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1 package body hr_au_routes as
2   --  $Header: pyaurout.pkb 115.5 2003/10/20 02:13:44 puchil ship $
4   --  Copyright (c) 1999 Oracle Corporation
5   --  All rights reserved
7   --  Date        Author   Bug/CR Num Notes
8   --  -----------+--------+----------+-----------------------------------------
9   --  20-Oct-2003 puchil   3198671    Made the calls to hr_utility as conditional.
10   --  20-Oct-2003 puchil   3198671    Removed functions which were not
11   --                                  used after BRA implementation.
12   --  18 Jun 2003 Ragovind 3004966    Peformance Fix. Added /*+RULE */ to route code
13   --  24 Mar 2003 Kaverma  2856638    Modified cursor cur_asg_td and added dbdrv commands
14   --  18 Feb 2000 JTurner             Fixed problem with date format in
15   --                                  get_fiscal_date function
16   --  13-NOV-1999 sgoggin             Created
18 g_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
19 g_package  varchar2(33) := 'hr_au_routes.';
20 g_fin_year_start  constant varchar2(6) := '01-07-';
21 g_fbt_year_start  constant varchar2(6) := '01-04-';
22 g_cal_year_start  constant varchar2(6) := '01-01-';
23 --
24 ------------------------------span_Start----------------------------------------
25 -- return the start of the span (year/quarter/month/week)
26 --
27 function span_start (   p_input_date    date
28                     ,   p_frequency     number default 1
29                     ,   p_start_dd_mm   varchar2
30                     )
31 return date is
32   l_year  number(4);
33   l_start date;
34   --
35 begin
36   if g_debug then
37      hr_utility.set_location('Entering: hr_au_routes.span_start',1);
38   end if;
39   -- Get the year component of the input date
40   l_year := to_number(to_char(p_input_date,'yyyy'));
41   if g_debug then
42      hr_utility.trace(' span_start: l_year='||to_char(l_year));
43      hr_utility.trace(' span_start: p_frequency='||to_char(p_frequency));
44      hr_utility.trace(' span_start: p_start_dd_mm='||p_start_dd_mm);
45      hr_utility.trace(' span_start: p_input_date='||to_char(p_input_date,'DD-MON-YYYY'));
46   end if;
47   --
48   if p_input_date >= to_date(p_start_dd_mm||to_char(l_year),'dd-mm-yyyy') then
49     l_start := to_date(p_start_dd_mm||to_char(l_year),'dd-mm-yyyy');
50   else
51     l_start := to_date(p_start_dd_mm||to_char(l_year -1),'dd-mm-yyyy');
52   end if;
53   if g_debug then
54      hr_utility.trace(' span_start: l_start='||to_char(l_year));
55   end if;
56   --
57   -- cater for weekly based frequency based on 52 per annum
58   --
59   if p_frequency in (52,26,13) then
60     l_start := p_input_date - mod(p_input_date - l_start,7 * 52/p_frequency);
61   else
62     -- cater for monthly based frequency based on 12 per annum
63     l_start := add_months(l_start, (12/p_frequency) * trunc(months_between(
64     p_input_date,l_start)/(12/p_frequency)));
65   end if;
66   --
67   if g_debug then
68      hr_utility.trace(' span_start: l_start='||to_char(l_start,'DD-MON-YYYY'));
69      hr_utility.set_location('Exiting: span_start',10);
70   end if;
71   return l_start;
72   --
73 end span_start;
74 --
75 -------------------------------get_fiscal_date-------------------------------------
76 -- The fiscal year start date is stored in a flex field and is user definable.
77 --
78 function get_fiscal_date( p_business_group_id   in number)
79 return date is
80   --
81   cursor  csr_fiscal_start is
82   select  to_date(hoi.org_information11,'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss')
83   from    hr_organization_information         hoi
84   where   lower(hoi.org_information_context)  = 'business group information'
85           and hoi.organization_id             = p_business_group_id;
86   --
87   l_fiscal_start    varchar2(11);
88   --
89 begin
90   --
91   open  csr_fiscal_start;
92   fetch csr_fiscal_start
93   into  l_fiscal_start;
94   close csr_fiscal_start;
95   --
96   return l_fiscal_start;
97   --
98 end get_fiscal_date;
99 --
100 -------------------------------fiscal_span_start------------------------------------
101 -- Because the fiscal date is a flexfield we need a special wrapper to get the
102 -- span start date.
103 --
104 function fiscal_span_start( p_input_date            in date
105                           , p_frequency             in number
106                           , p_business_group_id     in number
107                           )
108 return date is
109   --
110 begin
111   --
112   return span_start( p_input_date, p_frequency, to_char(hr_au_routes.get_fiscal_date(p_business_group_id),'dd-mm-') );
113   --
114 end fiscal_span_start;
115 --
116 ------------------------------get_anniversary_date--------------------------------
117 --
118 function get_anniversary_date ( p_assignment_action_id in number
119                               , p_effective_date      in date
120                               )
121 return date is
122   --
123   cursor  csr_ann_date is
124   select  to_date(segment2,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
125   from    hr_soft_coding_keyflex    hsck
126   ,       per_all_assignments_f     paaf
127   ,       pay_assignment_actions_v  paav
128   where   p_effective_date  between paaf.effective_start_date and paaf.effective_end_date
129           and paav.assignment_action_id   = p_assignment_action_id
130           and paav.assignment_id          = paaf.assignment_id
131           and paaf.soft_coding_keyflex_id = hsck.soft_coding_keyflex_id;
132   --
133   l_anniversary_date varchar2(11);
134   --
135 begin
136   --
137   -- get the anniversary hire date
138   --
139   open csr_ann_date;
140   fetch csr_ann_date into l_anniversary_date;
141   close csr_ann_date;
142   --
143   return l_anniversary_date;
144   --
145 end get_anniversary_date;
146 --
147 ------------------------------anniversary_span_start--------------------------------
148 --
149 function anniversary_span_start
150 ( p_assignment_action_id  number
151 , p_input_date            date
152 )
153 return date is
154   --
155 begin
156   --
157   -- calculate the span start of the anniversary date
158   --
159   return span_start(p_input_date, 1, to_char(hr_au_routes.get_anniversary_date(p_assignment_action_id, p_input_date), 'dd-mm-'));
160   --
161 end anniversary_span_start;
162 --
163 end hr_au_routes;