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Line 32: ,fii_time_day ftd

28: bug 4880422 fix ***/
29: l_getcnt := 'select count(1) from (
30: select distinct rocsf.fin_certification_id, organization_id
31: from rci_org_cert_summ_f rocsf
32: ,fii_time_day ftd
33: where 1=1 and rocsf.report_date_julian = ftd.report_date_julian ';
35: ---looping through the parameters
36: FOR i in 1..p_page_parameter_tbl.COUNT LOOP

Line 110: from rci_org_cert_summ_f rocsf, fii_time_day ftd

106: from ';
108: l_qry1 := '(select count(1) as certified
109: from (select distinct organization_id,fin_certification_id
110: from rci_org_cert_summ_f rocsf, fii_time_day ftd
111: where rocsf.report_date_julian = ftd.report_date_julian
112: and rocsf.org_certification_status=''EFFECTIVE'''||l_from_clause||')) a3, ';
114: l_qry2 := '(select count(1) as certified_w_issues

Line 116: from rci_org_cert_summ_f rocsf, fii_time_day ftd

112: and rocsf.org_certification_status=''EFFECTIVE'''||l_from_clause||')) a3, ';
114: l_qry2 := '(select count(1) as certified_w_issues
115: from (select distinct organization_id,fin_certification_id
116: from rci_org_cert_summ_f rocsf, fii_time_day ftd
117: where rocsf.report_date_julian = ftd.report_date_julian
118: and org_certification_status <> ''EFFECTIVE'''||l_from_clause||')) a2, ';
120: l_qry3 := '(select count(1) as not_certified

Line 122: from rci_org_cert_summ_f rocsf, fii_time_day ftd

118: and org_certification_status <> ''EFFECTIVE'''||l_from_clause||')) a2, ';
120: l_qry3 := '(select count(1) as not_certified
121: from (select distinct organization_id,fin_certification_id
122: from rci_org_cert_summ_f rocsf, fii_time_day ftd
123: where rocsf.report_date_julian = ftd.report_date_julian
124: and org_certification_status is null '||l_from_clause||')) a1';
126: p_exp_source_sql := l_sqlstmt || l_qry1 || l_qry2 || l_qry3;

Line 230: ,fii_time_day ftd

226: ,rocsf.organization_id org_id
227: ,rocsf.report_date_julian
228: from rci_org_cert_summ_f rocsf
229: ,amw_audit_units_v aauv
230: ,fii_time_day ftd
231: where rocsf.organization_id = aauv.organization_id
232: and rocsf.report_date_julian = ftd.report_date_julian ';

Line 386: from rci_org_cert_summ_f rocsf,fii_time_day ftd

382: l_inner_from := l_inner_from || ') rocsf, ';
384: l_org_statuses := ' (select organization_id,count(fin_certification_id) as org_certified_with_issues from (
385: select distinct fin_certification_id,rocsf.report_date_julian,rocsf.organization_id
386: from rci_org_cert_summ_f rocsf,fii_time_day ftd
387: where rocsf.report_date_julian=ftd.report_date_julian and org_certification_status=''INEFFECTIVE'' '||l_org_status_where1||' ) group by organization_id) ro1,
388: (select organization_id,count(fin_certification_id) as org_certified from (
389: select distinct fin_certification_id,rocsf.report_date_julian,rocsf.organization_id
390: from rci_org_cert_summ_f rocsf,fii_time_day ftd

Line 390: from rci_org_cert_summ_f rocsf,fii_time_day ftd

386: from rci_org_cert_summ_f rocsf,fii_time_day ftd
387: where rocsf.report_date_julian=ftd.report_date_julian and org_certification_status=''INEFFECTIVE'' '||l_org_status_where1||' ) group by organization_id) ro1,
388: (select organization_id,count(fin_certification_id) as org_certified from (
389: select distinct fin_certification_id,rocsf.report_date_julian,rocsf.organization_id
390: from rci_org_cert_summ_f rocsf,fii_time_day ftd
391: where rocsf.report_date_julian=ftd.report_date_julian and org_certification_status=''EFFECTIVE'' '||l_org_status_where2||' ) group by organization_id) ro2,
392: (select organization_id,count(fin_certification_id) as org_not_certified from (
393: select distinct fin_certification_id,rocsf.report_date_julian,rocsf.organization_id
394: from rci_org_cert_summ_f rocsf,fii_time_day ftd

Line 394: from rci_org_cert_summ_f rocsf,fii_time_day ftd

390: from rci_org_cert_summ_f rocsf,fii_time_day ftd
391: where rocsf.report_date_julian=ftd.report_date_julian and org_certification_status=''EFFECTIVE'' '||l_org_status_where2||' ) group by organization_id) ro2,
392: (select organization_id,count(fin_certification_id) as org_not_certified from (
393: select distinct fin_certification_id,rocsf.report_date_julian,rocsf.organization_id
394: from rci_org_cert_summ_f rocsf,fii_time_day ftd
395: where rocsf.report_date_julian=ftd.report_date_julian and org_certification_status is null '||l_org_status_where3||' ) group by organization_id) ro3,';
397: l_issues_sql := l_issues_sql ||' group by roif.organization_id) op, ';
398: l_def_proc_sql := '(select organization_id,count(process_id) as processes from (

Line 400: from rci_org_proc_dfcy_f ropdf, fii_time_day ftd

397: l_issues_sql := l_issues_sql ||' group by roif.organization_id) op, ';
398: l_def_proc_sql := '(select organization_id,count(process_id) as processes from (
399: select distinct process_id,organization_id,fin_certification_id,certification_result_code,evaluation_result_code
400: from rci_org_proc_dfcy_f ropdf, fii_time_day ftd
401: where ropdf.report_date_julian=ftd.report_date_julian
402: '||l_def_proc_where||' ) group by organization_id) def, ';
403: l_ctrls_sql := '(select organization_id,count(distinct control_id) as controls
404: from RCI_ORG_CERT_CTRLS_F roccf,fii_time_day ftd where 1=1 and roccf.report_date_julian = ftd.report_date_julian '||l_ctrls_from||'

Line 404: from RCI_ORG_CERT_CTRLS_F roccf,fii_time_day ftd where 1=1 and roccf.report_date_julian = ftd.report_date_julian '||l_ctrls_from||'

400: from rci_org_proc_dfcy_f ropdf, fii_time_day ftd
401: where ropdf.report_date_julian=ftd.report_date_julian
402: '||l_def_proc_where||' ) group by organization_id) def, ';
403: l_ctrls_sql := '(select organization_id,count(distinct control_id) as controls
404: from RCI_ORG_CERT_CTRLS_F roccf,fii_time_day ftd where 1=1 and roccf.report_date_julian = ftd.report_date_julian '||l_ctrls_from||'
405: group by organization_id) ctrls, ';
406: l_risks_sql := '(select organization_id,count(risk_id) as risk_id from (select distinct organization_id,process_id,risk_id
407: from RCI_ORG_CERT_RISKS_F roccf,fii_time_day ftd
408: where roccf.report_date_julian = ftd.report_date_julian and audit_result_code <> ''EFFECTIVE'' and audit_result_code is not null

Line 407: from RCI_ORG_CERT_RISKS_F roccf,fii_time_day ftd

403: l_ctrls_sql := '(select organization_id,count(distinct control_id) as controls
404: from RCI_ORG_CERT_CTRLS_F roccf,fii_time_day ftd where 1=1 and roccf.report_date_julian = ftd.report_date_julian '||l_ctrls_from||'
405: group by organization_id) ctrls, ';
406: l_risks_sql := '(select organization_id,count(risk_id) as risk_id from (select distinct organization_id,process_id,risk_id
407: from RCI_ORG_CERT_RISKS_F roccf,fii_time_day ftd
408: where roccf.report_date_julian = ftd.report_date_julian and audit_result_code <> ''EFFECTIVE'' and audit_result_code is not null
409: '||l_risks_from||' )
410: group by organization_id) risk
411: where rocsf.organization_id = op.organization_id(+)

Line 528: ,fii_time_day ftd

524: select distinct nvl(rocsf.fin_certification_id,0) certification_id,
525: nvl(rocsf.organization_id,0) organization_id,
526: nvl(rocsf.org_certification_status,''NOT_CERTIFIED'') org_certification_status
527: from rci_org_cert_summ_f rocsf
528: ,fii_time_day ftd
529: where 1=1 and rocsf.report_date_julian = ftd.report_date_julian ';
531: l_sqlstmt := 'select rbcrv.value VIEWBY
532: ,count(rocsf.organization_id) RCI_ORG_CERT_MEASURE1 ';

Line 540: ,fii_time_day ftd

536: nvl(rocsf.organization_id,0) organization_id,
537: /**nvl(rocsf.org_certification_status,''NOT_CERTIFIED'') org_certification_status**/
538: decode(rocsf.org_certification_status,null,''NOT_CERTIFIED'',''EFFECTIVE'',''EFFECTIVE'',''INEFFECTIVE'') org_certification_status
539: from rci_org_cert_summ_f rocsf
540: ,fii_time_day ftd
541: where 1=1 and rocsf.report_date_julian = ftd.report_date_julian ';
544: FOR i in 1..p_page_parameter_tbl.COUNT LOOP

Line 719: ,fii_time_day ftd

715: ,RCI_FS_ACCT_EVAL_V rfaev
716: ,PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F papf
717: ,FND_USER fu
718: /** 10.20.2005 npanandi begin ***/
719: ,fii_time_day ftd
720: /** 10.20.2005 npanandi end ***/
721: /**01.31.2006 npanandi: changing reference to fnd_lookups below because
722: of lang issues **/
723: ,/*fnd_lookup_values*/fnd_lookups flv

Line 925: ,fii_time_day ftd

921: ,RCI_FS_ACCT_EVAL_V rfaev
922: ,PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F papf
923: ,FND_USER fu
924: /** 10.20.2005 npanandi begin ***/
925: ,fii_time_day ftd
926: /** 10.20.2005 npanandi end ***/
927: where acb.control_rev_id = act.control_rev_id
928: and upper(acb.curr_approved_flag) = ''Y''
929: and act.language = userenv(''LANG'')

Line 1152: from fii_time_day

1148: p_page_parameter_tbl(i).parameter_id is NOT null) THEN
1149: v_yyyymm := get_last_day(p_page_parameter_tbl(i).parameter_id,'M');
1150: select min(distinct last_day(to_date(to_char(ent_period_end_date,'YYYYMM'),'YYYYMM')))
1151: into l_end_date /*gives in the form 30-SEP-06*/
1152: from fii_time_day
1153: where ent_period_id=p_page_parameter_tbl(i).parameter_id;
1154: ---l_from_clause := l_from_clause || ' and ftd.ent_period_id = '||p_page_parameter_tbl(i).parameter_id;
1155: l_from_clause := l_from_clause || ' and ((eec.status_code not in (0,11) and eec.initiation_date < last_day(to_date('''||v_yyyymm||''',''YYYYMM''))
1156: ) or (eec.status_code=11 and eec.last_update_date > last_day(to_date('''||v_yyyymm||''',''YYYYMM'')) )) ';

Line 1164: from fii_time_day

1160: p_page_parameter_tbl(i).parameter_id is NOT null) THEN
1161: v_yyyymm := get_last_day(p_page_parameter_tbl(i).parameter_id,'Q');
1162: select min(distinct last_day(to_date(to_char(ent_qtr_end_date,'YYYYMM'),'YYYYMM')))
1163: into l_end_date /*gives in the form 30-SEP-06*/
1164: from fii_time_day
1165: where ent_qtr_id=p_page_parameter_tbl(i).parameter_id;
1166: ---l_from_clause := l_from_clause || ' and ftd.ent_qtr_id = '||p_page_parameter_tbl(i).parameter_id;
1167: l_from_clause := l_from_clause || ' and ((eec.status_code not in (0,11) and eec.initiation_date < last_day(to_date('''||v_yyyymm||''',''YYYYMM''))
1168: ) or (eec.status_code=11 and eec.last_update_date > last_day(to_date('''||v_yyyymm||''',''YYYYMM'')) )) ';

Line 1176: from fii_time_day

1172: p_page_parameter_tbl(i).parameter_id is NOT null) THEN
1173: v_yyyymm := get_last_day(p_page_parameter_tbl(i).parameter_id,'Y');
1174: select min(distinct last_day(to_date(to_char(ent_year_end_date,'YYYYMM'),'YYYYMM')))
1175: into l_end_date /*gives in the form 30-SEP-06*/
1176: from fii_time_day
1177: where ent_year_id=p_page_parameter_tbl(i).parameter_id;
1179: ---l_from_clause := l_from_clause || ' and ftd.ent_year_id = '||p_page_parameter_tbl(i).parameter_id;
1180: l_from_clause := l_from_clause || ' and ((eec.status_code not in (0,11) and eec.initiation_date < last_day(to_date('''||v_yyyymm||''',''YYYYMM''))

Line 1246: fii_time_day ftd

1242: eng_engineering_changes eec,
1243: amw_employees_current_v aecv,
1244: eng_change_statuses_tl ecst,
1245: eng_change_priorities ecp,
1246: fii_time_day ftd
1247: where /*aauv.organization_id=open_issues.organization_id(+)
1248: and*/ open_issues.change_id=eec.change_id
1249: and aecv.party_id = eec.assignee_id
1250: and eec.status_code = ecst.status_code

Line 1329: ,fii_time_day ftd

1325: ,rci_fs_acct_eval_v rfaev
1326: ,(select full_name,person_id from PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F where employee_number is not null and (trunc(sysdate) between effective_start_date and effective_end_date)) papf2
1327: ,FND_USER fu2
1328: /** 10.20.2005 npanandi begin ***/
1329: ,fii_time_day ftd
1330: /** 10.20.2005 npanandi end ***/
1331: where ropdf.process_id = alrv.process_id
1332: and ropdf.organization_id = aauv.organization_id
1333: and ropdf.significant_process_flag = fl1.lookup_code

Line 1523: ,fii_time_day ftd

1519: and papf.employee_number is not null) papf
1520: ,RCI_BP_ORG_CERT_RESULT_V rbocrv
1521: ,hr_all_organization_units_tl aauv
1522: /** 10.20.2005 npanandi begin ***/
1523: ,fii_time_day ftd
1524: /** 10.20.2005 npanandi end ***/
1525: where rocsf.fin_certification_id = acv.certification_id
1526: and acv.object_type = ''FIN_STMT''
1527: and rocsf.certification_type = al1.lookup_code

Line 1710: ,fii_time_day ftd

1706: ,(select papf.full_name,fu.user_id from PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F papf,fnd_user fu where fu.employee_id = papf.person_id
1707: and trunc(sysdate) between papf.effective_start_date and papf.effective_end_date
1708: and papf.employee_number is not null) papf
1709: /** 10.19.2005 npanandi begin ***/
1710: ,fii_time_day ftd
1711: /** 10.19.2005 npanandi end ***/
1712: where rpdf.process_org_rev_id = apov.process_org_rev_id
1713: and rpdf.process_id = apov.process_id
1714: and rpdf.organization_id = apov.organization_id