3724                ,program_update_date
3725                ,vendor_serial_number
3726                ,vendor_lot_number
3727                ,fm_serial_number
3728                ,to_serial_number
3729                ,serial_prefix
3730                ,error_code
3731                ,parent_serial_number
3732                ,group_header_id
3733                ,end_item_unit_number
3734                ,serial_attribute_category
3735                ,territory_code
3736                ,origination_date
3737                ,c_attribute1
3738                ,c_attribute2
3739                ,c_attribute3
3740                ,c_attribute4
3741                ,c_attribute5
3742                ,c_attribute6
3743                ,c_attribute7
3744                ,c_attribute8
3745                ,c_attribute9
3746                ,c_attribute10
3747                ,c_attribute11
3748                ,c_attribute12
3749                ,c_attribute13
3750                ,c_attribute14
3751                ,c_attribute15
3752                ,c_attribute16
3753                ,c_attribute17
3754                ,c_attribute18
3755                ,c_attribute19
3756                ,c_attribute20
3757                ,d_attribute1
3758                ,d_attribute2
3759                ,d_attribute3
3760                ,d_attribute4
3761                ,d_attribute5
3762                ,d_attribute6
3763                ,d_attribute7
3764                ,d_attribute8
3765                ,d_attribute9
3766                ,d_attribute10
3767                ,n_attribute1
3768                ,n_attribute2
3769                ,n_attribute3
3770                ,n_attribute4
3771                ,n_attribute5
3772                ,n_attribute6
3773                ,n_attribute7
3774                ,n_attribute8
3775                ,n_attribute9
3776                ,n_attribute10
3777                ,status_id
3778                ,time_since_new
3779                ,cycles_since_new
3780                ,time_since_overhaul
3781                ,cycles_since_overhaul
3782                ,time_since_repair
3783                ,cycles_since_repair
3784                ,time_since_visit
3785                ,cycles_since_visit
3786                ,time_since_mark
3787                ,cycles_since_mark
3788                ,number_of_repairs
3789                ,product_code
3790                ,product_transaction_id )
3791          (SELECT
3792                 p_transaction_temp_id
3793                ,SYSDATE
3794                ,-1
3795                ,SYSDATE
3796                ,p_user_id
3797                ,msn.last_update_login
3798                ,msn.request_id
3799                ,msn.program_application_id
3800                ,msn.program_id
3801                ,msn.program_update_date
3802                ,msn.vendor_serial_number
3803                ,msn.vendor_lot_number
3804                ,msn.serial_number
3805                ,msn.serial_number
3806                ,NVL(l_serial_prefix, 1)
3807                ,NULL -- error code
3808                ,msn.parent_serial_number
3809                ,NULL --group_header_id
3810                ,msn.end_item_unit_number
3811                ,msn.serial_attribute_category
3812                ,msn.territory_code
3813                ,msn.origination_date
3814                ,msn.c_attribute1
3815                ,msn.c_attribute2
3816                ,msn.c_attribute3
3817                ,msn.c_attribute4
3818                ,msn.c_attribute5
3819                ,msn.c_attribute6
3820                ,msn.c_attribute7
3821                ,msn.c_attribute8
3822                ,msn.c_attribute9
3823                ,msn.c_attribute10
3824                ,msn.c_attribute11
3825                ,msn.c_attribute12
3826                ,msn.c_attribute13
3827                ,msn.c_attribute14
3828                ,msn.c_attribute15
3829                ,msn.c_attribute16
3830                ,msn.c_attribute17
3831                ,msn.c_attribute18
3832                ,msn.c_attribute19
3833                ,msn.c_attribute20
3834                ,msn.d_attribute1
3835                ,msn.d_attribute2
3836                ,msn.d_attribute3
3837                ,msn.d_attribute4
3838                ,msn.d_attribute5
3839                ,msn.d_attribute6
3840                ,msn.d_attribute7
3841                ,msn.d_attribute8
3842                ,msn.d_attribute9
3843                ,msn.d_attribute10
3844                ,msn.n_attribute1
3845                ,msn.n_attribute2
3846                ,msn.n_attribute3
3847                ,msn.n_attribute4
3848                ,msn.n_attribute5
3849                ,msn.n_attribute6
3850                ,msn.n_attribute7
3851                ,msn.n_attribute8
3852                ,msn.n_attribute9
3853                ,msn.n_attribute10
3854                ,msn.status_id
3855                ,msn.time_since_new
3856                ,msn.cycles_since_new
3857                ,msn.time_since_overhaul
3858                ,msn.cycles_since_overhaul
3859                ,msn.time_since_repair
3860                ,msn.cycles_since_repair
3861                ,msn.time_since_visit
3862                ,msn.cycles_since_visit
3863                ,msn.time_since_mark
3864                ,msn.cycles_since_mark
3865                ,msn.number_of_repairs
3866                ,NULL --product_code
3867                ,NULL --product_transaction_id
3868        FROM    mtl_serial_numbers  msn
3869        WHERE   msn.current_organization_id  = p_organization_id
3870        AND     msn.inventory_item_id        = p_inventory_item_id
3871        AND     lpn_id                       = p_lpn_id
3872        AND     NVL(lot_number,'@@')         = nvl(p_serial_lot_number,'@@'));
3873        --AND     group_mark_id                IS NULL);
3875        IF SQL%NOTFOUND  THEN --- MSN record not found)
3876            RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
3877        END IF;
3879        l_progress := '130';
3880        mydebug('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
3881        proc_mark_msn (p_group_mark_id             => p_transaction_temp_id
3882                      ,p_organization_id           => p_organization_id
3883                      ,p_inventory_item_id         => p_inventory_item_id
3884                      ,p_revision                  => p_revision
3885                      ,p_confirmed_serials         => p_confirmed_serials
3886                      ,p_serial_lot_number         => p_serial_lot_number
3887                      ,p_serial_number             => p_serial_number
3888                      ,p_lpn_id                    => p_lpn_id
3889                      ,p_user_id                   => p_user_id
3890                      ,x_return_status             => x_return_status
3891               ,x_msg_count                 => x_msg_count
3892                      ,x_msg_data                  => x_msg_data);
3893        IF x_return_status <> l_g_ret_sts_success THEN
3894            mydebug('x_return_status : ' || x_return_status);
3895            RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
3896        END IF;
3898     ELSE  -- confirmed_serials are no null so get the serials from mtl-allocations_gtmp table
3900        INSERT  INTO  mtl_serial_numbers_temp
3901                (transaction_temp_id
3902                ,last_update_date
3903                ,last_updated_by
3904                ,creation_date
3905                ,created_by
3906                ,last_update_login
3907                ,request_id
3908                ,program_application_id
3909                ,program_id
3910                ,program_update_date
3911                ,vendor_serial_number
3912                ,vendor_lot_number
3913                ,fm_serial_number
3914                ,to_serial_number
3915                ,serial_prefix
3916                ,error_code
3917                ,parent_serial_number
3918                ,group_header_id
3919                ,end_item_unit_number
3920                ,serial_attribute_category
3921                ,territory_code
3922                ,origination_date
3923                ,c_attribute1
3924                ,c_attribute2
3925                ,c_attribute3
3926                ,c_attribute4
3927                ,c_attribute5
3928                ,c_attribute6
3929                ,c_attribute7
3930                ,c_attribute8
3931                ,c_attribute9
3932                ,c_attribute10
3933                ,c_attribute11
3934                ,c_attribute12
3935                ,c_attribute13
3936                ,c_attribute14
3937                ,c_attribute15
3938                ,c_attribute16
3939                ,c_attribute17
3940                ,c_attribute18
3941                ,c_attribute19
3942                ,c_attribute20
3943                ,d_attribute1
3944                ,d_attribute2
3945                ,d_attribute3
3946                ,d_attribute4
3947                ,d_attribute5
3948                ,d_attribute6
3949                ,d_attribute7
3950                ,d_attribute8
3951                ,d_attribute9
3952                ,d_attribute10
3953                ,n_attribute1
3954                ,n_attribute2
3955                ,n_attribute3
3956                ,n_attribute4
3957                ,n_attribute5
3958                ,n_attribute6
3959                ,n_attribute7
3960                ,n_attribute8
3961                ,n_attribute9
3962                ,n_attribute10
3963                ,status_id
3964                ,time_since_new
3965                ,cycles_since_new
3966                ,time_since_overhaul
3967                ,cycles_since_overhaul
3968                ,time_since_repair
3969                ,cycles_since_repair
3970                ,time_since_visit
3971                ,cycles_since_visit
3972                ,time_since_mark
3973                ,cycles_since_mark
3974                ,number_of_repairs
3975                ,product_code
3976                ,product_transaction_id )
3977          (SELECT
3978                 p_transaction_temp_id
3979                ,SYSDATE
3980                ,-1
3981                ,SYSDATE
3982                ,p_user_id
3983                ,msn.last_update_login
3984                ,msn.request_id
3985                ,msn.program_application_id
3986                ,msn.program_id
3987                ,msn.program_update_date
3988                ,msn.vendor_serial_number
3989                ,msn.vendor_lot_number
3990                ,msn.serial_number
3991                ,msn.serial_number
3992                ,NVL(l_serial_prefix, 1)
3993                ,NULL -- error code
3994                ,msn.parent_serial_number
3995                ,NULL --group_header_id
3996                ,msn.end_item_unit_number
3997                ,msn.serial_attribute_category
3998                ,msn.territory_code
3999                ,msn.origination_date
4000                ,msn.c_attribute1
4001                ,msn.c_attribute2
4002                ,msn.c_attribute3
4003                ,msn.c_attribute4
4004                ,msn.c_attribute5
4005                ,msn.c_attribute6
4006                ,msn.c_attribute7
4007                ,msn.c_attribute8
4008                ,msn.c_attribute9
4009                ,msn.c_attribute10
4010                ,msn.c_attribute11
4011                ,msn.c_attribute12
4012                ,msn.c_attribute13
4013                ,msn.c_attribute14
4014                ,msn.c_attribute15
4015                ,msn.c_attribute16
4016                ,msn.c_attribute17
4017                ,msn.c_attribute18
4018                ,msn.c_attribute19
4019                ,msn.c_attribute20
4020                ,msn.d_attribute1
4021                ,msn.d_attribute2
4022                ,msn.d_attribute3
4023                ,msn.d_attribute4
4024                ,msn.d_attribute5
4025                ,msn.d_attribute6
4026                ,msn.d_attribute7
4027                ,msn.d_attribute8
4028                ,msn.d_attribute9
4029                ,msn.d_attribute10
4030                ,msn.n_attribute1
4031                ,msn.n_attribute2
4032                ,msn.n_attribute3
4033                ,msn.n_attribute4
4034                ,msn.n_attribute5
4035                ,msn.n_attribute6
4036                ,msn.n_attribute7
4037                ,msn.n_attribute8
4038                ,msn.n_attribute9
4039                ,msn.n_attribute10
4040                ,msn.status_id
4041                ,msn.time_since_new
4042                ,msn.cycles_since_new
4043                ,msn.time_since_overhaul
4044                ,msn.cycles_since_overhaul
4045                ,msn.time_since_repair
4046                ,msn.cycles_since_repair
4047                ,msn.time_since_visit
4048                ,msn.cycles_since_visit
4049                ,msn.time_since_mark
4050                ,msn.cycles_since_mark
4051                ,msn.number_of_repairs
4052                ,NULL --product_code
4053                ,NULL --product_transaction_id
4054           FROM  mtl_serial_numbers  msn
4055           WHERE msn.current_organization_id  = p_organization_id
4056           AND   msn.inventory_item_id        = p_inventory_item_id
4057           AND   nvl(lpn_id,0)                = nvl(p_lpn_id,0)
4058           AND   NVL(lot_number,'@@')         = nvl(p_serial_lot_number,'@@')
4059           --AND   group_mark_id                IS NULL
4060           AND   msn.serial_number  IN
4061                (SELECT serial_number
4062                   FROM mtl_allocations_gtmp
4063                  WHERE NVL(lot_number,'@@')         = nvl(p_serial_lot_number,'@@'))
4064               );
4065           IF SQL%NOTFOUND  THEN --- MSN record not found)
4066               RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
4067           END IF;
4068           l_progress := '130';
4069           mydebug('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
4070           proc_mark_msn (p_group_mark_id             => p_transaction_temp_id
4071                         ,p_organization_id           => p_organization_id
4072                         ,p_inventory_item_id         => p_inventory_item_id
4073                         ,p_revision                  => p_revision
4074                         ,p_confirmed_serials         => p_confirmed_serials
4075                         ,p_serial_lot_number         => p_serial_lot_number
4076                         ,p_serial_number             => p_serial_number
4077                         ,p_lpn_id                    => p_lpn_id
4078                         ,p_user_id                   => p_user_id
4079                         ,x_return_status             => x_return_status
4080                  ,x_msg_count                 => x_msg_count
4081                         ,x_msg_data                  => x_msg_data);
4082           IF x_return_status <> l_g_ret_sts_success THEN
4083               mydebug('x_return_status : ' || x_return_status);
4084               RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
4085           END IF;
4086     END IF;
4088     mydebug('End ..  ' || l_proc_name);
4090    WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
4091         x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_error;
4092         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
4093         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
4094         ROLLBACK ;
4095         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
4096         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error: ' || SQLERRM);
4097    WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
4098         x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
4099         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
4100         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
4101         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
4102         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error: ' || SQLERRM);
4103         mydebug('x_msg_count/Data = ' || x_msg_count || '/'|| x_msg_data);
4104         ROLLBACK ;
4106         x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
4107         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
4108         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
4109         ROLLBACK ;
4110         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
4111         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error: ' || SQLERRM);
4113 END proc_insert_msnt ;
4115 PROCEDURE proc_mark_msn
4116               (p_group_mark_id                   IN          NUMBER
4117               ,p_organization_id                 IN          NUMBER
4118               ,p_inventory_item_id               IN          NUMBER
4119               ,p_Revision                        IN          VARCHAR2
4120               ,p_confirmed_serials               IN          VARCHAR2
4121               ,p_serial_lot_number               IN          VARCHAR2
4122               ,p_serial_number                   IN          VARCHAR2
4123               ,p_lpn_id                          IN          NUMBER
4124               ,p_user_id                         IN          NUMBER
4125               ,x_return_status                   OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
4126        ,x_msg_count                       OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
4127               ,x_msg_data                        OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2)
4128 IS
4129    --p_transaction_temp_id := transaction_temp_id of the new MSNT
4130    l_proc_name                   VARCHAR2(30) :=  'PROC_MARK_MSN';
4131    l_progress                    VARCHAR2(30) :=  '100';
4132 BEGIN
4133     mydebug('In ..  ' || l_proc_name);
4134     mydebug('p_group_mark_id     : ' || p_group_mark_id);
4135     mydebug('p_organization_id   : ' || p_organization_id);
4136     mydebug('p_inventory_item_id : ' || p_inventory_item_id);
4137     mydebug('p_serial_number     : ' || p_serial_number);
4138     mydebug('p_lpn_id            : ' || p_lpn_id );
4139     mydebug('p_user_id           : ' || p_user_id);
4141     x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_success;
4142     l_progress := '110';
4143     mydebug('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
4144     IF p_serial_number IS NULL
4145     THEN
4146        l_progress := '200';
4147        mydebug('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
4149        SET     group_mark_id   = p_group_mark_id
4150              , last_updated_by = p_user_id
4151        WHERE   current_organization_id     = p_organization_id
4152        AND     inventory_item_id           = p_inventory_item_id
4153        AND     lpn_id                      = p_lpn_id ;
4154        --AND     group_mark_id               IS NULL;
4157            fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_ERROR_MARKING_SERIAL'); --NEWMSG
4158            -- "Error reserving Serial Number/s"
4159            fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
4160           RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
4161        END IF;
4162     ELSE
4163        l_progress := '300';
4164        mydebug('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
4166           SET  group_mark_id   = p_group_mark_id
4167              , last_updated_by = p_user_id
4168         WHERE  msn.current_organization_id  = p_organization_id
4169           AND  msn.inventory_item_id        = p_inventory_item_id
4170           AND  nvl(lpn_id,0)                = nvl(p_lpn_id,0)
4171           AND  NVL(lot_number,'@@')         = nvl(p_serial_lot_number,'@@')
4172           --AND  group_mark_id                IS NULL
4173           AND  msn.serial_number  IN
4174                (SELECT serial_number
4175                   FROM mtl_allocations_gtmp
4176                  WHERE NVL(lot_number,'@@') = nvl(p_serial_lot_number,'@@'));
4179            fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_ERROR_MARKING_SERIAL'); --NEWMSG
4180            -- "Error reserving Serial Number/s"
4181            fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
4182           RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
4183        END IF;
4184     END IF;
4186     mydebug('End ..  ' || l_proc_name);
4188    WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
4189         x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_error;
4190         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
4191         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
4192         ROLLBACK ;
4193         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
4194         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error: ' || SQLERRM);
4195    WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
4196         x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
4197         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
4198         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
4199         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
4200         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error: ' || SQLERRM);
4201         mydebug('x_msg_count/Data = ' || x_msg_count || '/'|| x_msg_data);
4202         ROLLBACK ;
4204         x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
4205         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
4206         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
4207         ROLLBACK ;
4208         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
4209         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error: ' || SQLERRM);
4211 END  proc_mark_msn ;
4213 PROCEDURE proc_unmark_msn (p_group_mark_id                IN          NUMBER
4214                         ,p_organization_id                IN          NUMBER
4215                         ,p_inventory_item_id              IN          NUMBER
4216                         ,p_Revision                       IN          VARCHAR2
4217                         ,p_serial_number                  IN          VARCHAR2
4218                         ,p_lpn_id                         IN          NUMBER
4219                         ,p_user_id                        IN          NUMBER
4220                         ,x_return_status                  OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
4221                  ,x_msg_count                      OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
4222                         ,x_msg_data                       OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2)
4223 IS
4224    --p_transaction_temp_id := transaction_temp_id of the new MSNT
4225    l_proc_name                   VARCHAR2(30) :=  'PROC_UNMARK_MSN';
4226    l_progress                    VARCHAR2(30) :=  '100';
4227 BEGIN
4228     mydebug('In ..  ' || l_proc_name);
4229     mydebug('p_group_mark_id     : ' || p_group_mark_id);
4230     mydebug('p_organization_id   : ' || p_organization_id);
4231     mydebug('p_inventory_item_id : ' || p_inventory_item_id);
4232     mydebug('p_serial_number     : ' || p_serial_number);
4233     mydebug('p_lpn_id            : ' || p_lpn_id );
4234     mydebug('p_user_id           : ' || p_user_id);
4236     x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_success;
4237     l_progress := '110';
4238     mydebug('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
4240     SET     group_mark_id   = p_group_mark_id
4241           , last_updated_by = p_user_id
4242     WHERE   current_organization_id     = p_organization_id
4243     AND     inventory_item_id           = p_inventory_item_id
4244     AND     nvl(lpn_id,0)               = nvl(p_lpn_id,0)
4245     AND     DECODE(p_serial_number,NULL,'@@',serial_number) = nvl(p_serial_number,'@@')  ;
4246     --AND     group_mark_id  IS NULL;
4249        RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
4250     END IF;
4252     mydebug('End ..  ' || l_proc_name);
4254    WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
4255         x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_error;
4256         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
4257         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
4258         ROLLBACK ;
4259         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
4260         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error: ' || SQLERRM);
4261    WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
4262         x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
4263         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
4264         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
4265         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
4266         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error: ' || SQLERRM);
4267         mydebug('x_msg_count/Data = ' || x_msg_count || '/'|| x_msg_data);
4268         ROLLBACK ;
4270         x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
4271         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
4272         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
4273         ROLLBACK ;
4274         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
4275         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error: ' || SQLERRM);
4277 END  proc_unmark_msn ;
4279 /* WHen F2 is pressed, the MMTT/MTLT/MSNT that was split needs to be rolled back so that,
4280  * task is in its original state that is before it was split. Sice the split commits the
4281  * newly inserted/updated details, the rollback has to be done manually.
4282 */
4283 PROCEDURE process_F2(
4284                p_action                 IN            VARCHAR2 -- NULL, CMS
4285               ,p_organization_id        IN            NUMBER
4286               ,p_user_id                IN            NUMBER
4287               ,p_employee_id            IN            NUMBER
4288               ,p_transaction_header_id  IN            NUMBER
4289               ,p_transaction_temp_id    IN            NUMBER
4290               ,p_original_sub           IN            VARCHAR2
4291               ,p_original_locator_id    IN            NUMBER
4292               ,p_lot_controlled         IN            VARCHAR2  -- Y/N
4293               ,p_serial_controlled      IN            VARCHAR2  -- Y/N
4294               ,p_serial_allocated_flag  IN            VARCHAR2 -- Y/N
4295               ,p_suggested_uom          IN            VARCHAR2  -- original allocation UOM
4296               ,p_start_over             IN            VARCHAR2   -- Y/N  start_over
4297               ,p_retain_task            IN            VARCHAR2 -- Y/N for bug 4310093
4298               ,x_start_over_taskno      OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER   -- start_over task
4299               ,x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
4300               ,x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
4301               ,x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2)
4302 IS
4305    l_proc_name                   VARCHAR2(30) :=  'PROCESS_F2';
4306    l_progress                    VARCHAR2(30) :=  '100';
4307    l_debug                       NUMBER       :=  NVL(fnd_profile.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'), 0);
4308    l_new_transaction_temp_id     NUMBER       :=  NULL;
4309    l_serial_transaction_temp_id  NUMBER       :=  NULL;
4310    l_transaction_temp_id         NUMBER       :=  NULL;
4311    l_original_sub_loc            VARCHAR2(1)  :=  'N';
4312    l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from       mtl_transaction_lots_temp%ROWTYPE;
4313    l_suggested_mmtt_qty          NUMBER       := 0;
4314    l_suggested_mtlt_qty          NUMBER       := 0;
4315    -- bug #4141928 INV CONV
4316    l_suggested_mmtt_sec_qty          NUMBER       := 0;
4317    l_suggested_mtlt_sec_qty          NUMBER       := 0;
4319    l_op_msnt_to_delete           NUMBER       := 0;
4320    l_start_over_task             NUMBER       := 0;
4321    l_parent_posting_flag         VARCHAR2(1); -- Bug#4185621
4324    /* cur_mmtt1
4325      -- Group MMTTs(including p_transaction_temp_id) with  p_transaction_header_id
4326      -- by inventory_item_id,subinventory_code,locator_id.
4327      -- update one of the MMTTs(min temp_id) from each group and delete rest from that group */
4329    CURSOR  cur_mmtt1
4330    IS
4331       SELECT   sum(primary_quantity) mmtt_primary_quantity
4332       -- bug #4141928 INV CONV
4333       , sum(secondary_transaction_quantity) mmtt_secondary_quantity
4334       , COUNT(*) mmtt_group_count
4335       , MIN(transaction_temp_id) group_temp_id
4336       , MIN(parent_line_id) parent_line_id -- Bug#4185621
4337              , inventory_item_id
4338              , revision
4339              , subinventory_code
4340              , locator_id
4341              , item_primary_uom_code
4342       FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
4343       WHERE  mmtt.transaction_header_id  = p_transaction_header_id
4344       GROUP BY
4345               inventory_item_id
4346              ,revision
4347              ,subinventory_code
4348              ,locator_id
4349              ,item_primary_uom_code;
4351    CURSOR  cur_mtlt1       ( p_subinventory_code   VARCHAR2
4352                             ,p_locator_id          NUMBER
4353                             ,p_uom_code            VARCHAR2
4354                             ,p_inventory_item_id   VARCHAR2
4355                             ,p_revision            VARCHAR2
4356                             ,p_group_temp_id       NUMBER)
4357    IS
4358       SELECT  sum(mtlt.primary_quantity)      group_lot_primary_quantity
4359       -- bug #4141928 INV CONV
4360       , sum(mtlt.secondary_quantity)          group_lot_secondary_quantity
4361       ,COUNT(*)                               group_lot_count
4362       ,MIN(mtlt.transaction_temp_id)   group_lot_temp_id
4363              ,mtlt.lot_number
4364       FROM    mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
4365             , mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
4366       WHERE   mmtt.transaction_header_id =  p_transaction_header_id
4367       AND     mmtt.transaction_temp_id   =  mtlt.transaction_temp_id
4368       AND     mmtt.subinventory_code     =  p_subinventory_code
4369       AND     mmtt.locator_id            =  p_locator_id
4370       AND     mmtt.item_primary_uom_code =  p_uom_code
4371       AND     mmtt.inventory_item_id     =  p_inventory_item_id
4372       AND     nvl(mmtt.revision,'@@')    =  nvl(p_revision,'@@')
4373       GROUP BY
4374               mtlt.lot_number;
4376    CURSOR cur_msnt_to_delete ( p_rec_mmtt1_subinventory_code   VARCHAR2
4377                               ,p_rec_mmtt1_locator_id          NUMBER
4378                               ,p_rec_mmtt1_item_primary_uom    VARCHAR2
4379                               ,p_rec_mmtt1_inventory_item_id   NUMBER
4380                               ,p_rec_mmtt1_revision            VARCHAR2)
4381    IS
4382               SELECT   msnt.transaction_temp_id
4383                       ,msnt.fm_serial_number
4384                       ,mmtt.organization_id
4385                       ,mmtt.inventory_item_id
4386                       ,msnt.creation_date
4387                 FROM   mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
4388                       ,mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
4389                WHERE   mmtt.transaction_header_id  = p_transaction_header_id
4390                  AND   mmtt.transaction_temp_id   =  msnt.transaction_temp_id
4391                  AND   mmtt.subinventory_code     =  p_rec_mmtt1_subinventory_code
4392                  AND   mmtt.locator_id            =  p_rec_mmtt1_locator_id
4393                  AND   mmtt.item_primary_uom_code =  p_rec_mmtt1_item_primary_uom
4394                  AND   mmtt.inventory_item_id     =  p_rec_mmtt1_inventory_item_id
4395                  AND   nvl(mmtt.revision,'@@')    =  nvl(p_rec_mmtt1_revision,'@@')
4396                ORDER BY msnt.creation_date DESC;
4398    CURSOR cur_msnt_to_delete_LS (p_serial_transaction_temp_id    NUMBER)
4399    IS
4400               SELECT   msnt.transaction_temp_id
4401                       ,msnt.fm_serial_number
4402                       ,msnt.creation_date
4403                 FROM   mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
4404                WHERE   msnt.transaction_temp_id   =  p_serial_transaction_temp_id
4405                ORDER BY msnt.creation_date DESC;
4406 BEGIN
4407     mydebug('In ..  ' || l_proc_name);
4408     x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_success;
4409     g_debug := l_debug;
4411     mydebug ('p_action                 = ' || p_action);
4412     mydebug ('p_organization_id        = ' || p_organization_id);
4413     mydebug ('p_user_id                = ' || p_user_id);
4414     mydebug ('p_employee_id            = ' || p_employee_id);
4415     mydebug ('p_transaction_header_id  = ' || p_transaction_header_id);
4416     mydebug ('p_transaction_temp_id    = ' || p_transaction_temp_id);
4417     mydebug ('p_original_sub           = ' || p_original_sub);
4418     mydebug ('p_original_locator_id    = ' || p_original_locator_id);
4419     mydebug ('p_lot_controlled         = ' || p_lot_controlled);
4420     mydebug ('p_serial_controlled      = ' || p_serial_controlled);
4421     mydebug ('p_serial_allocated_flag  = ' || p_serial_allocated_flag);
4422     mydebug ('p_suggested_uom          = ' || p_suggested_uom        );
4424     l_progress := 110;
4425     mydebug('l_progress =  ' || l_progress);
4426     proc_device_call (
4427              p_action                 => p_action
4428            , p_employee_id            => p_employee_id
4429            , p_transaction_temp_id    => p_transaction_temp_id
4430            , x_return_status          => x_return_status
4431            , x_msg_count              => x_msg_count
4432            , x_msg_data               => x_msg_data );
4433     IF x_return_status <> l_g_ret_sts_success THEN
4434        mydebug('x_return_status : ' || x_return_status);
4435        --RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR; punnet's request
4436     END IF;
4438     l_progress := 200;
4439     mydebug('l_progress =  ' || l_progress);
4441   /*{{
4442  *  If user had not pressed start over button we would reset the status of task
4443  *  as done before.All task would return to pending wdd would be deleted.
4444  *}}
4445  */
4447   IF p_start_over ='N' and p_retain_task='N' THEN --bug 4310093
4448    mydebug('viks start_over button not pressed:');
4450     proc_reset_task_status(
4451                p_action                 => p_action
4452               ,p_organization_id        => p_organization_id
4453               ,p_user_id                => p_user_id
4454               ,p_employee_id            => p_employee_id
4455               ,p_transaction_header_id  => p_transaction_header_id
4456               ,p_transaction_temp_id    => p_transaction_temp_id
4457               ,x_return_status          => x_return_status
4458               ,x_msg_count              => x_msg_count
4459               ,x_msg_data               => x_msg_data);
4460     IF x_return_status <> l_g_ret_sts_success THEN
4461           RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
4462     END IF;
4463   END IF;
4465     l_progress := 300;
4466     IF l_debug = 1 THEN mydebug('l_progress =  ' || l_progress);  END IF;
4467     proc_process_cancelled_MOLs (
4468                p_organization_id        => p_organization_id
4469               ,p_user_id                => p_user_id
4470               ,p_transaction_header_id  => p_transaction_header_id
4471               ,p_transaction_temp_id    => p_transaction_temp_id
4472               ,x_return_status          => x_return_status
4473               ,x_msg_count              => x_msg_count
4474               ,x_msg_data               => x_msg_data);
4475     IF x_return_status <> l_g_ret_sts_success THEN
4476        mydebug('x_return_status : ' || x_return_status);
4477        RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
4478     END IF;
4480     IF P_ACTION is not NULL AND p_action = 'CMS' THEN
4481         COMMIT;
4482         RETURN;
4483     END IF;
4485     -- Reset Lpn context of content_lpn_ids and transfer_lpn_ids
4486     l_progress := 400;
4487     IF l_debug = 1 THEN mydebug('l_progress =  ' || l_progress);  END IF;
4488     IF P_ACTION is NULL OR p_action <> 'CMS' THEN
4489        proc_reset_lpn_context(
4490                p_organization_id        => p_organization_id
4491               ,p_user_id                => p_user_id
4492               ,p_transaction_header_id  => p_transaction_header_id
4493               ,p_transaction_temp_id    => p_transaction_temp_id
4494               ,x_return_status          => x_return_status
4495               ,x_msg_count              => x_msg_count
4496               ,x_msg_data               => x_msg_data);
4497        IF x_return_status <> l_g_ret_sts_success THEN
4498           RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
4499        END IF;
4500     END IF;
4502     -- Group MMTTs(including p_transaction_temp_id) with  p_transaction_header_id
4503     -- by inventory_item_id,subinventory_code,locator_id.
4504     -- update one of the MMTTs(min temp_id) from each group and delete rest from that group
4505     l_progress := 500;
4506     IF l_debug = 1 THEN mydebug('l_progress =  ' || l_progress);  END IF;
4508     DELETE  mtl_allocations_gtmp ;
4510        null;
4511     END IF;
4513     IF P_ACTION is NULL OR p_action <> 'CMS' THEN
4514     FOR rec_mmtt1 IN cur_mmtt1
4515     LOOP
4516        l_progress := 510;
4517        mydebug('l_progress                      =  ' || l_progress);
4518        mydebug('l_original_sub_loc              =  ' || l_original_sub_loc);
4519        mydebug('rec_mmtt1.mmtt_group_count      =  ' || rec_mmtt1.mmtt_group_count);
4520        mydebug('rec_mmtt1.group_temp_id         =  ' || rec_mmtt1.group_temp_id);
4521        mydebug('rec_mmtt1.subinventory_code     =  ' || rec_mmtt1.subinventory_code);
4522        mydebug('rec_mmtt1.locator_id            =  ' || rec_mmtt1.locator_id);
4523        mydebug('rec_mmtt1.item_primary_uom_code =  ' || rec_mmtt1.item_primary_uom_code);
4524        mydebug('rec_mmtt1.mmtt_primary_quantity =  ' || rec_mmtt1.mmtt_primary_quantity);
4525        mydebug('rec_mmtt1.mmtt_secondary_transaction_quantity =  ' || rec_mmtt1.mmtt_secondary_quantity);
4527       IF rec_mmtt1.item_primary_uom_code IS NULL THEN
4528          fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_NULL_PRIM_UOM');
4529          -- Item primary UOM is null for this task
4530          fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
4531          RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
4532       END IF;
4533       -- this global temp table will have a list of transaction_temp_ids of MMTTs that
4534       -- are confirmed to stay back in MMTT. Later we will use this list to decide on which
4535       -- MMTTs should be deleted that belong to the p_transaction-header_id but are not
4536       -- in this list
4537       l_progress := 600;
4538       INSERT
4539         INTO mtl_allocations_gtmp
4540              (transaction_temp_id)
4541       VALUES ( rec_mmtt1.group_temp_id);
4542       mydebug('Inserted temp_id into mtl_allocations_gtmp: ' || rec_mmtt1.group_temp_id);
4544       IF p_suggested_uom <> rec_mmtt1.item_primary_uom_code
4545       THEN
4546          l_suggested_mmtt_qty      := inv_convert.inv_um_convert
4547                                   (item_id          => rec_mmtt1.inventory_item_id
4548                                   ,precision        => l_g_decimal_precision
4549                                   ,from_quantity    => rec_mmtt1.mmtt_primary_quantity
4550                                   ,from_unit        => rec_mmtt1.item_primary_uom_code
4551                                   ,to_unit          => p_suggested_uom
4552                                   ,from_name        => NULL
4553                                   ,to_name          => NULL);
4554       ELSE
4555          l_suggested_mmtt_qty      := rec_mmtt1.mmtt_primary_quantity;
4556       END IF;
4557          l_suggested_mmtt_sec_qty  := rec_mmtt1.mmtt_secondary_quantity;
4558       mydebug('l_suggested_mmtt_qty : ' || l_suggested_mmtt_qty );
4559       mydebug('l_suggested_mmtt_sec_qty : ' || l_suggested_mmtt_sec_qty );
4560       l_progress := 650;
4562       -- Bug#4185621: decide whether to update posting flag
4563       IF (rec_mmtt1.parent_line_id = rec_mmtt1.group_temp_id) THEN
4564           l_parent_posting_flag := 'N';  -- bulk parent, need to update posting flag back to 'N'
4565       ELSE
4566           l_parent_posting_flag := 'Y';  -- non bulk mmtt, keep posting flag as 'Y'
4567       END IF;
4568       -- Bug# 4185621: end change
4570        /* Update the MMTT record with transacttion-temp_id = group_temp_id.
4571         Updating transaction_quantity same as primary_quantity since
4572         the transaction_qty should be IN same uom AS primary qty FOR this mmtt */
4573        UPDATE   mtl_material_transactions_temp
4574           SET    primary_quantity     = rec_mmtt1.mmtt_primary_quantity
4575                , transaction_quantity = l_suggested_mmtt_qty
4576                , secondary_transaction_quantity = DECODE(secondary_transaction_quantity, NULL, NULL, l_suggested_mmtt_sec_qty)
4577                , transaction_uom      = p_suggested_uom
4578                , transfer_lpn_id      = NULL
4579                , lpn_id               = NULL
4580                , content_lpn_id       = NULL
4581                , last_update_date     = SYSDATE
4582                , last_updated_by      = p_user_id
4583                , wms_task_status = l_g_task_pending -- Bug4185621: update mmtt task status back to pending
4584                , posting_flag = l_parent_posting_flag -- Bug4185621: updating posting flag
4585         WHERE    transaction_temp_id  = rec_mmtt1.group_temp_id;
4587            RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
4588         END IF;
4590         -- Bug# 4185621: update child line posting flag back to 'Y' for bulk picking
4591         IF (l_parent_posting_flag = 'N') THEN
4592             UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
4593                SET posting_flag = 'Y'
4594              WHERE parent_line_id = rec_mmtt1.group_temp_id
4595                AND parent_line_id <> transaction_temp_id;
4596         END IF;
4597         -- Bug# 4185621: end change
4599         l_progress := 700;
4600         mydebug('l_progress ..  ' || l_progress);
4602        -- PROCESS LOTS /SERIALS BEFORE DELETING ..... *****
4603        -- Only if the present cursor group has more than one row
4604        -- that it is necessary to take care of lots and  serial
4605        -- IF    (rec_mmtt1.mmtt_group_count > 1) THEN : for serials not allocated. It has to be processed
4606        IF    ((p_lot_controlled = 'Y' AND p_serial_controlled = 'Y')
4607            OR (p_lot_controlled = 'Y' AND p_serial_controlled <> 'Y'))
4609        THEN
4610           l_progress := 800;
4611           mydebug('l_progress ..  ' || l_progress);
4613           --IF    (rec_mmtt1.mmtt_group_count > 1)
4614                 --OR
4615                 --(rec_mmtt1.mmtt_group_count = 1 AND
4616                 --p_serial_controlled = 'Y' and p_serial_allocated_flag = 'N')
4617           --THEN
4618              FOR rec_mtlt1 IN cur_mtlt1  (rec_mmtt1.subinventory_code
4619                                      , rec_mmtt1.locator_id
4620                                      , rec_mmtt1.item_primary_uom_code
4621                                      , rec_mmtt1.inventory_item_id
4622                                      , rec_mmtt1.revision
4623                                      , rec_mmtt1.group_temp_id)
4624              LOOP
4625              l_progress := 1000;
4626              mydebug('l_progress ..  ' || l_progress);
4627              mydebug('rec_mtlt1.lot_number : ' || rec_mtlt1.lot_number);
4628              mydebug('rec_mtlt1.group_lot_primary_quantity : ' || rec_mtlt1.group_lot_primary_quantity);
4629              mydebug('rec_mtlt1.group_lot_secondary_quantity : ' || rec_mtlt1.group_lot_secondary_quantity);
4630              mydebug('rec_mtlt1.group_lot_count : ' || rec_mtlt1.group_lot_count);
4631              mydebug('rec_mtlt1.group_lot_temp_id : ' || rec_mtlt1.group_lot_temp_id);
4632              mydebug('rec_mtlt1.group_lot_primary_quantity : ' || rec_mtlt1.group_lot_primary_quantity);
4634              l_serial_transaction_temp_id := NULL;
4635              SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
4636              INTO   l_serial_transaction_temp_id
4637              FROM   DUAL;
4638              mydebug('l_serial_transaction_temp_id ..  ' || l_serial_transaction_temp_id);
4639              IF p_suggested_uom <> rec_mmtt1.item_primary_uom_code
4640              THEN
4641                 l_suggested_mtlt_qty := inv_convert.inv_um_convert
4642                                          (item_id          => rec_mmtt1.inventory_item_id
4643                                          ,precision        => l_g_decimal_precision
4644                                          ,from_quantity    => rec_mtlt1.group_lot_primary_quantity
4645                                          ,from_unit        => rec_mmtt1.item_primary_uom_code
4646                                          ,to_unit          => p_suggested_uom
4647                                          ,from_name        => NULL
4648                                          ,to_name          => NULL);
4649              ELSE
4650                 l_suggested_mtlt_qty := rec_mtlt1.group_lot_primary_quantity;
4651              END IF;
4652                 l_suggested_mtlt_sec_qty := rec_mtlt1.group_lot_secondary_quantity;
4653              mydebug('l_suggested_mtlt_qty : ' || l_suggested_mtlt_qty);
4654              mydebug('l_suggested_mtlt_sec_qty : ' || l_suggested_mtlt_sec_qty);
4656              IF p_serial_controlled = 'Y'  THEN
4657                 IF p_serial_allocated_flag = 'Y' THEN
4659                    l_progress := 1100;
4660                    mydebug('l_progress ..  ' || l_progress);
4661                    UPDATE  mtl_serial_numbers_temp
4662                       SET  transaction_temp_id = l_serial_transaction_temp_id
4663                          , last_update_date    = SYSDATE
4664                          , last_updated_by     = p_user_id
4665                     WHERE  transaction_temp_id  IN
4666                            (SELECT  mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id
4667                               FROM  mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
4668                                   , mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
4669                               WHERE   mmtt.transaction_header_id =  p_transaction_header_id
4670                               AND     mmtt.transaction_temp_id   =  mtlt.transaction_temp_id
4671                               AND     mmtt.subinventory_code     =  rec_mmtt1.subinventory_code
4672                               AND     mmtt.locator_id            =  rec_mmtt1.locator_id
4673                               AND     mmtt.item_primary_uom_code =  rec_mmtt1.item_primary_uom_code
4674                               AND     mmtt.inventory_item_id     =  rec_mmtt1.inventory_item_id
4675                               AND     mtlt.lot_number            =  rec_mtlt1.lot_number
4676                               AND     nvl(mmtt.revision,'@@')    =  nvl(rec_mmtt1.revision,'@@') );
4677                    mydebug ('ROW COUNT : ' || sql%rowcount);
4678                    IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
4679                       RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
4680                    END IF;
4681                    l_progress := 1200;
4682                    mydebug('l_progress ..  ' || l_progress);
4683                    UPDATE  MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS
4684                       SET  group_mark_id    = l_serial_transaction_temp_id
4685                          , last_updated_by  = p_user_id
4686                          , last_update_date = SYSDATE
4687                     WHERE  current_organization_id = p_organization_id
4688                       AND  inventory_item_id       = rec_mmtt1.inventory_item_id
4689                       AND  serial_number          IN
4690                            (SELECT fm_serial_number
4691                               FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
4692                              WHERE msnt.transaction_temp_id   =  l_serial_transaction_temp_id);
4694                    IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
4695                       RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
4696                    END IF;
4697                 ELSE  --IF p_serial_allocated_flag = 'N' THEN
4698                    l_progress := 1300;
4699                    mydebug('l_progress ..  ' || l_progress);
4700                    -- First unmark serials in all MSNTS
4701                    UPDATE  MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS
4702                    SET     group_mark_id   = NULL
4703                          , last_updated_by = p_user_id
4704                          , last_update_date = SYSDATE
4705                    WHERE  (current_organization_id
4706                           ,inventory_item_id
4707                           ,serial_number)
4708                       IN  (SELECT  mmtt.organization_id
4709                                   ,mmtt.inventory_item_id
4710                                   ,msnt.fm_serial_number
4711                              FROM  mtl_transaction_lots_temp      mtlt
4712                                   ,mtl_serial_numbers_temp        msnt
4713                                   ,mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
4714                             WHERE  mmtt.transaction_header_id      = p_transaction_header_id
4715                               AND  mmtt.transaction_temp_id        = mtlt.transaction_temp_id
4716                               AND  mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id = msnt.transaction_temp_id
4717                               AND  mmtt.subinventory_code          = rec_mmtt1.subinventory_code
4718                               AND  mmtt.locator_id                 = rec_mmtt1.locator_id
4719                               AND  mmtt.item_primary_uom_code      = rec_mmtt1.item_primary_uom_code
4720                               AND  mmtt.inventory_item_id          = rec_mmtt1.inventory_item_id
4721                               AND  mtlt.lot_number                 =  rec_mtlt1.lot_number
4722                               AND  nvl(mmtt.revision,'@@')         =  nvl(rec_mmtt1.revision,'@@') );
4724                    IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
4725                         mydebug('No MSNT found  ..may be because no serials were confirmed for ' ||
4726                                 'serial_allocation= No before pressing F2' );
4727                    ELSE
4728                       -- Now delete MSNTs
4729                       l_progress := 1400;
4730                       mydebug('l_progress ..  ' || l_progress);
4731                       DELETE  mtl_serial_numbers_temp
4732                        WHERE  transaction_temp_id
4733                           IN
4734                               (SELECT  mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id
4735                                  FROM  mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
4736                                      , mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
4737                                  WHERE   mmtt.transaction_header_id =  p_transaction_header_id
4738                                  AND     mmtt.transaction_temp_id   =  mtlt.transaction_temp_id
4739                                  AND     mmtt.subinventory_code     =  rec_mmtt1.subinventory_code
4740                                  AND     mmtt.locator_id            =  rec_mmtt1.locator_id
4741                                  AND     mmtt.item_primary_uom_code =  rec_mmtt1.item_primary_uom_code
4742                                  AND     mmtt.inventory_item_id     =  rec_mmtt1.inventory_item_id
4743                                  AND     mtlt.lot_number            =  rec_mtlt1.lot_number
4744                                  AND     nvl(mmtt.revision,'@@')    =  nvl(rec_mmtt1.revision,'@@') );
4745                       IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
4746                          RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
4747                       END IF;
4748                    END IF;
4749                 END IF; --IF p_serial_allocated_flag = 'N' THEN
4750                 l_op_msnt_to_delete  := 0;
4751                 IF p_serial_allocated_flag = 'Y' THEN  -- to delete all overpicked serials
4752                    l_progress := 4000;
4753                    mydebug('l_progress : ' || l_progress);
4754                    SELECT  count(*)
4755                      INTO  l_op_msnt_to_delete
4756                      FROM  mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
4757                     WHERE  msnt.transaction_temp_id   =  l_serial_transaction_temp_id;
4758                    mydebug('l_op_msnt_to_delete : ' || l_op_msnt_to_delete
4759                             || ':' || rec_mtlt1.group_lot_primary_quantity);
4761                    -- only if the rec-count in msnt exceeds the total quantity in MMTT
4762                    --  means the serials have been  overpicked.
4763                    IF rec_mtlt1.group_lot_primary_quantity < l_op_msnt_to_delete
4764                    THEN
4765                    FOR rec_msnt_to_delete_LS IN cur_msnt_to_delete_LS
4766                                                 ( l_serial_transaction_temp_id)
4767                    LOOP
4768                       mydebug('rec_msnt_to_delete_ls.fm_serial_number : ' || rec_msnt_to_delete_ls.fm_serial_number);
4769                       mydebug('rec_msnt_to_delete_ls.transaction_temp_id : ' || rec_msnt_to_delete_ls.transaction_temp_id);
4770                       /* In this cursor, we are ordering by creation date with the
4771                        * assumption that the overpicked serials are newly inserted MSNT records and
4772                        * they will have creation date higher than the originally allocated serials. */
4773                       IF l_op_msnt_to_delete <= rec_mtlt1.group_lot_primary_quantity
4774                       THEN
4775                          mydebug('l_op_msnt_to_delete : ' || l_op_msnt_to_delete);
4776                          EXIT; -- we want to process only overpicked records
4777                       ELSE
4778                          l_op_msnt_to_delete := l_op_msnt_to_delete - 1;
4779                          mydebug('l_op_msnt_to_delete : ' || l_op_msnt_to_delete);
4780                       END IF;
4782                       l_progress := 4300;
4783                       mydebug('l_progress : ' || l_progress);
4784                       UPDATE  MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS
4785                          SET  group_mark_id    = NULL
4786                               ,last_updated_by  = p_user_id
4787                               ,last_update_date = SYSDATE
4788                        WHERE  current_organization_id = p_organization_id
4789                          AND  inventory_item_id       = rec_mmtt1.inventory_item_id
4790                          AND  serial_number           = rec_msnt_to_delete_ls.fm_serial_number;
4791                        IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
4792                           mydebug('No MSN found to be updated..not good' );
4793                           RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
4794                        ELSE
4795                             l_progress := 4400;
4796                             mydebug('l_progress : ' || l_progress);
4797                             DELETE  mtl_serial_numbers_temp
4798                              WHERE  transaction_temp_id = rec_msnt_to_delete_ls.transaction_temp_id
4799                                AND  fm_serial_number = rec_msnt_to_delete_ls.fm_serial_number;
4801                             IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
4802                                  RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
4803                             END IF;
4804                        END IF;
4805                    END LOOP;
4806                    END IF;
4807                 END IF; -- serial_allocated_flag = Y and delete overpicked serials
4808              END IF; -- p_serial_controlled = 'Y'
4810              /* even if the # of records in MTLT for this lot is 1, it has to be updated
4811                 with serial-transaction-temp_id and user_id, sysdate.
4812                 So, there is no harm is updating qty too */
4813              l_progress := 1500;
4814              mydebug('l_progress ..  ' || l_progress);
4815              UPDATE   MTL_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
4816              SET      transaction_temp_id  = rec_mmtt1.group_temp_id
4817                     , primary_quantity     = rec_mtlt1.group_lot_primary_quantity
4818                     , transaction_quantity = l_suggested_mtlt_qty
4819                     , secondary_quantity   = decode (secondary_quantity, null, null, l_suggested_mtlt_sec_qty)
4820                     , mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id = l_serial_transaction_temp_id
4821                     , last_update_date     = SYSDATE
4822                     , last_updated_by      = p_user_id
4823              WHERE    lot_number           = rec_mtlt1.lot_number
4824              AND      transaction_temp_id  = rec_mtlt1.group_lot_temp_id;
4825              IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
4826                  RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
4827              END IF;
4829              l_progress := 1600;
4830              mydebug('l_progress ..  ' || l_progress);
4831              IF rec_mtlt1.group_lot_count > 1 THEN
4832                 l_progress := 230;
4833                 mydebug('l_progress ..  ' || l_progress);
4834                 DELETE  mtl_transaction_lots_temp
4835                  WHERE  lot_number  =  rec_mtlt1.lot_number
4836                    AND  transaction_temp_id
4837                     IN
4838                        (SELECT  mtlt.transaction_temp_id
4839                           FROM  mtl_material_transactions_temp  mmtt
4840                                ,mtl_transaction_lots_temp       mtlt
4841                          WHERE  mmtt.transaction_header_id =  p_transaction_header_id
4842                            AND  mmtt.transaction_temp_id   <> rec_mtlt1.group_lot_temp_id
4843                            AND  mmtt.transaction_temp_id   =  mtlt.transaction_temp_id
4844                            AND  mtlt.lot_number            =  rec_mtlt1.lot_number
4845                            AND  mmtt.subinventory_code     =  rec_mmtt1.subinventory_code
4846                            AND  mmtt.locator_id            =  rec_mmtt1.locator_id
4847                            AND  mmtt.item_primary_uom_code =  rec_mmtt1.item_primary_uom_code
4848                            AND  mmtt.inventory_item_id     =  rec_mmtt1.inventory_item_id
4849                            AND  mtlt.lot_number            =  rec_mtlt1.lot_number
4850                            AND  nvl(mmtt.revision,'@@')    =  nvl(rec_mmtt1.revision,'@@') );
4852                 IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
4853                    RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
4854                 END IF;
4855              END IF;
4856              END LOOP;
4858           --END IF; -- rec_mmtt1.rec_count > 1 OR
4859                   -- (rec_mmtt1.mmtt_group_count = 1 AND
4860                   -- p_serial_controlled = 'Y' and p_serial_allocated_flag = 'N')
4861        END IF; --lot controlled or lot +serial controlled
4862        l_progress := 1700;
4863        mydebug('l_progress : ' || l_progress);
4865        -- Serial Controlled items
4866        IF (p_lot_controlled <> 'Y' AND p_serial_controlled = 'Y') THEN
4867            -- serial
4868           l_progress := 1800;
4869           mydebug('l_progress : ' || l_progress);
4870           IF (p_serial_allocated_flag     = 'Y') THEN
4871              IF rec_mmtt1.mmtt_group_count > 1 THEN
4872                 -- Now update MSNT
4873                 l_progress := 1900;
4874                 mydebug('l_progress : ' || l_progress);
4876                 UPDATE  mtl_serial_numbers_temp
4877                    SET  transaction_temp_id = rec_mmtt1.group_temp_id
4878                       , last_update_date    = SYSDATE
4879                       , last_updated_by     = p_user_id
4880                  WHERE  transaction_temp_id
4881                     IN
4882                         (SELECT  msnt.transaction_temp_id
4883                            FROM  mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt,
4884                                  mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
4885                           WHERE  mmtt.transaction_header_id = p_transaction_header_id
4886                             AND  mmtt.transaction_temp_id   <> rec_mmtt1.group_temp_id
4887                             AND  mmtt.transaction_temp_id   =  msnt.transaction_temp_id
4888                             AND  mmtt.subinventory_code     =  rec_mmtt1.subinventory_code
4889                             AND  mmtt.locator_id            =  rec_mmtt1.locator_id
4890                             AND  mmtt.item_primary_uom_code =  rec_mmtt1.item_primary_uom_code
4891                             AND  mmtt.inventory_item_id     =  rec_mmtt1.inventory_item_id
4892                             AND  nvl(mmtt.revision,'@@')    =  nvl(rec_mmtt1.revision,'@@') );
4894                  IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
4895                      RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
4896                  END IF;
4897                -- REMARK MSN with new temp_id
4899                 l_progress := 2000;
4900                 mydebug('l_progress : ' || l_progress);
4901                 UPDATE  MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS
4902                 SET     group_mark_id       = rec_mmtt1.group_temp_id
4903                       , last_updated_by     = p_user_id
4904                       , last_update_date    = SYSDATE
4905                  WHERE  current_organization_id = p_organization_id
4906                    AND  inventory_item_id       = rec_mmtt1.inventory_item_id
4907                    AND  serial_number
4908                     IN
4909                         (SELECT fm_serial_number
4910                            FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp
4911                           WHERE transaction_temp_id   =  rec_mmtt1.group_temp_id);
4912                                                           --l_serial_transaction_temp_id);
4914                 IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
4915                    RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
4916                 END IF;
4917              END IF;
4918           ELSE -- (p_serial_allocated_flag     = 'N' ,
4919                 -- delete all msnts and unmark all these serials in MSN.
4920              l_progress := 2100;
4921              mydebug('l_progress : ' || l_progress);
4922              UPDATE  MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS
4923              SET     group_mark_id  = NULL
4924                    , last_updated_by = p_user_id
4925                    , last_update_date = SYSDATE
4926              WHERE  (current_organization_id
4927                     ,inventory_item_id
4928                     ,serial_number)
4929                 IN  (SELECT  mmtt.organization_id
4930                             ,mmtt.inventory_item_id
4931                             ,msnt.fm_serial_number
4932                        FROM  mtl_serial_numbers_temp        msnt
4933                             ,mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
4934                       WHERE   mmtt.transaction_header_id  = p_transaction_header_id
4935                         AND   mmtt.transaction_temp_id   =  msnt.transaction_temp_id
4936                         AND   mmtt.subinventory_code     =  rec_mmtt1.subinventory_code
4937                         AND   mmtt.locator_id            =  rec_mmtt1.locator_id
4938                         AND   mmtt.item_primary_uom_code =  rec_mmtt1.item_primary_uom_code
4939                         AND   mmtt.inventory_item_id     =  rec_mmtt1.inventory_item_id
4940                         AND   nvl(mmtt.revision,'@@')    =  nvl(rec_mmtt1.revision,'@@') );
4942              IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
4943                 mydebug('No MSNT found  ..may be because no serials were confirmed for ' ||
4944                          'serial_allocation= No before pressing F2' );
4945              ELSE
4946                 l_progress := 2200;
4947                 mydebug('l_progress : ' || l_progress);
4949                 DELETE  mtl_serial_numbers_temp
4950                 WHERE   transaction_temp_id  IN
4951                 (SELECT  msnt.transaction_temp_id
4952                  FROM    mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt,
4953                          mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
4954                  WHERE   mmtt.transaction_header_id  = p_transaction_header_id
4955                    AND   mmtt.transaction_temp_id   =  msnt.transaction_temp_id
4956                    AND   mmtt.subinventory_code     =  rec_mmtt1.subinventory_code
4957                    AND   mmtt.locator_id            =  rec_mmtt1.locator_id
4958                    AND   mmtt.item_primary_uom_code =  rec_mmtt1.item_primary_uom_code
4959                    AND   mmtt.inventory_item_id     =  rec_mmtt1.inventory_item_id
4960                    AND   nvl(mmtt.revision,'@@')    =  nvl(rec_mmtt1.revision,'@@') );
4962                  IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
4963                      RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
4964                  END IF;
4965               END IF;
4966           END IF;
4967           l_op_msnt_to_delete  := 0;
4968           IF p_serial_allocated_flag = 'Y' THEN  -- to delete all overpicked serials
4969             l_progress := 3000;
4970             mydebug('l_progress : ' || l_progress);
4971             SELECT count(*)
4972             INTO l_op_msnt_to_delete
4973             FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp
4974             WHERE (transaction_temp_id   ,
4975                    fm_serial_number)
4976             IN
4977               (SELECT   msnt.transaction_temp_id
4978                       ,msnt.fm_serial_number
4979                 FROM   mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
4980                       ,mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
4981                WHERE   mmtt.transaction_header_id  = p_transaction_header_id
4982                  AND   mmtt.transaction_temp_id   =  msnt.transaction_temp_id
4983                  AND   mmtt.subinventory_code     =  rec_mmtt1.subinventory_code
4984                  AND   mmtt.locator_id            =  rec_mmtt1.locator_id
4985                  AND   mmtt.item_primary_uom_code =  rec_mmtt1.item_primary_uom_code
4986                  AND   mmtt.inventory_item_id     =  rec_mmtt1.inventory_item_id
4987                  AND   nvl(mmtt.revision,'@@')    =  nvl(rec_mmtt1.revision,'@@'));
4988             mydebug('l_op_msnt_to_delete : ' || l_op_msnt_to_delete);
4990             -- only if the rec-count in msnt exceeds the total quantity in MMTT
4991             --  means the serials have been  overpicked.
4992             IF rec_mmtt1.mmtt_primary_quantity < l_op_msnt_to_delete
4993             THEN
4994              FOR rec_msnt_to_delete IN cur_msnt_to_delete
4995                              ( rec_mmtt1.subinventory_code
4996                               ,rec_mmtt1.locator_id
4997                               ,rec_mmtt1.item_primary_uom_code
4998                               ,rec_mmtt1.inventory_item_id
4999                               ,rec_mmtt1.revision    )
5000              LOOP
5001                 mydebug('rec_msnt_to_delete.fm_serial_number : ' || rec_msnt_to_delete.fm_serial_number);
5002                 mydebug('rec_msnt_to_delete.transaction_temp_id : ' || rec_msnt_to_delete.transaction_temp_id);
5003                 mydebug('rec_msnt_to_delete.organization_id : ' || rec_msnt_to_delete.organization_id);
5004                 mydebug('rec_msnt_to_delete.inventory_item_id : ' || rec_msnt_to_delete.inventory_item_id);
5005                 mydebug('rec_msnt_to_delete.creation_date : ' ||
5006                       to_char(rec_msnt_to_delete.creation_date,'dd:mon-yyyy:hh24:mi:ss'));
5009                 /* In this cursor, we are ordering by creation date with the
5010                  * assumption that the overpicked serials are newly inserted MSNT records and
5011                  * they will have creation date higher than the originally allocated serials. */
5012                 IF l_op_msnt_to_delete <= rec_mmtt1.mmtt_primary_quantity
5013                 THEN
5014                    l_progress := 3200;
5015                    mydebug('l_progress : ' || l_progress);
5016                    EXIT; -- we want to process only overpicked records
5017                 ELSE
5018                    l_op_msnt_to_delete := l_op_msnt_to_delete - 1;
5019                    mydebug('l_op_msnt_to_delete : ' || l_op_msnt_to_delete);
5020                 END IF;
5021                 l_progress := 3300;
5022                 mydebug('l_progress : ' || l_progress);
5023                 UPDATE  MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS
5024                    SET  group_mark_id    = NULL
5025                         ,last_updated_by  = p_user_id
5026                         ,last_update_date = SYSDATE
5027                  WHERE  current_organization_id = p_organization_id
5028                    AND  inventory_item_id       = rec_mmtt1.inventory_item_id
5029                    AND  serial_number           = rec_msnt_to_delete.fm_serial_number;
5030                  IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
5031                     mydebug('No MSN found to be updated..not good' );
5032                     RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
5033                  ELSE
5034                       l_progress := 2200;
5035                       mydebug('l_progress : ' || l_progress);
5036                       DELETE  mtl_serial_numbers_temp
5037                        WHERE  transaction_temp_id = rec_msnt_to_delete.transaction_temp_id
5038                          AND  fm_serial_number = rec_msnt_to_delete.fm_serial_number;
5040                       IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
5041                            RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
5042                       END IF;
5043                  END IF;
5044              END LOOP;
5045             END IF;
5046           END IF;
5047        END IF; -- Serial only Controlled
5048     END LOOP;  --cur_mmtt1 loop
5049     END IF;  --Non CMS
5050     l_progress := 2300;
5051     mydebug('l_progress ..  ' || l_progress);
5053       /* {{viks for start_over we need to call proc_start_over to reset the task
5054    *  status to dispatched and sequence  transaction_temp_ids in pl/sql table from global temp tablei
5055    * as they are picked.
5056    * }}
5057    */
5060  IF p_start_over = 'Y' THEN
5062     mydebug('viks start_over button pressed calling proc_start_over:');
5063     proc_start_over(p_transaction_header_id    => p_transaction_header_id
5064                      ,p_transaction_temp_id    => p_transaction_temp_id
5065                      ,p_user_id                => p_user_id
5066                      ,x_start_over_taskno      => x_start_over_taskno
5067                      ,x_return_status          => x_return_status
5068                      ,x_msg_count              => x_msg_count
5069                      ,x_msg_data               => x_msg_data);
5070        IF x_return_status <> l_g_ret_sts_success THEN
5071           RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
5072        ELSE
5073        l_start_over_task := x_start_over_taskno;
5074        END IF;
5075   mydebug('viks l_start_over_task return froom proc_start_over :' ||l_start_over_task);
5076  ELSE
5077    mydebug('viks start_over button not pressed  :');
5078    --only when it is not start over case, the retain task will be used 431009
5079   wms_picking_pkg.g_start_over_tempid.DELETE;
5080   IF p_retain_task = 'Y' THEN --{ bug 4310093
5081       mydebug('change the task status to Dispatched if retain_task is Y');
5082       UPDATE wms_dispatched_tasks
5083       SET status = l_g_task_dispatched
5084           ,last_update_date = SYSDATE
5085           ,last_updated_by = p_user_id
5086       WHERE transaction_temp_id IN
5087             (SELECT transaction_temp_id
5088                      FROM mtl_allocations_gtmp);
5089       mydebug('nullify certain columns for all the dispatched tasks for this user');
5090       UPDATE  wms_dispatched_tasks
5091        SET   device_invoked = null
5092              -- Following two statement are commnet for bug 4560814
5093              --task_method = NULL  -- for cluster picking
5094              -- ,task_group_id = NULL
5095             ,last_update_date = SYSDATE
5096             ,last_updated_by = p_user_id
5097        WHERE  person_id = p_employee_id
5098           AND  status = l_g_task_dispatched;
5100   END IF; --}
5101   mydebug('viks l_start_over_task return value no :' ||l_start_over_task);
5105  END IF;
5107     x_start_over_taskno := l_start_over_task;
5108  mydebug('viks l_start_over_task return final value :' ||l_start_over_task);
5111       -- this global temp table has a list of transaction_temp_ids of MMTTs that
5112       -- are confirmed to stay back in MMTT and WDT. Using this we will delete WDT and MMTT
5114     DELETE wms_dispatched_tasks
5115     WHERE  transaction_temp_id IN
5116           (SELECT transaction_temp_id
5117              FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
5118             WHERE transaction_header_id  = p_transaction_header_id
5119               AND transaction_temp_id NOT IN
5120                   (SELECT transaction_temp_id
5121                      FROM mtl_allocations_gtmp));
5123        mydebug('no extra WDTs to delete :' );
5124        NULL;
5125     END IF;
5127     l_progress := 2400;
5128     mydebug('l_progress ..  ' || l_progress);
5129       -- this global temp table has a list of transaction_temp_ids of MMTTs that
5130       -- are confirmed to stay back in MMTT and WDT. Using this we will delete WDT and MMTT
5131     /* {{ If start over is pressed wdd would be deleted .Lines need to stay in
5132  * status dispatched.
5133  * }}
5134  */
5136    IF p_start_over ='N' and p_retain_task='N' THEN --bug 4310093
5138     DELETE wms_dispatched_tasks
5139     WHERE  transaction_temp_id IN
5140           (SELECT transaction_temp_id
5141              FROM mtl_allocations_gtmp)
5142       AND  status <> l_g_task_queued;
5144        mydebug('no non queued WDTs to delete :' );
5145        NULL;
5146     END IF;
5147   END IF;
5149     l_progress := 2500;
5150     mydebug('l_progress ..  ' || l_progress);
5151     DELETE mtl_material_transactions_temp
5152      WHERE transaction_header_id  = p_transaction_header_id
5153        AND transaction_temp_id NOT IN
5154            (SELECT transaction_temp_id
5155               FROM mtl_allocations_gtmp);
5157        mydebug('no extra MMTTs to delete :' );
5158        NULL;
5159     END IF;
5161    mydebug('Commit ' );
5162    COMMIT;
5163    mydebug('End ..  ' || l_proc_name);
5165    WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
5166         x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_error;
5167         fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_INTERNAL_ERROR'); --NEWMSG
5168         -- Internal Error $ROUTINE
5169         fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', '- Process_f2 API' );
5170         fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
5171         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
5172         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
5173         ROLLBACK ;
5174         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
5175         mydebug('fnd_api.g_exc_error: ' || SQLERRM);
5176    WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
5177         x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
5178         fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_INTERNAL_ERROR'); --NEWMSG
5179         -- Internal Error $ROUTINE
5180         fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', '- Process_f2 API' );
5181         fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
5182         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
5183         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
5184         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
5185         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error: ' || SQLERRM);
5186         mydebug('x_msg_count/Data = ' || x_msg_count || '/'|| x_msg_data);
5187         ROLLBACK ;
5189         x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
5190         fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_INTERNAL_ERROR'); --NEWMSG
5191         -- Internal Error $ROUTINE
5192         fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', '- Process_f2 API' );
5193         fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
5194         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
5195         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
5196         ROLLBACK ;
5197         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
5198         mydebug('fnd_api.g_exc_error: ' || SQLERRM);
5201 END process_F2;
5204 PROCEDURE  proc_device_call
5205               (p_action                          IN          VARCHAR2
5206               ,p_employee_id                     IN          NUMBER
5207               ,p_transaction_temp_id             IN          NUMBER
5208               ,x_return_status                   OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
5209               ,x_msg_count                       OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
5210               ,x_msg_data                        OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2 )
5211 IS
5212     l_debug                 NUMBER       := NVL(fnd_profile.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'), 0);
5213     l_proc_name             VARCHAR2(30) :=  'PROC_DEVICE_CALL';
5214     l_progress              VARCHAR2(30) :=  '100';
5215     l_dev_request_msg       VARCHAR2(1000) := NULL;
5217       -- select all tasks that belong to this employee
5218       CURSOR cur_wdt_for_emp IS
5219       SELECT transaction_temp_id
5220            , device_request_id
5221         FROM wms_dispatched_tasks
5222        WHERE person_id = p_employee_id
5223        AND (  status  <= l_g_task_dispatched  OR
5224               status  = l_g_task_active)    -- (<=3, OR 9 ) ;
5225          AND device_request_id IS NOT NULL;
5227       -- select task that belong to this employee and p_transaction_temp_id
5228       CURSOR cur_wdt_for_temp_id IS
5229       SELECT transaction_temp_id
5230            , device_request_id
5231         FROM wms_dispatched_tasks
5232        WHERE person_id = p_employee_id
5233          AND transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id
5234          AND device_request_id IS NOT NULL;
5236 BEGIN
5237     mydebug ('IN : ' || l_proc_name);
5238     mydebug ('p_action : ' || p_action);
5239     mydebug ('p_employee_id : ' || p_employee_id);
5240     x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
5242     IF p_action is NULL OR p_action <> 'CMS' THEN
5243        For rec_wdt_for_emp IN cur_wdt_for_emp
5244        LOOP
5245          l_progress := '110';
5246          mydebug('transaction_temp_id : ' || rec_wdt_for_emp.transaction_temp_id );
5247          mydebug('device_request_id : ' || rec_wdt_for_emp.device_request_id );
5248          IF rec_wdt_for_emp.transaction_temp_id IS NOT NULL
5249          THEN
5250             wms_device_integration_pvt.device_request(
5251                       p_bus_event            => wms_device_integration_pvt.wms_be_task_cancel
5252                     , p_call_ctx             => 'U'
5253                     , p_task_trx_id          => rec_wdt_for_emp.transaction_temp_id
5254                     , p_request_id           => rec_wdt_for_emp.device_request_id
5255                     , x_request_msg          => l_dev_request_msg
5256                     , x_return_status        => x_return_status
5257                     , x_msg_count            => x_msg_count
5258                     , x_msg_data             => x_msg_data );
5259             IF x_return_status <> l_g_ret_sts_success THEN
5260                mydebug('x_return_status : ' || x_return_status);
5261                RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
5262             END IF;
5264          END IF;
5265        END LOOP;
5266     ELSE
5267        For rec_wdt_for_temp_id IN cur_wdt_for_temp_id
5268        LOOP
5269          l_progress := '210';
5270          mydebug('transaction_temp_id : ' || rec_wdt_for_temp_id.transaction_temp_id );
5271          mydebug('device_request_id : ' || rec_wdt_for_temp_id.device_request_id );
5272          IF rec_wdt_for_temp_id.transaction_temp_id IS NOT NULL
5273          THEN
5274             wms_device_integration_pvt.device_request(
5275                       p_bus_event            => wms_device_integration_pvt.wms_be_task_cancel
5276                     , p_call_ctx             => 'U'
5277                     , p_task_trx_id          => rec_wdt_for_temp_id.transaction_temp_id
5278                     , p_request_id           => rec_wdt_for_temp_id.device_request_id
5279                     , x_request_msg          => l_dev_request_msg
5280                     , x_return_status        => x_return_status
5281                     , x_msg_count            => x_msg_count
5282                     , x_msg_data             => x_msg_data );
5283             IF x_return_status <> l_g_ret_sts_success THEN
5284                mydebug('x_return_status : ' || x_return_status);
5285                RAISE fnd_api.G_EXC_ERROR;
5286             END IF;
5288          END IF;
5289        END LOOP;
5290     END IF;
5291     mydebug ('END : ' || l_proc_name);
5293   WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
5294         x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_error;
5295         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
5296         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
5297         ROLLBACK ;
5298         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
5299         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error: ' || SQLERRM);
5300    WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
5301         x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
5302         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
5303         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
5304         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
5305         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error: ' || SQLERRM);
5306         mydebug('x_msg_count/Data = ' || x_msg_count || '/'|| x_msg_data);
5307         ROLLBACK ;
5309         x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
5310         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
5311         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
5312         ROLLBACK ;
5313         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
5314         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error: ' || SQLERRM);
5316 END   proc_device_call ;
5318 PROCEDURE  proc_process_cancelled_MOLs (
5319                p_organization_id        IN             NUMBER
5320               ,p_user_id                IN             NUMBER
5321               ,p_transaction_header_id  IN             NUMBER
5322               ,p_transaction_temp_id    IN             NUMBER
5323               ,x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2
5324               ,x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER
5325               ,x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2)
5326 IS
5327     l_debug                 NUMBER       := NVL(fnd_profile.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'), 0);
5328     l_proc_name             VARCHAR2(30) :=  'PROC_PROCESS_CANCELLED_MOLs';
5329     l_progress              VARCHAR2(30) :=  '100';
5331     l_deleted_mmtt_qty      NUMBER       := 0;
5332     l_deleted_mmtt_sec_qty  NUMBER       := 0;
5333     l_mmtt_count            NUMBER       := 0;
5334     -- Select all MOLs that are cancelled , so that cancelled tasks can be reduced
5335     CURSOR   cur_cancelled_MOLs IS
5336       SELECT mtrl.line_id
5337            , mtrl.uom_code
5338         FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
5339            , mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl
5340        WHERE (mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id
5341         -- shld add : and mmtt.mmtt.transaction_temp_id <> mmtt.parent_line_id
5342            OR mmtt.parent_line_id      = p_transaction_temp_id)
5343          AND mtrl.line_id = mmtt.move_order_line_id
5344          AND mtrl.line_status = INV_GLOBALS.G_TO_STATUS_CANCEL_BY_SOURCE;
5346     -- all mmtts for the given MOL
5347     -- this MMTT  should not have any child records
5348     -- this MMTT should not have a task in WDT
5349     CURSOR  c_mmtt_to_del (p_mo_line_id    NUMBER )
5350     IS
5351       SELECT mmtt.transaction_temp_id
5352            , mmtt.inventory_item_id
5353            , mmtt.primary_quantity
5354            , mmtt.item_primary_uom_code
5355            , NVL(mmtt.secondary_transaction_quantity, 0) secondary_transaction_quantity
5356         FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
5357        WHERE mmtt.move_order_line_id = p_mo_line_id
5358          AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1
5359                           FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp t1
5360                          WHERE t1.parent_line_id = mmtt.transaction_temp_id)
5361          AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1
5362                           FROM wms_dispatched_tasks wdt
5363                          WHERE wdt.transaction_temp_id = mmtt.transaction_temp_id);
5365 BEGIN
5366     mydebug ('IN : ' || l_proc_name);
5367     x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
5368     FOR rec_cancelled_MOLs in cur_cancelled_MOLs
5369     LOOP
5370       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN mydebug('mo_line_id = ' || rec_cancelled_mols.line_id); END IF;
5371       l_deleted_mmtt_qty      := 0;
5372       l_deleted_mmtt_sec_qty  := 0;
5374       FOR rec_mmtt_to_del   IN  c_mmtt_to_del (
5375                                 p_mo_line_id  => rec_cancelled_MOLs.line_id)
5376       LOOP
5377          -- it adjusts the bulk parent too
5378          inv_trx_util_pub.delete_transaction(
5379            x_return_status       => x_return_status
5380          , x_msg_data            => x_msg_data
5381          , x_msg_count           => x_msg_count
5382          , p_transaction_temp_id => rec_mmtt_to_del.transaction_temp_id);
5383          IF x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
5384             IF l_debug = 1 THEN
5385                mydebug('Not able to delete the Txn = ' || rec_mmtt_to_del.transaction_temp_id);
5386             END IF;
5387             RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
5388          END IF;
5390          IF (rec_mmtt_to_del.item_primary_uom_code <> rec_cancelled_mols.uom_code)
5391          THEN
5392              l_deleted_mmtt_qty  := l_deleted_mmtt_qty +
5393                                     INV_Convert.inv_um_convert
5394                                        ( item_id         => rec_mmtt_to_del.inventory_item_id
5395                                         ,precision       => 5
5396                                         ,from_quantity   => rec_mmtt_to_del.primary_quantity
5397                                         ,from_unit       => rec_mmtt_to_del.item_primary_uom_code
5398                                         ,to_unit         => rec_cancelled_mols.uom_code
5399                                         ,from_name       => NULL
5400                                         ,to_name         => NULL);
5403          ELSE
5404             l_deleted_mmtt_qty  := l_deleted_mmtt_qty + rec_mmtt_to_del.primary_quantity;
5405          END IF;
5406             l_deleted_mmtt_sec_qty  := l_deleted_mmtt_sec_qty + rec_mmtt_to_del.secondary_transaction_quantity;
5407       END LOOP;
5408        -- all MMTTs for the given MOL, this MMTT  should not have any child records
5410       SELECT count(*)
5411         INTO l_mmtt_count
5412         FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
5413        WHERE mmtt.move_order_line_id = rec_cancelled_mols.line_id
5414          AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1
5415                             FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp t1
5416                            WHERE t1.parent_line_id = mmtt.transaction_temp_id);
5418       UPDATE mtl_txn_request_lines
5419          SET quantity_detailed =(quantity_detailed - l_deleted_mmtt_qty)
5420            , SECONDARY_QUANTITY_DETAILED = (SECONDARY_QUANTITY_DETAILED - l_deleted_mmtt_sec_qty)
5421            , line_status = DECODE(l_mmtt_count, 0, INV_GLOBALS.G_TO_STATUS_CLOSED, line_status)
5422            , last_update_date = SYSDATE
5423            , last_updated_by  = p_user_id
5424        WHERE line_id = rec_cancelled_mols.line_id;
5426           fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_INTERNAL_ERROR'); --NEWMSG
5427           -- Internal Error $ROUTINE
5428           fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', '-proc_process_cancelled_MOLs' );
5429           myDebug('Error updating MTRL in proc_process_cancelled_MOLs for line: ' || rec_cancelled_mols.line_id);
5430            fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
5431        END IF;
5432     END LOOP;
5433     mydebug('END = ' || l_proc_name );
5435   WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
5436         x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_error;
5437         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
5438         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
5439         ROLLBACK ;
5440         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
5441         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error: ' || SQLERRM);
5442    WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
5443         x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
5444         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
5445         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
5446         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
5447         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error: ' || SQLERRM);
5448         mydebug('x_msg_count/Data = ' || x_msg_count || '/'|| x_msg_data);
5449         ROLLBACK ;
5451         x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
5452         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
5453         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
5454         ROLLBACK ;
5455         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
5456         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error: ' || SQLERRM);
5458 END  proc_process_cancelled_MOLs ;
5460 PROCEDURE  proc_reset_lpn_context(
5461                p_organization_id                 IN          NUMBER
5462               ,p_user_id                         IN          NUMBER
5463               ,p_transaction_header_id           IN          NUMBER
5464               ,p_transaction_temp_id             IN          NUMBER
5465               ,x_return_status                   OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
5466               ,x_msg_count                       OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
5467               ,x_msg_data                        OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2)
5468 IS
5469     l_proc_name                   VARCHAR2(30) :=  'PROC_RESET_LPN_CONTEXT';
5470     l_progress                    VARCHAR2(30) :=  '100';
5471     l_other_tasks                 NUMBER := 0;
5472     l_lpn_context_pregenerated    CONSTANT NUMBER := WMS_Container_PUB.LPN_CONTEXT_PREGENERATED;
5473     l_lpn_context_inv             CONSTANT NUMBER := WMS_Container_PUB.LPN_CONTEXT_INV;
5474     l_lpn_context_picked          CONSTANT NUMBER := WMS_Container_PUB.LPN_CONTEXT_PICKED;
5475     l_lpn_context_packing         CONSTANT NUMBER := WMS_Container_PUB.LPN_CONTEXT_PACKING ;
5477 CURSOR cur_from_lpns IS
5478    SELECT DISTINCT lpn_id
5479      FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
5480     WHERE transaction_header_id = p_transaction_header_id
5481       AND lpn_id IS NOT NULL;
5483 CURSOR cur_content_lpns IS
5484    SELECT DISTINCT content_lpn_id
5485      FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
5486     WHERE transaction_header_id = p_transaction_header_id
5487       AND content_lpn_id IS NOT NULL;
5489 --modified for bug 6642448
5490 CURSOR cur_transfer_lpns IS
5491    SELECT DISTINCT transfer_lpn_id
5492      FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
5493     WHERE transaction_header_id = p_transaction_header_id
5494       AND nvl(content_lpn_id , nvl(lpn_id,-999)) <> transfer_lpn_id;
5496 BEGIN
5497    x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
5498    mydebug ('IN : ' || l_proc_name);
5499    l_progress := 110;
5500    mydebug('l_progress =  ' || l_progress);
5501    mydebug ('p_transaction_header_id : ' || p_transaction_header_id);
5503    FOR rec_transfer_lpns IN cur_transfer_lpns
5504    LOOP
5505       l_other_tasks := 0;
5506       l_progress := 120;
5507       mydebug('rec_transfer_lpns.transfer_lpn_id =  ' || rec_transfer_lpns.transfer_lpn_id);
5508       mydebug('l_progress =  ' || l_progress);
5509       BEGIN
5510            SELECT 1
5511             INTO l_other_tasks
5512             FROM DUAL
5513            WHERE EXISTS(SELECT 1
5514                          FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
5515                         WHERE transaction_header_id <> p_transaction_header_id
5516                           AND transfer_lpn_id = rec_transfer_lpns.transfer_lpn_id);
5517       EXCEPTION
5519          l_other_tasks := 0;
5520       END ;
5521       IF l_other_tasks = 0 THEN
5522          l_progress := 130;
5523          mydebug('l_progress =  ' || l_progress);
5524          -- Bug5659809: update last_update_date and last_update_by as well
5525          UPDATE wms_license_plate_numbers
5526             SET lpn_context = l_lpn_context_PREGENERATED
5527               , last_update_date = SYSDATE
5528               , last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id
5529           WHERE lpn_id = rec_transfer_lpns.transfer_lpn_id
5530             AND lpn_context <> l_lpn_context_picked;
5532          IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
5533             mydebug (rec_transfer_lpns.transfer_lpn_id || 'with context <> '
5534                                                        || l_lpn_context_picked || ' Not found ');
5535          END IF;
5536       END IF;
5537    END LOOP;
5538    l_progress := 200;
5539    mydebug('l_progress =  ' || l_progress);
5540    FOR rec_from_lpns IN cur_from_lpns
5541    LOOP
5542         l_progress := 220;
5543         mydebug('rec_from_lpns.lpn_id =  ' || rec_from_lpns.lpn_id);
5544         mydebug('l_progress =  ' || l_progress);
5545         -- we need to do this since mmtt.lpn_id can be a fully consumable lpn in
5546         -- case where xferLPN is enabled on pickload UI.
5547          -- Bug5659809: update last_update_date and last_update_by as well
5548          UPDATE wms_license_plate_numbers
5549             SET lpn_context = l_lpn_context_INV
5550               , last_update_date = SYSDATE
5551               , last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id
5552           WHERE lpn_id = rec_from_lpns.lpn_id
5553             AND lpn_context = l_lpn_context_packing;
5555          IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
5556             mydebug (rec_from_lpns.lpn_id || 'not found with context = packing ' );
5557          END IF;
5558    END LOOP;
5559    l_progress := 300;
5560    mydebug('l_progress =  ' || l_progress);
5561    FOR rec_content_lpns IN cur_content_lpns
5562    LOOP
5563       l_other_tasks := 0;
5564       l_progress := 310;
5565       mydebug('rec_content_lpns.content_lpn_id =  ' || rec_content_lpns.content_lpn_id);
5566       mydebug('l_progress =  ' || l_progress);
5567       BEGIN
5568          SELECT 1
5569           INTO l_other_tasks
5570           FROM DUAL
5571          WHERE EXISTS(SELECT 1
5572                        FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
5573                       WHERE transaction_header_id <> p_transaction_header_id
5574                         AND content_lpn_id = rec_content_lpns.content_lpn_id);
5575       EXCEPTION
5577          l_other_tasks := 0;
5578       END ;
5579       IF l_other_tasks = 0 THEN
5580            l_progress := 320;
5581            mydebug('l_progress =  ' || l_progress);
5582            -- Bug5659809: update last_update_date and last_update_by as well
5583            UPDATE wms_license_plate_numbers
5584               SET lpn_context = l_lpn_context_inv
5585                 , last_update_date = SYSDATE
5586                 , last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id
5587             WHERE lpn_id = rec_content_lpns.content_lpn_id
5588               AND lpn_context <> l_lpn_context_picked;
5590            IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
5591                mydebug (rec_content_lpns.content_lpn_id || 'with context <> '
5592                                                        || l_lpn_context_picked || ' Not found ');
5593            END IF;
5594       END IF;
5595    END LOOP;
5597 mydebug('END = ' || l_proc_name );
5599   WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
5600         x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_error;
5601         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
5602         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
5603         ROLLBACK ;
5604         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
5605         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error: ' || SQLERRM);
5606    WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
5607         x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
5608         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
5609         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
5610         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
5611         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error: ' || SQLERRM);
5612         mydebug('x_msg_count/Data = ' || x_msg_count || '/'|| x_msg_data);
5613         ROLLBACK ;
5615         x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
5616         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
5617         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
5618         ROLLBACK ;
5619         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
5620         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error: ' || SQLERRM);
5621 END proc_reset_lpn_context;
5623 PROCEDURE  proc_reset_task_status(
5624                p_action                          IN          VARCHAR2
5625               ,p_organization_id                 IN          NUMBER
5626               ,p_user_id                         IN          NUMBER
5627               ,p_employee_id                     IN          NUMBER
5628               ,p_transaction_header_id           IN          NUMBER
5629               ,p_transaction_temp_id             IN          NUMBER
5630               ,x_return_status                   OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
5631               ,x_msg_count                       OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
5632               ,x_msg_data                        OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2)
5633 IS
5634     l_proc_name                   VARCHAR2(30) :=  'PROC_RESET_TASK_STATUS';
5635     l_progress                    VARCHAR2(30) :=  '100';
5636     l_other_tasks                 NUMBER := 0;
5637     l_prev_task_status            NUMBER := 0;
5639 CURSOR cur_reset_task_status IS
5640 SELECT transaction_temp_id
5641       ,task_id
5642   FROM wms_dispatched_tasks
5643  WHERE  person_id = p_employee_id
5644    AND (  status  = l_g_task_dispatched  OR
5645           status  = l_g_task_active);  -- IN (3,9 ) ;
5646 BEGIN
5647    x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
5648    mydebug ('IN : ' || l_proc_name);
5649    mydebug ('p_action : ' || p_action);
5650    mydebug ('p_transaction_header_id : ' || p_transaction_header_id);
5651    mydebug ('p_transaction_temp_id   : ' || p_transaction_temp_id  );
5652    mydebug ('p_employee_id : ' || p_employee_id);
5653    l_progress := 110;
5654    mydebug('l_progress =  ' || l_progress);
5656    IF p_action = 'CMS' THEN
5658       DELETE wms_dispatched_tasks
5659       WHERE  transaction_temp_id IN
5660             (SELECT transaction_temp_id
5661                FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
5662               WHERE transaction_header_id  = p_transaction_header_id);
5664          mydebug('no WDTs to delete for this header:' );
5665       ELSE
5666          mydebug('WDTs deleted for this header:' );
5667       END IF;
5668       RETURN;
5669    END IF;
5671     -- The idea is to delete all tasks belonging to the same header_id (as in case of splits)
5672     -- and also to delete all dscpatched and active tasks
5673     -- Decide to delete all tasks with status = dispatched (3 or Active 9).
5674     -- There is no need to check for a specific header_id . For F2, we anyway always
5675     -- delete all dispatched and active tasks
5677     BEGIN
5678        l_prev_task_status := wms_picking_pkg.g_previous_task_status(p_transaction_temp_id);
5679        wms_picking_pkg.g_previous_task_status.delete(p_transaction_temp_id);
5680     EXCEPTION
5682        mydebug('wms_picking_pkg.g_previous_task_status(p_transaction_temp_id) : ' || p_transaction_temp_id
5683                        || ' : not found' );
5684        l_prev_task_status := l_g_task_pending;
5685     END ;
5687     l_progress := 110;
5688     mydebug('l_progress =  ' || l_progress || ' Update status for all temp_ids in thie header_id');
5689     mydebug('l_prev_task_status = ' || l_prev_task_status || ' for p_transaction_temp_id:  '
5690                                                           || p_transaction_temp_id);
5691     /* this update is seperate because for a pick nmore case, there can be multiple temp_ids (MMTTs)
5692        for the given header id ...current task) */
5693     UPDATE  wms_dispatched_tasks
5694        SET  status = l_prev_task_status
5695            ,last_update_date = SYSDATE
5696            ,last_updated_by = p_user_id
5697      WHERE  person_id = p_employee_id
5698        AND (  status  = l_g_task_dispatched  OR
5699               status  = l_g_task_active)  -- IN (3,9 ) ;
5700        AND  transaction_temp_id in (SELECT transaction_temp_id
5701                                       FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
5702                                      WHERE transaction_header_id = p_transaction_header_id);
5705         mydebug('no WDT to update  for this employee id  for this header id with stat in ( 3,9) ' );
5706     END IF;
5708     l_progress := 150;
5709     mydebug('l_progress =  ' || l_progress || ' Update status of all other tasks in this group' );
5710     FOR rec_reset_task_status IN cur_reset_task_status
5711     LOOP
5712        BEGIN
5713           l_prev_task_status := wms_picking_pkg.g_previous_task_status(rec_reset_task_status.transaction_temp_id);
5714           wms_picking_pkg.g_previous_task_status.delete(rec_reset_task_status.transaction_temp_id);
5715        EXCEPTION
5716           WHEN OTHERS THEN
5717               mydebug('wms_picking_pkg.g_previous_task_status(transaction_temp_id) : '
5718                        || rec_reset_task_status.transaction_temp_id || ' : not found' );
5719               l_prev_task_status := l_g_task_pending;
5720        END ;
5721           mydebug('l_prev_task_status = ' || l_prev_task_status || ' for transaction_temp_id:  '
5722                                           || rec_reset_task_status.transaction_temp_id);
5723           UPDATE  wms_dispatched_tasks
5724              SET  status =  l_prev_task_status
5725                  ,last_update_date = SYSDATE
5726                  ,last_updated_by = p_user_id
5727            WHERE  task_id = rec_reset_task_status.task_id;
5729           IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
5730               mydebug('task_id : ' || rec_reset_task_status.task_id || ' : not found to be updated');
5731           END IF;
5733     END LOOP ;
5735     l_progress := 200;
5736     mydebug('l_progress =  ' || l_progress);
5738     DELETE  wms_dispatched_tasks
5739      WHERE  person_id = p_employee_id
5740       AND (status  = l_g_task_pending OR
5741            status  = l_g_task_dispatched  OR
5742            status  = l_g_task_active) ; -- IN (3,9 ) ;
5745         mydebug('no WDT with status 3,9,1 remaining to delete for this employee id   ' );
5746        --It is OK not to find even one task to delete
5747     ELSE
5748        mydebug('Deleted all WDT with staus 3,9,1 for p_employee_id =  ' || p_employee_id);
5749     END IF;
5751     l_progress := 300;
5752     mydebug('l_progress =  ' || l_progress);
5753     UPDATE  wms_dispatched_tasks
5754        SET  task_method = NULL  -- for cluster picking
5755      WHERE  person_id = p_employee_id
5756        AND  status = l_g_task_queued;
5759         mydebug('no WDT to update for this employee id to be updated for cluster picking case' );
5760        --It is OK not to find even one task to update
5761     END IF;
5763 mydebug('END = ' || l_proc_name );
5765   WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
5766         x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_error;
5767         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
5768         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
5769         ROLLBACK ;
5770         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
5771         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error: ' || SQLERRM);
5772    WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
5773         x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
5774         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
5775         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
5776         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
5777         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error: ' || SQLERRM);
5778         mydebug('x_msg_count/Data = ' || x_msg_count || '/'|| x_msg_data);
5779         ROLLBACK ;
5781         x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
5782         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
5783         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
5784         ROLLBACK ;
5785         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
5786         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error: ' || SQLERRM);
5787 END proc_reset_task_status;
5789  --viks procedure proc_start_over
5790  /*{{
5791  * When startover button is pressed proc_start_over is called which would return
5792  * no of task to be processed
5793  *}}
5794   */
5797 PROCEDURE proc_start_over
5798              (p_transaction_header_id       IN NUMBER
5799                      ,p_transaction_temp_id  IN NUMBER
5800                      ,p_user_id             IN  NUMBER
5801                      ,x_start_over_taskno   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
5802                      ,x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
5803                      ,x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
5804                      ,x_msg_data            OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2 )
5806 IS
5807     l_proc_name                   VARCHAR2(30) :=  'PROC_START_OVER';
5808     l_progress                    VARCHAR2(30) :=  '100';
5809     l_debug                       NUMBER       :=  NVL(fnd_profile.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'), 0);
5810     l_prev_task_status    NUMBER     :=0;
5811     l_last_index          NUMBER := NULL;
5812     l_first_index         NUMBER := NULL;
5813     l_existing_count      NUMBER :=0;
5814     l_move_index_offset   NUMBER :=0;
5815     new_mmtt_count            NUMBER := 0;
5816     m_count               NUMBER :=0;
5817     i               NUMBER :=0;
5818     p               NUMBER :=0;
5819     L              NUMBER :=0;
5822  CURSOR   tempid_cur  (v_transaction_temp_id  NUMBER)  IS
5823   SELECT transaction_temp_id from mtl_allocations_gtmp
5824   WHERE transaction_temp_id <> v_transaction_temp_id
5825   ORDER BY  transaction_temp_id;
5828 BEGIN
5830     x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
5831     mydebug ('IN : ' || l_proc_name);
5832    mydebug ('p_transaction_header_id : ' || p_transaction_header_id);
5833    mydebug ('p_transaction_temp_id   : ' || p_transaction_temp_id  );
5834    l_progress := 110;
5836   l_prev_task_status := wms_picking_pkg.g_previous_task_status(p_transaction_temp_id);
5838  SELECT count(*)  into new_mmtt_count from mtl_allocations_gtmp;
5839    mydebug('Total count in mtl_allocations_gtemp: ' || new_mmtt_count);
5841   l_first_index := wms_picking_pkg.g_start_over_tempid.first;
5842   l_existing_count := wms_picking_pkg.g_start_over_tempid.count-1;
5844   mydebug('l_first_index is : ' ||l_first_index);
5845   mydebug('l_existing_count is : ' || l_existing_count);
5847   IF  l_first_index IS NULL THEN
5848       l_first_index  :=0 ;
5849   END IF;
5851    --setting the sequence space
5853   IF l_first_index >0 and new_mmtt_count >0 THEN
5854       l_move_index_offset := (new_mmtt_count+1) - l_first_index;
5855       mydebug('Inl_move_index_offset:'||l_move_index_offset);
5856       if (l_move_index_offset >0) then  -- move forward
5857         for i in REVERSE l_first_index .. (l_first_index+l_existing_count) LOOP
5858          wms_picking_pkg.g_start_over_tempid(i+l_move_index_offset) := wms_picking_pkg.g_start_over_tempid(i);
5859         mydebug('In else index :' ||i);
5860         END LOOP;
5862       elsif (l_move_index_offset <0) then -- move backward
5863           for i in l_first_index..l_first_index+l_existing_count LOOP
5864            wms_picking_pkg.g_start_over_tempid(i+l_move_index_offset) := wms_picking_pkg.g_start_over_tempid(i);
5865            wms_picking_pkg.g_start_over_tempid.DELETE(i);
5866         mydebug('In else if index offset is Neg:' ||wms_picking_pkg.g_start_over_tempid(i+l_move_index_offset));
5867         mydebug('In elseif index :' ||i);
5868           END LOOP;
5869      end if;
5870   END IF;
5871    mydebug('Cont of table :'||wms_picking_pkg.g_start_over_tempid.COUNT);
5872   -- insert  temp id value into pl/sql table
5874    p := 1;
5875    FOR tempid_rec IN tempid_cur(v_transaction_temp_id => p_transaction_temp_id)
5876    LOOP
5877      wms_picking_pkg.g_start_over_tempid(p) := tempid_rec.transaction_temp_id;
5878      mydebug('Temp ids in plsql :'||wms_picking_pkg.g_start_over_tempid(p)||'Index:'||p);
5879     wms_picking_pkg.g_previous_task_status(wms_picking_pkg.g_start_over_tempid(p)) :=l_prev_task_status;
5880      p := p +1;
5882           mydebug('transaction_temp_id  not found only one temp_id present: ');
5883            p :=1;
5884           END IF;
5886    END LOOP;
5888    wms_picking_pkg.g_start_over_tempid(p):= p_transaction_temp_id;
5889    mydebug('Temp id sent last is :'||wms_picking_pkg.g_start_over_tempid(p) ||'Index is::'||p);
5891   L:=0;
5893  -- Updating wdd status and printing  final values sent in pl/sql table
5895     forall L in wms_picking_pkg.g_start_over_tempid.FIRST .. wms_picking_pkg.g_start_over_tempid.LAST
5896        UPDATE  wms_dispatched_tasks
5897        SET  status = l_g_task_dispatched
5898            ,last_update_date = SYSDATE
5899            ,last_updated_by = p_user_id
5900        WHERE transaction_temp_id = wms_picking_pkg.g_start_over_tempid(L);
5902           mydebug('transaction_temp_id : ' ||wms_picking_pkg.g_start_over_tempid(L) ||' : not found to be updated');
5903        END IF;
5905     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
5906      L :=0;
5907     FOR  L IN  wms_picking_pkg.g_start_over_tempid.FIRST .. wms_picking_pkg.g_start_over_tempid.LAST
5908     LOOP
5909     mydebug('values sent are :' || wms_picking_pkg.g_start_over_tempid(L) || 'value of L' ||L);
5911           mydebug('transaction_temp_id : ' ||wms_picking_pkg.g_start_over_tempid(L) ||' : not found to be updated');
5912           END IF;
5913     END LOOP;
5914    END IF;
5916    x_start_over_taskno := wms_picking_pkg.g_start_over_tempid.count;
5917     mydebug('x_start_over_taskno in procedure start_over::'||x_start_over_taskno);
5918    mydebug('END = ' || l_proc_name );
5920   WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
5921         x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_error;
5922         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
5923         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
5924         ROLLBACK ;
5925         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
5926         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error: ' || SQLERRM);
5927    WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
5928         x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
5929         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
5930         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
5931         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
5932         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error: ' || SQLERRM);
5933         mydebug('x_msg_count/Data = ' || x_msg_count || '/'|| x_msg_data);
5934         ROLLBACK ;
5936         x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
5937         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
5938         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
5939         ROLLBACK ;
5940         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
5941         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error: ' || SQLERRM);
5943 END  proc_start_over;
5947 PROCEDURE proc_parse_lot_serial_catchwt
5948               (p_inventory_item_id               IN          NUMBER
5949               ,p_confirmed_lots                  IN          VARCHAR2
5950               ,p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty           IN          VARCHAR2
5951               ,p_confirmed_serials               IN          VARCHAR2
5952               ,p_suggested_uom                   IN          VARCHAR2
5953               ,p_confirmed_uom                   IN          VARCHAR2
5954               ,p_primary_uom                     IN          VARCHAR2
5955               ,p_confirmed_sec_uom               IN          VARCHAR2
5956               ,p_confirmed_sec_qty               IN          VARCHAR2
5957               ,x_return_status                   OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
5958               ,x_msg_count                       OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
5959               ,x_msg_data                        OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2)
5960 IS
5961    l_proc_name                   VARCHAR2(30)   :=  'PROC_PARSE_LOT_SERIAL_CATCHWT';
5962    l_progress                    VARCHAR2(30)   :=  '100';
5963    l_delimiter                   VARCHAR2(30)   :=  ':';
5964    l_group_delimiter             VARCHAR2(30)   :=  ';';
5965 -- Increased lot size to 80 Char - Mercy Thomas - B4625329
5966    l_lot_number                  VARCHAR2(80)   :=  NULL;
5967    l_serial_number               VARCHAR2(30)   :=  NULL;
5968    l_group_serials               VARCHAR2(4000) :=  NULL;
5969    l_lot_trx_qty                 NUMBER         :=  NULL;
5970    l_lot_prim_qty                NUMBER         :=  NULL;
5971    l_lot_sugg_qty                NUMBER         :=  NULL;
5972    l_sec_qty                     NUMBER         :=  NULL;
5973    -- To store a new number for each lot so that all serials for a lot will have the same number
5974    l_group_number                NUMBER         :=  0;
5975    -- To parse lots
5976    m                             NUMBER := 1;  -- position of delimiter
5977    n                             NUMBER := 1;  -- Start position for substr or search for delimiter
5978    i                             NUMBER := 1;  -- position of delimiter
5979    j                             NUMBER := 1;  -- Start position for substr or search for delimiter
5980    -- To parse Serials
5981    x                             NUMBER := 1;  -- position of delimiter
5982    y                             NUMBER := 1;  -- Start position for substr or search for delimiter
5983    s                             NUMBER := 1;  -- position of delimiter
5984    t                             NUMBER := 1;  -- Start position for substr or search for delimiter
5985    -- To parse Secondary qty
5986    k                             NUMBER := 1;  -- position of delimiter
5987    l                             NUMBER := 1;  -- Start position for substr or search for delimiter
5988    l_number_format_mask          VARCHAR2(30) :=   'FM9999999999.99999999999999'; --Bug#6274290
5990 BEGIN
5991    x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_success;
5992    mydebug ('In  :' || l_proc_name );
5994    DELETE  mtl_allocations_gtmp ;
5996        null;
5997    END IF;
5999    WHILE  (j <> 0 AND n <> 0)
6000    LOOP
6001    -- Parse P_confirmed_lots and  p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty
6002           -- N is the delimiter position,
6003           -- M is the position from which to start looking for the first delimiter
6004           -- for string 'L001:L002:L003' M=1, N=5 for the first search .
6005           --             M=5+1=6, N=10 for the next search .
6006           --             M=10+1=11, N=0 for the next search because this is the last part of string.
6007           --serial_controlled ..p_confrimed_serials will have serials for a LOT delimited by :
6008           --AND  serials for different lots delimited by ';'
6009           --Have serials for a lot in l_lot_serials string and parse it
6011           l_progress    :=  '110';
6012           n := INSTR(p_confirmed_lots,l_delimiter,m,1);
6013           j := INSTR(p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty,l_delimiter,i,1);
6014           l_group_number := l_group_number + 1;
6016           mydebug ('m:' || m||':n:' || n || ':i:' || i||':j:'||j );
6017           IF n = 0 THEN -- Last part OF the string
6018              l_lot_number :=  substr(p_confirmed_lots,m,length(p_confirmed_lots));
6019           ELSE
6020              l_lot_number :=  substr(p_confirmed_lots,m,n-m) ;-- start at M get m-n chrs.
6021              m := n+1;
6022           END IF;
6023           mydebug ('l_lot_number:' || l_lot_number);
6024           -- Parse  p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty
6025           IF j = 0 THEN -- Last part OF the string
6026              l_lot_trx_qty :=  to_number(substr(p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty,i,length(p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty)) ,l_number_format_mask ) ; --Bug#6274290.
6027           ELSE
6028              l_lot_trx_qty :=  to_number(substr(p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty,i,j-i), l_number_format_mask ) ;-- start at i till i-j position
6029              i := j+1;
6030           END IF;
6032           mydebug ('m:' || m||':n:' || n || ':i:' || i||':j:'||j );
6033           mydebug ('l_lot_trx_qty:' || l_lot_trx_qty);
6034           IF p_primary_uom <> p_confirmed_uom
6035             THEN
6036              l_progress    :=  '120';
6037              l_lot_prim_qty := inv_convert.inv_um_convert
6038                                (item_id          => p_inventory_item_id
6039                                ,precision        => l_g_decimal_precision
6040                                ,from_quantity    => l_lot_trx_qty
6041                                ,from_unit        => p_confirmed_uom
6042                                ,to_unit          => p_primary_uom
6043                                ,from_name        => NULL
6044                                ,to_name          => NULL);
6045           ELSE
6046              l_progress    :=  '130';
6047              l_lot_prim_qty := l_lot_trx_qty;
6048           END IF;
6050           l_progress    :=  '140';
6051           mydebug ('l_lot_prim_qty:' || l_lot_prim_qty);
6053           IF p_suggested_uom <> p_confirmed_uom
6054             THEN
6055              l_progress    :=  '120';
6056              l_lot_sugg_qty := inv_convert.inv_um_convert
6057                                (item_id          => p_inventory_item_id
6058                                ,precision        => l_g_decimal_precision
6059                                ,from_quantity    => l_lot_trx_qty
6060                                ,from_unit        => p_confirmed_uom
6061                                ,to_unit          => p_suggested_uom
6062                                ,from_name        => NULL
6063                                ,to_name          => NULL);
6064           ELSE
6065              l_progress    :=  '130';
6066              l_lot_sugg_qty := l_lot_trx_qty;
6067           END IF;
6069           l_progress    :=  '140';
6070           mydebug ('l_lot_sugg_qty:' || l_lot_sugg_qty);
6072           IF (p_confirmed_sec_qty  IS NOT NULL)
6073             AND
6074              (p_confirmed_lots     IS NOT NULL)
6075           THEN
6076              -- Secondary qty is at lot level (MTLT) for lot and Lot+serial controlled item
6077              -- Secondary qty is at MMTT level for serial controlled item
6078              l := INSTR(p_confirmed_sec_qty,l_delimiter,k,1);
6079              l_group_number := l_group_number + 1;
6081              mydebug ('k:' || k||':l:' || l );
6082              IF n = 0 THEN -- Last part OF the string
6083                 l_sec_qty := to_number( substr(p_confirmed_sec_qty,k,length(p_confirmed_sec_qty)), l_number_format_mask ); --Bug#6274290.
6084              ELSE
6085                 l_sec_qty := to_number( substr(p_confirmed_sec_qty,k,l-k),l_number_format_mask );-- start at k get k-l chrs.
6086                 k := l+1;
6087              END IF;
6088              mydebug ('l_sec_qty:' || l_sec_qty);
6090           END IF;
6092           IF ( p_confirmed_serials IS NOT NULL)
6093           THEN
6094         -- Parse p_confirmed_serials
6095                -- Y is the delimiter position,
6096                -- X is the position from which to start looking for the first delimiter l_group_delimiter
6097                -- for string 'L001:L002:L003;L004:L001' X=1, Y=15 for the first search .
6098                --             X=15+1=16, Y=0 for the next search because this is the last part of string.
6099                l_group_serials := NULL;
6100                WHILE y <> 0  -- to substr the group
6101                LOOP
6102                   y := instr(p_confirmed_serials, l_group_delimiter, x, 1);
6103                   IF (y=0) then
6104                      l_group_serials := substr(p_confirmed_serials,x,length(p_confirmed_serials));
6105                   ELSE
6106                      l_group_serials := substr(p_confirmed_serials,x,y-x);
6107                      x := y+1;
6108                   END IF;
6110                   s := 1;
6111                   t := 1;
6112                   WHILE  (t <> 0)
6113                   LOOP
6114                        l_progress    :=  '110';
6115                 -- Parse l_group_serials
6116                        -- T is the delimiter position,
6117                        -- S is the position from which to start looking for the first delimiter
6118                        -- for string 'L001:L002:L003' S=1, T=5 for the first search .
6119                        --             S=5+1=6, T=10 for the next search .
6120                        --             S=10+1=11, T=0 for the next search because this is the last part of string.
6121                        t := nvl(INSTR(l_group_serials,l_delimiter,s,1),0);
6122                        mydebug ('s:' || s||':t:' || t );
6123                        IF t = 0 THEN -- Last part OF the string
6124                    l_serial_number :=  substr(l_group_serials,s,length(l_group_serials));
6125                 ELSE
6126                    l_serial_number :=  substr(l_group_serials,s,t-s) ;-- start at M get s-t chrs.
6127                    s := t+1;
6128                 END IF;
6129                        mydebug ('l_serial_number:' || l_serial_number);
6130                        mydebug ('s:' || s||':t:' || t );
6131                        INSERT
6132                          INTO mtl_allocations_gtmp
6133                                (transaction_temp_id
6134                               , lot_number
6135                               , serial_number
6136                               , transaction_quantity
6137                               , primary_quantity
6138                               , suggested_quantity
6139                               , secondary_quantity)
6140                        VALUES  (l_group_number
6141                               , l_lot_number
6142                               , l_serial_number
6143                               , l_lot_trx_qty
6144                               , l_lot_prim_qty
6145                               , l_lot_sugg_qty
6146                               , l_sec_qty );
6147                   END LOOP;
6148                   EXIT;
6149                END LOOP;
6150           ELSE
6151              INSERT
6152                INTO mtl_allocations_gtmp
6153                      (transaction_temp_id
6154                     , lot_number
6155                     , serial_number
6156                     , transaction_quantity
6157                     , primary_quantity
6158                     , suggested_quantity
6159                     , secondary_quantity)
6160              VALUES  (l_group_number
6161                     , l_lot_number
6162                     , NULL
6163                     , l_lot_trx_qty
6164                     , l_lot_prim_qty
6165                     , l_lot_sugg_qty
6166                     , l_sec_qty );
6167           END IF;
6168    END LOOP;
6170    mydebug('END = ' || l_proc_name );
6173         x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
6174         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
6175         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
6176         ROLLBACK ;
6177         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
6178         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error: ' || SQLERRM);
6180 END proc_parse_lot_serial_catchwt;
6183 PROCEDURE task_load(
6184                p_action                          IN            VARCHAR2
6185              , p_organization_id                 IN            NUMBER
6186              , p_user_id                         IN            NUMBER
6187              , p_person_id                       IN            NUMBER
6188              , p_transaction_header_id           IN            NUMBER
6189              , p_temp_id                         IN            NUMBER
6190              , p_parent_line_id                  IN            NUMBER    -- For bulk parent
6191              , p_lpn_id                          IN            NUMBER
6192              , p_content_lpn_id                  IN            NUMBER
6193              , p_transfer_lpn_id                 IN            NUMBER
6194              , p_confirmed_sub                   IN            VARCHAR2
6195              , p_confirmed_loc_id                IN            NUMBER
6196              , p_confirmed_uom                   IN            VARCHAR2
6197              , p_suggested_uom                   IN            VARCHAR2
6198              , p_primary_uom                     IN            VARCHAR2
6199              , p_item_id                         IN            NUMBER
6200              , p_revision                        IN            VARCHAR2
6201              , p_confirmed_qty                   IN            NUMBER
6202              , p_confirmed_lots                  IN            VARCHAR2
6203              , p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty           IN            VARCHAR2
6204              , p_confirmed_sec_uom               IN            VARCHAR2
6205              , p_confirmed_sec_qty               IN            VARCHAR2
6206              , p_confirmed_serials               IN            VARCHAR2
6207              , p_container_item_id               IN            NUMBER
6208              , p_transaction_type_id             IN            NUMBER
6209              , p_transaction_source_type_id      IN            NUMBER
6210              , p_lpn_match                       IN            NUMBER
6211              , p_lpn_match_lpn_id                IN            NUMBER
6212              , p_serial_allocated_flag           IN            VARCHAR2  -- Y/V or NULL
6213              , p_lot_controlled                  IN            VARCHAR2  -- Y/N
6214              , p_serial_controlled               IN            VARCHAR2  -- Y/N
6215              , p_effective_start_date            IN            DATE
6216              , p_effective_end_date              IN            DATE
6217              , p_exception                       IN            VARCHAR2  -- SHORT, OVER
6218              , p_discrepancies                   IN            VARCHAR2
6219              , p_qty_rsn_id                      IN            NUMBER
6220              , p_parent_lpn_id                   IN            NUMBER
6221              , p_lpnpickedasis                   IN            VARCHAR2    --Y/N
6222              , x_new_transaction_temp_id         OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
6223              , x_cms_check                       OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
6224              , x_return_status                   OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
6225              , x_msg_count                       OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
6226              , x_msg_data                        OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
6227             )
6228 IS
6229   l_return_status         VARCHAR2(1);
6230   l_msg_count             NUMBER;
6231   l_msg_data              VARCHAR2(4000);
6232   l_debug                 NUMBER:= NVL(fnd_profile.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'), 0);
6233   l_proc_name             VARCHAR2(30) :=  'TASK_LOAD';
6234   l_progress              VARCHAR2(30) :=  '100';
6235   l_temp_id               NUMBER;
6236   l_business_flow_code    NUMBER;
6237   l_label_status          VARCHAR2(300);
6238   l_tran_type_id          NUMBER := p_transaction_type_id; -- Bug 3693953
6239   l_tran_source_type_id   NUMBER := p_transaction_source_type_id; -- Bug 3693953
6240   l_out_temp_id           NUMBER;
6241   l_multiple_pick         VARCHAR2(1) := NULL;
6242   l_overpick              VARCHAR2(1) := NULL;
6243   l_new_txn_hdr_id        NUMBER;
6245   l_parent_line_id        NUMBER := p_parent_line_id;
6246   l_lpn_id                NUMBER := p_lpn_id;
6247   l_content_lpn_id        NUMBER := p_content_lpn_id;
6248   l_transfer_lpn_id       NUMBER := p_transfer_lpn_id;
6249   l_container_item_id     NUMBER := p_container_item_id;
6250   l_lpn_match_lpn_id      NUMBER := p_lpn_match_lpn_id;
6251   l_qty_rsn_id            NUMBER := p_qty_rsn_id;
6252   l_parent_lpn_id         NUMBER := p_parent_lpn_id;
6253   l_lpn_match             NUMBER := p_lpn_match;
6254   l_transaction_temp_id   NUMBER := p_temp_id;
6255   --Bug #4762505
6256  	--Local variables for updating MOL
6257  	l_mo_line_id            NUMBER;       --Move Order Line OD
6258  	l_mol_uom               VARCHAR2(3);  --UOM Code of the MOL
6259  	l_sum_mmtt_qty          NUMBER;       --Total MMTT primary quantity
6260  	l_mmtt_qty_in_mol_uom   NUMBER;       --Total MMTT qty in MOL UOM
6262   CURSOR mmtt_csr2(p_transaction_header_id NUMBER) IS
6263        SELECT mmtt.transaction_temp_id
6264          FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
6265         WHERE mmtt.transaction_header_id = p_transaction_header_id;
6267   CURSOR lot_csr IS
6268      SELECT lot_number, serial_transaction_temp_id
6269       FROM  mtl_transaction_lots_temp
6270       WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
6272   CURSOR insert_serial_allocated_csr (p_serial_lot_number  VARCHAR2) IS
6273    SELECT serial_number
6274     FROM  mtl_serial_numbers  msn
6275     WHERE msn.current_organization_id  = p_organization_id
6276     AND   msn.inventory_item_id        = p_item_id
6277     AND   lpn_id                       =  p_lpn_match_lpn_id
6278     AND   NVL(msn.lot_number,'@@')     =  NVL(p_serial_lot_number, '@@')
6279     AND   msn.serial_number  NOT IN
6280           ( select msnt.fm_serial_number
6281             from mtl_serial_numbers_temp  msnt,
6282                  mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt,
6283                  mtl_material_transactions_temp  mmtt
6284             where mmtt.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
6285              AND mmtt.organization_id = p_organization_id
6286              and mtlt.transaction_temp_id(+) = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
6287              AND msnt.transaction_temp_id = NVL(mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id, mmtt.transaction_temp_id)
6288              and NVL(mtlt.lot_number, '@@') = NVL(p_serial_lot_number, '@@')
6289              and mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id);
6291 BEGIN
6293       x_return_status   := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
6294       l_return_status   := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
6295       IF p_parent_line_id = 0    THEN l_parent_line_id := NULL;     END IF;
6296       IF p_lpn_id = 0            THEN l_lpn_id := NULL;             END IF;
6297       IF p_content_lpn_id = 0    THEN l_content_lpn_id := NULL;     END IF;
6298       IF p_parent_lpn_id = 0     THEN l_parent_lpn_id := NULL;      END IF;
6299       IF p_transfer_lpn_id = 0   THEN l_transfer_lpn_id := NULL;    END IF;
6300       IF p_container_item_id = 0 THEN l_container_item_id := NULL;  END IF;
6301       IF p_lpn_match_lpn_id = 0  THEN l_lpn_match_lpn_id := NULL;   END IF;
6302       IF p_qty_rsn_id = 0        THEN l_qty_rsn_id := NULL;         END IF;
6304       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
6305         mydebug ('l_progress: ' || l_progress );
6306         mydebug('Entered..... task_Load');
6307         mydebug('p_action:'||p_action);
6308         mydebug('p_organization_id:'||p_organization_id);
6309         mydebug('p_user_id:'||p_user_id);
6310         mydebug('p_person_id:'||p_person_id);
6311         mydebug('p_transaction_header_id:'||p_transaction_header_id);
6312         mydebug('p_temp_id:'||p_temp_id);
6313         mydebug('p_parent_line_id:'||p_parent_line_id ||':' || l_parent_line_id);
6314         mydebug('p_lpn_id:' ||p_lpn_id ||':' || l_lpn_id);
6315         mydebug('p_content_lpn_id:' ||p_content_lpn_id ||':'||l_content_lpn_id);
6316         mydebug('p_parent_lpn_id:' ||p_parent_lpn_id ||':'||l_parent_lpn_id);
6317         mydebug('p_transfer_lpn_id:' ||p_transfer_lpn_id ||':' || l_transfer_lpn_id);
6318         mydebug('p_confirmed_sub:' ||p_confirmed_sub);
6319         mydebug('p_confirmed_loc_id:' ||p_confirmed_loc_id);
6320         mydebug('p_confirmed_uom:' ||p_confirmed_uom);
6321         mydebug('p_suggested_uom:' ||p_suggested_uom);
6322         mydebug('p_primary_uom  :' ||p_primary_uom  );
6323         mydebug('p_item_id:' ||p_item_id);
6324         mydebug('p_revision:' ||p_revision);
6325         mydebug('p_confirmed_qty:' ||p_confirmed_qty);
6326         mydebug('p_confirmed_lots:' ||p_confirmed_lots);
6327         mydebug('p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty:' ||p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty);
6328         mydebug('p_confirmed_sec_uom:' ||p_confirmed_sec_uom);
6329         mydebug('p_confirmed_sec_qty:' ||p_confirmed_sec_qty);
6330         mydebug('p_confirmed_serials:' ||p_confirmed_serials);
6331         mydebug('p_container_item_id:' ||p_container_item_id ||':' || l_container_item_id);
6332         mydebug('p_transaction_type_id: ' || p_transaction_type_id);
6333         mydebug('p_transaction_source_type_id: ' || p_transaction_source_type_id);
6334         mydebug('p_lpn_match:' ||p_lpn_match);
6335         mydebug('p_lpn_match_lpn_id:' ||p_lpn_match_lpn_id || ':' || l_lpn_match_lpn_id);
6336         mydebug('p_serial_allocated_flag:' ||p_serial_allocated_flag);
6337         mydebug('p_lot_controlled:' ||p_lot_controlled);
6338         mydebug('p_serial_controlled:' ||p_serial_controlled);
6339         mydebug('p_effective_start_date:' ||p_effective_start_date);
6340         mydebug('p_exception:' ||p_exception);
6341         mydebug('p_discrepancies:' ||p_discrepancies);
6342         mydebug('p_qty_rsn_id:' ||p_qty_rsn_id || ':' || l_qty_rsn_id);
6343         mydebug('p_lpnpickedasis:'||p_lpnpickedasis);
6345       END IF;
6347       l_progress    :=  '130';
6348       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN mydebug ('l_progress: ' || l_progress ); END IF;
6349       IF p_confirmed_qty = 0 AND p_exception <> l_g_exception_short
6350       THEN
6351          fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_PICK_ZERO_QTY');
6352          -- Confirmed qty for this task is zero
6353          fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
6354          RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
6355       END IF;
6356      BEGIN
6357         wms_picking_pkg.g_previous_task_status.delete(p_temp_id);
6358      EXCEPTION
6360        null; -- it is ok not to find it.
6361      END ;
6363      --Bug #4762505
6364      --Get the move_order_line_id for the current task
6365      BEGIN
6366        SELECT move_order_line_id
6367        INTO   l_mo_line_id
6368        FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp
6369        WHERE  transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
6370      EXCEPTION
6371        WHEN OTHERS THEN
6372          l_mo_line_id := NULL;
6373      END;
6375      -- bug 3983704
6376      IF l_lpn_match =4 and p_transfer_lpn_id = p_lpn_id THEN
6377          l_lpn_match := 1;
6378          l_content_lpn_id := l_lpn_id;
6379          l_lpn_id :=null;
6380          IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
6381              mydebug ('lpn_match is 4 and to lpn=from lpn');
6382          END IF;
6383      END IF;
6385      --jxlu for lpn overpicking
6387      IF   p_lpnpickedasis = 'Y'
6388      THEN
6389          IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
6390             mydebug ('lpn_match is 4 and lpnpickedasis is true, change lpn_match to 1 ');
6391          END IF;
6392          l_lpn_match := 1;
6393          IF     p_serial_controlled = 'Y'
6394             AND p_serial_allocated_flag = 'Y'
6395          THEN
6396               -- if lot controlled
6397               IF p_lot_controlled = 'Y' THEN
6398                      FOR lot_rec in lot_csr LOOP
6399                          IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
6400                              mydebug ('item is lot controlled and current lot is: '||lot_rec.lot_number);
6401                          END IF;
6402                          FOR serial_rec in insert_serial_allocated_csr(lot_rec.lot_number) LOOP
6403                             -- insert serial into msnt and mark msn
6404                               insert_serial(
6405                                   p_serial_transaction_temp_id  => lot_rec.serial_transaction_temp_id,
6406                                   p_organization_id             => p_organization_id,
6407                                   p_item_id                     => p_item_id,
6408                                   p_revision                    => p_revision,
6409                                   p_lot                         => lot_rec.lot_number,
6410                                   p_transaction_temp_id         => p_temp_id,
6411                                   p_created_by                  => p_user_id,
6412                                   p_from_serial                 => serial_rec.serial_number,
6413                                   p_to_serial                   => serial_rec.serial_number,
6414                                   p_status_id                   => NULL,
6415                                   x_return_status               => l_return_status,
6416                                   x_msg_data                    => l_msg_data);
6417                                IF l_return_status IN ( fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error, fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error)
6418                                THEN
6419                                       fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_INTERNAL_ERROR');
6420                                       -- Internal Error $ROUTINE
6421                                       fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', '-INSERT_SERIAL API - ' || p_action);
6422                                       fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
6423                                       RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
6424                                ELSE
6425                                    IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
6426                                         mydebug ('the serial number is:  '|| serial_rec.serial_number);
6427                                    END IF;
6428                                END IF;
6429                          END LOOP;
6430                      END LOOP;
6431               ELSE
6432                      IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
6433                            mydebug ('only serial controlled item and serial is allocated');
6434                      END IF;
6435                      FOR serial_rec IN insert_serial_allocated_csr(NULL) LOOP
6436                           -- insert serial into msnt and mark msn
6437                           insert_serial(
6438                                   p_serial_transaction_temp_id  => l_transaction_temp_id,
6439                                   p_organization_id             => p_organization_id,
6440                                   p_item_id                     => p_item_id,
6441                                   p_revision                    => p_revision,
6442                                   p_lot                         => NULL,
6443                                   p_transaction_temp_id         => p_temp_id,
6444                                   p_created_by                  => p_user_id,
6445                                   p_from_serial                 => serial_rec.serial_number,
6446                                   p_to_serial                   => serial_rec.serial_number,
6447                                   p_status_id                   => NULL,
6448                                   x_return_status               => l_return_status,
6449                                   x_msg_data                    => l_msg_data);
6450                           IF l_return_status IN ( fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error, fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error)
6451                           THEN
6452                                  fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_INTERNAL_ERROR');
6453                                  -- Internal Error $ROUTINE
6454                                   fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', '- INSERT_SERIAL API - ');
6455                                   fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
6456                                   RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
6457                           ELSE
6458                               IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
6459                                   mydebug ('the serial number is:  '|| serial_rec.serial_number);
6460                               END IF;
6461                          END IF;
6462                      END LOOP;
6463               END IF;
6464          END IF;
6465      END IF;
6467      IF p_confirmed_qty <> 0 THEN
6468          l_progress    :=  '140';
6469          IF (l_debug = 1) THEN mydebug ('l_progress: ' || l_progress ); END IF;
6470         task_merge_split(
6471                       p_action                 => p_action
6472                      ,p_exception              => p_exception
6473                      ,p_organization_id        => p_organization_id
6474                      ,p_user_id                => p_user_id
6475                      ,p_transaction_header_id  => p_transaction_header_id
6476                      ,p_transaction_temp_id    => p_temp_id
6477                      ,p_parent_line_id         => p_parent_line_id
6478                      ,p_remaining_temp_id      => NULL
6479                      ,p_lpn_id                 => l_lpn_id
6480                      ,p_content_lpn_id         => l_content_lpn_id
6481                      ,p_transfer_lpn_id        => l_transfer_lpn_id
6482                      ,p_confirmed_sub          => p_confirmed_sub
6483                      ,p_confirmed_locator_id   => p_confirmed_loc_id
6484                      ,p_confirmed_uom          => p_confirmed_uom
6485                      ,p_suggested_uom          => p_suggested_uom
6486                      ,p_primary_uom            => p_primary_uom
6487                      ,p_inventory_item_id      => p_item_id
6488                      ,p_revision               => p_revision
6489                      ,p_confirmed_trx_qty      => p_confirmed_qty
6490                      ,p_confirmed_lots         => p_confirmed_lots
6491                      ,p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty  => p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty
6492                      ,p_confirmed_sec_uom      => p_confirmed_sec_uom
6493                      ,p_confirmed_sec_qty      => p_confirmed_sec_qty
6494                      ,p_confirmed_serials      => p_confirmed_serials
6495                      ,p_container_item_id      => l_container_item_id
6496                      ,p_lpn_match              => l_lpn_match
6497                      ,p_lpn_match_lpn_id       => l_lpn_match_lpn_id
6498                      ,p_serial_allocated_flag  => p_serial_allocated_flag
6499                      ,p_lot_controlled         => p_lot_controlled
6500                      ,p_serial_controlled      => p_serial_controlled
6501                      ,p_parent_lpn_id          => l_parent_lpn_id
6502                      --,p_lpnpickedasis          => p_lpnpickedasis
6503                      ,x_new_transaction_temp_id=> l_out_temp_id
6504                      ,x_cms_check              => x_cms_check
6505                      ,x_return_status          => l_return_status
6506                      ,x_msg_count              => l_msg_count
6507                      ,x_msg_data               => l_msg_data);
6509          IF l_return_status IN ( fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error, fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error)
6510          THEN
6511             fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_INTERNAL_ERROR');
6512             -- Internal Error $ROUTINE
6513             fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', '-Task_Merge_Split API - ' || p_action);
6514             fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
6515             IF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error THEN
6516                 RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
6517             ELSE
6518                  RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
6519             END IF;
6520          END IF;
6521       END IF; -- confirmed_qty <> 0
6523    -- REASONS ...EXCEPTION HANDLING  will deal with MOL upd'ns , deletion of MMTT and its children etc.
6524    -- NO REASONS ...EXCEPTION HANDLING  o  for BULJK.... Janet will call from bulk API
6525    -- BULK API .. to process children etc
6526    -- No LAbel printing of BULK
6528    l_progress    :=  '200';
6529    IF (l_debug = 1) THEN    mydebug ('l_progress: ' || l_progress );    END IF;
6530    IF p_action = l_g_action_load_multiple
6531    THEN
6532        l_multiple_pick := 'Y';
6533    ELSE
6534        l_multiple_pick := 'N';
6535    END IF;
6536    l_progress    :=  '210';
6537    IF (l_debug = 1) THEN    mydebug ('l_progress: ' || l_progress );    END IF;
6539    /* IF p_discrepancies IS NOT NULL
6540      -- there are non quantity discrepencies to be logged
6541      -- in wms_exceptions table.
6542      -- it also includes overpick and shortpick for LPN/Lot.
6543      -- Qty exception is one where total picked < suggested
6544      -- and there can be only one qty exception for a task. */
6546    IF p_discrepancies IS NOT NULL
6547    THEN
6548       l_progress    :=  '300';
6549       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN    mydebug ('l_progress: ' || l_progress );    END IF;
6550       wms_txnrsn_actions_pub.process_exceptions
6551                ( p_organization_id          => p_organization_id
6552                 ,p_employee_id              => p_person_id
6553                 ,p_effective_start_date     => p_effective_start_date
6554                 ,p_effective_end_date       => p_effective_end_date
6555                 ,p_inventory_item_id        => p_item_id
6556                 ,p_revision                 => p_revision
6557                 ,p_discrepancies            => p_discrepancies
6558                 ,x_return_status            => x_return_status
6559                 ,x_msg_count                => x_msg_count
6560                 ,x_msg_data                 => x_msg_data );
6561       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
6562         mydebug ('x_return_status: ' || x_return_status );
6563       END IF;
6564        IF x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error THEN
6565           RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
6566        ELSIF x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error THEN
6567           RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
6568        END IF;
6569    END IF;
6571    IF l_parent_line_id IS NULL  -- non bulk parent or non-bulk-child
6572        AND
6573       --l_qty_rsn_id  IS NOT NULL      -- There is a Curtail pick exception
6574       p_exception = 'SHORT'
6575    THEN
6576       -- it should be called only for qty  exceptions where picked quantity < suggested quantity
6577       -- and  not for overpicked qty
6578       l_progress    :=  '400';
6579       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN    mydebug ('l_progress: ' || l_progress );    END IF;
6580       wms_txnrsn_actions_pub.cleanup_task
6581                       ( p_temp_id       => p_temp_id
6582                       , p_qty_rsn_id    => l_qty_rsn_id
6583                       , p_user_id       => p_user_id
6584                       , p_employee_id   => p_person_id
6585                       , x_return_status => x_return_status
6586                       , x_msg_count     => x_msg_count
6587                       , x_msg_data      => x_msg_data);
6588       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
6589         mydebug ('x_return_status: ' || x_return_status );
6590       END IF;
6591        IF x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error THEN
6592           RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
6593        ELSIF x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error THEN
6594           RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
6595        END IF;
6597    END IF;
6599    -- Bug #: 6908598
6600 -- Calling label printing both for bulk and independent tasks
6601    BEGIN
6602        l_business_flow_code  := inv_label.wms_bf_pick_load;
6603        IF l_tran_type_id = 52 THEN -- Picking for sales order
6604 	  l_business_flow_code  := inv_label.wms_bf_pick_load;
6605        ELSIF l_tran_type_id = 35 THEN -- WIP issue
6606 	  l_business_flow_code  := inv_label.wms_bf_wip_pick_load;
6607        ELSIF l_tran_type_id = 51
6608 	  AND l_tran_source_type_id = 13 THEN --Backflush
6609 	  l_business_flow_code  := inv_label.wms_bf_wip_pick_load;
6610        ELSIF l_tran_type_id = 64
6611 	  AND l_tran_source_type_id = 4 THEN --Replenishment
6612 	     l_business_flow_code  := inv_label.wms_bf_replenishment_load;
6613        END IF;
6614        l_progress    :=  '410';
6615        IF (l_debug = 1) THEN mydebug ('l_business_flow_code: ' || l_business_flow_code ); END IF;
6617        OPEN mmtt_csr2(p_transaction_header_id);
6618        LOOP
6619 	  FETCH mmtt_csr2 INTO l_temp_id;
6620 	  EXIT WHEN mmtt_csr2%NOTFOUND;
6622 	  IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
6623 	     mydebug('task_load: Calling label printing for transaction:' || l_temp_id);
6624 	  END IF;
6626 	  inv_label.print_label_wrap(
6627 	  x_return_status              => x_return_status
6628 	  , x_msg_count                  => x_msg_count
6629 	  , x_msg_data                   => x_msg_data
6630 	  , x_label_status               => l_label_status
6631 	  , p_business_flow_code         => l_business_flow_code
6632 	  , p_transaction_id             => l_temp_id
6633 	  );
6635 	  IF (x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) THEN
6636 	     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN mydebug('Label printing failed. Continue'); END IF;
6637 	  END IF;
6638        END LOOP;
6640        CLOSE mmtt_csr2;
6641        END;
6642  -- End of Bug #: 6908598
6644    IF nvl(l_parent_line_id,0) = p_temp_id
6645    THEN
6646        -- Call Bulk_API to process bulk children
6647        -- This API will also take care of qty exceptions workflow call for children
6648        -- affected by picking less than the requested qty
6649       l_progress    :=  '500';
6650       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN    mydebug ('l_progress: ' || l_progress );    END IF;
6651       wms_bulk_pick.bulk_pick(
6652                  p_temp_id                    => p_temp_id
6653                , p_txn_hdr_id                 => p_transaction_header_id
6654                , p_org_id                     => p_organization_id
6655                , p_multiple_pick              => l_multiple_pick
6656                , p_exception                  => p_exception
6657                , p_lot_controlled             => p_lot_controlled
6658                , p_user_id                    => p_user_id
6659                , p_employee_id                => p_person_id
6660                , p_reason_id                  => p_qty_rsn_id
6661                , x_new_txn_hdr_id             => l_new_txn_hdr_id
6662                , x_return_status              => x_return_status
6663                , x_msg_count                  => x_msg_count
6664                , x_msg_data                   => x_msg_data);
6667       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
6668         mydebug ('l_new_txn_hdr_id: ' || l_new_txn_hdr_id );
6669         mydebug ('x_return_status: ' || x_return_status );
6670       END IF;
6671        IF x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error THEN
6672           --fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_MULT_LPN_ERROR');
6673           --fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
6674           RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
6675        ELSIF x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error THEN
6676           --fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_MULT_LPN_ERROR');
6677           --fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
6678           RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
6679        END IF;
6681    /*  -- Bug #: 6908598 Commenting else part as we are calling the label printing irrespective of whether it is a bulk task or not  */
6682    /*
6683    ELSE
6684        -- call label printing for all tasks other than bulk tasks.
6685       l_progress    :=  '600';
6686       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN mydebug ('l_progress: ' || l_progress ); END IF;
6687       BEGIN
6688          l_business_flow_code  := inv_label.wms_bf_pick_load;
6689          IF l_tran_type_id = 52 THEN -- Picking for sales order
6690             l_business_flow_code  := inv_label.wms_bf_pick_load;
6691          ELSIF l_tran_type_id = 35 THEN -- WIP issue
6692             l_business_flow_code  := inv_label.wms_bf_wip_pick_load;
6693          ELSIF l_tran_type_id = 51
6694             AND l_tran_source_type_id = 13 THEN --Backflush
6695             l_business_flow_code  := inv_label.wms_bf_wip_pick_load;
6696          ELSIF l_tran_type_id = 64
6697             AND l_tran_source_type_id = 4 THEN --Replenishment
6698                l_business_flow_code  := inv_label.wms_bf_replenishment_load;
6699          END IF;
6700          l_progress    :=  '610';
6701          IF (l_debug = 1) THEN mydebug ('l_business_flow_code: ' || l_business_flow_code ); END IF;
6703          OPEN mmtt_csr2(p_transaction_header_id);
6704          LOOP
6705             FETCH mmtt_csr2 INTO l_temp_id;
6706             EXIT WHEN mmtt_csr2%NOTFOUND;
6708             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
6709                mydebug('task_load: Calling label printing for transaction:' || l_temp_id);
6710             END IF;
6712             inv_label.print_label_wrap(
6713             x_return_status              => x_return_status
6714             , x_msg_count                  => x_msg_count
6715             , x_msg_data                   => x_msg_data
6716             , x_label_status               => l_label_status
6717             , p_business_flow_code         => l_business_flow_code
6718             , p_transaction_id             => l_temp_id
6719             );
6721             IF (x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) THEN
6722                IF (l_debug = 1) THEN mydebug('Label printing failed. Continue'); END IF;
6723             END IF;
6724          END LOOP;
6726          CLOSE mmtt_csr2;
6727          END;
6729 	 */
6732      END IF; -- Not a bulk task.. finished label printing
6734      --Bug #4762505
6735      --At the end of the load process, we need to update the quantity_detailed
6736      --of the move order line. Do this for non-bulk tasks
6737      IF (l_mo_line_id IS NOT NULL AND l_parent_line_id IS NULL) THEN
6739        IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
6740          mydebug('Should update quantity_detailed for MO Line ID: ' || l_mo_line_id);
6741        END IF;
6743        --Fetch the UOM code of the MO line and lock the MO line
6744        SELECT uom_code
6745        INTO   l_mol_uom
6746        FROM   mtl_txn_request_lines
6747        WHERE  line_id = l_mo_line_id
6748        FOR UPDATE;
6750        --Fetch the primary quantity for all MMTTs for this MO line
6751        SELECT ABS(SUM(primary_quantity))
6752        INTO   l_sum_mmtt_qty
6753        FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp
6754        WHERE  move_order_line_id = l_mo_line_id;
6756        --Convert the MMTT primary quantity into MOL UOM
6757        IF p_primary_uom = l_mol_uom THEN
6758          l_mmtt_qty_in_mol_uom := l_sum_mmtt_qty;
6759        ELSE
6760          l_mmtt_qty_in_mol_uom := inv_convert.inv_um_convert
6761                             (item_id          => p_item_id
6762                             ,precision        => l_g_decimal_precision
6763                             ,from_quantity    => l_sum_mmtt_qty
6764                             ,from_unit        => p_primary_uom
6765                             ,to_unit          => l_mol_uom
6766                             ,from_name        => NULL
6767                             ,to_name          => NULL);
6768        END IF;
6770        IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
6771          mydebug('update quantity_detailed in MOL with: ' || l_mmtt_qty_in_mol_uom);
6772        END IF;
6774        --Now update quantity_detailed as quanity_delivered + sum(mmtt qty)
6775        UPDATE mtl_txn_request_lines
6776        SET    quantity_detailed = NVL(quantity_delivered, 0) + l_mmtt_qty_in_mol_uom
6777             , last_update_date     = SYSDATE
6778             , last_updated_by      = p_user_id
6779        WHERE  line_id = l_mo_line_id;
6780      END IF;   --END IF l_mo_line_id IS NOT NULL AND l_parent_line_id IS NULL
6781      --End changes for Bug #4762505
6783      IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
6784            mydebug('End of load_pick');
6785            mydebug('x_return_status :'||x_return_status);
6786            mydebug('x_msg_count:'||x_msg_count);
6787            mydebug('x_msg_data:' || x_msg_data);
6788      END IF;
6791    WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
6792         x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_error;
6793         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
6794         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
6795         ROLLBACK ;
6796         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
6797         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error: ' || SQLERRM);
6798         mydebug('x_msg_count/Data = ' || x_msg_count || '/'|| x_msg_data);
6799    WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
6800         x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
6801         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
6802         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
6803         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
6804         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error: ' || SQLERRM);
6805         mydebug('x_msg_count/Data = ' || x_msg_count || '/'|| x_msg_data);
6806         ROLLBACK ;
6808         x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
6809         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
6810         mydebug('ROLLBACK ' );
6811         ROLLBACK ;
6812         mydebug('l_progress = ' || l_proc_name || ':'|| l_progress);
6813         mydebug('RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error: ' || SQLERRM);
6814         mydebug('x_msg_count/Data = ' || x_msg_count || '/'|| x_msg_data);
6818 /*
6819      The following table gives the conditions checked by LPN Match
6820      and its return values
6822      Condition                            x_match    x_return_status
6823      =================================================================
6824      LPN already picked                       7               E
6825      LPN location is invalid                  6               E
6826      LPN SUB is null                         10               E
6827      LPN already staged for another SO       12               E
6828      Item/Lot/Revision is not in LPN         13               E
6829      LPN has multiple items,  item_qty<reqQty 2               S
6830      The user has to manually confirm the LPN
6831      LPN has requested item but quantity is   4               S
6832      more than the allocated quantity
6833      The user has to manually confirm the LPN
6834      Serial number is not valid for this     11               E
6835      transaction.
6836      LPN has requested item with sufficient   8               E
6837      quantity but LPN content status is
6838      invalid
6839      Serial Allocation was requested for the  9               E
6840      item but it is not allowed/there
6841      Everything allright and exact quantity   1               S
6842      match
6843      Everything allright and quantity in LPN  3               S
6844      is less than requested quantity
6846      Although x_match is being set even for error conditions
6847      it is used by the calling code ONLY in case of success
6849   */
6851 PROCEDURE lpn_match(
6852     p_fromlpn_id            IN            NUMBER
6853   , p_org_id                IN            NUMBER
6854   , p_item_id               IN            NUMBER
6855   , p_rev                   IN            VARCHAR2
6856   , p_lot                   IN            VARCHAR2
6857   , p_trx_qty               IN            NUMBER
6858   , p_trx_uom               IN            VARCHAR2
6859   , p_sec_qty             IN            NUMBER     -- Bug #4141928
6860   , p_sec_uom             IN            VARCHAR2   -- Bug #4141928
6861   , x_match                 OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
6862   , x_sub                   OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
6863   , x_loc                   OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
6864   , x_trx_qty               OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
6865   , x_trx_sec_qty         OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER     -- Bug #4141928
6866   , x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
6867   , x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
6868   , x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
6869   , p_temp_id               IN            NUMBER
6870   , p_parent_line_id        IN            NUMBER
6871   , p_wms_installed         IN            VARCHAR2
6872   , p_transaction_type_id   IN            NUMBER
6873   , p_cost_group_id         IN            NUMBER
6874   , p_is_sn_alloc           IN            VARCHAR2
6875   , p_action                IN            NUMBER
6876   , p_split                 IN            VARCHAR2
6877   , p_user_id               IN            NUMBER
6878   , x_temp_id               OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
6879   , x_loc_id                OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
6880   , x_lpn_lot_vector        OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
6881   , x_cms_check             OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
6882   , x_parent_lpn_id         OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
6883   , x_trx_qty_alloc         OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
6884   , p_transaction_action_id IN            NUMBER
6885   , p_pickOverNoException   IN            VARCHAR2
6886   , p_toLPN_Default         IN            VARCHAR2   -- Bug 3855835
6887   , p_project_id            IN            NUMBER
6888   , p_task_id               IN            NUMBER
6889   , p_confirmed_sub         IN            VARCHAR2
6890   , p_confirmed_loc_id      IN            NUMBER
6891   , p_from_lpn_id           IN            NUMBER
6892   , x_toLPN_status          OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2 --Bug 3855835
6893   , x_lpnpickedasis         OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
6894   , x_lpn_qoh               OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
6895   ) IS
6896     l_proc_name              VARCHAR2(30) := 'LPN_MATCH' ;
6897     l_msg_cnt                NUMBER;
6898     l_msg_data               VARCHAR2(2000);
6899     l_return_status          VARCHAR2(240);
6900     l_exist_qty              NUMBER;
6901     l_item_cnt               NUMBER;
6902     l_rev_cnt                NUMBER;
6903     l_lot_cnt                NUMBER;
6904     l_item_cnt2              NUMBER;
6905     l_cg_cnt                 NUMBER;
6906     l_sub                    VARCHAR2(60);
6907     l_loc                    VARCHAR2(60);
6908     l_loaded                 NUMBER         := 0;
6909     l_allocate_serial_flag   NUMBER         := 0;
6910     l_temp_serial_trans_temp NUMBER         := 0;
6911     l_serial_number          VARCHAR2(50);
6913     l_lpn_pr_qty             NUMBER;
6914     l_lpn_trx_qty            NUMBER;
6915   l_lpn_sec_qty            NUMBER;                 -- Bug #4141928
6917     l_pr_qty                 NUMBER;
6918     l_primary_uom            VARCHAR2(3);
6919     l_sec_qty                NUMBER;       -- Bug #4141928
6920     l_secondary_uom          VARCHAR2(3);       -- Bug #4141928
6922     l_lot_code               NUMBER;
6923     l_serial_code            NUMBER;
6925     l_mmtt_qty               NUMBER;
6926   l_mmtt_sec_qty           NUMBER;       -- Bug #4141928
6928     l_out_temp_id            NUMBER         := 0;
6929     l_serial_exist_cnt       NUMBER         := 0;
6930     l_total_serial_cnt       NUMBER         := 0;
6931     l_so_cnt                 NUMBER         := 0;
6932 -- Increased lot size to 80 Char - Mercy Thomas - B4625329
6933     l_mtlt_lot_number        VARCHAR2(80);
6935     l_mtlt_primary_qty       NUMBER;
6936     l_wlc_quantity           NUMBER;
6937     l_wlc_uom_code           VARCHAR2(3);
6938   l_mtlt_secondary_qty     NUMBER;       -- Bug #4141928
6939     l_wlc_sec_quantity       NUMBER;                 -- Bug #4141928
6940     l_wlc_sec_uom_code       VARCHAR2(3);            -- Bug #4141928
6942     l_lot_match              NUMBER;
6943     l_ok_to_process          VARCHAR2(5);
6944     l_is_revision_control    VARCHAR2(1);
6945     l_is_lot_control         VARCHAR2(1);
6946     l_is_serial_control      VARCHAR2(1);
6947     b_is_revision_control    BOOLEAN;
6948     b_is_lot_control         BOOLEAN;
6949     b_is_serial_control      BOOLEAN;
6950     l_from_lpn               VARCHAR2(30);
6951     l_loc_id                 NUMBER;
6952     l_lpn_context            NUMBER;
6953     l_lpn_exists             NUMBER;
6955     l_qoh                    NUMBER;
6956     l_rqoh                   NUMBER;
6957     l_qr                     NUMBER;
6958     l_qs                     NUMBER;
6959     l_att                    NUMBER;
6960     l_atr                    NUMBER;
6961   l_sqoh                   NUMBER;                  -- Bug #4141928
6962     l_srqoh                  NUMBER;                  -- Bug #4141928
6963     l_sqr                    NUMBER;                  -- Bug #4141928
6964     l_sqs                    NUMBER;                  -- Bug #4141928
6965     l_satt                   NUMBER;                  -- Bug #4141928
6966     l_satr                   NUMBER;                  -- Bug #4141928
6968     l_allocated_lpn_id       NUMBER;
6969     l_table_index            NUMBER         := 0;
6970     l_table_total            NUMBER         := 0;
6971     l_table_count            NUMBER;
6972     l_lpn_include_lpn        NUMBER;
6973     l_xfr_sub_code           VARCHAR2(30);
6974     l_sub_active             NUMBER         := 0;
6975     l_loc_active             NUMBER         := 0;
6976     l_mmtt_proj_id NUMBER ;  --  2774506/2905646
6977     l_mmtt_task_id NUMBER ;
6978     l_locator_id NUMBER;
6979     l_organization_id NUMBER;
6980     l_mil_proj_id NUMBER ;
6981     l_mil_task_id NUMBER ;   -- 2774506/2905646
6982     l_transaction_header_id   NUMBER;
6983     l_transaction_uom         VARCHAR2(3);
6984     l_sec_transaction_uom     VARCHAR2(3);  -- Bug #4141928
6985     l_lpn_id          NUMBER;
6986     l_content_lpn_id  NUMBER;
6987     --l_transfer_lpn_id NUMBER;
6988     l_check_tolerance   Boolean;
6989     l_overpicked_qty   NUMBER ;
6990     l_lot_string     VARCHAR2(12000);--Bug 6148865
6991     l_lot_qty_string VARCHAR2(12000);--Bug 6148865
6992   l_lot_sec_qty_string VARCHAR2(12000);  -- Bug #4141928 --Bug 6148865
6993     l_sec_qty_str VARCHAR2(12000);  -- Bug #4141928  --Bug 6148865
6994     l_serial_string  VARCHAR2(2000);
6995     l_check_overpick_passed VARCHAR2(1);
6996     l_overpick_error_code  NUMBER;
6997     l_match_serials      Boolean  := false;
6998     l_pick_to_lpn_id      NUMBER;
6999     l_lot_v              VARCHAR2(12000) := null;  --Bug 6148865
7001     --Bug5649056
7002     l_mmtt_sub                VARCHAR2(60);
7003     l_mmtt_loc                NUMBER;
7004     l_lpn_sub                 VARCHAR2(60);
7005     l_lpn_loc                 NUMBER;
7006     --Bug5649056
7007     l_value VARCHAR2(3); --bug 6651517
7008     CURSOR ser_csr IS
7009       SELECT serial_number
7010         FROM mtl_serial_numbers
7011        WHERE lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
7012          AND inventory_item_id = p_item_id
7013          AND NVL(lot_number, -999) = NVL(p_lot, -999);
7015     CURSOR lot_csr IS
7016       SELECT mtlt.primary_quantity
7017        , NVL(mtlt.secondary_quantity, 0)   -- Bug #4141928
7018            , mtlt.lot_number
7019         FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
7020        WHERE mtlt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
7023     --jxlu 10/12/04
7024     CURSOR lot_att IS
7025       SELECT lot_number, sum(transaction_quantity) transaction_quantity
7026         from wms_ALLOCATIONS_GTMP
7030     l_debug                  NUMBER         := NVL(fnd_profile.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'), 0);
7032   BEGIN
7033     BEGIN
7034        -- this is done to release a lock on LPN that was picked first and later changed
7035        -- so that the lock on first one is released and next one will be locked later.
7037     EXCEPTION
7038        WHEN OTHERS THEN
7039           IF SQLCODE = -1086 THEN --  savepoint 'XYZ' never established
7040              -- Ignore
7041               mydebug ('Save point not available.. may be the first visit to this API ' );
7042           END IF ;
7043     END ;
7046     g_debug := l_debug;
7047     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7048       mydebug('In lpn Match');
7049     END IF;
7051     x_return_status    := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
7052     l_lpn_exists       := 0;
7053     --clear the PL/SQL table each time coming in
7055     t_lpn_lot_qty_table.DELETE;
7057     x_trx_qty_alloc := 0;
7058     x_lpnpickedasis := 'N';
7060      SELECT primary_uom_code
7061      , secondary_uom_code           -- Bug #4141928
7062           , lot_control_code
7063           , serial_number_control_code
7064        INTO l_primary_uom
7065      , l_secondary_uom        -- Bug #4141928
7066           , l_lot_code
7067           , l_serial_code
7068        FROM mtl_system_items
7069       WHERE organization_id = p_org_id
7070         AND inventory_item_id = p_item_id;
7072         --bug 6651517
7073        select value
7074        into l_value
7075        from v$nls_parameters
7076        where parameter = 'NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS';
7078     -- p_trx_qty was passed in transaction_uom, need to convert it to primary_uom
7079     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7080           mydebug('p_trx_uom :'|| p_trx_uom);
7081           mydebug('l_primary_uom :'|| l_primary_uom);
7082           mydebug('p_trx_qty in transaction uom:'|| p_trx_qty);
7083           mydebug('p_sec_uom :'|| p_sec_uom);                      -- Bug #4141928
7084           mydebug('l_secondary_uom :'|| l_secondary_uom);          -- Bug #4141928
7085     END IF;
7087     IF (p_trx_uom <> l_primary_uom) THEN
7088          l_pr_qty := inv_convert.inv_um_convert(
7089                  item_id        => p_item_id
7090                 ,precision      => null
7091                 ,from_quantity  => p_trx_qty
7092                 ,from_unit      => p_trx_uom
7093                 ,to_unit        => l_primary_uom
7094                 ,from_name      => null
7095                 ,to_name        => null);
7096          l_lpn_pr_qty := l_pr_qty;
7097          IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7098             mydebug('transaction uom is different from primary uom');
7099             mydebug('p_trx_qty in primary uom is l_pri_qty:'|| l_pr_qty);
7100             mydebug('l_lpn_pri_qty in primary uom :'|| l_lpn_pr_qty);
7101          END IF;
7102     ELSE
7103        l_lpn_pr_qty           := p_trx_qty;
7104        l_lpn_trx_qty          := p_trx_qty;
7105        l_pr_qty               := p_trx_qty;
7106        IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7107             mydebug('transaction uom is the same as primary uom');
7108             mydebug('l_lpn_pr_qty is the same as p_trx_qty :'|| l_lpn_pr_qty);
7109             mydebug('l_lpn_trx_qty is the same as p_trx_qty :'|| l_lpn_trx_qty);
7110        END IF;
7111     END IF;
7113   l_lpn_sec_qty          := p_sec_qty;  -- Bug #4141928
7114   l_sec_qty              := p_sec_qty;     -- Bug #4141928
7116     BEGIN
7117      -- Bug5649056: Added sub and loc in following query.
7118      SELECT 1
7119            , lpn_context
7120            , parent_lpn_id
7121            , subinventory_code
7122            , locator_id
7123         INTO l_lpn_exists
7124            , l_lpn_context
7125            , x_parent_lpn_id
7126            , l_lpn_sub
7127            , l_lpn_loc
7128         FROM wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn
7129        WHERE wlpn.organization_id = p_org_id
7130          AND wlpn.lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id;
7131     EXCEPTION
7133         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7134           mydebug('lpn does not exist in org');
7135         END IF;
7137         fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_CONT_INVALID_LPN');
7138         fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
7139         RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
7140     END;
7142     IF l_lpn_exists = 0
7143        OR p_fromlpn_id = 0
7144        OR l_lpn_context <> wms_container_pub.lpn_context_inv THEN
7145       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7146         mydebug('lpn does not exist in org');
7147       END IF;
7149       fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_CONT_INVALID_LPN');
7150       fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
7151       RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
7152     END IF;
7154     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7155       mydebug('Checking if lpn has been picked already');
7156     END IF;
7158     x_match            := 0;
7160     BEGIN
7161       -- Bug#2742860 The from LPN should not be loaded,
7162       -- this check should not be restricted to that particular transaction header id
7165       SELECT 1
7166         INTO l_loaded
7167         FROM DUAL
7169                       FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
7170                      WHERE (transfer_lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
7171                             OR content_lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id));
7172     EXCEPTION
7174         l_loaded  := 0;
7175     END;
7177     IF l_loaded > 0 THEN
7178       x_match  := 7;
7179       fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_LOADED_ERROR');
7180       fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
7181       RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
7182     END IF;
7184     -- Check if locator is valid
7185     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7186       mydebug('Fetch sub/loc for LPN ');
7187     END IF;
7189     BEGIN
7190       -- WMS PJM Integration, Selecting the resolved concatenated segments instead of concatenated segments
7191       SELECT w.subinventory_code
7192            , inv_project.get_locsegs(w.locator_id, w.organization_id)
7193            , w.license_plate_number
7194            , w.locator_id
7195            , w.lpn_context
7196         INTO l_sub
7197            , l_loc
7198            , l_from_lpn
7199            , l_loc_id
7200            , l_lpn_context
7201         FROM wms_license_plate_numbers w
7202        WHERE w.lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
7203          AND w.locator_id IS NOT NULL;
7205       IF l_sub IS NULL THEN
7206         -- The calling java code treats this condition as an error
7208         x_match  := 10;
7209         fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_CONT_INVALID_SUB');
7210         fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
7211         RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
7212       END IF;
7214       -- bug 2398247
7215       -- verify if sub is active
7216       SELECT COUNT(*)
7217         INTO l_sub_active
7218         FROM mtl_secondary_inventories
7219        WHERE NVL(disable_date, SYSDATE + 1) > SYSDATE
7220          AND organization_id = p_org_id
7221          AND secondary_inventory_name = l_sub;
7223       IF l_sub_active = 0 THEN
7224         x_match  := 10;
7225         fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_CONT_INVALID_SUB');
7226         fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
7227         RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
7228       END IF;
7230       -- verify if locator is active
7231       SELECT COUNT(*)
7232         INTO l_loc_active
7233         FROM mtl_item_locations_kfv
7234        WHERE NVL(disable_date, SYSDATE + 1) > SYSDATE
7235          AND organization_id = p_org_id
7236          AND subinventory_code = l_sub
7237          AND inventory_location_id = l_loc_id;
7239       IF l_loc_active = 0 THEN
7240         x_match  := 10;
7241         fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_CONT_INVALID_LOC');
7242         fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
7243         RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
7244       END IF;
7245        -- Begin fix for 2774506
7248        SELECT locator_id,organization_id,
7249               transaction_header_id,
7250               transaction_uom,
7251         SECONDARY_UOM_CODE         -- Bug #4141928
7252          INTO l_locator_id, l_organization_id,
7253               l_transaction_header_id,
7254               l_transaction_uom,
7255         l_sec_transaction_uom      -- Bug #4141928
7256         from mtl_material_transactions_temp
7257         where transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
7259          select nvl(project_id ,-999) , nvl(task_id ,-999)
7260         into  l_mmtt_proj_id , l_mmtt_task_id
7261         from  mtl_item_locations
7262         where inventory_location_id = l_locator_id
7263         and organization_id = l_organization_id ;
7265       select nvl(project_id, -999) , nvl(task_id ,-999)
7266         into l_mil_proj_id , l_mil_task_id
7267         from mtl_item_locations
7268         where inventory_location_id = l_loc_id
7269         and organization_id = p_org_id ;
7271       mydebug('mmtt project id =  '||l_mmtt_proj_id);
7272       mydebug('mmtt task id =  '||l_mmtt_task_id);
7273       mydebug('mil project id =  '||l_mil_proj_id);
7274       mydebug('mil task id =  '||l_mil_task_id);
7276          if ((l_mil_proj_id <> l_mmtt_proj_id ) or ( l_mil_task_id <> l_mmtt_task_id )) then
7277          mydebug('lpn : the project/tak information does not match');
7279                FND_MSG_PUB.ADD;
7280                RAISE FND_API.G_EXC_ERROR;
7281       end if ;
7283      -- End fix for 2774506
7286       x_sub     := l_sub;
7287       x_loc     := l_loc;
7288       x_loc_id  := l_loc_id;
7289     EXCEPTION
7291         x_match  := 6;
7292         fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_TD_LPN_LOC_NOT_FOUND');
7293         fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
7294         RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
7295     END;
7297     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7298       mydebug('sub is ' || l_sub);
7299       mydebug('loc is ' || l_loc);
7300     END IF;
7302     -- Check if LPN has already been allocated for any Sales order
7303     -- If LPN has been picked for a sales order then it cannot be picked
7305     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7306       mydebug('Checking SO for lpn');
7307     END IF;
7309     BEGIN
7310       SELECT 1
7311         INTO l_so_cnt
7312         FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
7313        WHERE lpn_context = 11
7314          AND lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
7315          AND organization_id = p_org_id;
7316     EXCEPTION
7318         l_so_cnt  := 0;
7319     END;
7321     IF l_so_cnt > 0 THEN
7322       x_match  := 12;
7323       fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_LPN_STAGED');
7324       fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
7325       RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
7326     END IF;
7328    -- SELECT primary_uom_code
7329    --      , lot_control_code
7330    ----      , serial_number_control_code
7331    --   INTO l_primary_uom
7332    --      , l_lot_code
7333    --      , l_serial_code
7334    --   FROM mtl_system_items
7335    --  WHERE organization_id = p_org_id
7336    --    AND inventory_item_id = p_item_id;
7338    --Bug5649056: added sub and locator below
7339    SELECT mmtt.transfer_subinventory
7340          , mmtt.subinventory_code
7341          , mmtt.locator_id
7342       INTO l_xfr_sub_code
7343          , l_mmtt_sub
7344          , l_mmtt_loc
7345       FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
7346      WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
7348     -- Check to see if the item is in the LPN
7349     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7350       mydebug('Checking to see if required  item,cg,rev,lot exist in lpn..');
7351     END IF;
7353     l_item_cnt         := 0;
7355     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7356       mydebug('item' || p_item_id || 'LPN' || p_fromlpn_id || 'Org' || p_org_id || ' lot' || p_lot || ' Rev' || p_rev);
7357     END IF;
7359     BEGIN
7360       SELECT 1
7361         INTO l_item_cnt
7362         FROM DUAL
7363        WHERE EXISTS(
7364                SELECT 1
7365                  FROM wms_lpn_contents wlc
7366                 WHERE wlc.parent_lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
7367                   AND wlc.organization_id = p_org_id
7368                   AND wlc.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
7369                   AND NVL(wlc.revision, '-999') = NVL(p_rev, '-999'));
7370     EXCEPTION
7371       -- Item/lot/rev combo does not exist in LPN
7374         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7375           mydebug('item lot rev combo does not exist');
7376         END IF;
7378         x_match  := 13;
7379         fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_CONT_INVALID_LPN');
7380         fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
7381         RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
7382     END;
7384     IF l_item_cnt > 0
7385        AND l_lot_code > 1 THEN
7386       --Do this only for lot controlled items
7388       BEGIN
7389         SELECT 1
7390           INTO l_item_cnt
7391           FROM DUAL
7392          WHERE EXISTS(
7393                  SELECT 1
7394                    FROM wms_lpn_contents wlc, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
7395                   WHERE wlc.parent_lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
7396                     AND wlc.organization_id = p_org_id
7397                     AND wlc.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
7398                     AND NVL(wlc.revision, '-999') = NVL(p_rev, '-999')
7399                     AND(mtlt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
7400                         AND mtlt.lot_number = wlc.lot_number));
7401       EXCEPTION
7402         -- Item/lot/rev combo does not exist in LPN
7405           IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7406             mydebug('lot rev combo for the item does not exist');
7407           END IF;
7409           x_match  := 5;
7410           fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_CONT_INVALID_LOT_LPN');
7411           fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
7412           RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
7413       END;
7414     END IF;
7416     -- Item with the correct lot/revision exists in LPN
7417     IF p_is_sn_alloc = 'Y'
7418        AND p_action = 4 THEN
7419       b_is_serial_control  := TRUE;
7420     ELSE
7421       b_is_serial_control  := FALSE;
7422     END IF;
7424     IF p_action = 4 THEN
7425        l_is_serial_control := 'Y';
7426     ELSE
7427        l_is_serial_control := 'N';
7428     END IF;
7430     IF l_lot_code > 1 THEN
7431       b_is_lot_control  := TRUE;
7432       l_is_lot_control  := 'Y';
7433     ELSE
7434       b_is_lot_control  := FALSE;
7435       l_is_lot_control  := 'N';
7436     END IF;
7438     IF p_rev IS NULL THEN
7439       b_is_revision_control  := FALSE;
7440       l_is_revision_control  := 'N';
7441     ELSE
7442       b_is_revision_control  := TRUE;
7443       l_is_revision_control  := 'Y';
7444     END IF;
7446     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7447       mydebug('is_serial_control:' || l_is_serial_control);
7448       mydebug('is_lot_control:' || l_is_lot_control);
7449       mydebug('is_revision_control:' || l_is_revision_control);
7450     END IF;
7452     BEGIN
7453       SELECT allocated_lpn_id
7454         INTO l_allocated_lpn_id
7455         FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
7456        WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
7457     EXCEPTION
7459         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7460           mydebug('transaction does not exist in mmtt');
7461         END IF;
7463         fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_INVALID_TRANSACTION');
7464         fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
7465         RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
7466     END;
7468     -- clear quantity cache before we create qty tree.
7469     inv_quantity_tree_pub.clear_quantity_cache;
7471     -- Check if LPN has items other than the one requested
7473     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7474       mydebug('lpn has the requested item ');
7475     END IF;
7477     l_item_cnt2        := 0;
7478     l_lot_cnt          := 0;
7479     l_rev_cnt          := 0;
7480     l_cg_cnt           := 0;
7481     l_item_cnt2        := 0;
7482     l_lot_cnt          := 0;
7483     l_rev_cnt          := 0;
7484     l_cg_cnt           := 0;
7485     l_lpn_include_lpn  := 0;
7487     SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT inventory_item_id)
7488          , COUNT(DISTINCT lot_number)
7489          , COUNT(DISTINCT revision)
7490          , COUNT(DISTINCT cost_group_id)
7491       INTO l_item_cnt2
7492          , l_lot_cnt
7493          , l_rev_cnt
7494          , l_cg_cnt
7495       FROM wms_lpn_contents
7496      WHERE parent_lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
7497        AND organization_id = p_org_id;
7499     SELECT COUNT(*)
7500       INTO l_lpn_include_lpn
7501       FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
7502      WHERE outermost_lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
7503        AND organization_id = p_org_id;
7505     IF l_item_cnt2 > 1
7506        OR l_rev_cnt > 1
7507        OR l_lpn_include_lpn > 1 THEN
7508       -- LPN has multiple items
7509       -- Such LPN's can be picked but in such cases the user has to
7510       -- manually confirm the LPN.
7511       -- No validation for LPN contents in such a case.
7513       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7514         mydebug('lpn has items other than requested item ');
7515       END IF;
7517       x_match  := 2;
7519       IF l_lot_code > 1 THEN
7521         -- adding serial allocation checking for lot+serial item
7522          IF p_is_sn_alloc = 'Y'
7523              AND p_action = 4 THEN
7524             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7525               mydebug('SN control and SN allocation on');
7526             END IF;
7528             SELECT COUNT(fm_serial_number)
7529               INTO l_serial_exist_cnt
7530               FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
7531              WHERE mtlt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
7532                AND msnt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id
7533                AND msnt.fm_serial_number IN(
7534                                           SELECT serial_number
7535                                             FROM mtl_serial_numbers
7536                                            WHERE lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
7537                                              AND inventory_item_id = p_item_id
7538                                              AND NVL(revision, '-999') = NVL(p_rev, '-999'));
7540             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7541               mydebug('SN exist count' || l_serial_exist_cnt);
7542             END IF;
7544             IF (l_serial_exist_cnt = 0) THEN
7545               IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7546                 mydebug('No serial allocations have occured or LPN does not have the allocated serials ');
7547               END IF;
7549               -- Serial numbers missing for the transaction
7550               x_match  := 9;
7551               fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_INT_SERMISEXP');
7552               fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
7553               RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
7554             END IF;
7555          END IF;
7557         l_lpn_pr_qty  := 0;
7558     l_lpn_sec_qty  := 0;    -- Bug #4141928
7559         OPEN lot_csr;
7561         LOOP
7562           FETCH lot_csr INTO l_mtlt_primary_qty, l_mtlt_secondary_qty, l_mtlt_lot_number; -- Bug #4141928
7563           EXIT WHEN lot_csr%NOTFOUND;
7565           IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7566             mydebug('l_mtlt_lot_number : ' || l_mtlt_lot_number);
7567             mydebug('l_mtlt_primary_qty: ' || l_mtlt_primary_qty);
7568     mydebug('l_mtlt_secondary_qty: ' || l_mtlt_secondary_qty);  -- Bug #4141928
7569           END IF;
7572           IF NVL(l_allocated_lpn_id, 0) = p_fromlpn_id THEN
7573             --from lpn is the same as allocated_lpn, we need to update qty tree as negative qty
7574             -- in order to get correct att.
7575             inv_quantity_tree_pub.update_quantities(
7576               p_api_version_number         => 1.0
7577             , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
7578             , x_return_status              => l_return_status
7579             , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_cnt
7580             , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
7581             , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
7582             , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
7583             , p_tree_mode                  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
7584             , p_is_revision_control        => b_is_revision_control
7585             , p_is_lot_control             => TRUE
7586             , p_is_serial_control          => b_is_serial_control
7587             , p_revision                   => NVL(p_rev, NULL)
7588             , p_lot_number                 => l_mtlt_lot_number
7589             , p_subinventory_code          => l_sub
7590             , p_locator_id                 => l_loc_id
7591             , p_primary_quantity           => -l_mtlt_primary_qty
7592             , p_secondary_quantity         => -l_mtlt_secondary_qty -- Bug #4141928
7593             , p_quantity_type              => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qs_txn
7594             , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
7595             , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
7596             , x_qr                         => l_qr
7597             , x_qs                         => l_qs
7598             , x_att                        => l_att
7599             , x_atr                        => l_atr
7600             , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh        -- Bug #4141928
7601             , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                -- Bug #4141928
7602             , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                  -- Bug #4141928
7603             , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                  -- Bug #4141928
7604             , x_satt                       => l_satt                 -- Bug #4141928
7605             , x_satr                       => l_satr                 -- Bug #4141928
7606             , p_lpn_id                     => p_fromlpn_id
7607             , p_transfer_subinventory_code => l_xfr_sub_code
7608             );
7610             IF (l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) THEN
7611               IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7612                 mydebug('after update qty tree for lpn l_att:' || l_att || ' for lot:' || l_mtlt_lot_number);
7613       mydebug('after update qty tree for lpn l_satt:' || l_satt || ' for lot:' || l_mtlt_lot_number);
7614               END IF;
7615             ELSE
7616               IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7617                 mydebug('calling update qty tree with lpn 1st time failed ');
7618               END IF;
7620               fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_INVALID_QUANTITY_TYPE');
7621               fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PUB.QUERY_QUANTITIES');
7622               fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
7623               RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
7624             END IF;
7625           --Bug#5649056: only update if subinventory and locator match
7626           ELSIF ( l_lpn_sub = l_mmtt_sub AND l_lpn_loc = l_mmtt_loc ) THEN
7627             inv_quantity_tree_pub.update_quantities(
7628               p_api_version_number         => 1.0
7629             , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
7630             , x_return_status              => l_return_status
7631             , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_cnt
7632             , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
7633             , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
7634             , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
7635             , p_tree_mode                  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
7636             , p_is_revision_control        => b_is_revision_control
7637             , p_is_lot_control             => TRUE
7638             , p_is_serial_control          => b_is_serial_control
7639             , p_revision                   => NVL(p_rev, NULL)
7640             , p_lot_number                 => l_mtlt_lot_number
7641             , p_subinventory_code          => l_sub
7642             , p_locator_id                 => l_loc_id
7643             , p_primary_quantity           => -l_mtlt_primary_qty
7644             , p_secondary_quantity         => -l_mtlt_secondary_qty -- Bug #4141928
7645             , p_quantity_type              => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qs_txn
7646             , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
7647             , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
7648             , x_qr                         => l_qr
7649             , x_qs                         => l_qs
7650             , x_att                        => l_att
7651             , x_atr                        => l_atr
7652             , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh        -- Bug #4141928
7653             , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                -- Bug #4141928
7654             , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                  -- Bug #4141928
7655             , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                  -- Bug #4141928
7656             , x_satt                       => l_satt                 -- Bug #4141928
7657             , x_satr                       => l_satr                 -- Bug #4141928
7658             --  , p_lpn_id                =>   p_fromlpn_id      withour lpn_id, only to locator level
7659             , p_transfer_subinventory_code => l_xfr_sub_code
7660             );
7662             IF (l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) THEN
7663               IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7664                 mydebug('after update qty tree without lpn l_att:' || l_att || ' for lot:' || l_mtlt_lot_number);
7665       mydebug('after update qty tree without lpn l_satt:' || l_satt || ' for lot:' || l_mtlt_lot_number);
7666               END IF;
7667             ELSE
7668               IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7669                 mydebug('calling update qty tree back without lpn 1st time failed ');
7670               END IF;
7672               fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_INVALID_QUANTITY_TYPE');
7673               fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PUB.QUERY_QUANTITIES');
7674               fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
7675               RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
7676             END IF;
7677           END IF;
7679           inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities(
7680             p_api_version_number         => 1.0
7681           , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
7682           , x_return_status              => l_return_status
7683           , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_cnt
7684           , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
7685           , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
7686           , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
7687           , p_tree_mode                  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
7688           , p_is_revision_control        => b_is_revision_control
7689           , p_is_lot_control             => TRUE
7690           , p_is_serial_control          => b_is_serial_control
7691           , p_demand_source_type_id      => -9999
7692           , p_revision                   => NVL(p_rev, NULL)
7693           , p_lot_number                 => l_mtlt_lot_number
7694           , p_subinventory_code          => l_sub
7695           , p_locator_id                 => l_loc_id
7696           , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
7697           , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
7698           , x_qr                         => l_qr
7699           , x_qs                         => l_qs
7700           , x_att                        => l_att
7701           , x_atr                        => l_atr
7702     , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh         -- Bug #4141928
7703     , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                -- Bug #4141928
7704     , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                  -- Bug #4141928
7705     , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                  -- Bug #4141928
7706     , x_satt                       => l_satt                 -- Bug #4141928
7707     , x_satr                       => l_satr                 -- Bug #4141928
7708           , p_lpn_id                     => p_fromlpn_id
7709           , p_transfer_subinventory_code => l_xfr_sub_code
7710           , p_grade_code                 => NULL                   -- Bug #4141928
7711           );
7713           IF (l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) THEN
7714             IF (l_att > 0) THEN
7715               l_table_index  := l_table_index + 1;
7717               IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7718                   mydebug('l_table_index:' || l_table_index || ' lot_number:' || l_mtlt_lot_number || ' qty: ' || l_att);
7719               END IF;
7720               -- bug 3547725, now no matter what relation it is between l_mtlt_primary_qty and l_att
7721               -- we always use l_att
7723               l_lpn_pr_qty                                   := l_lpn_pr_qty + l_att;
7724       l_lpn_sec_qty                                  := l_lpn_sec_qty + l_satt;
7725               t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_index).lpn_id      := p_fromlpn_id;
7726               t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_index).lot_number  := l_mtlt_lot_number;
7727               t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_index).pri_qty := l_att;
7728       t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_index).sec_qty := l_satt; -- Bug #4141928
7729               IF (l_primary_uom = p_trx_uom) THEN
7730                      t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_index).trx_qty := l_att;
7731               ELSE
7732                      t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_index).trx_qty := inv_convert.inv_um_convert(
7733                                                item_id        => p_item_id
7734                                               ,precision      => null
7735                                               ,from_quantity  => l_att
7736                                               ,from_unit      => l_primary_uom
7737                                               ,to_unit        => p_trx_uom
7738                                               ,from_name      => null
7739                                               ,to_name        => null);
7740               END IF;
7741             ELSE
7742               IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7743                 mydebug('LPN does not have lot ' || l_mtlt_lot_number);
7744               END IF;
7745             --mydebug('l_table_index:'||l_table_index||' lot_number:'||l_mtlt_lot_number||' qty: 0 ');
7746             --t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_index).lpn_id := p_fromlpn_id;
7747             --t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_index).lot_number := l_mtlt_lot_number;
7748             --t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_index).pri_qty := l_mtlt_primary_qty;
7749             END IF;
7750           ELSE
7751             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7752               mydebug('calling qty tree 1st time failed ');
7753             END IF;
7755             fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_INVALID_QUANTITY_TYPE');
7756             fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PUB.QUERY_QUANTITIES');
7757             fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
7758             RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
7759           END IF;
7761           IF NVL(l_allocated_lpn_id, 0) = p_fromlpn_id THEN
7762             --from lpn is the same as allocated_lpn, we need to update qty tree as negative qty
7763             -- in order to get correct att.
7764             inv_quantity_tree_pub.update_quantities(
7765               p_api_version_number         => 1.0
7766             , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
7767             , x_return_status              => l_return_status
7768             , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_cnt
7769             , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
7770             , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
7771             , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
7772             , p_tree_mode                  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
7773             , p_is_revision_control        => b_is_revision_control
7774             , p_is_lot_control             => TRUE
7775             , p_is_serial_control          => b_is_serial_control
7776             , p_revision                   => NVL(p_rev, NULL)
7777             , p_lot_number                 => l_mtlt_lot_number
7778             , p_subinventory_code          => l_sub
7779             , p_locator_id                 => l_loc_id
7780             , p_primary_quantity           => l_mtlt_primary_qty
7781             , p_secondary_quantity         => l_mtlt_secondary_qty -- Bug #4141928
7782             , p_quantity_type              => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qs_txn
7783             , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
7784             , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
7785             , x_qr                         => l_qr
7786             , x_qs                         => l_qs
7787             , x_att                        => l_att
7788             , x_atr                        => l_atr
7789             , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh        -- Bug #4141928
7790             , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                -- Bug #4141928
7791             , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                  -- Bug #4141928
7792             , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                  -- Bug #4141928
7793             , x_satt                       => l_satt                 -- Bug #4141928
7794             , x_satr                       => l_satr                 -- Bug #4141928
7795             , p_lpn_id                     => p_fromlpn_id
7796             , p_transfer_subinventory_code => l_xfr_sub_code
7797             );
7799             IF (l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) THEN
7800               IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7801                 mydebug('after update qty tree back for lpn l_att:' || l_att || ' for lot:' || l_mtlt_lot_number);
7802       mydebug('after update qty tree back for lpn l_satt:' || l_satt || ' for lot:' || l_mtlt_lot_number);
7803               END IF;
7804             ELSE
7805               IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7806                 mydebug('calling update qty tree back with lpn 1st time failed ');
7807               END IF;
7809               fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_INVALID_QUANTITY_TYPE');
7810               fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PUB.QUERY_QUANTITIES');
7811               fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
7812               RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
7813             END IF;
7814           --Bug#5649056: only update if subinventory and locator match
7815           ELSIF ( l_lpn_sub = l_mmtt_sub AND l_lpn_loc = l_mmtt_loc ) THEN
7816             inv_quantity_tree_pub.update_quantities(
7817               p_api_version_number         => 1.0
7818             , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
7819             , x_return_status              => l_return_status
7820             , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_cnt
7821             , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
7822             , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
7823             , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
7824             , p_tree_mode                  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
7825             , p_is_revision_control        => b_is_revision_control
7826             , p_is_lot_control             => TRUE
7827             , p_is_serial_control          => b_is_serial_control
7828             , p_revision                   => NVL(p_rev, NULL)
7829             , p_lot_number                 => l_mtlt_lot_number
7830             , p_subinventory_code          => l_sub
7831             , p_locator_id                 => l_loc_id
7832             , p_primary_quantity           => l_mtlt_primary_qty
7833             , p_secondary_quantity         => l_mtlt_secondary_qty -- Bug #4141928
7834             , p_quantity_type              => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qs_txn
7835             , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
7836             , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
7837             , x_qr                         => l_qr
7838             , x_qs                         => l_qs
7839             , x_att                        => l_att
7840             , x_atr                        => l_atr
7841             , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh        -- Bug #4141928
7842             , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                -- Bug #4141928
7843             , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                  -- Bug #4141928
7844             , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                  -- Bug #4141928
7845             , x_satt                       => l_satt                 -- Bug #4141928
7846             , x_satr                       => l_satr                 -- Bug #4141928
7847             --  , p_lpn_id                =>   p_fromlpn_id      withour lpn_id, only to locator level
7848             , p_transfer_subinventory_code => l_xfr_sub_code
7849             );
7851             IF (l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) THEN
7852               IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7853                 mydebug('after update qty tree back without lpn l_att:' || l_att || ' for lot:' || l_mtlt_lot_number);
7854       mydebug('after update qty tree back without lpn l_satt:' || l_satt || ' for lot:' || l_mtlt_lot_number);
7855               END IF;
7856             ELSE
7857               IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7858                 mydebug('calling update qty tree back without lpn 1st time failed ');
7859               END IF;
7861               fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_INVALID_QUANTITY_TYPE');
7862               fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PUB.QUERY_QUANTITIES');
7863               fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
7864               RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
7865             END IF;
7866           END IF;
7867         END LOOP;
7869         CLOSE lot_csr;
7870         -- Bug #4141928. No changes required for OPM convergence.
7871     -- Let primary qty drive the lpn_match
7872         IF  (l_lpn_pr_qty >= l_pr_qty  ) THEN
7873              x_match := 5;
7874         ELSE
7875              x_match := 2;
7876         END IF;
7877   -- Bug #4141928. No changes required for OPM convergence.
7878   -- OPM does not have a serial case
7879   -- bug 4277869
7880      /* ELSIF p_is_sn_alloc = 'Y'
7881             AND p_action = 4 THEN
7882         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7883           mydebug('SN control and SN allocation on');
7884         END IF;
7886         SELECT COUNT(fm_serial_number)
7887           INTO l_serial_exist_cnt
7888           FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
7889          WHERE msnt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
7890            AND msnt.fm_serial_number IN(
7891                                         SELECT serial_number
7892                                           FROM mtl_serial_numbers
7893                                          WHERE lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
7894                                            AND inventory_item_id = p_item_id
7895                                            AND NVL(revision, '-999') = NVL(p_rev, '-999'));
7897         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7898           mydebug('SN exist count' || l_serial_exist_cnt);
7899         END IF;
7901         IF (l_serial_exist_cnt = 0) THEN
7902           IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7903             mydebug('LPN does not have the allocated serials ');
7904           END IF;
7906           -- Serial numbers missing for the transaction
7907           x_match  := 9;
7908           fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_INT_SERMISEXP');
7909           fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
7910           RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
7911         END IF;
7913         SELECT COUNT(fm_serial_number)
7914           INTO l_total_serial_cnt
7915           FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
7916          WHERE mtlt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
7917            AND msnt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id;
7919         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7920           mydebug('SN tot count' || l_total_serial_cnt);
7921         END IF;
7923         IF (l_total_serial_cnt = l_serial_exist_cnt) THEN
7924           IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7925             mydebug('LPN matches exactly');
7926           END IF;
7928           --x_match  := 1;  It can not be exactly match, since lpn contains other items
7929           x_match := 5;
7930         ELSIF(l_total_serial_cnt > l_serial_exist_cnt) THEN
7931           IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7932             mydebug('LPN has less');
7933           END IF;
7935           --x_match    := 3;  It can not be fully consumable lpn, since lpn contains other items.
7936           x_match := 2;
7937           l_lpn_pr_qty  := l_serial_exist_cnt;
7938         ELSE
7939           IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7940             mydebug('LPN has extra serials');
7941           END IF;
7943           x_match  := 4;
7944         END IF;
7945        -- end of bug 4277869
7946         */
7947       ELSE -- Plain item OR REVISION controlled item
7948            -- or serial controlled
7949         -- bug 4277869
7950         IF p_is_sn_alloc = 'Y'
7951                  AND p_action = 4 THEN
7952              IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7953                mydebug('SN control and SN allocation on');
7954              END IF;
7956              SELECT COUNT(fm_serial_number)
7957                INTO l_serial_exist_cnt
7958                FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
7959               WHERE msnt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
7960                 AND msnt.fm_serial_number IN(
7961                                    SELECT serial_number
7962                                      FROM mtl_serial_numbers
7963                                     WHERE lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
7964                                       AND inventory_item_id = p_item_id
7965                                       AND NVL(revision, '-999') = NVL(p_rev, '-999'));
7967              IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7968                mydebug('SN exist count' || l_serial_exist_cnt);
7969              END IF;
7971              IF (l_serial_exist_cnt = 0) THEN
7972                IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7973                  mydebug('LPN does not have the allocated serials ');
7974                END IF;
7976                -- Serial numbers missing for the transaction
7977                x_match  := 9;
7978                fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_INT_SERMISEXP');
7979                fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
7980                RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
7981              END IF;
7982         END IF;
7983         -- end of bug 4277869
7985         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
7986           mydebug('Getting total qty in user entered uom..');
7987         END IF;
7989         IF NVL(l_allocated_lpn_id, 0) = p_fromlpn_id THEN
7990           --from lpn is the same as allocated_lpn, we need to update qty tree as negative qty
7991           -- in order to get correct att.
7992           inv_quantity_tree_pub.update_quantities(
7993             p_api_version_number         => 1.0
7994           , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
7995           , x_return_status              => l_return_status
7996           , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_cnt
7997           , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
7998           , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
7999           , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
8000           , p_tree_mode                  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
8001           , p_is_revision_control        => b_is_revision_control
8002           , p_is_lot_control             => FALSE
8003           , p_is_serial_control          => b_is_serial_control
8004           , p_revision                   => NVL(p_rev, NULL)
8005           , p_lot_number                 => NULL
8006           , p_subinventory_code          => l_sub
8007           , p_locator_id                 => l_loc_id
8008           , p_primary_quantity           => -l_pr_qty
8009           , p_secondary_quantity         => -l_sec_qty -- Bug #4141928
8010           , p_quantity_type              => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qs_txn
8011           , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
8012           , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
8013           , x_qr                         => l_qr
8014           , x_qs                         => l_qs
8015           , x_att                        => l_att
8016           , x_atr                        => l_atr
8017     , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh         -- Bug #4141928
8018     , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                -- Bug #4141928
8019     , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                  -- Bug #4141928
8020     , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                  -- Bug #4141928
8021     , x_satt                       => l_satt                 -- Bug #4141928
8022     , x_satr                       => l_satr                 -- Bug #4141928
8023           , p_lpn_id                     => p_fromlpn_id
8024           , p_transfer_subinventory_code => l_xfr_sub_code
8025           );
8027           IF (l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) THEN
8028             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8029               mydebug('update qty tree with lpn 2nd time: l_att:' || l_att);
8030       mydebug('update qty tree with lpn 2nd time: l_satt:' || l_satt); -- Bug #4141928
8031             END IF;
8032           ELSE
8033             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8034               mydebug('calling update qty tree with lpn 2nd time failed ');
8035             END IF;
8037             fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_INVALID_QUANTITY_TYPE');
8038             fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PUB.QUERY_QUANTITIES');
8039             fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
8040             RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
8041           END IF;
8042         --Bug#5649056: only update if subinventory and locator match
8043         ELSIF ( l_lpn_sub = l_mmtt_sub AND l_lpn_loc = l_mmtt_loc ) THEN
8044           inv_quantity_tree_pub.update_quantities(
8045             p_api_version_number         => 1.0
8046           , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
8047           , x_return_status              => l_return_status
8048           , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_cnt
8049           , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
8050           , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
8051           , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
8052           , p_tree_mode                  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
8053           , p_is_revision_control        => b_is_revision_control
8054           , p_is_lot_control             => FALSE
8055           , p_is_serial_control          => b_is_serial_control
8056           , p_revision                   => NVL(p_rev, NULL)
8057           , p_lot_number                 => NULL
8058           , p_subinventory_code          => l_sub
8059           , p_locator_id                 => l_loc_id
8060           , p_primary_quantity           => -l_pr_qty
8061     , p_secondary_quantity         => -l_sec_qty -- Bug #4141928
8062           , p_quantity_type              => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qs_txn
8063           , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
8064           , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
8065           , x_qr                         => l_qr
8066           , x_qs                         => l_qs
8067           , x_att                        => l_att
8068           , x_atr                        => l_atr
8069     , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh         -- Bug #4141928
8070     , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                -- Bug #4141928
8071     , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                  -- Bug #4141928
8072     , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                  -- Bug #4141928
8073     , x_satt                       => l_satt                 -- Bug #4141928
8074     , x_satr                       => l_satr                 -- Bug #4141928
8075           --  , p_lpn_id                =>   p_fromlpn_id      withour lpn_id, only to locator level
8076           , p_transfer_subinventory_code => l_xfr_sub_code
8077           );
8079           IF (l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) THEN
8080             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8081               mydebug('update qty tree without lpn 2nd time:l_att:' || l_att);
8082       mydebug('update qty tree with lpn 2nd time: l_satt:' || l_satt); -- Bug #4141928
8083             END IF;
8084           ELSE
8085             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8086               mydebug('calling update qty tree back without lpn 2nd time failed ');
8087             END IF;
8089             fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_INVALID_QUANTITY_TYPE');
8090             fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PUB.QUERY_QUANTITIES');
8091             fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
8092             RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
8093           END IF;
8094         END IF;
8096         inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities(
8097           p_api_version_number         => 1.0
8098         , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
8099         , x_return_status              => l_return_status
8100         , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_cnt
8101         , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
8102         , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
8103         , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
8104         , p_tree_mode                  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
8105         , p_is_revision_control        => b_is_revision_control
8106         , p_is_lot_control             => FALSE
8107         , p_is_serial_control          => b_is_serial_control
8108         , p_demand_source_type_id      => -9999
8109         , p_revision                   => NVL(p_rev, NULL)
8110         , p_lot_number                 => NULL
8111         , p_subinventory_code          => l_sub
8112         , p_locator_id                 => l_loc_id
8113         , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
8114         , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
8115         , x_qr                         => l_qr
8116         , x_qs                         => l_qs
8117         , x_att                        => l_att
8118         , x_atr                        => l_atr
8119     , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh       -- Bug #4141928
8120     , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                -- Bug #4141928
8121     , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                  -- Bug #4141928
8122     , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                  -- Bug #4141928
8123     , x_satt                       => l_satt                 -- Bug #4141928
8124     , x_satr                       => l_satr                 -- Bug #4141928
8125         , p_lpn_id                     => p_fromlpn_id
8126         , p_transfer_subinventory_code => l_xfr_sub_code
8127         , p_grade_code                 => NULL                   -- Bug #4141928
8128         );
8130         IF (l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) THEN
8131               l_lpn_pr_qty  := l_att;
8132       l_lpn_sec_qty  := l_satt;     -- Bug #4141928
8133       -- Bug #4141928. No changes required for OPM convergence.
8134       -- let primary qty drive the lpn match
8135               IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8136                       mydebug('l_att:        ' || l_att);
8137                       mydebug('l_lpn_pr_qty: ' || l_lpn_pr_qty);
8138                       mydebug('l_pr_qty:     ' || l_pr_qty);
8139               END IF;
8140               IF (l_lpn_pr_qty >= l_pr_qty) THEN
8141                   x_match := 5;
8142               ELSE
8143                   x_match := 2;
8144               END IF;
8145         ELSE
8146           IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8147             mydebug('calling qty tree 2nd time failed ');
8148           END IF;
8150           fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_INVALID_QUANTITY_TYPE');
8151           fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PUB.QUERY_QUANTITIES');
8152           fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
8153           RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
8154         END IF;
8156         IF NVL(l_allocated_lpn_id, 0) = p_fromlpn_id THEN
8157           --from lpn is the same as allocated_lpn, we need to update qty tree as negative qty
8158           -- in order to get correct att.
8159           inv_quantity_tree_pub.update_quantities(
8160             p_api_version_number         => 1.0
8161           , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
8162           , x_return_status              => l_return_status
8163           , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_cnt
8164           , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
8165           , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
8166           , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
8167           , p_tree_mode                  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
8168           , p_is_revision_control        => b_is_revision_control
8169           , p_is_lot_control             => FALSE
8170           , p_is_serial_control          => b_is_serial_control
8171           , p_revision                   => NVL(p_rev, NULL)
8172           , p_lot_number                 => NULL
8173           , p_subinventory_code          => l_sub
8174           , p_locator_id                 => l_loc_id
8175           , p_primary_quantity           => l_pr_qty
8176     , p_secondary_quantity         => l_sec_qty   -- Bug #4141928
8177           , p_quantity_type              => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qs_txn
8178           , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
8179           , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
8180           , x_qr                         => l_qr
8181           , x_qs                         => l_qs
8182           , x_att                        => l_att
8183           , x_atr                        => l_atr
8184     , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh         -- Bug #4141928
8185     , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                -- Bug #4141928
8186     , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                  -- Bug #4141928
8187     , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                  -- Bug #4141928
8188     , x_satt                       => l_satt                 -- Bug #4141928
8189     , x_satr                       => l_satr                 -- Bug #4141928
8190           , p_lpn_id                     => p_fromlpn_id
8191           , p_transfer_subinventory_code => l_xfr_sub_code
8192           );
8194           IF (l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) THEN
8195             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8196               mydebug('update qty tree back with lpn 2nd time: l_att:' || l_att);
8197       mydebug('update qty tree back with lpn 2nd time: l_satt:' || l_satt);  -- Bug #4141928
8198             END IF;
8199           ELSE
8200             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8201               mydebug('calling update qty tree with lpn 2nd time failed ');
8202             END IF;
8204             fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_INVALID_QUANTITY_TYPE');
8205             fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PUB.QUERY_QUANTITIES');
8206             fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
8207             RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
8208           END IF;
8209         --Bug#5649056: only update if subinventory and locator match
8210         ELSIF ( l_lpn_sub = l_mmtt_sub AND l_lpn_loc = l_mmtt_loc ) THEN
8211           inv_quantity_tree_pub.update_quantities(
8212             p_api_version_number         => 1.0
8213           , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
8214           , x_return_status              => l_return_status
8215           , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_cnt
8216           , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
8217           , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
8218           , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
8219           , p_tree_mode                  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
8220           , p_is_revision_control        => b_is_revision_control
8221           , p_is_lot_control             => FALSE
8222           , p_is_serial_control          => b_is_serial_control
8223           , p_revision                   => NVL(p_rev, NULL)
8224           , p_lot_number                 => NULL
8225           , p_subinventory_code          => l_sub
8226           , p_locator_id                 => l_loc_id
8227           , p_primary_quantity           => l_pr_qty
8228     , p_secondary_quantity         => l_sec_qty   -- Bug #4141928
8229           , p_quantity_type              => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qs_txn
8230           , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
8231           , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
8232           , x_qr                         => l_qr
8233           , x_qs                         => l_qs
8234           , x_att                        => l_att
8235           , x_atr                        => l_atr
8236     , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh         -- Bug #4141928
8237     , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                -- Bug #4141928
8238     , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                  -- Bug #4141928
8239     , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                  -- Bug #4141928
8240     , x_satt                       => l_satt                 -- Bug #4141928
8241     , x_satr                       => l_satr                 -- Bug #4141928
8242           --  , p_lpn_id                =>   p_fromlpn_id      withour lpn_id, only to locator level
8243           , p_transfer_subinventory_code => l_xfr_sub_code
8244           );
8246           IF (l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) THEN
8247             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8248               mydebug('update qty tree back without lpn 2nd time:l_att:' || l_att);
8249       mydebug('update qty tree back without lpn 2nd time:l_satt:' || l_satt);  -- Bug #4141928
8250             END IF;
8251           ELSE
8252             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8253               mydebug('calling update qty tree back without lpn 2nd time failed ');
8254             END IF;
8256             fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_INVALID_QUANTITY_TYPE');
8257             fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PUB.QUERY_QUANTITIES');
8258             fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
8259             RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
8260           END IF;
8261         END IF;
8262       END IF;
8263     ELSE
8264       -- LPN has just the item requested
8265       -- See if quantity/details it has will match the quantity allocated
8266       -- Find out if the item is lot/serial controlled and UOM of item
8267       -- and compare with transaction details
8269       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8270         mydebug('lpn has only the requested item ');
8271       END IF;
8273       SELECT primary_quantity, NVL(secondary_transaction_quantity, 0) -- Bug #4141928
8274         INTO l_mmtt_qty, l_mmtt_sec_qty           -- Bug #4141928
8275         FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
8276        WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
8278       -- If item is lot controlled then validate the lots
8280       IF l_lot_code > 1 THEN
8281         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8282           mydebug('item is lot controlled');
8283         END IF;
8285         -- initialize
8286         l_check_tolerance := true;
8287         -- If item is also serial controlled and serial allocation is
8288         -- on then count the number of serials allocated which exist
8289         -- in the LPN.
8290         -- If the count is 0 then raise an error
8292         IF p_is_sn_alloc = 'Y'
8293            AND p_action = 4 THEN
8294           IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8295             mydebug('SN control and SN allocation on');
8296           END IF;
8298           SELECT COUNT(fm_serial_number)
8299             INTO l_serial_exist_cnt
8300             FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
8301            WHERE mtlt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
8302              AND msnt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id
8303              AND msnt.fm_serial_number IN(
8304                                         SELECT serial_number
8305                                           FROM mtl_serial_numbers
8306                                          WHERE lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
8307                                            AND inventory_item_id = p_item_id
8308                                            AND NVL(revision, '-999') = NVL(p_rev, '-999'));
8310           IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8311             mydebug('SN exist count' || l_serial_exist_cnt);
8312           END IF;
8314           IF (l_serial_exist_cnt = 0) THEN
8315             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8316               mydebug('No serial allocations have occured or LPN does not have the allocated serials ');
8317             END IF;
8319             -- Serial numbers missing for the transaction
8320             x_match  := 9;
8321             fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_INT_SERMISEXP');
8322             fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
8323             RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
8324           END IF;
8325         END IF;
8327         -- Check whether the Lots allocated are all in the LPN
8328         -- An LPN can have many lots and items/revisions, check if the
8329         -- lots allocated for the item exist in the LPN and if any of
8330         -- them has quantity less/more than what was suggested.
8332         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8333           mydebug('Check whether the LPN has any lot whose quantity exceeds allocated quantity');
8334         END IF;
8336         l_lpn_pr_qty  := 0;
8337     l_lpn_sec_qty  := 0;  -- Bug #4141928
8338         OPEN lot_csr;
8340         LOOP
8341           FETCH lot_csr INTO l_mtlt_primary_qty, l_mtlt_secondary_qty, l_mtlt_lot_number; -- Bug #4141928
8342           EXIT WHEN lot_csr%NOTFOUND;
8343           l_lot_match  := 0;
8345           IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8346             mydebug('l_mtlt_lot_number : ' || l_mtlt_lot_number);
8347             mydebug('l_mtlt_primary_qty: ' || l_mtlt_primary_qty);
8348     mydebug('l_mtlt_secondary_qty: ' || l_mtlt_secondary_qty); -- Bug #4141928
8349           END IF;
8351           l_lot_cnt    := l_lot_cnt - 1;
8353           IF NVL(l_allocated_lpn_id, 0) = p_fromlpn_id THEN
8354             --from lpn is the same as allocated_lpn, we need to update qty tree as negative qty
8355             -- in order to get correct att.
8356             inv_quantity_tree_pub.update_quantities(
8357               p_api_version_number         => 1.0
8358             , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
8359             , x_return_status              => l_return_status
8360             , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_cnt
8361             , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
8362             , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
8363             , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
8364             , p_tree_mode                  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
8365             , p_is_revision_control        => b_is_revision_control
8366             , p_is_lot_control             => TRUE
8367             , p_is_serial_control          => b_is_serial_control
8368             , p_revision                   => NVL(p_rev, NULL)
8369             , p_lot_number                 => l_mtlt_lot_number
8370             , p_subinventory_code          => l_sub
8371             , p_locator_id                 => l_loc_id
8372             , p_primary_quantity           => -l_mtlt_primary_qty
8373     , p_secondary_quantity         => -l_mtlt_secondary_qty -- Bug #4141928
8374             , p_quantity_type              => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qs_txn
8375             , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
8376             , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
8377             , x_qr                         => l_qr
8378             , x_qs                         => l_qs
8379             , x_att                        => l_att
8380             , x_atr                        => l_atr
8381             , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh        -- Bug #4141928
8382             , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                -- Bug #4141928
8383             , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                  -- Bug #4141928
8384             , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                  -- Bug #4141928
8385             , x_satt                       => l_satt                 -- Bug #4141928
8386             , x_satr                       => l_satr                 -- Bug #4141928
8387             , p_lpn_id                     => p_fromlpn_id
8388             , p_transfer_subinventory_code => l_xfr_sub_code
8389             );
8391             IF (l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) THEN
8392               IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8393                 mydebug('update qty tree 3rd time for lpn l_att:' || l_att || ' for lot:' || l_mtlt_lot_number);
8394       mydebug('update qty tree 3rd time for lpn l_satt:' || l_satt || ' for lot:' || l_mtlt_lot_number);  -- Bug #4141928
8395               END IF;
8396             ELSE
8397               IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8398                 mydebug('calling update qty tree with lpn 3rd time failed ');
8399               END IF;
8401               fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_INVALID_QUANTITY_TYPE');
8402               fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PUB.QUERY_QUANTITIES');
8403               fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
8404               RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
8405             END IF;
8406           --Bug#5649056: only update if subinventory and locator match
8407           ELSIF ( l_lpn_sub = l_mmtt_sub AND l_lpn_loc = l_mmtt_loc ) THEN
8408             inv_quantity_tree_pub.update_quantities(
8409               p_api_version_number         => 1.0
8410             , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
8411             , x_return_status              => l_return_status
8412             , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_cnt
8413             , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
8414             , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
8415             , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
8416             , p_tree_mode                  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
8417             , p_is_revision_control        => b_is_revision_control
8418             , p_is_lot_control             => TRUE
8419             , p_is_serial_control          => b_is_serial_control
8420             , p_revision                   => NVL(p_rev, NULL)
8421             , p_lot_number                 => l_mtlt_lot_number
8422             , p_subinventory_code          => l_sub
8423             , p_locator_id                 => l_loc_id
8424             , p_primary_quantity           => -l_mtlt_primary_qty
8425     , p_secondary_quantity         => -l_mtlt_secondary_qty -- Bug #4141928
8426             , p_quantity_type              => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qs_txn
8427             , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
8428             , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
8429             , x_qr                         => l_qr
8430             , x_qs                         => l_qs
8431             , x_att                        => l_att
8432             , x_atr                        => l_atr
8433             , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh        -- Bug #4141928
8434             , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                -- Bug #4141928
8435             , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                  -- Bug #4141928
8436             , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                  -- Bug #4141928
8437             , x_satt                       => l_satt                 -- Bug #4141928
8438             , x_satr                       => l_satr                 -- Bug #4141928
8439             --  , p_lpn_id                =>   p_fromlpn_id      withour lpn_id, only to locator level
8440             , p_transfer_subinventory_code => l_xfr_sub_code
8441             );
8443             IF (l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) THEN
8444               IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8445                 mydebug('after update without lpn 3rd time l_att:' || l_att || ' for lot:' || l_mtlt_lot_number);
8446       mydebug('after update without lpn 3rd time l_satt:' || l_satt || ' for lot:' || l_mtlt_lot_number);  -- Bug #4141928
8447               END IF;
8448             ELSE
8449               IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8450                 mydebug('calling update qty tree back 3rd time without lpn 3rd time failed ');
8451               END IF;
8453               fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_INVALID_QUANTITY_TYPE');
8454               fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PUB.QUERY_QUANTITIES');
8455               fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
8456               RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
8457             END IF;
8458           END IF;
8460           inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities(
8461             p_api_version_number         => 1.0
8462           , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
8463           , x_return_status              => l_return_status
8464           , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_cnt
8465           , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
8466           , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
8467           , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
8468           , p_tree_mode                  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
8469           , p_is_revision_control        => b_is_revision_control
8470           , p_is_lot_control             => TRUE
8471           , p_is_serial_control          => b_is_serial_control
8472           , p_demand_source_type_id      => -9999
8473           , p_revision                   => NVL(p_rev, NULL)
8474           , p_lot_number                 => l_mtlt_lot_number
8475           , p_subinventory_code          => l_sub
8476           , p_locator_id                 => l_loc_id
8477           , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
8478           , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
8479           , x_qr                         => l_qr
8480           , x_qs                         => l_qs
8481           , x_att                        => l_att
8482           , x_atr                        => l_atr
8483     , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh         -- Bug #4141928
8484     , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                -- Bug #4141928
8485     , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                  -- Bug #4141928
8486     , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                  -- Bug #4141928
8487     , x_satt                       => l_satt                 -- Bug #4141928
8488     , x_satr                       => l_satr                 -- Bug #4141928
8489           , p_lpn_id                     => p_fromlpn_id
8490           , p_transfer_subinventory_code => l_xfr_sub_code
8491           , p_grade_code                 => NULL                   -- Bug #4141928
8492           );
8494           IF (l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) THEN
8495             l_lot_match  := 1;
8497             IF (l_att > 0) THEN
8498               l_table_index  := l_table_index + 1;
8499               -- bug 3547725, now no matter what relation it is between l_mtlt_primary_qty and l_att
8500               -- we always use l_att
8502               l_lpn_pr_qty := l_lpn_pr_qty + l_att;
8503               l_lpn_sec_qty := l_lpn_sec_qty + l_satt;  -- Bug #4141928
8504               IF l_att < l_qoh THEN
8505                   l_check_tolerance := false;
8506                   IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8507                     mydebug('l_att < l_qoh: set l_check_tolerance to false');
8508                   END IF;
8509               END IF;
8511               IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8512                   mydebug('l_table_index:' || l_table_index || ' lot_number:' || l_mtlt_lot_number || ' qty:' || l_att);
8513               END IF;
8515               t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_index).lpn_id      := p_fromlpn_id;
8516               t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_index).lot_number  := l_mtlt_lot_number;
8517               t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_index).pri_qty := l_att;
8518       t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_index).sec_qty := l_satt;  -- Bug #4141928
8519               IF (l_primary_uom = p_trx_uom) THEN
8520                    t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_index).trx_qty := l_att;
8521               ELSE
8522                    t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_index).trx_qty := inv_convert.inv_um_convert(
8523                                                  item_id        => p_item_id
8524                                                 ,precision      => null
8525                                                 ,from_quantity  => l_att
8526                                                 ,from_unit      => l_primary_uom
8527                                                 ,to_unit        => p_trx_uom
8528                                                 ,from_name      => null
8529                                                 ,to_name        => null);
8530               END IF;
8531             ELSE
8532               IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8533                 mydebug('LPN does not have lot ' || l_mtlt_lot_number);
8534               END IF;
8536               IF x_match <> 4 THEN
8537                 x_match  := 3;
8538               END IF;
8540               l_lot_match  := 0;
8541               l_lot_cnt    := l_lot_cnt + 1;
8542               l_check_tolerance := false;
8543               IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8544                   mydebug('LPN does not have lot ' || l_mtlt_lot_number);
8545                   mydebug('set l_check_tolerance to false');
8546               END IF;
8547             END IF;
8548           ELSE
8549             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8550               mydebug('calling qty tree 3rd time failed ');
8551             END IF;
8553             fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_INVALID_QUANTITY_TYPE');
8554             fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PUB.QUERY_QUANTITIES');
8555             fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
8556             RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
8557           END IF;
8559           IF (l_lot_match <> 0)
8560              AND (x_match <> 4) THEN
8561             IF l_mtlt_primary_qty < l_att THEN
8562               IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8563                 mydebug('Qty in LPN for lot ' || l_mtlt_lot_number || ' is more than transaction qty for that lot');
8564               END IF;
8566               x_match  := 4;
8567             ELSIF l_mtlt_primary_qty > l_att THEN
8568               IF l_qoh = l_att THEN
8569                 IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8570                   mydebug('Qty in LPN for lot ' || l_mtlt_lot_number || ' is less than transaction qty for that lot');
8571                 END IF;
8573                 x_match  := 3;
8574                 if (l_lot_string is null) then
8575                      l_lot_string := l_mtlt_lot_number;
8576                 else
8577                      l_lot_string := l_lot_string ||':'||l_mtlt_lot_number;
8578                 end if;
8580                 if (l_lot_qty_string is null ) then
8581                      l_lot_qty_string := l_att;
8582                 else
8583                      l_lot_qty_string := l_lot_qty_string || ':'||l_att;
8584                 end if;
8586                 -- Bug #4141928. Build the sec lot qty string
8587                 if (l_lot_sec_qty_string is null ) then
8588                      l_lot_sec_qty_string := l_satt;
8589                 else
8590                      l_lot_sec_qty_string := l_lot_sec_qty_string || ':'||l_satt;
8591                 end if;
8592                 -- Bug #4141928
8593                 l_sec_qty_str := l_lot_sec_qty_string;
8594                 IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8595                        mydebug('l_lot_string:'||l_lot_string);
8596                        mydebug('l_lot_qty_string:'||l_lot_qty_string);
8597          mydebug('l_lot_sec_qty_string:'||l_lot_qty_string);
8598                 END IF;
8600               ELSE  --l_qoh > l_att
8601                 IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8602                   mydebug(
8603                        'Qty in LPN for lot '
8604                     || l_mtlt_lot_number
8605                     || ' is less than transaction qty for that lot and lpn is for multiple task'
8606                   );
8607                 END IF;
8609                 x_match  := 4;
8610               END IF;
8611             ELSE
8612               IF x_match <> 3 THEN
8613                 IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8614                   mydebug('qty in LPN for lot ' || l_mtlt_lot_number || ' is equal to transaction qty for that lot');
8615                 END IF;
8617                 IF l_qoh = l_att THEN
8618                   IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8619                     mydebug('lpn qoh is equal to att. Exact match');
8620                   END IF;
8621                   -- Bug #4141928
8622                   l_sec_qty_str := l_lot_sec_qty_string;
8623                   x_match  := 1;
8624                 ELSE
8625                   IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8626                     mydebug('lpn qoh is great than att. part of lpn is match');
8627                   END IF;
8629                   x_match  := 4;
8630                 END IF;
8631               END IF;
8632             END IF;
8633           END IF;
8635           if x_match <> 4 then
8636               IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8637                    mydebug('x_match is not 4.');
8638               END IF;
8639               IF x_match <> 1 THEN
8640                   l_check_tolerance := false;
8641                   IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8642                         mydebug('x_match is not 1, set l_check_tolerance to false');
8643                   END IF;
8644               ELSE
8645                   IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8646                       mydebug('x_match is 1 so far');
8647                   END IF;
8648               END IF;
8649           else
8650             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8651                     mydebug('x_match is 4');
8652             END IF;
8653             if l_check_tolerance then
8654                   IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8655                         mydebug('l_check_tolerance is true');
8656                   END IF;
8657                   IF l_mtlt_primary_qty > l_att then
8658                      l_check_tolerance := false;
8659                      IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8660                         mydebug('lpn has less qty than transaction qty for that lot. set l_check_tolerance to false');
8661                      END IF;
8662                   else -- in multiple lots case, since l_check_tolerance is for each lot, we will not
8663                        -- set l_check_tolerance to false when lpn_lot_qty = allocated_lot_qty.
8664                      IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8665                         mydebug('LPN has more or equal qty than transaction qty for that lot');
8666                      END IF;
8667                      if l_qoh > l_att then
8668                          l_check_tolerance := false;
8669                          IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8670                            mydebug('l_qoh > l_att, set l_check_tolerance to false');
8671                          END IF;
8672                      end if;
8673                   end if;
8674              end if;
8675           end if;
8677           IF NVL(l_allocated_lpn_id, 0) = p_fromlpn_id THEN
8678             --from lpn is the same as allocated_lpn, we need to update qty tree as negative qty
8679             -- in order to get correct att.
8680             inv_quantity_tree_pub.update_quantities(
8681               p_api_version_number         => 1.0
8682             , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
8683             , x_return_status              => l_return_status
8684             , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_cnt
8685             , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
8686             , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
8687             , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
8688             , p_tree_mode                  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
8689             , p_is_revision_control        => b_is_revision_control
8690             , p_is_lot_control             => TRUE
8691             , p_is_serial_control          => b_is_serial_control
8692             , p_revision                   => NVL(p_rev, NULL)
8693             , p_lot_number                 => l_mtlt_lot_number
8694             , p_subinventory_code          => l_sub
8695             , p_locator_id                 => l_loc_id
8696             , p_primary_quantity           => l_mtlt_primary_qty
8697     , p_secondary_quantity         => l_mtlt_secondary_qty -- Bug #4141928
8698             , p_quantity_type              => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qs_txn
8699             , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
8700             , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
8701             , x_qr                         => l_qr
8702             , x_qs                         => l_qs
8703             , x_att                        => l_att
8704             , x_atr                        => l_atr
8705             , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh        -- Bug #4141928
8706             , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                -- Bug #4141928
8707             , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                  -- Bug #4141928
8708             , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                  -- Bug #4141928
8709             , x_satt                       => l_satt                 -- Bug #4141928
8710             , x_satr                       => l_satr                 -- Bug #4141928
8711             , p_lpn_id                     => p_fromlpn_id
8712             , p_transfer_subinventory_code => l_xfr_sub_code
8713             );
8715             IF (l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) THEN
8716               IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8717                 mydebug('update qty tree back 3rd time for lpn l_att:' || l_att || ' for lot:' || l_mtlt_lot_number);
8718       mydebug('update qty tree back 3rd time for lpn l_satt:' || l_satt || ' for lot:' || l_mtlt_lot_number);  -- Bug #4141928
8719               END IF;
8720             ELSE
8721               IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8722                 mydebug('calling update qty tree with lpn 3rd time failed ');
8723               END IF;
8725               fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_INVALID_QUANTITY_TYPE');
8726               fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PUB.QUERY_QUANTITIES');
8727               fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
8728               RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
8729             END IF;
8730           --Bug#5649056: only update if subinventory and locator match
8731           ELSIF ( l_lpn_sub = l_mmtt_sub AND l_lpn_loc = l_mmtt_loc ) THEN
8732             inv_quantity_tree_pub.update_quantities(
8733               p_api_version_number         => 1.0
8734             , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
8735             , x_return_status              => l_return_status
8736             , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_cnt
8737             , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
8738             , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
8739             , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
8740             , p_tree_mode                  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
8741             , p_is_revision_control        => b_is_revision_control
8742             , p_is_lot_control             => TRUE
8743             , p_is_serial_control          => b_is_serial_control
8744             , p_revision                   => NVL(p_rev, NULL)
8745             , p_lot_number                 => l_mtlt_lot_number
8746             , p_subinventory_code          => l_sub
8747             , p_locator_id                 => l_loc_id
8748             , p_primary_quantity           => l_mtlt_primary_qty
8749     , p_secondary_quantity         => l_mtlt_secondary_qty -- Bug #4141928
8750             , p_quantity_type              => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qs_txn
8751             , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
8752             , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
8753             , x_qr                         => l_qr
8754             , x_qs                         => l_qs
8755             , x_att                        => l_att
8756             , x_atr                        => l_atr
8757             , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh        -- Bug #4141928
8758             , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                -- Bug #4141928
8759             , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                  -- Bug #4141928
8760             , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                  -- Bug #4141928
8761             , x_satt                       => l_satt                 -- Bug #4141928
8762             , x_satr                       => l_satr                 -- Bug #4141928
8763             --  , p_lpn_id                =>   p_fromlpn_id      withour lpn_id, only to locator level
8764             , p_transfer_subinventory_code => l_xfr_sub_code
8765             );
8767             IF (l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) THEN
8768               IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8769                 mydebug('after update qty tree back without lpn 3rd time l_att:' || l_att || ' for lot:' || l_mtlt_lot_number);
8770       mydebug('after update qty tree back without lpn 3rd time l_satt:' || l_satt || ' for lot:' || l_mtlt_lot_number);   -- Bug #4141928
8771               END IF;
8772             ELSE
8773               IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8774                 mydebug('calling update qty tree back without lpn 3rd time failed ');
8775               END IF;
8777               fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_INVALID_QUANTITY_TYPE');
8778               fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PUB.QUERY_QUANTITIES');
8779               fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
8780               RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
8781             END IF;
8782           END IF;
8783         END LOOP;
8785         CLOSE lot_csr;
8787         IF l_lot_cnt > 0 THEN
8788            IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8789                 mydebug('l_lot_cnt: '||l_lot_cnt||' l_lot_cnt > 0');
8790                 mydebug('set l_check_tolerance to false');
8791            END IF;
8792            l_check_tolerance := false;
8793            x_match  := 4;
8794         END IF;
8796         -- Now that all the lots have been validated, check whether the serial
8797         -- numbers allocated match the ones in the lpn.
8799     -- Bug #4141928. No changes required for OPM convergence.
8800     -- since this is a serial context
8801         IF p_is_sn_alloc = 'Y'
8802            AND p_action = 4    THEN
8804            SELECT COUNT(fm_serial_number)
8805              INTO l_total_serial_cnt
8806              FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
8807             WHERE mtlt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
8808               AND msnt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id;
8810            IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8811                 mydebug('SN tot count' || l_total_serial_cnt);
8812            END IF;
8814            IF (x_match = 1
8815                OR x_match = 3 ) THEN
8816                 IF (l_total_serial_cnt = l_serial_exist_cnt) THEN
8817                   IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8818                     mydebug('LPN matches exactly');
8819                   END IF;
8820                   x_match  := 1;
8821                 ELSIF(l_total_serial_cnt > l_serial_exist_cnt) THEN
8822                   IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8823                     mydebug('LPN has less');
8824                   END IF;
8825                   x_match  := 3;
8826                 ELSE
8827                   IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8828                     mydebug('LPN has extra serials');
8829                   END IF;
8830                   x_match  := 4;
8831                 END IF;
8832             END IF;
8833             IF (l_check_tolerance) THEN
8834                 IF (l_total_serial_cnt > l_serial_exist_cnt) THEN
8835                     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8836                          mydebug('There are serials which is not inside the lpn. set l_check_tolerance to false');
8837                     END IF;
8838                     l_check_tolerance := false;
8839                 END IF;
8840             END IF;
8841         END IF;
8843         IF l_check_tolerance THEN
8844               l_overpicked_qty := l_lpn_pr_qty - l_pr_qty;
8845               IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8846                    mydebug('end of mutiple lots, l_check_tolerance is true and l_overpicked_qty: '||l_overpicked_qty);
8847               END IF;
8848         END IF;
8850       ELSE -- Item is not lot controlled
8851         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8852           mydebug('Not Lot controlled ..');
8853         END IF;
8854         -- initialize
8855         l_check_tolerance := false;
8856         -- Check serial numbers if serial controlled and serial
8857         -- allocation is turned on
8859     -- Bug #4141928. No changes required for OPM convergence.
8860     -- since this is a serial context
8861         IF p_is_sn_alloc = 'Y'
8862            AND p_action = 4 THEN
8863           IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8864             mydebug('SN control and SN allocation on');
8865           END IF;
8867           SELECT COUNT(fm_serial_number)
8868             INTO l_serial_exist_cnt
8869             FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
8870            WHERE msnt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
8871              AND msnt.fm_serial_number IN(
8872                                         SELECT serial_number
8873                                           FROM mtl_serial_numbers
8874                                          WHERE lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
8875                                            AND inventory_item_id = p_item_id
8876                                            AND NVL(revision, '-999') = NVL(p_rev, '-999'));
8879           IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8880             mydebug('SN exist count' || l_serial_exist_cnt);
8881           END IF;
8883           IF (l_serial_exist_cnt = 0) THEN
8884             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8885               mydebug('LPN does not have the allocated serials ');
8886             END IF;
8888             -- Serial numbers missing for the transaction
8889             x_match  := 9;
8890             fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_INT_SERMISEXP');
8891             fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
8892             RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
8893           END IF;
8894         END IF;
8896         -- Get qty
8897         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8898           mydebug('get lpn quantity ');
8899         END IF;
8901         IF NVL(l_allocated_lpn_id, 0) = p_fromlpn_id THEN
8902           --from lpn is the same as allocated_lpn, we need to update qty tree as negative qty
8903           -- in order to get correct att.
8904           inv_quantity_tree_pub.update_quantities(
8905             p_api_version_number         => 1.0
8906           , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
8907           , x_return_status              => l_return_status
8908           , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_cnt
8909           , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
8910           , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
8911           , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
8912           , p_tree_mode                  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
8913           , p_is_revision_control        => b_is_revision_control
8914           , p_is_lot_control             => FALSE
8915           , p_is_serial_control          => b_is_serial_control
8916           , p_revision                   => NVL(p_rev, NULL)
8917           , p_lot_number                 => NULL
8918           , p_subinventory_code          => l_sub
8919           , p_locator_id                 => l_loc_id
8920           , p_primary_quantity           => -l_mmtt_qty
8921     , p_secondary_quantity         => -l_mmtt_sec_qty  -- Bug #4141928
8922           , p_quantity_type              => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qs_txn
8923           , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
8924           , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
8925           , x_qr                         => l_qr
8926           , x_qs                         => l_qs
8927           , x_att                        => l_att
8928           , x_atr                        => l_atr
8929     , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh         -- Bug #4141928
8930     , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                -- Bug #4141928
8931     , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                  -- Bug #4141928
8932     , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                  -- Bug #4141928
8933     , x_satt                       => l_satt                 -- Bug #4141928
8934     , x_satr                       => l_satr                 -- Bug #4141928
8935           , p_lpn_id                     => p_fromlpn_id
8936           , p_transfer_subinventory_code => l_xfr_sub_code
8937           );
8939           IF (l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) THEN
8940             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8941               mydebug('update qty tree with lpn 4th time: l_att:' || l_att);
8942       mydebug('update qty tree with lpn 4th time: l_satt:' || l_satt);  -- Bug #4141928
8943             END IF;
8944           ELSE
8945             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8946               mydebug('calling update qty tree with lpn 4th time failed ');
8947             END IF;
8949             fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_INVALID_QUANTITY_TYPE');
8950             fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PUB.QUERY_QUANTITIES');
8951             fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
8952             RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
8953           END IF;
8954         --Bug#5649056: only update if subinventory and locator match
8955         ELSIF ( l_lpn_sub = l_mmtt_sub AND l_lpn_loc = l_mmtt_loc ) THEN
8957           inv_quantity_tree_pub.update_quantities(
8958             p_api_version_number         => 1.0
8959           , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
8960           , x_return_status              => l_return_status
8961           , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_cnt
8962           , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
8963           , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
8964           , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
8965           , p_tree_mode                  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
8966           , p_is_revision_control        => b_is_revision_control
8967           , p_is_lot_control             => FALSE
8968           , p_is_serial_control          => b_is_serial_control
8969           , p_revision                   => NVL(p_rev, NULL)
8970           , p_lot_number                 => NULL
8971           , p_subinventory_code          => l_sub
8972           , p_locator_id                 => l_loc_id
8973           , p_primary_quantity           => -l_mmtt_qty
8974     , p_secondary_quantity         => -l_mmtt_sec_qty  -- Bug #4141928
8975           , p_quantity_type              => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qs_txn
8976           , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
8977           , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
8978           , x_qr                         => l_qr
8979           , x_qs                         => l_qs
8980           , x_att                        => l_att
8981           , x_atr                        => l_atr
8982     , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh         -- Bug #4141928
8983     , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                -- Bug #4141928
8984     , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                  -- Bug #4141928
8985     , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                  -- Bug #4141928
8986     , x_satt                       => l_satt                 -- Bug #4141928
8987     , x_satr                       => l_satr                 -- Bug #4141928
8988           --  , p_lpn_id                =>   p_fromlpn_id      withour lpn_id, only to locator level
8989           , p_transfer_subinventory_code => l_xfr_sub_code
8990           );
8992           IF (l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) THEN
8993             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8994               mydebug('update qty tree without lpn 4th time:l_att:' || l_att);
8995       mydebug('update qty tree without lpn 4th time:l_satt:' || l_satt);  -- Bug #4141928
8996             END IF;
8997           ELSE
8998             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8999               mydebug('calling update qty tree without lpn 4th time failed ');
9000             END IF;
9002             fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_INVALID_QUANTITY_TYPE');
9003             fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PUB.QUERY_QUANTITIES');
9004             fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
9005             RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
9006           END IF;
9007         END IF;
9009         inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities(
9010           p_api_version_number         => 1.0
9011         , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
9012         , x_return_status              => l_return_status
9013         , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_cnt
9014         , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
9015         , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
9016         , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
9017         , p_tree_mode                  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode --??
9018         , p_is_revision_control        => b_is_revision_control
9019         , p_is_lot_control             => FALSE
9020         , p_is_serial_control          => b_is_serial_control
9021         , p_demand_source_type_id      => -9999
9022         , p_revision                   => NVL(p_rev, NULL)
9023         , p_lot_number                 => NULL
9024         , p_subinventory_code          => l_sub
9025         , p_locator_id                 => l_loc_id
9026         , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
9027         , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
9028         , x_qr                         => l_qr
9029         , x_qs                         => l_qs
9030         , x_att                        => l_att
9031         , x_atr                        => l_atr
9032     , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh         -- Bug #4141928
9033     , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                -- Bug #4141928
9034     , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                  -- Bug #4141928
9035     , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                  -- Bug #4141928
9036     , x_satt                       => l_satt                 -- Bug #4141928
9037     , x_satr                       => l_satr                 -- Bug #4141928
9038         , p_lpn_id                     => p_fromlpn_id
9039         , p_transfer_subinventory_code => l_xfr_sub_code
9040         , p_grade_code                 => NULL                   -- Bug #4141928
9041         );
9043         IF (l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) THEN
9044           IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9045             mydebug('lpn quantity = ' || l_att);
9046     mydebug('lpn sec quantity = ' || l_satt);
9047           END IF;
9049      -- Bug #4141928. No changes required for OPM convergence.
9050      -- let primary qty drive the lpn match
9051           IF l_mmtt_qty = l_att THEN
9052             IF l_qoh = l_att THEN
9053               -- LPN is a match!
9054               IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9055                 mydebug('LPN matched');
9056               END IF;
9057               -- Bug #4141928
9058               l_sec_qty_str := l_lpn_sec_qty;
9059               x_match  := 1;
9060             ELSE
9061               -- LPN is for multiple task
9062               IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9063                 mydebug('LPN has multiple task.');
9064               END IF;
9066               x_match  := 4;
9067             END IF;
9069           ELSIF l_mmtt_qty > l_att THEN
9070             IF l_qoh = l_att THEN
9071               IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9072                 mydebug('lpn has less requested qty and lpn is whole allocation');
9073               END IF;
9074               -- Bug #4141928
9075               l_sec_qty_str := l_lpn_sec_qty;
9077               x_match  := 3;
9078             ELSE
9079               IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9080                 mydebug('lpn has less than requested qty and lpn is partial allocation');
9081               END IF;
9083               x_match  := 4;
9084             END IF;
9086             l_lpn_pr_qty  := l_att;
9087     l_lpn_sec_qty  := l_satt;  -- Bug #4141928
9088           ELSE
9089             x_match  := 4;
9091             --bug 3547725
9092             l_lpn_pr_qty := l_att;
9093             l_lpn_sec_qty  := l_satt;  -- Bug #4141928
9094             IF l_qoh = l_att THEN
9095                 --{{ calculate l_overpicked_qty for vanilla and serial item}}
9096                 l_check_tolerance := true;
9097                 l_overpicked_qty := l_lpn_pr_qty -  l_mmtt_qty;
9098                 IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9099                   mydebug('lpn has more than requested qty for loose or serial controlled item.');
9100                   mydebug('l_over_picked_qty is: '||l_overpicked_qty);
9101                 END IF;
9102             END IF;
9103           END IF;
9104         ELSE
9105           IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9106             mydebug('calling qty tree 4th time failed');
9107           END IF;
9109           fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_INVALID_QUANTITY_TYPE');
9110           fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PUB.QUERY_QUANTITIES');
9111           fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
9112           RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
9113         END IF;
9115         IF NVL(l_allocated_lpn_id, 0) = p_fromlpn_id THEN
9116           --from lpn is the same as allocated_lpn, we need to update qty tree as negative qty
9117           -- in order to get correct att.
9118           inv_quantity_tree_pub.update_quantities(
9119             p_api_version_number         => 1.0
9120           , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
9121           , x_return_status              => l_return_status
9122           , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_cnt
9123           , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
9124           , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
9125           , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
9126           , p_tree_mode                  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
9127           , p_is_revision_control        => b_is_revision_control
9128           , p_is_lot_control             => FALSE
9129           , p_is_serial_control          => b_is_serial_control
9130           , p_revision                   => NVL(p_rev, NULL)
9131           , p_lot_number                 => NULL
9132           , p_subinventory_code          => l_sub
9133           , p_locator_id                 => l_loc_id
9134           , p_primary_quantity           => l_mmtt_qty
9135     , p_secondary_quantity         => l_mmtt_sec_qty -- Bug #4141928
9136           , p_quantity_type              => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qs_txn
9137           , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
9138           , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
9139           , x_qr                         => l_qr
9140           , x_qs                         => l_qs
9141           , x_att                        => l_att
9142           , x_atr                        => l_atr
9143     , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh         -- Bug #4141928
9144     , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                -- Bug #4141928
9145     , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                  -- Bug #4141928
9146     , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                  -- Bug #4141928
9147     , x_satt                       => l_satt                 -- Bug #4141928
9148     , x_satr                       => l_satr                 -- Bug #4141928
9149           , p_lpn_id                     => p_fromlpn_id
9150           , p_transfer_subinventory_code => l_xfr_sub_code
9151           );
9153           IF (l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) THEN
9154             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9155               mydebug('update qty tree back with lpn 4th time: l_att:' || l_att);
9156       mydebug('update qty tree back with lpn 4th time: l_satt:' || l_satt);  -- Bug #4141928
9157             END IF;
9158           ELSE
9159             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9160               mydebug('calling update qty tree back with lpn 4th time failed ');
9161             END IF;
9163             fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_INVALID_QUANTITY_TYPE');
9164             fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PUB.QUERY_QUANTITIES');
9165             fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
9166             RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
9167           END IF;
9168         --Bug#5649056: only update if subinventory and locator match
9169         ELSIF ( l_lpn_sub = l_mmtt_sub AND l_lpn_loc = l_mmtt_loc ) THEN
9170           inv_quantity_tree_pub.update_quantities(
9171             p_api_version_number         => 1.0
9172           , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
9173           , x_return_status              => l_return_status
9174           , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_cnt
9175           , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
9176           , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
9177           , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
9178           , p_tree_mode                  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
9179           , p_is_revision_control        => b_is_revision_control
9180           , p_is_lot_control             => FALSE
9181           , p_is_serial_control          => b_is_serial_control
9182           , p_revision                   => NVL(p_rev, NULL)
9183           , p_lot_number                 => NULL
9184           , p_subinventory_code          => l_sub
9185           , p_locator_id                 => l_loc_id
9186           , p_primary_quantity           => l_mmtt_qty
9187     , p_secondary_quantity         => l_mmtt_sec_qty -- Bug #4141928
9188           , p_quantity_type              => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qs_txn
9189           , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
9190           , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
9191           , x_qr                         => l_qr
9192           , x_qs                         => l_qs
9193           , x_att                        => l_att
9194           , x_atr                        => l_atr
9195     , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh         -- Bug #4141928
9196     , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                -- Bug #4141928
9197     , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                  -- Bug #4141928
9198     , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                  -- Bug #4141928
9199     , x_satt                       => l_satt                 -- Bug #4141928
9200     , x_satr                       => l_satr                 -- Bug #4141928
9201           --  , p_lpn_id                =>   p_fromlpn_id      withour lpn_id, only to locator level
9202           , p_transfer_subinventory_code => l_xfr_sub_code
9203           );
9205           IF (l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) THEN
9206             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9207               mydebug('update qty tree back without lpn 4th time:l_att:' || l_att);
9208       mydebug('update qty tree back without lpn 4th time:l_satt:' || l_satt);
9209             END IF;
9210           ELSE
9211             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9212               mydebug('calling update qty tree back without lpn 4th time failed ');
9213             END IF;
9215             fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_INVALID_QUANTITY_TYPE');
9216             fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PUB.QUERY_QUANTITIES');
9217             fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
9218             RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
9219           END IF;
9220         END IF;
9222         -- If the LPN quantity exactly matches/ has less than, the requested
9223         -- quantity then match the serial numbers also
9225     -- Bug #4141928. No changes required for OPM convergence.
9226     -- Since this is a serial context
9227         IF p_is_sn_alloc = 'Y'
9228            AND p_action = 4    THEN
9230            SELECT COUNT(fm_serial_number)
9231              INTO l_total_serial_cnt
9232              FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
9233             WHERE msnt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
9235            IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9236                  mydebug('SN tot count' || l_total_serial_cnt);
9237            END IF;
9238            IF (x_match = 1
9239                OR x_match = 3 )   THEN
9241                 IF (l_total_serial_cnt = l_serial_exist_cnt) THEN
9242                   IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9243                     mydebug('LPN matches exactly.');
9244                   END IF;
9246                   x_match  := 1;
9248                 ELSIF(l_total_serial_cnt > l_serial_exist_cnt) THEN
9249                   IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9250                     mydebug('LPN has less.');
9251                   END IF;
9253                   x_match    := 3;
9254                   l_lpn_pr_qty  := l_serial_exist_cnt;
9255                 ELSE
9256                   IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9257                     mydebug('LPN has extra serials.');
9258                   END IF;
9259                   x_match  := 4;
9260                 END IF;
9261             END IF;
9262             IF (l_check_tolerance) THEN
9263                IF l_total_serial_cnt > l_serial_exist_cnt THEN
9264                    IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9265                        mydebug('There are serials which is not inside the lpn. set l_check_tolerance to false');
9266                    END IF;
9267                    l_check_tolerance := false;
9268                END IF;
9269             END IF;
9270         END IF;
9273         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9274             mydebug('After 4');
9275         END IF;
9276       END IF; -- lot control check
9277     END IF; -- lpn has only one item
9279     --check ship tolerance
9280     IF     p_pickOverNoException = 'Y'
9281        AND l_check_tolerance
9282        AND p_transaction_action_id = 28
9283        AND x_match = 4
9284     THEN
9285         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9286                        mydebug('calling INV_Replenish_Detail_PUB.check_overpick');
9287                        mydebug('p_transaction_temp_id: '||p_temp_id);
9288                        mydebug('p_overpicked_qty:      '||l_overpicked_qty);
9289                        mydebug('p_item_id:'             ||p_item_id);
9290                        mydebug('p_rev:'                 ||p_rev);
9291                        mydebug('p_lot_num: NULL');
9292                        mydebug('p_lot_exp_date: NULL');
9293                        mydebug('p_sub:                 '||l_sub);
9294                        mydebug('p_locator_id:          '||l_locator_id);
9295                        mydebug('p_lpn_id:              '||p_fromlpn_id);
9297          END IF;
9298          INV_Replenish_Detail_PUB.check_overpick(
9299            p_transaction_temp_id   => p_temp_id
9300          , p_overpicked_qty        => l_overpicked_qty
9301          , p_item_id               => p_item_id
9302          , p_rev                   => p_rev
9303          , p_lot_num               => NULL
9304          , p_lot_exp_date          => NULL
9305          , p_sub                   => l_sub
9306          , p_locator_id            => l_locator_id
9307          , p_lpn_id                => p_fromlpn_id
9308          , x_check_overpick_passed => l_check_overpick_passed--OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR
9309          , x_ovpk_error_code       => l_overpick_error_code --OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
9310          , x_return_status         => l_return_status
9311          , x_msg_count             => l_msg_cnt
9312          , x_msg_data              => l_msg_data
9313          );
9316          IF x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error THEN
9317                RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
9318          ELSIF x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error THEN
9319                RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
9320          END IF;
9322          IF l_check_overpick_passed = 'Y' THEN
9323              x_lpnpickedasis := 'Y';
9324          ELSE
9325              IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9326                  mydebug('over picking is not passed. the Error code is: ' || l_overpick_error_code);
9327              END IF;
9328          END IF;
9330     END IF;
9333     IF x_match = 1
9334        OR x_match = 3 THEN
9335       IF p_action = 4 THEN
9336         -- serial controlled - CHECK serial status
9337         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9338           mydebug('x_match is ' || x_match || ' and item is serial controlled ');
9339         END IF;
9341         OPEN ser_csr;
9343         LOOP
9344           FETCH ser_csr INTO l_serial_number;
9345           EXIT WHEN ser_csr%NOTFOUND;
9347           IF inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable(
9348                p_wms_installed              => p_wms_installed
9349              , p_trx_status_enabled         => NULL
9350              , p_trx_type_id                => p_transaction_type_id
9351              , p_lot_status_enabled         => NULL
9352              , p_serial_status_enabled      => NULL
9353              , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
9354              , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
9355              , p_sub_code                   => x_sub
9356              , p_locator_id                 => NULL
9357              , p_lot_number                 => p_lot
9358              , p_serial_number              => l_serial_number
9359              , p_object_type                => 'A'
9360              ) = 'N' THEN
9361             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9362               mydebug('After 6');
9363             END IF;
9365             x_match  := 11;
9366             CLOSE ser_csr;
9367             fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_SER_STATUS_NA');
9368             fnd_message.set_token('TOKEN', l_serial_number);
9369             fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
9370             RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
9371           END IF;
9372         END LOOP;
9374         CLOSE ser_csr;
9375       ELSE
9376         l_serial_number  := NULL;
9378         -- Check whether the LPN status is applicable for this transaction
9379         IF inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable(
9380              p_wms_installed              => p_wms_installed
9381            , p_trx_status_enabled         => NULL
9382            , p_trx_type_id                => p_transaction_type_id
9383            , p_lot_status_enabled         => NULL
9384            , p_serial_status_enabled      => NULL
9385            , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
9386            , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
9387            , p_sub_code                   => x_sub
9388            , p_locator_id                 => NULL
9389            , p_lot_number                 => p_lot
9390            , p_serial_number              => l_serial_number
9391            , p_object_type                => 'A'
9392            ) = 'N' THEN
9393           x_match  := 8;
9394           -- LPN status is invalid for this operation
9396           fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_INVALID_LPN_STATUS');
9397           fnd_message.set_token('TOKEN1', TO_CHAR(p_fromlpn_id));
9398           fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
9399           RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
9400         END IF;
9401       END IF;
9402     END IF;
9404     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9405       mydebug('x_match : ' || x_match);
9406       mydebug('p_is_sn_alloc : ' || p_is_sn_alloc);
9407       mydebug('p_action : ' || p_action);
9408       mydebug('l_lpn_pr_qty (in primary uom): ' || l_lpn_pr_qty);
9409     END IF;
9411     -- Now l_lpn_pr_qty is in primary uom, need to convert l_lpn_trx_qty in transaction uom (p_trx_uom)
9412     -- if they are different
9413     IF (p_trx_uom <> l_primary_uom) THEN
9414           l_lpn_trx_qty := inv_convert.inv_um_convert(
9415                      item_id        => p_item_id
9416                     ,precision      => null
9417                     ,from_quantity  => l_lpn_pr_qty
9418                     ,from_unit      => l_primary_uom
9419                     ,to_unit        => p_trx_uom
9420                     ,from_name      => null
9421                     ,to_name        => null);
9422           IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9423               mydebug('l_lpn_trx_qty :' || l_lpn_trx_qty);
9424          END IF;
9425     ELSE
9426        l_lpn_trx_qty :=  l_lpn_pr_qty;
9427     END IF;
9431     -- populate the temp table to be used in lot and serial processing
9432     -- ideally this should be done during above process for each case, need
9433     -- revisit them later on
9436     delete from wms_allocations_gtmp;
9438     -- Bug #4141928. No changes required for OPM convergence.
9439   -- Since this is a serial context
9440     IF p_is_sn_alloc = 'Y'
9441        AND p_action = 4 THEN
9442         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9443           mydebug('SN control and SN allocation on');
9444         END IF;
9446         IF l_lot_code > 1 THEN
9449              (lot_number,
9450               serial_number,
9451               transaction_quantity,
9452               primary_quantity)
9453               SELECT mtlt.lot_number,fm_serial_number,1,1
9454               FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt,
9455                    mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt,
9456                    mtl_serial_numbers msn
9457               WHERE mtlt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
9458                 AND msnt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id
9459                 AND msnt.fm_serial_number = msn.serial_number
9460                 AND msn.lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
9461                 AND msn.inventory_item_id = p_item_id;
9463              -- jxlu 10/12/04 start
9464              IF (x_lpnpickedasis= 'Y')  THEN
9465                    x_trx_qty_alloc := l_lpn_trx_qty;
9466                    IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9467                           mydebug('lot controlled.SN allocated and x_lpnpickedasis is Y. ');
9468                           mydebug(' x_trx_qty_alloc:'||x_trx_qty_alloc);
9469                    END IF;
9470              ELSE
9471                    x_trx_qty_alloc := SQL%ROWCOUNT;
9472                    IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9473                           mydebug('lot controlled.SN allocated and x_lpnpickedasis is N. ');
9474                           mydebug(' x_trx_qty_alloc:'||x_trx_qty_alloc);
9475                    END IF;
9476             END IF;
9478              -- populate the lot vector
9479              l_table_index := 0;
9480              FOR lot_ATT_rec in lot_att LOOP
9481                     l_table_index := l_table_index + 1;
9482                     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9483                            mydebug('lot_ATT_rec.lot_number: '||lot_ATT_rec.lot_number);
9484                            mydebug('lot_ATT_rec.transaction_quantity: '||lot_ATT_rec.transaction_quantity);
9485                     END IF;
9486                     -- since trx_qty already populated before, we can only use
9487                     -- non_alloc_qty to temporarily hold the value. later when generating
9488                     -- string, then properly place them in the string passed back to java
9489                     t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_index).non_alloc_qty := lot_ATT_rec.transaction_quantity;
9491              END LOOP;
9493              IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9494                    mydebug('lot controlled. x_trx_qty_alloc:'||x_trx_qty_alloc);
9495              END IF;
9496              --jxlu 10/12/04 end
9497         ELSE -- not lot controlled
9499              (serial_number,
9500               transaction_quantity,
9501               primary_quantity)
9502               SELECT fm_serial_number,1,1
9503               FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt,
9504                    mtl_serial_numbers msn
9505               WHERE  msnt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
9506                 AND msnt.fm_serial_number = msn.serial_number
9507                 AND msn.lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
9508                 AND msn.inventory_item_id = p_item_id;
9510             --jxlu 10/12/04 start
9511             IF (x_lpnpickedasis ='Y')  THEN
9512                 x_trx_qty_alloc := l_lpn_trx_qty;
9513                 IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9514                       mydebug('NOT lot controlled.SN allocated and x_lpnpickedasis is Y. ');
9515                       mydebug(' x_trx_qty_alloc:'||x_trx_qty_alloc);
9516                 END IF;
9517             ELSE
9518                 x_trx_qty_alloc := SQL%ROWCOUNT;
9519                 IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9520                       mydebug('NOT lot controlled.SN allocated and x_lpnpickedasis is N. ');
9521                       mydebug(' x_trx_qty_alloc:'||x_trx_qty_alloc);
9522                 END IF;
9523             END IF;
9524             -- jxlu 10/12/04 end
9525        END IF;
9526     ELSIF p_is_sn_alloc = 'N' AND p_action = 4 AND x_match = 3 THEN
9528           IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9529              mydebug('SN control and SN allocation off and x_match=3');
9530           END IF;
9532           IF l_lot_code > 1 THEN
9533                 INSERT INTO wms_allocations_gtmp
9534                 (lot_number,
9535                  serial_number,
9536                  transaction_quantity,
9537                  primary_quantity)
9538                 SELECT mtlt.lot_number, serial_number, 1, 1
9539                 FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt,
9540                      mtl_serial_numbers msn
9541                 WHERE mtlt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
9542                   AND msn.lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
9543                   AND mtlt.lot_number = msn.lot_number
9544                   AND msn.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
9545                   AND Nvl(msn.group_mark_id, -1) = -1;
9546           ELSE
9547                INSERT INTO wms_allocations_gtmp
9548                 (serial_number,
9549                  transaction_quantity,
9550                  primary_quantity)
9551                 SELECT serial_number,1,1
9552                 FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn
9553                 WHERE msn.lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
9554                 AND msn.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
9555                 AND Nvl(msn.group_mark_id, -1) = -1;
9556           END IF;
9557     ELSIF l_lot_code > 1 THEN -- lot controlled
9559        IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9560              mydebug('lot controlled....');
9561        END IF;
9563        l_table_total      := t_lpn_lot_qty_table.COUNT;
9564        IF l_table_total > 0 THEN
9565          IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9566            mydebug('building lpn lot vector for ' || l_table_total || '
9567                    records');
9568          END IF;
9570         FOR l_table_count IN 1 .. l_table_total LOOP
9571             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9572               mydebug('index is : ' || l_table_count);
9573             END IF;
9575             INSERT INTO wms_allocations_gtmp(lot_number, primary_quantity,
9576                                              transaction_quantity, secondary_quantity)  -- Bug #4141928
9577                    values(t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_count).lot_number,
9578                           t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_count).pri_qty,
9579                           t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_count).trx_qty,
9580           t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_count).sec_qty
9581           );                     -- Bug #4141928
9583           END LOOP;
9584        END IF;
9587     END IF; -- done populating the lot
9590     --populate the lot in lpn vector
9592     l_table_total      := t_lpn_lot_qty_table.COUNT;
9594     IF l_table_total > 0 THEN
9595           IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9596            mydebug('building lpn lot vector for ' || l_table_total || 'records');
9597           END IF;
9600           FOR l_table_count IN 1 .. l_table_total LOOP
9601                 IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9602                       mydebug('index is : ' || l_table_count);
9603                 END IF;
9604                 IF p_is_sn_alloc = 'Y'  THEN  -- serial allocated
9605                     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9606                           mydebug('serial is allocated');
9607                     END IF;
9608                     IF (x_lpnpickedasis ='Y') THEN
9609                        IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9610                            mydebug('x_lpnpickedasis is Y');
9611                        END IF;
9612                          IF l_value = '.,' THEN   --bug 6651517 added if on the basis of l_value
9614                        x_lpn_lot_vector := x_lpn_lot_vector
9615                              ||t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_count).lot_number ||'@@@@@'
9616                              ||t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_count).trx_qty||'@@@@@'
9617                              ||t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_count).trx_qty
9618                              || '&&&&&'
9619                              || t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_count).sec_qty   -- Bug #4141928
9620                              || '#####';                                     -- Bug #4141928
9621                         ELSE
9622                               x_lpn_lot_vector := x_lpn_lot_vector
9623                              ||t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_count).lot_number ||'@@@@@'
9624                              ||TO_CHAR(t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_count).trx_qty,'9999999999999999999999.9999999999')||'@@@@@'
9625                              ||TO_CHAR(t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_count).trx_qty,'9999999999999999999999.9999999999')
9626                              || '&&&&&'
9627                              || TO_CHAR(t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_count).sec_qty,'9999999999999999999999.9999999999')   -- Bug #4141928
9628                              || '#####';
9629                          END IF;
9630                          -- end of bug 6651517
9631                         l_lot_v   := l_lot_v
9632                                 ||t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_count).lot_number||':'; --Bug 3855835
9633                     ELSE
9634                       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9635                            mydebug('x_lpnpickedasis is N');
9636                       END IF;
9637                         IF l_value = '.,' THEN   --bug 6651517 added if on the basis of l_value
9638                            x_lpn_lot_vector := x_lpn_lot_vector
9639                              ||t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_count).lot_number ||'@@@@@'
9640                              ||t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_count).non_alloc_qty||'@@@@@'
9641                              ||t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_count).trx_qty
9642                              || '&&&&&'
9643                              || t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_count).sec_qty   -- Bug #4141928
9644                              || '#####';                                     -- Bug #4141928
9645                           else
9646                             x_lpn_lot_vector := x_lpn_lot_vector
9647                              ||t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_count).lot_number ||'@@@@@'
9648                              ||TO_CHAR(t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_count).non_alloc_qty,'9999999999999999999999.9999999999')||'@@@@@'
9649                              ||TO_CHAR(t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_count).trx_qty,'9999999999999999999999.9999999999')
9650                              || '&&&&&'
9651                            || TO_CHAR(t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_count).sec_qty,'9999999999999999999999.9999999999')   -- Bug #4141928
9652                              || '#####';                                     -- Bug #4141928
9654                            END IF;
9655                             --end of bug 6651517
9656                         l_lot_v   := l_lot_v
9657                                 ||t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_count).lot_number||':'; --Bug 3855835
9658                     END IF;
9659                     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9660                           mydebug('x_lpn_lot_vector:'||x_lpn_lot_vector);
9661                     END IF;
9662                 ELSE  -- serial is not allocated
9663                     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9664                         mydebug('serial is NOT allocated');
9665                     END IF;
9666                     --bug 6651517 added if on the basis of l_value
9667                    IF l_value = '.,'    THEN
9668                     x_lpn_lot_vector := x_lpn_lot_vector
9669                              ||t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_count).lot_number ||'@@@@@'
9670                              ||t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_count).trx_qty||'@@@@@'
9671                              ||t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_count).trx_qty
9672                              || '&&&&&'
9673                              || t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_count).sec_qty   -- Bug #4141928
9674                              || '#####';                                     -- Bug #4141928
9675                    ELSE
9676                      x_lpn_lot_vector := x_lpn_lot_vector
9677                              ||t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_count).lot_number ||'@@@@@'
9678                              ||TO_CHAR(t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_count).trx_qty,'9999999999999999999999.9999999999')||'@@@@@'
9679                              ||TO_CHAR(t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_count).trx_qty,'9999999999999999999999.9999999999')
9680                              || '&&&&&'
9681                              || TO_CHAR(t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_count).sec_qty,'9999999999999999999999.9999999999')   -- Bug #4141928
9682                              || '#####';                                     -- Bug #4141928
9683                     END IF; --end of bug 6651517
9684                       l_lot_v   := l_lot_v
9685                                 ||t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_count).lot_number||':'; --Bug 3855835
9686                      IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9687                             mydebug('l_lot_v:'||l_lot_v);
9688                      END IF;
9689                 END IF;
9690           END LOOP;
9691     ELSE
9692           IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9693                mydebug('it is not lot controlled and lot in lpn vector is null... ' );
9694           END IF;
9695            x_lpn_lot_vector  := NULL;
9696     END IF;
9698     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9699       mydebug('LPN QTY in primary uom' || l_lpn_pr_qty);
9700       mydebug('LPN QTY in transaction uom' || l_lpn_trx_qty);
9701   mydebug('LPN Secondary QTY' || l_lpn_sec_qty);  -- Bug #4141928
9702       mydebug('x_temp_id: ' || l_out_temp_id);
9703     END IF;
9705     x_temp_id          := l_out_temp_id;
9706     --bug 3547725
9707     --x_trx_qty              := LEAST(l_lpn_trx_qty, p_trx_qty);
9708     x_trx_qty          := l_lpn_trx_qty;
9709     x_trx_sec_qty      := l_lpn_sec_qty;   -- Bug #4141928
9710    -- bug 3983704
9711     -- get the packed qoh since the qty tree always return for both loosepack
9712     SELECT NVL(SUM(primary_transaction_quantity),0), NVL(SUM(secondary_transaction_quantity),0)
9713     INTO l_qoh, l_sqoh
9714     FROM mtl_onhand_quantities_detail
9715     WHERE lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
9716       AND organization_id = p_org_id;
9718     IF (p_trx_uom <> l_primary_uom) THEN
9719           x_lpn_qoh := inv_convert.inv_um_convert(
9720                      item_id        => p_item_id
9721                     ,precision      => null
9722                     ,from_quantity  => l_qoh
9723                     ,from_unit      => l_primary_uom
9724                     ,to_unit        => p_trx_uom
9725                     ,from_name      => null
9726                     ,to_name        => null);
9727           IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9728               mydebug(' x_lpn_qoh :' ||  x_lpn_qoh);
9729          END IF;
9730     ELSE x_lpn_qoh := l_qoh;
9731     END IF;
9732     --x_lpn_qoh := l_sqoh;
9733     x_return_status    := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
9735     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9736       mydebug('Match ' || x_match);
9737     END IF;
9739   /*  Mrana: 12/10/03: we need not change the lpn_context here . We will do it in
9740  *  LOAD/split merge API . to avoid hassles of setting and resetting in case
9741  *  users picks one lpn and then using cursor key goes up to change it .
9742  *  Also, with this approach , we do not need to reset lpn context in case of F2
9743  *  We will select this LPN for Update , so that otehr processes cannot get it.
9744  *  yes, there is a possibility that
9745  */
9746     IF (x_match = 3) or (x_match = 1) THEN   -- added x_match=1
9747        IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9748          mydebug('Lock lpn_ID : ' || p_fromlpn_id);
9749        END IF;
9750       BEGIN
9752          SELECT lpn_context
9753            INTO l_lpn_context
9754            FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
9755           WHERE lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
9756             FOR UPDATE NOWAIT;
9757       EXCEPTION
9758          WHEN OTHERS THEN
9759             IF SQLCODE  = -54 THEN  -- ORA-0054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified
9760                mydebug('LPN record is locked by another user... cannot pick this LPN' );
9761                fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_LPN_LOCKED_ERROR');
9762                                   -- LPN is in use  by another user
9763                fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
9764                RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
9765             ELSE
9766                RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
9767             END IF;
9769        END ;
9770     END IF;
9772         --Bug3855835
9775     IF l_lot_v IS NOT NULL THEN
9776      l_lot_v := SUBSTR(l_lot_v,1,LENGTH(l_lot_v)-1);
9777     END IF;
9779     IF p_toLPN_Default IS NOT NULL  THEN
9781     validate_pick_to_lpn
9782     ( p_api_version_number          =>   1.0
9783     , p_init_msg_lst                =>   NULL
9784     , x_return_status               =>   x_return_status
9785     , x_msg_count                   =>   l_msg_cnt
9786     , x_msg_data                    =>   l_msg_data
9787     , p_organization_id             =>   p_org_id
9788     , p_pick_to_lpn                 =>   p_toLPN_Default
9789     , p_temp_id                     =>   p_temp_id
9790     , p_project_id                  =>   p_project_id
9791     , p_task_id                     =>   p_task_id
9792     , p_container_item              =>   NULL
9793     , p_container_item_id           =>   NULL
9794     , p_suggested_container_item    =>   NULL
9795     , p_suggested_container_item_id =>   NULL
9796     , p_suggested_carton_name       =>   NULL
9797     , p_suggested_tolpn_id          =>   NULL
9798     , x_pick_to_lpn_id              =>   l_pick_to_lpn_id
9799     , p_inventory_item_id           =>   p_item_id
9800     , p_confirmed_sub               =>   p_confirmed_sub
9801     , p_confirmed_loc_id            =>   p_confirmed_loc_id
9802     , p_revision                    =>   p_rev
9803     , p_confirmed_lots              =>   l_lot_v
9804     , p_from_lpn_id                 =>   p_from_lpn_id
9805     , p_lot_control                 =>   l_is_lot_control
9806     , p_revision_control            =>   l_is_revision_control
9807     , p_serial_control              =>   l_is_serial_control
9808     -- Bug 4632519
9809     , p_trx_type_id                 =>   to_char(p_transaction_type_id)
9810     , p_trx_action_id               =>   to_char(p_transaction_action_id)
9811     -- Bug 4632519
9812    );
9815    If x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
9816        x_toLPN_status := 'F';
9817      IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9818       mydebug('Validate_pick_to_lpn could not validate toLPNDefault:');
9819      END IF;
9820      x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
9821    Else
9822     x_toLPN_status := 'T';
9823     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9824       mydebug('Validate_pick_to_lpn  validated  toLPNDefault:');
9825      END IF;
9826   End If;
9828  END IF;
9832     WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
9833       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9834         mydebug(' Expected Exception raised');
9835       END IF;
9836       x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
9837       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
9838     WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
9839       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9840           mydebug(' Unexpected Exception raised');
9841       END IF;
9842       x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
9843       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
9845       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9846         mydebug('Other exception raised : ' || SQLERRM);
9847       END IF;
9849       x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
9850       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
9851 END lpn_match;
9854 --  during the picking process. If the user does not specifies
9855   -- a from lpn, this procedure will figure out if the loose quantity  will
9856   -- satisfy the pick in question, the temp table mtl_allocations_gtmp
9857  -- will store the available lot and serial numbers for this pick
9859 PROCEDURE loose_match(
9860         p_org_id              IN             NUMBER
9861       , p_item_id             IN            NUMBER
9862       , p_rev                 IN            VARCHAR2
9863       , p_trx_qty             IN            NUMBER
9864       , p_trx_uom             IN            VARCHAR2
9865       , p_pri_uom             IN            VARCHAR2
9866       , p_sec_uom             IN            VARCHAR2          -- Bug #4141928
9867   , p_sec_qty             IN            NUMBER      -- Bug #4141928
9868       , p_temp_id             IN            NUMBER
9869       , p_suggested_locator   IN            NUMBER
9870       , p_confirmed_locator   IN            NUMBER
9871       , p_confirmed_sub       IN            VARCHAR2
9872       , p_is_sn_alloc         IN            VARCHAR2
9873       , p_is_revision_control IN            VARCHAR2
9874       , p_is_lot_control      IN            VARCHAR2
9875       , p_is_serial_control   IN            VARCHAR2
9876       , p_is_negbal_allowed   IN            VARCHAR2
9877       , p_toLPN_Default       IN            VARCHAR2 --Bug 3855835
9878       , p_project_id          IN            NUMBER
9879       , p_task_id             IN            NUMBER
9880       , x_trx_qty             OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
9881       , x_trx_sec_qty         OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER      -- Bug #4141928
9882       , x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
9883       , x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
9884       , x_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
9885       , x_toLPN_status        OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2 --Bug 3855835
9886       , x_lot_att_vector      OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
9887       , x_trx_qty_alloc       OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER  -- jxlu 10/6/04
9888       , p_transaction_type_id IN            NUMBER  -- Bug 4632519
9889       , p_transaction_action_id IN          NUMBER  -- Bug 4632519
9890   ) IS
9891     l_proc_name              VARCHAR2(30) := 'LOOSE_MATCH' ;
9892     l_msg_cnt                NUMBER;
9893     l_msg_data               VARCHAR2(2000);
9894     l_return_status          VARCHAR2(1);
9895     l_lot_primary_qty         NUMBER;
9896     l_att_trx_qty             NUMBER;
9897     l_trx_lot_qty             NUMBER;
9898     l_qoh                     NUMBER;
9899     l_trx_qoh                 NUMBER;
9900     l_att                     NUMBER;
9902     l_lot_sec_qty           NUMBER; -- Bug #4141928
9903     l_att_trx_sec_qty        NUMBER;   -- Bug #4141928
9904     l_trx_lot_sec_qty        NUMBER;   -- Bug #4141928
9905     l_sqoh                   NUMBER;   -- Bug #4141928
9906     l_trx_sec_qoh            NUMBER;   -- Bug #4141928
9907     l_satt                   NUMBER;   -- Bug #4141928
9909 -- Increased lot size to 80 Char - Mercy Thomas - B4625329
9910     l_lot_number              VARCHAR2(80) := null;
9911     l_debug                   NUMBER         :=
9912                     NVL(fnd_profile.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'), 0);
9913     l_table_index             NUMBER := 0;
9914     l_pick_to_lpn_id          NUMBER;
9915     l_lot_v                   VARCHAR2(2000) :=null ;
9916     l_is_lot_control          VARCHAR2(1);
9917     l_is_revision_control     VARCHAR2(1);
9918     l_is_serial_control       VARCHAR2(1);
9920     l_transfer_subinventory  VARCHAR2(10) := NULL; -- Bug #7257709
9921     CURSOR lot_csr IS
9922       SELECT mtlt.primary_quantity
9923            , mtlt.transaction_quantity
9924            , NVL(mtlt.secondary_quantity, 0)    -- Bug #4141928
9925            , mtlt.lot_number
9926         FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
9927        WHERE mtlt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
9930     CURSOR lot_att IS
9931       SELECT lot_number, sum(transaction_quantity) transaction_quantity
9932       from wms_ALLOCATIONS_GTMP
9936     CURSOR mmtt_csr IS
9937       SELECT transfer_subinventory
9938       FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
9939       WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id; -- Bug #7257709
9941 BEGIN
9944     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9945       mydebug('In loose Match');
9946     END IF;
9948     x_return_status     := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
9949     x_lot_att_vector    := null;
9951     DELETE wms_allocations_gtmp;
9952     t_lpn_lot_qty_table.DELETE;
9954     x_trx_qty       := 0;
9955     x_trx_sec_qty := 0;  -- Bug #4141928
9956     x_trx_qty_alloc := 0;
9958      -- Bug #7257709: pass destination sub code to INV_TXN_VALIDATIONS.get_available_quantity
9959      -- in case of move order tasks
9960     IF (p_transaction_type_id = 64 AND p_transaction_action_id = 2) THEN
9961            OPEN mmtt_csr;
9962            FETCH mmtt_csr INTO l_transfer_subinventory;
9963            CLOSE mmtt_csr;
9964     END IF;
9966             IF p_is_sn_alloc = 'Y' THEN    -- serial is allocated
9967        -- create the lot vector and populate the temp table for serial allocated
9968        -- case
9969              IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9970                   mydebug('SN control and SN allocation on');
9971              END IF;
9973              IF p_is_lot_control ='true' THEN -- lot controlled
9974                  INSERT INTO wms_allocations_gtmp
9975                  (lot_number,
9976                   serial_number,
9977                   transaction_quantity,
9978                   primary_quantity)
9979                   SELECT mtlt.lot_number,fm_serial_number,1,1
9980                   FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt,
9981                        mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt,
9982                        mtl_serial_numbers msn
9983                   WHERE mtlt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
9984                     AND msnt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id
9985                     AND msnt.fm_serial_number = msn.serial_number
9986                     AND msn.lpn_id is null -- make sure it is loose pick
9987                     AND msn.inventory_item_id = p_item_id;
9989                   x_trx_qty_alloc := SQL%ROWCOUNT;
9990                  -- populate the lot vector
9991                  FOR lot_ATT_rec in lot_att LOOP
9992                       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
9993                           mydebug('lot_ATT_rec.lot_number: '||lot_ATT_rec.lot_number);
9994                           mydebug('lot_ATT_rec.transaction_quantity: '||lot_ATT_rec.transaction_quantity);
9995                       END IF;
9996                       l_table_index := l_table_index + 1;
9997                       /*x_lot_att_alloc_v  := x_lot_att_alloc_v
9998                                            ||lot_ATT_rec.lot_number|| '@@@@@'
9999                                            ||lot_ATT_rec.transaction_quantity
10000                                            || '&&&&&'; */
10001                       t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_index).lot_number  := lot_ATT_rec.lot_number;
10002                       t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_index).trx_qty     := lot_ATT_rec.transaction_quantity;
10003                  END LOOP;
10004            ELSE -- not lot controlled
10005                 INSERT INTO wms_ALLOCATIONS_GTMP
10006                  (serial_number,
10007                   transaction_quantity,
10008                   primary_quantity)
10009                   SELECT fm_serial_number,1,1
10010                   FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt,
10011                        mtl_serial_numbers msn
10012                   WHERE  msnt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
10013                     AND msnt.fm_serial_number = msn.serial_number
10014                     AND msn.lpn_id is null
10015                     AND msn.inventory_item_id = p_item_id;
10017                   x_trx_qty_alloc := SQL%ROWCOUNT;
10018            END IF;
10019     END IF;
10021     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
10022            mydebug('x_trx_qty_alloc: '||x_trx_qty_alloc);
10023     END IF;
10025     l_table_index := 0;
10027    OPEN lot_csr;
10028     LOOP
10030     if (p_is_lot_control ='true' ) then
10031              fetch  lot_csr INTO l_lot_primary_qty, l_trx_lot_qty, l_lot_sec_qty, l_lot_number; -- Bug #4141928
10032              exit when lot_csr%NOTFOUND;
10033              IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
10034                  mydebug('l_mtlt_lot_number : ' || l_lot_number);
10035                  mydebug('l_mtlt_primary_qty: ' || l_lot_primary_qty);
10036                  mydebug('l_mtlt_secondary_qty: ' || l_lot_sec_qty); -- Bug #4141928
10037              END IF;
10039 	     end if;
10041             IF (p_suggested_locator = p_confirmed_locator) THEN
10042                      UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
10043                         SET posting_flag = 'N'
10044                       WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
10045                   END IF;
10048          -- End change - Bug 4185621
10049         -- always do one query at least for non lot controlled items
10051         INV_TXN_VALIDATIONS.get_available_quantity
10052           (x_return_status => l_return_status,
10053            p_tree_mode  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_loose_only_mode,
10054            p_organization_id =>p_org_id,
10055            p_inventory_item_id => p_item_id,
10056            p_is_revision_control =>p_is_revision_control,
10057            p_is_lot_control =>p_is_lot_control,
10058            p_is_serial_control =>p_is_serial_control,
10059            p_revision =>p_rev,
10060            p_lot_number =>l_lot_number,
10061            p_grade_code          =>    NULL,        -- Bug #4141928
10062            p_lot_expiration_date =>null,
10063            p_subinventory_code =>p_confirmed_sub,
10064            p_locator_id =>p_confirmed_locator,
10065            p_source_type_id =>-9999,
10066            p_cost_group_id => NULL,
10067            p_to_subinventory_code => l_transfer_subinventory,
10068            x_qoh                 =>    l_qoh,
10069            x_att                 =>    l_att,
10070            x_sqoh                =>    l_sqoh,     -- Bug #4141928
10071            x_satt                =>    l_satt      -- Bug #4141928
10072          );
10075             -- Start change - Bug 4185621: restore posting flag in mmtt
10077                  IF (p_suggested_locator = p_confirmed_locator) THEN
10078                      UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
10079                         SET posting_flag = 'Y'
10080                       WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
10081                  END IF;
10083                   -- End change - Bug 4185621
10084            IF (l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) THEN
10087         -- convert the qty from primary UOM to transaction UOM
10089              if (p_pri_uom = p_trx_uom) then
10090                 IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
10091                        mydebug('primary uom is the same as transaction uom');
10092                 END IF;
10093                  l_att_trx_qty := l_att;
10094                  l_trx_qoh := l_qoh;
10095              else
10096                  l_att_trx_qty := inv_convert.inv_um_convert(
10097                                                     item_id        => p_item_id
10098                                                    ,precision      => null
10099                                                    ,from_quantity  => l_att
10100                                                    ,from_unit      => p_pri_uom
10101                                                    ,to_unit        => p_trx_uom
10102                                                    ,from_name      => null
10103                                                    ,to_name        => null);
10104                  l_trx_qoh := inv_convert.inv_um_convert(
10105                                                     item_id        => p_item_id
10106                                                    ,precision      => null
10107                                                    ,from_quantity  => l_qoh
10108                                                    ,from_unit      => p_pri_uom
10109                                                    ,to_unit        => p_trx_uom
10110                                                    ,from_name      => null
10111                                                    ,to_name        => null);
10112              end if;
10114         l_att_trx_sec_qty := l_satt;   -- Bug #4141928
10115         l_trx_sec_qoh     := l_sqoh;   -- Bug #4141928
10117              IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
10118                    mydebug('l_att_trx_qty: '||l_att_trx_qty);
10119                    mydebug('l_trx_qoh: '||l_trx_qoh);
10120                    mydebug('l_att_trx_sec_qty: '||l_att_trx_sec_qty);  -- Bug #4141928
10121                    mydebug('l_trx_sec_qoh: '||l_trx_sec_qoh);          -- Bug #4141928
10122              END IF;
10125           if (p_is_lot_control ='true' ) then
10126                   -- populate the lot vector
10128            l_table_index := l_table_index + 1;
10129                  IF p_is_sn_alloc = 'Y' THEN
10130                     x_lot_att_vector  := x_lot_att_vector
10131                                       ||l_lot_number || '@@@@@'
10132                                       ||t_lpn_lot_qty_table(l_table_index).trx_qty|| '@@@@@'
10133                                       ||l_att_trx_qty
10134                                       || '&&&&&'
10135                                       || l_att_trx_sec_qty     -- Bug #4141928
10136                                       || '#####';                   -- Bug #4141928
10137                      l_lot_v   := l_lot_v
10138                                 ||l_lot_number||':'; --Bug 3855835
10139                     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
10140                            mydebug('l_table_index: '||l_table_index);
10141                            mydebug('x_lot_att_vector: '||x_lot_att_vector);
10142                     END IF;
10143                  ELSE -- serial number is not allocated,
10144                     x_lot_att_vector  := x_lot_att_vector
10145                                       ||l_lot_number || '@@@@@'
10146                                       ||l_att_trx_qty|| '@@@@@'
10147                                       ||l_att_trx_qty
10148                                       || '&&&&&'
10149                                       || l_att_trx_sec_qty     -- Bug #4141928
10150                                       || '#####';                   -- Bug #4141928
10151                      l_lot_v   := l_lot_v
10152                                 ||l_lot_number||':';
10153                     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
10154                            mydebug('inserting into global temp table for serial is non allocated....');
10155                     END IF;
10156                     -- If negative Balance allowed then update vikas 09/07/04 V1
10157                     if (p_is_negbal_allowed ='true') then
10158                         INSERT INTO wms_ALLOCATIONS_GTMP
10159                          (lot_number,
10160                           primary_quantity,
10161                           transaction_quantity,
10162                           secondary_quantity) -- Bug #4141928
10163                         VALUES( l_lot_number,
10164                                 l_lot_primary_qty,
10165                                 l_trx_lot_qty,
10166                                 l_trx_lot_sec_qty);
10168                      -- vikas 09/07/04 end
10169                     else
10170                         INSERT INTO wms_ALLOCATIONS_GTMP
10171                           (lot_number,
10172                            primary_quantity,
10173                            transaction_quantity,
10174                            secondary_quantity) -- Bug #4141928
10175                            VALUES( l_lot_number,
10176                            LEAST(l_lot_primary_qty,l_att),
10177                            LEAST(l_trx_lot_qty,l_att_trx_qty),
10178                            LEAST(l_trx_lot_sec_qty,l_att_trx_sec_qty));
10179                          end if;
10180                  END IF;
10182                  x_trx_qty := x_trx_qty + l_att_trx_qty;
10183                  x_trx_sec_qty := x_trx_sec_qty + l_att_trx_sec_qty;
10186                  else   -- pure serial controlled
10187                  x_trx_qty := l_att_trx_qty;
10188                  x_trx_sec_qty :=  l_att_trx_sec_qty;       -- Bug #4141928
10189              end if;
10191          ELSE
10192             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
10193                 mydebug('calling qty tree 1st time failed ');
10194             END IF;
10195               fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_INVALID_QUANTITY_TYPE');
10196               fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE','INV_QUANTITY_TREE_PUB.QUERY_QUANTITIES');
10197               fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
10198             RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
10199         END IF;
10201 	EXIT WHEN  p_is_lot_control ='false';
10202     END LOOP;
10204     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
10205           mydebug('x_trx_qty: '||x_trx_qty);
10206           mydebug('x_trx_sec_qty: '||x_trx_sec_qty);  -- Bug #4141928
10207           mydebug('x_lot_att_vector: '||x_lot_att_vector);
10208          mydebug('l_lot_v::' ||l_lot_v);
10209     END IF;
10212     IF l_lot_v IS NOT NULL THEN
10213      l_lot_v := SUBSTR(l_lot_v,1,LENGTH(l_lot_v)-1);
10214    END IF;
10216       --v1 calling validate_pick_to_lpn for validating toLPNdefault and if it
10217       --returns success then allow to set to LPN field with toLPNDefault on
10218       --MainPickPage. Bug 3855835
10221   IF p_toLPN_Default IS NOT NULL  THEN
10224      If p_is_lot_control ='true' THEN
10225           l_is_lot_control :='Y';
10226        Else
10227           l_is_lot_control :='N';
10228       END If;
10230      If p_is_serial_control ='true' THEN
10231         l_is_serial_control := 'Y';
10232      Else
10233        l_is_serial_control := 'N';
10234      END IF;
10236      If p_is_revision_control ='true' THEN
10237        l_is_revision_control := 'Y';
10238      Else
10239        l_is_revision_control :='N';
10240      END If;
10243     validate_pick_to_lpn
10244     ( p_api_version_number          =>   1.0
10245     , p_init_msg_lst                =>   NULL
10246     , x_return_status               =>   x_return_status
10247     , x_msg_count                   =>   l_msg_cnt
10248     , x_msg_data                    =>   l_msg_data
10249     , p_organization_id             =>   p_org_id
10250     , p_pick_to_lpn                 =>   p_toLPN_Default
10251     , p_temp_id                     =>   p_temp_id
10252     , p_project_id                  =>   p_project_id
10253     , p_task_id                     =>   p_task_id
10254     , p_container_item              =>   NULL
10255     , p_container_item_id           =>   NULL
10256     , p_suggested_container_item    =>   NULL
10257     , p_suggested_container_item_id =>   NULL
10258     , p_suggested_carton_name       =>   NULL
10259     , p_suggested_tolpn_id          =>   NULL
10260     , x_pick_to_lpn_id              =>   l_pick_to_lpn_id
10261     , p_inventory_item_id           =>   p_item_id
10262     , p_confirmed_sub               =>   p_confirmed_sub
10263     , p_confirmed_loc_id            =>   p_confirmed_locator
10264     , p_revision                    =>   p_rev
10265     , p_confirmed_lots              =>   l_lot_v
10266     , p_from_lpn_id                 =>   NULL
10267     , p_lot_control                 =>   l_is_lot_control
10268     , p_revision_control            =>   l_is_revision_control
10269     , p_serial_control              =>   l_is_serial_control
10270     -- Bug 4632519
10271     , p_trx_type_id                 =>   to_char(p_transaction_type_id)
10272     , p_trx_action_id               =>   to_char(p_transaction_action_id)
10273     -- Bug 4632519
10274    );
10277    If x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
10278        x_toLPN_status := 'F';
10279      IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
10280       mydebug('Validate_pick_to_lpn could not validate toLPNDefault:');
10281      END IF;
10282      x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
10283    Else
10284     x_toLPN_status := 'T';
10285     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
10286       mydebug('Validate_pick_to_lpn  validated  toLPNDefault:');
10287      END IF;
10288   End If;
10290  END IF;
10292     EXCEPTION
10293         WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
10294           IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
10295             mydebug('Exception raised');
10296           END IF;
10298           x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
10299           fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
10300         WHEN OTHERS THEN
10301           IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
10302             mydebug('Other exception raised : ' || SQLERRM);
10303           END IF;
10305           x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
10306           fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
10310 FUNCTION can_pickdrop(p_transaction_temp_id IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
10311       l_ret       VARCHAR2(10) := 'PASS';
10312       l_debug     NUMBER      := NVL(fnd_profile.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'), 0);
10313     CURSOR c_cancelled_tasks IS
10314         --SELECT decode(mmtt.transaction_type_id, 35,'N',51,'N','Y')
10315         SELECT 'FAIL'
10316           FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_txn_request_lines mol
10317          WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id
10318            AND mmtt.move_order_line_id = mol.line_id
10319            AND mol.line_status = inv_globals.g_to_status_cancel_by_source
10320            AND ROWNUM = 1;
10321 BEGIN
10322    g_debug := l_debug;
10323    mydebug('In CAN_PICKDROP for Transaction Temp ID = ' || p_transaction_temp_id);
10325    OPEN c_cancelled_tasks;
10326       FETCH c_cancelled_tasks INTO l_ret;
10327       IF c_cancelled_tasks%NOTFOUND THEN
10328           mydebug('Found no Cancelled Task' );
10329       ELSE
10330           mydebug('Found Cancelled Tasks');
10331       END IF;
10332    CLOSE c_cancelled_tasks;
10333    mydebug('l_ret : ' || l_ret);
10334    RETURN l_ret;
10335 END  can_pickdrop;
10338 PROCEDURE check_pack_lpn
10339     ( p_lpn                IN             VARCHAR2
10340     , p_org_id             IN             NUMBER
10341     , p_container_item_id  IN             NUMBER
10342     , p_temp_id            IN             NUMBER --Bug7120019
10343     , x_lpn_id        OUT NOCOPY          NUMBER
10344     , x_lpn_context   OUT NOCOPY          NUMBER
10345     , x_outermost_lpn_id   OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER
10346     , x_pick_to_lpn_exists OUT NOCOPY     BOOLEAN
10347     , x_return_status OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
10348     , x_msg_count     OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
10349     , x_msg_data      OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
10350     ) IS
10351       lpn_cont        NUMBER         := 0;
10352       create_lpn      VARCHAR2(1)    := 'N';
10353       l_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
10354       l_msg_count     NUMBER;
10355       l_msg_data      VARCHAR2(4000);
10356       l_exist         NUMBER;
10357       p_lpn_id        NUMBER;
10358       l_org_id        NUMBER;
10359       l_locator_id    NUMBER;
10360       l_debug         NUMBER         := NVL(fnd_profile.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'), 0);
10361       honor_case_pick_count NUMBER   := 0; --Bug7120019
10362       l_CursorStmt          VARCHAR2(32000);
10363       l_CursorID            INTEGER;
10364       l_Dummy               INTEGER;
10366     BEGIN
10367       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
10368         mydebug('check_pack_lpn: check_pack_lpn begins');
10369       END IF;
10371       l_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
10373       IF ((p_lpn IS NULL)
10374           OR(p_lpn = '')) THEN
10375         x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
10376         RETURN;
10377       END IF;
10379       BEGIN
10380         SELECT lpn_context
10381              , organization_id
10382              , locator_id
10383              , lpn_id
10384              , outermost_lpn_id
10385           INTO lpn_cont
10386              , l_org_id
10387              , l_locator_id
10388              , x_lpn_id
10389              , x_outermost_lpn_id
10390           FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
10391          WHERE license_plate_number = p_lpn;
10392          x_pick_to_lpn_exists := TRUE;
10393          x_lpn_context := lpn_cont;
10394       EXCEPTION
10396           create_lpn  := 'Y';
10397           x_pick_to_lpn_exists := FALSE;
10398       END;
10400       IF (create_lpn = 'N'
10401          AND (l_org_id is not null and l_org_id <> p_org_id)
10402             ) THEN
10403            IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
10404              mydebug('check_pack_lpn: LPN already exists but with different context or Org');
10405              fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_INVLD_PICKTO_LPN_ORG');
10406              fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
10407            END IF;
10409            x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
10410            RETURN;
10411       END IF;
10413       --Bug7120019
10414       IF wms_control.g_current_release_level >= 120001 THEN
10415          l_CursorStmt := 'SELECT count (*) FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, wms_user_task_type_attributes wutta '||
10416                          'WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = :x_temp_id ' ||
10417                          ' AND mmtt.standard_operation_id = wutta.user_task_type_id '||
10418                          ' AND mmtt.organization_id = wutta.organization_id '||
10419                          ' AND wutta.honor_case_pick_flag = ''Y'' ';  --Added for Bug#7584906
10420          l_CursorID := DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR;
10421          DBMS_SQL.PARSE(l_CursorID, l_CursorStmt, DBMS_SQL.V7);
10422          DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN(l_CursorID, 1, honor_case_pick_count);
10423          DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(l_CursorID, ':x_temp_id', p_temp_id);
10424          l_Dummy := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(l_CursorID);
10425          l_Dummy := DBMS_SQL.FETCH_ROWS(l_CursorID);
10426          DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(l_CursorID, 1, honor_case_pick_count);
10427          DBMS_SQL.CLOSE_CURSOR(l_CursorID);
10428       END IF;
10430       IF (create_lpn = 'N') THEN
10431         IF (wms_control.g_current_release_level >= 120001 AND honor_case_pick_count > 0) THEN
10432           IF (
10433                lpn_cont = wms_container_pub.lpn_context_wip
10434                OR lpn_cont = wms_container_pub.lpn_context_rcv
10435                OR lpn_cont = wms_container_pub.lpn_context_stores
10436                OR lpn_cont = wms_container_pub.lpn_context_intransit
10437                OR lpn_cont = wms_container_pub.lpn_context_vendor
10438                OR lpn_cont = wms_container_pub.lpn_loaded_for_shipment
10439                OR lpn_cont = wms_container_pub.lpn_prepack_for_wip
10440                OR lpn_cont = wms_container_pub.lpn_context_picked
10441                OR lpn_cont = wms_container_pub.LPN_CONTEXT_INV
10442 	       OR lpn_cont = wms_container_pub.LPN_CONTEXT_PACKING
10443               ) THEN
10444               --OR (l_org_id is not null and l_org_id <> p_org_id)
10446              IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
10447                mydebug('check_pack_lpn: LPN already exists but with different context or Org');
10448                fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_INVLD_PICKTO_LPN_CONTEXT');
10449                fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
10450              END IF;
10452              x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
10453              RETURN;
10454           END IF;
10456 	ELSE -- Not Honor Case Pick
10457           IF (
10458                lpn_cont = wms_container_pub.lpn_context_wip
10459                OR lpn_cont = wms_container_pub.lpn_context_rcv
10460                OR lpn_cont = wms_container_pub.lpn_context_stores
10461                OR lpn_cont = wms_container_pub.lpn_context_intransit
10462                OR lpn_cont = wms_container_pub.lpn_context_vendor
10463                OR lpn_cont = wms_container_pub.lpn_loaded_for_shipment
10464                OR lpn_cont = wms_container_pub.lpn_prepack_for_wip
10465                OR lpn_cont = wms_container_pub.lpn_context_picked
10466                OR lpn_cont = wms_container_pub.LPN_CONTEXT_INV
10467               ) THEN
10469               IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
10470               mydebug('check_pack_lpn: LPN already exists but with different context or Org');
10471               fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_INVLD_PICKTO_LPN_CONTEXT');
10472               fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
10473               END IF;
10475               x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
10476               RETURN;
10477            END IF;
10478          END IF;
10479        END IF; --Bug7120019
10481       IF create_lpn = 'Y' THEN
10482         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
10483           mydebug('check_pack_lpn: calling wms_container_pub.create_lpn');
10484         END IF;
10486         wms_container_pub.create_lpn
10487         ( p_api_version                => 1.0
10488         , x_return_status              => l_return_status
10489         , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_count
10490         , x_msg_data                   => x_msg_data
10491         , p_lpn                        => p_lpn
10492         , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
10493         , p_container_item_id          => p_container_item_id
10494         , x_lpn_id                     => x_lpn_id
10495         , p_source                     => 5
10496         );
10498         IF (l_msg_count = 0) THEN
10499           IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
10500             mydebug('check_pack_lpn: Successful');
10501           END IF;
10502         ELSIF(l_msg_count = 1) THEN
10503           IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
10504             mydebug('check_pack_lpn: Not Successful');
10505             mydebug(REPLACE(x_msg_data, fnd_global.local_chr(0), ' '));
10506           END IF;
10507         ELSE
10508           IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
10509             mydebug('check_pack_lpn: Not Successful2');
10510           END IF;
10512           FOR i IN 1 .. l_msg_count LOOP
10513             x_msg_data  := fnd_msg_pub.get(i, 'F');
10515             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
10516               mydebug(REPLACE(x_msg_data, fnd_global.local_chr(0), ' '));
10517             END IF;
10518           END LOOP;
10519         END IF;
10521         IF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error
10522            OR l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error THEN
10523            fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_TD_CREATE_LPN_ERROR');
10524            fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
10525            RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
10526         END IF;
10528       END IF;
10530       x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
10532       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
10533         mydebug('check_pack_lpn: check_pack_lpn ends');
10534       END IF;
10535     EXCEPTION
10536       WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
10537         x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
10538         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
10539         IF DBMS_SQL.IS_Open(l_cursorID) THEN
10540          DBMS_SQL.Close_Cursor(l_cursorID);
10541         END IF;
10542       WHEN OTHERS THEN
10543         x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
10544         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
10545 	 IF DBMS_SQL.IS_Open(l_cursorID) THEN
10546          DBMS_SQL.Close_Cursor(l_cursorID);
10547         END IF;
10548 END check_pack_lpn;
10551 PROCEDURE validate_pick_to_lpn
10552     ( p_api_version_number          IN            NUMBER
10553     , p_init_msg_lst                IN            VARCHAR2
10554     , x_return_status               OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
10555     , x_msg_count                   OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
10556     , x_msg_data                    OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
10557     , p_organization_id             IN            NUMBER
10558     , p_pick_to_lpn                 IN            VARCHAR2   --New LPN
10559     , p_temp_id                     IN            NUMBER
10560     , p_project_id                  IN            NUMBER
10561     , p_task_id                     IN            NUMBER
10562     , p_container_item              IN            VARCHAR2
10563     , p_container_item_id           IN            NUMBER
10564     , p_suggested_container_item    IN            VARCHAR2
10565     , p_suggested_container_item_id IN            NUMBER
10566     , p_suggested_carton_name       IN            VARCHAR2
10567     , p_suggested_tolpn_id          IN            NUMBER
10568     , x_pick_to_lpn_id              OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
10569     , p_inventory_item_id           IN            NUMBER
10570     , p_confirmed_sub               IN            VARCHAR2
10571     , p_confirmed_loc_id            IN            NUMBER
10572     , p_revision                    IN            VARCHAR2
10573     , p_confirmed_lots              IN            VARCHAR2
10574     , p_from_lpn_id                 IN            NUMBER
10575     , p_lot_control                 IN            VARCHAR2
10576     , p_revision_control            IN            VARCHAR2
10577     , p_serial_control              IN            VARCHAR2
10578     , p_trx_type_id                 IN            VARCHAR2 -- Bug 4632519
10579     , p_trx_action_id               IN            VARCHAR2 -- Bug 4632519
10580     ) IS
10582       l_api_version_number CONSTANT NUMBER                      := 1.0;
10583       l_api_name           CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30)                := 'validate_pick_to_lpn';
10584       l_pick_to_lpn_exists          BOOLEAN                     := FALSE;
10585       l_current_mmtt_delivery_id    NUMBER                      := NULL;
10586       l_pick_to_lpn_delivery_id     NUMBER                      := NULL;
10587       l_pick_to_lpn_delivery_id2    NUMBER                      := -999;
10588       l_outermost_lpn_id            NUMBER                      := NULL;
10590       --Added for PJM Integration
10591       l_project_id                  NUMBER                      := NULL;
10592       l_task_id                     NUMBER                      := NULL;
10594       -- ********************* Start of bug fix 2078002 ********************
10595       l_mmtt_mo_type                NUMBER                      := NULL;
10596       l_mo_type_in_lpn              NUMBER                      := NULL;
10597       l_mmtt_wip_entity_type        NUMBER;
10598       l_mmtt_txn_type_id            NUMBER;
10599       l_wip_entity_type_in_lpn      NUMBER;
10600       -- ********************* End of bug fix 2078002 ********************
10602       l_xfr_sub                     VARCHAR2(30);
10603       l_xfr_to_location             NUMBER;
10604       l_lpn_controlled_flag         NUMBER;
10605       l_count                       NUMBER                      := 0;
10606       l_item_id                     NUMBER;
10607       l_operation_plan_id           NUMBER;
10608       l_current_carton_grouping_id  NUMBER                      := -999;
10609       l_carton_grouping_id          NUMBER                      := -999;
10610       l_parent_line_id              NUMBER;
10611       l_transaction_header_id       NUMBER;
10612       l_multiple_pick               VARCHAR2(1);
10613       l_bulk_task_exist             VARCHAR2(1);
10614 -- Increased lot size to 80 Char - Mercy Thomas - B4625329
10615       l_lot_number                  VARCHAR2(80) := null;
10616       l_debug                       NUMBER                      := NVL(fnd_profile.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'), 0);
10617       --************added for cartonized check******************
10618       l_container_item_id           NUMBER;
10619       l_concatenated_segments       VARCHAR2(40);
10620       --***
10621       l_lot_control                 NUMBER  := 1;
10622       l_revision_control            NUMBER  := 1;
10623       l_commingle_exist             VARCHAR2(1);
10625       -- the delimiter for lot string
10626       l_delimiter                   VARCHAR2(30)   :=  ':';
10627          -- To parse lots
10628       m                             NUMBER := 1;  -- position of delimiter
10629       n                             NUMBER := 1;  -- Start position for substr or
10630       --
10631       -- Bug 4454837,this change will be removed after discussion
10632       /*
10633       l_line_rows                   WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type;
10634       l_grouping_rows               WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type;
10635       l_same_carton_grouping        BOOLEAN := FALSE;
10636       l_return_status               VARCHAR2(2) ;
10637       --
10638       */
10640       --Bug 6168447-Start
10641       l_lpn_name VARCHAR2(30);
10642       l_status_code VARCHAR2(1);
10643       l_delivery_id NUMBER;
10644       l_delivery_detail_id number;
10645       l_wsh_dd_upd_rec  WSH_GLBL_VAR_STRCT_GRP.Delivery_Details_Rec_Type;
10646       wsh_update_tbl  WSH_GLBL_VAR_STRCT_GRP.delivery_details_Attr_tbl_Type;
10647       l_IN_rec        WSH_GLBL_VAR_STRCT_GRP.detailInRecType;
10648       l_OUT_rec       WSH_GLBL_VAR_STRCT_GRP.detailOutRecType;
10649       --Bug 6168447-End
10651       TYPE lpn_rectype IS RECORD
10652       ( lpn_id           wms_license_plate_numbers.lpn_id%TYPE
10653       , lpn_context      wms_license_plate_numbers.lpn_context%TYPE
10654       , outermost_lpn_id wms_license_plate_numbers.outermost_lpn_id%TYPE
10655       );
10657       pick_to_lpn_rec               lpn_rectype;
10659       TYPE pjm_rectype IS RECORD
10660       ( prj_id mtl_item_locations.project_id%TYPE
10661       , tsk_id mtl_item_locations.task_id%TYPE
10662       );
10664       mtl_pjm_prj_tsk_rec           pjm_rectype;
10665       lpn_pjm_prj_tsk_rec           pjm_rectype;
10667       CURSOR others_in_mmtt_delivery_cursor(l_lpn_id IN NUMBER) IS
10668         SELECT wda.delivery_id
10669           FROM wsh_delivery_assignments_v        wda
10670              , wsh_delivery_details_ob_grp_v   wdd
10671              , mtl_material_transactions_temp  mmtt
10672          WHERE mmtt.transfer_lpn_id   = l_lpn_id
10673            AND wda.delivery_detail_id = wdd.delivery_detail_id
10674            AND wdd.move_order_line_id = mmtt.move_order_line_id
10675            AND wdd.organization_id    = mmtt.organization_id;
10676            --AND wdd.released_status    = 'X';  -- For LPN reusability ER : 6845650 Commented for Bug#7430264
10678       CURSOR child_lpns_cursor(l_lpn_id IN NUMBER) IS
10679         SELECT lpn_id
10680         FROM   wms_license_plate_numbers
10681         START  WITH lpn_id = l_lpn_id
10682         CONNECT BY parent_lpn_id = PRIOR lpn_id;
10684       child_lpns_rec  child_lpns_cursor%ROWTYPE;
10686       CURSOR current_delivery_cursor IS
10687         SELECT wda.delivery_id
10688           FROM wsh_delivery_assignments_v        wda
10689              , wsh_delivery_details_ob_grp_v   wdd
10690              , mtl_material_transactions_temp  mmtt
10691          WHERE wda.delivery_detail_id   = wdd.delivery_detail_id
10692            AND wdd.move_order_line_id   = mmtt.move_order_line_id
10693            AND wdd.organization_id      = mmtt.organization_id
10694            AND mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
10695            AND mmtt.organization_id     = p_organization_id;
10697       CURSOR drop_delivery_cursor(l_lpn_id IN NUMBER) IS
10698         SELECT wda.delivery_id
10699           FROM wsh_delivery_assignments_v       wda
10700              , wsh_delivery_details_ob_grp_v  wdd
10701          WHERE wda.parent_delivery_detail_id = wdd.delivery_detail_id
10702            AND wdd.lpn_id = l_lpn_id
10703            AND wdd.organization_id = p_organization_id
10704            AND wdd.released_status = 'X';  -- For LPN reusability ER : 6845650
10706       --
10707       -- This cursor gets the project and task id for the lpn to be
10708       -- loaded into
10709       --
10710       CURSOR lpn_project_task_cursor(p_pick_to_lpn_id NUMBER) IS
10711         SELECT NVL(mil.project_id, -1)
10712              , NVL(mil.task_id, -1)
10713           FROM mtl_item_locations mil, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
10714          WHERE mil.inventory_location_id = mmtt.transfer_to_location
10715            AND mil.organization_id       = mmtt.organization_id
10716            AND mmtt.transfer_lpn_id      = p_pick_to_lpn_id
10717            AND mmtt.organization_id      = p_organization_id;
10719       --
10720       -- This cursor gets the project and task id of the task that is about
10721       -- to be packed
10722       --
10723       CURSOR mtl_project_task_cursor IS
10724         SELECT NVL(mil.project_id, -1)
10725              , NVL(mil.task_id, -1)
10726           FROM mtl_item_locations mil, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
10727          WHERE mil.inventory_location_id = mmtt.transfer_to_location
10728            AND mil.organization_id       = mmtt.organization_id
10729            AND mmtt.organization_id      = p_organization_id
10730            AND mmtt.transaction_temp_id  = p_temp_id;
10732       CURSOR current_carton_grouping_cursor IS
10733         SELECT mol.carton_grouping_id
10734           FROM mtl_txn_request_lines mol, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
10735          WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
10736            AND mmtt.organization_id     = mol.organization_id
10737            AND mmtt.move_order_line_id  = mol.line_id;
10739       CURSOR others_carton_grouping_cursor(p_lpn_id IN NUMBER) IS
10740         SELECT DISTINCT mol.carton_grouping_id
10741                    FROM mtl_txn_request_lines mol, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
10742                   WHERE mmtt.transfer_lpn_id = p_lpn_id
10743                     AND mmtt.organization_id = mol.organization_id
10744                     AND mmtt.move_order_line_id = mol.line_id;
10746       -- Bug 6168447 : Cursot to check if there are any wdd present for the LPN
10748       CURSOR c_wdd_exists(p_lpn_id NUMBER,p_organization_id NUMBER) is
10749       SELECT distinct wda.delivery_id
10750       FROM wsh_delivery_details wdd, wsh_delivery_assignments wda
10751       WHERE wdd.lpn_id IN (select lpn_id from wms_license_plate_numbers
10752                         where organization_id = p_organization_id
10753                         and (lpn_id = p_lpn_id
10754                         or parent_lpn_id = p_lpn_id
10755                         or outermost_lpn_id = p_lpn_id))
10756       AND wda.parent_delivery_detail_id = wdd.delivery_detail_id
10757       AND wdd.released_status = 'X';  -- For LPN reusability ER : 6845650
10759     BEGIN
10762       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
10763          mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: Start Validate_pick_to_lpn.');
10764       END IF;
10766       --
10767       -- Standard call to check for call compatibility
10768       --
10769       IF NOT fnd_api.compatible_api_call(l_api_version_number, p_api_version_number, l_api_name, g_pkg_name) THEN
10770          fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_CONT_INCOMPATIBLE_API_CALL');
10771          fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
10772          RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
10773       END IF;
10775       --
10776       --  Initialize message list.
10777       --
10778       IF fnd_api.to_boolean(p_init_msg_lst) THEN
10779          fnd_msg_pub.initialize;
10780       END IF;
10782       --
10783       -- Initialize API return status to success
10784       --
10785       x_return_status        := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
10787       --
10788       -- Begin validation process:
10789       -- Check if drop lpn exists by trying to retrieve its lpn ID.
10790       -- If it does not exist, no further validations required
10791       -- so return success.
10792       --
10793       -- jali changed the following: If the LPN doesn't exists then create the LPN.
10794       -- this will resolve the issue why the key in LPN name is not working
10795       -- also the following change will only query the WLPN once.
10796       IF (p_container_item_id = -1) THEN -- no cartonization
10797           l_container_item_id := NULL;
10798       ELSE
10799           l_container_item_id := p_container_item_id;
10800       END IF;
10802        check_pack_lpn
10803       ( p_lpn                => p_pick_to_lpn
10804       , p_org_id             => p_organization_id
10805       , p_container_item_id  => l_container_item_id    --new IN parameter
10806       , p_temp_id            => p_temp_id              --Bug7120019
10807       , x_lpn_id             => pick_to_lpn_rec.lpn_id
10808       , x_lpn_context        => pick_to_lpn_rec.lpn_context
10809       , x_outermost_lpn_id   => pick_to_lpn_rec.outermost_lpn_id
10810       , x_pick_to_lpn_exists => l_pick_to_lpn_exists
10811       , x_return_status      => x_return_status
10812       , x_msg_count          => x_msg_count
10813       , x_msg_data           => x_msg_data
10814       );
10816       IF x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error
10817          OR x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error THEN
10818          RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
10819       END IF;
10820       x_pick_to_lpn_id := pick_to_lpn_rec.lpn_id;
10822       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
10823           mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn:x_pick_to_lpn_id:'||x_pick_to_lpn_id);
10824       END IF;
10826       IF NOT l_pick_to_lpn_exists THEN
10827          IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
10828             mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: Drop LPN is a new LPN, no checking required.');
10829          END IF;
10830          RETURN;
10831       --Bug 6168477 -start : Added the following ELSIF condition.
10832       ELSIF pick_to_lpn_rec.lpn_context = wms_container_pub.lpn_context_pregenerated THEN
10833          IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
10834             mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: Drop LPN is in context 5,check if associated records are presetn in WDD.');
10835 	      END IF;
10836          OPEN c_wdd_exists(pick_to_lpn_rec.lpn_id,p_organization_id);
10837          FETCH c_wdd_exists into l_delivery_id;
10838          IF c_wdd_exists%NOTFOUND THEN
10839             CLOSE c_wdd_exists;
10840          ELSE
10841  	      IF (l_delivery_id IS NOT NULL )THEN
10842                    BEGIN
10843                            SELECT wlpn.LICENSE_PLATE_NUMBER
10844                            INTO l_lpn_name
10845                            FROM Wms_License_Plate_Numbers wlpn
10846                            WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
10847                            and (lpn_id = pick_to_lpn_rec.lpn_id
10848                            or parent_lpn_id = pick_to_lpn_rec.lpn_id
10849                            or outermost_lpn_id = pick_to_lpn_rec.lpn_id);
10851                            SELECT wdd.released_status,wdd.delivery_detail_id
10852                            INTO l_status_code,l_delivery_detail_id
10853                            FROM wsh_delivery_details_ob_grp_v wdd
10854 	                        WHERE wdd.container_name = l_lpn_name
10855                            AND wdd.released_status = 'X';      -- For LPN reusability ER : 6845650
10857 			   /* Release 12(K): LPN Synchronization
10858 			   1. Uniqueness constraint on WDD.container_name is removed
10859 			      So it is not required to append characters to the LPNs
10860 			      to get a new containers name
10861 			   2. Replace API call to wsh_container_grp.update_container
10862 			      with new API call WSH_WMS_LPN_GRP.Create_Update_Containers
10863 			   */
10865 			   IF l_status_code = 'C' THEN
10867 			      l_wsh_dd_upd_rec.delivery_detail_id := l_delivery_detail_id;
10868 			      l_wsh_dd_upd_rec.lpn_id := pick_to_lpn_rec.lpn_id;
10870 			      wsh_update_tbl(1) := l_wsh_dd_upd_rec;
10872 			      l_IN_rec.caller      := 'WMS';
10873 			      l_IN_rec.action_code := 'UPDATE_NULL';
10875 			      WSH_WMS_LPN_GRP.Create_Update_Containers (
10876 			          p_api_version     => 1.0
10877 			        , p_init_msg_list   => fnd_api.g_false
10878 			        , p_commit          => fnd_api.g_false
10879 			        , x_return_status   => x_return_status
10880 			        , x_msg_count       => x_msg_count
10881 			        , x_msg_data        => x_msg_data
10882 			        , p_detail_info_tab => wsh_update_tbl
10883 			        , p_IN_rec          => l_IN_rec
10884 			        , x_OUT_rec         => l_OUT_rec );
10886 			     IF x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error
10887 				OR x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error THEN
10888 				RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
10889 			     END IF;
10890 			   ELSE
10891                              fnd_message.set_name('WMS','WMS_INVALID_PACK_DELIVERY');
10892 			     fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
10893 	                     RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
10894 			   END IF;
10895 		   END;
10896         	 CLOSE c_wdd_exists;
10897               END IF;
10898 	 END IF;
10899          --6168477 End
10900       END IF;
10903       /******** check for cartonized task***************/
10904       IF (p_container_item is not NULL) THEN
10905          IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
10906                 mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: p_container_item :'||p_container_item);
10907                 mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: p_container_item_id :'||p_container_item_id);
10908                 mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: p_suggested_container_item :'||p_suggested_container_item);
10909                 mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: p_suggested_container_item_id :'||p_suggested_container_item_id);
10910                 mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: p_pick_to_lpn--new LPN:'||p_pick_to_lpn);
10911                 mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: p_suggested_carton_name--old LPN:'||p_suggested_carton_name);
10912                 mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: p_suggested_tolpn_id--old LPN_id:'||p_suggested_tolpn_id);
10913          END IF;
10915          IF (p_pick_to_lpn <> p_suggested_carton_name) THEN
10916                 IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
10917                     mydebug('tolpn changed from:'||p_suggested_carton_name||' to:'||p_pick_to_lpn);
10918                 END IF;
10919                 BEGIN
10920                      SELECT nvl(inventory_item_id, -999)
10921                        INTO l_container_item_id
10922                       FROM  wms_license_plate_numbers
10923                       WHERE license_plate_number = p_pick_to_lpn
10924                         AND organization_id = p_organization_id
10925                         AND lpn_context IN (wms_container_pub.lpn_context_packing, wms_container_pub.LPN_CONTEXT_PREGENERATED);
10926                 EXCEPTION
10927                       WHEN no_data_found THEN
10928                       -- error out and assuming it should exist
10929                       -- tolpn doesn't existing or if existing, but has wrong context
10930                        fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_LPN_NOT_FOUND');
10931                        fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
10932                        RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
10933                 END;
10934                 IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
10935                       mydebug('l_container_item_id:'||l_container_item_id);
10936                 END IF;
10937                 IF (l_container_item_id = -999) THEN  --lpn does not use any container
10938                       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
10939                            mydebug('LPN does not use any container');
10940                       END IF;
10941                       fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_LPN_NOT_LINKTO_CONT');
10942                       fnd_message.set_token('LPN', p_pick_to_lpn );
10943                       fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
10944                       RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
10945                 ELSIF (l_container_item_id <> p_container_item_id) THEN
10946                      IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
10947                            mydebug('The container, with which LPN associated, is different from confirmed container');
10948                      END IF;
10949                      BEGIN
10950                           SELECT CONCATENATED_SEGMENTS
10951                             INTO  l_concatenated_segments
10952                             FROM  MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_KFV
10953                            WHERE  inventory_item_id = l_container_item_id
10954                              AND  organization_id = p_organization_id;
10955                      EXCEPTION
10956                           WHEN OTHERS THEN
10957                               l_concatenated_segments := '';
10958                      END;
10959                      fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_LPN_ASSOC_WITH_CONT');
10960                      fnd_message.set_token('LPN', p_pick_to_lpn );
10961                      fnd_message.set_token('CONTAINER',  l_concatenated_segments);
10962                      fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
10963                      RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
10964                 END IF;
10965           ELSE
10966              IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
10967                mydebug('tolpn is not changed.');
10968              END IF;
10969              IF (p_container_item = p_suggested_container_item) THEN
10970                   IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
10971                       mydebug('Container is not changed. tolpn is not change, do nothing');
10972                   END IF;
10973              ELSE
10974                   IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
10975                       mydebug('Container changed. error out');
10976                   END IF;
10977                   fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_LPN_ASSOC_WITH_CONT');
10978                   fnd_message.set_token('LPN', p_pick_to_lpn );
10979                   fnd_message.set_token('CONTAINER', p_suggested_container_item );
10980                   fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
10981                   RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
10982              END IF;
10983          END IF;
10984     END IF;
10986      /********* end of checking for cartonized task ********/
10988     /* check for cost group commingle   */
10990      IF p_serial_control = 'N' THEN
10992          IF p_lot_control = 'Y' THEN
10993             l_lot_control := 2;
10994          ELSE l_lot_control := 1;
10995          END IF;
10997          IF p_revision_control = 'Y' THEN
10998             l_revision_control := 2;
10999          ELSE l_revision_control := 1;
11000          END IF;
11003          WHILE  ( n <> 0)
11004          LOOP
11005            IF p_lot_control = 'Y' THEN
11006              n := INSTR(p_confirmed_lots,l_delimiter,m,1);
11007              IF n = 0 THEN -- Last part OF the string
11008                  l_lot_number :=
11009                    substr(p_confirmed_lots,m,length(p_confirmed_lots));
11010              ELSE
11011                  l_lot_number :=  substr(p_confirmed_lots,m,n-m) ;
11012                           -- start at M get m-n chrs
11013                  m := n+1;
11014              END IF;
11015              mydebug ('l_lot_number:' || l_lot_number);
11016            ELSE
11017              n := 0;
11018              mydebug ('not lot controlled');
11019            END IF;
11021            validate_loaded_lpn_cg(
11022                   p_organization_id      => p_organization_id,
11023                   p_inventory_item_id    => p_inventory_item_id,
11024                   p_subinventory_code    => p_confirmed_sub,
11025                   p_locator_id           => p_confirmed_loc_id,
11026                   p_revision             => p_revision,
11027                   p_lot_number           => l_lot_number,
11028                   p_lpn_id               => p_from_lpn_id,
11029                   p_transfer_lpn_id      => x_pick_to_lpn_id,
11030                   p_lot_control          => l_lot_control, --IN  NUMBER,
11031                   p_revision_control     => l_revision_control, --IN  NUMBER,
11032                   x_commingle_exist      => l_commingle_exist,
11033                   x_return_status        => x_return_status,
11034                   p_trx_type_id          => p_trx_type_id,
11035                   p_trx_action_id        => p_trx_action_id);
11037           IF x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error
11038              OR x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error THEN
11039              RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
11040           END IF;
11042           IF l_commingle_exist = 'Y' THEN
11043                   IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11044                       mydebug('Cost group commigle exist.');
11045                   END IF;
11046                   fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_CG_COMMINGLE');
11047                   fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
11048                   RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
11049           ELSE
11050                   IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11051                       mydebug('passed cost group commigle check.');
11052                   END IF;
11053           END IF;
11054        END LOOP;
11056     END IF;
11057     /*end of check for cost group commingle   */
11060      --
11061      -- If the drop lpn was pre-generated, no validations required
11062      -- Changed the context to be updated to 8 instead of 1 as done earlier
11063      --
11064      /* Mrana: 12/10/03: we need not change the context in this API. We will do it at LOAD
11065  *     or Pick More . i.e. Task_load or Task_merge_split API  RESP.
11066  *     IF pick_to_lpn_rec.lpn_context = wms_container_pub.lpn_context_pregenerated THEN
11067         --
11068         -- Update the context to "Packing Context" (8)
11069         --
11070         UPDATE wms_license_plate_numbers
11071            SET lpn_context = wms_container_pub.lpn_context_packing
11072          WHERE lpn_id = pick_to_lpn_rec.lpn_id;
11074         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11075            mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: Drop LPN is pre-generated, no checking required.');
11076         END IF;
11078         RETURN;
11079       END IF; */
11082      /**********patchset J bulk picking                **********************/
11083       -- move the following query up to here, so that we can query the parent line id to see if
11084       -- it is bulk picking or not   -----
11085       /***********************************************************************/
11086       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11087             mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: patchset J bulk picking started');
11088       END IF;
11090       SELECT mmtt.transfer_subinventory
11091     , mmtt.transfer_to_location
11092     , mmtt.inventory_item_id
11093     , mmtt.operation_plan_id
11094     , nvl(mmtt.parent_line_id,-1)
11095     , mmtt.transaction_header_id
11096       INTO l_xfr_sub
11097     , l_xfr_to_location
11098     , l_item_id
11099     , l_operation_plan_id
11100     , l_parent_line_id
11101     , l_transaction_header_id
11102       FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
11103       WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
11105       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11106            mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: parent line id:'||l_parent_line_id);
11107       END IF;
11110       IF l_parent_line_id = p_temp_id THEN -- bulk picking task
11111                        -- check to see if this is for multiple pick of the same task or not
11112                        -- If yes, no problem, otherwise raise error
11113                        -- program can come to here which means the LPN is not pregenerated LPN
11114                        BEGIN
11115           select 'N'
11116           into l_multiple_pick
11117           from dual
11118           where exists (select 1
11119             from mtl_material_transactions_temp
11120             where transfer_lpn_id = pick_to_lpn_rec.lpn_id
11121        and transaction_header_id <>l_transaction_header_id);
11123           fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_INVLD_PICKTO_LPN_NOT_NEW'); -- new message
11124           fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
11125           RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
11126           EXCEPTION
11127        WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN RETURN; -- this lpn is fine and no need to do all
11128            -- the following checks
11129          END;
11130                     ELSE -- regular task but maybe the lpn has contains bulk tasks
11131                        BEGIN
11132                                select 'Y'
11133                                into l_bulk_task_exist
11134                                from dual
11135                                where exists (select 1
11136                                              from mtl_material_transactions_temp
11137                                              where transfer_lpn_id = pick_to_lpn_rec.lpn_id
11138                                              and transaction_temp_id = parent_line_id  -- bulk task
11139                                              );
11140                                fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_INVLD_PICKTO_LPN_BULK');
11141                                fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
11142                                RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
11143                                EXCEPTION
11144                                    WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN null;
11145                        END;
11146       END IF;
11148       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11149           mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: patchset J bulk picking ended');
11150       END IF;
11152       /******** end of patchset J bulk picking  ***************************/
11155       --
11156       -- *********************Start of bug fix 2078002,2095080 ********************
11157       -- Check if the task that is about to pack into the LPN has the same
11158       -- move order type as the tasks already packed into the same LPN
11159       --
11160       SELECT mtrh.move_order_type
11161            , mmtt.transaction_type_id
11162            , mmtt.wip_entity_type
11163         INTO l_mmtt_mo_type
11164            , l_mmtt_txn_type_id
11165            , l_mmtt_wip_entity_type
11166         FROM mtl_txn_request_headers         mtrh
11167            , mtl_txn_request_lines           mtrl
11168            , mtl_material_transactions_temp  mmtt
11169        WHERE mtrh.header_id           = mtrl.header_id
11170          AND mtrl.line_id             = mmtt.move_order_line_id
11171          AND mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
11173       BEGIN
11174          SELECT mtrh.move_order_type
11175               , mmtt.wip_entity_type
11176            INTO l_mo_type_in_lpn
11177               , l_wip_entity_type_in_lpn
11178            FROM mtl_txn_request_headers         mtrh
11179               , mtl_txn_request_lines           mtrl
11180               , mtl_material_transactions_temp  mmtt
11181           WHERE mtrh.header_id       = mtrl.header_id
11182             AND mtrl.line_id         = mmtt.move_order_line_id
11183             AND mmtt.transfer_lpn_id = pick_to_lpn_rec.lpn_id
11184             AND ROWNUM < 2;
11185       EXCEPTION
11186              WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN
11187                  l_mo_type_in_lpn := null;
11188       END;
11190       IF (l_mo_type_in_lpn is not null ) THEN
11191          IF l_mo_type_in_lpn <> l_mmtt_mo_type THEN
11192             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11193                mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: Picked LPN and current MMTT have different MO type.');
11194                mydebug('  p_temp_id => ' || p_temp_id);
11195                mydebug('  lpn_id => ' || pick_to_lpn_rec.lpn_id);
11196                mydebug('  l_mmtt_mo_type => ' || l_mmtt_mo_type);
11197                mydebug('  l_mo_type_in_lpn => ' || l_mo_type_in_lpn);
11198             END IF;
11199             fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_INVLD_PICKTO_LPN_MO_TYPE');
11200             fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
11201             RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
11202          ELSIF l_mmtt_txn_type_id = 35
11203                OR l_mmtt_txn_type_id = 51 THEN -- Mfg pick
11204                IF l_mmtt_wip_entity_type <> l_wip_entity_type_in_lpn THEN
11205                   IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11206                      mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: This is a manufacturing component pick.');
11207                      mydebug('WIP entity type IS NOT the same AS that OF the old mmtt RECORD');
11208                   END IF;
11209                   fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_INVLD_PICKTO_LPN_MFG_MODE');
11210                   fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
11211                   RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
11212                END IF;
11213          END IF;
11214       END IF;
11215       -- *********************End of bug fix 2078002,2095080 ********************
11217       --
11218       -- Bug 2355453: Check to see if the LPN is already going to some other lpn
11219       -- controlled sub. In that case, do not allow material to be picked into
11220       -- this LPN
11221       --
11222       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11223          mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: Check to see if LPN is already going to some other sub/loc');
11224       END IF;
11226       /* moved up already
11227                       SELECT mmtt.transfer_subinventory
11228            , mmtt.transfer_to_location
11229            , mmtt.inventory_item_id
11230            , mmtt.operation_plan_id
11231         INTO l_xfr_sub
11232            , l_xfr_to_location
11233            , l_item_id
11234            , l_operation_plan_id
11235         FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
11236        WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id; */
11238       l_lpn_controlled_flag  := wms_globals.g_non_lpn_controlled_sub;
11240       IF l_xfr_sub IS NOT NULL THEN
11241          SELECT lpn_controlled_flag
11242            INTO l_lpn_controlled_flag
11243            FROM mtl_secondary_inventories
11244           WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
11245             AND secondary_inventory_name = l_xfr_sub;
11246       END IF;
11248       IF l_xfr_sub IS NOT NULL
11249          AND l_lpn_controlled_flag = wms_globals.g_lpn_controlled_sub THEN
11250          IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11251             mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: Transfer Sub is LPN Controlled');
11252          END IF;
11254          --
11255          -- Ensure that all remaining picks on the LPN are also for the same sub
11256          --
11257          l_count  := 0;
11259          BEGIN
11260             SELECT COUNT(*)
11261               INTO l_count
11262               FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
11263              WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id <> p_temp_id
11264                AND mmtt.transfer_lpn_id = pick_to_lpn_rec.lpn_id
11265                AND ( NVL(mmtt.transfer_subinventory, 0) <> l_xfr_sub
11266                      OR
11267                      NVL(mmtt.transfer_to_location, 0)  <> l_xfr_to_location
11268                    );
11269          EXCEPTION
11270             WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN
11271                  l_count  := 0;
11272          END;
11274          IF l_count > 0 THEN
11275             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11276                mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: Drop LPN is going to an LPN controlled sub');
11277                mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: Cannot add picks not going to the same sub');
11278             END IF;
11280             fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_INVLD_PICKTO_LPN_SUBINV');
11281             fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
11282             RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
11283          END IF;
11284       ELSE
11285          --
11286          -- Current temp ID has a NULL xfer sub (issue txn)
11287          -- or the xfer sub is non LPN-controlled.
11288          -- Ensure that no other picks on the same LPN are to
11289          -- LPN controlled subs
11290          --
11292          IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11293             mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: Transfer Sub is non LPN Controlled or null.');
11294          END IF;
11296          l_count  := 0;
11297          BEGIN
11298             SELECT 1
11299               INTO l_count
11300               FROM DUAL
11301              WHERE EXISTS
11302                  ( SELECT 'x'
11303                      FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp  mmtt
11304                         , mtl_secondary_inventories       msi
11305                     WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id    <> p_temp_id
11306                       AND mmtt.transfer_lpn_id         = pick_to_lpn_rec.lpn_id
11307                       AND msi.organization_id          = p_organization_id
11308                       AND msi.secondary_inventory_name = mmtt.transfer_subinventory
11309                       AND msi.lpn_controlled_flag      = wms_globals.g_lpn_controlled_sub
11310                  );
11311          EXCEPTION
11312             WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN
11313                  l_count  := 0;
11314          END;
11316          IF l_count > 0 THEN
11317             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11318                mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: Drop LPN has pick(s) for an LPN-controlled sub');
11319             END IF;
11321             fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_INVLD_PICKTO_LPN_SUBINV');
11322             fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
11323             RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
11324          END IF;
11325       END IF;
11327       --
11328       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11329          mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: Check to see if LPN is associated with material' ||
11330                  ' FOR a different operation plan');
11331       END IF;
11333       l_count := 0;
11334       BEGIN
11335         SELECT COUNT(1)
11336           INTO l_count
11337           FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
11338          WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id <> p_temp_id
11339            AND mmtt.transfer_lpn_id      = pick_to_lpn_rec.lpn_id
11340            AND mmtt.operation_plan_id   <> l_operation_plan_id;
11341       EXCEPTION
11343           l_count := 0;
11344       END;
11346       IF l_count > 0 THEN
11347          IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11348             mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: Drop LPN is associated with material FOR a different operation plan');
11349          END IF;
11351          fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_INVLD_PICKTO_LPN_OPER_PLAN');
11352          fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
11353          RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
11354       END IF;
11357       --
11358       -- No further checks required if LPN contains manufacturing picks
11359       -- The checks after this are related to delivery ID and PJM orgs
11360       --
11361       -- actually no further checks if it is replenishment or others except pick wave
11362       IF l_mmtt_mo_type <> 3 THEN
11363          RETURN;
11364       END IF;
11366       -- Now check if the picked LPN
11367       -- belongs to delivery which is different from current delivery
11368       --
11369       OPEN current_delivery_cursor;
11371       LOOP
11372         FETCH current_delivery_cursor INTO l_current_mmtt_delivery_id;
11373         EXIT WHEN l_current_mmtt_delivery_id IS NOT NULL
11374               OR current_delivery_cursor%NOTFOUND;
11375       END LOOP;
11377       CLOSE current_delivery_cursor;
11379       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11380         mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: l_current_mmtt_delivery_id:' || l_current_mmtt_delivery_id);
11381       END IF;
11383       --
11384       -- If the current MMTT is not associated with a delivery yet
11385       -- then no further checking required, return success
11386       --
11387       IF l_current_mmtt_delivery_id IS NULL THEN
11388         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11389           mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: Current MMTT is not associated with a delivery');
11390         END IF;
11392         OPEN current_carton_grouping_cursor;
11393         FETCH current_carton_grouping_cursor INTO l_current_carton_grouping_id;
11394         CLOSE current_carton_grouping_cursor;
11396         IF (l_current_carton_grouping_id = -999) THEN
11397           IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11398             mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: can NOT find move order line for current task');
11399           END IF;
11401           fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_NO_MOL');
11402           fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
11403           RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
11404         END IF;
11406         IF l_current_carton_grouping_id IS NOT NULL THEN -- found carton_grouping_id
11407           OPEN others_carton_grouping_cursor(pick_to_lpn_rec.lpn_id);
11409           LOOP
11410             FETCH others_carton_grouping_cursor INTO l_carton_grouping_id;
11411             EXIT WHEN l_current_carton_grouping_id = NVL(l_carton_grouping_id, 0)
11412                   OR others_carton_grouping_cursor%NOTFOUND;
11413           END LOOP;
11415           CLOSE others_carton_grouping_cursor;
11417           IF l_carton_grouping_id = -999 THEN -- it is the first task in the lpn
11418             mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: This is the first task for the lpn ' ||
11419                     'and the task without delivery, so ok..');
11420             RETURN;
11421           END IF;
11423           IF l_carton_grouping_id IS NOT NULL THEN
11424             IF l_carton_grouping_id = l_current_carton_grouping_id THEN --the same carton_grouping_id
11425               IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11426                 mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: found the task in lpn which has ' ||
11427                         'the same carton_grouping_id as current task');
11428               END IF;
11430               OPEN others_in_mmtt_delivery_cursor(pick_to_lpn_rec.lpn_id);
11431               l_pick_to_lpn_delivery_id  := -999;
11433               LOOP
11434                 FETCH others_in_mmtt_delivery_cursor INTO l_pick_to_lpn_delivery_id;
11435                 EXIT WHEN l_pick_to_lpn_delivery_id IS NULL
11436                       OR others_in_mmtt_delivery_cursor%NOTFOUND;
11437               END LOOP;
11439               CLOSE others_in_mmtt_delivery_cursor;
11441               IF l_pick_to_lpn_delivery_id = -999 THEN --there is mol, but no wdd or wda, raise error
11442                 IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11443                   mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: can NOT find either wdd or wda for tasks in the lpn');
11444                 END IF;
11446                 fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_NO_WDD_WDA');
11447                 fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
11448                 RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
11449               END IF;
11451               IF l_pick_to_lpn_delivery_id IS NULL THEN
11452                 IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11453                   mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: found a task which has ' ||
11454                           'the same carton_grouping_id as current task, and also no delivery.');
11455                 END IF;
11457                 RETURN;
11458               ELSE
11459                 IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11460                   mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: other tasks in lpn have different deliveries');
11461                 END IF;
11463                 fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_PICK_TO_LPN_DIFF_DELIV');
11464                 fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
11465                 RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
11466               END IF;
11467             ELSE -- they have different carton_grouping_id
11468               --{
11469               IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11470                 mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: other tasks in lpn have different carton grouping id');
11471               END IF;
11472               --
11473               -- Start : R12 Bug 4454837, this change will be removed
11474               --
11475               /*
11476               BEGIN
11477                 --{
11478                 SELECT wdd.delivery_detail_id INTO  l_line_rows(1)
11479                 FROM wsh_delivery_details    wdd
11480                     , mtl_material_transactions_temp  mmtt
11481                 WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
11482                 AND wdd.move_order_line_id = mmtt.move_order_line_id
11483                 AND wdd.organization_id    = mmtt.organization_id;
11484                 --
11485                 SELECT wdd.delivery_detail_id  INTO  l_line_rows(2)
11486                 FROM wsh_delivery_details  wdd
11487                      , mtl_material_transactions_temp  mmtt
11488                 WHERE mmtt.transfer_lpn_id   = pick_to_lpn_rec.lpn_id
11489                 AND wdd.move_order_line_id = mmtt.move_order_line_id
11490                 AND wdd.organization_id    = mmtt.organization_id
11491                 AND rownum<2;
11492                 --
11493                 IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11494                   mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: Before calling WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS_GRP.Get_Carton_Grouping() to decide if we can load into this LPN');
11495                   mydebug('Parameters : delivery_detail_id(1):'|| l_line_rows(1) ||' , delivery_detail_id(2) :'||l_line_rows(2));
11496                 END IF;
11497                 --
11498                 -- call to the shipping API.
11499                 --
11500                 WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS_GRP.Get_Carton_Grouping(
11501                            p_line_rows      => l_line_rows,
11502                            x_grouping_rows  => l_grouping_rows,
11503                            x_return_status  => l_return_status);
11504                 --
11505                 IF (l_return_status = FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS
11506                    AND l_grouping_rows (1) = l_grouping_rows(2) )  THEN
11507                      l_same_carton_grouping := TRUE;
11508                 ELSE
11509                      l_same_carton_grouping := FALSE;
11510                 END IF;
11511                 --
11512               EXCEPTION
11513                 WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN
11514                  IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11515                     mydebug('No Data found Exception raised when matching delivery grouping attributes');
11516                     l_same_carton_grouping := FALSE;
11517                  END IF;
11518                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
11519                  IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11520                    mydebug('Other Exception raised when matching for delivery grouping attributes');
11521                    l_same_carton_grouping := FALSE;
11522                  END IF;
11523                 --}
11524               END;
11525               --
11526               IF (l_same_carton_grouping = FALSE) then  */
11527                fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_DIFF_CARTON_GROUP');
11528                fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
11529                RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
11530               /*END IF;
11531               --
11532               -- End : R12 bug 4454837.
11533               --} */
11534             END IF;
11535           ELSE -- some of carton_grouping_id is null
11536             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11537               mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: some of tasks in lpn have NULL carton_grouping_id');
11538             END IF;
11539             fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_CARTON_GROUP_NULL');
11540             fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
11541             RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
11542           END IF;
11543         ELSE --carton_grouping_id is null
11544           IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11545             mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: carton_grouping_id of current task is null');
11546           END IF;
11547            --bug3481923 only fail if it is not requisition on repl mo
11548             if (l_mmtt_mo_type not in(1,2)) then
11549                fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_CARTON_GROUP_NULL');
11550                fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
11551                RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
11552             end if;
11553         END IF;
11554       END IF;
11556       -- Check if picked LPN has been picked_to in previous tasks, tasks that
11557       -- are still IN MMTT and shipping tables do not have the drop lpn yet
11559       OPEN others_in_mmtt_delivery_cursor(pick_to_lpn_rec.lpn_id);
11561       LOOP
11562         FETCH others_in_mmtt_delivery_cursor INTO l_pick_to_lpn_delivery_id2;
11563         EXIT WHEN l_pick_to_lpn_delivery_id2 IS NOT NULL
11564               OR others_in_mmtt_delivery_cursor%NOTFOUND;
11565       END LOOP;
11567       CLOSE others_in_mmtt_delivery_cursor;
11569       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11570         mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: l_pick_to_lpn_delivery_id2' || l_pick_to_lpn_delivery_id2);
11571       END IF;
11573       mydebug('l_pick_to_lpn_delivery_id2 : '||l_pick_to_lpn_delivery_id2);
11574       mydebug('l_current_mmtt_delivery_id : '||l_current_mmtt_delivery_id);
11576       IF (l_pick_to_lpn_delivery_id2 IS NOT NULL) AND (l_pick_to_lpn_delivery_id2 <> -999)  THEN
11577         IF l_pick_to_lpn_delivery_id2 <> l_current_mmtt_delivery_id THEN
11578           IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11579             mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: Picked LPN and current MMTT go to different deliveries.');
11580           END IF;
11582           fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_PICK_TO_LPN_DIFF_DELIV');
11583           fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
11584           RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
11585         END IF;
11586       ELSIF l_pick_to_lpn_delivery_id2 IS NULL THEN
11587         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11588           mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: Picked LPN does not have deliveries.');
11589         END IF;
11591         IF l_current_mmtt_delivery_id IS NOT NULL THEN
11592           IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11593             mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: Current task has delivery.');
11594             mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: Picked LPN does not have delivery and current task has delivery.');
11595           END IF;
11597           fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_PICK_TO_LPN_DIFF_DELIV');
11598           fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
11599           RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
11600         END IF;
11601       ELSIF l_pick_to_lpn_delivery_id2 = -999 THEN
11602         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11603           mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: LPN does not contain other tasks. This is the first task, so ok.');
11604         END IF;
11605       END IF;
11607       IF pick_to_lpn_rec.outermost_lpn_id IS NOT NULL THEN
11608         -- We need to check delivery for outermost lpn or drill down if needed
11609         l_outermost_lpn_id  := pick_to_lpn_rec.outermost_lpn_id;
11610       ELSE
11611         -- We need to check delivery for pick_to_lpn or drill down if needed
11612         l_outermost_lpn_id  := pick_to_lpn_rec.lpn_id;
11613       END IF;
11615       --
11616       -- Find the outermost LPN's delivery ID
11617       --
11618       OPEN drop_delivery_cursor(l_outermost_lpn_id);
11619       FETCH drop_delivery_cursor INTO l_pick_to_lpn_delivery_id;
11620       CLOSE drop_delivery_cursor;
11622       mydebug('l_pick_to_lpn_delivery_id : '||l_pick_to_lpn_delivery_id);
11623       mydebug('l_current_mmtt_delivery_id : '||l_current_mmtt_delivery_id);
11625       IF l_pick_to_lpn_delivery_id IS NOT NULL THEN
11626         IF l_pick_to_lpn_delivery_id <> l_current_mmtt_delivery_id THEN
11627           IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11628             mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: Picked LPN and current MMTT go to different deliveries.');
11629           END IF;
11631           fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_PICK_TO_LPN_DIFF_DELIV');
11632           fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
11633           RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
11634             NULL;
11635         ELSE
11636           --
11637           -- Picked LPN and current MMTT are on the same delivery
11638           -- return success
11639           --
11640           IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11641             mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: Picked LPN and current MMTT go to same delivery: ' ||
11642                      l_pick_to_lpn_delivery_id);
11643           END IF;
11645           RETURN;
11646         END IF;
11647       ELSE
11648         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11649           mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: Drop LPN does not have a delivery ID, checking child LPNs');
11650         END IF;
11652         OPEN child_lpns_cursor(l_outermost_lpn_id);
11654         LOOP
11655           FETCH child_lpns_cursor INTO child_lpns_rec;
11656           EXIT WHEN child_lpns_cursor%NOTFOUND;
11658           IF child_lpns_cursor%FOUND THEN
11659             OPEN drop_delivery_cursor(child_lpns_rec.lpn_id);
11660             FETCH drop_delivery_cursor INTO l_pick_to_lpn_delivery_id;
11661             CLOSE drop_delivery_cursor;
11662           END IF;
11664           EXIT WHEN l_pick_to_lpn_delivery_id IS NOT NULL;
11665         END LOOP;
11667         CLOSE child_lpns_cursor;
11669         --
11670         -- If the child LPNs also don't have a delivery ID
11671         -- then ok to deposit
11672         --
11673         IF l_pick_to_lpn_delivery_id IS NOT NULL THEN
11674           IF l_pick_to_lpn_delivery_id <> l_current_mmtt_delivery_id THEN
11675             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11676               mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: LPNs are on diff deliveries.');
11677             END IF;
11679             fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_PICK_TO_LPN_DIFF_DELIV');
11680             fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
11681             RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
11682           ELSE
11683             --
11684             -- Child LPN has the  delivery as the current MMTT, return success
11685             --
11686             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11687               mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: A child LPN is on the same delivery ' ||
11688                       'as that OF the CURRENT MMTT, return success.');
11689             END IF;
11691             RETURN;
11692           END IF;
11693         ELSE
11694           --
11695           -- No child LPNs have a delivery ID yet
11696           -- return success
11697           --
11698           IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11699             mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: Child LPNs do not have a delivery ID either, return success.');
11700           END IF;
11702           RETURN;
11703         END IF;
11704       END IF;
11706       --
11707       -- Fetch the Project/Task id associated with the LPN passed
11708       --
11709       -- PJM Integration:
11710       -- Check if the task that is about to pack into the LPN has the same
11711       -- transfer project_id and task_id as the lpn to which it is going to
11712       -- be loaded into.
11713       -- If yes, proceed, else return
11714       --
11715       IF (p_project_id IS NOT NULL) THEN
11716         OPEN lpn_project_task_cursor( pick_to_lpn_rec.lpn_id);
11718         LOOP
11719           FETCH lpn_project_task_cursor INTO lpn_pjm_prj_tsk_rec;
11720           EXIT WHEN lpn_project_task_cursor%NOTFOUND;
11721           OPEN mtl_project_task_cursor;
11723           LOOP
11724             FETCH mtl_project_task_cursor INTO mtl_pjm_prj_tsk_rec;
11725             EXIT WHEN mtl_project_task_cursor%NOTFOUND;
11726             -- project and task both should be the same as
11727             IF ((mtl_pjm_prj_tsk_rec.prj_id <> lpn_pjm_prj_tsk_rec.prj_id)
11728                  OR (mtl_pjm_prj_tsk_rec.tsk_id <> lpn_pjm_prj_tsk_rec.tsk_id)) THEN
11729               RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
11730             END IF;
11731           END LOOP;
11733           CLOSE mtl_project_task_cursor;
11734         END LOOP;
11736         CLOSE lpn_project_task_cursor;
11737       END IF;
11738     EXCEPTION
11739       WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
11740         x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
11741         --  Get message count and data
11742         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
11744         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11745           mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: @' || x_msg_data || '@');
11746         END IF;
11748         IF others_in_mmtt_delivery_cursor%ISOPEN THEN
11749           CLOSE others_in_mmtt_delivery_cursor;
11750         END IF;
11752         IF child_lpns_cursor%ISOPEN THEN
11753           CLOSE child_lpns_cursor;
11754         END IF;
11756         IF current_delivery_cursor%ISOPEN THEN
11757           CLOSE current_delivery_cursor;
11758         END IF;
11760         IF drop_delivery_cursor%ISOPEN THEN
11761           CLOSE drop_delivery_cursor;
11762         END IF;
11764         IF lpn_project_task_cursor%ISOPEN THEN
11765           CLOSE lpn_project_task_cursor;
11766         END IF;
11768         IF mtl_project_task_cursor%ISOPEN THEN
11769           CLOSE mtl_project_task_cursor;
11770         END IF;
11772         IF current_carton_grouping_cursor%ISOPEN THEN
11773           CLOSE current_carton_grouping_cursor;
11774         END IF;
11776         IF others_carton_grouping_cursor%ISOPEN THEN
11777           CLOSE others_carton_grouping_cursor;
11778         END IF;
11779       WHEN OTHERS THEN
11780         x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
11782         IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_unexp_error) THEN
11783           fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(g_pkg_name, l_api_name);
11784         END IF;
11786         --  Get message count and data
11787         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
11789         IF others_in_mmtt_delivery_cursor%ISOPEN THEN
11790           CLOSE others_in_mmtt_delivery_cursor;
11791         END IF;
11793         IF child_lpns_cursor%ISOPEN THEN
11794           CLOSE child_lpns_cursor;
11795         END IF;
11797         IF current_delivery_cursor%ISOPEN THEN
11798           CLOSE current_delivery_cursor;
11799         END IF;
11801         IF drop_delivery_cursor%ISOPEN THEN
11802           CLOSE drop_delivery_cursor;
11803         END IF;
11805         IF lpn_project_task_cursor%ISOPEN THEN
11806           CLOSE lpn_project_task_cursor;
11807         END IF;
11809         IF mtl_project_task_cursor%ISOPEN THEN
11810           CLOSE mtl_project_task_cursor;
11811         END IF;
11813         IF current_carton_grouping_cursor%ISOPEN THEN
11814           CLOSE current_carton_grouping_cursor;
11815         END IF;
11817         IF others_carton_grouping_cursor%ISOPEN THEN
11818           CLOSE others_carton_grouping_cursor;
11819         END IF;
11821         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11822           mydebug('validate_pick_to_lpn: @' || x_msg_data || '@');
11823         END IF;
11824   END validate_pick_to_lpn;
11827 PROCEDURE validate_sub_loc_status(
11828       p_wms_installed    IN            VARCHAR2
11829     , p_temp_id          IN            NUMBER
11830     , p_confirmed_sub    IN            VARCHAR2
11831     , p_confirmed_loc_id IN            NUMBER
11832     , x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
11833     , x_msg_count        OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
11834     , x_msg_data         OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
11835     , x_result           OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
11836     ) IS
11837       l_transaction_type_id NUMBER;
11838       l_org_id              NUMBER;
11839       l_item_id             NUMBER;
11840       l_debug               NUMBER := NVL(fnd_profile.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'), 0);
11841     BEGIN
11842       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11843         mydebug('validate_sub_loc_status: validate_sub_loc_status begins');
11844       END IF;
11846       x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
11848       SELECT mmtt.transaction_type_id
11849            , mmtt.organization_id
11850            , mmtt.inventory_item_id
11851         INTO l_transaction_type_id
11852            , l_org_id
11853            , l_item_id
11854         FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
11855        WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
11857       IF inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable(
11858            p_wms_installed              => p_wms_installed
11859          , p_trx_status_enabled         => NULL
11860          , p_trx_type_id                => l_transaction_type_id
11861          , p_lot_status_enabled         => NULL
11862          , p_serial_status_enabled      => NULL
11863          , p_organization_id            => l_org_id
11864          , p_inventory_item_id          => l_item_id
11865          , p_sub_code                   => p_confirmed_sub
11866          , p_locator_id                 => p_confirmed_loc_id
11867          , p_lot_number                 => NULL
11868          , p_serial_number              => NULL
11869          , p_object_type                => 'Z'
11870          ) = 'Y'
11871          AND inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable(
11872               p_wms_installed              => p_wms_installed
11873             , p_trx_status_enabled         => NULL
11874             , p_trx_type_id                => l_transaction_type_id
11875             , p_lot_status_enabled         => NULL
11876             , p_serial_status_enabled      => NULL
11877             , p_organization_id            => l_org_id
11878             , p_inventory_item_id          => l_item_id
11879             , p_sub_code                   => p_confirmed_sub
11880             , p_locator_id                 => p_confirmed_loc_id
11881             , p_lot_number                 => NULL
11882             , p_serial_number              => NULL
11883             , p_object_type                => 'L'
11884             ) = 'Y' THEN
11885         x_result  := 1;
11887         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11888           mydebug('validate_sub_loc_status: Material status is correct. x_result = 1');
11889         END IF;
11890       ELSE
11891         x_result  := 0;
11893         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11894           mydebug('validate_sub_loc_status: Material status is incorrect. x_result = 0');
11895         END IF;
11896       END IF;
11898       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11899         mydebug('validate_sub_loc_status: End of validate_sub_loc_status');
11900       END IF;
11901     EXCEPTION
11902       WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
11903         x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
11905         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11906           mydebug('validate_sub_loc_status: Error - ' || SQLERRM);
11907         END IF;
11909         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
11910       WHEN OTHERS THEN
11911         x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
11913         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11914           mydebug('validate_sub_loc_status: Unexpected Error - ' || SQLERRM);
11915         END IF;
11917         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
11918 END validate_sub_loc_status;
11920 PROCEDURE insert_serial(
11921     p_serial_transaction_temp_id IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
11922     p_organization_id            IN     NUMBER,
11923     p_item_id                    IN     NUMBER,
11924     p_revision                   IN     VARCHAR2,
11925     p_lot                        IN     VARCHAR2,
11926     p_transaction_temp_id        IN     NUMBER,
11927     p_created_by                 IN     NUMBER,
11928     p_from_serial                IN     VARCHAR2,
11929     p_to_serial                  IN     VARCHAR2,
11930     p_status_id                  IN     NUMBER := NULL,
11931     x_return_status              OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
11932     x_msg_data                   OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2
11933   ) IS
11937       l_return    NUMBER;
11938       l_to_serial VARCHAR2(30);
11939       l_progress  VARCHAR2(10);
11940       l_msg_count NUMBER;
11941       l_success   NUMBER := 0;
11942       l_count     NUMBER := 0;
11943       l_temp_qty  NUMBER :=0 ;
11944       l_debug number := NVL(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'),0);
11945 BEGIN
11946       x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
11947       l_progress       := '10';
11948       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11949          mydebug('Enter insert_serial: 10:'|| TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
11950       END IF;
11951       --SAVEPOINT rcv_insert_serial_sp;
11952       l_to_serial      := p_to_serial;
11953       l_return :=2;
11956       l_progress := '20';
11957       l_count := 0;
11958       BEGIN
11959              SELECT 1
11960              INTO l_count
11961              FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt,
11962                   mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
11963              WHERE (p_from_serial BETWEEN msnt.fm_serial_number AND msnt.to_serial_number
11964                 OR p_to_serial BETWEEN msnt.fm_serial_number AND msnt.to_serial_number)
11965                AND mmtt.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
11966                AND mmtt.organization_id = p_organization_id
11967                AND mtlt.transaction_temp_id(+) = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
11968                AND msnt.transaction_temp_id = nvl(mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id, mmtt.transaction_temp_id);
11969       EXCEPTION
11970            WHEN OTHERS THEN
11971             l_count := 0;
11972       END;
11974       IF l_count <> 0 THEN
11975             fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INVALID_SERIAL_NUMBER');
11976             fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
11977             RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
11978       END IF;
11980       l_progress       := '30';
11982       IF p_serial_transaction_temp_id IS NULL THEN
11983          l_progress  := '40';
11985          SELECT serial_transaction_temp_id
11986            INTO p_serial_transaction_temp_id
11987            FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp
11988           WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id
11989             AND lot_number= p_lot;
11991          IF p_serial_transaction_temp_id IS NULL THEN
11993               SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
11994                 INTO p_serial_transaction_temp_id
11995                 FROM DUAL;
11997               l_progress  := '50';
11999               UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
12000                  SET serial_transaction_temp_id = p_serial_transaction_temp_id
12001                WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id
12002                  AND lot_number= p_lot;
12004          END IF;
12006       END IF;
12008        l_progress       := '60';
12009        l_return         := inv_trx_util_pub.insert_ser_trx(
12010                              p_trx_tmp_id => p_serial_transaction_temp_id,
12011                              p_user_id    => p_created_by,
12012                              p_fm_ser_num => p_from_serial,
12013                              p_to_ser_num => p_to_serial,
12014                              p_status_id  => p_status_id,
12015                              x_proc_msg   => x_msg_data
12016                            );
12017        l_progress       := '70';
12019        BEGIN
12020          UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
12021             SET group_mark_id = p_serial_transaction_temp_id
12022           WHERE inventory_item_id = p_item_id
12023             AND serial_number BETWEEN p_from_serial AND p_to_serial
12024             AND LENGTH(serial_number) = LENGTH(p_from_serial);
12025        EXCEPTION
12026          WHEN OTHERS THEN
12027            IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
12028               mydebug('Exception updating grp. id', 4);
12029            END IF;
12030        END;
12032        IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
12033           mydebug('Insert serial vals'|| p_item_id || ':' || p_from_serial || ':' || p_to_serial, 4);
12034           mydebug('Insert serial, inserted with '|| p_serial_transaction_temp_id || ':' || l_success, 4);
12035        END IF;
12037        -- if the trx manager returned a 1 then it could not insert the row
12038        IF l_return = 1 THEN
12039          RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
12040        END IF;
12042        l_progress       := '80';
12043        IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
12044           mydebug('Exitting insert_serial : 90  '|| TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
12045        END IF;
12047        commit;
12049      EXCEPTION
12050        WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
12051          --ROLLBACK TO rcv_insert_serial_sp;
12052          ROLLBACK;
12053          x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
12054          IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
12055             mydebug('Exitting insert_serial - execution error:'|| l_progress || ' ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
12056          END IF;
12057          --  Get message count and data
12058          fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false, p_count => l_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
12059        WHEN OTHERS THEN
12060          x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
12063            inv_mobile_helper_functions.sql_error('wms_task_load.insert_serial', l_progress, SQLCODE);
12064          END IF;
12066          IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
12067             mydebug('Exitting insert_serial - other exception:'|| l_progress || ' ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
12068          END IF;
12070          --
12071          IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_unexp_error) THEN
12072            fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(g_pkg_name, 'insert_serial');
12073          END IF;
12075 END insert_serial;
12077 /*Added to validate cost group comingle bug 3858907 */
12078 procedure validate_loaded_lpn_cg( p_organization_id       IN  NUMBER,
12079         p_inventory_item_id     IN  NUMBER,
12080         p_subinventory_code     IN  VARCHAR2,
12081         p_locator_id            IN  NUMBER,
12082         p_revision              IN  VARCHAR2,
12083         p_lot_number            IN  VARCHAR2,
12084         p_lpn_id                IN  NUMBER,
12085         p_transfer_lpn_id       IN  NUMBER,
12086         p_lot_control           IN  NUMBER,
12087         p_revision_control      IN  NUMBER,
12088         x_commingle_exist       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
12089         x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
12090         p_trx_type_id           IN  VARCHAR2, -- Bug 4632519
12091         p_trx_action_id        IN  VARCHAR2) -- Bug 4632519
12092 IS
12093     l_debug number := NVL(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'),0);
12094     l_cur_cost_group_id NUMBER := NULL;
12095     l_exist_cost_group_id NUMBER := NULL;
12096     l_sub VARCHAR2(20);
12097     l_loc NUMBER;
12098     l_rev VARCHAR2(4);
12099     l_lpn NUMBER;
12100     l_ser VARCHAR2(20);
12101     l_lot VARCHAR2(20);
12102     -- Bug 4632519
12103     l_transaction_action_id NUMBER;
12104     l_transaction_type_id NUMBER;
12105     l_is_bf  boolean;
12106     -- Bug 4632519
12107 BEGIN
12108    IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
12109       mydebug( 'In check_cg_commingle... ');
12110       mydebug('p_organization_id'||p_organization_id);
12111       mydebug('p_inventory_item_id'||p_inventory_item_id);
12112       mydebug('p_subinventory_code'||p_subinventory_code);
12113       mydebug('p_locator_id'||p_locator_id);
12114       mydebug('p_revision'||p_revision);
12115       mydebug('p_lot_number'||p_lot_number);
12116       mydebug('p_transfer_lpn_id'||p_transfer_lpn_id);
12117       mydebug('p_lpn_id'||p_lpn_id);
12118       mydebug('p_lot_control'||p_lot_control);
12119       mydebug('p_revision_control'||p_revision_control);
12120       mydebug('p_trx_souce_type_id' ||p_trx_type_id);
12121       mydebug('p_trx_action_id ' || p_trx_action_id);
12122    END IF;
12124    x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
12125    x_commingle_exist := 'N';
12127      IF p_lot_control = 1 THEN
12128          select mmtt.subinventory_code,
12129                 mmtt.locator_id,
12130                 mmtt.revision,
12131                 mmtt.lpn_id,
12132                 null,
12133                 null,
12134                 mmtt.transaction_action_id, -- Bug 4632519
12135                 mmtt.transaction_type_id -- Bug 4632519
12136            INTO l_sub,
12137                 l_loc,
12138                 l_rev,
12139                 l_lpn,
12140                 l_ser,l_lot,
12141                 l_transaction_action_id, -- Bug 4632519
12142                 l_transaction_type_id -- Bug 4632519
12143            from mtl_material_Transactions_temp mmtt
12144           where mmtt.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
12145             and mmtt.organization_id = p_organization_id
12146             and mmtt.transfer_lpn_id = p_transfer_lpn_id
12147             and mmtt.content_lpn_id is null
12148             and decode(p_revision_control,2,mmtt.revision,1,'~~') = nvl(p_revision,'~~')
12149             and rownum<2;
12150     ELSE
12151          select mmtt.subinventory_code,
12152                 mmtt.locator_id,
12153                 mmtt.revision,
12154                 mmtt.lpn_id,
12155                 null,
12156                 mtlt.lot_number,
12157                 mmtt.transaction_action_id,
12158                 mmtt.transaction_type_id
12159          INTO l_sub,
12160               l_loc,
12161               l_rev,
12162               l_lpn,
12163               l_ser,
12164               l_lot,
12165               l_transaction_action_id, -- Bug 4632519
12166               l_transaction_type_id -- Bug 4632519
12167          from mtl_material_Transactions_temp mmtt,
12168               mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
12169         where mmtt.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
12170           and mmtt.organization_id = p_organization_id
12171           and mmtt.transfer_lpn_id = p_transfer_lpn_id
12172           and mmtt.content_lpn_id is null
12173           and decode(p_revision_control,2,mmtt.revision,1,'~~') = nvl(p_revision,'~~')
12174           and mmtt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.transaction_temp_id
12175           and mtlt.lot_number = p_lot_number
12176           and rownum<2;
12177     END IF;
12179     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
12180         mydebug( 'Loaded LPN data From MMTT');
12181         mydebug('l_subinventory_code'||l_sub);
12182         mydebug('l_locator_id'||l_loc);
12183         mydebug('l_revision'||l_rev);
12184         mydebug('l_lot_number'||l_lot);
12185         mydebug('l_serial_number'||l_ser);
12186         mydebug('l_lpn_id'||l_lpn);
12187     END IF;
12188     --
12189     -- Bug 4632519
12190     if (p_trx_type_id='51') then
12191         l_is_bf := true;
12192     end if;
12193     --
12194      inv_cost_group_update.proc_determine_costgroup(
12195         p_organization_id       => p_organization_id,
12196         p_inventory_item_id     => p_inventory_item_id,
12197         p_subinventory_code     => p_subinventory_code,
12198         p_locator_id            => p_locator_id,
12199         p_revision              => p_revision,
12200         p_lot_number            => p_lot_number,
12201         p_serial_number         => null,
12202         p_containerized_flag    => null,
12203         p_lpn_id                => p_lpn_id,
12204         p_transaction_action_id => p_trx_action_id,
12205         p_is_backflush_txn      => l_is_bf,
12206         x_cost_group_id         => l_cur_cost_group_id,
12207         x_return_status         => x_return_status);
12209      IF x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
12210         RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
12211      END IF;
12213      if (l_transaction_type_id=51) then
12214         l_is_bf := true;
12215      end if;
12216      inv_cost_group_update.proc_determine_costgroup(
12217            p_organization_id       => p_organization_id,
12218            p_inventory_item_id     => p_inventory_item_id,
12219            p_subinventory_code     => l_sub,
12220            p_locator_id            => l_loc,
12221            p_revision              => l_rev,
12222            p_lot_number            => l_lot,
12223            p_serial_number         => l_ser,
12224            p_containerized_flag    => null,
12225            p_lpn_id                => l_lpn,
12226            p_transaction_action_id => l_transaction_action_id,
12227            p_is_backflush_txn      => l_is_bf,
12228            x_cost_group_id         => l_exist_cost_group_id,
12229            x_return_status         => x_return_status);
12231    IF x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
12232            RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
12233    END IF;
12235    IF l_exist_cost_group_id <> l_cur_cost_group_id THEN
12236       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
12237       x_commingle_exist := 'Y';
12238    END IF;
12239    --
12240    -- Bug 4632519
12241    --
12244        IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
12245          mydebug('First record being loaded into LPN');
12246        END IF;
12247        x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
12248        x_commingle_exist := 'N';
12250         x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR ;
12251         x_commingle_exist := 'Y';
12252 END validate_loaded_lpn_cg;
12255 END wms_task_load;