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1 PACKAGE BODY pay_sla_pkg AS
2 /* $Header: pysla.pkb 120.13.12010000.2 2008/08/14 05:27:54 priupadh ship $ */
3 --
4 /*
5  * ***************************************************************************
6 --
7   Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation (UK) Ltd 1993,1994. All Rights Reserved.
8 --
10     Oracle*Payroll
11 --
12   NAME
13     PAY_SLA_PKG  - Payroll support for SLA (Sub Ledger Accounting)
14 --
15 --
17 --
18   MODIFIED          DD-MON-YYYY
19   120.13.12000000.2  priupadh 14-Aug-2008 Bug 7283055
20                                  Function get_conversion_type  Return CONVERSION_TYPE in
21                                  place of USER_CONVERSION_TYPE
22   120.13  A.Logue   18-Oct-2006  Handle un-specified payroll ids
23                                  in Costing processes in delete_event.
24   120.12  A.Logue   16-Oct-2006  Handle un-specified payroll ids
25                                  in Costing processes.
26   120.11  A.Logue   13-Oct-2006  Subtle change to
27                                  ESITMATE_COST_REVERSAL event type
28                                  code.
29                                  Improved rule names to include
30                                  segment names.
31   120.10  A.Logue   05-Oct-2006  Use Chart of Account name in
32                                  create_custom_adrs.
33   120.9   A.Logue   04-Oct-2006  Added create_custom_adrs.
34                                  Bug 5531729.
35   120.8   A.Logue   04-Sep-2006  Added delete_event to support rollback
36                                  of a Transfer to SLA (if events not
37                                  completed).
38                                  Also simplified Postprocessing.
39                                  Bug 5510388.
40   120.7   A.Logue   15-Aug-2006  Correct entity_type_code passed to
41                                  XLA_EVENTS_PUB_PKG.create_event, and
42                                  initialise event_status in pay_xla_events.
43   120.6   A.Logue   15-Jun-2006  Fix GSCC error.
44   120.5   A.Logue   25-May-2006  Mark payroll action as complete if
45                                  all actions are complete in Postprocessing.
46   120.4   A.Logue   25-Nov-2005  Added stub preaccounting, postaccounting
47                                  and extract procedures for unused SLA hooks.
48   120.3   A.Logue   22-Nov-2005  Postprocessing procedure.
49   120.1   A.Logue   16-Nov-2005  Added various procedures and functions.
50   115.0   A.Logue   07-Oct-2005	 Created.
51 --
53     Payroll support for SLA (Sub Ledger Accounting)
55     SLA is new in R12. This file exists to avoid breaking dual maintenance on
56     TGL files between 11.5 and R12.
58 */
59 --
60 -- Caches for get_conversion_type
61 --
62 g_business_group_id pay_payroll_actions.business_group_id%TYPE := null;
63 g_currency_type     gl_daily_rates.conversion_type%TYPE := null;
64 g_conversion_date   date := null;
65 --
66 -- Caches for get_accounting_date
67 --
68 g_revb_acc_date_mode pay_action_parameter_values.parameter_value%TYPE := null;
69 g_tgl_date_used pay_action_parameter_values.parameter_value%TYPE := null;
70 --
71 -- Caches for get_ecost_accounting_date
72 --
73 g_payroll_id      pay_all_payrolls_f.payroll_id%TYPE;
74 g_cost_date       date := null;
75 g_accounting_date date := null;
76 --
77 PROCEDURE trans_asg_costs
78         (i_assignment_action_id NUMBER)
79 IS
80 --
81 -- Cursor to et distinct accounting dates for a Payment Cost action
82 --
83 CURSOR payment_account_dates (c_action_id NUMBER)
84 IS
85 SELECT DISTINCT accounting_date
86 FROM   pay_payment_costs
87 WHERE  assignment_action_id = c_action_id;
88 --
89 t_payroll_action_id        NUMBER;
90 c_assignment_action_id     NUMBER;
91 r_assignment_action_id     NUMBER;
92 c_payroll_action_id        NUMBER;
93 r_payroll_action_id        NUMBER;
94 r_action_type              pay_payroll_actions.action_type%TYPE;
95 r_assignment_id            NUMBER;
96 c_action_type              pay_payroll_actions.action_type%TYPE;
97 c_effective_date           DATE;
98 l_ledger_id                pay_all_payrolls_f.gl_set_of_books_id%TYPE;
99 l_accounting_date          DATE;
100 l_rev_accounting_date      DATE;
101 l_event_id                 NUMBER;
102 --
103 l_event_source_info        xla_events_pub_pkg.t_event_source_info;
104 l_security_context         xla_events_pub_pkg.t_security;
106 --
107    hr_utility.set_location('pay_sla_pkg.trans_asg_costs',10);
108 --
109    SELECT pa.payroll_action_id,
110           pa1.assignment_id,
111           pa1.assignment_action_id,
112           ppa1.payroll_action_id,
113           ppa1.action_type,
114           ppa1.effective_date
115    INTO   t_payroll_action_id,
116           r_assignment_id,
117           c_assignment_action_id,
118           c_payroll_action_id,
119           c_action_type,
120           c_effective_date
121    FROM   pay_assignment_actions   pa,  -- TGL assignment action
122           pay_action_interlocks    pi,  -- interlock to cost
123           pay_assignment_actions   pa1, -- cost assignment action
124           pay_payroll_actions      ppa1 -- cost payroll action
125    WHERE  pa.assignment_action_id  = i_assignment_action_id
126    AND    pi.locking_action_id     = pa.assignment_action_id
127    AND    pa1.assignment_action_id = pi.locked_action_id
128    AND    ppa1.payroll_action_id   = pa1.payroll_action_id
129    AND    ppa1.action_type         IN ('C', 'S', 'EC', 'CP');
131    -- initialise xla structures
132    l_event_source_info.application_id := 801;
133    l_event_source_info.legal_entity_id := null;
134    l_event_source_info.transaction_number := to_char(i_assignment_action_id);
135    l_event_source_info.entity_type_code := 'ASSIGNMENTS';
137    --
138    -- Calls to XLA_EVENTS_PUB_PKG.create_event
139    -- (or XLA_EVENTS_PUB_PKG.create_bulk_events)
140    --
142    if (c_action_type IN ('C', 'S')) then
143       --
144       -- Costing or Retrocosting : event class COSTS
145       --
146       hr_utility.set_location('pytrgl.trans_ass_costs',20);
147       --
148       SELECT pa2.assignment_action_id,
149              ppa2.payroll_action_id,
150              ppa2.action_type,
151              pap.gl_set_of_books_id,
152              pay_sla_pkg.get_accounting_date
153                          (ppa2.action_type, c_effective_date,
154                           ppa2.effective_date, ppa2.date_earned)
155       INTO   r_assignment_action_id,
156              r_payroll_action_id,
157              r_action_type,
158              l_ledger_id,
159              l_accounting_date
160       FROM   pay_assignment_actions   pa,  -- TGL assignment action
161              pay_action_interlocks    pi2, -- interlock to run
162              pay_assignment_actions   pa2, -- run assignment action
163              pay_payroll_actions      ppa2,-- run payroll action
164              pay_all_payrolls_f       pap
165       WHERE  pa.assignment_action_id  = i_assignment_action_id
166       AND    pi2.locking_action_id    = pa.assignment_action_id
167       AND    pa2.assignment_action_id = pi2.locked_action_id
168       AND    ppa2.payroll_action_id   = pa2.payroll_action_id
169       AND    ppa2.action_type         NOT IN ('C', 'S', 'EC')
170       AND    pap.payroll_id           = ppa2.payroll_id
171       AND    ppa2.effective_date BETWEEN pap.effective_start_date
172                                      AND pap.effective_end_date;
174       l_event_source_info.ledger_id := l_ledger_id;
176       if (c_action_type = 'C') then
177          --
178          -- Raise COST event type event
179          -- on tid i_assignment_action_id, date l_accounting_date
180          --
182          l_event_source_info.source_id_int_1  := i_assignment_action_id;
183          --l_event_source_info.source_id_date_1 := l_accounting_date;
184          l_event_source_info.source_id_char_1 := to_char(l_accounting_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD');
186          l_event_id := XLA_EVENTS_PUB_PKG.create_event (
187                             p_event_source_info => l_event_source_info,
188                             p_event_type_code   => 'COST',
189                             p_event_date        => l_accounting_date,
190                             p_event_status_code => 'U',
191                             p_valuation_method  => null,
192                             p_security_context  => l_security_context
193                        );
194          --
195          -- create entry in pay_xla_events
196          --
197          insert into pay_xla_events (assignment_action_id, event_id,
198                                      accounting_date, event_status)
199          values (i_assignment_action_id, l_event_id, l_accounting_date, 'U');
200          --
201       else
202          --
203          -- Raise RETRO_COST event type event
204          -- on tid i_assignment_action_id, date l_accounting_date
205          --
207          l_event_source_info.source_id_int_1  := i_assignment_action_id;
208          --l_event_source_info.source_id_date_1 := l_accounting_date;
209          l_event_source_info.source_id_char_1 := to_char(l_accounting_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD');
211          l_event_id := XLA_EVENTS_PUB_PKG.create_event (
212                             p_event_source_info => l_event_source_info,
213                             p_event_type_code   => 'RETRO_COST',
214                             p_event_date        => l_accounting_date,
215                             p_event_status_code => 'U',
216                             p_valuation_method  => null,
217                             p_security_context  => l_security_context
218                        );
220          --
221          -- create entry in pay_xla_events
222          --
223          insert into pay_xla_events (assignment_action_id, event_id,
224                                      accounting_date, event_status)
225          values (i_assignment_action_id, l_event_id, l_accounting_date, 'U');
226          --
227       end if;
229    elsif (c_action_type = 'EC') then
230       --
231       -- Estimate Costing : event class ESTIMATE_COSTS
232       --
233       hr_utility.set_location('pytrgl.trans_ass_costs',30);
234       --
235       SELECT pay_sla_pkg.get_ecost_accounting_date
236                          (pera.payroll_id, c_effective_date),
237              pap.gl_set_of_books_id
238       INTO   l_rev_accounting_date,
239              l_ledger_id
240       FROM   per_all_assignments_f   pera,
241              pay_all_payrolls_f      pap
242       WHERE  pera.assignment_id    = r_assignment_id
243       AND    c_effective_date BETWEEN pera.effective_start_date
244                                   AND pera.effective_end_date
245       AND    pap.payroll_id        = pera.payroll_id
246       AND    c_effective_date BETWEEN pap.effective_start_date
247                                   AND pap.effective_end_date;
249       l_event_source_info.ledger_id := l_ledger_id;
251       --
252       -- Raise ESTIMATE_COST event type event
253       -- on tid i_assignment_action_id, date c_effective_date
254       --
256       l_event_source_info.source_id_int_1  := i_assignment_action_id;
257       --l_event_source_info.source_id_date_1 := c_effective_date;
258       l_event_source_info.source_id_char_1 := to_char(c_effective_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD');
260       l_event_id := XLA_EVENTS_PUB_PKG.create_event (
261                             p_event_source_info => l_event_source_info,
262                             p_event_type_code   => 'ESTIMATE_COST',
263                             p_event_date        => c_effective_date,
264                             p_event_status_code => 'U',
265                             p_valuation_method  => null,
266                             p_security_context  => l_security_context
267                     );
269       --
270       -- create entry in pay_xla_events
271       --
272       insert into pay_xla_events (assignment_action_id, event_id,
273                                   accounting_date, event_status)
274       values (i_assignment_action_id, l_event_id, c_effective_date, 'U');
275       --
276       -- Raise ESTIMATE_COST_REVERSAL event type event
277       -- on tid i_assignment_action_id, date l_rev_accounting_date
278       --
280       l_event_source_info.source_id_int_1  := i_assignment_action_id;
281       --l_event_source_info.source_id_date_1 := l_rev_accounting_date;
282       l_event_source_info.source_id_char_1 := to_char(l_rev_accounting_date,
283                                                       'YYYY/MM/DD');
285       l_event_id := XLA_EVENTS_PUB_PKG.create_event (
286                             p_event_source_info => l_event_source_info,
287                             p_event_type_code   => 'ESITMATE_COST_REVERSAL',
288                             p_event_date        => l_rev_accounting_date,
289                             p_event_status_code => 'U',
290                             p_valuation_method  => null,
291                             p_security_context  => l_security_context
292                     );
294       --
295       --
296       -- create entry in pay_xla_events
297       --
298       insert into pay_xla_events (assignment_action_id, event_id,
299                                   accounting_date, event_status)
300       values (i_assignment_action_id, l_event_id, l_rev_accounting_date, 'U');
301       --
302    else
303       --
304       -- Payment Costs
305       --
306       -- create distinct ones for each different date for payment costs
307       --
309       SELECT pap.gl_set_of_books_id
310       INTO   l_ledger_id
311       FROM   per_all_assignments_f   pera,
312              pay_all_payrolls_f      pap
313       WHERE  pera.assignment_id    = r_assignment_id
314       AND    c_effective_date BETWEEN pera.effective_start_date
315                                   AND pera.effective_end_date
316       AND    pap.payroll_id        = pera.payroll_id
317       AND    c_effective_date BETWEEN pap.effective_start_date
318                                   AND pap.effective_end_date;
320       l_event_source_info.ledger_id := l_ledger_id;
321       l_event_source_info.source_id_int_1  := i_assignment_action_id;
323       for account_date in payment_account_dates (c_assignment_action_id) loop
325          --
326          -- Raise PAYMENT_COST event type event
327          -- on tid i_assignment_action_id, date account_date.accouting_date
328          --
330          --l_event_source_info.source_id_date_1 := account_date.accounting_date;
331          l_event_source_info.source_id_char_1 :=
332                             to_char(account_date.accounting_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD');
334          l_event_id := XLA_EVENTS_PUB_PKG.create_event (
335                             p_event_source_info => l_event_source_info,
336                             p_event_type_code   => 'PAYMENT_COST',
337                             p_event_date        => account_date.accounting_date,
338                             p_event_status_code => 'U',
339                             p_valuation_method  => null,
340                             p_security_context  => l_security_context
341                     );
343          --
344          -- create entry in pay_xla_events (assignment_action_id, event_id, date)
345          --
346          insert into pay_xla_events (assignment_action_id, event_id,
347                                      accounting_date, event_status)
348          values (i_assignment_action_id, l_event_id, account_date.accounting_date, 'U');
350       end loop;
352    end if;
353 --
354 END trans_asg_costs;
355 --
356 PROCEDURE postprocessing
357         (p_application_id  NUMBER,
358          p_accounting_mode VARCHAR2)
359 IS
361   CURSOR xla_events_cur IS
362   SELECT XPAE.event_id event_id,
363          XPAE.event_type_code event_type_code,
364          XPAE.SOURCE_ID_INT_1 event_aa_id,
365          XPAE.ledger_id ledger_id
367          GL_SETS_OF_BOOKS GSOB,
368          PAY_XLA_EVENTS PAYE
369   WHERE XPAE.ledger_id = GSOB.set_of_books_id
370     AND PAYE.event_id = XPAE.event_id
371     AND PAYE.event_status <> 'C';
374 --
375    hr_utility.set_location('pay_sla_pkg.post_process_event',10);
376 --
377    IF (p_application_id <> 801) THEN
378       RETURN;
379    END IF;
380 --
381    --
382    -- If not in Final Mode do nothing (eg Draft)
383    --
384    IF (p_accounting_mode <> 'F') THEN
385       RETURN;
386    END IF;
387 --
388    for xlarec in xla_events_cur loop
389 --
390       hr_utility.set_location('pay_sla_pkg.post_process_event',10);
391 --
392       --
393       -- Mark the Events as complete
394       --
395       UPDATE pay_xla_events
396       SET event_status = 'C'
397       WHERE event_id = xlarec.event_id;
398 --
399    end loop;
400 --
401 END postprocessing;
402 --
403 FUNCTION get_conversion_type
404         (i_business_group_id NUMBER,
405          i_conversion_date   DATE)
408 CURSOR get_conv_type(p_user_currency_type gl_daily_conversion_types.user_conversion_type%type) IS
409 SELECT  conversion_type
410 FROM  gl_daily_conversion_types gdct
411 WHERE  gdct.user_conversion_type = p_user_currency_type;
413    l_user_currency_type VARCHAR2(30);
414    l_currency_type VARCHAR2(30);
416 --
417    hr_utility.set_location('Entering pay_sla_pkg.get_conversion_type',10);
418 --
419    if (g_business_group_id is not null) and
420       (i_business_group_id = g_business_group_id) and
421       (i_conversion_date   = g_conversion_date) then
422    --
423       l_currency_type := g_currency_type;
424    --
425    else
426    --
427       l_user_currency_type := hruserdt.get_table_value(i_business_group_id,
428                            'EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPES', 'Conversion Rate Type',
429                            'PAY',i_conversion_date);
431    hr_utility.set_location('In pay_sla_pkg.get_conversion_type l_user_currency_type '||l_user_currency_type,15);
432 /*Begin Bug 7283055 USER_CONVERSION_TYPE was getting returned need to return Conversion Type */
433       open get_conv_type(l_user_currency_type);
434       fetch get_conv_type into l_currency_type;
435       close get_conv_type;
437       g_currency_type := l_currency_type;
438       g_business_group_id := i_business_group_id;
439       g_conversion_date := i_conversion_date;
440    --
441    end if;
442    hr_utility.set_location('In pay_sla_pkg.get_conversion_type l_currency_type '||l_currency_type,20);
443    hr_utility.set_location('In pay_sla_pkg.get_conversion_type g_currency_type '||g_currency_type,30);
444    hr_utility.set_location('Leaving pay_sla_pkg.get_conversion_type',40);
445 --
446    return(l_currency_type);
447 --
448 END get_conversion_type;
449 --
450 FUNCTION get_accounting_date
451          (run_action_type     VARCHAR2,
452           cost_effective_date DATE,
453           run_effective_date  DATE,
454           run_date_earned     DATE)
456    l_accounting_date DATE;
458 --
459    hr_utility.set_location('pay_sla_pkg.get_accounting_date',10);
460 --
461    if (run_action_type in ('B', 'V')) then
462       --
463       -- For Reversals and Balance Adjustments
464       -- eff date of cost if TGL_REVB_ACC_DATE = 'E'
465       -- otherwise eff date of rev/ba
466       if (g_revb_acc_date_mode is null) then
467          begin
468             select parameter_value
469               into g_revb_acc_date_mode
470               from pay_action_parameters
471              where parameter_name = 'TGL_REVB_ACC_DATE';
472           exception
473             when others then
474                g_revb_acc_date_mode := 'P';
475           end;
476       end if;
478       if g_revb_acc_date_mode = 'C' then
479           l_accounting_date := cost_effective_date;
480       else
481           l_accounting_date := run_effective_date;
482       end if;
483 --
484    else
485       --
486       -- For Runs and Quickpays
487       -- run date earned if TGL_DATE_USED = 'E'
488       -- otherwise eff date of run
489       --
490       if (g_tgl_date_used is null) then
491          begin
492             select parameter_value
493               into g_tgl_date_used
494               from pay_action_parameters
495              where parameter_name = 'TGL_DATE_USED';
496           exception
497             when others then
498                g_tgl_date_used := 'P';
502       if g_tgl_date_used = 'E' then
499           end;
500       end if;
503           l_accounting_date := run_date_earned;
504       else
505           l_accounting_date := run_effective_date;
506       end if;
507    end if;
508 --
509    return(l_accounting_date);
510 --
511 END get_accounting_date;
512 --
513 FUNCTION get_ecost_accounting_date
514          (ecost_payroll_id    NUMBER,
515           cost_effective_date DATE)
517    l_accounting_date DATE;
519 --
520    hr_utility.set_location('pay_sla_pkg.get_ecost_accounting_date',10);
521 --
522    --
523    -- For Estimate Costs
524    -- negation deltas at end of payroll period only
525    -- ecost period end date of TGL_DATE_USED = 'E' or = 'EVE'
526    -- otherwise period pay_advice_date + payroll pay_date_offset(!)
527    --
528    if (g_payroll_id is not null) and
529       (ecost_payroll_id = g_payroll_id) and
530       (cost_effective_date = g_cost_date) then
531       l_accounting_date := g_accounting_date;
532    else
533 --
534       if (g_tgl_date_used is null) then
535          begin
536             select parameter_value
537               into g_tgl_date_used
538               from pay_action_parameters
539              where parameter_name = 'TGL_DATE_USED';
540          exception
541             when others then
542                g_tgl_date_used := 'P';
543          end;
544       end if;
546       SELECT /*+ ORDERED */
547              decode(g_tgl_date_used, 'E', ptp.end_date,
548                                    'EVE', ptp.end_date,
549                     ptp.pay_advice_date + pay.pay_date_offset)
550       INTO   l_accounting_date
551       FROM   pay_all_payrolls_f      pay,
552              per_time_periods        ptp
553       WHERE  pay.payroll_id        = ecost_payroll_id
554       AND    cost_effective_date BETWEEN pay.effective_start_date
555                                      AND pay.effective_end_date
556       AND    ptp.payroll_id        = pay.payroll_id
557       AND    cost_effective_date BETWEEN ptp.start_date
558                                      AND ptp.end_date;
560       g_payroll_id := ecost_payroll_id;
561       g_cost_date := cost_effective_date;
562       g_accounting_date := l_accounting_date;
563 --
564    end if;
565 --
566    return(l_accounting_date);
567 --
568 END get_ecost_accounting_date;
569 --
570 -- Stub for XLA preaccounting hook
571 --
572 PROCEDURE preaccounting
573         (p_application_id     NUMBER,
574          p_ledger_id          NUMBER,
575          p_process_category   VARCHAR2,
576          p_end_date           DATE,
577          p_accounting_mode    VARCHAR2,
578          p_valuation_method   VARCHAR2,
579          p_security_id_int_1  NUMBER,
580          p_security_id_int_2  NUMBER,
581          p_security_id_int_3  NUMBER,
582          p_security_id_char_1 VARCHAR2,
583          p_security_id_char_2 VARCHAR2,
584          p_security_id_char_3 VARCHAR2,
585          p_report_request_id  NUMBER)
586 IS
588 --
589    hr_utility.set_location('pay_sla_pkg.preaccounting',10);
590 --
591 END preaccounting;
592 --
593 -- Stub for XLA postaccounting hook
594 --
595 PROCEDURE postaccounting
596         (p_application_id     NUMBER,
597          p_ledger_id          NUMBER,
598          p_process_category   VARCHAR2,
599          p_end_date           DATE,
600          p_accounting_mode    VARCHAR2,
601          p_valuation_method   VARCHAR2,
602          p_security_id_int_1  NUMBER,
603          p_security_id_int_2  NUMBER,
604          p_security_id_int_3  NUMBER,
605          p_security_id_char_1 VARCHAR2,
606          p_security_id_char_2 VARCHAR2,
607          p_security_id_char_3 VARCHAR2,
608          p_report_request_id  NUMBER)
609 IS
611 --
612    hr_utility.set_location('pay_sla_pkg.postaccounting',10);
613 --
614 END postaccounting;
615 --
616 --
617 -- Stub for XLA extract hook
618 --
619 PROCEDURE extract
620         (p_application_id     NUMBER,
621          p_accounting_mode    VARCHAR2)
622 IS
624 --
625    hr_utility.set_location('pay_sla_pkg.extract',10);
626 --
627 END extract;
628 --
629 -- Delet_event : called form rollback code
630 --
631 PROCEDURE delete_event
632         (i_assignment_action_id NUMBER)
633 IS
634   CURSOR xla_events_cur IS
635   SELECT PAYE.event_id event_id,
636          PAYE.accounting_date
638   WHERE PAYE.assignment_action_id = i_assignment_action_id;
640   l_completed_events number;
641   l_ledger_id                pay_all_payrolls_f.gl_set_of_books_id%TYPE;
642   l_event_source_info        xla_events_pub_pkg.t_event_source_info;
643   l_security_context         xla_events_pub_pkg.t_security;
646 --
647    hr_utility.set_location('pay_sla_pkg.delete_event',10);
648    --
649    -- Confirm no Completed events for this action
650    --
651    SELECT count(*)
652    INTO l_completed_events
653    FROM  pay_xla_events
654    WHERE assignment_action_id = i_assignment_action_id
655    AND   event_status = 'C';
657    IF l_completed_events <> 0 THEN
659       --
660       -- SLA has processed the event and passed to GL
661       --
662       hr_utility.set_message (801, 'HR_7507_ACTION_UNDO_INTLOCK');
663       hr_utility.raise_error;
665    ELSE
667       SELECT pap.gl_set_of_books_id
668       INTO   l_ledger_id
669       FROM   pay_assignment_actions   pa,  -- TGL assignment action
670              pay_action_interlocks    pi,  -- interlock to cost
671              pay_assignment_actions   pa1, -- cost assignment action
672              pay_payroll_actions      ppa1,-- cost payroll action
673              pay_all_payrolls_f       pap
674       WHERE  pa.assignment_action_id  = i_assignment_action_id
675       AND    pi.locking_action_id     = pa.assignment_action_id
676       AND    pa1.assignment_action_id = pi.locked_action_id
677       AND    ppa1.payroll_action_id   = pa1.payroll_action_id
678       AND    ppa1.action_type         IN ('C', 'S', 'EC', 'CP')
679       AND    ppa1.payroll_id          = pap.payroll_id (+)
680       AND    ppa1.effective_date BETWEEN pap.effective_start_date (+)
681                                      AND pap.effective_end_date   (+);
683       IF l_ledger_id is null then
685          SELECT pap.gl_set_of_books_id
686          INTO   l_ledger_id
687          FROM   pay_assignment_actions   pa,  -- TGL assignment action
688                 pay_action_interlocks    pi,  -- interlock to run
689                 pay_assignment_actions   pa1, -- run assignment action
690                 pay_payroll_actions      ppa1,-- run payroll action
691                 pay_all_payrolls_f       pap
692          WHERE  pa.assignment_action_id  = i_assignment_action_id
693          AND    pi.locking_action_id     = pa.assignment_action_id
694          AND    pa1.assignment_action_id = pi.locked_action_id
695          AND    ppa1.payroll_action_id   = pa1.payroll_action_id
696          AND    ppa1.action_type         IN ('R', 'Q', 'V', 'B')
697          AND    ppa1.payroll_id          = pap.payroll_id
698          AND    ppa1.effective_date BETWEEN pap.effective_start_date
699                                         AND pap.effective_end_date;
701       END IF;
703       -- initialise xla structures
704       l_event_source_info.application_id := 801;
705       l_event_source_info.legal_entity_id := null;
706       l_event_source_info.ledger_id := l_ledger_id;
707       l_event_source_info.transaction_number := to_char(i_assignment_action_id);
708       l_event_source_info.entity_type_code := 'ASSIGNMENTS';
709       l_event_source_info.source_id_int_1  := i_assignment_action_id;
711       for xlarec in xla_events_cur loop
713          l_event_source_info.source_id_char_1 := to_char(xlarec.accounting_date,
714                                                          'YYYY/MM/DD');
716          -- delete the event in SLA
717          XLA_EVENTS_PUB_PKG.delete_event (
718                             p_event_source_info => l_event_source_info,
719                             p_event_id          => xlarec.event_id,
720                             p_valuation_method  => null,
721                             p_security_context  => l_security_context
722          );
724       end loop;
726       -- delete the event from pay_xla_events
727       DELETE from pay_xla_events
728       WHERE assignment_action_id = i_assignment_action_id;
730    END IF;
731 --
732 END delete_event;
733 --
734 -- Procedure to create custom ADRs based on their existing PAY-GL flex map
735 -- Creates a rule (in xla_rules_t) per Chart of Accounts Segment
736 -- Creates a rule detail (in xla_rule_details_t) for each Payroll Segment
737 --   mapped to this COA Segment
738 -- Creats 1 condition (in xla_conditions_t) for each rule detail
739 --   specifying the Payroll name
740 --
741 PROCEDURE create_custom_adrs
742 IS
743  --
744  -- cursor to get mapping info
745  --
746  CURSOR segmaps IS
747  SELECT fm.payroll_id, fm.gl_set_of_books_id, gl.chart_of_accounts_id,
748         fm.gl_account_segment, fm.payroll_cost_segment,
749         fs.id_flex_structure_name coa_name,
750         fseg.segment_name coa_seg_name
751    FROM pay_payroll_gl_flex_maps fm,
752         gl_sets_of_books gl,
753         fnd_id_flex_structures_vl fs,
754         fnd_id_flex_segments_vl fseg
755   WHERE fm.gl_set_of_books_id = gl.set_of_books_id
756     AND fs.application_id = 101
757     AND fs.id_flex_code = 'GL#'
758     AND fs.id_flex_num = gl.chart_of_accounts_id
759     AND fseg.application_id = 101
760     AND fseg.id_flex_code = 'GL#'
761     AND fseg.id_flex_num = gl.chart_of_accounts_id
762     AND fseg.application_column_name = fm.gl_account_segment
763   ORDER BY gl.chart_of_accounts_id, fm.gl_account_segment;
764  --
765   l_segment_rule_code xla_rules_t.segment_rule_code%type;
766   l_coa_id            xla_rules_t.accounting_coa_id%type;
767   l_acc_segment       xla_rules_t.flexfield_segment_code%type;
768   l_pay_segment       xla_rules_t.flexfield_segment_code%type;
769   l_prev_payroll_id   pay_all_payrolls_f.payroll_id%type := -1;
770   l_payroll_name      pay_all_payrolls_f.payroll_name%type;
771   l_rule_det_seq      xla_rule_details_t.user_sequence%type;
772  --
774 --
775    hr_utility.set_location('pay_sla_pkg.create_custom_adrs',10);
776 --
777     for segmap in segmaps loop
779        l_acc_segment := segmap.gl_account_segment;
780        l_pay_segment := segmap.payroll_cost_segment;
781        l_coa_id := segmap.chart_of_accounts_id;
783        l_segment_rule_code := l_acc_segment||'_'||l_coa_id;
785        if (segmap.payroll_id <> l_prev_payroll_id) then
786           select payroll_name
787           into   l_payroll_name
788           from   pay_all_payrolls_f
789           where  payroll_id = segmap.payroll_id
790           and    rownum < 2;
792           l_prev_payroll_id := segmap.payroll_id;
793        end if;
795        -- Create the rule if it doesn't exist
797        insert into xla_rules_t (
798             application_id,
799             amb_context_code,
800             segment_rule_type_code,
801             segment_rule_code,
802             accounting_coa_id,
803             flexfield_assign_mode_code,
804             flexfield_segment_code,
805             enabled_flag,
806             name,
807             description,
808             error_value)
809        select
810             801,
811             'DEFAULT',
812             'S',
813             l_segment_rule_code,
814             l_coa_id,
815             'S',
816             l_acc_segment,
817             'Y',
818             'Rule for '||segmap.coa_seg_name|| ' in '||segmap.coa_name,
819             'Rule for '||segmap.coa_seg_name|| ' in '||segmap.coa_name,
820             0
821        from dual
822        where not exists
823             (select 1
824              from xla_rules_t
825              where application_id = 801
826              and   segment_rule_code = l_segment_rule_code);
829        -- Create the rule detail if it doesn't exist
831        select count(*)
832        into   l_rule_det_seq
833        from  xla_rule_details_t
834        where application_id = 801
835        and   segment_rule_code = l_segment_rule_code;
837        insert into xla_rule_details_t (
838             application_id,
839             amb_context_code,
840             segment_rule_type_code,
841             segment_rule_code,
842             segment_rule_detail_id,
843             user_sequence,
844             value_type_code,
845             value_source_application_id,
846             value_source_type_code,
847             value_source_code,
848             error_value
849             )
850        select
851             801,
852             'DEFAULT',
853             'S',
854             l_segment_rule_code,
855             xla_seg_rule_details_s.nextval,
856             l_rule_det_seq + 1,
857             'S',
858             801,
859             'S',
860             l_pay_segment,
861             0
862        from dual
863        where not exists
864             (select 1
865              from xla_rule_details_t xrd,
866                   xla_conditions_t xc
867              where xrd.application_id = 801
868              and   xrd.segment_rule_code = l_segment_rule_code
869              and   xrd.value_source_code = l_pay_segment
870              and   xc.segment_rule_detail_id = xrd.segment_rule_detail_id
871              and   xc.value_constant = l_payroll_name);
873        -- create the condition if a rule detail was created
875        if SQL%ROWCOUNT > 0 then
877           insert into xla_conditions_t (
878                condition_id,
879                application_id,
880                amb_context_code,
881                segment_rule_detail_id,
882                user_sequence,
883                value_type_code,
884                source_application_id,
885                source_type_code,
886                source_code,
887                line_operator_code,
888                value_constant,
889                error_value)
890           select
891                xla_conditions_s.nextval,
892                801,
893                'DEFAULT',
894                xla_seg_rule_details_s.currval,
895                1,
896                'C',
897                801,
898                'S',
899                'PAYROLL_NAME',
900                'E',
901                l_payroll_name,
902                0
903           from dual
904           where not exists
905                (select 1
906                 from xla_rule_details_t xrd,
907                      xla_conditions_t xc
908                 where xrd.application_id = 801
909                 and   xrd.segment_rule_code = l_segment_rule_code
910                 and   xrd.value_source_code = l_pay_segment
911                 and   xc.segment_rule_detail_id = xrd.segment_rule_detail_id
912                 and   xc.value_constant = l_payroll_name);
913        end if;
915     end loop;
917     --
918     -- Call XLA API To transfer data
919     --
920     xla_adr_interface_pkg.upload_rules;
921 --
922 END create_custom_adrs;
923 --
924 END pay_sla_pkg;