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1 PACKAGE BODY igs_en_gen_005 AS
2 /* $Header: IGSEN05B.pls 120.1 2006/01/18 22:52:59 ctyagi noship $ */
4 /* Change History
5  who       when         what
6  smvk   09-Jul-2004   Bug # 3676145. Modified the cursors c_uoo2 to select active (not closed) unit classes.
7  */
9 FUNCTION enrp_get_fee_student(
10   p_person_id IN NUMBER ,
11   p_course_cd IN VARCHAR2 ,
12   p_hecs_payment_option IN VARCHAR2 )
16         cst_fee_paying_not              CONSTANT NUMBER := 1;
17         cst_fee_paying_os               CONSTANT NUMBER := 2;
18         cst_fee_paying_pg_course        CONSTANT NUMBER := 3;
19         cst_fee_paying_non_os_ug        CONSTANT NUMBER := 4;
20         cst_hecs_fee_paying_pg          CONSTANT VARCHAR2(2) := '20';
21         cst_hecs_fee_paying_os          CONSTANT VARCHAR2(2) := '22';
22         cst_hecs_os_student_charge      CONSTANT VARCHAR2(2) := '23';
23         cst_hecs_fee_paying_os_spnsr    CONSTANT VARCHAR2(2) := '24';
24         v_other_detail                  VARCHAR2(255);
25         v_govt_hecs_payment_option      IGS_FI_HECS_PAY_OPTN.govt_hecs_payment_option%TYPE;
26         v_govt_course_type              IGS_PS_GOVT_TYPE.govt_course_type%TYPE;
27         v_output                        NUMBER;
29         CURSOR c_ghpo IS
30                 SELECT  govt_hecs_payment_option
31                 FROM    IGS_FI_HECS_PAY_OPTN
32                 WHERE   IGS_FI_HECS_PAY_OPTN.hecs_payment_option = p_hecs_payment_option;
34         CURSOR c_get_govt_crs_type IS
35                 SELECT  govt_course_type
36                 FROM    IGS_EN_STDNT_PS_ATT,
37                         IGS_PS_VER,
38                         IGS_PS_TYPE
39                 WHERE   IGS_EN_STDNT_PS_ATT.person_id = p_person_id AND
40                         IGS_EN_STDNT_PS_ATT.course_cd = p_course_cd AND
41                         IGS_PS_VER.course_cd = IGS_EN_STDNT_PS_ATT.course_cd AND
42                         IGS_PS_VER.version_number = IGS_EN_STDNT_PS_ATT.version_number AND
43                         IGS_PS_TYPE.course_type = IGS_PS_VER.course_type;
45         -- This module returns the govt. value (either 1/2/3/4) for FEE-STUDENT.
46         -- DEETYA element 349.
47         -- retrieving the govt. value for p_hecs_payment_option
48         OPEN  c_ghpo;
49         FETCH c_ghpo INTO v_govt_hecs_payment_option;
50         CLOSE c_ghpo;
51         -- determine value for FEE-STUDENT
52         -- returning 2 (cst_fee_paying_os)
53         IF (NVL(v_govt_hecs_payment_option, 'NULL') = cst_hecs_fee_paying_os)       OR
54            (NVL(v_govt_hecs_payment_option, 'NULL') = cst_hecs_os_student_charge)   OR
55            (NVL(v_govt_hecs_payment_option, 'NULL') =
56                                         cst_hecs_fee_paying_os_spnsr) THEN
57                 v_output := cst_fee_paying_os;
58                 return v_output;
59         ELSIF (NVL(v_govt_hecs_payment_option, 'NULL') = cst_hecs_fee_paying_pg) THEN
60                 OPEN c_get_govt_crs_type;
61                 FETCH c_get_govt_crs_type INTO v_govt_course_type;
62                 CLOSE c_get_govt_crs_type;
63                 -- returning 4 (cst_fee_paying_non_os_ug)
64                 IF (v_govt_course_type IS NOT NULL AND
65                      v_govt_course_type BETWEEN 8 AND 10 OR
66                      v_govt_course_type BETWEEN 20 AND 22) THEN
67                         v_output := cst_fee_paying_non_os_ug;
68                         return v_output;
69                 ELSE
70                         -- returning 3 (cst_fee_paying_pg_course)
71                         v_output := cst_fee_paying_pg_course;
72                         return v_output;
73                 END IF;
74         ELSE  -- returning 1 (cst_fee_paying_not)
75                 v_output := cst_fee_paying_not;
76                 return v_output;
77         END IF;
80         Fnd_Message.Set_name('IGS','IGS_GE_UNHANDLED_EXP');
81         FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('NAME','IGS_EN_GEN_005.enrp_get_fee_student');
82         IGS_GE_MSG_STACK.ADD;
83         App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
84 END;
85 END enrp_get_fee_student;
88 FUNCTION Enrp_Get_Pos_Elgbl(
89   p_acad_cal_type               IN VARCHAR2 ,
90   p_acad_sequence_number        IN NUMBER ,
91   p_person_id                   IN NUMBER ,
92   p_course_cd                   IN VARCHAR2 ,
93   p_version_number              IN NUMBER ,
94   p_pos_sequence_number         IN NUMBER ,
95   p_always_pre_enrol_ind        IN VARCHAR2 ,
96   p_acad_period_num             IN NUMBER ,
97   p_log_creation_dt             IN DATE ,
98   p_warn_level                  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ,
99   p_message_name                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
101   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
102   --Change History:
103   --Who         When            What
104   --ayedubat    16-MAY-2002     Changed the cursor,c_sua_cir to remove validation comparing the future academic periods
105   --                            as part of the bug;2377045
106   --kkillams    24-04-2003      Modified the c_sua cursor w.r.t. bug number 2829262
107   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
108 /* HISTORY
109    WHO        WHEN          WHAT
111 */
112 BEGIN   -- enrp_get_pos_elgbl
113         -- Check whether a student IGS_PS_COURSE attempt is eligible to be pre-enrolled
114         -- using the pattern of study structure in a nominated academic period
115         -- A student is deemed to be ineligible to be pre-enrolled via a pattern
116         -- of study if:-
117         -- * They already have IGS_PS_UNIT attempts in the target academic period(s)
118         -- * They have been granted/approved IGS_PS_UNIT level advanced standing
119         -- * They haven't got any IGS_PS_UNIT requirements (applied via encumbrances)
120         --   which wouldn't be satisfied by the units in the pattern of study.
121         -- * They have not passed (or are currently enrolled in) units which
122         --   should have already been completed in accordance with the pattern
123         --   of study. These units must be taken in the prescribed teaching
124         --   calendars.
126         cst_true        CONSTANT                VARCHAR2(5) := 'TRUE';
127         cst_false       CONSTANT                VARCHAR2(5) := 'FALSE';
128         cst_minor       CONSTANT                VARCHAR2(5) := 'MINOR';
129         cst_pass        CONSTANT                VARCHAR2(5) := 'PASS';
130         cst_incomp      CONSTANT                VARCHAR2(6) := 'INCOMP';
131         cst_pre_enrol   CONSTANT                VARCHAR2(10) := 'PRE-ENROL';
132         cst_granted     CONSTANT                VARCHAR2(10) := 'GRANTED';
133         cst_approved    CONSTANT                VARCHAR2(10) := 'APPROVED';
134         cst_enrolled    CONSTANT                VARCHAR2(10) := 'ENROLLED';
135         cst_completed   CONSTANT                VARCHAR2(10) := 'COMPLETED';
136         cst_active      CONSTANT                VARCHAR2(10) := 'ACTIVE';
137         v_dummy                                 VARCHAR2(1);
138         v_alt_code                              IGS_CA_INST.alternate_code%TYPE;
139         v_acad_cal_type                         IGS_CA_INST.cal_type%TYPE;
140         v_acad_sequence_number                  IGS_CA_INST.sequence_number%TYPE;
141         v_acad_start_dt                         IGS_CA_INST.start_dt%TYPE;
142         v_acad_end_dt                           IGS_CA_INST.end_dt%TYPE;
143         v_return_flag                           BOOLEAN;
144         v_message_name                          VARCHAR2(30);
146         CURSOR c_sua_cir IS
147                 SELECT  sua.cal_type,
148                         sua.ci_sequence_number,
149                         ci.cal_type parent_cal_type,
150                         ci.sequence_number parent_sequence_number
151                 FROM    IGS_CA_INST aci,
152                         IGS_EN_SU_ATTEMPT sua,
153                         IGS_CA_INST_REL cir,
154                         IGS_CA_INST ci
155                 WHERE
156                         aci.cal_type                    = p_acad_cal_type AND
157                         aci.sequence_number             = p_acad_sequence_number AND
158                         sua.person_id                   = p_person_id AND
159                         sua.course_cd                   = p_course_cd AND
160                         cir.sub_cal_type                = sua.cal_type AND
161                         cir.sub_ci_sequence_number      = sua.ci_sequence_number AND
162                         ci.cal_type                     = cir.sup_cal_type AND
163                         ci.sequence_number              = cir.sup_ci_sequence_number AND
164                         (cir.sup_cal_type               = p_acad_cal_type AND
165                          cir.sup_ci_sequence_number     = p_acad_sequence_number);
167         CURSOR c_asul IS
168                 SELECT  'X'
169                 FROM    IGS_AV_STND_UNIT_LVL            asul
170                 WHERE   asul.person_id                  = p_person_id AND
171                         asul.as_course_cd               = p_course_cd AND
172                         asul.s_adv_stnd_granting_status IN (cst_granted,
173                                                         cst_approved);
174         CURSOR c_pur_pee IS
175                 SELECT  'X'
176                 FROM    IGS_PE_UNT_REQUIRMNT    pur,
177                         IGS_PE_PERSENC_EFFCT    pee
178                 WHERE   pur.person_id                   = p_person_id AND
179                         pur.pur_start_dt                <= SYSDATE AND
180                         NVL(pur.expiry_dt, igs_ge_date.igsdate('9999/01/01')) > SYSDATE AND
181                         pee.person_id                   = pur.person_id AND
182                         pee.encumbrance_type            = pur.encumbrance_type AND
183                         pee.pen_start_dt                = pur.pen_start_dt AND
184                         pee.s_encmb_effect_type         = pur.s_encmb_effect_type AND
185                         pee.pee_start_dt                = pur.pee_start_dt AND
186                         pee.sequence_number             = pur.pee_sequence_number AND
187                         (pee.course_cd                  IS NULL OR
188                         pee.course_cd                   = p_course_cd) AND
189                         NOT EXISTS (
190                                 SELECT  'X'
191                                 FROM    IGS_PS_PAT_STUDY_UNT            posu,
192                                         IGS_PS_PAT_STUDY_PRD            posp
193                                 WHERE   posu.course_cd                  = p_course_cd AND
194                                         posu.version_number             = p_version_number AND
195                                         posu.cal_type                   = p_acad_cal_type AND
196                                         posu.pos_sequence_number        = p_pos_sequence_number AND
197                                         NVL(posu.unit_cd, NULL)         = pur.unit_cd AND
198                                         posp.course_cd                  = posu.course_cd AND
199                                         posp.version_number             = posu.version_number AND
200                                         posp.cal_type                   = posu.cal_type AND
201                                         posp.pos_sequence_number        = posu.pos_sequence_number AND
202                                         posp.sequence_number            = posu.posp_sequence_number AND
203                                         posp.acad_period_num            = p_acad_period_num);
204         CURSOR c_posu_posp IS
205                 SELECT  posu.unit_cd,
206                         posp.teach_cal_type
207                 FROM    IGS_PS_PAT_STUDY_UNT            posu,
208                         IGS_PS_PAT_STUDY_PRD            posp
209                 WHERE   posu.course_cd                  = p_course_cd AND
210                         posu.version_number             = p_version_number AND
211                         posu.cal_type                   = p_acad_cal_type AND
212                         posu.pos_sequence_number        = p_pos_sequence_number AND
213                         posu.unit_cd                    IS NOT NULL AND
214                         posp.course_cd                  = posu.course_cd AND
215                         posp.version_number             = posu.version_number AND
216                         posp.cal_type                   = posu.cal_type AND
217                         posp.pos_sequence_number        = posu.pos_sequence_number AND
218                         posp.sequence_number            = posu.posp_sequence_number AND
219                         posp.acad_period_num            < p_acad_period_num;
220         CURSOR c_sua    (cp_posu_unit_cd                IGS_PS_PAT_STUDY_UNT.unit_cd%TYPE,
221                          cp_posp_teach_cal_type         IGS_PS_PAT_STUDY_PRD.teach_cal_type%TYPE) IS
222                 SELECT  'X'
223                 FROM    IGS_EN_SU_ATTEMPT               sua
224                 WHERE   sua.person_id                   = p_person_id AND
225                         sua.course_cd                   = p_course_cd AND
226                         sua.unit_cd                     = cp_posu_unit_cd AND
227                         sua.cal_type                    = cp_posp_teach_cal_type AND
228                         (sua.unit_attempt_status        = cst_enrolled OR
229                          (sua.unit_attempt_status               = cst_completed AND
230                           EXISTS (
231                                 SELECT  'X'
232                                 FROM     IGS_AS_SUAO_V  suaov,
233                                         IGS_AS_GRD_SCH_GRADE            gsg
234                                 WHERE   suaov.person_id                 = sua.person_id AND
235                                         suaov.course_cd                 = sua.course_cd AND
236                                         suaov.uoo_id                    = sua.uoo_id AND
237                                         gsg.grading_schema_cd           = suaov.grading_schema_cd AND
238                                         gsg.version_number              = suaov.version_number AND
239                                         gsg.grade                       = suaov.grade AND
240                                         gsg.s_result_type               IN (cst_pass,cst_incomp))));
241         CURSOR  c_posp IS
242         SELECT  teach_cal_type
243         FROM    IGS_PS_PAT_STUDY_PRD posp
244         WHERE   posp.course_cd = p_course_cd AND
245                         posp.version_number = p_version_number AND
246                         posp.cal_type = p_acad_cal_type AND
247                         posp.pos_sequence_number = p_pos_sequence_number AND
248                         posp.acad_period_num = p_acad_period_num;
249         CURSOR  c_cir_tci       (cp_teach_cal_type      IGS_PS_PAT_STUDY_PRD.teach_cal_type%TYPE)
250         IS
251         SELECT  tci.cal_type,
252                 tci.sequence_number
253         FROM    IGS_CA_INST_REL cir,
254                         IGS_CA_INST tci,
255                         IGS_CA_TYPE cat,
256                         IGS_CA_STAT cs
257         WHERE   cir.sup_cal_type = p_acad_cal_type AND
258                         cir.sup_ci_sequence_number = p_acad_sequence_number AND
259                         cir.sub_cal_type = cp_teach_cal_type AND
260                         tci.cal_type = cir.sub_cal_type AND
261                         tci.sequence_number = cir.sub_ci_sequence_number AND
262                         cat.cal_type = tci.cal_type AND
263                         cat.s_cal_cat = 'TEACHING' AND
264                         cs.cal_status = tci.cal_status AND
265                         cs.s_cal_status = cst_active
266         ORDER BY        tci.start_dt DESC;
267         v_teach_cal_type                IGS_CA_INST.cal_type%TYPE;
268         v_teach_sequence_number IGS_CA_INST.sequence_number%TYPE;
270         p_message_name := NULL;
271         v_return_flag := FALSE;
272         -- Check whether student has already been pre_enrolled into IGS_PS_UNIT attempts
273         -- within the academic year.
274         FOR v_sua_rec IN c_sua_cir LOOP
275                 -- Check that the IGS_PS_UNIT attempt was actually started within the
276                 -- academic year
277                 v_alt_code := IGS_EN_GEN_002.ENRP_GET_ACAD_ALT_CD(v_sua_rec.cal_type,
278                                                 v_sua_rec.ci_sequence_number,
279                                                 v_acad_cal_type,
280                                                 v_acad_sequence_number,
281                                                 v_acad_start_dt,
282                                                 v_acad_end_dt,
283                                                 v_message_name);
284                 IF      v_acad_cal_type         IS NOT NULL AND
285                         v_acad_cal_type         = v_sua_rec.parent_cal_type AND
286                         v_acad_sequence_number  = v_sua_rec.parent_sequence_number THEN
287                         IF p_log_creation_dt IS NOT NULL THEN
288                                 -- If all warnings are logged then write the exception
289                                 IGS_GE_GEN_003.genp_ins_log_entry(cst_pre_enrol,
290                                                 p_log_creation_dt,
291                                                 cst_minor || ','
292                                                 || p_person_id ||','
293                                                 || p_course_cd,
294                                                 'IGS_EN_STUD_INELG_PREENR',
295                                                 NULL);
296                         END IF;
297                         v_return_flag := TRUE;
298                         EXIT;
299                 END IF;
300         END LOOP;
301         IF v_return_flag = TRUE THEN
302                 p_warn_level := cst_minor;
303                 p_message_name := 'IGS_EN_STUD_INELG_PREENR';
304                 RETURN cst_false;
305         END IF;
306         -- Check for 'IGS_PS_UNIT level' advanced standing which is approved or granted.
307         -- Existence of this level of advanced standing will prevent the
308         -- pre-enrollment of the pattern of study occurring.
309         OPEN c_asul;
310         FETCH c_asul INTO v_dummy;
311         IF (c_asul%FOUND) THEN
312                 IF p_log_creation_dt IS NOT NULL THEN
313                         CLOSE c_asul;
314                         -- If all warnings are logged then write the exception
315                         IGS_GE_GEN_003.genp_ins_log_entry(cst_pre_enrol,
316                                         p_log_creation_dt,
317                                         cst_minor || ','
318                                         || p_person_id ||','
319                                         || p_course_cd,
320                                         'IGS_EN_STUD_INELG_UNIT_LVL',
321                                         NULL);
322                 END IF;
323                 p_warn_level := cst_minor;
324                 p_message_name := 'IGS_EN_STUD_INELG_UNIT_LVL';
325                 RETURN cst_false;
326         END IF;
327         CLOSE c_asul;
328         -- Check whether student as a period (s) of intermission overlapping
329         -- the target year(s) which would prevent the enrolment of units in
330         -- the POS periods.
331         FOR     v_posp_rec IN c_posp
332         LOOP
333                 OPEN    c_cir_tci       (v_posp_rec.teach_cal_type);
334                 FETCH   c_cir_tci INTO v_teach_cal_type, v_teach_sequence_number;
335                 IF c_cir_tci%FOUND THEN
336                         CLOSE   c_cir_tci;
337                         -- If the student has an intermission overlapping the period
338                         -- then they ineligible for POS pre-enrolment.
339                         IF IGS_EN_VAL_SUA.enrp_val_sua_intrmt(
340                                                         p_person_id,
341                                                         p_course_cd,
342                                                         v_teach_cal_type,
343                                                         v_teach_sequence_number,
344                                                         v_message_name) = FALSE THEN
345                                 IF p_log_creation_dt IS NOT NULL THEN
346                                         IGS_GE_GEN_003.genp_ins_log_entry(cst_pre_enrol,
347                                                         p_log_creation_dt,
348                                                         cst_minor ||','
349                                                         || p_person_id ||','
350                                                         || p_course_cd,
351                                                         'IGS_EN_STUD_INELG_POS_OVERLAP',
352                                                         NULL);
353                                 END IF;
354                                 p_warn_level := cst_minor;
355                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_EN_STUD_INELG_POS_OVERLAP';
356                                 RETURN cst_false;
357                         END IF;
358                 ELSE
359                         CLOSE   c_cir_tci;
360                 END IF;
361         END LOOP;
362         -- If the student has the required units (applied through encumbrances) and
363         -- one or more of the units are not within the set being pre-enrolled in
364         -- the upcoming academic year.
365         OPEN c_pur_pee;
366         FETCH c_pur_pee INTO v_dummy;
367         IF (c_pur_pee%FOUND) THEN
368                 IF p_log_creation_dt IS NOT NULL THEN
369                         CLOSE c_pur_pee;
370                         -- If all warnings are logged then write the exception
371                         IGS_GE_GEN_003.genp_ins_log_entry(cst_pre_enrol,
372                                         p_log_creation_dt,
373                                         cst_minor ||','
374                                         || p_person_id ||','
375                                         || p_course_cd,
376                                         'IGS_EN_STUD_INELG_ENCUMB',
377                                         NULL);
378                 END IF;
379                 p_warn_level := cst_minor;
380                 p_message_name := 'IGS_EN_STUD_INELG_ENCUMB';
381                 RETURN cst_false;
382         END IF;
383         CLOSE c_pur_pee;
384         -- Check that all of the units prior to the current year within the pattern
385         -- of study have been completed (and passed) or are currently enrolled in
386         -- the relevant teaching calendar types.
387         IF p_always_pre_enrol_ind = 'N' THEN
388                 FOR v_posu_posp_rec IN c_posu_posp LOOP
389                         -- Search for the IGS_PS_UNIT attempt within the academic year in the nominated
390                         -- teaching calendar type. IGS_GE_NOTE: it is not checking whether it was studied
391                         -- in the EXACT academic period number - this is not really necessary;
392                         -- provided they've reached the current academic year having satisfied
393                         -- the requirements of all units they are eligible.
394                         OPEN c_sua(v_posu_posp_rec.unit_cd,
395                                         v_posu_posp_rec.teach_cal_type);
396                         FETCH c_sua INTO v_dummy;
397                         IF (c_sua%NOTFOUND) THEN
398                                 IF p_log_creation_dt IS NOT NULL THEN
399                                         CLOSE c_sua;
400                                         -- If all warnings are logged then write the exception
401                                         IGS_GE_GEN_003.genp_ins_log_entry(cst_pre_enrol,
402                                                         p_log_creation_dt,
403                                                         cst_minor || ','
404                                                         || p_person_id ||','
405                                                         || p_course_cd,
406                                                         'IGS_EN_STUD_INELG_PROGRESSION',
407                                                         v_posu_posp_rec.unit_cd);
408                                 END IF;
409                                 v_return_flag := TRUE;
410                                 EXIT;
411                         END IF;
412                         CLOSE c_sua;
413                 END LOOP;
414                 IF v_return_flag = TRUE THEN
415                         p_warn_level := cst_minor;
416                         p_message_name := 'IGS_EN_STUD_INELG_PROGRESSION';
417                         RETURN cst_false;
418                 END IF;
419         END IF;
420         RETURN cst_true;
422         WHEN OTHERS THEN
423                 IF (c_sua_cir%ISOPEN) THEN
424                         CLOSE c_sua_cir;
425                 END IF;
426                 IF (c_asul%ISOPEN) THEN
427                         CLOSE c_asul;
428                 END IF;
429                 IF (c_pur_pee%ISOPEN) THEN
430                         CLOSE c_pur_pee;
431                 END IF;
432                 IF (c_posu_posp%ISOPEN) THEN
433                         CLOSE c_posu_posp;
434                 END IF;
435                 IF (c_sua%ISOPEN) THEN
436                         CLOSE c_sua;
437                 END IF;
438                 RAISE;
439 END;
441         WHEN OTHERS THEN
442                         Fnd_Message.Set_name('IGS','IGS_GE_UNHANDLED_EXP');
443                         FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('NAME','IGS_EN_GEN_005.enrp_get_pos_elgbl');
444                         IGS_GE_MSG_STACK.ADD;
445         App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
446 END enrp_get_pos_elgbl;
449 FUNCTION Enrp_Get_Pre_Uoo(
450   p_unit_cd IN VARCHAR2 ,
451   p_cal_type IN VARCHAR2 ,
452   p_sequence_number IN NUMBER ,
453   p_location_cd IN VARCHAR2 ,
454   p_unit_class IN VARCHAR2 ,
455   p_unit_mode IN VARCHAR2 ,
456   p_crs_location_cd IN VARCHAR2 ,
457   p_uoo_id OUT NOCOPY NUMBER )
460 BEGIN   -- enrp_get_pre_uoo
461         -- Routine to select the IGS_PS_UNIT offering option matching the specified
462         --   search criteria.
463         -- If the IGS_PS_UNIT IGS_AD_LOCATION/class parameters are specified then only an
464         --   exact match will be returned.
465         -- If IGS_PS_UNIT IGS_AD_LOCATION and/or class are null then the routine will
466         --   attempt to find a match, on the condition that:
467         --   1. The IGS_AD_LOCATION code matches either the parameter or the enrolled IGS_PS_COURSE
468         --      IGS_AD_LOCATION code.
469         --   2. The option class matches the parameter, or if not set any mode will do
470         --      (but a match with the IGS_PS_COURSE attendance mode will take priority)
472         cst_active              CONSTANT VARCHAR2(10) := 'ACTIVE';
473         CURSOR c_uoo IS
474                 SELECT  uoo_id
475                 FROM    IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_OPT     uoo,
476                         IGS_PS_UNIT_VER                 uv,
477                         IGS_PS_UNIT_STAT                us
478                 WHERE   uoo.unit_cd             = p_unit_cd AND
479                         uoo.cal_type            = p_cal_type AND
480                         uoo.ci_sequence_number  = p_sequence_number AND
481                         uoo.location_cd         = p_location_cd AND
482                         uoo.unit_class          = p_unit_class AND
483                         uoo.offered_ind         = 'Y' AND
484                         uv.unit_cd              = uoo.unit_cd AND
485                         uv.version_number       = uoo.version_number AND
486                         uv.expiry_dt            IS NULL AND
487                         us.unit_status          = uv.unit_status AND
488                         us.s_unit_status        = 'ACTIVE';
489         CURSOR c_uoo2 IS
490                 SELECT  uoo.uoo_id,
491                         um.s_unit_mode
492                 FROM    IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_OPT     uoo,
493                         IGS_PS_UNIT_VER                 uv,
494                         IGS_PS_UNIT_STAT                us,
495                         IGS_AS_UNIT_CLASS               uc,
496                         IGS_AS_UNIT_MODE                um
497                 WHERE   uoo.unit_cd             = p_unit_cd AND
498                         uoo.cal_type            = p_cal_type AND
499                         uoo.ci_sequence_number  = p_sequence_number AND
500                         uoo.location_cd         = NVL(p_location_cd, p_crs_location_cd) AND
501                         (p_unit_class           IS NULL OR
502                         uoo.unit_class          = p_unit_class) AND
503                         uoo.offered_ind         = 'Y' and
504                         uoo.unit_cd             = uv.unit_cd AND
505                         uoo.version_number      = uv.version_number AND
506                         uv.expiry_dt            IS NULL and
507                         us.unit_status          = uv.unit_status AND
508                         us.s_unit_status        = 'ACTIVE' AND
509                         uoo.unit_class          = uc.unit_class AND
510 			uc.closed_ind           = 'N' AND
511                         uc.unit_mode            = um.unit_mode;
512         v_uoo_rec               c_uoo%ROWTYPE;
513         v_full_match_uoo_id     IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_OPT.uoo_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL;
514         v_partial_match_uoo_id  IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_OPT.uoo_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL;
516         p_uoo_id := NULL;
517         -- If both the mode and class have been specified,
518         -- then search for a uoo matching.
519         -- If not found, then return NULL.
520         IF p_location_cd IS NOT NULL AND
521                         p_unit_class IS NOT NULL THEN
522                 OPEN c_uoo;
523                 FETCH c_uoo INTO v_uoo_rec;
524                 IF c_uoo%NOTFOUND THEN
525                         CLOSE c_uoo;
526                         RETURN FALSE;
527                 END IF;
528                 CLOSE c_uoo;
529                 p_uoo_id := v_uoo_rec.uoo_id;
530                 RETURN TRUE;
531         END IF;
532         -- Attempt to select the closest match from the IGS_PS_UNIT offering option table.
533         FOR v_uoo_rec IN c_uoo2 LOOP
534                 -- If the class  is set or the mode matches the IGS_PS_COURSE mode,
535                 -- then it is considered an exact match.
536                 IF p_unit_class IS NOT NULL THEN
537                         v_full_match_uoo_id := v_uoo_rec.uoo_id;
538                         EXIT;
539                 ELSIF p_unit_mode = '%' OR
540                                 p_unit_mode = v_uoo_rec.s_unit_mode THEN
541                         v_full_match_uoo_id := v_uoo_rec.uoo_id;
542                         EXIT;
543                 ELSE
544                         v_partial_match_uoo_id := v_uoo_rec.uoo_id;
545                 END IF;
546         END LOOP;
547         -- If set, use the full match UOO, otherwise use the partial
548         -- match (ie. mode differs).
549         IF v_full_match_uoo_id IS NOT NULL THEN
550                 p_uoo_id := v_full_match_uoo_id;
551                 RETURN TRUE;
552         ELSIF v_partial_match_uoo_id IS NOT NULL THEN
553                 p_uoo_id := v_partial_match_uoo_id;
554                 RETURN TRUE;
555         END IF;
556         p_uoo_id := NULL;
557         RETURN FALSE;
559         WHEN OTHERS THEN
560                 IF c_uoo%ISOPEN THEN
561                         CLOSE c_uoo;
562                 END IF;
563                 IF c_uoo2%ISOPEN THEN
564                         CLOSE c_uoo2;
565                 END IF;
566                 RAISE;
567 END;
569         WHEN OTHERS THEN
570         Fnd_Message.Set_name('IGS','IGS_GE_UNHANDLED_EXP');
571         FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('NAME','IGS_EN_GEN_005.enrp_get_pre_uoo');
572         IGS_GE_MSG_STACK.ADD;
573         App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
574 END enrp_get_pre_uoo;
577 FUNCTION Enrp_Get_Pos_Links(
578   p_location_cd IN VARCHAR2 ,
579   p_attendance_mode IN VARCHAR2 ,
580   p_attendance_type IN VARCHAR2 ,
581   p_unit_set_cd IN VARCHAR2 ,
582   p_adm_cal_type IN VARCHAR2 ,
583   p_admission_cat IN VARCHAR2 ,
584   p_pos_location_cd IN VARCHAR2 ,
585   p_pos_attendance_mode IN VARCHAR2 ,
586   p_pos_attendance_type IN VARCHAR2 ,
587   p_pos_unit_set_cd IN VARCHAR2 ,
588   p_pos_adm_cal_type IN VARCHAR2 ,
589   p_pos_admission_cat IN VARCHAR2 )
592 BEGIN   -- enrp_get_pos_links
593         -- Totals the number of elements of the IGS_PS_PAT_OF_STUDY linkages which
594         -- match the parameter record. If the values in the linkages are NULL,
595         -- then they don't count as a match. The ain is to find the record which
596         -- has the most number of specific matches.
598         v_match_count           NUMBER;
600         v_match_count := 0;
601         IF p_location_cd = NVL(p_pos_location_cd, 'NOMATCH') THEN
602                 v_match_count := v_match_count + 1;
603         END IF;
604         IF p_attendance_mode = NVL(p_pos_attendance_mode, 'NOMATCH') THEN
605                 v_match_count := v_match_count + 1;
606         END IF;
607         IF p_attendance_type = NVL(p_pos_attendance_type, 'NOMATCH') THEN
608                 v_match_count := v_match_count + 1;
609         END IF;
610         IF NVL(p_unit_set_cd, 'NOVALUE') = NVL(p_pos_unit_set_cd, 'NOMATCH') THEN
611                 v_match_count := v_match_count + 1;
612         END IF;
613         IF NVL(p_adm_cal_type, 'NOVALUE') = NVL(p_pos_adm_cal_type, 'NOMATCH') THEN
614                 v_match_count := v_match_count + 1;
615         END IF;
616         IF NVL(p_admission_cat, 'NOVALUE') = NVL(p_pos_admission_cat, 'NOMATCH') THEN
617                 v_match_count := v_match_count + 1;
618         END IF;
619         RETURN v_match_count;
620 END;
622 END enrp_get_pos_links;
625 FUNCTION Enrp_Get_First_Enr(
626   p_person_id IN NUMBER )
628         gv_other_details                VARCHAR2(255);
631 -- modified cursor for performance bug 3687265
632 CURSOR c_get_acad_alt_cd IS
633        SELECT SUBSTR(IGS_EN_GEN_014.enrs_get_acad_alt_cd(sua_v.cal_type,sua_v.ci_sequence_number),1,10)
634        FROM  IGS_EN_SU_ATTEMPT sua_v,
635              IGS_CA_INST ci
636        WHERE sua_v.person_id = p_person_id  AND
637              sua_v.enrolled_dt IS NOT NULL  AND
638              sua_v.cal_type = ci.cal_type   AND
639              sua_v.ci_sequence_number = ci.sequence_number
640        ORDER BY   ci.start_dt,
641                   ci.end_dt ;
643         v_acad_alt_cd                   IGS_CA_INST.alternate_code%TYPE;
645         --- Retrieve the student IGS_PS_UNIT attempt records for the IGS_PE_PERSON.
646         --- The order the records are returned will ensure the oldest IGS_PS_UNIT
647         --- attempt record for the IGS_PE_PERSON is returned first.
648         OPEN c_get_acad_alt_cd;
649         FETCH c_get_acad_alt_cd INTO v_acad_alt_cd;
650         --- Many records may be returned, but we only want the first record.
651         --- Return the result of the query, may be null if none were found.
652         IF c_get_acad_alt_cd%NOTFOUND THEN
653                 CLOSE c_get_acad_alt_cd;
654                 RETURN NULL;
655         ELSE
656                 CLOSE c_get_acad_alt_cd;
657                 RETURN v_acad_alt_cd;
658         END IF;
659 END;
661 END enrp_get_first_enr;
664 FUNCTION Enrp_Get_Frst_Enr_Yr(
665   p_person_id IN NUMBER )
668         -- This is a stub only and needs to be updated when the spec is complete.
669         RETURN NULL;
670 END enrp_get_frst_enr_yr;
673 FUNCTION Enrp_Get_Last_Enr(
674   p_person_id IN NUMBER )
676         gv_other_details                VARCHAR2(255);
679 --modified cursor for performance bug 3687150
680      CURSOR c_get_acad_alt_cd IS
681      SELECT   SUBSTR(IGS_EN_GEN_014.enrs_get_acad_alt_cd(sua_v.cal_type,sua_v.ci_sequence_number),1,10)
682      FROM     IGS_EN_SU_ATTEMPT sua_v,
683               IGS_CA_INST ci
684      WHERE    sua_v.person_id = p_person_id   AND
685               sua_v.enrolled_dt IS NOT NULL   AND
686               sua_v.cal_type = ci.cal_type    AND
687               sua_v.ci_sequence_number = ci.sequence_number
688      ORDER BY ci.start_dt desc,
689               ci.end_dt desc ;
690         v_acad_alt_cd                   IGS_CA_INST.alternate_code%TYPE;
692         --- Retrieve the student IGS_PS_UNIT attempt records for the IGS_PE_PERSON.
693         --- The order the records are returned will ensure the newest IGS_PS_UNIT
694         --- attempt record for the IGS_PE_PERSON is returned first.
695         OPEN c_get_acad_alt_cd;
696         FETCH c_get_acad_alt_cd INTO v_acad_alt_cd;
697         --- Many records may be returned, but we only want the first record.
698         --- Return the result of the query, may be null if none were found.
699         IF c_get_acad_alt_cd%NOTFOUND THEN
700                 CLOSE c_get_acad_alt_cd;
701                 RETURN NULL;
702         ELSE
703                 CLOSE c_get_acad_alt_cd;
704                 RETURN v_acad_alt_cd;
705         END IF;
706 END;
708 END enrp_get_last_enr;
711 FUNCTION Enrp_Get_Last_Enr_Yr(
712   p_person_id IN NUMBER )
715         -- This is a stub only and needs to be updated when the spec is complete.
716         RETURN NULL;
717 END enrp_get_last_enr_yr;
719 END IGS_EN_GEN_005;