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Line 59: nvl (absence.date_end, hr_general.end_of_time) date_end,

55: --
56: cursor csr_absence_details (p_maternity_id in number) is
57: select absence.absence_attendance_id,
58: absence.date_start,
59: nvl (absence.date_end, hr_general.end_of_time) date_end,
60: absence.date_notification,
61: absence.accept_late_notification_flag
62: from per_absence_attendances ABSENCE
63: where absence.maternity_id = p_maternity_id

Line 89: nvl (service.final_process_date, hr_general.end_of_time) FINAL_PROCESS_DATE

85: maternity.start_date_maternity_allowance,
86: maternity.pay_SMP_as_lump_sum pay_PAD_as_lump_sum,
87: person.date_of_death,
88: service.date_start,
89: nvl (service.final_process_date, hr_general.end_of_time) FINAL_PROCESS_DATE
90: from ssp_maternities MATERNITY,
91: per_all_people_f PERSON,
92: per_periods_of_service SERVICE
93: where person.person_id = maternity.person_id

Line 312: l_work_start_date date := hr_general.end_of_time;

308: -- See header for description of this procedure.
309: --
310: no_prima_facia_entitlement exception;
311: invalid_absence_date exception;
312: l_work_start_date date := hr_general.end_of_time;
313: stoppage_end_date date := null;
314: no_of_absence_periods integer := 0;
315: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'entitled_to_PAD';
316: l_keep_stoppages boolean default FALSE;

Line 510: and nvl (actual_termination_date, hr_general.end_of_time)

506: from per_periods_of_service
507: where person_id = person.person_id
508: and date_start <= ssp_pad_pkg.continuous_employment_date
509: (person.matching_date)
510: and nvl (actual_termination_date, hr_general.end_of_time)
511: >= person.MW;
512: --
513: l_dummy number (1);
514: l_proc varchar2 (72) := g_package||'check_continuity_rule';

Line 895: if absence.date_end <> hr_general.end_of_time

891: (l_work_start_date),
892: p_withhold_to => ssp_smp_support_pkg.end_of_week
893: (absence.date_start -1));
894: --
895: if absence.date_end <> hr_general.end_of_time
896: then
897: l_work_start_date := absence.date_end + 1;
898: else
899: --

Line 1391: and nvl (stp.withhold_to, hr_general.end_of_time)

1387: -- death and is prior to the period
1388: --
1389: and ((wre.reason <> employee_died
1390: and stp.withhold_from <= p_end_date
1391: and nvl (stp.withhold_to, hr_general.end_of_time)
1392: >= p_start_date)
1393: --
1394: or (wre.reason = employee_died
1395: and stp.withhold_from < p_start_date))