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2 /* $Header: IGSFI54S.pls 120.4 2006/01/17 02:42:49 svuppala ship $ */
3 /*#
4  * The Credits API is a public API that is used internally or externally to create payment or credit information in the Student Finance module of Student System.
5  * @rep:scope public
6  * @rep:product IGS
7  * @rep:displayname Import Credits
8  * @rep:lifecycle active
9  * @rep:compatibility S
11  */
14 -- WHO          WHEN              WHAT
15 -- svuppala   9-Jan-2006    R12 iRep Annotation - added annotation
16 -- svuppala   9-JUN-2005    Enh 4213629 - The automatic generation of the Receipt Number.
17 --                          Added a new procedure, create_credit with all the parameters of existing procedure
18 --                          excluding p_credit_number and adding additional OUT parameter, x_credit_number
19 -- schodava   11-Jun-2003   Enh # 2831587. Added 3 new parameters to the Public API
20 -- vvutukur   04-Apr-2003   Enh#2831554. Internal Credits API Build.Changed igs_fi_credits to igs_fi_credits_all and
21 --                          igs_fi_invln_int to igs_fi_invln_int_all and applied checklist for package spec.
22 -- vvutukur   11-Dec-2002   Enh#2584741.Removed parameter p_validation_level.Added 3 new parameters p_v_check_number,
23 --                          p_v_source_tran_type,p_v_source_tran_ref_number to create_credit procedure.
24 -- vvutukur    12-Nov-2002        Enh#2584986.Added new parameter p_d_gl_date to create_credit procedure.
25 -- smvk        16-Sep-2002        Removed the parameter p_subaccount_id as a part of Bug # 2564643
26 -- vvutukur    31-JAN-2002        Added parameter p_invoice_id for bug:2195715
27 -- sykrishn     04-FEB-2002       Added parameters  fee period and award year (default null) in  create credit for bug:2191470 -SFCr020
28 --				  made p_credit_source as DEFAUTL NULL (non mandatory)
30 -- Start of Comments
31 -- API Name               : Create_Credit
32 -- Type                   : Private
33 -- Pre-reqs               : None
34 -- Function               : Creates a credit in the credits and credit activities table
35 -- Parameters
36 -- IN                       p_api_version
37 -- IN                       p_init_msg_list
38 -- IN                       p_commit
39 -- IN                       p_validation_level
40 -- IN                       p_credit_number
41 --                          This is the credit number for the credit to be created. The
42 --                          credit number is used for creating the records in the credits table
43 --                          and corresponds to the Credit_Number field of the IGS_FI_CREDITS_ALL
44 --                          table.
45 -- IN                       p_credit_status
46 --                          This is the status of the credit record. It may be CLEARED or REVERSED
47 --                          and should be a valid value in the Lookups.
48 -- IN                       p_credit_source
49 --                          This is the credit source and should be a valid value in the Lookups (NON MANDATORY as PER SFCR020).
50 -- IN                       p_party_id
51 --                          This is the party id and should be present in the HZ_PARTIES table.
52 -- IN                       p_credit_type_id
53 --                          This parameter holds the value for the credit type. This should be a valid
54 --                          credit type set up in the IGS_FI_CR_TYPES table.
55 -- IN                       p_credit_instrument
56 --                          This parameter holds the value for the Credit Instrument. This should be a valid
57 --                          lookup with lookup type as "IGS_FI_CREDIT_INSTRUMENT".
58 -- IN                       p_description
59 -- IN                       p_amount
60 --                          This parameter holds the amount of the credit record.
61 -- IN                       p_currency_cd
62 --                          This parameter holds the currency code for the credit record. The API converts this
63 --                          to the local currency as all credit records should be present in the local currency.
64 -- IN                       p_exchange_rate
65 --                          This parameter holds the value for the exchange rate for the currency. If the currency is
66 --                          local currency, then the exchange rate is defaulted to 1.
67 -- IN                       p_transaction_date
68 --                          This parameter holds the value for the transaction date. If it is not provided then
69 --                          it is defaulted to sysdate.
70 -- IN                       p_effective_date
71 --                          This parameter holds the value for the effective date. If it is not provided then
72 --                          it is defaulted to the Transaction Date.
73 -- IN                       p_source_transaction_id
74 --                          This parameter holds the value for the source transaction. It would be used to keep the
75 --                          track for the imported AR Lockbox transactions.
76 -- IN                       p_subaccount_id(Removed the parameter p_subaccount_id as a part of Bug # 2564643)
77 --                          This parameter holds the value for the subaccount id which is used for identifying the
78 --                          subaccount associated with this transaction.
79 -- IN                       p_receipt_lockbox_number
80 --                          This parameter holds the value for the receipt lockbox number.
81 -- IN                       p_credit_card_code
82 --                          This parameter holds the value for the Credit Card Code which is a set up data defined in the
83 --                          Lookups.This is an optional parameter and can be null.
84 -- IN                       p_credit_card_holder_name
85 --                          This parameter holds the value for the Credit Card Holder Name and it can be null.
86 -- IN                       p_credit_card_number
87 --                          This parameter holds the value for the Credit Card Number.This is an optional parameter and can
88 --                          be defaulted to null.
89 -- IN                       p_credit_card_expiration_date
90 --                          This parameter holds the value for the Credit Card Expiration Date and is an optional parameter.
91 --                          If provided, this should be greater than or equal to the system date.
92 -- IN                       p_credit_card_approval_code
93 --                          This parameter holds the value for the Credit Card Approval Code and is an optional parameter.
94 -- IN                       p_attribute_record
95 -- IN                       p_invoice_id
96 --                          The invoice id of the Source Charge Transaction in the case of a Negative Adjustment related credit.
97 -- IN
98 -- IN			    p_awd_yr_cal_type
99 --                          Award Year cal type - mandatory if credit class is of Financial Aid
100 -- IN                       p_awd_yr_ci_sequence_number
101 --                          Award Year ci sequence  - mandatory if credit class is of f Financial Aid
102 -- IN			    p_fee_cal_type
103 --                          Fee cal type - mandatory if credit class is of Financial Aid
104 -- IN   		    p_fee_ci_sequence_number
105 --                          Fee Ci Sequnce number - mandatory if credit class is of Financial Aid
106 -- IN                       p_v_credit_card_payee_cd
107 --                          The credit card payee
108 -- IN                       p_v_credit_card_status_code
109 --                          The status of the Credit Card payment
110 -- IN                       p_v_credit_card_tangible_cd
111 --                          The tangible code generated, to be passed to iPayment, to identify the transaction
112 -- OUT                      x_credit_id
113 -- OUT                      x_credit_activity_id
114 -- OUT                      x_return_status
115 -- OUT                      x_msg_count
116 -- OUT                      x_msg_data
117 -- Version: Current Version 1.2
118 -- End of Comments
119   TYPE attribute_rec_type IS RECORD(p_attribute_category            igs_fi_credits_all.attribute_category%TYPE,
120                                     p_attribute1                    igs_fi_credits_all.attribute1%TYPE,
121                                     p_attribute2                    igs_fi_credits_all.attribute2%TYPE,
122                                     p_attribute3                    igs_fi_credits_all.attribute3%TYPE,
123                                     p_attribute4                    igs_fi_credits_all.attribute4%TYPE,
124                                     p_attribute5                    igs_fi_credits_all.attribute5%TYPE,
125                                     p_attribute6                    igs_fi_credits_all.attribute6%TYPE,
126                                     p_attribute7                    igs_fi_credits_all.attribute7%TYPE,
127                                     p_attribute8                    igs_fi_credits_all.attribute8%TYPE,
128                                     p_attribute9                    igs_fi_credits_all.attribute9%TYPE,
129                                     p_attribute10                   igs_fi_credits_all.attribute10%TYPE,
130                                     p_attribute11                   igs_fi_credits_all.attribute11%TYPE,
131                                     p_attribute12                   igs_fi_credits_all.attribute12%TYPE,
132                                     p_attribute13                   igs_fi_credits_all.attribute13%TYPE,
133                                     p_attribute14                   igs_fi_credits_all.attribute14%TYPE,
134                                     p_attribute15                   igs_fi_credits_all.attribute15%TYPE,
135                                     p_attribute16                   igs_fi_credits_all.attribute16%TYPE,
136                                     p_attribute17                   igs_fi_credits_all.attribute17%TYPE,
137                                     p_attribute18                   igs_fi_credits_all.attribute18%TYPE,
138                                     p_attribute19                   igs_fi_credits_all.attribute19%TYPE,
139                                     p_attribute20                   igs_fi_credits_all.attribute20%TYPE);
141   /*#
142  * The Credits API is a public API that is used internally or externally to create payment or credit information in the Student Finance module of Student System.
143  * @param p_api_version The version number will be used to compare with this public api's current version number.Unexpected error is raised if version in-compatibility exists.
144  * @param p_init_msg_list Set to FND_API.G_FALSE to have API automatically to initialize message list.
145  * @param p_commit Set to FND_API.G_FALSE to have API to commit automatically.
146  * @param p_party_id This is the Party Identifer, and should be present in the HZ_PARTIES table.
147  * @param p_credit_number This is the credit number for the credit to be created. The credit number is used for creating the records in the credits table and corresponds to the Credit_Number field of the IGS_FI_CREDITS_ALL  table.
148  * @param p_credit_status This is the status of the credit record. It may be CLEARED or REVERSED  and should be a valid value in the Lookups.
149  * @param p_credit_source This is the credit source and should be a valid value in the Lookups.
150  * @param p_credit_type_id This parameter holds the value for the credit type. This should be a valid credit type set up in the IGS_FI_CR_TYPES table.
151  * @param p_credit_instrument This parameter holds the value for the Credit Instrument. This should be a valid lookup with lookup type as "IGS_FI_CREDIT_INSTRUMENT".
152  * @param p_description Credit Description
153  * @param p_amount This parameter holds the amount of the credit record.
154  * @param p_currency_cd This parameter holds the currency code for the credit record. The API converts this to the local currency as all credit records should be present in the local currency
155  * @param p_exchange_rate This parameter holds the value for the exchange rate for the currency. If the currency is local currency, then the exchange rate is defaulted to 1.
156  * @param p_transaction_date This parameter holds the value for the transaction date. If it is not provided then it is defaulted to sysdate.
157  * @param p_effective_date This parameter holds the value for the effective date. If it is not provided then it is defaulted to the Transaction Date.
158  * @param p_source_transaction_id This parameter holds the value for the source transaction. It would be used to keep the track for the imported AR Lockbox transactions.
159  * @param p_receipt_lockbox_number This parameter holds the value for the receipt lockbox number.
160  * @param p_credit_card_code This parameter holds the value for the Credit Card Code which is a set up data defined in the Lookups.
161  * @param p_credit_card_holder_name This parameter holds the value for the Credit Card Holder Name.
162  * @param p_credit_card_number This parameter holds the value for the Credit Card Number.
163  * @param p_credit_card_expiration_date This parameter holds the value for the Credit Card Expiration Date. If provided, this should be greater than or equal to the system date.
164  * @param p_credit_card_approval_code This parameter holds the value for the Credit Card Approval Code.
165  * @param p_attribute_record This parameter holds the values of the attributes of the credit record.
166  * @param p_invoice_id The invoice ID of the Source Charge Transaction in the case of a Negative Adjustment related credit.
167  * @param p_awd_yr_cal_type This is the Financial Aid Award Year calendar type and is mandatory if credit class is of Financial Aid
168  * @param p_awd_yr_ci_sequence_number This is the Financial Aid Award Year sequence number and is mandatory if the credit class is of Financial Aid.
169  * @param p_fee_cal_type This is the fee calendar type and is mandatory if the credit class is of Financial Aid.
170  * @param p_fee_ci_sequence_number This is the fee calendar instance sequence number and is mandatory if the credit class is of Financial Aid.
171  * @param p_d_gl_date The general ledger date.
172  * @param x_credit_id The credit identifier.
173  * @param x_credit_activity_id The credit activity identifier.
174  * @param x_return_status The return status values are as follows; Success - FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS ; Error - FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR ; Unexpected error - FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXp_ERROR
175  * @param x_msg_count The message count.
176  * @param x_msg_data The message data.
177  * @param p_v_check_number The check number.
178  * @param p_v_source_tran_type The Source Transaction Type,
179  * @param p_v_source_tran_ref_number The Source Transaction Reference Number,
180  * @param p_v_credit_card_payee_cd The credit card payee.
181  * @param p_v_credit_card_status_code The status of the Credit Card payment.
182  * @param p_v_credit_card_tangible_cd The tangible code generated, to be passed to iPayment to identify the transaction.
183  * @param p_lockbox_interface_id The lockbox interface ID.
184  * @param p_batch_name The batch name.
185  * @param p_deposit_date The deposit date.
186  * @rep:scope public
187  * @rep:lifecycle active
188  * @rep:displayname Import Credits
189  */
190   PROCEDURE create_credit(p_api_version                 IN               NUMBER,
191                           p_init_msg_list               IN               VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
192                           p_commit                      IN               VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
193                           p_credit_number               IN               igs_fi_credits_all.credit_number%TYPE,
194                           p_credit_status               IN               igs_fi_credits_all.status%TYPE DEFAULT 'CLEARED',
195                           p_credit_source               IN               igs_fi_credits_all.credit_source%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
196                           p_party_id                    IN               igs_fi_credits_all.party_id%TYPE,
197                           p_credit_type_id              IN               igs_fi_credits_all.credit_type_id%TYPE,
198                           p_credit_instrument           IN               igs_fi_credits_all.credit_instrument%TYPE,
199                           p_description                 IN               igs_fi_credits_all.description%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
200                           p_amount                      IN               igs_fi_credits_all.amount%TYPE,
201                           p_currency_cd                 IN               igs_fi_credits_all.currency_cd%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
202                           p_exchange_rate               IN               igs_fi_credits_all.exchange_rate%TYPE DEFAULT 1,
203                           p_transaction_date            IN               igs_fi_credits_all.transaction_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
207                           p_receipt_lockbox_number      IN               igs_fi_credits_all.receipt_lockbox_number%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
204                           p_effective_date              IN               igs_fi_credits_all.effective_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
205                           p_source_transaction_id       IN               igs_fi_credits_all.source_transaction_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
206                         /* Removed the parameter p_subaccount_id as a part of Bug # 2564643 */
208                           p_credit_card_code            IN               igs_fi_credits_all.credit_card_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
209                           p_credit_card_holder_name     IN               igs_fi_credits_all.credit_card_holder_name%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
210                           p_credit_card_number          IN               igs_fi_credits_all.credit_card_number%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
211                           p_credit_card_expiration_date IN               igs_fi_credits_all.credit_card_expiration_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
212                           p_credit_card_approval_code   IN               igs_fi_credits_all.credit_card_approval_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
213                           p_attribute_record            IN               attribute_rec_type DEFAULT NULL,
214                           p_invoice_id                  IN               igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,--bug:2195715
215                         /* Parameters added as part of bug:2191470 - sfcr020 */
216                           p_awd_yr_cal_type             IN               igs_fi_credits_all.awd_yr_cal_type%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
217                           p_awd_yr_ci_sequence_number   IN               igs_fi_credits_all.awd_yr_ci_sequence_number%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
218                           p_fee_cal_type                IN               igs_fi_credits_all.fee_cal_type%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
219                           p_fee_ci_sequence_number      IN               igs_fi_credits_all.fee_ci_sequence_number%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
220                           p_d_gl_date                   IN               igs_fi_credits_all.gl_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
221                           /* Parameters added as part of bug:2191470 - sfcr020 */
222                           x_credit_id                  OUT NOCOPY        igs_fi_credits_all.credit_id%TYPE,
223                           x_credit_activity_id         OUT NOCOPY        igs_fi_cr_activities.credit_activity_id%TYPE,
224                           x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY        VARCHAR2,
225                           x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY        NUMBER,
226                           x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY        VARCHAR2,
227                           p_v_check_number             IN                VARCHAR2,
228                           p_v_source_tran_type         IN                VARCHAR2,
229                           p_v_source_tran_ref_number   IN                VARCHAR2,
230 			  p_v_credit_card_payee_cd     IN                VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
231 			  p_v_credit_card_status_code  IN                VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
232 			  p_v_credit_card_tangible_cd  IN                VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
233                           p_lockbox_interface_id       IN                igs_fi_credits_all.lockbox_interface_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
234                           p_batch_name                 IN                igs_fi_credits_all.batch_name%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
235                           p_deposit_date               IN                igs_fi_credits_all.deposit_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL
236                           );
238 -- svuppala    Enh 4213629 - The automatic generation of the Receipt Number.
239 --                          Added a new procedure, create_credit with all the parameters of existing procedure
240 --                          excluding p_credit_number and adding additional OUT parameter, x_credit_number
241 -- Start of Comments
242 -- API Name               : Create_Credit
243 -- Type                   : Private
244 -- Pre-reqs               : None
245 -- Function               : Creates a credit in the credits and credit activities table
246 -- Parameters
247 -- IN                       p_api_version
248 -- IN                       p_init_msg_list
249 -- IN                       p_commit
250 -- IN                       p_validation_level
251 -- IN                       p_credit_status
252 --                          This is the status of the credit record. It may be CLEARED or REVERSED
253 --                          and should be a valid value in the Lookups.
254 -- IN                       p_credit_source
255 --                          This is the credit source and should be a valid value in the Lookups (NON MANDATORY as PER SFCR020).
256 -- IN                       p_party_id
257 --                          This is the party id and should be present in the HZ_PARTIES table.
258 -- IN                       p_credit_type_id
259 --                          This parameter holds the value for the credit type. This should be a valid
260 --                          credit type set up in the IGS_FI_CR_TYPES table.
261 -- IN                       p_credit_instrument
262 --                          This parameter holds the value for the Credit Instrument. This should be a valid
263 --                          lookup with lookup type as "IGS_FI_CREDIT_INSTRUMENT".
264 -- IN                       p_description
265 -- IN                       p_amount
266 --                          This parameter holds the amount of the credit record.
267 -- IN                       p_currency_cd
268 --                          This parameter holds the currency code for the credit record. The API converts this
269 --                          to the local currency as all credit records should be present in the local currency.
270 -- IN                       p_exchange_rate
271 --                          This parameter holds the value for the exchange rate for the currency. If the currency is
272 --                          local currency, then the exchange rate is defaulted to 1.
273 -- IN                       p_transaction_date
274 --                          This parameter holds the value for the transaction date. If it is not provided then
275 --                          it is defaulted to sysdate.
276 -- IN                       p_effective_date
280 --                          This parameter holds the value for the source transaction. It would be used to keep the
277 --                          This parameter holds the value for the effective date. If it is not provided then
278 --                          it is defaulted to the Transaction Date.
279 -- IN                       p_source_transaction_id
281 --                          track for the imported AR Lockbox transactions.
282 -- IN                       p_subaccount_id(Removed the parameter p_subaccount_id as a part of Bug # 2564643)
283 --                          This parameter holds the value for the subaccount id which is used for identifying the
284 --                          subaccount associated with this transaction.
285 -- IN                       p_receipt_lockbox_number
286 --                          This parameter holds the value for the receipt lockbox number.
287 -- IN                       p_credit_card_code
288 --                          This parameter holds the value for the Credit Card Code which is a set up data defined in the
289 --                          Lookups.This is an optional parameter and can be null.
290 -- IN                       p_credit_card_holder_name
291 --                          This parameter holds the value for the Credit Card Holder Name and it can be null.
292 -- IN                       p_credit_card_number
293 --                          This parameter holds the value for the Credit Card Number.This is an optional parameter and can
294 --                          be defaulted to null.
295 -- IN                       p_credit_card_expiration_date
296 --                          This parameter holds the value for the Credit Card Expiration Date and is an optional parameter.
297 --                          If provided, this should be greater than or equal to the system date.
298 -- IN                       p_credit_card_approval_code
299 --                          This parameter holds the value for the Credit Card Approval Code and is an optional parameter.
300 -- IN                       p_attribute_record
301 -- IN                       p_invoice_id
302 --                          The invoice id of the Source Charge Transaction in the case of a Negative Adjustment related credit.
303 -- IN
304 -- IN			    p_awd_yr_cal_type
305 --                          Award Year cal type - mandatory if credit class is of Financial Aid
306 -- IN                       p_awd_yr_ci_sequence_number
307 --                          Award Year ci sequence  - mandatory if credit class is of f Financial Aid
308 -- IN			    p_fee_cal_type
309 --                          Fee cal type - mandatory if credit class is of Financial Aid
310 -- IN   		    p_fee_ci_sequence_number
311 --                          Fee Ci Sequnce number - mandatory if credit class is of Financial Aid
312 -- IN                       p_v_credit_card_payee_cd
313 --                          The credit card payee
314 -- IN                       p_v_credit_card_status_code
315 --                          The status of the Credit Card payment
316 -- IN                       p_v_credit_card_tangible_cd
317 --                          The tangible code generated, to be passed to iPayment, to identify the transaction
318 -- OUT                      x_credit_id
319 -- OUT                      x_credit_activity_id
320 -- OUT                      x_return_status
321 -- OUT                      x_msg_count
322 -- OUT                      x_msg_data
323 -- OUT                      x_credit_number
324 --                          This is the credit number that is automatically generated. The
325 --                          credit number is used for creating the records in the credits table
326 --                          and corresponds to the Credit_Number field of the IGS_FI_CREDITS_ALL
327 --                          table.
328 -- Version: Current Version 1.3
329 -- End of Comments
331   /*#
332  * The Credits API is a public API that is used internally or externally to create payment or credit information in the Student Finance module of Student System.
333  * @param p_api_version The version number will be used to compare with this public api's current version number.Unexpected error is raised if version in-compatibility exists.
334  * @param p_init_msg_list Set to FND_API.G_FALSE to have API automatically to initialize message list.
335  * @param p_commit Set to FND_API.G_FALSE to have API to commit automatically.
336  * @param p_party_id This is the Party Identifer, and should be present in the HZ_PARTIES table.
337  * @param p_credit_status This is the status of the credit record. It may be CLEARED or REVERSED  and should be a valid value in the Lookups.
338  * @param p_credit_source This is the credit source and should be a valid value in the Lookups.
339  * @param p_credit_type_id This parameter holds the value for the credit type. This should be a valid credit type set up in the IGS_FI_CR_TYPES table.
340  * @param p_credit_instrument This parameter holds the value for the Credit Instrument. This should be a valid lookup with lookup type as "IGS_FI_CREDIT_INSTRUMENT".
341  * @param p_description Credit Description
342  * @param p_amount This parameter holds the amount of the credit record.
343  * @param p_currency_cd This parameter holds the currency code for the credit record. The API converts this to the local currency as all credit records should be present in the local currency
344  * @param p_exchange_rate This parameter holds the value for the exchange rate for the currency. If the currency is local currency, then the exchange rate is defaulted to 1.
345  * @param p_transaction_date This parameter holds the value for the transaction date. If it is not provided then it is defaulted to sysdate.
346  * @param p_effective_date This parameter holds the value for the effective date. If it is not provided then it is defaulted to the Transaction Date.
347  * @param p_source_transaction_id This parameter holds the value for the source transaction. It would be used to keep the track for the imported AR Lockbox transactions.
348  * @param p_receipt_lockbox_number This parameter holds the value for the receipt lockbox number.
349  * @param p_credit_card_code This parameter holds the value for the Credit Card Code which is a set up data defined in the Lookups.
353  * @param p_credit_card_approval_code This parameter holds the value for the Credit Card Approval Code.
350  * @param p_credit_card_holder_name This parameter holds the value for the Credit Card Holder Name.
351  * @param p_credit_card_number This parameter holds the value for the Credit Card Number.
352  * @param p_credit_card_expiration_date This parameter holds the value for the Credit Card Expiration Date. If provided, this should be greater than or equal to the system date.
354  * @param p_attribute_record This parameter holds the values of the attributes of the credit record.
355  * @param p_invoice_id The invoice ID of the Source Charge Transaction in the case of a Negative Adjustment related credit.
356  * @param p_awd_yr_cal_type This is the Financial Aid Award Year calendar type and is mandatory if credit class is of Financial Aid
357  * @param p_awd_yr_ci_sequence_number This is the Financial Aid Award Year sequence number and is mandatory if the credit class is of Financial Aid.
358  * @param p_fee_cal_type This is the fee calendar type and is mandatory if the credit class is of Financial Aid.
359  * @param p_fee_ci_sequence_number This is the fee calendar instance sequence number and is mandatory if the credit class is of Financial Aid.
360  * @param p_d_gl_date The general ledger date.
361  * @param x_credit_id The credit identifier.
362  * @param x_credit_activity_id The credit activity identifier.
363  * @param x_return_status The return status values are as follows; Success - FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS ; Error - FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR ; Unexpected error - FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXp_ERROR
364  * @param x_msg_count The message count.
365  * @param x_msg_data The message data.
366  * @param p_v_check_number The check number.
367  * @param p_v_source_tran_type The Source Transaction Type,
368  * @param p_v_source_tran_ref_number The Source Transaction Reference Number,
369  * @param p_v_credit_card_payee_cd The credit card payee.
370  * @param p_v_credit_card_status_code The status of the Credit Card payment.
371  * @param p_v_credit_card_tangible_cd The tangible code generated, to be passed to iPayment to identify the transaction.
372  * @param p_lockbox_interface_id The lockbox interface ID.
373  * @param p_batch_name The batch name.
374  * @param p_deposit_date The deposit date.
375  * @param x_credit_number The credit number.
376  * @rep:scope public
377  * @rep:lifecycle active
378  * @rep:displayname Import Credits
379  */
380   PROCEDURE create_credit(p_api_version                 IN               NUMBER,
381                           p_init_msg_list               IN               VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
382                           p_commit                      IN               VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
383                           p_credit_status               IN               igs_fi_credits_all.status%TYPE DEFAULT 'CLEARED',
384                           p_credit_source               IN               igs_fi_credits_all.credit_source%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
385                           p_party_id                    IN               igs_fi_credits_all.party_id%TYPE,
386                           p_credit_type_id              IN               igs_fi_credits_all.credit_type_id%TYPE,
387                           p_credit_instrument           IN               igs_fi_credits_all.credit_instrument%TYPE,
388                           p_description                 IN               igs_fi_credits_all.description%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
389                           p_amount                      IN               igs_fi_credits_all.amount%TYPE,
390                           p_currency_cd                 IN               igs_fi_credits_all.currency_cd%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
391                           p_exchange_rate               IN               igs_fi_credits_all.exchange_rate%TYPE DEFAULT 1,
392                           p_transaction_date            IN               igs_fi_credits_all.transaction_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
393                           p_effective_date              IN               igs_fi_credits_all.effective_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
394                           p_source_transaction_id       IN               igs_fi_credits_all.source_transaction_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
395                           p_receipt_lockbox_number      IN               igs_fi_credits_all.receipt_lockbox_number%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
396                           p_credit_card_code            IN               igs_fi_credits_all.credit_card_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
397                           p_credit_card_holder_name     IN               igs_fi_credits_all.credit_card_holder_name%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
398                           p_credit_card_number          IN               igs_fi_credits_all.credit_card_number%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
399                           p_credit_card_expiration_date IN               igs_fi_credits_all.credit_card_expiration_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
400                           p_credit_card_approval_code   IN               igs_fi_credits_all.credit_card_approval_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
401                           p_attribute_record            IN               attribute_rec_type DEFAULT NULL,
402                           p_invoice_id                  IN               igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
403                           p_awd_yr_cal_type             IN               igs_fi_credits_all.awd_yr_cal_type%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
404                           p_awd_yr_ci_sequence_number   IN               igs_fi_credits_all.awd_yr_ci_sequence_number%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
405                           p_fee_cal_type                IN               igs_fi_credits_all.fee_cal_type%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
406                           p_fee_ci_sequence_number      IN               igs_fi_credits_all.fee_ci_sequence_number%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
407                           p_d_gl_date                   IN               igs_fi_credits_all.gl_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
408                           x_credit_id                  OUT NOCOPY        igs_fi_credits_all.credit_id%TYPE,
409                           x_credit_activity_id         OUT NOCOPY        igs_fi_cr_activities.credit_activity_id%TYPE,
410                           x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY        VARCHAR2,
411                           x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY        NUMBER,
412                           x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY        VARCHAR2,
416 			  p_v_credit_card_payee_cd     IN                VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
413                           p_v_check_number             IN                VARCHAR2,
414                           p_v_source_tran_type         IN                VARCHAR2,
415                           p_v_source_tran_ref_number   IN                VARCHAR2,
417 			  p_v_credit_card_status_code  IN                VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
418 			  p_v_credit_card_tangible_cd  IN                VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
419                           p_lockbox_interface_id       IN                igs_fi_credits_all.lockbox_interface_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
420                           p_batch_name                 IN                igs_fi_credits_all.batch_name%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
421                           p_deposit_date               IN                igs_fi_credits_all.deposit_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
422                           x_credit_number              OUT NOCOPY        igs_fi_credits_all.credit_number%TYPE
423                           );
426 END igs_fi_credits_api_pub;